Mornings With Maria Bartiromo : FBC : August 28, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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good wednesday morning. thanks for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo he is with, wednesday, august 28, it is 8:00 a.m. on the east coast i hope you are having a good wednesday morning democrat presidential nominee kamala harris agreeing to sit-down pretaped interview, she is going to do it with cnn, dana

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bash after 38 days of nothing for the american people this will be harris' first since she moved to the top of the ticket last month yet to give a press conference or community kate with a policy plans are joined by ring mate tim walz after reportedly saying she quote doesn't need to do a big showy interview. harris of answer for policy flip-flops trump's border call, in rigs inflation former president trump takes the truth social confirming debate when abc news after arguments back-and-forth over unmuted mics questions whether who wants the debate who down the trump posted truth social he is in on this debate. >> trump wants to do debates from last debate he was quite successful, i think he expects to be successful again back to her interview with dana bash,

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i hope they ask series questions. particularly with immigration what doesn'ts get talked about enough on this issue is the cost of american people once the illegals are in country healthcare housing i like to ask what standard is for deporting people that are here because currently you basically can't get deported unless convicted of serious crime the other people to ask is there any benefit for american citizens to enjoy that they would deny to illegal immigrants as far as i know there are none they support instate tuition housing you s sanctuary cities to fight to keep illegal aliens that commit crimes within community, it is truly stunning i hope they ask series questions dana bash asks series questions not some thing that allows her to spit out some you know preplanned

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platitudes. maria: word salad. >> i want to know if they ask when she is going to censor information to the american people should get to white house as president we are getting details how involved kamala harris was in keeping information away from the american people, on social media during covid, after meta ceo zuckerberg admitted that his company was pressured by the biden-harris administration, to censor americans to tick down posters on coronavirus pandemic in particular vice president kamala harris deputy campaign manager rob was deeply involved in the efforts to control the narrative on covid and other issues previously served as white house director of digital strategy, help lead push to target what he said was misinformation, was actually truth, a lot to jim jordan, zuckerberg said he believed pressure was wrong said i feel strongly should not compromise our content standards due to pressure in

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any administration either direction we are ready to push back if something like that happens again, white house spokesperson digging in responding yesterday saying when confronted with demonstrated pandemic this administration encouraged responsible actions, to protect public health and safety. our position has been clear consistent we believe tech companies other private actors should take into account the effects their haksz on american people making independent choices about the information they present. in other words, censor lie to american people, because of the effect on the white house, zuckerberg also said he regrets suppressing information about hunter biden laptop, here is white house press secretary jen psaki, in 2021 hunter biden's laptop. >> i think it is broadly wildly known there was broad range of russian disinformation. >> that story -- about the factor -- >> -- said --

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>> yes, yes, yes. >> here is zuckerberg testifying on capitol hill in 2020. >> when it comes time to flag content as reliable or not reliable, either one of you believe that the government should do that. >> fr certain fines of illegal content i think it may be appropriate for there to be clear rules around that i had side of clear harms child exploitation areas like that terrorism i would agree with your sentiment that is not something government should be sighting on piece of content base. maria: none of the child exploitation this was government telling facebook take down portfolios about covid the tightening of zuckerberg's admission nine days before bratz go out in

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north carolina tiana thoughts. tiana: there is some element perhaps seeing writing on wall was blamed in 2016 before settled on russia gate hoax, he developed whole board of supervisory what to do with moderation banned trump from facebook in 2020 now massive reversal this is what it took to install biden and harris in 2020 this level cover-up after they trying to rig primaries taking donald trump off ballot or putting in prison like rfk, all those guys off ballot after the debate donald trump ends joe biden's career replaces him with a blow level candidate in kamala harris does not matter how many what we call "deep state" but

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really, the media conclusion with big tech all these firms, all institutions, they still can't get her over the finish line on their own, she still has to go sit in interview, and unlike with j.d. vance able to flood zone with commentary about harris administration, harris hasn't said anything on the record, this is high risk high reward interview. >> what else as facebook google the rest censored from us what else lying about? it is not just covid content, and not just the hunter biden laptop, you just hit on it russia collusion i remember in stoirgz i was saying this is not true i don't blame immaterial i was slammed on social media they probably uninsured that as well -- >> zuckerberg had epiphany going to say what else are you you censoring. >> what else lying about kamala harris going to continue nonsense s.

