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IMAGE PROCESSING SERIES Series Editor: Phillip A. Laplante

Published Titles Image and Video Compression for Multimedia Engineering Yun Q. Shi and Huiyang Sun

Forthcoming Titles Adaptive Image Processing: A Computational Intelligence Perspective Ling Guan, Hau-San Wong, and Stuart William Perry Shape Analysis and Classification: Theory and Practice Luciano da Fontoura Costa and Roberto Marcondes Cesar, Jr.


Ling Guan Sun-Yuan Kung Jan Larsen

CRC Press Boca Raton London New York Washington, D.C.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Multimedia image and video processing / edited by Ling Guan, Sun-Yuan Kung, Jan Larsen. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-8493-3492-6 (alk.) 1. Multimedia systems. 2. Image processing—Digital techniques. I. Guan, Ling. II. Kung, S.Y. (Sun Yuan) III. Larsen, Jan. QA76.575 2000 006.4′2—dc21


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1 Emerging Standards for Multimedia Applications Tsuhan Chen 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Standards 1.3 Fundamentals of Video Coding 1.3.1 Transform Coding 1.3.2 Motion Compensation 1.3.3 Summary 1.4 Emerging Video and Multimedia Standards 1.4.1 H.263 1.4.2 H.26L 1.4.3 MPEG-4 1.4.4 MPEG-7 1.5 Standards for Multimedia Communication 1.6 Conclusion References 2 An Efficient Algorithm and Architecture for Real-Time Perspective Image Warping Yi Kang and Thomas S. Huang 2.1 Introduction 2.2 A Fast Algorithm for Perspective Transform 2.2.1 Perspective Transform 2.2.2 Existing Approximation Methods 2.2.3 Constant Denominator Method 2.2.4 Simulation Results 2.2.5 Sprite Warping Algorithm 2.3 Architecture for Sprite Warping 2.3.1 Implementation Issues 2.3.2 Memory Bandwidth Reduction 2.3.3 Architecture 2.4 Conclusion References

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Application-Specific Multimedia Processor Architecture Yu Hen Hu and Surin Kittitornkun 3.1 Introduction 3.1.1 Requirements of Multimedia Signal Processing (MSP) Hardware 3.1.2 Strategies: Matching Micro-Architecture and Algorithm 3.2 Systolic Array Structure Micro-Architecture 3.2.1 Systolic Array Design Methodology 3.2.2 Array Structures for Motion Estimation 3.3 Dedicated Micro-Architecture 3.3.1 Design Methodologies for Dedicated Micro-Architecture 3.3.2 Feed-Forward Direct Synthesis: Fast Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) 3.3.3 Feedback Direct Synthesis: Huffman Coding 3.4 Concluding Remarks References


Superresolution of Images with Learned Multiple Reconstruction Kernels Frank M. Candocia and Jose C. Principe 4.1 Introduction 4.2 An Approach to Superresolution 4.2.1 Comments and Observations 4.2.2 Finding Bases for Image Representation 4.2.3 Description of the Methodology 4.3 Image Acquisition Model 4.4 Relating Kernel-Based Approaches 4.4.1 Single Kernel 4.4.2 Family of Kernels 4.5 Description of the Superresolution Architecture 4.5.1 The Training Data 4.5.2 Clustering of Data 4.5.3 Neighborhood Association 4.5.4 Superresolving Images 4.6 Results 4.7 Issues and Notes 4.8 Conclusions References

5 Image Processing Techniques for Multimedia Processing N. Herodotou, K.N. Plataniotis, and A.N. Venetsanopoulos 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Color in Multimedia Processing 5.3 Color Image Filtering 5.3.1 Fuzzy Multichannel Filters 5.3.2 The Membership Functions 5.3.3 A Combined Fuzzy Directional and Fuzzy Median Filter 5.3.4 Application to Color Images 5.4 Color Image Segmentation 5.4.1 Histogram Thresholding 5.4.2 Postprocessing and Region Merging 5.4.3 Experimental Results 5.5 Facial Image Segmentation 5.5.1 Extraction of Skin-Tone Regions

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5.5.2 Postprocessing 5.5.3 Shape and Color Analysis 5.5.4 Fuzzy Membership Functions 5.5.5 Meta-Data Features 5.5.6 Experimental Results 5.6 Conclusions References 6

Intelligent Multimedia Processing Ling Guan, Sun-Yuan Kung, and Jenq-Neng Hwang 6.1 Introduction 6.1.1 Neural Networks and Multimedia Processing 6.1.2 Focal Technical Issues Addressed in the Chapter 6.1.3 Organization of the Chapter 6.2 Useful Neural Network Approaches to Multimedia Data Representation, Classification, and Fusion 6.2.1 Multimedia Data Representation 6.2.2 Multimedia Data Detection and Classification 6.2.3 Hierarchical Fuzzy Neural Networks as Linear Fusion Networks 6.2.4 Temporal Models for Multimodal Conversion and Synchronization 6.3 Neural Networks for IMP Applications 6.3.1 Image Visualization and Segmentation 6.3.2 Personal Authentication and Recognition 6.3.3 Audio-to-Visual Conversion and Synchronization 6.3.4 Image and Video Retrieval, Browsing, and Content-Based Indexing 6.3.5 Interactive Human–Computer Vision 6.4 Open Issues, Future Research Directions, and Conclusions References


On Independent Component Analysis for Multimedia Signals Lars Kai Hansen, Jan Larsen, and Thomas Kolenda 7.1 Background 7.2 Principal and Independent Component Analysis 7.3 Likelihood Framework for Independent Component Analysis 7.3.1 Generalization and the Bias-Variance Dilemma 7.3.2 Noisy Mixing of White Sources 7.3.3 Separation Based on Time Correlation 7.3.4 Likelihood 7.4 Separation of Sound Signals 7.4.1 Sound Separation using PCA 7.4.2 Sound Separation using Molgedey–Schuster ICA 7.4.3 Sound Separation using Bell–Sejnowski ICA 7.4.4 Comparison 7.5 Separation of Image Mixtures 7.5.1 Image Segmentation using PCA 7.5.2 Image Segmentation using Molgedey–Schuster ICA 7.5.3 Discussion 7.6 ICA for Text Representation 7.6.1 Text Analysis 7.6.2 Latent Semantic Analysis — PCA 7.6.3 Latent Semantic Analysis — ICA

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7.7 Conclusion Acknowledgment Appendix A References 8 Image Analysis and Graphics for Multimedia Presentation Tülay Adali and Yue Wang 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Image Analysis 8.2.1 Pixel Modeling 8.2.2 Model Identification 8.2.3 Context Modeling 8.2.4 Applications 8.3 Graphics Modeling 8.3.1 Surface Reconstruction 8.3.2 Physical Deformable Models 8.3.3 Deformable Surface–Spine Models 8.3.4 Numerical Implementation 8.3.5 Applications References 9 Combined Motion Estimation and Transform Coding in Compressed Domain Ut-Va Koc and K.J. Ray Liu 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Fully DCT-Based Motion-Compensated Video Coder Structure 9.3 DCT Pseudo-Phase Techniques 9.4 DCT-Based Motion Estimation 9.4.1 The DXT-ME Algorithm 9.4.2 Computational Issues and Complexity 9.4.3 Preprocessing 9.4.4 Adaptive Overlapping Approach 9.4.5 Simulation Results 9.5 Subpixel DCT Pseudo-Phase Techniques 9.5.1 Subpel Sinusoidal Orthogonality Principles 9.6 DCT-Based Subpixel Motion Estimation 9.6.1 DCT-Based Half-Pel Motion Estimation Algorithm (HDXT-ME) 9.6.2 DCT-Based Quarter-Pel Motion Estimation Algorithm (QDXT-ME and Q4DXT-ME) 9.6.3 Simulation Results 9.7 DCT-Based Motion Compensation 9.7.1 Integer-Pel DCT-Based Motion Compensation 9.7.2 Subpixel DCT-Based Motion Compensation 9.7.3 Simulation 9.8 Conclusion References 10 Object-Based Analysis–Synthesis Coding Based on Moving 3D Objects Jörn Ostermann 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Object-Based Analysis–Synthesis Coding 10.3 Source Models for OBASC

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10.3.1 Camera Model 10.3.2 Scene Model 10.3.3 Illumination Model 10.3.4 Object Model 10.4 Image Analysis for 3D Object Models 10.4.1 Overview 10.4.2 Motion Estimation for R3D 10.4.3 MF Objects 10.5 Optimization of Parameter Coding for R3D and F3D 10.5.1 Motion Parameter Coding 10.5.2 2D Shape Parameter Coding 10.5.3 Coding of Component Separation 10.5.4 Flexible Shape Parameter Coding 10.5.5 Color Parameters 10.5.6 Control of Parameter Coding 10.6 Experimental Results 10.7 Conclusions References 11 Rate-Distortion Techniques in Image and Video Coding Aggelos K. Katsaggelos and Gerry Melnikov 11.1 The Multimedia Transmission Problem 11.2 The Operational Rate-Distortion Function 11.3 Problem Formulation 11.4 Mathematical Tools in RD Optimization 11.4.1 Lagrangian Optimization 11.4.2 Dynamic Programming 11.5 Applications of RD Methods 11.5.1 QT-Based Motion Estimation and Motion-Compensated Interpolation 11.5.2 QT-Based Video Encoding 11.5.3 Hybrid Fractal/DCT Image Compression 11.5.4 Shape Coding 11.6 Conclusions References 12 Transform Domain Techniques for Multimedia Image and Video Coding S. Suthaharan, S.W. Kim, H.R. Wu, and K.R. Rao 12.1 Coding Artifacts Reduction 12.1.1 Introduction 12.1.2 Methodology 12.1.3 Experimental Results 12.1.4 More Comparison 12.2 Image and Edge Detail Detection 12.2.1 Introduction 12.2.2 Methodology 12.2.3 Experimental Results 12.3 Summary References

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13 Video Modeling and Retrieval Yi Zhang and Tat-Seng Chua 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Modeling and Representation of Video: Segmentation vs. Stratification 13.2.1 Practical Considerations 13.3 Design of a Video Retrieval System 13.3.1 Video Segmentation 13.3.2 Logging of Shots 13.3.3 Modeling the Context between Video Shots 13.4 Retrieval and Virtual Editing of Video 13.4.1 Video Shot Retrieval 13.4.2 Scene Association Retrieval 13.4.3 Virtual Editing 13.5 Implementation 13.6 Testing and Results 13.7 Conclusion References 14 Image Retrieval in Frequency Domain Using DCT Coefficient Histograms Jose A. Lay and Ling Guan 14.1 Introduction 14.1.1 Multimedia Data Compression 14.1.2 Multimedia Data Retrieval 14.1.3 About This Chapter 14.2 The DCT Coefficient Domain 14.2.1 A Matrix Description of the DCT 14.2.2 The DCT Coefficients in JPEG and MPEG Media 14.2.3 Energy Histograms of the DCT Coefficients 14.3 Frequency Domain Image/Video Retrieval Using DCT Coefficients 14.3.1 Content-Based Retrieval Model 14.3.2 Content-Based Search Processing Model 14.3.3 Perceiving the MPEG-7 Search Engine 14.3.4 Image Manipulation in the DCT Domain 14.3.5 The Energy Histogram Features 14.3.6 Proximity Evaluation 14.3.7 Experimental Results 14.4 Conclusions References 15 Rapid Similarity Retrieval from Image and Video Kim Shearer, Svetha Venkatesh, and Horst Bunke 15.1 Introduction 15.1.1 Definitions 15.2 Image Indexing and Retrieval 15.3 Encoding Video Indices 15.4 Decision Tree Algorithms 15.4.1 Decision Tree-Based LCSG Algorithm 15.5 Decomposition Network Algorithm 15.5.1 Decomposition-Based LCSG Algorithm 15.6 Results of Tests Over a Video Database

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15.6.1 Decomposition Network Algorithm 15.6.2 Inexact Decomposition Algorithm 15.6.3 Decision Tree 15.6.4 Results of the LCSG Algorithms 15.7 Conclusion References 16 Video Transcoding Tzong-Der Wu, Jenq-Neng Hwang, and Ming-Ting Sun 16.1 Introduction 16.2 Pixel-Domain Transcoders 16.2.1 Introduction 16.2.2 Cascaded Video Transcoder 16.2.3 Removal of Frame Buffer and Motion Compensation Modules 16.2.4 Removal of IDCT Module 16.3 DCT Domain Transcoder 16.3.1 Introduction 16.3.2 Architecture of DCT Domain Transcoder 16.3.3 Full-Pixel Interpolation 16.3.4 Half-Pixel Interpolation 16.4 Frame-Skipping in Video Transcoding 16.4.1 Introduction 16.4.2 Interpolation of Motion Vectors 16.4.3 Search Range Adjustment 16.4.4 Dynamic Frame-Skipping 16.4.5 Simulation and Discussion 16.5 Multipoint Video Bridging 16.5.1 Introduction 16.5.2 Video Characteristics in Multipoint Video Conferencing 16.5.3 Results of Using the Coded Domain and Transcoding Approaches 16.6 Summary References 17 Multimedia Distance Learning Sachin G. Deshpande, Jenq-Neng Hwang, and Ming-Ting Sun 17.1 Introduction 17.2 Interactive Virtual Classroom Distance Learning Environment 17.2.1 Handling the Electronic Slide Presentation 17.2.2 Handling Handwritten Text 17.3 Multimedia Features for On-Demand Distance Learning Environment 17.3.1 Hypervideo Editor Tool 17.3.2 Automating the Multimedia Features Creation for On-Demand System 17.4 Issues in the Development of Multimedia Distance Learning 17.4.1 Error Recovery, Synchronization, and Delay Handling 17.4.2 Fast Encoding and Rate Control 17.4.3 Multicasting 17.4.4 Human Factors 17.5 Summary and Conclusion References

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18 A New Watermarking Technique for Multimedia Protection Chun-Shien Lu, Shih-Kun Huang, Chwen-Jye Sze, and Hong-Yuan Mark Liao 18.1 Introduction 18.1.1 Watermarking 18.1.2 Overview 18.2 Human Visual System-Based Modulation 18.3 Proposed Watermarking Algorithms 18.3.1 Watermark Structures 18.3.2 The Hiding Process 18.3.3 Semipublic Authentication 18.4 Watermark Detection/Extraction 18.4.1 Gray-Scale Watermark Extraction 18.4.2 Binary Watermark Extraction 18.4.3 Dealing with Attacks Including Geometric Distortion 18.5 Analysis of Attacks Designed to Defeat HVS-Based Watermarking 18.6 Experimental Results 18.6.1 Results of Hiding a Gray-Scale Watermark 18.6.2 Results of Hiding a Binary Watermark 18.7 Conclusion References 19 Telemedicine: A Multimedia Communication Perspective Chang Wen Chen and Li Fan 19.1 Introduction 19.2 Telemedicine: Need for Multimedia Communication 19.3 Telemedicine over Various Multimedia Communication Links 19.3.1 Telemedicine via ISDN 19.3.2 Medical Image Transmission via ATM 19.3.3 Telemedicine via the Internet 19.3.4 Telemedicine via Mobile Wireless Communication 19.4 Conclusion References

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Multimedia is one of the most important aspects of the information era. Although there are books dealing with various aspects of multimedia, a book comprehensively covering system, processing, and application aspects of image and video data in a multimedia environment is urgently needed. Contributed by experts in the field, this book serves this purpose. Our goal is to provide in a single volume an introduction to a variety of topics in image and video processing for multimedia. An edited compilation is an ideal format for treating a broad spectrum of topics because it provides the opportunity for each topic to be written by an expert in that field. The topic of the book is processing images and videos in a multimedia environment. It covers the following subjects arranged in two parts: (1) standards and fundamentals: standards, multimedia architecture for image processing, multimedia-related image processing techniques, and intelligent multimedia processing; (2) methodologies, techniques, and applications: image and video coding, image and video storage and retrieval, digital video transmission, video conferencing, watermarking, distance education, video on demand, and telemedicine. The book begins with the existing standards for multimedia, discussing their impacts to multimedia image and video processing, and pointing out possible directions for new standards. The design of multimedia architectures is based on the standards. It deals with the way visual data is being processed and transmitted at a more practical level. Current and new architectures, and their pros and cons, are presented and discussed in Chapters 2 to 4. Chapters 5 to 8 focus on conventional and intelligent image processing techniques relevant to multimedia, including preprocessing, segmentation, and feature extraction techniques utilized in coding, storage, and retrieval and transmission, media fusion, and graphical interface. Compression and coding of video and images are among the focusing issues in multimedia. New developments in transform- and motion-based algorithms in the compressed domain, content- and object-based algorithms, and rate–distortion-based encoding are presented in Chapters 9 to 12. Chapters 13 to 15 tackle content-based image and video retrieval. They cover video modeling and retrieval, retrieval in the transform domain, indexing, parsing, and real-time aspects of retrieval. The last chapters of the book (Chapters 16 to 19) present new results in multimedia application areas, including transcoding for multipoint video conferencing, distance education, watermarking techniques for multimedia processing, and telemedicine. Each chapter has been organized so that it can be covered in 1 to 2 weeks when this book is used as a principal reference or text in a senior or graduate course at a university. It is generally assumed that the reader has prior exposure to the fundamentals of image and video processing. The chapters have been written with an emphasis on a tutorial presentation so that the reader interested in pursuing a particular topic further will be able to obtain a solid introduction to the topic through the appropriate chapter in this book. While the topics covered are related, each chapter can be read and used independently of the others.

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This book is primarily a result of the collective efforts of the chapter authors. We are very grateful for their enthusiastic support, timely response, and willingness to incorporate suggestions from us, from other contributing authors, and from a number of our colleagues who served as reviewers. Ling Guan Sun-Yuan Kung Jan Larsen

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Tülay Adali University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland Horst Bunke Institute für Informatik und Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Bern, Switzerland Frank M. Candocia University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida Chang Wen Chen University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri Tsuhan Chen Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Tat-Seng Chua National University of Singapore, Kentridge, Singapore Sachin G. Deshpande University of Washington, Seattle, Washington Li Fan University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri Ling Guan University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia Lars Kai Hansen Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark N. Herodotou University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Yu Hen Hu University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin Shih-Kun Huang Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, China Thomas S. Huang Beckman Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois Jenq-Neng Hwang University of Washington, Seattle, Washington Yi Kang Beckman Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois Aggelos K. Katsaggelos Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois S.W. Kim Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Taejon, Korea Surin Kittitornkun University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin Ut-Va Koc Lucent Technologies Bell Labs, Murray Hill, New Jersey Thomas Kolenda Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark

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Sun-Yuan Kung Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey Jan Larsen Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark Jose A. Lay University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia Hong-Yuan Mark Liao Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan K.J. Ray Liu University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland Chun-Shien Lu Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan Gerry Melnikov Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois Jörn Ostermann AT&T Labs — Research, Red Bank, New Jersey K.N. Plataniotis University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Jose C. Principe University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida K.R. Rao University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas Kim Shearer Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia Ming-Ting Sun University of Washington, Seattle, Washington S. Suthaharan Tennessee State University, Nashville, Tennessee Chwen-Jye Sze Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, China A.N. Venetsanopoulos University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Svetha Venkatesh Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia Yue Wang Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. H.R. Wu Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia Tzong-Der Wu University of Washington, Seattle, Washington Yi Zhang National University of Singapore, Kent Ridge, Singapore

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Chapter 1 Emerging Standards for Multimedia Applications

Tsuhan Chen



Due to the rapid growth of multimedia communication, multimedia standards have received much attention during the last decade. This is illustrated by the extremely active development in several international standards including H.263, H.263 Version 2 (informally known as H.263+), H.26L, H.323, MPEG-4, and MPEG-7. H.263 Version 2, developed to enhance an earlier video coding standard H.263 in terms of coding efficiency, error resilience, and functionalities, was finalized in early 1997. H.26L is an ongoing standard activity searching for advanced coding techniques that can be fundamentally different from H.263. MPEG-4, with its emphasis on content-based interactivity, universal access, and compression performance, was finalized with Version 1 in late 1998 and with Version 2 1 year later. The MPEG-7 activity, which has begun since the first call for proposals in late 1998, is developing a standardized description of multimedia materials, including images, video, text, and audio, in order to facilitate search and retrieval of multimedia content. By examining the development of these standards in this chapter, we will see the trend of video technologies progressing from pixelbased compression techniques to high-level image understanding. At the end of the chapter, we will also introduce H.323, an ITU-T standard designed for multimedia communication over networks that do not guarantee quality of service (QoS), and hence very suitable for Internet applications. The chapter is outlined as follows. In Section 1.2, we introduce the basic concepts of standards activities. In Section 1.3, we review the fundamentals of video coding. In Section 1.4, we study recent video and multimedia standards, including H.263, H.26L, MPEG-4, and MPEG-7. In Section 1.5, we briefly introduce standards for multimedia communication, focusing on ITU-T H.323. We conclude the chapter with a brief discussion on the trend of multimedia standards (Section 1.6).



Standards are essential for communication. Without a common language that both the transmitter and the receiver understand, communication is impossible. In multimedia communication systems the language is often defined as a standardized bitstream syntax. Adoption of

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standards by equipment manufacturers and service providers increases the customer base and hence results in higher volume and lower cost. In addition, it offers consumers more freedom of choice among manufacturers, and therefore is welcomed by the consumers. For transmission of video or multimedia content, standards play an even more important role. Not only do the transmitter and the receiver need to speak the same language, but the language also has to be efficient (i.e., provide high compression of the content), due to the relatively large amount of bits required to transmit uncompressed video and multimedia data. Note, however, that standards do not specify the whole communication process. Although it defines the bitstream syntax and hence the decoding process, a standard usually leaves the encoding processing open to the vendors. This is the standardize-the-minimum philosophy widely adopted by most video and multimedia standards. The reason is to leave room for competition among different vendors on the encoding technologies, and to allow future technologies to be incorporated into the standards, as they become mature. The consequence is that a standard does not guarantee the quality of a video encoder, but it ensures that any standard-compliant decoder can properly receive and decode the bitstream produced by any encoder. Existing standards may be classified into two groups. The first group comprises those that are decided upon by a mutual agreement between a small number of companies. These standards can become very popular in the marketplace, thereby leading other companies to also accept them. So, they are often referred to as the de facto standards. The second set of standards is called the voluntary standards. These standards are defined by volunteers in open committees. These standards are agreed upon based on the consensus of all the committee members. These standards need to stay ahead of the development of technologies, in order to avoid any disagreement between those companies that have already developed their own proprietary techniques. For multimedia communication, there are several organizations responsible for the definition of voluntary standards. One is the International Telecommunications Union–Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T), originally known as the International Telephone and Telegraph Consultative Committee (CCITT). Another one is the International Standardization Organization (ISO). Along with the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), which defines multimedia delivery for the Internet, these three organizations form the core of standards activities for modern multimedia communication. Both ITU-T and ISO have defined different standards for video coding. These standards are summarized in Table 1.1. The major differences between these standards lie in the operating bit rates and the applications for which they are targeted. Note, however, that each standard allows for operating at a wide range of bit rates; hence each can be used for all the applications in principle. All these video-related standards follow a similar framework in terms of the coding algorithms; however, there are differences in the ranges of parameters and some specific coding modes.


Fundamentals of Video Coding

In this section, we review the fundamentals of video coding. Figure 1.1 shows the general data structure of digital video. A video sequence is composed of pictures updated at a certain rate, sometimes with a number of pictures grouped together (group of pictures [GOP]). Each picture is composed of several groups of blocks (GOBs), sometimes called the slices. Each GOB contains a number of macroblocks (MBs), and each MB is composed of four luminance

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Table 1.1 Video Coding Standards Developed by Various Organizations Organization ITU-T ISO ISO ITU-T ISO

Standard H.261 IS 11172-2 MPEG-1 Video IS 13818-2 MPEG-2 Videoa H.263 IS 14496-2 MPEG-4 Video H.26L

Typical Bit Rate 1.2 Mbits/s

Typical Applications ISDN Video Phone CD-ROM

4–80 Mbits/s


p× 64 kbits/s, p =1 . . . 30

64 kbits/s or below 24–1024 kbits/s

PSTN Video Phone A variety of applications .5, which is a very low page hit ratio. For both sprite sizes, the interpolation unit can be designed to match the memory access time. With a four-pixel cache, the average read time equation becomes tread =

1 3 tinterpolate + [ptpage hit + (1 − p)tpage miss ] 4 4


where c = 41 is the cache hit ratio for the worst case. The four-pixel cache can be used to warp sprite sizes larger than CIF. It cannot warp ITU-R 601 sprites, because they require the

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short 13-ns cycle from Table 2.4. Instead, the three-line cache is used, where c = tpage hit = 20 ns and tpage miss = 85 ns, equation (2.24) can then be rewritten as

3 4.


3 1 tinterpolate + [ptpage hit + (1 − p)tpage miss ] = (28p − 17.3) nanoseconds (2.27) 4 4 which simplifies to tread =

tinterpolate < (21.67p − 11) nanoseconds


This equation is satisfied by realistic interpolation times and page hit ratios. For example, an 8.5-ns interpolation time and a 0.9 page hit ratio, or a 6.3-ns linear interpolation time and a 0.8 page hit ratio, can be used for real-time warping of ITU-R 601 sprites with 0.35µ m or better VLSI technology.



We have presented a new fast algorithm for computing the perspective transform. The constant denominator method reduces the number of divisions required from O(N 2 ) to O(N ) and also dramatically reduces multiplications in the computation. The speed of the constant denominator method does not sacrifice the accuracy of the algorithm. Indeed, it has more than 35 times less error compared with other approximation methods. The algorithm primarily targets real-time implementation of sprite warping. However, it is generally for speeding up the perspective transform. Based on this algorithm, an architecture was proposed for the implementation of sprite warping for MPEG-4. Our architecture is feasible under current VLSI technology. We also analyzed the real-time requirement of the architecture and addressed several other implementation issues.

References [1] CCITT. MPEG-4 video verification model version 11.0. ISO-IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 MPEG98/N2172, Mar. 1998. [2] Demirer, M., and Grimsdale, R.L. Approximation techniques for high performance texture mapping. Computer & Graphics 20, 4 (1996). [3] Hearn, D., and Baker, M.P. Computer Graphics, 2 ed., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1994. [4] Heckbert, P., and Moreton, H.P. Interpolation for polygon texture mapping and shading. In State of the Art in Computer Graphics Visualization and Modeling, D.F. Rogers and R.A. Earnshaw, Eds., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1991. [5] Hennessy, J.L., and Patterson, D.A. Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 2 ed., Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1996. [6] Kirk, D., and Vorrhies, D. The rendering architecture of the dn10000vs. Computer Graphics 24 (1990).

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[7] Lee, M.C., Chen, W., Lin, C.B., Gu, C., Markoc, T., Zabinsky, S.I., and Szeliski, R. A layered video object coding system using sprite and affine motion model. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 7, 1 (Feb. 1997). [8] Press, W.H., Flannery, B.P., Teukolsky, S.A., and Vetterling, W.T. Numerical Recipes in C, 2 ed., Cambridge University Press, London, 1994. [9] Sun, M.T. Algorithms and VLSI architectures for motion estimation. In VLSI Implementations for Communications, P. Pirsh, Ed., Elsevier Science Publishers, New York, 1993. [10] Wolberg, G. Digital Image Warping. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1990.

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Chapter 3 Application-Specific Multimedia Processor Architecture

Yu Hen Hu and Surin Kittitornkun



Multimedia signal processing concerns the concurrent processing of signals generated from multiple sources, containing multiple formats and multiple modalities. A key enabling technology for multimedia signal processing is the availability of low-cost, high-performance signal processing hardware including programmable digital signal processors (PDSPs), applicationspecific integrated circuits (ASICs), reconfigurable processors, and many other variations. The purposes of this chapter are (1) to survey the micro-architecture of modern multimedia signal processors, and (2) to investigate the design methodology of dedicated ASIC implementation of multimedia signal processing algorithms.


Requirements of Multimedia Signal Processing (MSP) Hardware

Real-Time Processing With real-time processing, the results (output) of a signal processing algorithm must be computed within a fixed, finite duration after the corresponding input signal arrives. In other words, each computation has a deadline. The real-time requirement is a consequence of the interactive nature of multimedia applications. The amount of computations per unit time, also known as the throughput rate, required to achieve real-time processing varies widely for different types of signals. If the required throughput rate cannot be met by the signal processing hardware, the quality of service (QoS) will be compromised. Real-time processing of higher dimensional signals, such as image, video, or 3D visualization, requires an ultra-high throughput rate. Concurrent, Multithread Processing A unique feature of MSP hardware is the need to support concurrent processing of multiple signal streams. Often more than one type of signal (e.g., video and sound) must be processed concurrently as separate task threads in order to meet deadlines of individual signals. Synchronization requirements also impose additional constraints.

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Low-Power Processing Multimedia signal processing devices must support mobile computing to facilitate ominous accessibility. Low-power processing is the key to wireless mobile computing. Technologies (TTL vs. CMOS, power supply voltages) are the dominating factor for power consumption. However, architecture and algorithm also play a significant role in system-wide power consumption reduction.


