Applications open for Episcopal Church interim bodies (2024)

The Episcopal Church has opened applications for appointments to various interim bodies created by General Convention. These committees, commissions, and task forces are essential in carrying out the church’s work between conventions and addressing key priorities for the 2025-2027 triennium.

Applications are due by Aug. 5 and can be found online in English, Spanish, and French (click language links to open).

Members are appointed by Presiding Bishop-elect Sean Rowe and President of the House of Deputies Julia Ayala Harris. The first batch of appointments will be announced in September.

“Serving on an interim body is a vital way for Episcopalians across the spectrum of our church to actively participate in our governance,” Ayala Harris said. “We believe in the importance of diverse voices and perspectives, which is why these opportunities are open to all members of The Episcopal Church, regardless of their background or level of experience.”

Appointments to standing commissions typically last two triennia, while other appointments, including those to task forces, often last one triennium. The appointment process for some task forces may continue through the fall as additional committees are formed.

Ayala Harris added, “Whether you’re a seasoned church leader or a newcomer with fresh ideas, we warmly welcome and strongly encourage you to apply. This is your chance to help shape the future of our church and make a meaningful impact on its mission and ministry.”

The application form allows candidates to select areas of interest and highlight relevant skills and experience. All interested Episcopalians are encouraged to apply.

For more information or to submit questions, please contact the General Convention Office at

Se abren las candidaturas para cargos en los órganos interinos de la Iglesia Episcopal

La Iglesia Episcopal ha abierto las solicitudes para nombramientos en varios órganos interinos creados por la Convención General. Los comités, comisiones y grupos de trabajo son esenciales para llevar a cabo la labor de la Iglesia entre una convención y otra, así como para abordar las prioridades clave para el trienio 2025-2027.

Las solicitudes deben presentarse antes del 5 de agosto. Los formularios se encuentran en línea en idiomas inglés, español y francés (haga clic en los enlaces de los idiomas para abrirlas).

Los miembros son designados por el Obispo Presidente electo Sean Rowe y la Presidenta de la Cámara de Diputados Julia Ayala Harris. La primera ronda de nombramientos se anunciará en septiembre.

“Servir en un órgano interino es una manera vital en que los episcopales de todo el espectro de nuestra iglesia participamos activamente en nuestro gobierno”, afirmó Ayala Harris. “Creemos en la importancia de la diversidad de voces y perspectivas, por lo que estas oportunidades están abiertas a todos los miembros de la Iglesia Episcopal, sin importar su origen o nivel de experiencia”.

Los nombramientos para las comisiones permanentes típicamente tienen una duración de dos trienios, mientras que los otros nombramientos, incluidos los de los grupos de trabajo, son cargos que por lo general duran un trienio. El proceso de nombramiento de algunos grupos de trabajo puede continuar hasta el otoño, a medida que se vayan formando nuevos comités.

Ayala Harris añadió: “No importa si es usted ya un líder eclesiástico con mucha experiencia, o si es un recién llegado con ideas frescas, le damos una calurosa bienvenida y le invitamos encarecidamente a que presente su candidatura. Ésta es su oportunidad para ayudar a moldear el futuro de nuestra iglesia y a tener un impacto significativo en su misión y ministerio”.

El formulario de solicitud permite a los candidatos seleccionar las áreas de interés y destacar las aptitudes y la experiencia relevantes. Se insta a todos los episcopales interesados a presentar su solicitud.

Para obtener más información o formular preguntas, por favor póngase en contacto con la Oficina de la Convención General en

Ouverture des candidatures pour les organes intérimaires de l’Église épiscopale

L’Église épiscopale a ouvert les candidatures pour les nominations à divers organes intérimaires créés par la Convention générale. Ces comités, commissions et groupes de travail sont essentiels pour mener à bien le travail de l’Église entre les conventions et traiter les priorités clés pour la période triennale 2025-2027.

Les candidatures sont attendues pour le 5 août et peuvent être consultées en ligne en anglais, en espagnol et en français (cliquez sur les liens pour les ouvrir).

Les membres sont nommés par l’évêque président élu Sean Rowe et la présidente de la Chambre des députés Julia Ayala Harris. Les premières nominations seront annoncées en septembre.