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john: yeah from administration, specifically was involved and what were they saying we need to know as american people to have a right to know if mark zuckerberg should give us all that information, if he is truly had a change of heart or whatever on this. >> rob, i think i may be saying name wrong he works on kamala harris's pain he was leading the effort, to censor information, show, why should we think this is any different. john: could be a story we don't find out about until november. >> a lot coming up more on zung -- zuckerberg's admission, don't miss that stay with us. ♪ ♪ .

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maria: welcome back. cre plate zuckerberg admitting in letter to the house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan biden-harris administration, pressured facebook to censor americans covid content take down posts vowing would reject similar efforts many in administration going forward zuckerberg rising about suppressing hunter biden laptop story saying it has been clear the reporting was not russian disinformation, in retrospect should not have demoted the story, vice president kamala harris deputy campaign manager rob flaherty was deeply involved in the effort to control the political narrative on covid other issues served at the white house director digital strategy led push to target what he deemed was quote/unquote misinformation.

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was true joining me wisconsin congressman member of the house judiciary republican study committee your thoughts tell us more about this story you are on judiciary. >> first of all the judiciary committee will continue to do its job, continue to ask expose under lobby of chairman jordan we have been able to provide much information for american public but previous segment panelists hit the nail on the head zuckerberg doing, 2016 was, a pariah, democrats had to proclaim somebody for hillary clinton's lost now you fast forward to 2024. the question is does zuckerberg actually going to make sure that facebook is not you censoring information i think we are going to be able to tell maria, by if they throttle information that is going to come out because there is going to be whole lot more that is going to come out and will american people be able to see truth in regards to vice president harris, in

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the final two months of in campaign. maria: look. give me a break! the mail-in votes ballots go out nine days in north carolina 19 days opinions we are discussing are people going to figure out how do we trust anything that kamala harris joe biden tell us uninsured russia collusion story another thing censored, they censored covid information uninsured hunter biden laptop what else are they lying to us about. >> you one or more if everything -- one titan proved themselves, proved himself, that is elon musk since he took over twitter. maria: right. >> he is the only one that is -- is mark zuckerberg actually going to stand up take a full-throated defense stopping

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censorship robert f. kennedy said did democrat party is party censorship, is elon musk going to stands up the real test for zuckerberg. >> what are you going to do you are elect official on judiciary committee we need to trust you and colleagues what can be done to stop this? >> we the proven some trust, my constituents, mentioned same question you just said what are you guys going to do we are going to continue to expose to american public pref people like zuckerberg look at now maybe turning a corner here maybe mark zuckerberg after what he saw in france last week someone gets detained you know he travels all over the world, if he is he having epiphany as one guest said in the previous segment. >> i don't know, don't bet on it lawfare to deal with

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special counsel jack smith indicting former president trump again this week, in january 6 case this was revised after supreme court immunity ruling trump facing same four federal offenses charged with smith reframed argumentsg movieing allegations against justice department officials trump writes on truth social yesterday that the indictment, has all the problems of the old indictment should be dismissed immediately. congressman what about this what can you do in your role in judiciary to stop all of this lawfare going on? everyone snows what this is about and know this case is not going to be tried soon, so why come out with it 19 days before early voting begins? >> yeah, that is correct so they continue to hurl everything they can at wall tomorrow tomorrow fullerton county case new york city, jack smith case this is the last hurrah in trying to use lawfare to derail president trump's candidacy leading up

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to enforce i think key message that we need to deliver to the american people, that they are trying to deny someone, their ability to run for president, without interference by the party that is in power at this point we need to expose to american people the judiciary committee going to continue to put out, subpoenas to get information to expose this to american people because most american people i think have begun to figure this out. maria: tiana low jump in here they tried to imprison him take him down they tried to kill him they tried to bankrupt them still trying. tiana: tried to take him off ballast that is literally disenfranchise. >> rfk, jr., endorses trump has over 5% margin currently, my question is going into this