Strategies: Matching Micro-Architecture and Algorithm

To achieve the performance goal (real-time processing) under the given constraint (low power consumption), we must seek a close match between the multimedia signal processing algorithm formulation and the micro-architecture that implements such an algorithm. On the one hand, micro-architecture must be specialized in order to custom fit to the given algorithm. On the other hand, alternative algorithm formulations must be explored to exploit its inherent parallelism so as to take advantage of the power of parallel micro-architecture. Specialization Specialized hardware can be customized to execute the algorithm in the most efficient fashion. It is suitable for low-cost, embedded applications where large-volume manufacturing reduces the average design cost. Hardware specialization can be accomplished at different levels of granularity. Special function units such as an array multiplier or multiply-andaccumulator (MAC) have been used in programmable DSPs. Other examples include a bit reversal unit for fast Fourier transform and so forth. Another approach of specialization is to use a special type of arithmetic algorithm. For example, CORDIC arithmetic unit is an efficient alternative when elementary functions such as trigonometric, exponential, or logarithmic functions are to be implemented. Another example is the so-called distributed arithmetic, where Boolean logic functions of arithmetic operations are replaced with table-lookup operations using read-only memory. At a subsystem level, specialized hardware has also been developed to realize operations that are awkward to be realized with conventional word-based micro-architecture. For example, the variable-length entropy-coding unit is often realized as a specialized subsystem. Specialized hardware consisting of multiple function units to exploit parallelism is also needed to handle computation-intensive tasks such as motion estimation, discrete cosine transform, and so forth. At the system level, specialized hardware has also been developed to serve large-volume, low-cost, and embedded consumer applications, such as the MPEG decoder chip. Parallelism Parallelism is the key to achieving a high throughput rate with low power consumption. To reduce power consumption, power supply voltage must be reduced. Lower power supply voltage implies lower switching speed. As such, to meet the real-time processing throughput constraint, more function units must be activated together, taking advantage of the potential parallelism in the algorithm. Many MSP algorithms can be formulated as nested iterative loops. For this family of algorithms, they can be mapped algebraically into regular, locally interconnected pipelined processing arrays such as the systolic array. Examples include discrete cosine transform, full search motion estimation, discrete wavelet transform, and discrete Fourier transform. In addition to the systolic array, parallelism can be exploited in different formats. A vectorbased parallel architecture is capable of performing vector operations efficiently. A specific

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vector-parallel architecture is known as the subword parallelism. It appears as the multimedia extension (MMX) instructions in general-purpose microprocessors. Some algorithms do not have a regular structure such as nested iterative loops. However, since MSP applications often deal with indefinite streams of signals, it is also possible to develop pipelined special-purpose hardware to exploit the parallelism. Examples include fast discrete cosine transform (DCT) algorithms. For programmable DSP processors, instruction-level parallelism (ILP) has dominated modern superscalar microprocessor architecture. A competing ILP approach is known as the very long instruction word (VLIW) architecture. The main difference between ILP and VLIW is that ILP architecture relies on a hardware-based instruction issuing unit to exploit the potential parallelism inherent in the instruction stream during the run time, whereas the VLIW micro-architecture relies heavily on a compiler to exploit ILP during the compile time.

3.2 3.2.1

Systolic Array Structure Micro-Architecture Systolic Array Design Methodology

Systolic array [1, 2] is an unconventional computer micro-architecture first proposed by H.T. Kung [3]. It features a regular array of identical, simple processing elements operated in a pipelined fashion. It can be visualized that data samples and intermediate results are processed in a systolic array in a manner analogous to how the blood is pumped by the heart — a phenomenon called systole circulation — which is how this architecture received its name. A systolic array exhibits characteristics of parallelism (pipelining), regularity, and local communication. If an algorithm can be described as a nested “do” loop with simple loop body, specifically known as a regular iterative algorithm, then it can be mapped algebraically onto a systolic array structure. A number of multimedia signal processing algorithms can be implemented using systolic arrays. Examples include two-dimensional DCT (2D DCT), video block motion estimation, and many others. To illustrate systolic array design methodology, consider the convolution of a finite length sequence {h(n); 0 ≤ n ≤ M − 1} with an infinite sequence {x(n); n = 0, 1, . . . yn =


h(k)x(n − k)

n = 0, 1, . . .



This algorithm is usually implemented with a two-level nested do loop: Algorithm 1: For n = 0, 1, 2,... y(n) = 0 For k = 0 to min(n,M-1), y(n) = y(n)+h(k)*x(n-k) end end It can be implemented using a systolic array containing M processing elements as depicted in Figure 3.1. In Figure 3.1, the narrow rectangular box represents delay, and the square

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FIGURE 3.1 Convolution systolic array. box represents a processing element (PE). Moreover, every PE is identical and performs its computation in a pipelined fashion. The details of a PE are shown in Figure 3.2. In this

FIGURE 3.2 A processing element of the convolution systolic array. figure, the circle represents arithmetic operations. The above implementation corresponds to the following algorithm formulation: Algorithm 2: s(n,0) = x(n); g(n,0) = 0; g(n,k+1) =g(n,k)+h(k)*s(n,k); s(n,k+1) = s(n,k); g(n+1,k+1) = g(n,k+1); s(n+2,k+1) = s(n,k+1); y(n) = g(n+M,M) ;

n n n n n n

= = = = = =

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,

2,... 2,...; 2,...; 2,...; 2,...; 2,...

k k k k

= = = =

0 0 0 0

to to to to

M-1, M-1, M-1, M-1,

In the above formulation, n is the time index and k is the processing element index. It can be verified manually that such a systolic architecture yields correct convolution results at the sampling rate of x(n). Given an algorithm represented as a nested do loop, a systolic array structure can be obtained by the following three-step procedure: 1. Deduce a localized dependence graph of the computation algorithm. Each node of the dependence graph represents computation of the innermost loop body of an algorithm represented in a regular nested loop format. Each arc represents an inter-iteration dependence relation. A more detailed introduction to the dependence graph will be given later in this chapter. 2. Project each node and each arc of the dependence graph along the direction of a projection vector. The resulting geometry gives the configuration of the systolic array.

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3. Assign each node of the dependence graph to a schedule by projecting them along a scheduling vector. To illustrate this idea, let us consider the convolution example above. The dependence graph of the convolution algorithm is shown in Figure 3.3. In this figure, the input x(n) is from the bottom. It will propagate its value (unaltered) along the northeast direction. Each of the coefficients {h(k)} will propagate toward the east. The partial sum of y(n) is computed at each node and propagated toward the north. If we project this dependence graph along the [1 0] direction, with a schedule vector [1 1], we obtain the systolic array structure shown on the right-hand side of the figure. To be more specific, each node at coordinate (n, k) in the dependence graph is mapped to processing element k in the systolic array. The coefficient h(k) is stored in each PE. The projection of the dependence vector [1 1] associated with the propagation of x(n) is mapped to a physical communication link with two delays (labeled by 2D in the right-hand portion of the figure). The dependence vector [0 1] is mapped to the upward communication link in the systolic array with one delay. Figure 3.1 is identical to the right side of Figure 3.3 except more details are given.

FIGURE 3.3 Dependence graph of convolution (left) and systolic array projection (right). The systolic design methodology of mapping a dependence graph into a lower dimensional systolic array is intimately related to the loop transformation methods developed in parallel program compilers. A detailed description of loop transform can be found in [4].


Array Structures for Motion Estimation

Block motion estimation in video coding standards such as MPEG-1, 2, and 4, and H.261 and H.263 is perhaps one of the most computation-intensive multimedia operations. Hence it is also the most implemented algorithm. We will briefly explain block-based motion estimation using Figure 3.4. A basic assumption of motion estimation is that there is high temporal correlation between successive frames in video streams; hence, the content of one frame can be predicted quite well using the contents of adjacent frames. By exploiting this temporal redundancy, one need not transmit the predictable portion of the current frame as long as these reference frame(s) have been successfully transmitted and decoded. Often, it is found that the effectiveness of this scheme can be greatly enhanced if the basic unit for comparison is reduced from the entire frame to a much smaller “block.” Often the size of a block is 16 × 16 or 8 × 8 (in the unit of pixels). This is illustrated on the right-hand side of Figure 3.4. Let us now focus on the “current block” that has a dotted pattern in the current frame. In the reference frame, we identify a search area that surrounds a block having the same coordinates as the current block. The hypothesis is that within this search area, there is an area equal to the size of the current block which best matches

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FIGURE 3.4 Block motion estimation.

(is similar to) the current block. Then, instead of transmitting all the pixels in the current block of the current frame, all we need is to specify the displacement between the current block location and the best matched blocking area on the reference frame. Then we cut-and-paste this area from the reference frame to the locations of the current block on a reconstructed current frame at the receiving end. Since the reference frame has been transmitted, the current block at the current frame can be reconstructed this way without transmitting any bit in addition to the displacement values, provided the match is perfect. The displacement we specified above is called the motion vector. It inherits this name from the motion estimation task in computer vision researches. However, there, the motion estimation is performed on individual pixels, and the objective is to identify object motion in sequential image frames. Since each pixel within the search area can be the origin of a matching block, its coordinates become a candidate for a motion vector. If every pixel within the search area is tested in order to find the best matching block, it is called a full-search blockmatching method. Obviously, a full search block-matching algorithm offers the best match. But the computation cost is also extremely high. On the other hand, the matching operations can be written in a regular six-level nested do loop algorithm. Thus, numerous systolic array or other dedicated array architectures have been proposed. We note that there are also many fast block-matching algorithms proposed to skip pixels in the search area in order to reduce computation without significantly compromising matching quality. Unfortunately, most of these fast search algorithms are too complicated for a systolic array implementation. In this section, we will survey systolic array structures for the implementation of only the full-search block-matching motion estimation algorithm. First, we review some notations and formulas of this algorithm. FBMA (Full-Search Block-Matching Algorithm) Assume a current video frame is divided into Nh × Nv blocks in the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively, with each block containing N × N pixels. The most popular similarity criterion is the mean absolute difference (MAD), defined as MAD(m, n) =

N−1 N −1 1 |x(i, j ) − y(i + m, j + n)| N2 i=0 j =0

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where x(i, j ) and y(i + m, j + n) are the pixels of current frame and previous frame, respectively. The motion vector (MV) corresponding to the minimum MAD within the search area is given by MV = arg{min MAD(m, n)}

− p ≤ m, n ≤ p ,


where p is the search range parameter. We focus on the situation where the search area is a region in the reference frame consisting of (2p + 1)2 pixels. In the FBMA, MAD distortions between the current block and all (2p + 1)2 candidate blocks are to be computed. The displacement that yields the minimum MAD among these (2p + 1)2 positions is chosen as the motion vector corresponding to the present block. For the entire video frame, this highly regular FBMA can be described as a six-level nested do loop algorithm, as shown below.

Algorithm 3: Six-level nested do loop of full-search block-matching motion estimation Do h=0 to Nh-1 Do v=0 to Nv-1 MV(h,v)=(0,0) Dmin(h,v)=∞ Do m=-p to p (-1) Do n=-p to p (-1) MAD(m,n)=0 Do i=hN to hN+N-1 Do j=vN to vN+N-1 MAD(m,n)= MAD(m,n)+|x(i,j)-y(i+m,j+n)| End do j End do i If Dmin(h,v) > MAD(m,n) Dmin(h,v)=MAD(m,n) MV(h,v)=(m,n) End if End do n End do m End do v End do h The frame rate for a particular resolution standard (e.g., MPEG-2, H.261) can be used as a performance metric. Assuming that time to compute an MV of one block of N × N pixels is Tblock , then the time to compute the whole video frame is Tframe = Nh Nv Tblock ,


and the frame rate Fframe is determined by Fframe =

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1 Tframe




Data Input

Control Unit

Local Memory

Processing Array


FIGURE 3.5 MEP block diagram.

Motion Estimation Subsystem Architecture A generic block diagram of a motion estimation subsystem consists of a processing array, local (on-chip) memory, and a control unit as shown in Figure 3.5. The control unit provides the necessary clock timing signals and flags to indicate the beginning and completion in processing the current block. The local memory unit not only acts as an on-chip cache but also facilitates data reordering. The size of the local memory depends on the specific systolic mapping performed. Based on the geometry of the processing array (in conjunction with local memory), existing motion estimation array structures can be roughly classified into four categories: • 2D array • linear array • tree-type structure (TTS) • hybrid We will briefly survey each of these array structures. 2D Array Micro-Architecture The AB2 architecture [5] shown in Figure 3.6 and its sibling AS2 (not shown) were among the first motion estimation array structures. Subsequently, AB2 has been modified [6] to scan the search area data sequentially in raster scan order using shift registers. This reduces the need for a large number of input–output (I/O) pins. However, the overall processing element utilization is rather inefficient. An improved AB2-based architecture is presented by [7]. The movement of search area data is carefully studied so that it can exploit a spiral pattern of data movement. On average, this processor array is able to compute two MADs in every cycle. However, it requires a PE that is twice as complicated. This can reduce the computation latency at the expense of more complicated PE architecture. These earlier array structures are often derived in an ad hoc manner without employing a formal systolic array mapping strategy. A modular semisystolic array derived by performing the systolic mapping of a six-level nested do loop algorithm on an array is presented in [8]. First, we transform the three pairs of indices (v, h), (m, n), (i, j ) of the six-level nested do loop in Algorithm 3 to a three-level nested do loop with indices (b, l, k), where b, l, and k represent block, search vector, and pixel, respectively, of the entire frame. A systolic multiprojection technique [1] is then used to project the 3D dependence graph (DG) into a linear array. Next, exploiting the fact that the neighboring search area shares many reference frame pixels, this linear array is further folded into a spiral 2D array as shown in Figure 3.7. In this configuration, the search area pixel y

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20 10 00

21 11 01

22 12 02

AD 00

AD 10

AD 20

AD 01

AD 11

AD 21

AD 02

AD 12

AD 22






FIGURE 3.6 AB2 architecture [5]. AD: absolute difference, A: addition, M: memory. is broadcast to each processing element in the same column, and the current frame pixel x is propagated along the spiral interconnection links. The constraint of N = 2p is imposed to achieve a low I/O pin count. A simple PE is composed of only two eight-bit adders and a comparator, as shown in Figure 3.7. In [9] the six-level nested do loop is transformed into a two-level nested do loop, which is then mapped into a linear array and then folded into a 2D spiral array. The resulting design has better scalability to variable block sizes and search ranges and does not need data broadcasting. In [10], another 2D array structure is proposed. It uses multiprojection directly to transform the dependence graph corresponding to the six-level nested do loop into a 2D fully pipelined systolic array. Two levels of on-chip caches are required to handle the data movements. Furthermore, it has been shown that the previous motion estimation array architecture [6] is a special case of this 2D array structure. In the architectures proposed in [11] and [12], attention is paid to data movement before and after the motion estimation operations. Data broadcasting is used to yield a semisystolic array [11]. Two sets of shift register arrays are used to switch back and forth between two consecutive current blocks to ensure 100% PE utilization (Figure 3.8). Linear Array Architecture A linear array configuration uses fewer processing elements but has a lower data throughput rate. It is suitable for applications with a lower frame rate and lower resolution such as videoconferencing and/or videophone. The AB1 [5] depicted in Figure 3.9 is an example of linear array architecture. The performance of a linear array architecture can be enhanced using data broadcasting to reduce the pipelining latency in a systolic array where data are propagated only to its nearest neighboring PE. In [13], it is suggested to broadcast either the current block pixels or the search area pixels so that PEs that need these data can be computed earlier. Obviously, when the array size grows, long global interconnection buses will be needed to facilitate data broadcasting. This may increase the critical path delay and hence slow down the applicable clock frequency. A hybrid SIMD (single instruction, multiple data) systolic array, consisting of four columns of 16 PEs, has been proposed by [14]. It is essentially the collection of four independent 16 ×

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ctrl 1



MUX 1 0




MUX 0 1



ctrl 2


FIGURE 3.7 2D array with spiral interconnection (N = 4 and p = 2). PE: processing element, D: delay, ctrl: control line, MUX: multiplexer.

1 linear arrays; hence, it should be considered as a variant of linear array architecture. More recently, a linear array structure was reported in [15]. It is based on slicing and tiling of a 4D DG onto a single 2D plane in order to make the projection easier. Global buses are needed to broadcast search area data. Additional input buffers are required to reorder the input sequence into a format suitable for the processing array. On the other hand, modules can be linearly cascaded for better parallelism or to handle bigger block size as well as a larger search range. Tree-Type Structure (TTS) Architecture TTS is suitable for not only FBMA but also irregular block-matching algorithms such as the three-step hierarchical search. Since each tree level shown in Figure 3.10 can be viewed as a parallel pipeline stage, the latency is shorter. Nevertheless, the computation time is still comparable to those of 1D or 2D array architectures. The problem associated with TTS is the memory bandwidth bottleneck due to the limited number of input pins. This can be alleviated by a method called 1/M-cut subtree, as proposed in [16], to seek a balance between memory bandwidth and hardware complexity. Hybrid Architecture Several hybrid architectures proposed in the literature are now briefly reviewed. In [17], two types (type 1 and type 2) of hybrid architectures are proposed. In these architectures, search area data y are injected into a 2D array with tree adders in a meander-like pattern. The type-1 architecture is similar to the AB2 array [5] shown in Figure 3.6. It imposes

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Reg MADb x





FIGURE 3.8 Diagram of an individual processing element. Reg: register, Com: compare, AD: absolute difference, A: addition, DFF: D flip-flop.














FIGURE 3.9 AB1 architecture [5]. AD: absolute difference, M: memory, -o-: delay. the constraint that N = 2p + 1. The type-2 architecture is analogous to the AS2 array in [5]. These array architectures have registers on both the top and bottom of the processing array to support meander-like movement of search area data. In [17], a hybrid TTS/linear structure has been suggested. This architecture consists of a parallel tree adder to accumulate all the partial sums calculated by a linear array of PEs. To achieve the same throughput as a 2D array, clock frequency must be increased n times from the 2D array, where n is the degree of time-sharing. A register ring is added to accumulate SAD after a tree adder, as reported in [18, 19]. Another hybrid architecture [20] utilizes a linear array of N 1/2-cut subtrees with systolic accumulation instead of a single 1/32-cut subtree, as shown in [16]. Performance Comparison We use the following features to compare different motion estimation array architectures: • Area and complexity • Number of I/O ports and memory bandwidth

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FIGURE 3.10 Tree-type structure [16]. D: absolute difference, A: addition, M: memory. • Throughput rate of motion vectors • Scalability to larger block size and search range • Operating clock frequency • Dynamic power consumption • PE utilization Area and complexity can be represented by the number of PEs, the micro-architecture of an individual PE, and the number of on-chip memory units such as latches, pipeline registers, shift registers, etc. Motion vector computation throughput rate can be determined by block computation time. The memory bandwidth is proportional to the number of I/O ports required by the processing array. I/O ports include current block, search area data, and motion vector output ports. A multiple-chip solution provides the ability to support a bigger block size and search range. With today’s technology, a single-chip solution or subsystem solution is more practical and cost-efficient. A few architectures can truly scale well but require a large number of fan-outs as a result of broadcasting. Block-level PE utilization is taken into consideration rather than the frame level. Power consumption becomes more and more important to support mobile communication technology. The block size of N = 16 and search range of p = 8 are used as common building blocks. In Tables 3.1 and 3.2, the performance parameters are formulated as functions of N and p. For simulated or fabricated layouts, important parameters such as maximum operating frequency, die size, transistor count, and power consumption can be used to evaluate the performance of each architecture in Table 3.2. For example, the bigger the die size, the more likely lower yield becomes, leading to the higher list price. Within a certain amount of broadcasting, the higher the transistor count, the more power is consumed. Otherwise, power consumed by the inherent capacitance and inductance of long and wide interconnection may become more

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apparent. This can affect the battery time of a digital video camcorder and/or multimedia mobile terminal.

3.3 3.3.1

Dedicated Micro-Architecture Design Methodologies for Dedicated Micro-Architecture

A dedicated micro-architecture is a hardware implementation specifically for a given algorithm. It achieves highest performance through both specialization and parallelism. Implementation of Nonrecursive Algorithms Any computing algorithm can be represented by a directed graph where each node represents a task and each directed arc represents the production and consumption of data. In its most primitive form, such a graph is called a data flow graph. Let us consider an algorithm with the following formulation.

Algorithm 4: tmp0= c4*(-x(3)+x(4)); y(3) = ic6*(x(3) + tmp0); y(7) = ic2*(-x(3) + tmp0); It can be translated into a data flow diagram as shown in Figure 3.11. In this algorithm, three additions and three multiplication operations are performed. There are two input data samples, x(3) and x(4), and two output data samples, y(3) and y(7). c4, ic2, and ic6 are precomputed constant coefficients which are stored in memory and will be available whenever needed. To implement this algorithm, one must have appropriate hardware devices to perform addition and multiplication operations. Moreover, each device will be assigned to perform a specific task according to a schedule. The collection of task assignment and schedule for each of the hardware devices then constitutes an implementation of the algorithm.

FIGURE 3.11 An example of a data flow diagram.

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Table 3.1 Architecture Comparison for Search Range p = N/2 = 8 Architecture

Search Range


Computation Time (cycles)

I/O Ports (8 bits)

Memory Units (8 bits)

Komarek and Pirsch [5] AS1 −p/ + p 2p + 1 N (N + 2p)(2p + 1) 3 10p + 6 AB1 −p/ + p N N(N + 2p)(2p + 1) 2N + 1 2N + 1 AS2 −p/ + p N (2p + 1) N (N + 2p) N (N + 2P ) 3(N + P )(3N + 2) + 1 AB2 −p/ + p N2 (N + 2p)(2p + 1) 2N + 1 2N 2 + N + 1 Vos and Stegherr [17] (2D) −p/ + p N2 N2 4 7N 2 + 2Np 2D array (type 1) Linear array −p/ + p N N(2p + 1)2 4 3N 2 + 2Np Yang et al. [13] −p/ + p − 1 N 2p(N 2 + 2p) 4 4N Hsieh and Lin [6] −p/ + p N2 (N + 2p)2 + 5 3 3N 2 + (N − 1)(2p − 1) Jehng et al. [16] −p/ + p N 2 /16 32(2p + 1)2 4 N 2 /16 + 1 Wu and Yeh [14] −p/ + p 4N 2N (2N + p) 4 N2 2 Nam et al. [18] & −p/ + p − 1 N (2p) N + N + log2 N 4 8N + 1 Nam and Lee [19] −p + 1/ + p 2N (2p)2 N 6 9N + 4p Chang et al. [15] 2 Yeo and Hu [8] −p/ + p − 1 N N2 4 2N 2 2 2 Pan et al. [7] −p + 1/ + p − 1 2N (N + 2p)(p + 3) N +3 2N + 4N + 1 Chen et al. [20] −p/ + p 2N 2 + 2 (2p + 2N/M)(2p + 1) 3 2N 2 + 2N + 2 Lee and Lu [11] −p/ + p − 1 N2 (2p)2 4 5N 2 + 2(N − 1)(N + 2p) 2 You and Lee [12] −p/ + p − 1 kv (2pN ) /kv 10 (N + 2p)2 2 2 2 Chen and Kung [10] −p/ + p N N 3 2N + (N + 2p)2 2 2 STi3220 [21] −p/ + p − 1 N N + 46 5 2N 2 2 2 Kittitornkun and Hu [9] −p/ + p (2p + 1) N 4 3(2p + 1)2 + N 2 Note: The number of PE corresponds to the number of arithmetic units that perform absolute difference (AD), addition (A), and comparison (M).

Table 3.2 Parameter Comparison of Fabricated or Simulated Layouts Architecture

Techno. (µm)

Max Freq (MHz)

I/O Pads

Die size (mm2 )

Transistor Count

Power Consum. (W)

Yang et al. [13]




3.15 × 3.13



Hsieh and Lin [6] Wu and Yeh [14]

1.0 0.8

120 23

Na. 65

Na. 5.40 × 4.33

Na. 86,000

Na. Na.

Chang et al. [15]




6.44 × 5.26



Vos and Schobinger [22] Nam and Lee [19] Chen et al. [20] Lee and Lu [11]

0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8

72 50 30 100

Na. Na. 97 84

228 Na. 12.0 × 4.3 9.5 × 7.2

1,050,000 Na. Na. 310,000

Sti3220 [21]






Na. Na. Na. 1.95 @ 50 MHz 2.4 @ 20 MHz

Na.: not available.

Assume that four hardware devices, two adders and two multipliers, are available. The delay for an addition is one time unit, whereas for a multiplication it is two time units. Furthermore, assume that after the execution of each task, the result will be stored in a temporary storage element (e.g., a register) before it is used as the input by a subsequent task. A possible implementation of Algorithm 4 is illustrated in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3 Implementation # 1 of Algorithm 4

In this table, each column represents one time unit, and each row represents a particular device. The numerical number in each shaded box corresponds to the particular task in the data flow graph. Blanked cells indicate that the corresponding device is left idle. Note that task 2 cannot be commenced before task 1 is completed. This relationship is known as data dependence. Also note that in time unit 4, tasks 3 and 5 are executed in both adders in parallel. This is also the case in time units 5 to 6 where tasks 4 and 6 are executed in the two multipliers in parallel. Thus, with a sufficient number of hardware devices, it is possible to exploit parallelism to expedite the computation. Suppose now that only one adder and one multiplier are available; then an implementation will take longer to execute. An example is given in Table 3.4. Note that the total execution time is increased from 6 to 8 time units. However, only half the hardware is needed. Let us consider yet another possible implementation of Algorithm 4 when there is a stream of data samples to be processed by the hardware.

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Table 3.4 Implementation # 2 of Algorithm 4

Algorithm 5: for i = 1 to . . ., tmp0(i)= c4*(x(3,i)+x(4,i)); y(3,i) = ic6*(x(3,i) + tmp0(i)); y(7,i) = ic2*(x(3,i) + tmp0(i)); end Algorithm 5 contains an infinite loop of the same loop body as Algorithm 4. Since the output of loop i (tmp0(i), y(3,i), y(7,i)) does not depend on the output of other iterations, the corresponding DG of Algorithm 5 will contain infinitely many copies of the DG of a single iteration shown in Figure 3.11. Since the DGs of different iteration index i are independent, we need to focus on the realization of the DG of a single iteration. Then we may duplicate the implementation of one iteration to realize other iterations. In particular, if the input data samples x(3,i) and x(4,i) are sampled sequentially as i increases, multiple iterations of the this algorithm can be implemented using two adders and three multipliers (Table 3.5).

Table 3.5 Multi-Iteration Implementation # 1 of Algorithm 5

Note: Cells with the same texture or shade belong to tasks of the same iteration. In this implementation, each type of box shading corresponds to a particular iteration index i. This implementation differs from the previous two implementations in several ways: (1) Multiple iterations are realized on the same set of hardware devices. (2) Each adder or multiplier performs the same task or tasks in every iteration. In other words, each task is assigned to a hardware device statically, and the schedule is periodic. Also, note that execution of tasks of successive iterations overlap. Thus, we have an overlap schedule. (3) While each iteration will take seven time units in total to compute, every successive iteration can be initiated every two time units. Hence, the throughput rate of this implementation is two

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time units per iteration. The average duration between the initiation of successive iterations is known as the initiation interval. Comparing these three implementations, clearly there are trade-offs between the amount of resource utilized (number of hardware devices, for example) and the performance (the total delay, in this case) achieved. In general, this can be formulated as one of two constrained optimization problems: • Resource-constrained synthesis problem — Given the maximum amount of resources, derive an implementation of an algorithm A such that its performance is maximized. • Performance-constrained synthesis problem — Given the desired performance objective, derive an implementation of an algorithm A such that the total cost of hardware resources is minimized. The resource-constrained synthesis problem has an advantage in that it guarantees a solution as long as the available hardware resource is able to implement every required task in algorithm A. On the other hand, given the desired performance objective, an implementation may not exist regardless of how many hardware resources are used. For example, if the performance objective is to compute the output y(3) and y(7) within four time units after input data x(3) and x(4) are made available, then it is impossible to derive an implementation to achieve this goal. Implementation of Recursive Algorithms Let us consider the following example: Algorithm 6: for i = 1 to . . . y(i) = a*y(i-1) + x(i) end This is a recursive algorithm since the execution of the present iteration depends on the output from the execution of a previous iteration. The data flow graph of this recursive algorithm is shown in Figure 3.12. The dependence relations are labeled with horizontal arrows. The

FIGURE 3.12 Data flow graph of Algorithm 6. thick arrows indicate inter-iteration dependence relations. Hence, the execution of the ith iteration will have to wait for the completion of the (i − 1)th iteration. The data flow graph can be conveniently expressed as an iterative computation dependence graph (ICDG) that contains only one iteration, but label the inter-iteration dependence arc with a dependence distance d, which is a positive integer. This is illustrated in Figure 3.13. We note that for a nonrecursive algorithm, even if it has an infinite number of iterations (e.g., Algorithm 4), its complete data flow graph contains separate copies of the DG of each iteration. These DGs have no inter-iteration dependence arc linking them.

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FIGURE 3.13 ICDG of Algorithm 6. A challenge in the implementation of a recursive algorithm is that one must consider the interiteration dependence relations. Many design theories have been developed toward this goal [4], [23]–[25]. The focus of study has been on the feasibility of performance-constrained synthesis. Given a desired throughput rate (initiation interval), one wants to derive an implementation that can achieve the desired performance using the minimum number of hardware modules. Suppose that multiplication takes two clock cycles and addition takes one clock cycle. It is easy to see that y(i) cannot be computed until three clock cycles after y(i) is computed. In other words, the minimum initiation interval is (2+1) = 3 clock cycles. In a more complicated ICDG that contains more than one tightly coupled cycle, the minimum initiation interval can be found according to the formula τi (k) i

Imin = Max k

j (k)


where τi (k) is the computation time of the ith node of the kth cycle in the ICDG and j (k) is the j th inter-iteration dependence distance in the kth cycle. Let us now consider the example in Figure 3.14. There are two cycles in the ICDG in this figure. The initiation interval can be

FIGURE 3.14 An ICDG containing two cycles. calculated as follows: Imin = max{(3 + 1 + 2 + 2)/(1 + 2), (3 + 2 + 2)/2} = max{8/3, 7/2} = 3.5 If the desired initiation interval is larger than the minimum initiation interval, one may consider any efficient implementation of a single iteration of the ICDG, and then simply duplicate that implementation to realize computations of different iterations. For example, in the case of Algorithm 6, one may use a single adder and a multiplier module to implement the algorithm if, say, the desired throughput rate is one data sample per four clock cycles. The corresponding implementation is quite straightforward (Table 3.6). Here we assume that x(i) is available at every fourth clock cycle: 4, 8, 12, . . . . Thus the addition operation can take place only at these clock cycles. The shaded boxes in the adder row of Table 3.6 are also labeled with the corresponding y(i) computed at the end of that

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Table 3.6 Implementation of Algorithm 6

Note: Initiation interval = four clock cycles.

clock cycle. The multiplication can then be performed in the immediate next two clock cycles. However, the addition must wait until x(i) is ready. Suppose now the desired throughput rate is increased to one sample per two clock cycles, which is smaller than the minimum initiation interval of three clock cycles. What should we do? The solution is to use an algorithm transformation technique known as the lookahead transformation. In essence, the look-ahead transformation is to substitute the iteration expression of one iteration into the next so as to reduce the minimum initiation interval at the expense of more computations per iteration. For example, Algorithm 6, after applying the look-ahead transformation once, can be represented as: Algorithm 7: for i = 1 to . . . y(i) = aˆ2*y(i-2) + a*x(i-1) + x(i) end The corresponding ICDG is displayed in Figure 3.15. The new minimum initiation interval

FIGURE 3.15 ICDG of Algorithm 7. now becomes: (2 + 1)/2 = 1.5 < 2 clock cycles, as desired. Next, the question is how to implement this transformed algorithm with dedicated hardware modules. To address this question, another algorithm transformation technique called loop unrolling is very useful. Specifically, we consider splitting the sequence {y(i)} into two subsequences {ye(i)} and {yo(i)} such that ye(i) = y(2i) and yo(i) = y(2i + 1). Then the iterations in Algorithm 7 can be divided into two subiterations with ye(i) and yo(i): Algorithm 8: for i = 1 to . . .