« Servir au sein d’un organe intérimaire est un moyen essentiel pour les épiscopaliens de toute l’Église de participer activement à notre gouvernance », a déclaré Ayala Harris. « Nous croyons en l’importance de la diversité des voix et des perspectives, c’est pourquoi ces opportunités sont ouvertes à tous les membres de l’Église épiscopale, quels que soient leurs antécédents ou leur niveau d’expérience. »

Les nominations aux commissions permanentes durent généralement deux périodes triennales, tandis que les autres nominations, y compris celles aux groupes de travail, durent souvent une période triennale. Le processus de nomination pour certains groupes de travail peut se poursuivre jusqu’à l’automne, au fur et à mesure que de nouveaux comités sont constitués.

Ayala Harris a ajouté : « Que vous soyez un responsable d’église chevronné ou un nouveau venu avec des idées fraîches, nous vous accueillons chaleureusem*nt et vous encourageons vivement à poser votre candidature. C’est l’occasion pour vous de contribuer à façonner l’avenir de notre église et d’avoir un impact significatif sur sa mission et son ministère. »

Le formulaire de candidature permet aux candidats de sélectionner des domaines d’intérêt et de mettre en évidence les compétences et l’expérience pertinentes. Tous les épiscopaliens intéressés sont encouragés à poser leur candidature.

Pour plus d’informations ou pour poser des questions, veuillez contacter le Bureau de la Convention générale à l’adresse suivante :

Applications open for Episcopal Church interim bodies (2024)


How are you received into the Episcopal Church? ›

What does it mean to be “Received” into the Episcopal Church? If you have been Confirmed in another liturgical tradition (such as Roman Catholic or Lutheran) you are Received into the Church rather than Confirmed. A person is Received into the Episcopal Church by a bishop.

What denomination is GCO? ›

The Executive Office of the General Convention, or the “GCO” as it is often called, is one of the three offices of The Episcopal Church (the others are the Office of the Presiding Bishop and the Office of the President of the House of Deputies).

How to become a confirmed Episcopalian? ›

Adults baptized with the laying on of hands by a bishop are considered to be confirmed. The Prayer Book rite for Confirmation includes forms for Reception and the Reaffirmation of Baptismal Vows.

Is it a sin for a Catholic to receive communion at an Episcopal church? ›

But Anglican and Episcopal liturgical services (and those of all other non-Catholic protestant groups that formed during/after the protestant reformation) don't fall under canon 844.2, and so a Catholic cannot receive communion at them.

What denomination are most mega churches? ›

As the term megachurch in common parlance refers to Protestant congregations; although there are some Catholic parishes which would meet the criteria, they are not listed.

What denomination is closest to the original church? ›

Each Eastern Orthodox church considers itself part of the one true church, and pre-denominational. Though they consider themselves pre-denominational, being the original Church of Christ before 1054, some scholars suggest the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic churches began after the East–West Schism.

What is the new vintage church denomination? ›

NVC is a non-denominational church that launched in 2011 with a vision to cultivate a healthy church environment where all people, no matter their faith background, will encounter the transforming love of God, be welcomed into authentic community, and grow into mature followers of Christ.

How does one join the Episcopal Church? ›

Membership in the Episcopal Church comes through Baptism and Confirmation. Baptism is offered five times per year. Confirmation, which coincides with a visitation from our Bishop, occurs once per year.

What is the difference between confirmed and received in the Episcopal Church? ›

Confirmation is for those wishing to affirm the commitments made for them at their baptism. Reception is for those previously confirmed in another Church who now find their ministry in the Episcopal Church.

What does it mean to be received in the church? ›

Reception happens at the same time that people are confirmed – the Bishop shakes your hand, and lays hands on your head, and prays “…we recognize you as a member of the one holy catholic and apostolic Church, and we receive you into the fellowship of this Communion…” Many people find this deeply meaningful, and a way ...

Do you have to be baptized to join the Episcopal Church? ›

If you have not been baptized you are welcome to worship with us and receive a blessing at the time of Eucharist. If you feel called to be baptized, we are here to companion you on the journey. The Rector would be glad to arrange a time of preparation for you.

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.