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election, economic growth, become grown in state 3%, under the biden-harris regime is that relate growth especially in contrast to the rest of the country tighter could not clinch auction for trump is it rfk endorsem*nt or do you think the -- >> couple answers the benefit with rfk portion endorsem*nt is that what i would refer to as borders still millions of people out there that are -- that are angry about what our government did to us in regards to covid. some skeptical of president trump. i thick rfk's endorsem*nt brings some of those people that covid is preeminent in minds i think brings some over a significant number of people. maria: okay. we will watch that i want to ask about farmers in wisconsin reportedly warning harris

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backed state tax hike would cripple family run operations american housing economic moiblth act lower exemption from 14.36 million to 3.5 million dollars meaning taxed at value of 3 1/2 million versus higher, farms up in land rich cash poor tell us how this bill harris's economic policies could impact your state. >> i grew up on farnl brothers and two sisters some farmers one of the things they talk about how to pass this on to next generation i can tell you a sister right now looking at is she able to pass the farm on to her sons? and, if this goes away, i mean we know -- if you are in tracktors 300 acres you meet 3 threshold, who is going to end up with it chinese they seem

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number oneed byr for agricultural lands. >> we should point out that tim walz's minnesota has run of those rare 16% death taxes, so, this is where his head is, in terms of taxing, property, after you passed -- you bring up a good point tom they are going to have to actually sell property to pay for taxes, congressman we will watch your work on all above thank you, sir. . >> thank you, maria. >> congressman joining us in wisconsin stay with us. we'll be right back. . chase really knows how to put the hart in your local community. see what i did there? hey, jackie! (♪) evan, my guy! you're helping them with savings, right? (♪) i wish i had someone like evan when i started. somebody just got their first debit card!

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. maria: welcome back retailers, earnings foot locker double beat same-store sales up 2.6% moving headquarters to st. petersburg florida late 2025 kohl's a double beat second quarter comp down, 5.1% cutting sales forecast on weaker than consumer demand dollar general and best buy tomorrow nvidia tonight after close gyp client expected to report quarterly numbers and more than double sales expectations, as you can see, the stock up a traction this morning, joining me chief

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investment strategist mark luschini thanks for being here how important is nvidia quarter tonight. >> well maria, all eyes are going to be glued to what comes out after 4:00 tie in terms of nvidia a announcement real testify, by the way, meeting its own very high expectations analytical community established for it at the same time whether or not indicts whole tech sector particularly semiconductor sector we've seen lost momentum in stockss in, the magnificient 7 roll over, so important to market at large not just because of the disproportionate representation tech has in market about 30% s&p 500. but nvidia lone represents 6.7% s&p 500 and almost double that proportionally relative to nasdaq 100, so a remarkable job continuing to exceed

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expectations, however,, the bar is -- increased substantially a high hurdle to overcome. >> not a lot of error right mark stock doubled tripled last couple years a lot of expectation here and the -- this high expectations, so do you think that it will beat or a couple looking at growth right now? >> it is a -- tough call you will whether it beats i don't have strong view whether likely to or not the bar is exceedingly high, we're now if you look at analytical community 66 out of 7 have analysts have an opinion on company rated it a buy, a sell rating for all intents and purposes, obviously, the established is expecting great numbers from nvidia i think

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good numbers but we've seen some disappointment in some tech related companies buyers of nvidia chips relative to prospects of continuing to spend on development on the generative artificial intelligence so i don't know to agree foreshadoweding, heavy case not substantial the forward earnest afforded the company. >> take on broader economy here obviously, protests in china on rise on effects of strong economy there, that cho have an impact, and you are seeing cracks in the labor market here, take a look at interest rates this morning in ten-year treasury, of course, well below 4% sitting 3.83 percent off a fraction the market fully pricing in 25 basis points interest rate cut during federal reserve next meeting september 17 and 18th "the wall street journal" rights markets might run ahead

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of themselves pricing aggressive cuts in this year economists predict three-quarter point cuts this year. mark. your thoughts on the macrostory and what fed does? >> well maria, right now, if you look atlanta tracker reporting 2% growth here so far third quarter which is somewhat down solicit in economic activity, from the -- first, and second quarter of this year around 2.6, 2.8% or so. we know a substantial markdown number of jobs last 12 months from 818,000 were taken away from what was expected, growth and payroll numbers we are seeing other signs in labor market that clearly cooling, i am not necessarily troublesome but nonetheless indicative of economy positive but certainly seeing growth begin to wane somewhat the key when federal reserve can engineer that rate