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ye(i) = aˆ2*ye(i-1) + a*x(2i-1) + x(2i) yo(i) = aˆ2*yo(i-1) + a*x(2i) + x(2i+1) end To implement Algorithm 8, we denote a new sequence u(i) = x(i) + a ∗ x(i − 1) Then one can see that Algorithm 8 corresponds to two independent subloops: ye(i) = a 2 ∗ ye(i − 1) + u(2i) yo(i) = a 2 ∗ yo(i − 1) + u(2i + 1) Each of these subloops will compute at a rate twice as slow as u(i) is computed. Since x(i) is sampled at a rate of one sample per two clock cycles, ye(i) and yo(i) each will be computed at a rate of one sample every four clock cycles. Hence, on average, the effective throughput rate is one sample of y(i) every two clock cycles. A possible implementation is shown in Table 3.7.

Table 3.7 Implementation of the Loop-Unrolled ICDG of Algorithm 8

In this implementation, u(i) is computed using the adder and multiplier #1. For example, u(3) is computed after a ∗ x(2) is computed and x(3) is available during the fifth clock cycle. The two subloops share a common multiplier #2 and the same adder that is used to compute u(i). Note that a 2 ∗ ye(i) or a 2 ∗ yo(i) is computed right after ye(i) or yo(i) is computed in the adder. Also note that there are four clock cycles between when ye(1) and ye(2) are computed. This is also the case between yo(1) and yo(2). In the rest of this section, we survey a few multimedia algorithms and the corresponding implementations.


Feed-Forward Direct Synthesis: Fast Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)

Dedicated Micro-Architecture for 1D Eight-Point DCT An N-point DCT is defined as: y(k) = c(k)

N−1 n=0


2π k(2n + 1) x(n) 4N


√ √ where c(0) = 1/ N and c(k) = (2/N ), 1 ≤ k ≤ N − 1. The inverse DCT can be rewritten as: x(n) =

N−1 k=0

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2π k(2n + 1) c(k)y(k) 4N


For the case of N = 8, the DCT can be written as a matrix vector product [26] y = C8 x


The 8 × 8 matrix C8 can be factored into the product of three matrices: C8 = P8 K8 B


where P8 is a permutation matrix, and K8 is a block diagonal matrix   G1  1 G1  K8 =    G2 2 G4 cos(3π/8) cos(π/8) with G1 = cos(π/4), G2 = , and − cos(π/8) cos(3π/8)   cos(5π/16) cos(9π/16) cos(3π/16) cos(π/16)  − cos(π/16) cos(5π/16) cos(9π/16) cos(3π/16)  G4 =  − cos(3π/16) − cos(π/16) cos(5π/16) cos(9π/16) − cos(9π/16) − cos(3π/16) − cos(π/16) cos(5π/16)



is an anticirculant matrix. Finally, B can be further factored into the product of three matrices consisting of 0, 1, and −1 as its entries: B = B1 B2 B3 . Based on this factorization, Feig and Winograd [26] proposed an efficient eight-point DCT algorithm that requires 13 multiplication operations and 29 additions. An implementation of this algorithm in MatlabTM m-file format is listed below. Algorithm 9: Fast DCT Algorithm function y=fdct(x0); % implementation of fast DCT algorithm by Feig and Winograd % IEEE Trans. SP, vol. 40, No. 9, pp. 2174-93, 1992. % (c) copyright 1998, 1999 by Yu Hen Hu % % Note that the array index is changed from 0:7 to 1:8 % These are constants which can be stored as parameters. C1 = 1/cos(pi/16); C2=1/cos(pi/8); C3 =1/cos(3*pi/16); C4 = cos(pi/4); C5 = 1/cos(5*pi/16); C6 = 1/cos(3*pi/8); C7 =1/cos(7*pi/16); % Multiply A1 = x0(1) A2 = x0(2) A3 = x0(3) A4 = x0(4)

by B3 + x0(8); + x0(7); + x0(6); + x0(5);

A5 A6 A7 A8

= = = =

x0(1) x0(2) x0(3) x0(4)

% Multiply by B2 A9 = A1 + A4; A10 = A2 + A3; A11 = A1 - A4; A12 = A2 - A3;

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x0(8); x0(7); x0(6); x0(5);

% Multiply by B1 A13 = A9 + A10; A14 = A9 - A10; % multiply by (1/2) G1 M1 = (1/2)*C4*A13; % y(1) M2 = (1/2)*C4*A14; % y(5) % multiply by (1/2) G2 A15 = -A12 + A11; M3 = cos(pi/4)*A15; A20 = A12 + M3; A21 = -A12 + M3; M6 = (1/4)*C6*A20; % y(3) M7 = (1/4)*C2*A21; % y(7) % Now multiply by (1/2)G4 % multiply by H_42 A16 = A8 - A5; A17 = -A7 + A5; A18 = A8 + A6; A19 = -A17 + A18; % Multiply by 1, G1, G2 M4 = C4*A16; M5 = C4*A19; A22 = A17 + M5; A23 = -A17 + M5; M8 = (1/2)*C6*A22; M9 = (1/2)*C2*A23; % Multiply by H_41, then by Dˆ-1, and then 1/2 this is G4 % then multiply by (1/2) to make it (1/2) G4 A24 = - A7 + M4; A25 = A7 + M4; A26 = A24 - M8; A27 = A25 + M9; A28 = -A24 - M8; A29 = -A25 + M9; M10 = -(1/4)*C5*A26; % y(2) M11 = -(1/4)*C1*A27; % y(4) M12 = (1/4)*C3*A28; % y(8) M13 = -(1/4)*C7*A29; % y(6) y(1) = M1; y(2) = M10; y(3) = M6; y(4) = M11; y(5) = M2; y(6) = M13; y(7) = M7; y(8) = M12; To support high-throughput real-time image and video coding, a DCT algorithm must be executed at a speed that matches the I/O data rate. For example, in HDTV applications, videos are processed at a rate of 30 frames per second, with each frame 2048 × 4096 pixels. At a 4:1:1 ratio, there can be as many as 30 × (6/4) × 2048 × 4096 × (2 × 8)/64 = 45 × 211+12+1+3−6 = 94, 371, 840 ≈ 94.5 million 8-point DCT operations to be performed within one second. Hence, dedicated micro-architecture will be needed in such an application. The DG shown in Figure 3.16 completely describes the algorithm and dictates the ordering of each operation that needs to be performed. In this figure, the inputs x(0) to x(7) are made available at the left end and the results y(0) to y(7) are computed and made available at the right end. Each shaded square box represents a multiplication operation, and each shaded circle represents an addition. The open circles do not correspond to any arithmetic operations, but are used to depict the routing of data during computation. Since the direction of dependence is always from left to right, it is omitted in Figure 3.16 in the interests of clarity. From Figure 3.16, it can be identified that the critical path is from any of the input nodes to M5, and from there to any of the four output nodes y(1), y(3), y(5), and y(7). The total delay is five additions and three multiplications.

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FIGURE 3.16 Dependence graph of the fast DCT algorithm.

Once a dependence graph is derived, one may directly map the DG into a dedicated hardware implementation by (1) designating a hardware module to realize each computation node in the DG, and (2) interconnecting these hardware modules according to the directed arcs in the DG. Two types of hardware modules will be used here: an adder module, which takes one clock cycle to perform an addition, and a multiplier module, which takes two clock cycles to compute a multiplication. The mapping of the DG into a hardware module is a binding process where each node of the DG is mapped onto one hardware module which can implement the function to be performed on that node. A single hardware module may be used to implement one or more nodes on the DG. As in the previous section, we assume the output of each hardware module will be held in a register.

a. Performance-Constrained Micro-Architecture Synthesis Suppose that one may use as many hardware modules as needed. Then, from a theoretical point of view, one may always derive an implementation to achieve the desired throughput rate. This is because successive eight-point DCT operations are independent of each other. For each new arriving eight-point data sample, one can always assign a new set of hardware modules and initiate the computation immediately. Hence the minimum initiation interval can be made as small as possible. The only limiting factor would be the speed to redirect data samples into appropriate hardware modules. Next, suppose that in addition to the throughput rate, the latency (time between arrival of data samples and when they are computed) is also bounded. The minimum latency, given that a sufficient number of hardware modules are available, is equal to the time delay along the critical path, which includes five addition operations and three multiplication operations. Thus, the minimum latency is 5 × 1 + 3 × 2 = 11 clock cycles. The maximum latency is equal to the total computing time, with every operation executed sequentially. Thus, the upper bound of latency is 29 × 1 + 13 × 2 = 55 clock cycles.

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Table 3.8 shows an implementation that achieves a throughput rate of one 8-point DCT per clock cycle and a latency of 11 clock cycles. Note that if the clock frequency is greater than 95 MHz, then this implementation can deliver the required throughput rate for HDTV main profile performance. The implementation is expressed in a warped format to save space. In this table, each item Ai(1 ≤ i ≤ 29) or Mj (1 ≤ j ≤ 13) refers to a separate hardware module and should take up a separate raw in the implementation. In Table 3.8, each entry Ai or Mj gives the schedule of the particular hardware module corresponding to the same set of eight data samples.

Table 3.8 A Dedicated Implementation of 8-Point DCT A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8

A9 A10 A11 A12 A16 A17 A18

A13 A14 A15

M1 M2 M3

M1 M2 M3





A24 A25 M5

A20 A21

A22 A23

M6 M7

M8 M9

M6 M7

M8 M9

A26 A27 A28 A29

M10 M11 M12 M13

M10 M11 M12 M13

Note: Throughput = 1 DCT/clock cycle, latency = 11 clock cycles. The implementation is shown in a compact format.

In this implementation, 29 full adders and 13 pipelined multipliers are used. By pipelined multiplier, we require each multiplication to be accomplished in two successive stages, with each stage taking one clock cycle. A buffer between these two stages will store the intermediate result. This way, while stage 2 is completing the second half of the multiplication of the present iteration, stage 1 can start computing the first half of the multiplication of data from the next iteration. Thus, with two-stage pipelined operation, such a multiplier can achieve a throughput rate of one multiplication per clock cycle. On the other hand, if one type of multiplier module which cannot be broken into two pipelined stages is used, then two multipliers must be used to realize each multiplication operation in Table 3.6 in an interleaved fashion. This is illustrated in Figure 3.17. The odd number of the data set will use multiplier #1 while the even number of the data set will use multiplier #2. As such, on average, two multiplication operations can be performed in two clock cycles. This translates into an effective throughput rate of one multiplication per clock cycle. However, the total number of multiplier modules needed will increase to 2 × 13 = 26.

FIGURE 3.17 Illustration of the difference between pipelined and interleaved multiplier implementation.

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Let us consider relaxing the performance constraints by lowering the throughput rate to one 8-point DCT per two clock cycles and allowing longer latency. One possible implementation, in a compact format, is shown in Table 3.9.

Table 3.9 Eight-Point DCT Implementation

Note: Throughput rate: 1 DCT per 2 clock cycles; latency: 12 clock cycles; 15 adder modules and 13 multipliers are used.

In this implementation, we use only regular multiplier modules. If we use two-stage pipelined multiplier modules, the number of multipliers can further be reduced to seven. In order to minimize the number of adder modules, we choose to execute A26 and A27 (as well as A28 and A29) sequentially. This change accounts for the additional clock cycle of latency.

b. Resource-Constrained Micro-Architecture Synthesis In a resource-constrained synthesis problem, the number of hardware modules is given. The objective is to maximize the performance (throughput rate) under this resource constraint. To illustrate, let us consider the situation where only one adder module and one multiplier module is available. In Table 3.10, the first row gives the clock-by-clock schedule for the adder module,

Table 3.10 Implementation of 8-Point DCT with 1 Adder and 1 Multiplier

and the second row gives the schedule for the multiplier module. The shaded area (M2, M6, M7) indicates that those multiplication operations belong to the previous data set. Thus, this is an overlapped schedule. The initiation interval is 29 clock cycles — the minimum that can be achieved with only one adder module. The execution of the adder and the multiplier are completely overlapped. Hence, we can conclude that this is one of the optimal solutions that maximize the throughput rate (1 DCT in 29 clock cycles), given the resource constraint (one adder and one multiplier module).

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c. Practical Implementation Considerations In the above synthesis examples, the complexity of inter-module communication paths (buses) is not taken into account, nor do we factor in the amount of temporary storage elements (registers) needed to facilitate such realization. Furthermore, in practical hardware synthesis, not all modules have the same word length. Due to the addition and multiplication operations, the dynamic range (number of significant digits) will increase. The adder at a later stage of computing will need more bits. Therefore, before commencing a hardware synthesis, it is crucial to study the numerical property of this fast DCT algorithm and determine its quantization noise level to ensure that it meets the requirements of the standard. Generalization to 2D Scaled DCT In image and video coding standards such as JPEG and MPEG, a 2D DCT is to be performed on an 8 × 8 image pixel block X: Y = C8 XCT8


This corresponds to a consecutive matrix–matrix product. An array structure can be developed to realize this operation using a systolic array. However, it would require many multipliers. In [26], a different approach is taken. First, we note that the above formulation can be converted into a matrix–vector product between a 64 × 64 matrix formed by the kroenecker product of the DCT matrix, C8 ⊗ C8 , and a 64 × 1 vector X formed by concatenating columns of the X matrix. The result is a 64 × 1 vector Y that gives each column of the Y matrix: Y = (C8 ⊗ C8 ) X


The C8 matrix can be factorized, in this case, into the product as follows: C8 = P8 D8 R8,1 M8 R8,2


where P8 is the same permutation matrix as in the 1D eight-point DCT algorithm. D8 is an 8 × 8 diagonal matrix; R8,1 is a matrix containing elements of 0, 1, and −1; and R8,2 is the product of three matrices, each of which contains 0, 1, and −1 elements only.   1  1      1     cos(π/8)   M8 =  (3.15)  1     cos(π/8)    cos(3π/16) cos(π/16)  − cos(π/16) cos(3π/16) For the kroenecker product C8 ⊗ C8 , the factorization becomes

C8 ⊗ C8 = P8 D8 R8,1 M8 R8,2 ⊗ P8 D8 R8,1 M8 R8,2

= P8 D8 ⊗ P8 D8 • R8,1 M8 R8,2 ⊗ R8,1 M8 R8,2 (3.16)

= P8 ⊗ P8 • D8 ⊗ D8 • R8,1 ⊗ R8,1 • M8 ⊗ M8 • R8,2 ⊗ R8,2 Hence a fast 2D DCT algorithm can be developed accordingly. The hardware implementation approach will be similar to that of 1D DCT. However, the complexity will be significantly greater.

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One advantage of the factorization expression in (3.13) is that a scaled DCT can be performed. Scaled DCT is very useful for JPEG image coding and MPEG intra-frame coding standards. In these standards, the DCT coefficients will be multiplied element by element to a quantization matrix to deemphasize visually unimportant frequency components before applying scalar quantization. Thus, for each block, there will be 64 additional multiplication operations performed before quantization can be applied. In effect, this quantization matrix can be formulated as a 64 × 64 diagonal matrix W such that the scaled DCT coefficient vector

( = WY = W • P8 ⊗ P8 • D8 ⊗ D8 • R8,1 ⊗ R8,1 • M8 ⊗ M8 • R8,2 ⊗ R8,2 X (3.17) A complicated flow chart of the above algorithm is given in the appendix of [26]. Due to space limitations, it is not included here. The basic ideas of designing a dedicated micro-architecture for 2D scaled DCT will be similar to 1D DCT.


Feedback Direct Synthesis: Huffman Coding

In this section, we turn our attention to the dedicated micro-architecture implementation of a different class of recursive multimedia algorithms, known as the Huffman entropy coding algorithm. Huffman coding encodes symbols with variable-length binary streams without a separator symbol. It is based on the probability of symbol appearances in the vocabulary. Often the encoding table is designed off line. During encoding, each symbol is presented to the encoder and a variable-length bitstream is generated accordingly. This is essentially a table-lookup procedure. The decoding procedure is more complicated: For each bit received, the decoder must decide whether it is the end of a specific code or it is in the middle of a code. In other words, the decoder must be realized as a sequential machine. Due to the variable-length feature, the number of cycles to decode a codeword varies. The throughput in this case is 1 bit per clock cycle. Let us consider a Huffman decoding example. Assume the coding table is as in Table 3.11. Then we may derive the Mealy model state diagram, as shown in Figure 3.18.

Table 3.11 A Huffman Coding Table Symbol A B C D E F

Codeword 0 10 1100 1101 1110 1111

Usually the total number of states is the total number of symbols minus 1, and the longest cycle in the state diagram equals the longest codewords. In practical applications, such as in JPEG or MPEG, there are a large number of symbols and long codewords. For example, in the JPEG AC Huffman table, there are 162 symbols, and many codewords are as long as 16 bits. Implementation of Finite State Machine A general structure of implementing finite state machine is shown in Figure 3.19. The state variables are implemented with flip-flops. The combinational circuits can be realized

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FIGURE 3.18 State diagram of the Huffman coding algorithm.

FIGURE 3.19 Finite state machine implementation of Huffman decoding algorithm.

with read-only memory (ROM), programmable logic array (PLA), or dedicated logic gates. The design issues include: (1) how high the clock rate can go, and (2) how complicated the combinational circuit design will be. In the above example, there are five states (a, b, c, d, and e), which require at least three state variables to represent. There are seven output symbols (A, B, C, D, E, F, and ——) to be encoded in an additional 3 bits. Thus, there are at least six outputs of the combinational circuit. In other words, the combinational circuit consists of six Boolean functions sharing the same set of four Boolean variables (3 state variables + 1 bit input). If a ROM is used, it will have a size of 16 words with each word containing 6 bits. Let us consider yet another example of the JPEG AC Huffman table. The JPEG AC Huffman code contains 161 symbols and has a codeword length smaller than or equal to 16 bits. Since the Huffman tree has 161 nodes, it requires at least eight state variables (28 = 256 > 161). Output symbol encoding will also require 8 bits. If a ROM is used to realize the combinational circuit, then it will have a size of 29 × (8 + 8) = 512 × 16 = 8K bits. The above implementation using a finite state machine ensures a constant input rate in that it consumes 1 bit each clock cycle. The number of symbols produced at the output varies. However, on average, the number of clock cycles needed to produce a symbol is roughly equal to the average codeword length Lavg . Asymptotically, Lavg is a good approximation of the entropy of the underlying symbol probability distribution. If the input throughput rate is to be increased, we may scan more than 1 bit at each clock cycle provided the input data rate is at least twice the decoder’s internal clock rate. This will not increase the number of states, but it will make the state transition more complicated. For example, if each time 2 bits of input data are scanned, the corresponding state diagram will be as in Figure 3.20. The size of the state table doubles for each additional bit being scanned in a clock cycle. If a ROM is used to realize the state table, the number of addresses will double accordingly. Moreover, since there can be more than one symbol in the output during each clock cycle, the

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FIGURE 3.20 State diagram decoding 2 bits at a time.

word length of the ROM will also be increased accordingly. Hence it is a trade-off between hardware complexity and throughput rate. Lei et al. [27] have proposed a constant output rate Huffman decoding method using FSM realization. This is accomplished by scanning L bits of input at a time, with M being the maximum codeword length. Each time, exactly one codeword is decoded. The remaining bits, which are not part of the decoded symbols, then will be realigned and decoded again. Let us consider the following bitstream 00110010011100100. During decoding, the decoder scans the first 4 bits (0011) and determines that the first symbol is A(0). Next, it shifts by 1 (since A is encoded by 1 bit) and decodes the second bit as A again. Next, after shifting another bit, its window contains 1100, which is decoded as C. The next iteration, it will shift 4 bits instead of 1 bit because the entire 1100 is used. Therefore, during each clock cycle, one symbol is decoded. However, the rate at which the input data stream is consumed depends on the composition of the given sequence. This process is depicted in Figure 3.21. Each double arrow line segment indicates the 4 bits being scanned in a clock cycle. 0 : A indicates that the left-most bit 0 is being decoded to yield the symbol A. Of course, one can be more opportunistic by allowing more than one symbol to be decoded in each L-bit window and thereby increase the decoding rate, at the expense of additional hardware complexity.

FIGURE 3.21 Illustration of constant symbol decoding rate Huffman decoder.

Concurrent VLC Decoding [28] One way to further increase the coding speed is to exploit parallelism by decoding different segments of a bitstream concurrently. Successive M-bit segments will be overlapped by an

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L-bit window, where M >> L and L is the maximum codeword length. Therefore, there must be a split of two codewords within this window. In other words, in the successive Mbitstreams, each can have at most L different starting bit positions within that L-bit window. By comparing the potential starting bit position within this L-bit window of two M-bitstreams, we can uniquely determine the actual starting point of each stream and therefore decouple the successive streams to allow concurrent decoding. To illustrate, consider the bitstream in Figure 3.22 and the partition into M = 10 bitstreams with an L = 4 bits overlapping window:

FIGURE 3.22 Concurrent VLC decoding. In this figure, the dashed lines within each window indicate the legitimate codeword splitting positions. The upper dashed lines are identified from the upper stream segments and the lower dashed lines are from the lower stream segments. If the upper and lower splitting points overlap, it will be accepted as a likely codeword splitting point. To elaborate, let us consider window #1, which is the trailing window of the first upper stream segment. We note that if the splitting point is at the position to the left of the window, then the previous 4 bits (0110) do not correspond to any 4-bit symbols. They do contain the codeword B (10) as the last 2 bits. But then the first 2 bits (01) must be part of a 4-bit codeword. In fact, from the Huffman table, they must be part of the codeword 1101. Unfortunately, the 2 bits to the left of the stream (0110) are 10 (the first 2 bits from the left). Hence, we conclude that such a split is not valid. In other words, for each potential split position, we must trace back to the remainder of the bitstream segment to validate if there is a legitimate split. In practical implementation, for each stream segment, and each potential codeword splitting position in the leading window, a Huffman decoding will be performed. If the decoder encounters an illegitimate Huffman code along the way, the splitting point is deemed infeasible and the next potential splitting point will be tested. If a splitting point in the leading window is consistent up to a codeword that partially falls within the trailing window, the corresponding split position at the trailing window will be recorded together with the splitting point in the leading window of the same segment. The legitimate splitting points in the same window of the successive stream segments then will be regarded as true codeword splitting points. After these points are determined, concurrent decoding of each stream segment will commence.


Concluding Remarks

In this chapter, we surveyed implementation strategies for application-specific multimedia signal processors. Using the application of video coding as an example, we illustrated how each design style is applied to synthesize dedicated realization under different constraints. Current research efforts have been focused on low-power implementation and reconfigurable architecture. With these new research efforts, there will be more alternatives for designers to choose.

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Chapter 4 Superresolution of Images with Learned Multiple Reconstruction Kernels

Frank M. Candocia and Jose C. Principe



Superresolution is the term given to the signal processing operation that achieves a resolution higher than the one afforded by the physical sensor. This term is prevalent within the radar community and involves the ability to distinguish objects separated in space by less than the resolution afforded by radar. In the domain of optical images the problem is akin to that of perfect reconstruction[1, 2]. As such, this chapter will address the issue of image magnification (also referred to as interpolation, zooming, enlargement, etc.) from a finite set of samples. An example where magnification can aid multimedia applications is video teleconferencing, where the bit rate constraints limit video throughput. Such restrictions typically result in the transmission of a highly compressed and size-limited video sequence of low visual quality. In this context, the task of superresolution thus becomes one of restoring lost information to the compressed sequence of images so as to result in their magnification as well as providing a sharper and/or less degraded image. Among the areas in which multimedia can benefit from superresolution, the focus herein is on the image processing resulting in the superresolution of still images. The benefits afforded by the proposed architecture will be examined and several issues related to the methodology will be discussed. Commonly, image magnification is accomplished through convolution of the image samples with a single kernel — such as the bilinear, bicubic [3], or cubic B-spline kernels [4] — and any postprocessing or subsequent image enhancement would typically be performed in an ad hoc fashion. The mitigation of artifacts, due to either aliasing or other phenomena, by this type of linear filtering is very limited. More recently, magnification techniques based on image domain knowledge have been the subject of research. For example, directional methods [5, 6] examine an image’s local edge content and interpolate in the low-frequency direction (along the edge) rather than in the high-frequency direction (across the edge). Multiple kernel methods typically select between a few ad hoc interpolation kernels [7]. Orthogonal transform methods focus on the use of the discrete cosine transform (DCT) [8, 9] and the wavelet transform [10]. Variational methods formulate the interpolation problem as the constrained minimization of a functional [11, 12]. An extended literature survey discussing these methods at great length has been provided by Candocia [1]. The approach presented herein is novel and addresses the ill-posed nature of superresolution by assuming that similar (correlated) neighborhoods remain similar across scales, and that this a priori structure can be learned locally from available image samples across scales. Such local

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information extraction has been prominent in image compression schemes for quite some time, as evidenced by JPEG- [13] and PCA- [14] based approaches, which typically compress the set of nonoverlapping subblocks of an image. Recent compression approaches also exploit the interblock correlation between subblocks [15, 16]. The goal is to divide the set of subblocks into a finite number of disjoint sets that can individually be represented more efficiently than the original set. Our approach is similar in spirit in that we exploit interblock correlation for mapping similar overlapping neighborhoods to their high-resolution counterparts. However, no one before us has proposed using this information to create constraints that can superresolve images. We further show that a very simple local architecture can learn this structure effectively. Moreover, our approach is shown to be equivalent to a convolution with a family of kernels established from available images and “tuned” to their local characteristics, which represents an extension to conventional sampling theory concepts. The chapter is divided into sections as follows. Section 4.2 conceptually introduces the superresolution that is discussed herein. Comments and observations are made and the methodology from which the local architecture arises is also described. Section 4.3 presents the image acquisition model used for synthesizing our low-resolution images. Section 4.4 describes single and multikernel-based approaches to magnification. Section 4.5 details the local architecture implementing the superresolution methodology. In Section 4.6, several results are presented illustrating the architecture’s capability. Section 4.7 discusses several issues regarding the methodology and Section 4.8 provides our conclusions.


An Approach to Superresolution

The superresolution approach presented here addresses the reconstruction of an image (from a finite set of samples) beyond the limit imposed by the Shannon sampling theory [17, 18]. For the sake of simplicity, our development uses one-dimensional (1D) signals, but the extensions to two dimensions (2D) should be clear. Let x(t), where −∞ < t < ∞, be a continuous signal with maximum frequency content c rad/s. Thus, our analysis is based on band-limited signals. We can represent x(t) as a linear combination of a set of basis functions as x(t) = x[n]k(t, n) (4.1) n

where the linear weighting is given by the samples in x[n] and k(t, n) represents our set of basis functions. Here x[n] ≡ x(nTs ), for integers n satisfying −∞ < n < ∞, and sampling period Ts . The equation describing the perfect reconstruction of a signal in sampling theory is ∞ t x(t) = x(nTs ) sin c −n (4.2) Ts n=−∞ where, by definition, sin c(t) ≡ sin(πt) π t . We see that our basis functions are given by k(t, n) = sin c( Tts − n) and the basis functions in this infinite set are orthogonal [19]; that is, ∞ t t sin c − n sin c − m dt = Ts δ[n − m] . Ts Ts −∞ The perfect reconstruction can be obtained if the sampling period satisfies Ts < T2c where 2π . For time signals, T2c is the critical sampling rate, also called the Nyquist rate. Tc = c

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Therefore, every instance of x(t) can be exactly resolved with an infinite set of samples provided the density of samples is high enough. The sampling period Ts provides the limit to which our signals can be perfectly reconstructed (resolved) from an orthogonal set of linear projections and an infinite number of samples. Notice that the sin c bases are the universal set of linear projections capable of perfectly reconstructing band-limited signals in time (space). This set of bases is universal in that all appropriately sampled infinite extent band-limited signals can be reconstructed with them, irrespective of their content. The case of finite extent data is more realistic, in particular for images. For finite extent data, equation (4.2) can be expressed as x(t) ˆ =

[x(nTs )w[n]] sin c


t Ts



where w[n] describes samples of our window function 1; 0 < n < N − 1 w[n] = 0; otherwise and N is the extent of our window. Notice that the hat superscript in xˆ has been used purposely to denote the approximation afforded by a finite number of data samples. The finite data set reduces the resolvability of the signal. We can see this by examining equation (4.3) in the frequency domain. The continuous Fourier transform of equation (4.3) yields Ts ˆ X() = [X(ω) W (ω)] s s where is the periodic convolution operator, ω = Ts is the angular frequency in radians, X(ω) is the DTFT of x(nTs ) and is periodic of period 2π in ω and 2π Ts in (similarly for W ()), and () = {1 || < 21 ; 0 otherwise}. The effect of the windowing function w[n] in equation (4.3) is to smear (distort) the true frequency spectrum X(), which results in a decreased ability to properly resolve the signal x(t). To illustrate this, consider a down-sampled image of Lena in Figure 4.1a. This image is 128 × 128 samples in size. It is interpolated to 256 × 256 using equation (4.3) and is illustrated in Figure 4.1b. A visual comparison of the interpolated image with the original 256 × 256 image in Figure 4.1c demonstrates that the sin c basis set limits the reconstruction performance. This is standard digital signal processing knowledge: interpolating a digital representation does not improve frequency resolution. In order to improve the frequency resolution, more samples (either longer windows or a higher sampling frequency) of the original signal are necessary [18]. In image processing only a higher sampling frequency will do the job since the window (the scene) is prespecified. The objective of superresolution is to reconstruct x(t) more faithfully than the resolution afforded by equation (4.3), that is, the resolution afforded from a finite set of observed data obtained at a sampling rate Ts .


Comments and Observations

The conditions necessary for perfect signal reconstruction are: (1) there must be no noise associated with the collected samples (e.g., no quantization error), (2) the sampling rate must be higher than the Nyquist sampling rate of the signal, and (3) the signal must be of infinite extent. We can immediately say that in image processing, perfect signal reconstruction is impossible because an image has finite extent. In the practical sampling of optical images, the issue of quantization error is usually not critical. The standard use of an 8-bit dynamic range usually

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FIGURE 4.1 Illustrating the resolution limit imposed by interpolating with the sin c bases of the Shannon sampling theory. Artifacts are clearly visible in the sin c interpolated image of (b). (a) Lena* 128 × 128 image [obtained from (c)]; (b) image interpolated to 256 × 256; (c) original (desired) Lena 256 × 256 image (*Copyright © 1972 by Playboy magazine).

yields highly acceptable and pleasing images. The issue of sampling frequency is much more critical. The information of a natural scene has typically very high spatial frequency content. The sharp contrast we perceive in order to delineate objects (object boundaries) as well as the textural character of those objects are just two of the attributes inherent to the high-frequency content of optical images. As such, the sampling frequency used in collecting optical images is generally not large enough to fully describe a “continuous image” in the sense of the Shannon theory. An interesting attribute of optical images is their highly structured nature. This structure appears locally and can be used to characterize objects in these images; that is, portions of objects can be described as smooth, edgy, etc. Information such as this is not considered in the sampling theory. Let us now make a few observations. Equation (4.2) specifies a set of basis functions which are linearly weighted by the collected samples of the signal x(t). If the samples are collected at a sampling rate Ts that does not meet the critical sampling rate, the set of sin c bases cannot be linearly weighted according to equation (4.2) to perfectly reconstruct our data. However, this does not preclude the existence of other sets of basis functions that could be linearly combined by samples collected at a rate below the critical sampling rate and still yield the signal’s perfect reconstruction. In fact, the perfect reconstruction of a signal according to the Shannon sampling theory only establishes sufficient conditions for the perfect reconstruction

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from samples [17]. If some other knowledge about the signal corresponding to the observed samples is available, then this can be used to develop bases for superresolving a signal. The problem is that when these bases are no longer universal, they become signal dependent. As a simple example, let’s consider the set of piecewise constant time functions where each constant segment in the signals has duration T seconds (e.g., signals quantized in time). An illustration of such a function is provided in Figure 4.2a. Note that this signal has infinite frequency content due to its staircase nature.






(a) 1 *





FIGURE 4.2 Simple example illustrating how perfect reconstruction is possible when a priori knowledge of the relation between signal samples and its corresponding continuous function is known. (a) Piecewise constant continuous function grossly undersampled according to the Nyquist criterion; (b) recovering the continuous function in (a) from its samples requires a simple convolution of the samples with a zero-order-hold kernel. If our observed samples were obtained by sampling this function every T seconds, then clearly the convolution of a zero-order-hold kernel with the observed samples would be optimal for recovering the piecewise constant function. That is, it would yield perfect reconstruction even though the function in question was grossly undersampled according to the Shannon sampling theory. This convolution is pictured in Figure 4.2b. The set of piecewise constant signals is not typically encountered in practice, so the basis set resulting from the zero-order-hold kernel is of limited use. However, this very simple example illustrates that superresolution could be based on a priori knowledge about the signal given the observed samples — irrespective of the frequency content of the signal. Therefore, superresolution is directly associated with methods to acquire extra information about the signal of interest and derive from it appropriate bases. Recently, optimal reconstruction of signals sampled below their Nyquist rate was proved possible by modeling the signal statistics [20]. Ruderman and Bialek derived the optimal filter (which happens to be linear) for reconstructing a signal x(t), which is assumed band limited, Gaussian, zero mean, and stationary. Their results also show that the signal statistics play no role in perfect reconstruction when the Shannon sampling conditions are met. The great lesson from this work is that a statistical description can be used to superresolve a signal from a collected set of samples, irrespective of the relation between sampling frequency and maximum frequency content. However, the analytic result is valid only for stationary Gaussian signals. In practice, real-world signals are typically nonstationary and have very complex statistics. The analytical intractability of determining the optimal filters for complicated density functions, as commented by the authors, limits the practical use of this method.

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However, statistical information about signals can also be obtained with adaptive algorithms. This is the avenue explored in this work.


Finding Bases for Image Representation

Superresolution of images will be possible if the interpolation system uses more efficiently the information contained in the available image samples. This requires projections onto dataspecific sets of bases instead of the ones established by the sampling theorem. Naturally, learning or adaptive system theories play a crucial role in this methodology of designing dataspecific projections. The manner in which these models are realized must be consistent with the information character of images and how this relates to the superresolution problem. The universality of the perfect reconstruction theories is an amazing result, but the price paid is a strict limitation on the resulting resolution. The practical problem is to do the best we can with the available samples in order to superresolve the images. To yield better reconstructed images, we must find alternative sets of projections from which to reconstruct our images. It has been shown that perfect reconstruction can be achieved if a priori signal knowledge is available, but in practice this knowledge is absent. So a central problem is how to capture statistical knowledge about the domain and effectively use it to design basis functions. In determining the set of projections to use, we must either make assumptions regarding our data or learn this a priori knowledge from the available data using nonparametric models. In our work we are concerned with the latter. We herein propose a novel technique for image superresolution by working across scales. From the original image we create a low-resolution version through a down-sampling operation on the original image. The high-resolution image becomes the desired response to a learning system that receives the low-resolution image as input. At this point we have two options to learn a statistical model: either we model the global image statistics or we seek local statistical models. The highly structured and localized nature of images calls for the development of local statistical models. In fact, local models arise naturally from the various structures in images resulting from the objects in the imaged scene. The local models can be practically implemented by learning the relation between low- and high-resolution versions of an image. Two particular traits typical to images can be used in this modeling: • There is much similarity in local structure throughout an image. • This structure is maintained across scales. We now discuss the implications of the existence of these traits in images. Similarity in Local Structure The first trait can be exemplified by considering an image of a face. Local neighborhoods in the person’s cheeks and forehead are generally indistinguishable when viewed independently. We have assumed that the effects of lighting and other “special” attributes (scars, moles, birthmarks, etc.) are absent in this comparison. An easy method to test this observation is to locate these similar image portions in an image and randomly swap them to form a new image. If the new image resembles the original one then our observation is correct. Similarly, all neighborhoods exhibiting a particular characteristic can be treated in practically the same manner. These neighborhoods can be considered generated by the same statistical process. It has been shown that the targets for the neighborhoods can be interpreted as the mean of each statistical process — one for each model used [1]. Examples of this first trait abound in images. It has recently been exploited to increase compression gains. The standard schemes for lossy image compression are based around the

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highly redundant information generally present in small image blocks that could be described in a more efficient and compact manner. In the case of compression via principal component analysis (PCA), a single representation is established for all of the blocks in the image. The recent compression approaches exploit the first image trait by grouping the small blocks of an image into clusters that are most similar (correlated) with one another. In this way, each cluster can be described with an efficient representation of its own — separate from those corresponding to other clusters. Overall, this results in a more efficient image representation than that afforded by the approaches of the standard compression schemes. Across-Scale Similarity If a strong similarity exists between hom*ologous and highly correlated regions of low- and high-resolution images, then it is foreseeable that a simple transformation can associate these neighborhoods across scales. Experimental analysis has shown that such similar information exists locally across scales — a similarity we term scale interdependence. In testing for the existence of such scale interdependence, experiments were performed. The experiments report on the percentage of hom*ologous neighborhoods that were similarly clustered from the lowand high-resolution counterpart images that were analyzed. If a high percentage of these neighborhoods is found, then a strong scale interdependence among neighborhoods is said to exist. A detailed description and analysis of this simple experiment follows. In brief, the experiment considers a low- and high-resolution version of an image, xl [n1 , n2 ] and xh [n1 , n2 ], respectively. The hom*ologous structural neighborhoods of xl [n1 , n2 ] and xh [n1 , n2 ] are then clustered using vector quantization (VQ) [21] to form K disjoint groups. A confusion matrix is constructed in which the most likely ordering for the K groups is sought. Finally, a measure of across-scale similarity is obtained from the percentage of neighborhoods similarly clustered for the most likely ordering obtained. The definition of a hom*ologous neighborhood will be stated shortly. Also, the definition of a structural neighborhood, as well as why these neighborhoods were chosen, will be provided in Section 4.2.3. For now, just note that a structural neighborhood is an affine mapped version of an image neighborhood. The H1 × H2 neighborhoods in the N1 × N2 image xl [n1 , n2 ] form the set of neighborhoods

X = {xl [m1 : m1 + H1 − 1, m2 : m2 + H2 − 1]} m

1 =0,...,N1 −H1 ,m2 =0,...,N2 −H2


The hom*ologous neighborhoods in the high-resolution image are defined as the G1 H1 × G2 H2 neighborhoods in the (M1 = G1 N1 ) × (M2 = G2 N2 ) image xh [n1 , n2 ], which forms the set D = {xh [G1 m1 : G1 m1 + G1 H1 − 1,

G2 m2 : G2 m2 + G2 H2 − 1]} m

1 =0,...,N1 −H1 ,m2 =0,...,N2 −H2


Recall that xl [n1 , n2 ] is simulated from xh [n1 , n2 ] through decimation by a factor of G1 × G2 . The manner in which we have simulated the across-scale neighborhoods yields regions of support that encompass the same physical region of the scene — with the low-resolution neighborhood having fewer samples to describe this region. The corresponding image acquisition model is to be presented. Now the neighborhoods in X are clustered to form K disjoint groups X1 , . . . , XK and the neighborhoods in D are separately clustered to form K disjoint groups D1 , . . . , DK . If the hom*ologous neighborhoods in X and D form similar clusters in their respective images, then the information content of the low- and high-resolution images must be similar in some sense. To determine how well clustered information from the same image relates across scales, we form a confusion matrix as shown in Figure 4.3.

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D1 D2


x1 x2

xK FIGURE 4.3 Confusion matrix for clustered hom*ologous neighborhoods within their low- and highresolution images. The Xj are the disjoint sets of clustered neighborhoods in the lowresolution image and the Dk are the disjoint sets of clustered neighborhoods in the highresolution image, where j, k = 1, . . . , K. The entry in location (j, k) of the matrix is the number of neighborhoods assigned to cluster Xj and Dk , j, k = 1, . . . , K. The interdependence across scales is determined as the maximum number of hom*ologous neighborhoods common to the clusters formed. Since the ordering of the true clusters or “classes” between Xj and Dk is not known, we can’t just examine the contents of the confusion matrix’s diagonal. Instead, we must search for the most likely ordering. This in turn yields a number that reveals a measure of how similar information in the low- and high-resolution images was clustered. This number is easily found with the following simple algorithm: Step 1: Initialize N = 0. Step 2: Find the largest number L in the confusion matrix and save its row and column coordinates (r, c). Step 3: Perform N ← N + L. Step 4: Remove row r and column c from the confusion matrix to form a new confusion matrix with one less row and column. Step 5: If the confusion matrix has no more rows and columns: STOP else Go to step 2. The variable N represents the number of hom*ologous neighborhoods common to similar clusters from the low- and high-resolution images. The percentage of such clustered neighN borhoods is P = (N1 −H1 +1)(N since there are a total of (N1 − H1 + 1)(N2 − H2 + 1) 2 −H2 +1) hom*ologous neighborhoods to cluster in each image. In Figure 4.4 this percentage is plotted as a function of the number of clusters. The highresolution image clustered is 256 × 256 and is pictured in Figure 4.1c (Lena). Two lowresolution counterpart images have been used. One was obtained through (G1 = 2)×(G2 = 2) decimation of the high-resolution image (Figure 4.1a). The other image uses a DCT com-

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pressed version of the low-resolution image. The plots also report on two different neighborhood sizes tested: H1 × H2 = 3 × 3 and H1 × H2 = 5 × 5.

Scale Interdependencies for the Lena Image

1 0.9

Interdependency (%)

0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2

ROS: 3x3 ROS: 5x5

0.1 0



20 15 # of Clusters



FIGURE 4.4 Scale interdependency plot for the Lena image from Figure 4.1. Two low-resolution images are used in determining the interdependency: a DCT compressed image (lower two curves) and a noncompressed one (top two curves). The high-resolution image was 256 × 256 and the corresponding low-resolution images were 128 × 128. Two regions of support (ROSs) are reported for computing the interdependency: 3 × 3 and 5 × 5. A very high interdependency among hom*ologous neighborhoods is seen between the noncompressed low-resolution image and its high-resolution counterpart even when considering K = 30 clusters. Figure 4.4 illustrates that there is a very strong interdependence of hom*ologous neighborhoods across image scales when the low-resolution (noncompressed) image of Figure 4.1a is used — even as the number of clusters increases toward K = 30. This is illustrated by the top two curves in the plot. The interdependency decreases when the compressed low-resolution image is used. This is shown by the bottom two curves on the plot. Note that the case of K = 1 always yields an interdependency of 1. This is because for K = 1, no clustering is actually being performed. That is, all neighborhoods are assumed to belong to the same cluster. As such, the “disjoint” sets (or single set in this case) have all the hom*ologous neighborhoods in common. The interdependency generally decreases as the number of clusters increases. This is intuitively expected because an increase in the number of clusters results in the clustering of information increasingly specific to a particular image and scale. Because the frequency content between the low- and high-resolution counterpart images differs, the greater specialization of information within an image is expected to result in less interdependency among them.

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Description of the Methodology

As already alluded to, the superresolution problem is one of determining an appropriate mapping, which is applied to a set of collected samples in order to yield a “better” reconstructed image. The manner in which this mapping is determined describes the resulting superresolution process. The methodology presented herein accomplishes superresolution by exploiting the aforementioned image traits in order to extract the additional information necessary (i.e., beyond the collected samples) to obtain a solution to the ill-posed superresolution problem [2]. Rather than assuming smoothness or relying on other typical constraints, we employ the fact that a given class of images contains similar information locally and that this similarity holds across scales. So the fundamental problem is to devise a superresolution scheme that will be able to determine similarity of local information and capture similarities across scales in an automated fashion. Such a superresolution approach necessitates establishing • which neighborhoods of an image are similar in local structure • how these neighborhoods relate across scale. To answer the question of which neighborhoods, the image space of local neighborhoods will be partitioned. As already alluded to, this is accomplished via a VQ algorithm — for which many are available. To determine how they relate, each Voronoi cell resulting from the VQ will be linked to a linear associative memory (LAM) trained to find the best mapping between the low-resolution neighborhoods in that cluster and their hom*ologous high-resolution neighborhoods, hence capturing the information across scales. In other words, the assumption we make is that the information embodied in the codebook vectors and LAMs describes the relation (mapping) between a low-resolution neighborhood and its high-resolution counterpart. As such, our approach does not require the assumptions typically needed to obtain a reasonable solution to the ill-posed superresolution problem. The LAMs can be viewed as reconstruction kernels that relate the image information across scales. We choose an adaptive scheme to design the kernels because we know how to design optimal mappers given a representative set of training images. We further expect that, if the local regions are small enough, the information will generalize across images. When a new image is presented, the kernel that best reconstructs each local region is selected automatically and the reconstruction will appear at the output. One can expect that this methodology will yield better reconstruction than methods based on the sampling theory. However, unlike the universal character of the sampling theory, this superresolution method is specific to the character of images. That is, bases obtained for one class of images may perform poorly when reconstructing another class. Because of this, establishing the appropriate models with which to compare our data is important to the successful superresolution of an image.


Image Acquisition Model

The image acquisition process is modeled in this section. We use this model to synthesize a low-resolution counterpart to the original image. With this model, the regions of support of our low- and high-resolution neighborhoods are hom*ologous (i.e., they encompass the same physical region of the imaged scene). The model herein was used to obtain the 128 × 128 image of Figure 4.1a, which was sin c interpolated in that figure. In the superresolution architecture,

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the low-resolution synthesis creates an input from which the information across scales can be modeled (from the pair of images). Let the function xa (t, t1 , t2 ) represent a continuous, time-varying image impinging on a sensor plane. The spatial plane is referenced by the t1 , t2 coordinate axes and time is referenced by the variable t. The imaging sensor plane is assumed to be a grid of N1 × N2 rectangular sensor elements. These elements serve to sample the spatial plane within the camera’s field of view. Each of these elements is said to have physical dimensions p1 × p2 . The output of each element is proportional to the amount of light that impinges on each sensor during a given time interval. The output of each sensor, given by xl [n1 , n2 ] where n1 = 0, 1, . . . , N1 − 1 and n2 = 0, 1, . . . , N2 − 1, can then be expressed as xl [n1 , n2 ] =

1 p1 (n1 +1) p2 (n2 +1) p1 n1

p2 n2

x(t, t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 dt

where the integration over time is one time unit in duration. The subscript l is used to denote a low-resolution image. To obtain a higher resolution image, a finer sensor grid encompassing the same field of view used in obtaining xl [n1 , n2 ] would have to be employed. Let the resolution in each spatial dimension be increased — by a factor of G1 and G2 in their respective spatial dimensions. The p1 p2 ×G physical size of the sensor elements now becomes G units of area. The high-resolution 1 2 image is then given by xh [m1 , m2 ], where m1 = 0, 1, . . . , M1 − 1 and m2 = 0, 1, . . . , M2 − 1, and Mi = Gi Ni (i = 1, 2). The output for each of the M1 × M2 sensor elements for the high-resolution image can be described by xh [m1 , m2 ] =

G1 G2

p1 (m1 +1)/G1

p1 m1 /G1

p2 (m2 +1)/G2 p2 m2 /G2

x(t, t1 , t2 ) dt2 dt1 dt

Notice that the integration limits over time have been extended from one time unit to G1 G2 time units in order to maintain the average intensity value for each pixel in the image. The superresolution process is to estimate the high-resolution image xh [m1 , m2 ] from the low-resolution image xl [n1 , n2 ]. One can notice that the process of acquiring xl [n1 , n2 ] from xh [m1 , m2 ] is given by xl [n1 , n2 ] =

1 G1 G2

G1 (n 1 +1)−1 G2 (n 2 +1)−1 m1 =G1 n1

xh [m1 , m2 ]


m2 =G2 n2

The decimation model in the above equation produces a low-resolution image by averaging the pixels of G1 × G2 nonoverlapping pixel neighborhoods in the high-resolution image.


Relating Kernel-Based Approaches

This section introduces kernel-based formalisms for the magnification of images. Conventional approaches to magnification utilize a single kernel and interpolate between samples for increasing the sample density of an image. The superresolution methodology presented herein is related to the use of a family of kernels. Each kernel is tailored to specific information of an image across scales.

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Single Kernel

A magnified image can be obtained by expanding the samples of a low-resolution image xl [n1 , n2 ] and convolving with a sampled interpolation kernel [22]. For an expansion rate of G1 × G2 , where G1 , G2 are whole numbers greater than 1, the expanded image is given by      xl n1 , n2 n1 = 0, ±G1 , ±2G1 , . . .  G1 G2 n = 0, ±G , ±2G , . . . 2 2 2 xe [n1 , n2 ] = (4.5)     0 otherwise and the corresponding interpolation kernel, obtained by sampling a continuous kernel, is denoted k[n1 , n2 ]. The interpolated image xˆh [n1 , n2 ] that estimates the true image xh [n1 , n2 ] is xˆh [n1 , n2 ] = xe [n1 , n2 ] ∗ ∗k[n1 , n2 ]


where ∗∗ denotes 2D convolution. This form of interpolation is a linear filtering that processes the image similarly throughout (i.e., it uses the same linear combination of image samples in determining interpolated points — as does the Shannon sampling theory).


Family of Kernels

Reconstruction with a single kernel is a simple operation since the same function is applied over and over again to every sample. This is not so when we have at our disposal many kernels. Two fundamental questions must be answered to reconstruct signals with a family of kernels: how to choose one member of the family and how to design it. We will formalize these issues next. The kernel family approach is a scheme in which the kernel used depends on the local characteristics of the image [23]. This is formulated as xˆh [n1 , n2 ] = xe [n1 , n2 ] ∗ ∗kc,l [n1 , n2 ]


The subscripts c and l, which are functions of image location, select a kernel based on the local image characteristics about the point of interest. The family of kernels is given by {kc,l [n1 , n2 ] : c = 1, . . . , C; l = 1, . . . , L}. C represents the number of established local image characteristics (features) from which to compare local neighborhood information and L is the number of kernels created per feature. In summary, equation (4.7) describes a convolution with a shift-varying kernel. It is a generalization of equation (4.6) and defaults to the standard convolution of equation (4.6) when C, L = 1.


Description of the Superresolution Architecture

Figure 4.5 illustrates the proposed architecture for superresolving images using a family of kernels. As we proceed, the relation between the architecture and equation (4.7) will be elucidated. The purpose of data clustering is to partition the low-resolution image neighborhoods into a finite number of clusters where the neighborhoods within each cluster are similar in some sense. Once the clusters are established, a set of kernels can be developed that optimally transforms each clustered neighborhood into its corresponding high-resolution neighborhood. The subsections that follow discuss how the kernel family, implemented here as LAMs (see Figure 4.5), is established and then used for optical image superresolution.

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LAM 2 Low Resolution Image

Form C Clusters

Extract Neighborhoods


Arrange Superresolved Neighborhoods into Image

Superresolved Image

FIGURE 4.5 Superresolution architecture for the kernel family approach. This paradigm performs the equivalent operation of a convolution with a family of kernels.


The Training Data

Ideally, the low- and high-resolution data sets used to train the LAMs of Figure 4.5 would each encompass the same scene and have been physically obtained by hardware with different, but known, resolution settings. Such data collection is not common. Instead, the low-resolution counterparts of the given images are obtained via decimation using the image acquisition model discussed earlier. Once established, the training of the superresolution architecture proceeds as described in Figure 4.6. Note that the decimation is represented by the ↓ G1 × G2 block in the figure. The data preprocessing and high-resolution construction sections of this figure will now be explained. High Resolution Neighborhoods


Extract Neighborhoods High Resolution Image


G 1 x G2

Extract Neighborhoods

Self Organize the Neighborhoods to Form C Clusters

LAM C Low Resolution Image

Low Resolution Neighborhoods

C Neighborhood Clusters

Association of Corresponding Subblocks

FIGURE 4.6 Training architecture for the superresolution of images via the kernel family approach.


Clustering of Data

The neighborhoods considered consist of all the overlapping H1 × H2 neighborhoods of the low-resolution image xl [n1 , n2 ]. The set of these N = (N1 − H1 + 1)(N2 − H2 + 1)

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neighborhoods in the low-resolution image is given by

X = xl [m1 : m1 + H1 − 1, m2 : m2 + H2 − 1]


m1 =0,...,N1 −H1 ,m2 =0,...,N2 −H2

and can be represented by the matrix X ∈ H1 H2 ×N whose columns are the set of vectors {xr }N r=1 where xr is a “vectorized” 2D neighborhood. Each low-resolution neighborhood is paired with its (2G1 −1)×(2G2 −1) hom*ologous high-resolution neighborhood. Specifically, these high-resolution neighborhoods are described by

xh [G1 m1 + φ1 + 1 : G1 (m1 + 2) + φ1 − 1,

(4.9) S= G2 m2 + φ2 + 1 : G2 (m2 + 2) + φ2 − 1] m =0,...,N −H ,m =0,...,N −H 1






Gi (Hi −3) , 2

where φi = and i = 1, 2. Notice that the set of neighborhoods to be clustered here is different from the set used for arriving at the across-scale similarity measure. The previous set of neighborhoods resulted from the nonoverlapping neighborhoods in the low- and high-resolution counterpart images. The set now consists of overlapping neighborhoods. The reason for the overlap is to obtain multiple estimates of a high-resolution sample. In this way, the final high-resolution sample can be estimated more reliably. The neighborhoods in S can be represented by a matrix S ∈ (2G1 −1)(2G2 −1)×N similar to the representation used in X. These low- and high-resolution neighborhoods are depicted in Figure 4.7, where the shaded circles represent a low-resolution neighborhood. For the case of G1 = G2 = 2 in Figure 4.7a, the shaded circles are used to construct the crossed circles about the center of the low-resolution neighborhood. Note that if we elect not to construct the center pixel, we will be interpolating locally about the observed image samples. If we elect to construct the center pixel (along with the other crossed circles), we are allowing for the ability to change a “noisy” observed sample. Figure 4.7b similarly illustrates this for the case of G1 = G2 = 3. In establishing our family of kernels, we have chosen to associate the structure between the neighborhoods in X and S, not the observed samples themselves. The structure of a neighborhood is defined as the neighborhood with its mean subtracted out; each neighborhood thus becomes a vector whose component mean is zero. This kind of preprocessing allows us to categorize neighborhoods sharing a particular characteristic (i.e., they could be smooth, edgy at a particular orientation, etc.) as belonging to the same class regardless of the average intensity of the neighborhood. The structure pr of neighborhood xr is obtained through multiplication with the square matrix Z ∈ H1 H2 ×H1 H2 (i.e., pr = Zxr for a single neighborhood or P = ZX for all the input neighborhoods), where   −1 ... −1 H1 H2 − 1   ..  1  H 1 H2 − 1 .  −1  . (4.10) Z=   . .. H1 H2  .. . −1  −1 ... −1 H1 H2 − 1 The desired exemplars associated with P are contained in matrix D. Each column in D is obtained by subtracting the mean of xr from its corresponding neighborhood sr in S. This is done to compensate for the low-resolution neighborhood mean, which has been subtracted from xr and must be added back after the high-resolution neighborhood structure is created. Specifically, D = S−AX, where A ∈ (2G1 −1)(2G2 −1)×H1 H2 is a constant matrix with elements 1 H1 H2 . The clusters are formed by performing a VQ on the space of structural neighborhoods in P. This clustering is based on the interblock correlation among the neighborhoods in P [1]. The

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FIGURE 4.7 Local image neighborhoods and the pixels they superresolve. Each circle represents a 2D high-resolution image pixel. The shaded circles are the low-resolution image pixels obtained via decimation of the high-resolution image. The gray pixel is the center of the low-resolution neighborhood. Each H1 × H2 low-resolution neighborhood constructs a (2G1 − 1) × (2G2 − 1) high-resolution neighborhood about the low-resolution neighborhood’s center — these are depicted by the crossed circles. The numbers are a convention used to distinguish between constructed pixels in this neighborhood. (a) Decimation factor G1 = G2 = 2; (b) decimation factor G1 = G2 = 3. VQ is accomplished using Kohonen’s self-organizing map [24] for reasons discussed later. The VQ operation results in a set of C feature vectors {fc }C c=1 , where usually C 1.5 Mbps 18 Mbps 6–38 Mbps ∼ 18 kbps < 50 Mbps


Also called H.262 Based on MPEG-2 Based on MPEG-2

The implementation of a standard-compliant coder usually requires the conventional MCDCT video coder structure, as shown in Figure 9.2a, where the DCT unit and the block-based motion estimation unit are two essential elements to achieve spatial and temporal compression,

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FIGURE 9.1 Motion-compensated DCT (MC-DCT) scheme.

respectively. The feedback loop for temporal prediction consists of a DCT, an inverse DCT

FIGURE 9.2 Different MC-DCT video coder structures: (a) motion estimation/compensation in the spatial domain; (b) motion estimation/compensation completely in the transform (DCT) domain. (IDCT) and a spatial domain motion estimator (SD-ME), which is usually the full-search blockmatching approach (BKM). This is undesirable. Besides adding complexity to the overall architecture, this feedback loop limits the throughput of the coder and becomes the bottleneck of a real-time high-end video codec. A compromise is to remove the loop and perform openloop motion estimation based on original images instead of reconstructed images in sacrifice of the performance of the coder [2, 4]. The savings comes from the removal of the components IDCT and Q−1 , but the quality of the reconstructed images at the decode may gradually degrade because the decoder has no access to the original images, only the reconstructed images. In this chapter, we propose a nonconventional coder structure, the fully DCT-based motioncompensated video coder structure, suitable for all the hybrid rectangularly shaped DCT motion-compensated video coding standards. In Section 9.2, we discuss the advantages of this proposed structure over the traditional architecture. The realization of this fully DCTbased architecture requires algorithms to estimate and compensate motions completely in the

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DCT domain. In this way, we can combine motion estimation and transform coding completely in the compressed (transform) domain without the need to convert the DCT coefficients back to the spatial domain for motion estimation and compensation. In Section 9.4, we develop the DCT-based motion estimation algorithms based on the DCT pseudo-phase techniques covered in Section 9.3. Then we extend the DCT pseudo-phase techniques to the subpixel level in Section 9.5. From these subpixel techniques, we can estimate subpixel motion in the DCT domain without the need of image interpolation (Section 9.6). To complete the feedback loop of the structure, we explore and devise the DCT-based motion compensation algorithms (Section 9.7). Our conclusions are provided in Section 9.8.


Fully DCT-Based Motion-Compensated Video Coder Structure

In the conventional hybrid coder structure, as shown in Figure 9.2a, the presence of the IDCT block inside the feedback loop of the conventional video coder design comes from the fact that currently available motion estimation algorithms can estimate motion only in the spatial domain rather than directly in the DCT domain. Therefore, developing a transform domain motion estimation algorithm will eliminate this IDCT. Furthermore, the DCT block in the feedback loop is used to compute the DCT coefficients of motion-compensated residuals. However, for motion compensation in the DCT domain, this DCT block can be moved out of the feedback loop. From these two observations, an alternative solution without degradation of the performance is to develop motion estimation and compensation algorithms that can work in the DCT domain. In this way, the DCT can be moved out of the loop as depicted in Figure 9.2b and, thus, the operating speed of this DCT can be reduced to the data rate of the incoming stream. Moreover, the IDCT is removed from the feedback loop, which now has only two simple components Q and Q−1 (the quantizers) in addition to the transform domain motion estimator (TD-ME). This not only reduces the complexity of the coder but also resolves the bottleneck problem without any trade-off of performance. In this chapter, we demonstrate that all the essential components (DCT-based motion estimation and compensation) of this fully DCT-based coder provide comparable performance with less complexity than the pixel-based full-search approaches. Furthermore, different components can be jointly optimized if they operate in the same transform domain. It should be stressed that by using DCT-based estimation and compensation methods, standard-compliant bitstreams can be formed in accordance with the specification of any standard such as MPEG without the need to change the structure of any standard-compliant decoder. To realize this fully DCT-based video coder architecture to boost the system throughput and reduce the total number of components, we develop DCT-based algorithms that perform motion estimation and compensation directly on the DCT coefficients of video frames [1, 5, 6].