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cut at pace market is expecting i think at this juncture home would hope might see 50 basis points i only expect to see in september were fed particularly worried in doing so might alarm investors -- >> good point what everyone expects, we will keep watching that mark luschini joining us this morning on economy quakebreak 70 days out from election for the president economy top issue for voters my next guest says kamala harris's economic agenda would shut down the economy former capital economic advisor chairman kevin hassett is here with more on that you are watching "mornings with maria" live on "fox business." stay with us. ♪ you take me places that, you say -- my decision, is nothing will holding me back ♪ ♪

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maria: welcome back. republicans in massachusetts demanding answers on state secret illegal migrant spending that is costing taxpayers nearly a billion dollars, cheryl casone with details now. cheryl: that is right republicans led the if a democrats supermajority complete lack of transparency where taxpayer money is going they want a detailed cost breakdown they accuse democrats shrouding in secret like shelter law the top destination for illegal migrants in mississippi a report from state makes -- spending over 100 million dollars illegal immigration every year report found at least 22,000 illegal immigrants in the state education costs 25 million healthcare law enforcement, other top costs. well, portland, oregon

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arresting littling drug users only the after 8:00 p.m. before 8 a.m. on weekends, that is right, people caught with saul amounts street drugs not jailed during business hours portland police chief said quote people contacted outside those hours moo my direction going to be taken to jail called a temporary solution trying to get out of control drug uses under control in 2020 they had 800 overdose tests in 2022, 1400, county flying to get a center to of our low level drug possession, a shortage of nurses delayed until the middle october the judge says you have to have interaction 8:305 pm brought in court if 7:55 pm you are out for deflection this doesn't make sense. the u.s. open underway great

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britain making history with upset win in record-setting 5 1/2 hour match. >> [cheers and applause] >> right, big winners, spanish car carlos, all eyes on two-time u.s. open champion osaka stole show with super suit outfit. yep. winning, all that material did not bother her i don't know how she did that apparently not fashion plate as well, thank you we are 69 days away from election day a better picture of the candidates positions on economy trump voters remember what it was like under his administration looking to the projects promises tapping into energy sector extending cuts no tax

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on tips or social security, a 50% reduction in cost of energy as a result of tapping into america's energy capacity 45th president told me what needs to happen first in order to right this economy. >> want to focus on jobs and -- wages tell us your policy plan how they will impact the life of american citizens. >> we are going to have more jobs than we have ever had look we have that nobody ever had an economy pre-covid after covid did a financial job. >> lower taxes deregulation tells how job creation. >> here is what we are doing first thing energy way down drill, baby, drill, all right. getting energy way down that is going to lead to -- the inflation, what killed this country more than anything in the last 3 1/2 years is inflation, inflicted by "sleepy joe biden" getting inflation down we have to bring prices down. >> how do you do that.

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>> if we bring energy down other things going to follow the baby is energy. >> kamala harris has not said much about economic proposals been getting things out peace meal saying that there will be no taxes on tips, of course, president trump said that first, she is also adopting it her plan seems more about additional taxes on american people including 44.6% capital gains tax and 25% tax on unrealized gains vice president kamala harris at dnc. >> now compare that to donald trump. because i think everyone here knows he doesn't actually fight for the middle class, instead fights for himself and billionaire friends. he will give them another round of tax breaks, that will add -- up to 5 trillion dollars to national debt instead of a trump tax hike, we will pass a middle class tax cut, that will benefit

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more than 100 million americans [cheers and applause] >> for -- we want to talk more about plans joining me now former counsel economic advisers chairman kevin hassett kevin good to see you. thank you so much for being here can you give your reaction to dueling economic plans, explain to us how you see the differences in each economic proposal. >> right. well, if you -- vice president harris just talking taxes, if you look only at taxes, then the difference between her proposal and president trump's proposal is that she wants to raise taxes, on unrealized gains revise taxes enormously on states going to make it impossible to hand your house to another family and raise taxes on companies that make jobs, but then, individual side talking about middle class tax cut that is plagiarized from what donald trump said he wants to do when she talks five trillion-dollar