DCT Pseudo-Phase Techniques

As is well known, the Fourier transform (FT) of a signal x(t) is related to the FT of its shifted (or delayed if t represents time) version, x(t − τ ), by the equation F{x(t − τ )} = e−j ωτ F{x(t)} ,

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where F{·} denotes the Fourier transform. The phase of Fourier transform of the shifted signal contains the information about the amount of the shift, τ , which can easily be extracted. The phase correlation method was developed to estimate motion from the Fourier phase [3, 7]. However, the DCT or its counterpart, the discrete sine transform (DST), does not have any phase components as usually is found in the discrete Fourier transform (DFT); however, DCT (or DST) coefficients of a shifted signal do carry this shift information. To facilitate explanation of the DCT pseudo-phase techniques, let us first consider the case of one-dimensional discrete signals. Suppose that the signal {x1 (n); n ∈ {0, . . . , N − 1}} is right shifted by an amount m (in our convention, a right shift means that m > 0) to generate another signal {x2 (n); n ∈ {0, . . . , N − 1}}. The values of x1 (n) are all zero outside the support region S(x1 ). Therefore, x2 (n) =

x1 (n − m), for n − m ∈ S(x1 ), 0, elsewhere .

The above equation implies that both signals have resemblance to each other except that the signal is shifted. It can be shown that, for k = 1, . . . , N − 1,

kπ kπ 1 1 S = m+ − Z1 (k) sin m+ , N 2 N 2 1 1 kπ kπ m+ + Z1C (k) sin m+ . X2S (k) = Z1S (k) cos N 2 N 2

X2C (k)

Z1C (k) cos

(9.2) (9.3)

Here X2S and X2C are DST (DST-II) and DCT (DCT-II) of the second kind of x2 (n), respectively, whereas Z1S and Z1C are DST (DST-I) and DCT (DCT-I) of the first kind of x1 (n), respectively, defined as follows [8]:

X2C (k) =

N−1 2 kπ x2 (n) cos C(k) (n + 0.5) ; k ∈ {0, . . . , N − 1} , N N


N−1 2 kπ C(k) x2 (n) sin (n + 0.5) ; k ∈ {1, . . . , N} , N N


N−1 2 kπ C(k) (n) ; k ∈ {0, . . . , N} , x1 (n) cos N N


N−1 2 kπ x1 (n) sin C(k) (n) ; k ∈ {1, . . . , N − 1} , N N



X2S (k) =


Z1C (k) =


Z1S (k) =


where C(k) =

√1 , 2


for k = 0 or N, otherwise .

s (k) = sin[ kπ (m + 1 )] and g c (k) = The displacement, m, is embedded solely in the terms gm m N 2 kπ 1 cos[ N (m + 2 )], which are called pseudo-phases, analogous to phases in the Fourier transform of shifted signals. To find m, we first solve (9.2) and (9.3) for the pseudo-phases and then use

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the sinusoidal orthogonal principles as follows: N 2 2 1 kπ 1 kπ m+ sin n+ C (k) sin N N 2 N 2 k=1

2 N

= δ(m − n) − δ(m + n + 1) , kπ 1 kπ 1 C 2 (k) cos m+ cos n+ N 2 N 2


= δ(m − n) + δ(m + n + 1) .


N−1 k=0

Here δ(n) is the discrete impulse function, defined as 1, for n = 0, δ(n) = 0, otherwise .


1 kπ 1 Indeed, if we replace sin[ kπ N (m + 2 )] and cos[ N (m + 2 )] by the computed sine and cosine s c pseudo-phase components, gˆ m (k) and gˆ m (k), respectively, in (9.8) and (9.9), both equations s (k) and gˆ c (k): simply become IDST-II and IDCT-II operations on gˆ m m

N 2 2 kπ 1 s = C (k)gˆ m (k) sin n+ , N N 2


N−1 c 2 2 kπ 1 c C (k)gˆ m (k) cos n+ . IDCT-II gˆ m = N N 2



s gˆ m



The notation gˆ is used to distinguish the computed pseudo-phase from the one in a noiseless 1 kπ 1 situation (i.e., sin[ kπ N (m + 2 )] or cos[ N (m + 2 )]). A closer look at the right-hand side of (9.8) tells us that δ(m − n) and δ(m + n + 1) have opposite signs. This property will help us detect the shift direction. If we perform an IDST-II operation on the pseudo-phases found, then the observable window of the index space in the inverse DST domain will be limited to {0, . . . , N − 1}. As illustrated in Figure 9.3, for a right shift, one spike (generated by the positive δ function) is pointing upward at the location n = m in the gray region (i.e., the observable index space), whereas the other δ is pointing downward at n = −(m + 1) outside the gray region. In contrast, for a left shift, the negative spike at n = −(m + 1) > 0 falls in the gray region but the positive δ function at n = m stays out of the observable index space. It can easily be seen that a positive peak value in the gray region implies a right shift and a negative one means a left shift. This enables us to determine from the sign of the peak value the direction of the shift between signals. The concept of pseudo-phases plus the application of sinusoidal orthogonal principles leads to the DCT pseudo-phase techniques, a new approach to estimate a shift or translational motion between signals in the DCT domain, as depicted in Figure 9.4a: 1. Compute the DCT-I and DST-I coefficients of x1 (n) and the DCT-II and DST-II coefficients of x2 (n). s (k) for k = 1, . . . , N by solving this equation: 2. Compute the pseudo-phase gˆ m  C  Z1 (k)·X2S (k)−Z1S (k)·X2C (k) , for k = N, s [Z1C (k)]2 +[Z1S (k)]2 gˆ m (k) =  √1 , for k = N . 2

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FIGURE 9.3 How the direction of shift is determined based on the sign of the peak value after application of the sinusoidal orthogonal principle for the DST-II kernel to pseudo-phases. (a) How to detect right shift. (b) How to detect left shift.

FIGURE 9.4 Illustration of one-dimensional DCT pseudo-phase techniques. (a) DCT Pseudo-Phase Techniques; (b) Right shift; (c) Left shift. s (k); k = 1, . . . , N}, into an IDST-II decoder to 3. Feed the computed pseudo-phase, {gˆ m produce an output {d(n); n = 0, . . . , N − 1}, and search for the peak value. Then the estimated displacement m ˆ can be found by if d(ip ) > 0 , i , (9.14) m ˆ = p −(ip + 1), if d(ip ) < 0 ,

where ip = arg maxn |d(n)| is the index at which the peak value is located.

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In step 1, the DCT and DST can be generated simultaneously with only 3N multipliers [9]–[11], and the computation of DCT-I can be easily obtained from DCT-II with minimal overhead, as will be shown later. In step 2, if noise is absent and there is only purely translational motion, gˆ m (k) will be equal to sin kπ N (m + 0.5). The output d(n) will then be an impulse function in the observation window. This procedure is illustrated by two examples in Figure 9.4b and c with a randomly generated signal as input at a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 10 dB. These two examples demonstrate that the DCT pseudo-phase techniques are robust even in an environment of strong noise.


DCT-Based Motion Estimation

The DCT pseudo-phase technique of extracting shift values from the pseudo-phases of the DCT of one-dimensional signals can be extended to the two-dimensional case. Let us confine the problem of motion estimation to this 2D translational motion model in which an object moves translationally by mu in the x direction and mv in the y direction as viewed on the camera plane and within the scope of a camera in a noiseless environment, as shown in Figure 9.5. Then by means of the DCT pseudo-phase technique, we can extract the displacement vector from the two consecutive frames of the images of that moving object by making use of the sinusoidal orthogonal principles (9.8) and (9.9). The resulting novel algorithm for this twodimensional translational motion model is called the DXT-ME algorithm, which can estimate translational motion in the DCT domain.


The DXT-ME Algorithm

Based on the assumption of 2D translational displacements, we can extend the DCT pseudophase technique to the DXT-ME algorithm depicted in Figure 9.6. The previous frame xt−1 and the current frame xt are fed into the 2D-DCT-II and 2D-DCT-I coders, respectively. A 2D-DCT-II coder computes four coefficients, DCCTII, DCSTII, DSCTII, and DSSTII, each of which is defined as a two-dimensional separable function formed by 1D-DCT/DST-II kernels: Xtcc (k, l) =

N−1 4 kπ lπ C(k)C(l) x (m, n) cos (m + 0.5) cos (n + 0.5) , (9.15) t N N N2 m,n=0

for k, l ∈ {0, . . . , N − 1} , N−1 4 kπ lπ cs xt (m, n) cos Xt (k, l) = 2 C(k)C(l) (m + 0.5) sin (n + 0.5) , (9.16) N N N m,n=0

for k ∈ {0, . . . , N − 1}, l ∈ {1, . . . , N} , N−1 4 kπ lπ Xtsc (k, l) = 2 C(k)C(l) xt (m, n) sin (m + 0.5) cos (n + 0.5) , (9.17) N N N m,n=0

for k ∈ {1, . . . , N}, l ∈ {0, . . . , N − 1} , N−1 lπ 4 kπ ss Xt (k, l) = 2 C(k)C(l) (m + 0.5) sin (n + 0.5) , (9.18) xt (m, n) sin N N N m,n=0

for k, l ∈ {1, . . . , N} ,

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FIGURE 9.5 An object moves translationally by mu in the x direction and mv in the y direction, as viewed on the camera plane.

FIGURE 9.6 Block diagram of DXT-ME. (a) Flowchart; (b) structure.

or symbolically, Xtcc = DCCTII (xt ) , Xtcs = DCSTII (xt ) , Xtsc = DSCTII (xt ) , Xtss = DSSTII (xt ) .

In the same fashion, the two-dimensional DCT coefficients of the first kind (2D-DCT-I) are calculated based on 1D-DCT/DST-I kernels:

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cc (k, l) Zt−1

N−1 4 kπ lπ = 2 C(k)C(l) xt−1 (m, n) cos (m) cos (n) , N N N



for k, l ∈ {0, . . . , N} ,

cs Zt−1 (k, l) =

N−1 lπ 4 kπ (m) sin (n) , C(k)C(l) x (m, n) cos t−1 N N N2



for k ∈ {0, . . . , N}, l ∈ {1, . . . , N − 1} , N−1 4 kπ lπ sc Zt−1 (k, l) = 2 C(k)C(l) xt−1 (m, n) sin (m) cos (n) , N N N



for k ∈ {1, . . . , N − 1}, l ∈ {0, . . . , N} , N−1 4 kπ lπ ss (k, l) = 2 C(k)C(l) xt−1 (m, n) sin Zt−1 (m) sin (n) , N N N



for k, l ∈ {1, . . . , N − 1} , or symbolically, cc cs = DCCTI (xt−1 ) , Zt−1 = DCSTI (xt−1 ) , Zt−1 sc ss Zt−1 = DSCTI (xt−1 ) , Zt−1 = DSSTI (xt−1 ) .

Similar to the one-dimensional case, assuming that only translational motion is allowed, one can derive a set of equations to relate the DCT coefficients of xt−1 (m, n) with those of xt (m, n) in the same way as in (9.2) and (9.3). Zt−1 (k, l) · θ(k, l) = xt (k, l), for k, l ∈ N , where N = {1, . . . , N − 1},   cc cs (k, l) −Z sc (k, l) Z ss (k, l) Zt−1 (k, l) −Zt−1 t−1 t−1  Z cs (k, l) Z cc (k, l) −Z ss (k, l) −Z sc (k, l)    t−1 t−1 t−1 Zt−1 (k, l) =  t−1 sc (k, l) −Z ss (k, l) Z cc (k, l) −Z cs (k, l)  ,   Zt−1 t−1 t−1 t−1 ss (k, l) Z sc (k, l) Z cs (k, l) Z cc (k, l) Zt−1 t−1 t−1 t−1  CC    lπ gmu mv (k, l) + 0.5) cos cos kπ (m u N N (mv + 0.5)  CS    lπ  gmu mv (k, l)   cos kπ  N (mu + 0.5) sin N (mv + 0.5)  = θ(k, l) =   g SC (k, l)   sin kπ (m + 0.5) cos lπ (m + 0.5)  , u v  mu mv    N N kπ lπ SS (k, l) sin + 0.5) sin + 0.5) gm (m (m u v N N u mv cc T cs sc ss xt (k, l) = Xt (k, l) Xt (k, l) Xt (k, l) Xt (k, l) .





Here Zt−1 (k, l) ∈ R 4×4 is the system matrix of the DXT-ME algorithm at (k, l). It can be easily shown that Zt−1 (k, l) ∈ R 4×4 is a unitary matrix [1]. At the boundaries of each block in the transform domain, the DCT coefficients of xt−1 (m, n) and xt (m, n) have a much simpler one-dimensional relationship [5]. In a two-dimensional space, an object may move in four possible directions: northeast (NE: mu > 0, mv > 0), northwest (NW: mu < 0, mv > 0), southeast (SE: mu > 0, mv < 0), and southwest (SW: mu < 0, mv < 0). As explained in Section 9.3, the orthogonal equation for s (k) to determine the sign of m the DST-II kernel in (9.8) can be applied to the pseudo-phase gˆ m

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(i.e., the direction of the shift). In order to detect the signs of both mu and mv (or equivalently the direction of motion), it becomes obvious from the observation in the one-dimensional case SC (·, ·) and gˆ CS (·, ·) so that the signs of that it is necessary to compute the pseudo-phases gˆ m mu mv u mv SC CS (·, ·), respectively. Taking the block mu and mv can be determined from gˆ mu mv (·, ·) and gˆ m u mv boundary equations into consideration, we define two pseudo-phase functions as follows:  CS for k, l ∈ N , gˆ mu mv (k, l),    cc (k,l)X cs (k,l)−Z cs (k,l)X cc (k,l)  Z  t t 1 t−1 t−1  , for k = 0, l ∈ N ,  cc (k,l))2 +(Z cs (k,l))2  √2 (Zt−1 t−1 sc (k,l)X ss (k,l) fmu mv (k, l) = (9.27) Z cc (k,l)Xcs (k,l)+Zt−1 t  √1 t−1 cc t , for l = N, k ∈ N ,  2 +(Z sc (k,l))2 (Z (k,l))  2 t−1 t−1    cs   1 Xcct (k,l) , for k = 0, l = N 2 Zt−1 (k,l)  SC for k, l ∈ N , gˆ mu mv (k, l),    cc (k,l)X sc (k,l)−Z sc (k,l)X cc (k,l)  Z  t t 1 t−1 t−1  , for l = 0, k ∈ N ,  cc (k,l))2 +(Z sc (k,l))2  √2 (Zt−1 t−1 cs (k,l)X ss (k,l) gmu mv (k, l) = (9.28) Z cc (k,l)Xsc (k,l)+Zt−1 t  √1 t−1 cc t , for k = N, l ∈ N ,  2 +(Z cs (k,l))2 (Z (k,l))  2 t−1 t−1    sc   1 Xcct (k,l) , for k = N, l = 0 2 Zt−1 (k,l)

In the computation of fmu mv (k, l) and gmu mv (k, l), if the absolute computed value is greater than 1, then this value is ill conditioned and should be discarded. This ill-conditioned situation occurs when the denominator in (9.27) and (9.28) is close to zero in comparison to the finite machine precision or set to zero after the quantization step in the feedback loop of the encoder, as shown in Figure 9.2. Due to the fact that neighboring image pixels are highly correlated, the high-frequency DCT coefficients of an image tend to be very small and can be regarded as zero after the quantization step, but the low-frequency DCT components usually have large values. Therefore, the ill-conditioned situation happens more likely when k and l are both large. It is desirable to set the value of fmu mv (k, l) (or gmu mv (k, l)) as close as possible to the ideal value of fmu mv (k, l) (or gmu mv (k, l)) with the infinite machine precision and no quantization. Since 1 lπ 1 ideally fmu mv (k, l) = cos kπ N (mu + 2 ) sin N (mv + 2 ), 1 1 1 lπ kπ fmu mv (k, l) = sin mv + + mu + 2 N 2 N 2 lπ 1 1 kπ + sin mv + − mu + . N 2 N 2

For small values of mu and mv (slow motion) and large k and l (high-frequency DCT components), it is likely that kπ 1 1 lπ mv + − mu + ≈0, N 2 N 2 and the first term in fmu mv (k, l) is bounded by 1. Therefore, it is likely that |fmu mv (k, l)| ≤ 0.5. Without any other knowledge, it is reasonable to guess that fmu mv (k, l) is closer to zero than to ±1. A similar argument follows for the case of gmu mv (k, l). Thus in our implementation, we set the corresponding variable fmu mv (k, l) or gmu mv (k, l) to be zero when the magnitudes of the computed values exceed 1. This setting for ill-conditioned computed fmu mv (k, l) and gmu mv (k, l) values is found to improve the condition of fmu mv (k, l) and gmu mv (k, l) and also the overall performance of the DXT-ME algorithm. These two pseudo-phase functions pass through 2D-IDCT-II coders (IDCSTII and IDSCTII) to generate two functions, DCS(·, ·) and DSC(·, ·), in view of the orthogonal property of DCT-II

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and DST-II in (9.8) and (9.9): DCS(m, n) = IDCSTII fmu mv

N−1 N 4 1 lπ 1 kπ = 2 m+ sin n+ C(k)C(l)fmu mv (k, l) cos N 2 N 2 N k=0 l=1

= [δ (m − mu ) + δ (m + mu + 1)] · [δ (n − mv ) − δ (n + mv + 1)] , (9.29) DSC(m, n) = IDSCTII gmu mv N N−1 4 kπ 1 lπ 1 = 2 C(k)C(l)gmu mv (k, l) sin m+ cos n+ N 2 N 2 N k=1 l=0

= [δ (m − mu ) − δ (m + mu + 1)] · [δ (n − mv ) + δ (n + mv + 1)] . (9.30) By the same argument as in the one-dimensional case, the 2D-IDCT-II coders limit the observable index space {(i, j ) : i, j = 0, . . . , N −1} of DCS and DSC to the first quadrant of the entire index space, shown as gray regions in Figure 9.7, which depicts (9.29) and (9.30). Similar to the one-dimensional case, if mu is positive, the observable peak value of DSC(m, n) will be positive regardless of the sign of mv since DSC(m, n) = δ(m−mu )·[δ(n−mv )+δ(n+mv +1)] in the observable index space. Likewise, if mu is negative, the observable peak value of DSC(m, n) will be negative because DSC(m, n) = δ(m+mu +1)·[δ(n−mv )+δ(n+mv +1)] in the gray region. As a result, the sign of the observable peak value of DSC determines the sign of mu . The same reasoning may apply to DCS in the determination of the sign of mv . ˆ v ), can thus be found by locating the peaks of DCS The estimated displacement, dˆ = (m ˆ u, m and DSC over {0, . . . , N − 1}2 or over an index range of interest, usually & = {0, . . . , N/2}2 for slow motion. How the peak signs determine the direction of movement is summarized in Table 9.2. Once the direction is found, dˆ can be estimated accordingly:

Table 9.2 Determination of Direction of Movement (mu , mv ) from the Signs of DSC and DCS Sign of DSC Peak

sign of DCS Peak

Peak Index

Motion Direction

+ + − −

+ − + −

(mu , mv ) (mu , −(mv + 1)) (−(mu + 1), mv ) (−(mu + 1), −(mv + 1))

Northeast Southeast Northwest Southwest

m ˆu = m ˆv =

if DSC (iDSC , jDSC ) > 0 , iDSC = iDCS , − (iDSC + 1) = − (iDCS + 1) , if DSC (iDSC , jDSC ) < 0 ,


if DCS (iDCS , jDCS ) > 0 , jDCS = jDSC , − (jDCS + 1) = − (jDSC + 1) , if DCS (iDCS , jDCS ) < 0 ,


where (iDCS , jDCS ) = arg max |DCS(m, n)| ,


(iDSC , jDSC ) = arg max |DSC(m, n)| .


m,n∈& m,n∈&

Normally, these two peak indices are consistent, but in noisy circ*mstances they may not agree. In this case, an arbitration rule must be made to pick the best index (iD , jD ) in terms

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FIGURE 9.7 How the direction of motion is determined based on the sign of the peak value. (a) From DCS, (b) from DSC.

of minimum nonpeak-to-peak ratio (NPR): (iDSC , jDSC ) if NPR(DSC) < NPR(DCS), (iD , jD ) = (iDCS , jDCS ) if NPR(DSC) > NPR(DCS) .


This index (iD , jD ) will then be used to determine dˆ by (9.31) and (9.32). Here NPR is defined as the ratio of the average of all absolute nonpeak values to the absolute peak value. Thus, 0 ≤ NPR ≤ 1, and for a pure impulse function, NPR = 0. Such an approach to choose the best index among the two indices is found empirically to improve the noise immunity of this estimation algorithm. In situations where slow motion is preferred, it is better to search the peak value in a zigzag way, as is widely done in DCT-based hybrid video coding [12, 13]. Starting from the index (0, 0), zigzagly scan all the DCS (or DSC) values and mark the point as the new peak index if the value at that point (i, j ) is larger than the current peak value by more than a preset threshold θ: (iDCS , jDCS ) = (i, j ) if DCS(i, j ) > DCS (iDCS , jDCS ) + θ, (iDSC , jDSC ) = (i, j ) if DSC(i, j ) > DSC (iDSC , jDSC ) + θ .

(9.36) (9.37)

In this way, large spurious spikes at the higher index points will not affect the performance and thus improve its noise immunity further. If there is no presence of slow motion in a fast-moving picture, then simply no slow motion is preferred and the estimator will be able to find a peak at the high-frequency region (i.e., large motion vector). Figure 9.8 demonstrates the DXT-ME algorithm. Images of a rectangularly shaped moving object with arbitrary texture are generated (Figure 9.8a) and corrupted by additive white Gaussian noise at SNR = 10 dB (Figure 9.8b). The resulting pseudo-phase functions f and g, as well as DCS and DSC, are depicted in Figure 9.8c and d, correspondingly. Large peaks can be seen clearly in Figure 9.8d on rough surfaces caused by noise in spite of noisy input images. The positions of these peaks give us an accurate motion estimate (5, −3).


Computational Issues and Complexity

The block diagram in Figure 9.6a shows that a separate 2D-DCT-I is needed in addition to the standard DCT (2D-DCT-II). This is undesirable from the complexity viewpoint. However, this problem can be circumvented by considering the point-to-point relationship between the 2D-DCT-I and 2D-DCT-II coefficients in the frequency domain for k, l ∈ N :    cc kπ cos lπ Zt−1 (k, l) + cos 2N 2N    cs  Z (k, l)   − cos kπ sin lπ    t−1 2N 2N =  sc  Z (k, l)   − sin kπ cos lπ 2N 2N    t−1 kπ sin lπ ss (k, l) Zt−1 + sin 2N 2N   cc Xt−1 (k, l)   cs  X (k, l)    t−1 ×  sc   X (k, l)    t−1 ss (k, l) Xt−1

kπ sin lπ + sin kπ cos lπ + sin kπ sin lπ + cos 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N kπ cos lπ − sin kπ sin lπ kπ cos lπ + cos 2N + sin 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N kπ sin lπ kπ cos lπ + cos kπ sin lπ − sin 2N + cos 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N kπ cos lπ − cos kπ sin lπ + cos kπ cos lπ − sin 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N

      


cc , X cs , X sc , and X ss are the 2D-DCT-II coefficients of the previous frame. A where Xt−1 t−1 t−1 t−1 similar relation exists for the coefficients at the block boundaries. This observation results in the simple structure in Figure 9.6b, where block T is a coefficient transformation unit realizing (9.38).

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FIGURE 9.8 DXT-ME performed on the images of an object moving in the direction (5, −3) with additive white Gaussian noise at SNR = 10 dB. (a) Original inputs x1 and x2 ; (b) noise added; (c) f and g; (d) DSC and DCS.

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Table 9.3 Computational Complexity of Each Stage in DXT-ME Stage 1 2 3 4


Computational Complexity

2D-DCT-II Coefficient transformation unit (T) Pseudo-phase computation 2D-IDCT-II Peak searching Estimation

Odct = O(N ) O(N 2 ) O(N 2 ) Odct = O(N ) O(N 2 ) O(1)

If the DCT has computational complexity Odct , the overall complexity of DXT-ME is O(N 2 ) + Odct with the complexity of each component summarized in Table 9.3. The computational complexity of the pseudo-phase computation component is only O(N 2 ) for an N × N block and so is the unit to determine the displacement. For the computation of the pseudophase functions f (·, ·) in (9.27) and g(·, ·) in (9.28), the DSCT, DCST, and DSST coefficients (regarded as DST coefficients) must be calculated in addition to the DCCT coefficients (i.e., the usual 2D DCT). However, all these coefficients can be generated with little overhead in the course of computing 2D DCT coefficients. As a matter of fact, a parallel and fully pipelined 2D DCT lattice structure has been developed [9]–[11] to generate 2D DCT coefficients at a cost of O(N ) operations. This DCT coder computes DCT and DST coefficients dually due to its internal lattice architecture. These internally generated DST coefficients can be output to the DXT-ME module for pseudo-phase computation. This same lattice structure can also be modified as a 2D IDCT, which also has O(N ) complexity. To sum up, the computational complexity of this DXT-ME is only O(N 2 ), much lower than the O(N 4 ) complexity of BKM-ME. Calculation of the actual number of computations, other than asymptotic complexity, requires the knowledge of specific implementations. In DCT-based motion-compensated video coding, DCT, IDCT, and peak searching are required; therefore, we will count only the number of operations required in the pseudo-phase computation. At each pixel position, we need to solve a 4 × 4 linear equation by means of the Gauss elimination method with 4 divisions, 40 multiplications, and 30 additions/subtractions. Therefore, the total number of operations is 18,944 for a 16 × 16 block and 75,776 for a corresponding overlapped block (32 × 32), while the BKM-ME approach requires 130,816 additions/subtractions for block size 16 × 16 and search area 32 × 32. Still, the number of operations required by the DXT-ME algorithm is smaller than BKM-ME. Further reduction of computations can be achieved by exploiting various properties in the algorithm. A closer look at (9.27), (9.28), and (9.38), reveals that the operations of pseudo-phase computation and coefficient transformation are performed independently at each point (k, l) in the transform domain and therefore are inherently highly parallel operations. Since most of the operations in the DXT-ME algorithm involve mainly pseudo-phase computations and coefficient transformations in addition to DCT and IDCT operations, which have been studied extensively, the DXT-ME algorithm can easily be implemented on highly parallel array processors or dedicated circuits. This is very different from BKM-ME, which requires shifting of pixels and summation of differences of pixel values and hence discourages parallel implementation.



For complicated video sequences in which objects may move across the border of blocks in a nonuniform background, preprocessing can be employed to enhance the features of moving objects and avoid violation of the assumption made for DXT-ME before feeding the images

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into the DXT-ME algorithm. Intuitively speaking, the DXT-ME algorithm tries to match the features of any object on two consecutive frames so that any translation motion can be estimated regardless of the shape and texture of the object as long as these two frames contain the significant energy level of the object features. Due to the matching property of the DXTME algorithm, effective preprocessing will improve the performance of motion estimation if preprocessing can enhance the object features in the original sequence. In order to keep the computational complexity of the overall motion estimator low, the chosen preprocessing function must be simple but effective in the sense that unwanted features will not affect the accuracy of estimation. Our study found that both edge extraction and frame differentiation are simple and effective schemes for extraction of motion information. It is found that estimating the motion of an object from its edges is equivalent to estimating from its image projection [14]. Furthermore, since the DXT-ME algorithm assumes that an object moves within the block boundary in a completely dark environment, its edge information reduces the adverse effect of the object moving across the block boundary on the estimation accuracy. The other advantage of edge extraction is that any change in the illumination condition does not alter the edge information and in turn makes no false motion estimates by the DXT-ME algorithm. Since we only intend to extract the main features of moving objects while keeping the overall complexity low, we employ a very simple edge detection by convolving horizontal and vertical Sobel operators of size 3 × 3 with the image to obtain horizontal and vertical gradients, respectively, and then combine both gradients by taking the square root of the sum of the squares of both gradients [15]. Edge detection provides us the features of moving objects but also the features of the background (stationary objects), which is undesirable. However, if the features of the background have smaller energy than those of moving objects within every block containing moving objects, then the background features will not affect the performance of DXT-ME. The computational complexity of this preprocessing step is only O(N 2 ) and thus the overall computational complexity is still O(N 2 ). Frame differentiation generates an image of the difference of two consecutive frames. This frame-differentiated image contains no background objects but the difference of moving objects between two frames. The DXT-ME estimator operates directly on this frame-differentiated sequence to predict motion in the original sequence. The estimate will be good if the moving objects are moving constantly in one direction in three consecutive frames. For 30 frames per second, the standard NTSC frame rate, objects can usually be viewed as moving at a constant speed in three consecutive frames. Obviously, this step also has only O(N 2 ) computational complexity.


Adaptive Overlapping Approach

For fair comparison with BKM-ME, which has a larger search area than the block size, we adopt the adaptive overlapping approach to enlarge adaptively the block area. The enlargement of the block size diminishes the boundary effect that occurs when the displacement is very large compared to the block size. As a result, the moving objects may move partially or completely out of the block, making the contents in two temporally consecutive blocks very different. However, this problem also exists for other motion estimation algorithms. That is why we need to assume that objects in the scene are moving slowly. For rapid motion, it is difficult to track motion. Earlier in this section we mentioned that we search for peaks of DSC and DCS over a fixed index range of interest & = {0, . . . , N/2}2 . However, if we follow the partitioning approach used in BKM-ME, then we may dynamically adjust &. At first, partition the whole current frame into bs × bs nonoverlapping reference blocks, shown as the shaded area in Figure 9.9a. Each reference block is associated with a larger search area (of size sa) in the previous frame

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FIGURE 9.9 Adaptive overlapping approach. (the dotted region in the same figure) in the same way as for BKM-ME. From the position of a reference block and its associated search area, a search range D = {(u, v) : −u1 ≤ u ≤ u2 , −v1 ≤ v ≤ v2 } can then be determined as in Figure 9.9b. In contrast to BKM-ME, DXT-ME requires that the reference block size and the search area size be equal. Thus, instead of using the reference block, we use the block of the same size and position in the current frame as the search area of the previous frame. The peak values of DSC and DCS are searched in a zigzag way over this index range, & = {0, . . . , max(u2 , u1 − 1)} × {0, . . . , max(v2 , v1 − 1)}. In addition to the requirement that the new peak value be larger than the current peak value by a preset threshold, it is necessary to examine if the motion estimate determined by the new peak index lies in the search region D. Since search areas overlap one another, the DXT-ME architecture utilizing this approach is called overlapping DXT-ME. Even though the block size required by the overlapping DXT-ME algorithm is larger than the block size for one DCT block, it is still possible to estimate motion completely in the DCT domain without going back to the spatial domain by concatenating neighboring DCT blocks directly in the DCT domain [16].


Simulation Results

A number of video sequences with different characteristics are used in our simulations to compare the performance of the DXT-ME algorithm [1, 5] with the full-search block-matching method (BKM-ME or BKM for the sake of brevity) as well as three commonly used fast-search block-matching approaches such as the logarithmic search method (LOG), the three-step search method (TSS), and the subsampled search approach (SUB) [17]. The performance of different schemes is evaluated and compared in terms of MSE (mean squared error per pel) and BPS 2 [x(m,n)−x(m,n)] ˆ

(bits per sample) where MSE = m,n and BPS is the ratio of the total number of N2 bits required for each motion-compensated residual frame in JPEG format (BPS) converted by the image format conversion program ALCHEMY with quality = 32 to the number of pixels. As is widely used in the literature of video coding, all the block-matching methods adopt the conventional mean absolute difference (MAD) optimization criterion: m,n |x2 (m, n) − x1 (m − u, n − v)| ˆ d = (u, ˆ v) ˆ = arg min , N2 (u,v)∈S where S denotes the set of allowable displacements depending on which block-matching approach is in use.

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The first sequence is the Flower Garden sequence, where the camera is moving before a big tree and a flower garden in front of a house, as shown in Figure 9.10a. Each frame has 352 × 224 pixels. Simple preprocessing is applied to this sequence: edge extraction or frame differentiation as depicted in Figure 9.10b and c, respectively. Since macroblocks, each consisting of 16 × 16 luminance blocks and two 8 × 8 chrominance blocks, are considered to be the basic unit for motion estimation/compensation in MPEG standards [13], the following simulation setting is adopted for simulations on the Flower Garden sequence and all subsequent sequences: 16 × 16 blocks on 32 × 32 search areas. Furthermore, the overlapping DXT-ME algorithm is used for fair comparison with block-matching approaches, which require a larger search area.

FIGURE 9.10 Frame 57 in the Flower Garden sequence. As can be seen in Figure 9.10b, the edge-extracted frames contain significant features of moving objects in the original frames so that DXT-ME can estimate the movement of the objects based on the information provided by the edge-extracted frames. Because the camera is moving at a constant speed in one direction, the moving objects occupy almost the whole scene. Therefore, the background features do not interfere with the operation of DXT-ME much but still affect the overall performance of DXT-ME as compared to the frame-differentiated preprocessing approach. The frame-differentiated images of the Flower Garden sequence, one of which is shown in Figure 9.10c, have residual energy strong enough for DXT-ME to estimate the motion directly on this frame-differentiated sequence due to the constant movement of the camera. The performances for different motion estimation schemes are plotted in Figure 9.11 and summarized in Table 9.4 where the MSE and BPS values of different motion estimation approaches are averaged over the whole sequence from frame 3 to frame 99 for easy comparison. It should be noted that the MSE difference in Table 9.4 is the difference of the MSE value of the corresponding motion estimation scheme from the MSE value of the full-search blockmatching approach (BKM), and the MSE ratio is the ratio of the MSE difference to the MSE of BKM. As indicated in the performance summary table (Table 9.5), the frame-differentiated DXT-ME algorithm is 28.9% worse in terms of MSE than the full-search block-matching approach, whereas the edge-extracted DXT-ME algorithm is 36.0% worse. Surprisingly, even though the fast-search block-matching algorithms (only 12.6% worse than BKM), TSS and LOG, have smaller MSE values than the DXT-ME algorithm, TSS and LOG have larger BPS values than the DXT-ME algorithm, as can clearly be seen in Table 9.4 and Figure 9.11. In other words, the motion-compensated residual frames generated by TSS and LOG require more bits than the DXT-ME algorithm to transmit/store after compression. This indicates that the DXT-ME algorithm is better than the logarithmic and three-step fast-search block-matching approaches for this Flower Garden sequence. Another simulation is done on the Infrared Car sequence, which has the frame size 96 × 112 and one major moving object — the car moving along a curved road toward the camera fixed on the ground. In the performance summary table, Table 9.5, the frame-differentiated DXT-ME

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Table 9.4 Performance Summary of the Overlapping DXT-ME Algorithm with Either Frame Differentiation or Edge Extraction as Preprocessing Against Full Search and Fast Search Block-Matching Approaches (BKM, TSS, LOG, SUB) over the Flower Garden Sequence Approach BKM Frame-differentiated DXT-ME Edge-extracted DXT-ME TSS LOG SUB


MSE Difference

MSE Ratio



BPS Ratio

127.021 163.712 172.686 143.046 143.048 127.913

0.000 36.691 45.665 16.025 16.026 0.892

0% 28.9% 36.0% 12.6% 12.6% 0.7%

63726 67557 68091 68740 68739 63767

0.808 0.857 0.864 0.872 0.872 0.809

0% 6.0% 6.8% 7.9% 7.9% 1%

Note: MSE difference is the difference from the MSE value of full-search block-matching method (BKM), and MSE ratio is the ratio of MSE difference to the MSE of BKM.

Table 9.5 Performance Summary of the Overlapping DXT-ME Algorithm with Either Frame Differentiation or Edge Extraction as Preprocessing Against Full Search and Fast-Search Block-Matching Approaches (BKM, TSS, LOG, SUB) over the Infrared Car Sequence Approach BKM Frame-differentiated DXT-ME Edge-extracted DXT-ME TSS LOG SUB


MSE Difference

MSE Ratio



BPS Ratio

67.902 68.355 72.518 68.108 68.108 68.493

0.000 0.453 4.615 0.206 0.206 0.591

0% 0.7% 6.8% 0.3% 0.3% 0.9%

10156 10150 10177 10159 10159 10159

0.945 0.944 0.946 0.945 0.945 0.945

0% −0.1% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

result is better than the SUB result in terms of MSE values and better than the full-search BKM result in terms of BPS values. (See Figure 9.12.)


Subpixel DCT Pseudo-Phase Techniques

To further improve the compression rate, motion estimation with subpixel accuracy is essential because movements in a video sequence are not necessarily multiples of the sampling grid distance in the rectangular sampling grid of a camera. It is shown that significant improvement of coding gain can be obtained with motion estimation of half-pixel or finer accuracy [18]. Further investigation reveals that the temporal prediction error variance is generally decreased by subpixel motion compensation, but beyond a certain “critical accuracy” the possibility of further improving prediction by more accurate motion compensation is small [19]. As suggested in [18, 20], motion compensation with quarter-pel accuracy is sufficiently accurate for broadcast TV signals, but for videophone signals, half-pel accuracy is good enough. As a result, motion compensation with half-pel accuracy is recommended in MPEG standards [13, 21].

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FIGURE 9.11 Comparison of overlapping DXT-ME with block-matching approaches on the Flower Garden sequence.

Implementations of half-pel motion estimation now exist [22]–[24]. However, many of these implementations are based on the block-matching approach [20, 25, 26], which requires the interpolation of images through bilinear or other interpolation methods [27]. However, interpolation not only increases the complexity and data flow of a coder but also may adversely affect the accuracy of motion estimates from the interpolated images [20]. It is more desirable that subpixel accuracy of motion estimates be obtained without interpolating the images at a low computational cost in the DCT domain so that seamless integration of the motion compensation unit with the spatial compression unit is possible. In this section, we extend the DCT pseudo-phase techniques discussed in Section 9.3 to the subpixel level and show that if the spatial sampling of images satisfies the Nyquist criterion, the subpixel motion information is preserved in the pseudo-phases of DCT coefficients of moving images. Furthermore, it can be shown that with appropriate modification, the sinusoidal orthogonal principles can still be applicable except that an impulse function is replaced by a sinc function whose peak position reveals subpixel displacement. Therefore, exact subpixel motion displacement can be obtained without the use of interpolation. From these observations, we can develop a set of subpixel DCT-based motion estimation algorithms that are fully compatible with the integer-pel motion estimator, for low-complexity and high-throughput video applications.

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FIGURE 9.12 Infrared Car sequence. Without loss of generality, let us consider the one-dimensional model in which a continuous signal xc (t) and its shifted version xc (t − d) are sampled at a sampling frequency 1/T to generate two sample sequences {x1 (n) = xc (nT )} and {x2 (n) = xc (nT − d)}, respectively. Let us define the DCT and DST coefficients as N−1 2C(k) kπ 1 C Xi (k) DCT {xi } = xi (n) cos n+ , (9.39) N N 2 n=0


2C(k) kπ DST {xi } = xi (n) sin N N n=0 √1 , for k = 0 or N , 2 C(k) = 1, otherwise ,

XiS (k) where

1 n+ 2


for i = 1 or 2. By using the sinusoidal relationship: kπ 1 1 j kπ n+ 21 −j kπ n+ 21 cos , +e N n+ = e N N 2 2 kπ 1 kπ 1 1 j −j kπ n+ 21 n+ 2 sin , n+ = e N −e N N 2 2j we can show that the DCT/DST and DFT coefficients are related as follows: kπ kπ C(k) ˜ Z XiC (k) = Xi (−k)ej 2N + X˜ iZ (k)e−j 2N , for k = 0, . . . , N − 1 , N kπ kπ C(k) XiS (k) = X˜ iZ (−k)ej 2N − X˜ iZ (k)e−j 2N , for k = 1, . . . , N , jN where {X˜ iZ (k)} is the DFT of the zero-padded sequence {xiZ (n)} defined as xi (n), for n = 0, . . . , N − 1 , xiZ (n) = 0, for n = N, . . . , 2N − 1 ,


(9.41) (9.42)

(9.43) (9.44)


so that N−1 2kπn X˜ iZ (k) DFT xiZ = xi (n)e−j 2N , for k = 0, . . . , 2N − 1 . n=0

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From the sampling theorem, we know that the discrete time Fourier transform (DTFT) of sequences x1 (n) and x2 (n) is related to the Fourier transform of xc (t), Xc (-), in the following way: ω − 2π l 1 Xc , T T l l 1 ω − 2π l −j ω−2π d T X2 (ω) DTFT {x2 } = Xc . e T T X1 (ω) DTFT {x1 } =

(9.47) (9.48)


Furthermore, if Xc (-) is bandlimited in the baseband (− Tπ , Tπ ), then for - = 1 Xc (-) , T 1 X2 (-T ) = Xc (-) e−j -d . T X1 (-T ) =

ω T

∈ (− Tπ , Tπ ), (9.49) (9.50)

Thus, the DFT of x1 (n) and x2 (n) are X˜ 1 (k) DFT {x1 } = = X1

2π k N

X˜ 2 (k) DFT {x2 } = = X2

2π k N


x1 (n)e−j

2π kn N


1 = Xc T N−1

2π k NT


x2 (n)e−j

2π kn N


1 = Xc T

2π k NT



2π kd NT



whereas the DFT of x1Z (n) and x2Z (n) become

πk = N πk X˜ 2Z (k) = X2 = N

X˜ 1Z (k) = X1

πk 1 Xc , T NT π kd πk 1 Xc e−j N T . T NT

(9.53) (9.54)

Therefore, X2

πk N

= X1

πk N

π kd

e−j N T .


Substituting (9.55) back into (9.43) and (9.44), we get kπd kπ kπd kπ C(k) ˜ Z X1 (−k)ej N T ej 2N + X˜ 1Z (k)e−j N T e−j 2N , N for k = 0, . . . , N − 1 , kπd kπ kπd kπ C(k) ˜ Z X2S (k) = X1 (−k)ej N T ej 2N − X˜ 1Z (k)e−j N T e−j 2N , jN for k = 1, . . . , N .

X2C (k) =

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Using the sinusoidal relationship in (9.42) to change natural exponents back to cosine/sine, we finally obtain the relationship between x1 (n) and x2 (n) in the DCT/DST domain: X2C (k)

N−1 d 1 2C(k) kπ n+ + , for k = 0, . . . , N − 1 , = x1 (n) cos N N T 2


N−1 2C(k) kπ d 1 = x1 (n) sin n+ + , for k = 1, . . . , N . N N T 2



X2S (k)


We conclude the result in the following theorem: THEOREM 9.1 If a continuous signal xc (t) is Tπ bandlimited and the sampled sequences of xc (t) and xc (t −d) are {xc (nT )} and {xc (nT − d)}, respectively, then their DCT and DST are related by DCT {xc (nT − d)} = DCT d {xc (nT )} ,


DST {xc (nT − d)} = DST d {xc (nT )} ,


N−1 2C(k) kπ 1 DCTα {x} x(n) cos n+α+ , N N 2


N−1 2C(k) kπ 1 x(n) sin n+β + , DSTβ {x} N N 2







are the DCT and DST with α and β shifts in their kernels, respectively. Here d is the shift amount and T is the sampling interval, but d/T is not necessarily an integer.


Subpel Sinusoidal Orthogonality Principles

The sinusoidal orthogonal principles in (9.8) and (9.9) are no longer valid at the subpixel level. However, we can extend these sinusoidal orthogonal equations suitable for subpixel motion estimation. Let’s replace, in (9.8) and (9.9), the integer variables m and n by the real variables u and v and define L¯ c (u, v)


C 2 (k) cos

kπ N

C 2 (k) sin

kπ N


L¯ s (u, v)

N−1 k=0


1 kπ 1 cos v+ , 2 N 2



1 kπ 1 sin v+ . 2 N 2


Since L¯ c (u, v)

N−1 k=0

kπ C (k) cos N 2

1 kπ 1 u+ cos v+ 2 N 2

1 1 = − + [ξ(u − v) + ξ(u + v + 1)] , 2 2

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and kπ 1 kπ 1 C (k) sin u+ sin v+ N 2 N 2 k=1 1 1 1 1 sin π v + + [ξ(u − v) − ξ(u + v + 1)] , = sin π u + 2 2 2 2

L¯ s (u, v)



we show that 1 1 L¯ c (u, v) = − + [ξ(u − v) + ξ(u + v + 1)] , 2 2 1 1 1 ¯ Ls (u, v) = sin π u + sin π v + 2 2 2 1 + [ξ(u − v) − ξ(u + v + 1)] , 2



where ξ(x)

N−1 k=0

kπ cos x N

πx cos 2N 1 . = 1 − cos π x + sin π x · πx 2 sin 2N

(πx) If (2N ) is so small that the second and higher order terms of πx πx 1, sin 2N ≈ 2N . Thus,

ξ(x) ≈

(πx) (2N )


πx can be ignored, then cos 2N ≈

1 [1 − cos π x] + N sinc(x) , 2


where sinc(x) sin(π x)/(π x). For large N , ξ(x) is approximately a sinc function whose largest peak can be identified easily at x = 0, as depicted in Figure 9.13a, where ξ(x) closely resembles N · sinc(x), especially when x is small. The slope of ξ(x) is also plotted in Figure 9.13b, which shows the sharpness of ξ(x).

FIGURE 9.13 kπ Plot of ξ(x) = N−1 k=0 cos( N x) and its slope for N = 16. Observe the similarity between the curves of N *sinc(x) and the last term of ξ . (a) ξ(x); (b) slope of ξ(x). A closer look at (9.66) and (9.67) reveals that either L¯ c (u, v) or L¯ s (u, v) consists of ξ functions and one extra term, which is not desirable. In order to obtain a pure form of sinc

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functions similar to (9.8) and (9.9), we define two modified functions Lc (u, v) and Ls (u, v) as follows: N−1 kπ 1 kπ 1 cos u+ cos v+ , (9.70) Lc (u, v) N 2 N 2 k=0

Ls (u, v)




kπ N


1 kπ 1 sin v+ . 2 N 2


Then we can show that 1 [ξ(u − v) + ξ(u + v + 1)] , (9.72) 2 1 Ls (u, v) = [ξ(u − v) − ξ(u + v + 1)] . (9.73) 2 Equations (9.70)–(9.73) are the equivalent form of the sinusoidal orthogonal principles (9.8) and (9.9) at the subpixel level. The sinc functions at the right-hand side of the equations are the direct result of the rectangular window inherent in the DCT [28]. Figure 9.14a and b illustrate Ls (x, −3.75) and Lc (x, −3.75), respectively, where two ξ functions are interacting with each other but their peak positions clearly indicate the displacement. However, when the displacement v is small (in the neighborhood of −0.5), ξ(u − v) and ξ(u + v + 1) move close together and addition/subtraction of ξ(u − v) and ξ(u + v + 1) changes the shape of Ls and Lc . As a result, neither Ls nor Lc looks like two ξ functions and the peak positions of Ls and Lc are different from those of ξ(u − v) and ξ(u + v + 1), as demonstrated in Figure 9.14c and d, respectively, where the peak positions of Ls (x, −0.75) and Lc (x, −0.75) are −1.25 and −0.5, differing from the true displacement −0.75. In the extreme case, ξ(u − v) and ξ(u + v + 1) cancel out each other when the displacement is −0.5 such that Ls (x, −0.5) ≡ 0, as shown in Figure 9.14e. Fortunately, we can eliminate the adverse interaction of the two ξ functions by simply adding Lc to Ls since Lc (x, v) + Ls (x, v) = ξ(x − v), as depicted in Figure 9.14f, where the sum Lc (x, −0.75) + Ls (x, −0.75) behaves like a sinc function and its peak position coincides with the displacement. Furthermore, due to the sharpness of this ξ function, we can accurately pinpoint the peak position under a noisy situation and in turn determine the motion estimate. This property enables us to devise flexible and scalable subpixel motion estimation algorithms in the subsequent sections. Lc (u, v) =


DCT-Based Subpixel Motion Estimation

Consider a moving object casting a continuous intensity profile It (u, v) on a camera plane of the continuous coordinate (u,v) where the subscript t denotes the frame number. This intensity profile is then digitized on the fixed sampling grid of the camera with a sampling distance d to generate the current frame of pixels xt (m, n) shown in Figure 9.15a where m and n are integers. Further assume that the displacement of the object between the frames t − 1 and t is (du , dv ) such that It (u, v) = It−1 (u − du , v − dv ) where du = (mu + νu )d = λu d and dv = (mv + νv )d = λv d. Here mu and mv are the integer components of the displacement, and νu and νv ∈ [− 21 , 21 ]. Therefore, xt (m, n) = It (md, nd) = It−1 (md − du , nd − dv ) , xt−1 (m, n) = It−1 (md, nd) ,

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FIGURE 9.14 Illustration of sinusoidal orthogonal principles at the subpixel level for different displacements. (a) Ls (x, −3.75); (b) Lc (x, −3.75); (c) Ls (x, −0.75); (d) Lc (x, −0.75); (e) Ls (x, −0.5); (f) Lc (x, −0.75) + Ls (x, −0.75). as in Figure 9.15b. Unlike the case of integer-pel movement, the displacement is not necessarily multiples of the sampling distance d. In other words, νu and νv do not necessarily equal zero. For integer-pel displacements (i.e., λu = mu and λv = mv ), the pseudo-phases are computed by solving the pseudo-phase motion equation at (k, l): Zt−1 (k, l) · θmu ,mv (k, l) = xt (k, l), for k, l ∈ N


where N = {1, . . . , N − 1}, θmu ,mv is the pseudo-phase vector, and the 4 × 4 system matrix Zt−1 and the vector xt are composed from the 2D-DCT-II of xt−1 (m, n) and the 2D-DCT-I of xt (m, n), respectively:   cc cs (k, l) −Z sc (k, l) +Z ss (k, l) Zt−1 (k, l) −Zt−1 t−1 t−1  cs cc (k, l) −Z ss (k, l) −Z sc (k, l)    Zt−1 (k, l) +Zt−1 t−1 t−1 ,  Zt−1 (k, l) =  sc  ss cc cs  Zt−1 (k, l) −Zt−1 (k, l) +Zt−1 (k, l) −Zt−1 (k, l)  ss (k, l) +Z sc (k, l) +Z cs (k, l) +Z cc (k, l) Zt−1 t−1 t−1 t−1  CC   cc  gmu mv (k, l) Xt (k, l)  CS   X cs (k, l)   gmu mv (k, l)   t    . xt (k, l) =  sc  , θmu ,mv (k, l) =  SC   Xt (k, l)   gmu mv (k, l)  SS (k, l) Xtss (k, l) gm u mv Here the 2D-DCT-I of xt−1 (m, n) and the 2D-DCT-II of xt (m, n) are defined in (9.15)–(9.18) xx ; xx = cc, cs, sc, ss} can be obtained by a simple and (9.19)–(9.23), respectively, where {Zt−1 xx rotation (9.38) from {Xt−1 ; xx = cc, cs, sc, ss}, which are computed and stored in memory in the previous encoding cycle. However, for noninteger-pel movement, we need to use (9.60) and (9.61) in Theorem 9.1 to derive the system equation at the subpixel level. If the Fourier transform of the continuous

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FIGURE 9.15 (a) The black dots and the gray squares symbolize the sampling grids for frames It−1 (u, v) and It (u, v), respectively, at a sampling distance d. These two frames are aligned on the common object displaced by (du , dv ) in the continuous coordinate (u, v). (b) Two digitized images of consecutive frames, xt−1 (m, n) and xt (m, n), are aligned on the common object moving (λu , λv ) = (du /d, dv /d) pixels southeast. intensity profile It (u, v) is πd bandlimited and It (u, v) = It−1 (u − du , v − dv ), then according to Theorem 9.1, we can obtain the following 2D relations: Xtcc (k, l) =

N−1 lπ 4 kπ 1 1 m + λ cos n + λ C(k)C(l) x (m, n) cos + + u v t−1 N 2 N 2 N2 m,n=0

for k, l ∈ {0, . . . , N − 1} , Xtcs (k, l) =

4 C(k)C(l) N2

N−1 m,n=0

xt−1 (m, n) cos

kπ N

m + λu +

1 2


lπ N

n + λv +

1 2


for k ∈ {0, . . . , N − 1}, l ∈ {1, . . . , N} , (9.76) N−1 lπ 4 kπ 1 1 m + λu + cos n + λv + xt−1 (m, n) sin Xtsc (k, l) = 2 C(k)C(l) N 2 N 2 N m,n=0

for k ∈ {1, . . . , N}, l ∈ {0, . . . , N − 1} , (9.77) N−1 lπ 4 kπ 1 1 m + λu + sin n + λv + xt−1 (m, n) sin Xtss (k, l) = 2 C(k)C(l) N 2 N 2 N m,n=0

for k, l ∈ {1, . . . , N} .


Thus, we can obtain the pseudo-phase motion equation at the subpixel level: Zt−1 (k, l) · θλu ,λv (k, l) = xt (k, l), for k, l ∈ N ,


(k, l), gλCS (k, l), gλSC (k, l), gλSSu ,λv (k, l)]T . A similar relationwhere θλu ,λv (k, l) = [gλCC u ,λv u ,λv u ,λv ship between the DCT coefficients of xt (m, n) and xt−1 (m, n) at the block boundary can be obtained in the same way. In (9.79), the pseudo-phase vector θλu ,λv (k, l) contains the information of the subpixel movement (λu , λv ). In an ideal situation where one rigid object is moving translationally

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within the block boundary without observable background and noise, we can find θλu ,λv (k, l) explicitly in terms of λu and λv as such: 

gλCC (k, l) u ,λv

1 lπ 1 cos kπ N (λu + 2 ) cos N (λv + 2 )

 CS   1 lπ 1   gλu ,λv (k, l)   cos kπ  N (λu + 2 ) sin N (λv + 2 )     θλu ,λv (k, l) =  SC = .  kπ 1 lπ 1   gλu ,λv (k, l)   sin N (λu + 2 ) cos N (λv + 2 )  1 lπ 1 sin kπ gλSSu ,λv (k, l) N (λu + 2 ) sin N (λv + 2 )



DCT-Based Half-Pel Motion Estimation Algorithm (HDXT-ME)

From (9.79), we know that the subpixel motion information is hidden, although not obvious, in the pseudo-phases. To obtain subpixel motion estimates, we can directly compute the pseudo-phases in (9.79) and then locate the peaks of the sinc functions after applying the subpixel sinusoidal orthogonal principles (9.70)–(9.73) to the pseudo-phases. Alternatively, we can have better flexibility and scalability by first using the DXT-ME algorithm to get an integer-pel motion estimate and then utilizing the pseudo-phase functions f (k, l) and g(k, l) computed in the DXT-ME algorithm to increase estimation accuracy to half-pel, due to the fact that (9.79) has exactly the same form as (9.74). Specifically, based on the subpixel sinusoidal orthogonal principles (9.70)–(9.73), the subpixel motion information can be extracted in the form of impulse functions with peak positions closely related to the displacement. For the sake of flexibility and modularity in design and further reduction in complexity, we adopt the second approach to devise a motion estimation scheme with arbitrary fractional pel accuracy by applying the subpixel sinusoidal orthogonal principles to the pseudo-phase functions passed from the DXT-ME algorithm. The limitation of estimation accuracy will only be determined by the interaction effects of the ξ functions and the slope of the ξ function at and around zero and how well the subpixel motion information is preserved in the pseudo-phases after sampling. We define DCS(u, v) and DSC(u, v) as follows: DCS(u, v)

N−1 N−1 k=0 l=1

DSC(u, v)

N−1 N−1 k=1 l=0

f (k, l) kπ 1 lπ 1 cos u+ sin v+ , C(k)C(l) N 2 N 2


g(k, l) kπ 1 lπ 1 sin u+ cos v+ . C(k)C(l) N 2 N 2


Thus, from the subpixel sinusoidal orthogonal principles (9.70)–(9.73) and the definitions of f (k, l) and g(k, l), we can show that 1 [ξ(u − λu ) + ξ(u + λu + 1)] · [ξ(v − λv ) − ξ(v + λv + 1)] , (9.83) 4 1 DSC(u, v) = [ξ(u − λu ) − ξ(u + λu + 1)] · [ξ(v − λv ) + ξ(v + λv + 1)] . (9.84) 4 DCS(u, v) =

The rules to determine subpixel motion direction are summarized in Table 9.6 and are similar to the rules for determining integer-pel motion direction. Figure 9.16 illustrates how to estimate subpixel displacements in the DCT domain. Figure 9.16c and d depict the input images x1 (m, n) of size 16 × 16 (i.e., N = 16) and x2 (m, n) displaced from x1 (m, n) by (2.5, −2.5) at SNR = 50 dB. These two images are sampled on a rectangular grid at a sampling distance d = 0.625 from the continuous intensity profile xc (u, v) = exp(−(u2 + v 2 )) for u, v ∈ [−5, 5] in Figure 9.16a, whose Fourier transform is

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Table 9.6 Determination of Direction of Movement (λu , λv ) from the Signs of DSC and DCS Sign of DSC Peak

Sign of DCS Peak

Peak Index

Motion Direction

+ + − −

+ − + −

(λu , λv ) (λu , −(λv + 1)) (−(λu + 1), λv ) (−(λu + 1), −(λv + 1))

Northeast Southeast Northwest Southwest

bandlimited as in Figure 9.16b to satisfy the condition in Theorem 9.1. Figure 9.16e and f are the 3D plots of the pseudo-phases f (k, l) and g(k, l) provided by the DXT-ME algorithm, which also computes DSC(m, n) and DCS(m, n) as shown in Figure 9.16g and h, with peaks positioned at (3, 1) and (2, 2) corresponding to the integer-pel estimated displacement vectors (3, −2) and (2, −3), respectively, because only the first quadrant is viewed. As a matter of fact, DSC(m, n) and DSC(m, n) have large magnitudes at {(m, n); m = 2, 3, n = 1, 2}. To obtain an estimate at half-pel accuracy, we calculate DSC(u, v) and DCS(u, v) in (9.81) and (9.82), respectively, for u, v = 0 : 0.5 : N − 1 as depicted in Figure 9.16i and j, where the peaks can clearly be identified at (2.5, 1.5) corresponding to the motion estimate (2.5, −2.5) exactly equal to the true displacement vector even though the two input images do not look alike. Note that the notation a : r : b is an abbreviation of the range {a +i ·r for i = 0, . . . , b−a r } = {a, a + r, a + 2r, . . . , b − r, b}. For comparison, DSC(u, v) and DCS(u, v) are also plotted in Figure 9.16k and l, respectively, for u, v = 0 : 0.25 : N − 1 = 0, 0.25, 0.5, . . . , N − 1.25, N − 1 where smooth ripples are obvious due to the ξ functions inherent in the DCS and DSC of (9.83) and (9.84) and have peaks also at (2.5, 1.5). Therefore, the DCT-based half-pel motion estimation algorithm (HDXT-ME) comprises three steps: 1. The DXT-ME algorithm estimates the integer components of the displacement as (m ˆ u, m ˆ v ). 2. The pseudo-phase functions from the DXT-ME algorithm, f (k, l) and g(k, l), are used to compute DCS(u, v) and DSC(u, v) for u ∈ {m ˆ u − 0.5, m ˆ u, m ˆ u + 0.5} and v ∈ {m ˆ v − 0.5, m ˆ v, m ˆ v + 0.5} from (9.81) and (9.82), respectively. 3. Search the peak positions of DCS(u, v) and DSC(u, v) for the range of indices, & = ˆ u, m ˆ u + 0.5}; v ∈ {m ˆ v − 0.5, m ˆ v, m ˆ v + 0.5}}, to find {(u, v) : u ∈ {m ˆ u − 0.5, m (9.85) uDCS , vDCS = arg max DCS(u, v) , u,v∈&

uDSC , vDSC = arg max DSC(u, v) .



These peak positions determine the estimated displacement vector (λˆ u , λˆ v ). However, if the absolute value of DSC(u, v) is less than a preset threshold 5D > 0, then λˆ u = −0.5; likewise, if |DCS(u, v)| < 5D , λˆ v = −0.5. Therefore, uDSC = uDCS , if |DSC(uDSC , vDSC )| > 5D , (9.87) λˆ u = −0.5, if |DSC(uDSC , vDSC )| < 5D , ˆλv = vDCS = vDSC , if |DCS(uDCS , vDCS )| > 5D , (9.88) −0.5, if |DCS(uDCS , vDCS )| < 5D .

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FIGURE 9.16 Illustration of DCT-based half-pel motion estimation algorithm (HDXT-ME). (a) Continuous intensity profile xc (u, v); (b) FT of xc (u, v), Xc (-u , -v ); (c) 16 × 16 x1 (m, n); (d) 16 × 16 x2 (m, n); (e) pseudo-phase f (k, l); (f) pseudo-phase g(k, l); (g) DSC(m, n); (h) DCS(m, n); (i) DSC(u, v) for u, v = 0 : 0.5 : 15; (j) DCS(u, v) for u, v = 0 : 0.5 : 15; (k) DSC(u, v) for u, v = 0 : 0.25 : 15; (l) DCS(u, v) for u, v = 0 : 0.25 : 15.