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cost way over estimate by a partisan joint tax committee, by the way, american first policy institute coming out with a number probably half that, that cost is almost all the middle class tax part of president trump's proposal what she has a demand side policy, the middle class tax cut attacking supply-side she and biden did to create inflation knew months ago all over tv saying bidenomics is working, clear from this proposal she believes that toss thinks you can jinnie gallon will reduce inflation we tried that before ended up 9% inflation headed there go again if those policy pass >> we haven't seen talked about their threatening corporations coming up with whole idea that there is price-gouging going on, that she is going to make a ban, in the price-gouging come up with new men tees regulation part of her plans we haven't seen gotten into will probably be higher regulations than what

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we're seeing now, but the "the wall street journal" yesterday came out with a piece called cam -- kamala harris tax increases cuts take shape the author main chaiks case not only raising taxes on some, but will cut taxes on others leave most americans taxes unchanged i don't know if i apply that if you actually are not extending the tax cuts most people's taxes go up, i mean, i guess trying to make it as if a continuation of bidenomics including hundreds of billions of dollars in spending, of course, proved unpopular with most americans are you expecting that to take place? >> you know, i don't know what to expect to take place kind of like let's make a deal -- eventually find out. >> you are haying harris administration skwlaend would shut down entire u.s. economy that is what you said. >> that is right this is the war on capital part imagine we

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have a tax on unrealized gains so to pay tax everybody has to sell stuff everybody is doing that at once major a what that does to markets, 65% tax or higher on your estate you can't leave money to kids anymore then price you gouging if you look at details where it came from -- from elizabeth warren the way it works federal trade commission controlled bys harris administration going to look at companies, and they say but it will be everybody your prices too high make too much money then hit them with comosh exexorbitant fine then an investigation into pricing, then the government setting price of stuff and go out of business i am saying this is what they to me looks like what their plan is kinds of things could shut down economy most chilling to me if you go back two or three months, you

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know you can look at some videos things about no offshore drilling no red meat no -- combustion engines things recently no fracking, she now says doesn't but not the one saying it like axios telling us this, the thing chilling to me is that you know how we had people say three or four people kind of running the company not letting anyone see joe biden i know he hasn't had a cabinet meeting since last year, three or four people running country not joe biden doesn't it feel like that is happening again? kamala harris out there with very well-established positions then axios not kamala harris telling us she has new positions, who otherwise it told axios those are new positions? why aren't those on campaign web site i can study them tell you exactly what they are going to cost very, very bizarre, situation. >> hasn't said word aides releasing all this stuff here

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and there oh, yeah she is going to not ban fracking objection yeah not interested in "medicare for all" the "new york post" covered flip-flopping kamala copies don harris for trump with a make america great hat she is prepresending not really liberal wants to be tough on border wouldn't shy have been tough on border last 3 1/2 years? >> you would think but, again, i think that is -- not sure what should he wants to do what what said in past not three or for people controlling joe biden are telling us. maria: we will keep watching kevin hassit on dueling economic plans quick break schools back in session for students, but not for many teachers, "fox business" lydia hu with details next you are watching "mornings with maria" live on "fox business" we'll be right back. .

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did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain.

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8:48 am

ryan t. writes, "moving is stressful. can you help me take one thing off of my to do list?” ugh, moving's the worst. with xfinity, you can transfer your internet in just a few taps. just a few easy moves. did somebody say “easy moves”? ♪ ♪ oh no. no, i was talking about moving your internet.

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this will move the internet. ♪ ♪ ooh, ooh. -let's keep it professional. professional dancers! -ok! stay connected during your move with the best in home wifi. easily transfer your services in the xfinity app. bring on the good stuff. maria: back to school students going to school teachers staff are not. as country sfaifs teacher shortage lydia hu with more. good morning. >> good morning there maria most recent estimates from references with university missouri and pittsburgh show nation had 55,000 teacher

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vacancies, another 270,000 positions that are filled by swoem unqualified, surveys show they are stressed out overwhelmed they say schools are understaffed in fact, one out of every two teachers say would not recommend the profession to a younger person. take a look at this down in texas there is hope, superintendent of the school district there said people do want to be teachers but the cost of college that stands in the way so launching an apprentice program with help from department of labor apprentice can get paid about 24,000 dollars a year to be an assistant teacher, the program will pay for the apprentice's bachelor degree to become a certified teacher. listen to this. >> -- i am astounded how many people truly interested we had