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In step 2, only those half-pel estimates around the integer-pel estimate (m ˆ u, m ˆ v ) are considered due to the fact that the DXT-ME algorithm finds the nearest integer-pel motion estimate (m ˆ u, m ˆ v ) from the subpixel displacement. This will significantly reduce the number of computations without evaluating all possible half-pel displacements. In step 3, the use of 5D deals with the case of zero pseudo-phases when the displacement is −0.5. Specifically, if λu = −0.5, then gλSC (k, l) = 0, ∀k, l which leads to g(k, l) = 0 and u ,λv DSC(u, v) = 0. However, in a noisy situation, it is very likely that g(k, l) is not exactly zero and, thus, neither is DSC(u, v). Therefore, 5D should be set very small but large enough to accommodate the noisy case. In our experiment, 5D is empirically chosen to be 0.08. Similar consideration is made on DCS(u, v) for λv = −0.5. It is also possible that the peak positions of DCS(u, v) and DSC(u, v) differ in the noisy circ*mstances. In this case, the arbitration rule used in the DXT-ME algorithm may be applied. To demonstrate the accuracy of this HDXT-ME algorithm, we use a 16 × 16 dot image x1 in Figure 9.17a as input and displace x1 to generate the second input image x2 according to the true motion field {(λu , λv ) : λu , λv = −5 : 0.5 : 4} (shown in Figure 9.17b) through the bilinear interpolating function specified in the MPEG standard [13], which interpolates the value x(m + u, n + v) from four neighboring pixel values for m, n being integers and u, v ∈ [0, 1) in the following way: x(m + u, n + v) = (1 − u) · (1 − v) · x(m, n) + (1 − u) · v · x(m, n + 1) + u · (1 − v) · x(m + 1, n) + u · v · x(m + 1, n + 1) .


Figure 9.17c shows the estimated motion field by the HDXT-ME algorithm, which is exactly the same as the true motion field. Figure 9.18a–c further illustrate estimation accuracy for half-pel motion estimation schemes using peak information from Ls (u, v), Lc (u, v), and Lc (u, v) + Ls (u, v), respectively. In Figure 9.18a, the “+” line indicates peak positions of Ls (u, v) found in the index range {0 : 0.5 : 15} for a block size N = 16 with respect to different true displacement values {−7 : 0.5 : 7}. The “o” line specifies the final estimates after determination of motion directions from the peak signs of Ls (u, v) according to the rules in Table 9.6. These estimates are shown to align with the reference line u = v, implying their correctness. For the true displacement = −0.5, Ls (−0.5, v) ≡ 0 for all v and 5D is used to decide whether the estimate should be set to −0.5. In Figure 9.18b, Lc (u, v) is used instead of Ls (u, v) but Lc (u, v) is always positive, inferring that no peak sign can be exploited to determine motion direction. In Figure 9.18c, Lc (u, v) + Ls (u, v) provides accurate estimates without adjustment for all true displacement values, but the index range must include negative indices (i.e., [−15 : 0.5 : 15]). In the HDXT-ME algorithm, step 2 involves only nine DCS(u, v) and DSC(u, v) values at and around (m ˆ u, m ˆ v ). Since DCS(u, v) and DSC(u, v) are variants of inverse 2D-DCT-II, the parallel and fully pipelined 2D DCT lattice structure proposed in [9]–[11] can be used to compute DCS(u, v) and DSC(u, v) at a cost of O(N ) operations in N steps. Furthermore, the searching in step 3 requires O(N 2 ) operations for one step. Thus, the computational complexity of the HDXT-ME algorithm is O(N 2 ) in total.


DCT-Based Quarter-Pel Motion Estimation Algorithm (QDXT-ME and Q4DXT-ME)

The interaction of two ξ functions in Lc (u, v) and Ls (u, v) from (9.66) and (9.67) disassociates the peak locations with the displacement (λu , λv ) for λu , λv ∈ [−1.5, 0.5]. In spite of this, in the HDXT-ME algorithm, we can still accurately estimate half-pel displacements by locating the peaks of Ls (λ, v) for true displacements λ = −N + 1 : 0.5 : N − 1 and indices v = 0 : 0.5 : N − 1 if 5D is introduced to deal with the case for λ = −0.5. However, at

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FIGURE 9.17 Estimated motion fields (c) and (e) of HDXT-ME and QDXT-ME by moving a dot image (a) according to the true motion fields (b) and (d).

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FIGURE 9.18 Relation between true displacements and peak positions for half-pel and quarter-pel estimation. The signs of peak values in Ls (u, v) indicate the motion directions and are used to adjust the peak positions for motion estimates. (a) Ls (u, v) for half-pel estimation; (b) Lc (u, v) for half-pel estimation; (c) Lc (u, v) + Ls (u, v) for half-pel estimation; (d) Ls (u, v) for quarter-pel estimation; (e) Lc (u, v) for quarter-pel estimation; (f) Lc (u, v) + Ls (u, v) for quarter-pel estimation. the quarter-pel level, it does cause estimation errors around λ = −0.5, as indicated in Figure 9.18d, where the peaks of Ls (λ, v) stay at v = 0 for true displacements λ varying over [−1, 0]. The sum of Lc (λ, v) and Ls (λ, v) is a pure ξ function and thus the adverse interaction is eliminated. As a result, the peak position of this sum can be used to predict precisely the displacement at either the half-pel level or quarter-pel level, as demonstrated in Figure 9.18c and f, respectively. However, for two-dimensional images, DCS or DSC has four ξ functions as in (9.83) or (9.84). The DXT-ME algorithm provides two pseudo-phase functions f (k, l) and g(k, l), but only DCS and DSC are available for subpixel estimation. In this case, the sum of DCS and DSC can only annihilate two ξ functions, leaving two ξ functions as given by: DCS(u, v) + DSC(u, v) =

1 [ξ (u − λu ) ξ (v − λv ) − ξ (u + λu + 1) ξ (v + λv + 1)] . 2 (9.90)

Even though this sum is not a single ξ function, the estimation error of using this sum is limited to 1/4 pixel for the worst case when true displacements are either −0.75 or −0.25. The above discussion leads to the DCT-based quarter-pel motion estimation algorithm (QDXT-ME) as follows: 1. The DXT-ME algorithm computes the integer-pel estimate (m ˆ u, m ˆ v ). 2. DCS(u, v) and DSC(u, v) are calculated from f (k, l) and g(k, l) in (9.81) and (9.82), respectively, for the range of indices, & = {(u, v) : u = m ˆ u − 0.75 : 0.25 : m ˆu + 0.75; v = m ˆ v − 0.75 : 0.25 : m ˆ v + 0.75}.

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3. Search the peak position of D2 (u, v) DCS(u, v) + DSC(u, v) over &; that is, (uD2 , vD2 ) = arg max |D2 (u, v)| . u,v∈&

The estimated displacement vector is obtained as follows: (u , v ), if |D (u , v )| > 5 , D2 D2 2 D2 D2 D λˆ u , λˆ v = (−0.5, −0.5), if |D2 (uD2 , vD2 )| < 5D .



Step 3 is based on the fact that |D2 (λu , λv )| = 0 if and only if (λu , λv ) = −0.5. This QDXT-ME algorithm follows the same procedure as HDXT-ME except for the search region and using the sum of DCS and DSC. Therefore, QDXT-ME has the same computational complexity, O(N 2 ), as HDXT-ME. If we modify the DXT-ME algorithm to provide the other two pseudo-phase functions g CC and g SS in addition to f and g, we can compute DCC and DSS in the following way: DCC(u, v)

N−1 N−1

g CC (k, l) cos

k=0 l=0

DSS(u, v)

N−1 N−1 k=1 l=1

g SS (k, l) sin

kπ N

kπ N

u+ u+

1 lπ 1 cos v+ , 2 N 2

1 lπ 1 sin v+ . 2 N 2



Then we can show that D4 (u, v) DCC(u, v) + DCS(u, v) + DSC(u, v) + DSS(u, v) = ξ(u − λu )ξ(v − λv ) .

(9.95) (9.96)

This sum contains only one ξ without any negative interaction effect whose peak is sharp at (λu , λv ). This leads to another quarter-pel motion estimation algorithm (Q4DXT-ME), which can estimate accurately for all displacements at the quarter-pel or even finer level. 1. Find the integer-pel estimate (m ˆ u, m ˆ v ) by the DXT-ME algorithm. 2. Obtain four pseudo-phases g CC , g CS , g SC , and g SS from the modified DXT-ME algorithm. Compute DCS(u, v), DSC(u, v), DCC(u, v), and DSS(u, v) for the range of indices, & = {(u, v) : u = m ˆ u − 0.75 : 0.25 : m ˆ u + 0.75; v = m ˆ v − 0.75 : 0.25 : m ˆ v + 0.75}. 3. Search the peak position of D4 (u, v) over &: (uD4 , vD4 ) = arg max |D4 (u, v)| . u,v∈&

The estimated displacement vector is then the peak position: λˆ u , λˆ v = (uD4 , vD4 ) .


Simulation Results

The Miss America image sequence, with slow head and shoulder movement accompanying occasional eye and mouth opening, is used for simulation [6]. The performance of the DCTbased algorithms is compared with BKM-ME and its subpixel counterparts in terms of MSE per

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pixel and BPS. For all the MSE values computed in the experiment, the bilinear interpolation in (9.89) is used for comparison to reconstruct images displaced by a fractional pixel because the bilinear interpolation is used in MPEG standards for motion compensation [13, 21]. As usual, the integer-pel BKM-ME algorithm minimizes the MAD function of a block over a larger search area. Its subpixel versions have two levels implemented: HBKM-ME and QBKM-ME. Both algorithms optimize the MAD value around the subpixel displacements around the integer-pel estimate. In addition, we also compare with three kinds of fast-search block-matching algorithms with integer-pel, half-pel, and quarter-pel accuracy: the threestep search algorithm (TSS, HTSS, QTSS), the logarithmic search algorithm (LOG, HLOG, QLOG), and the subsampled search algorithm (SUB, HSUB, QSUB) [17]. The simulation results are summarized by averaging over the sequence in terms of the MSE and BPS values in Table 9.7. The coding gain from subpixel motion estimation is obvious when we compare how much improvement we can have from integer-pel accuracy to half-pel and even quarter-pel accuracy: • HBKM-ME has 47.03% less of MSE value or 12.24% less of BPS value than BKM-ME, whereas QBKM-ME has 60.76% less of MSE or 17.78% less of BPS than BKM-ME. • Edge-extracted HDXT-ME has 45.36% less of MSE value or 12.95% less of BPS value than edge-extracted DXT-ME, whereas edge-extracted QDXT-ME has 59.79% less of MSE or 18.18% less of BPS.

Table 9.7 Performance Summary of DCT-Based Algorithms and Block-Matching Algorithms (BKM, TSS, LOG, SUB) at Different Accuracy Levels on Miss America Sequence Approach Integer-Pel Accuracy BKM Frame-differentiated DXT Edge-extracted DXT TSS LOG SUB Half-Pel Accuracy HBKM Frame-differentiated HDXT Edge-extracted HDXT HTSS HLOG HSUB Quarter-Pel Accuracy QBKM Frame-differentiated QDXT Edge-extracted QDXT Frame-differentiated Q4DXT Edge-extracted Q4DXT QTSS QLOG QSUB

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MSE Difference

MSE Ratio



BPS Ratio

7.187 7.851 9.363 7.862 7.862 7.202

0.000 0.664 2.176 0.675 0.675 0.015

0.0% 9.2% 30.3% 9.4% 9.4% 0.2%

8686 8855 9200 8910 8910 8684

0.343 0.349 0.363 0.352 0.352 0.343

0.0% 1.9% 5.9% 2.6% 2.6% 0.0%

3.807 5.598 5.116 3.877 3.877 3.810

0.000 1.791 1.308 0.070 0.070 0.002

0.0% 47.0% 34.4% 1.8% 1.8% 0.1%

7628 8216 8000 7676 7676 7628

0.301 0.324 0.316 0.303 0.303 0.301

0.0% 7.7% 4.9% 0.6% 0.6% 0.0%

2.820 4.728 3.899 4.874 3.765 2.843 2.843 2.825

0.000 1.908 1.079 2.054 0.945 0.023 0.023 0.005

0.0% 67.7% 38.3% 72.8% 33.5% 0.8% 0.8% 0.2%

7146 7758 7578 7785 7532 7162 7162 7144

0.282 0.306 0.299 0.307 0.297 0.283 0.283 0.282

0.0% 8.6% 6.0% 8.9% 5.4% 0.2% 0.2% 0.0%


DCT-Based Motion Compensation

Manipulation of compressed video data in the DCT domain has been recognized as an important component in many advanced video applications [29]–[33]. In a video bridge, where multiple sources of compressed video are combined and retransmitted in a network, techniques of manipulation and composition of compressed video streams entirely in the DCT domain eliminate the need to build a decoding/encoding pair. Furthermore, manipulation in the DCT domain provides flexibility to match heterogeneous quality of service requirements with different network or user resources, such as prioritization of signal components from loworder DCT coefficients to fit low-end communication resources. Finally, many manipulation functions can be performed in the DCT domain more efficiently than in the spatial domain [30] due to a much lower data rate and removal of the decoding/encoding pair. However, all earlier work has been focused mainly on manipulation at the decoder side. To serve the purpose of building a fully DCT-based motion-compensated video coder, our aim is to develop the techniques of motion compensation in the DCT domain without converting back to the spatial domain before motion compensation. In [30], the method of pixelwise (integer-pel) translation in the DCT domain is proposed for extracting a DCT block out of four neighboring DCT blocks at an arbitrary position. Although addressing a different scenerio, this method can be applied after modification to integer-pel motion compensation in the DCT domain. For subpel motion compensation, we derive an equivalent form of bilinear interpolation in the DCT domain and then show that it is possible to perform other interpolation functions for achieving more accurate and visually better approximation in the DCT domain without increasing the complexity.


Integer-Pel DCT-Based Motion Compensation

As illustrated in Figure 9.19a, after motion estimation, the current block C of size N × N in the current frame It can be best predicted from the block displaced from the current block position by the estimated motion vector (du , dv ) in the spatial domain. This motion estimate determines which four contiguous predefined DCT blocks are chosen for the prediction of the current block out of eight surrounding DCT blocks and the block at the current block position. To extract the displaced DCT block in the DCT domain, a direct method is used to obtain separately from these four contiguous blocks four subblocks that can be combined to form the final displaced DCT block (as shown in Figure 9.19b, with the upper-left, lower-left, upper-right, and lower-right blocks from the previous frame It−1 labeled as B1 , B2 , B3 , and B4 , respectively, in the spatial domain [30]). Subblocks Si are extracted in the spatial domain from these four blocks by pre-multiplication and post-multiplication of the windowing/shifting matrices, Hi and Vi : Sk = Hk Bk Vk , for k = 1, . . . , 4 , where Hk and Vk are the N × N windowing/shifting matrices defined as 0 Ih1 0 0 0 0 0 0 H1 = , V1 = , H2 = , V2 = , Iv1 0 Ih2 0 Iv2 0 00 0 Ih3 0 Iv3 0 0 0 Iv4 H3 = , V3 = , H4 = . , V4 = 00 00 00 Ih4 0


(9.98) (9.99)

Here In is the n × n identity matrix (i.e., In = diag{1, . . . , 1}) and n is determined by the height/width of the corresponding subblock. These pre- and post-multiplication matrix opera-

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tions can be visualized in Figure 9.19c, where the overlapped gray areas represent the extracted ˆ ref . subblock. Then these four subblocks are summed to form the desired translated block B

FIGURE 9.19 (a) Prediction of current block in current frame from four contiguous DCT blocks selected among nine neighboring blocks in previous frame based on the estimated displacement vector for current block. (b) Schematic diagram of how a pixelwise translated DCT block is extracted from four contiguous DCT blocks. (c) Decomposition of integer-pel DCT-based translation as four matrix multiplication operations. (d) Decomposition of half-pel DCT-based translation as four matrix multiplication operations. If we define the DCT operation on an N × N matrix B as DCT{B} = DBDT , where the (k, m) element of D is the DCT-II kernel: 2 kπ 1 D(k, m) = C(k) cos m+ , for k, m = 0, . . . , N − 1 . N N 2

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Therefore, DT D = N2 IN . The formation of the DCT of Bˆ ref in the DCT domain can be described in this equation: DCT{Bˆ ref } =

N 2

2 4

DCT{Hk }DCT{Bk }DCT{Vk } .



This corresponds to pre- and post-multiplication of the DCT transformed Hk and Vk with the DCT of Bk since DCT is a unitary orthogonal transformation and is guaranteed to be distributive to matrix multiplications. The DCT of the motion-compensated residual (displaced frame difference, DFD) for the current block C is, therefore, DCT{DF D} = DCT{Bˆ ref } − DCT{C} .


DCT{Hk } and DCT{Vk } can be precomputed and stored in the memory. Furthermore, many high-frequency coefficients of DCT{Bk } or displacement estimates are zero (i.e., sparse and block-aligned reference blocks), making the actual number of computations in (9.100) small. In [30], simulation results show that the DCT domain approach is faster than the spatial domain approach by about 10 to 30%. Further simplication is also possible (as seen from Figure 9.19b): HU = H1 = H3 , HL = H2 = H4 , VL = V1 = V2 , VR = V3 = V4 .


Therefore, only four windowing/shifting matrices need to be accessed from the memory instead of eight. At first sight, the DCT-based approach requires more computations than the pixel-based approach. The pixel-based approach includes the IDCT and DCT steps. Thus, it requires n2 additions (or subtractions) and 4 n × n matrix multiplications (for IDCT and DCT) to calculate the DCT coefficients of the motion-compensated residue. In contrast, the DCTbased approach needs 4n2 additions plus 8 n × n matrix multiplications. However, savings can be achieved by employing the sparseness of the DCT coefficients, which is the basis of DCT compression. More savings come at the subpixel level. The DCT-based approach requires no extra operations, whereas the pixel-based approach needs interpolation (i.e., to handle 4 (2×2) times bigger images). In [34], further savings in the computation of the windowing/shifting matrices is made by using fast DCT. A 47% reduction in computational complexity has been reported with fast DCT over the brute-force method without the assumption of sparseness, and a 68% reduction with only the top-left 4 × 4 subblocks being nonzero can be achieved with the use of fast DCT.


Subpixel DCT-Based Motion Compensation

For the case of subpixel motion, interpolation is used to predict interpixel values. According to the MPEG standards, bilinear interpolation is recommended for its simplicity in implementation and effectiveness in prediction [13, 21], although it is well known that a range of other interpolation functions, such as cubic, spline, Gaussian, and Lagrange interpolations, can provide better approximation accuracy and more pleasant visual quality [15, 27, 35, 36]. The complexity argument is true if the interpolation operation is performed in the spatial domain, but in the DCT domain, it is possible to employ better interpolation functions than the bilinear interpolation without any additional computational load increase. Interpolation Filter For simplicity of derivations, we start with the one-dimensional half-pel bilinear interpolation and then proceed to the two-dimensional case of quarter-pel accuracy with other

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FIGURE 9.20 Illustration of extraction of the subpel displaced block, x2 (n), from two adjacent 1D blocks, x1a (n) and x1b (n), with bilinear interpolation. interpolation functions. Consider two one-dimensional adjacent blocks, x1a (n) and x1b (n) for n = 0, . . . , N − 1, as shown in Figure 9.20. We want to extract a block {x2 (n)}N−1 n=0 of displaced u pixels to the right of x1a (0) where u is supposed to be an odd multiple of 0.5 (i.e., half-pel motion). Therefore, we can show that    1 [x1a (N + n − i) + x1a (N + n − i + 1)], 0 ≤ n ≤ i − 2 ,    2   1 x2 (n) = (9.103) [x1a (N − 1) + x1b (0)], n=i−1,  2     1   [x1b (n − i) + x1b (n − i + 1)], N −1≥n≥i , 2 where i = u. In the matrix form, x2 = GBL (i)x1a + GBR (i)x1b ,


where x2 , x1a , and x1b are the column vectors of x2 (n), x1a (n), and x1b (n), respectively, and GBL (i) and GBR (i) are defined as follows: 1 0 Ii 0 Ii−1 GBL (i) = + , 00 00 2 1 0 0 0 0 GBR (i) = + . (9.105) IN−i+1 0 IN−i 0 2 In the DCT domain, DCT{x2 } = DCT{GBL (i)}DCT{x1a } + DCT{GBR (i)}DCT{x1b } .


Here GBL (i) and GBR (i) can be regarded as bilinear interpolation filter matrices, which act as a linear filter or transform. Therefore, GBL (i) and GBR (i) can be replaced by any FIR filter or interpolation function of finite duration (preferably with the length much smaller than the block size N ). Bilinear Interpolated Subpixel Motion Compensation For the 2D case, if (u, v) is the displacement of the reconstructed block Bˆ ref measured from the upper left corner of the block B1 , then for hU = u and vL = v, ˆ ref } = DCT{B

4 k=1

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DCT{Hk }DCT{Bk }DCT{Vk } ,


where H1 = H3 = HU = GBL (hU ), H2 = H4 = HL = GBR (hU ), T T V1 = V2 = VL = GBL (vL ), V3 = V4 = VR = GBR (vL ) .   0 · · · 0 0.5 0.5 0 · · ·  .. . . ..  [GBL (hU ) GBR (hU )] =  . . . 0 . . . . . . 0  .

(9.108) (9.109) (9.110)

0 · · · 0 · · · 0 0.5 0.5

Once again, GBL (·) and GBR (·) can be precomputed and stored in the memory as in the case of integer-pel motion compensation and thus the extra computational load for doing bilinear interpolation is eliminated. Cubic Interpolated Subpixel Motion Compensation Three different interpolation functions, namely cubic, cubic spline, and bilinear interpolations, are plotted in Figure 9.21a. As can be seen, the bilinear interpolation has the shortest filter length and the cubic spline has the longest ripple but the cubic spline also has the smallest

FIGURE 9.21 (a) Plots of different interpolation functions. (b), (c), and (d) depict how to form a pre- or post-multiplication matrix for half-pel or even quarter-pel DCT-based motion compensation.

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approximation error of the three [36]. To compromise between filter length and approximation accuracy, we choose the cubic interpolation in the simulation. By choosing the resolution of the filter as half a pixel length, the bilinear interpolation fhb (n) = [0.5, 1, 0.5] and the cubic interpolation fhc (n) = [−0.0625, 0, 0.5625, 1.0000, 0.5625, 0, −0.0625]. From Figure 9.21b, it is clear that the contributions at the half-pel position from all the pixel values are summed up and give rise to the bilinear filter matrices GBL (·) and GBR (·). In a similar way, as in Figure 9.21c, the cubic filter matrices GCL (·) and GCR (·) can be defined as 0 −0.0625Ii+1 0 0.5625Ii GCL (i) = + 0 0 0 0 0 0.5625Ii−1 0 −0.0625Ii−2 + + , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GCR (i) = + 0.5625IN−i 0 −0.0625IN−i−1 0 0 0 0 0 + + . 0.5625IN−i+1 0 −0.0625IN−i+2 0 Here GCL (·) and GCR (·) can be precomputed and stored. Therefore, its computational complexity remains the same as both integer-pel and half-pel bilinear interpolated DCT-based motion compensation methods. The reconstructed DCT block and the corresponding motioncompensated residual can be obtained in a similar fashion: ˆ ref } = DCT{B


DCT{Hk }DCT{Bk }DCT{Vk },



ˆ ref } − DCT{C} , DCT{DF D} = DCT{B


where H1 = H3 = HU = GCL (hU ), H2 = H4 = HL = GCR (hU ), T T V1 = V2 = VL = GCL (vL ), V3 = V4 = VR = GCR (vL ) .

(9.113) (9.114)

This idea can be extended to other interpolation functions such as sharped Gaussian [35] and quarter-pel accuracy.



Simulation is performed on the Infrared Car and Miss America sequences to demonstrate the effectiveness of our bilinear and cubic motion compensation methods. The first set of simulations subsamples each picture It (i, j ) from the sequences (i.e., y(i, j ) = It (2 ∗ i, 2 ∗ j )) and then this shrunken picture y(i, j ) is displaced by a half-pel motion vector (arbitrarily chosen as (2.5, 1.5)) with both bilinear and cubic interpolated motion compensation [x(i,j ˆ )−x(i,j )]2

by treating the original methods. The MSEs are computed as MSE = i,j N 2 unsampled pixels It (2 ∗ i + 1, 2 ∗ j + 1) as the reference picture x(i, j ) = It (2 ∗ i + 1, 2 ∗ j + 1) where x(i, ˆ j ) is the predicted pixel value from y(i, j ). As shown in Figure 9.22, the zeroorder interpolation is also simulated for comparison. The zero-order interpolation, also called sample-and-hold interpolation, simply takes the original pixel value as the predicted half-pel pixel value [15]. As can be seen in Figure 9.22, both the bilinear and cubic methods have much lower MSE values than the zero-order method, and the cubic method performs much better than the bilinear counterpart without increased computational load.

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FIGURE 9.22 Pictures from the Infrared Car and Miss America sequences are subsampled and displaced by a half-pel motion vector with different motion compensation methods. The MSE-per-pixel values are obtained by comparing the original unsampled pixel values with the predicted pixel values of the motion-compensated residuals. Zero-order interpolation means replication of sampled pixels as the predicted pixel values.

Figure 9.23 shows the results of another set of simulations in which the subpixel DCT-based motion compensation algorithms generate motion-compensated residuals of the Infrared Car and Miss America sequences based on the displacement estimates of the full-search blockmatching algorithm, where the residuals are used to compute the MSE and BPS values for comparison. It can be seen that the cubic interpolation approach achieves lower MSE and BPS values than the bilinear interpolation.



In this chapter, we propose a fully DCT-based motion-compensated video coder structure that not only is compliant with the hybrid motion-compensated DCT video coding standards but also has a higher system throughput and a lower overall complexity than the conventional video coder structure due to removal of the DCT and IDCT from the feedback loop. Therefore, it is

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FIGURE 9.23 Pictures from the Infrared Car and Miss America sequences are subsampled and displaced by a half-pel motion vector with different motion compensation methods. The MSE-per-pixel values are obtained by comparing the original unsampled pixel values with the predicted pixel values of the motion-compensated residuals. Zero-order interpolation means replication of sampled pixels as the predicted pixel values.

more suitable for high-quality and high-bit-rate video applications such as HDTV or low-cost video coder implementation. To realize such a fully DCT-based coder, we develop DCT-based motion estimation and compensation algorithms. The DCT pseudo-phase techniques that we develop provide us the means to estimate shifts in the signals in the DCT domain. The resulting DXT-ME algorithm has low computational complexity, O(N 2 ), as compared to O(N 4 ) for BKM-ME. Its performance over several image sequences is comparable with that achieved by BKM-ME and some fast-search approaches such as TSS, LOG, and SUB. Furthermore, its DCT-based nature enables us to incorporate its implementation with the DCT codec design to gain further savings in complexity and take advantage of advances in research on the DCT codec design. Finally, the DXT-ME algorithm has inherently highly parallel operations in computing the pseudo-phases and thus it is very suitable for VLSI implementation [37]. To deal with subpixel motion, we extend the DCT techniques to the subpixel level and derive the subpel sinusoidal orthogonal principles. We demonstrate that subpixel motion information is preserved in the DCT coefficients under the Nyquist condition. This fact enables us to develop the DCT-based half-pel and quarter-pel motion estimation algorithms to estimate

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subpixel motion in the DCT domain without any interpixel interpolation at a desired level of accuracy. This results in significant savings in computational complexity for interpolation and far less data flow compared to the conventional block-matching methods on interpolated images. Furthermore, it avoids the deterioration of estimation precision caused by interpolation and provides flexibility in the design in such a way that the same hardware can support different levels of required accuracy with a complexity O(N 2 ), far less than O(N 4 ) for BKM-ME and its subpixel versions. Finally, we discuss the integer-pel DCT-based motion compensation method and develop the subpel DCT-based motion compensation schemes using the bilinear and cubic interpolation functions. We show that without increasing the number of computations, the cubic interpolated half-pel and quarter-pel schemes exhibit higher coding gain in terms of smaller MSE and BPS values than the bilinear interpolated counterparts.

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[12] CCITT Recommendation H.261, Video Codec for Audiovisual Services at p × 64 kbit/s, CCITT, August 1990. [13] CCITT Recommendation MPEG-1, Coding of Moving Pictures and Associated Audio for Digital Storage Media at up to about 1.5 Mbit/s, ISO/IEC 11172, Geneva, Switzerland, 1993. [14] A. Zakhor and F. Lari, “Edge-based 3-D camera motion estimation with application to video coding,” IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 481–498, October 1993. [15] A.K. Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1989. [16] W.D. Kou and T. Fjallbrant, “A direct computation of DCT coefficients for a signal block taken from 2 adjacent blocks,” Signal Processing, vol. 39, no. 7, pp. 1692–1695, 1991. [17] B. Liu and A. Zaccarin, “New fast algorithms for the estimation of block motion vectors,” IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 148–157, April 1993. [18] S.-L. Iu, “Comparison of motion compensation using different degrees of sub-pixel accuracy for interfield/interframe hybrid coding of HDTV image sequences,” in 1992 IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processing, San Francisco, CA, 1992, vol. 3, pp. 465–468. [19] B. Girod, “Motion compensation: Visual aspects, accuracy, and fundamental limits,” in Motion Analysis and Image Sequence Processing, M.I. Sezan and R.L. Lagendijk, Eds., chapter 5, Kluwer Academic, 1993. [20] B. Girod, “Motion-compensating prediction with fractional-pel accuracy,” IEEE Trans. Communications, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 604, April 1993. [21] CCITT Recommendation MPEG-2, Generic Coding of Moving Pictures and Associated Audio, ISO/IEC 13818, Geneva, Switzerland, 1994, H.262. [22] S.-I. Uramoto, A. Takabatake, and M. Yoshimoto, “A half-pel precision motion estimation processor for NTSC-resolution video,” IEICE Trans. Electronics, vol. 77, no. 12, p. 1930, December 1994. [23] T. Akiyama, H. Aono, K. Aoki, K.W. Ler, B. Wilson, T. Araki, T. Morishige, H. Takeno, A. Sato, S. Nakatani, and T. Senoh, “MPEG2 video codec using image compression DSP,” IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, vol. 40, pp. 466–472, 1994. [24] D. Brinthaupt, L. Letham, V. Maheshwari, J. Othmer, R. Spiwak, B. Edwards, C. Terman, and N. Weste, “A video decoder for H.261 video teleconferencing and MPEG stored interactive video applications,” in 1993 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference, San Francisco, CA, 1993, pp. 34–35. [25] G. Madec, “Half pixel accuracy in block matching,” in Picture Coding Symp., Cambridge, MA, March 1990. [26] G. de Haan and W.A.C. Biezen, “Sub-pixel motion estimation with 3-D recursive search block-matching,” Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 229–239, June 1994. [27] R.W. Schafer and L.R. Rabiner, “A digital signal processing approach to interpolation,” Proceedings of the IEEE, pp. 692–702, June 1973. [28] A. Papoulis, Signal Analysis, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1977.