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a nine square, 197 people came. >> the program paid for my school, because i don't really have that much money, so for me, without the program i wouldn't be teacher right now. school district taking on 48 apprentices this year they hope this modeled positive be replicated across the country, for a long-term solution to this shortage on teachers, really a crisis in the country. maria: sounds like it lydia, thank you catch lydia's education in america special "fox business" friday 8:00 p.m. eastern jonathan. you have over croweed schools, it is interesting no one talks

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about it something like education, you can't just print new teachers like money you can't print new schools so people are suffering, meaning american students are having theirs educational opportunities diminished because of massive fluctuation illegal immigration one of the contributors to not necessarily shortage but lack of access to education. >> so many to this story. john: one of the that is jonathan described why do you have to have a degree in education to be a teacher in the first place. >> i knew a lot of guys fighter appointments in air force retire in 40s. >> i will become a mill school algebra teacher told they have to get additional schooling, they said forget about it, but guys would have made great teachers i think for teenage

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boys, given background you don't have to be young probably a lot of people from private sector made a lot of money maybe want to give back they would be more than happy to work for 30,000, 40,000 dollars, as a teacher provided that they did not have to go through a couple of years of training. maria: i think so i get that. >> get kid of department of education as well as schools of education. >> what has department of education been doing a much better use of taxpayer funds in terms of paying for actual skill that we need the vacancy for report a than blanket-billion-dollar bailouts biden and harris doing to doctors already making six figures i am not a parent not going to judge anyone else's parenting i have ladder from friends teachers parents alike a big issue kids, sort of plague some parenting doing gent parenting so gent just permissive, a lot

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of schools enacted you know equity standards all this they weren't allowed to discipline kids, kids need discipline if you are not given tools why stay in it. maria: whole other questions when are dei, policies doing to schools greg murphy, we talked to congressman a early the impact on medical schools, on hospitals. tiana: if you don't the congratulated because you don't want unequal results you don't want to have disparate impact a category upheld by federal government, and who is -- everyone worse as a result if you look at school districts san francisco, into evidence progressive equity agendas banning algebra from middle schools. >> unbelievable a short break

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you are watching "mornings with maria" live on "fox business" stay with us. . ♪ ♪ . ooohh♪ ♪ ohhh♪ . . this week "mornings with maria", tomorrow donald trump makes his dies latino voters ceo of graya why listening and will respond to kamala harris's price-gouging claims friday one of of the most influential first ladies in history penelope an miller on the many biopic "reagan", all herela on "mornings with maria."

8:56 am

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8:57 am

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8:58 am

8:59 am

maria: welcome back. 30 minutes to go before the opening bell sounds for a wednesday. dow industrials down 30 points, nasdaq down 11.55. let's get some final thoughts from this esteemed panel. john lonski. >> this friday we're getting the report, july pce, price index coming out. but more importantly, let's focus on what should be another slow increase, very low increase by personal income relative to consumer spending. you cannot have consumer spending outrun personal income indefinitely. maria: and we're waiting on

9:00 am

nvidia tonight after the bell. jonathan fahey. >> two questions, will this be kamala's only interview curl this campaign -- during this campaign and, two, will dana if bash ask her what the plan is for the 20s plus million illegal ail agains in -- aliens in this country. is the plan for amnesty? maria: i like the question. president trump told me he has to deport them all. >> tiana lowe derek everybody. >> i want to hear what she lied about, but how much money the ev mandates are costing. maria: yeah, that is a big deal. thank you so much, jonathan, john and tiana. great to be with you all. have a great day, everybody, "varney & company" pix it up. stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, everyone. let's call this nvidia day. arguablyies it is the most important earnings report of the season, and it arrives this afternoon. he's going to influence the whole market. if nvidia disappoints in any

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Maria Bartiromo brings her knowledge of the finance industry to discuss news stories from around the world with a panel of rotating industry experts.

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Mornings With Maria Bartiromo : FBC : August 28, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)
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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.