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[29] S.F. Chang and D.G. Messerschmitt, “A new approach to decoding and compositing motion-compensated DCT-based images,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processing, 1993, vol. 5, pp. 421–424. [30] S.-F. Chang and D.G. Messerschmitt, “Manipulation and compositing of MC-DCT compressed video,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 13, no. 1, p. 1, January 1995. [31] Y.Y. Lee and J.W. Woods, “Video post-production with compressed images,” SMPTE Journal, vol. 103, pp. 76–84, February 1994. [32] B.C. Smith and L. Rowe, “Algorithms for manipulating compressed images,” IEEE Comput. Graph. Appl., pp. 34–42, September 1993. [33] J.B. Lee and B.G. Lee, “Transform domain filtering based on pipelining structure,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 40, pp. 2061–2064, August 1992. [34] N. Merhav and V. Bhaskaran, “A fast algorithm for DCT-domain inverse motion compensation,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processing, 1996, vol. 4, pp. 2309–2312. [35] W.F. Schreiber, Fundamentals of Electronic Imaging Systems — Some Aspects of Image Processing, 3rd edition, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1993. [36] H. Hou and H.C. Andrews, “Cubic splines for image interpolation and digital filtering,” IEEE Trans. Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processing, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 508–517, 1978. [37] J. Chen and K.J.R. Liu, “A complete pipelined parallel CORDIC architecture for motion estimation,” IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems — II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, vol. 45, pp. 653–660, June 1998.

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Chapter 10 Object-Based Analysis–Synthesis Coding Based on Moving 3D Objects

Jörn Ostermann



For the coding of moving images with low data rates between 64 kbit/s and 2 Mbit/s, a block-based hybrid coder has been standardized by the ITU-T [8] where each image of a sequence is subdivided into independently moving blocks of size 16×16 picture elements (pels). Each block is coded by 2D motion-compensated prediction and transform coding [56]. This corresponds to a source model of “2D square blocks moving translationally in the image plane,” which fails at boundaries of naturally moving objects and causes coding artifacts known as blocking and mosquito effects at low data rates. In order to avoid these coding distortions, several different approaches to video coding have been proposed in the literature. They can be categorized into four methods: region-based coding, object-based coding, knowledge-based coding, and semantic coding. Region-based coding segments an image into regions of hom*ogeneous texture or color [36]. Usually, these regions are not related to physical objects. Regions are allowed to move and change their shape and texture over time. Some recent proposals merge regions with dissimilar texture but with similar motion into one entity in order to increase coding efficiency [12]. The concept of object-based analysis–synthesis coding (OBASC) aiming at a data rate of 64 kbit/s and below was proposed in [44]. A coder based on this concept divides an image sequence into moving objects. An object is defined by its uniform motion and described by motion, shape, and color parameters, where color parameters denote luminance and chrominance reflectance of the object surface. Those parts of an image that can be described with sufficient accuracy by moving objects require the transmission of motion and shape parameters only, since the texture of the previously coded objects can be used. The remaining image areas are called areas of model failure. They require the transmission of shape and texture parameters in order to generate a subjectively correct decoded image. This detection of model failures can be adapted to accommodate properties of the human visual system. OBASC in its basic form does not require any a priori knowledge of the moving objects. A first implementation of an OBASC presented in 1991 was based on the source model of “moving flexible 2D objects” (F2D) and was used for coding image sequences between 64 and 16 kbit/s [3, 18, 26]. Implementations of an OBASC based on the source models of “moving rigid 3D objects” (R3D) and “moving flexible 3D objects” (F3D) using 3D motion and 3D shape are presented in [48] and [49], respectively. In [13], an implicit 3D shape representation is proposed.

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Knowledge-based coders [31] use a source model which is adapted to a special object. In contrast to OBASC, this allows the encoding of only a special object like a face. However, due to this adaptation of the source model to the scene contents, a more efficient encoding becomes possible. A recognition algorithm is required to detect the object in the video sequence. For encoding of faces, a predefined 3D face model gets adapted to the face in the sequence. Then, the motion parameters of the face are estimated and coded. Perhaps the most challenging task for a knowledge-based encoder is the reliable detection of the face position [20, 34, 60]. Semantic coders [15] are modeled after knowledge-based coders. Until now, semantic coding was mainly investigated for the encoding of faces using high-level parameters such as the facial action coding system [2, 11, 14, 21, 22, 68]. Alternatively, facial animation parameters as defined by MPEG-4 can be used [30, 53]. By using high-level parameters we limit the degrees of freedom of the object and achieve a higher data reduction. Knowledge-based as well as semantic coders use three-dimensional source models. Since they can encode only a particular object, they require a different algorithm for encoding the image areas outside this object. An OBASC based on a 3D source model seems to be a natural choice. The purpose of this chapter is twofold. First, the concept of object-based analysis–synthesis coding is reviewed. Second, different source models used for OBASC and their main properties are compared. In order to use 3D source models, a reliable motion estimation algorithm is required. Here, we develop a robust gradient-based estimator that is able to track objects. The coding efficiencies obtained with the source models F2D [27], R3D, and F3D are compared in terms of data rate required for the same picture quality. The coding schemes will be evaluated using videophone test sequences. As a well-known reference for picture quality, the blockbased hybrid coder H.261 [8, 9] is used. In Section 10.2, the principles of object-based analysis–synthesis coding are reviewed. In Section 10.3, different 2D and 3D source models for OBASC and their implementations in an OBASC are presented. Since the data rate of an OBASC depends mainly on how well the image analysis can track the moving objects, we present in Section 10.4 details of image analysis. A robust 3D motion estimator is developed. Model failure detection is discussed in more detail. In Section 10.5, we present an overview of parameter coding. The coding efficiency of the different source models is compared in Section 10.6. A final discussion concludes this book chapter.


Object-Based Analysis–Synthesis Coding

The goal of OBASC is the efficient encoding of image sequences. Each image of the sequence is called a real image. OBASC [44] subdivides each real image into moving objects called real objects. A real object is topologically connected and characterized by its uniform motion. A real object is modeled by a model object as defined by the source model of the encoder. Hence, one real object is described by one model object, whereas region-based coding describes regions with hom*ogeneous textures as separate entities. Each model object m is described by three sets of parameters, A(m) , M (m) , and S (m) , defining its motion, shape, and color, respectively. Motion parameters define the position and motion of the object; shape parameters define its shape. Color parameters denote the luminance as well as the chrominance reflectance on the surface of the object. In computer graphics, they are sometimes called texture. The precise meaning of the three parameter sets depends on the source model employed (see Section 10.3).

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Figure 10.1 is used to explain the concept and structure of OBASC. An OBASC consists of five parts: image analysis, parameter coding, parameter decoding, parameter memory, and image synthesis. Instead of the frame memory used in block-based hybrid coding, OBASC requires a memory for parameters in order to store the coded, transmitted, and decoded parameters A , M , and S for all objects. Whereas the double prime ( ) symbol marks the transmitted parameters used to update the parameter memory, the prime ( ) symbol marks the decoded parameters at the output of the parameter memory.

FIGURE 10.1 Block diagram of an object-based analysis–synthesis coder. The parameter memories in the coder and decoder contain the same information. Evaluating these parameter sets, image synthesis produces a model image sk , which is displayed at the decoder. In order to avoid annoying artifacts at object boundaries, a shape-dependent antialiasing filter may be applied at object boundaries [58]. At time instant k + 1, the image analysis has to evaluate the current image sk+1 considering the parameter sets A , M , and S estimated for image sk . The task of image analysis is to track each object known from previous frames and detect new moving objects. Each object m is described by three sets of parameters, Am,k+1 , Mm,k+1 , and Sm,k+1 . These parameter sets are available at the output of the image analysis in PCM format. Considering the previously estimated and coded parameter sets A , M , and S creates a feedback loop in the encoder. This allows the image analysis to compensate for previous estimation errors as well as shape and motion quantization errors introduced by the lossy encoding of the parameters by parameter coding. Hence, an accumulation of estimation and quantization errors is avoided. Figure 10.2 serves as an example to describe the parameter sets in the case of a source model of rigid 2D objects with 2D motion. The color parameters of an object can be covered and uncovered due to (1) camera motion, (2) a new object entering the scene, (3) motion of another object, or (4) egomotion. In this chapter, we focus on (2) to (4). The extension of OBASC to consider camera motion is straightforward on a conceptual level. Mech and Wollborn describe an implementation in [40]. In the example of Figure 10.2, areas of object 1 get uncovered due to the motion of object 2. Assuming that these parts of object 1 have not been visible before, the color parameters of these uncovered areas (UAs) have to be transmitted. Similarly, a rotating 3D object might uncover previously not visible areas for which the transmission of color parameters is required. The color parameters of an uncovered area can uniquely be associated with one object. Therefore, the color parameter Sm,k+1 of object m at time instant UA k + 1 consists of its color parameter Sm,k at time instant k and the color parameters Sm,k+1 of

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FIGURE 10.2 Image analysis demonstrated using rigid translaterally moving objects in the image plane. The dashed lines denote the image boundaries in order to show the positions of object 2. It is not necessary to know the motion parameters at time instant tk . The texture parameters of object 1 change due to the uncovered areas. its uncovered area: UA Sm,k+1 = Sm,k ∪ Sm,k+1 .


If several objects are moving, an uncovered area can belong to a moving object. The shape of the uncovered area can be derived from object motion and object shape. In Figure 10.2, the shape of the uncovered area of object 1 is determined by the shape and motion of object 2 [64]. Most implementations of an image analysis for an OBASC assume moving objects in front of a static background. In the current image, moving and static objects are detected first by means of change detection [23, 45, 52, 64]. For moving objects, new motion and shape parameters are estimated in order to reuse most of the already transmitted color parameters (m) Sk . As pointed out in [25], the estimation of motion and shape parameters are mutually dependent problems. However, in the case of a static background, the correct estimation of motion is the more challenging task of the two [64]. Objects for which motion and shape parameters can be estimated successfully are referred to as MC objects (model compliance). In the final step of image analysis, image areas that cannot be described by MC objects using (m) (m) (m) the transmitted color parameters Sk and the new motion and shape parameters Ak+1 Mk+1 , respectively, are detected. Areas of model failure (MF) [46] are derived from these areas. They are defined by 2D shape and color parameters only and are referred to as MF objects. The detection of MF objects takes into account that small position and shape errors of the MC objects — referred to as geometrical distortions — do not disturb subjective image quality. Therefore, MF objects are limited to those image areas with significant differences between the motion- and shape-compensated prediction image and the current image sk+1 . They tend to be small in size. This allows coding of color parameters of MF objects with high quality, thus avoiding subjectively annoying quantization errors. Since the transmission of color parameters

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is expensive in terms of data rate, the total area of MF objects should not be larger than 4% of the image area, assuming 64 kbit/s, CIF (common intermediate format, 352×288 luminance and 176×144 chrominance pels/frame), and 10 Hz. Depending on the object class MC/MF, the parameter sets of each object are coded by parameter coding using predictive coding techniques (Figure 10.3). Motion and shape parameters are encoded and transmitted for MC objects and shape and color parameters for MF objects. For MC objects, motion parameters are quantized and encoded. The motion information is used to predict the current shape of the MC object. After motion compensation of the shape, only the shape prediction error has to be encoded. The shape of uncovered areas is derived

FIGURE 10.3 Block diagram of parameter coding. from the shape and motion of the MC objects. In the case of uncovered areas being visible for the first time, color parameters have to be transmitted. For MF objects, a temporal prediction of the shape is not useful, since areas of model failure are not temporally correlated. Hence, the shape parameters of MF objects are encoded in intra mode. For the color parameters, the motion-compensated prediction error is computed using the motion parameters of the underlying MC object. Then the prediction error is quantized and encoded. Table 10.1 summarizes which parameter sets have to be transmitted for each object class. As in any block-based coder, color parameters have to be transmitted only in the case of a scene cut. Since the coding of color parameters generally requires a bit rate of more than 1 bit/pel in active areas, the size of the MF objects determines to a large extent the bit rate required for encoding an image sequence. Hence, image analysis should be optimized such that the size of the MF objects becomes small. Furthermore, parameter coding for MF and MC objects has to be optimized in order to minimize the overall data rate R = RA + RM + RS for coding all parameter sets [50]. Parameter decoding decodes the two parameter sets transmitted for each object class. In the memory for parameters, the position and shape of MC objects are updated. Furthermore, in areas of model failure, color parameters of MC objects are substituted by the color parameters of the transmitted MF objects. Therefore, only MC objects are available at the output of the parameter memory. In OBASC, the suitability of source models can be judged by comparing the data rates required for coding the same image sequence with the same image quality. Image quality is influenced mainly by the algorithm for detecting model failures and by the bit rate available

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Table 10.1 Parameter Sets That Must Be Coded for MC Objects, Uncovered Areas (UAs), and MF Objects and in the Case of a Scene Cut (SC) Coder Mode Parameter Set Motion parameters A Shape parameter M Color parameter S

MC Object Mode MC UA

× ×


MF Object Mode MF SC

× ×


for coding the color parameters of model failures. Assuming an image format of CIF with a reduced frame frequency of 10 Hz, an average area of MF objects of 4% of the image area should be sufficient in order to encode a videophone sequence with good subjective quality at a bit rate of 64 kbit/s.


Source Models for OBASC

In this section, the different source models applied to OBASC, their main properties, as well as some implementation details are presented. In order to highlight commonalities and differences between source models used for OBASC, it is useful to subdivide a source model into its main components, namely the camera model, the illumination model, the scene model, and the object model. The source model used here assumes a 3D real world that has to be modeled by a model world. Whereas the real image is taken by a real camera looking into the real world, a model image is synthesized using a model camera looking into the model world. A world is described by a scene, its illumination, and its camera. A scene consists of objects, their motion, and their relative position. Initially, the source models are distinguished from each other by the object model. For simplicity, we name the source models according to the name of their object model. Recent research also has focused on illumination models [62, 63]. The goal of the modeling is to generate a model world, Wk , with a model image identical to the real image, sk , at a time instance k. This implies that the model objects may differ from the real objects. However, similarity between the real object and the model object generally helps in performing proper image analysis. The following sections will describe the different parts of a source model. After the review of the camera, illumination, and scene model, different object models as applied to OBASC are explained. These object models are used to describe the real objects by means of MC objects. For each object model, parameter coding and some implementation details are highlighted.


Camera Model

The real camera is modeled by a static pinhole camera [65]. Whereas a real image is generated by reading the target of the real camera, a model image is read off the target of the model camera. Assuming a world coordinate system (x, y, z) and an image coordinate system (i) (i) (i) (X, Y ), this camera projects the point P(i) = (Px , Py , Pz )T on the surface of an object in

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the scene onto the point p(i) = (pX , pY )T of the image plane according to (i) pX

=F ·






(i) pY


=F ·





where F is the focal length of the camera (Figure 10.4). This model assumes that the image plane is parallel to the (x, y) plane of the world coordinate system. For many applications, this camera model is of sufficient accuracy. However, in order to incorporate camera motion, a CAHV camera model [69] allowing for arbitrary camera motion and zoom should be used.

FIGURE 10.4 Camera model.


Scene Model

The scene model describes the objects of a world using an object model and the relationship between objects (Figures 10.2 and 10.5). It allows an explanation of the effects of covered and uncovered areas. In the case of uncovered areas, the relative position of the objects to each other and to the image plane allow the correct assignment of the area to one object.


Illumination Model

The illumination model describes the temporal changes in the video sequence caused by the changing illumination of the real world. The interaction of incident light from a light source with a point P of an object is described by the distribution Lr,λ of reflected radiance from an object surface depending on the distribution Ei,λ of incident irradiance and the object surface reflectance function R at this point according to Lr,λ (L, V , N, P , λ) = R(L, V , N, P , λ) · Ei,λ (L, N, λ)


Here N is the surface normal vector, L the illumination direction, V the viewing direction (to the focal point of the camera), and λ the wavelength of light (Figure 10.6). With simplifying

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FIGURE 10.5 Scene model.

FIGURE 10.6 Surface patch dA with normal vector N illuminated from direction L by a point light source with the infinitesimal small area dAs . The patch is viewed from direction V . assumptions such as opaque object surfaces and temporally invariant illumination direction as well as viewing direction, (10.3) simplifies to Lr,λ (N, P , λ) = R(N, P , λ) · Ei,λ (N, λ)


Assuming the scene to be illuminated by a point light source and ambient diffuse light simplifies the description of the incident irradiance to the shading model of Phong used in early computer graphics [58]: Ei (N ) = cambient + clambert · max(0, LN )


with cambient the ambient irradiance and clambert the point light source irradiance. Assuming that N and therefore the object shape is known, this simple illumination model requires three parameters to be estimated: the ratio between ambient and direct irradiance, cambient /clambert , and the two angles describing the direction of the direct point light source irradiation. This model according to (10.5) has been implemented in an OBASC by Stauder [62]. In the image

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plane, Stander assumes that the luminance l(p) of a point moving from pk to pk+1 changes according to l (pk+1 ) = l (pk ) ·

Ei (Nk+1 ) . Ei (Nk )


Pearson and others proposed to model the irradiance by a discrete irradiance map [55]. This map gives an irradiance value for each patch of the incident light on a Gaussian sphere. It is not restricted to any illumination situation. Several light sources can be handled. For a reasonable approximation of an illumination situation, the number of patches should be 9 × 9 or higher. This method is especially useful if the irradiance values can be measured. Another simple illumination model assumes that the image signal l(p) depends on the illumination E(p) and the bidirectional reflection function R(p). R(p) accounts for the wavelength of the illumination, surface material, and the geometric arrangement of illumination, camera, and surface. The illumination Ei (p) depends on ambient and direct light. Assuming diffuse illumination, diffuse reflecting surfaces, parallel projection, and a constant kb , the image signal is given by the reflection model l(p) = kB · Ei (p) · R(p) .


In the image plane, the luminance l(p) of a point moving from pk to pk+1 changes according to l (pk+1 ) = kb · E (pk+1 ) · R (pk ) .


This reflection model indicates that illumination can be modeled by a multiplicative factor. This has proven to be useful in block matching, 3D motion estimation, and change detection [7, 19, 52, 63]. The simplest, yet most widely used illumination model simply assumes for the luminance of a moving point l (pk+1 ) = l (pk ) .


Sometimes, this model is referred to as the constant intensity assumption. The implicit assumptions are diffuse illumination, diffuse reflecting surfaces, and no temporal variation in the illumination. Here, we select the simple illumination model according to (10.9).


Object Model

The object model describes the assumptions of the source model about the real objects. In order to do so, shape, motion, and surface models are required. While all object models described here use the same surface model, they employ different motion and shape models as discussed below. As far as the surface model is concerned, it is assumed that object surfaces are opaque and have a diffuse reflecting surface. The surface of an object m is described by the color parameters Sm . These color parameters contain the luminance as well as the chrominance reflectance. Moving Rigid 2D Objects (R2D) with 3D Motion Object Model This object model assumes rigid 2D arbitrarily shaped objects. Hence, each object can be perceived as a part of a plane. Its projection into the image plane is the 2D silhouette

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of the object. Each object is allowed to move in 3D space. Allowing two parameters to describe the orientation of the plane in space and six parameters to describe object motion, the functional relationship between a point P on the object surface projected onto the image plane as p = (X, Y )T and p = (X , Y )T before and after motion, respectively, is described by eight parameters (a1 , . . . , a8 ) [23, 65]: p = (X , Y )T =

a1 X + a2 Y + a3 a4 X + a5 Y + a6 , a7 X + a 8 + 1 a7 X + a 8 + 1




Implementation Image analysis for this source model estimates motion hierarchically for an object, which initially is the entire frame, sk+1 . Then, the motion-compensated prediction sˆ of the object is computed using an image synthesis algorithm, which fetches the luminance for a point p in frame sk+1 from point p of frame sk according to the inverse of (10.10). Finally, the estimated motion parameters are verified by comparing the original image and the predicted image, and detecting those areas where the motion parameters do not allow for a sufficiently precise approximation of the original image. These areas are the objects where motion parameters are estimated in the next step of the hierarchy. This verification step allows the segmentation of moving objects using the motion as the segmentation criterion. Hötter [23] implemented three steps of the hierarchy. The image areas that could not be described by motion parameters at the end of this object segmentation and motion compensation process are the MFR2D objects. In order to achieve robust estimates, Hötter allowed the motion model to reduce the number of parameters from eight to an affine transformation with six (a1 , . . . , a6 ) parameters or to a displacement with two parameters (a1 , a2 ). This adaptation is especially important as objects become smaller [23]. In order to increase the efficiency of parameter coding, especially the shape parameter coding, the segmentation of the current frame into moving objects takes the segmentation of the previous image as a starting point. In the image plane, this increases the temporal consistency of the 2D shape of the objects. Since eight parameters are estimated for each frame in which an object is visible, this model allows the object to change its orientation in space arbitrarily from one frame interval to the next. No temporal coherence for the orientation of the object is required or enforced. Moving Flexible 2D Objects (F2D) with 2D Motion Object Model This source model assumes that the motion of a real object can be described by a hom*ogeneous displacement vector field. This displacement vector field moves the projection of the real object into the image plane to its new position. Assuming a point P on the object surface moving from P to P , its projection into the image plane moves from p to p . p and p are ) = (DX (p ), DY (p ))T : related by the displacement vector D(p ) . p = p − D(p


The motion parameters of an MC object m are the displacement vectors of those points p that belong to the projection of object m into the image plane. The shape of this object is defined by the 2D silhouette that outlines the projection of object m in the image plane. Implementation For estimating the changed area due to object motion, Hötter applies a change detector to the coded image sk and the real current image sk+1 . This change detector is initialized with the

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silhouette of the objects as estimated for image sk . This allows object tracking and increases the coding efficiency for shape parameters. For displacement estimation, a hierarchical blockmatching technique is used [4]. Experimental investigations show that an amplitude resolution of a half pel and a spatial resolution of one displacement vector for every 16×16 pel result in the lowest overall data rate for encoding. This implementation of image analysis is only able to segment moving objects in front of a static background. Since an OBASC relies on the precise segmentation of moving objects and their motion boundaries, this restriction on the image analysis limits the coding efficiency for scenes with complex motion. To compute the motion-compensated prediction image, the texture of the previously decoded image can be used similar to the MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 standards. The displacement vector field is bilinearly interpolated inside an object. The vectors are quantized to half-pel accuracy. In order to accomplish prediction using these half-pel motion vectors, the image signal is bilinearly interpolated. In [27], the disadvantage of this image synthesis by filter concatenation was noted. Assuming that all temporal image changes are due to motion, the real image sk (p ) is identical to s0 (p). If displacement vectors with subpel amplitude resolution are applied, the displaced position does not necessarily coincide with the sampling grid of s0 . In that case, a spatial interpolation filter h is required to compute the missing sample. In Figure 10.7, the luminance value of sk+1 (y1 ) requires two temporal filter operations. Assuming bilinear

FIGURE 10.7 Image synthesis by filter concatenation (one-dimensional case) [27]. interpolation and the displacement vector field as depicted in Figure 10.7, sk+1 (y1 ) is given by sk+1 (y1 ) =

1 1 1 s0 (y1 ) + s0 (y2 ) + s0 (y3 ) . 4 2 4


The disadvantage of this method is that repeated interpolation results in severe low-pass filtering of the image. Hötter suggests image synthesis by parameter concatenation using an object memory for the texture parameters of each object (Figure 10.8). Thus, the interpolation filter h has to be applied only once. In order to synthesize the image sk+1 (y1 ), the total displacement

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FIGURE 10.8 Image synthesis by parameter concatenation (one-dimensional case) using an object memory for color parameters [27]. between s0 and sk+1 is computed by concatenating the displacement vectors. In this case, sk+1 (y1 ) is given by sk+1 (y1 ) = s0 (y2 ) .


This is basically a method of texture mapping, as known from computer graphics, and OBASC based on 3D source models (see Section 10.3.4) [67]. Indeed, Hötter’s implementation uses a mesh of triangles in order to realize this object memory, or texture memory as it is known in computer graphics (Figure 10.9). In [28], Hötter develops a stochastic model describing the synthesis errors due to spatial interpolation and displacement estimation errors. The model was verified by experiments. Use of this texture memory gives a gain of 1 dB in the signal-to-noise ratio for every 14 frames encoded. This gain is especially relevant since the improvement is only due to the less frequent use of the interpolation filter, thus resulting in significantly sharper images.

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FIGURE 10.9 Image synthesis for MC objects using a triangle-based mesh as texture memory.

MF objects are detected as described in Section 10.4.3. The shape parameter coding is presented in Section 10.5.2. The 2D displacement vector fields are DPCM coded using spatial prediction. Moving Rigid 3D Objects (R3D) Object Model In the model used here, the 3D shape is represented by a mesh of triangles, which is put (i) up by vertices referred to as control points, PC . The appearance of the model object surface is described by the color parameters S (m) . In order to limit the bit rate for coding of shape parameters, the shape parameters M (m) of an object m represent a 2D binary mask, which defines the silhouette of the model object in the model image. During initialization, the 3D shape of an object is completely described by its 2D silhouette (i.e., there is an algorithm that computes a generalized 3D cylinder from a 2D silhouette (Figure 10.10) using a distance transform to determine the object depth (Figure 10.10b) [45]). The distance transform assigns two depth values wF ±Z to each point h of the object silhouette. Each depth value depends on the Euclidian distance between point h and the silhouette boundary. Depending on the application, an appropriate mapping d → wF ±Z can be selected. Using a mapping derived from an ellipse is suitable for the modeling of head and shoulder scenes. The object width b and the object depth h are related according to (Figure 10.11): √ h d(b − d) for d < b2 wF ±Z (d) = F ± hb (10.14) otherwise . 2 In order to determine the object width, we use the four measurements b1 , b2 , b3 , and b4 according to Figure 10.12 in order to determine the maximum elongation of the object in the direction of the x and y axes as well as the two diagonals. We determine the object width b as

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FIGURE 10.10 Processing steps from object silhouette to model object: (a) object silhouette; (b) 3D object shape with required silhouette rotated by 30◦ and illuminated; (c) contour lines approximating the object shape; (d) polygons approximating the contour lines; (e) mesh of triangles using polygon points as vertices; (f) model object with color parameters projected onto it.

the minimum of the four values according to b = min(b1 , b2 , b3 , b4 ) .


wF ±Z is constant for d > b/2. Hence, the surface of the model object is parallel to the image plane where the object is wide. In order to automatically adapt the object depth to the width of different objects, we set the ratio β = b/ h instead of h to a fixed value: √ 1 d(b − d) for d < b2 wF ±Z (d) = F ± βb (10.16) otherwise . 2β In Figure 10.10, the ratio β between object width and object depth is set to 1.5. The maximum distance between the estimated silhouette and the silhouette of the model object does not exceed dmax ≤ 1.4 pel (Figure 10.10d). After initialization, the shape parameters M (m) are used as update parameters to the model object shape. An object may consist of one, two, or more rigid components [6]. The subdivision of an object into components is estimated by image analysis. Each component has its own set of motion parameters. Since each component is defined by its control points, the components are linked by those triangles of the object having control points belonging to different components. Due to these triangles, components are flexibly connected. Figure 10.13 shows a scene with the objects Background and Claire. The model object Claire consists of the two components Head and Shoulder.

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FIGURE 10.11 A 3D shape symmetric to the image plane Z = F is created. (a) Distance transform according to (10.14); d is the smallest distance to the border of the object silhouette, b is set according to (10.15), and β = b/ h = 1.5. In the example, the object width is larger than b according to 10.15. (b) Cut through a model object (top); view from the focal point of the camera onto the contour lines (bottom). For computing object depth, we always measure the distance d to the closest boundary point [51].

FIGURE 10.12 Determining the object width. The distances b1 , b2 , b3 , and b4 are measured by determining the parallel projection of the silhouette onto the x and y axes and onto the image diagonals. We use the minimum as object width, here b1 . (m)






3D motion is described by the parameters A(m) = (Tx , Ty , Tz , Rx , Ry , Rz ) defining translation and rotation. A point P (i) on the surface of object m with N control points (i) PC is moved to its new position P (i) according to (m) P (i) = RC · P (i) − C (m) + C (m) + T (m) (10.17) (m)

with the translation vector T (m) = (Tx

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, Ty

(m) T ) , the object center C

, Tz

= (Cx , Cy , Cz ) =

FIGURE 10.13 Model scene and model object Claire subdivided into two flexibly connected components: (a) scene consisting of two objects; (b) components of model object Claire.

FIGURE 10.14 Triangular mesh with color parameter on the skin of the model object.

FIGURE 10.15 Triangular mesh after flexible shape compensation by flexible shift vector F (n) .

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T i=1 PC , the rotation angles RC = (Rx , Ry , Rz ) , and the rotation matrix [RC ] defining the rotation in the mathematically positive direction around the x, y, and z axes with the rotation center C: 1 N

 cos Ry cos Rz , sin Rx sin Ry cos Rz − cos Rx sin Rz , cos Rx sin Ry cos Rz + sin Rx sin Rz [RC ] =  cos Ry sin Rz , sin Rx sin Ry sin Rz + cos Rx cos Rz , cos Rx sin Ry sin Rz − sin Rx cos Rz  − sin Ry , sin Rx cos Ry , cos Rx cos Ry (10.18)

Implementation An overview of the image analysis and a detailed description of motion estimation is given in Section 10.4. Parameter coding is presented in Section 10.5. Moving Flexible 3D Objects (F3D) Object Model In addition to the properties of the source model R3D, the source model F3D allows for local flexible shifts on the surface of the model object shape. This is modeled by a flexible skin (Figure 10.14). This flexible skin can be moved tangentially to the surface of the object (Figure 10.15). It allows modeling of local deformations. In the model world, the flexible (n) surface is modeled by a shift of control points PC in the tangential surface plane. The normal (n) vector to this tangential surface plane is computed by averaging the normal vectors nDj to the (n)

J triangles to which the control point PC belongs: (n)




j =1



(10.19) (n)

This tangential surface plane with the normal vector nt



is spanned by Rf u and Rf v . These (n)

vectors are of unit length and are orthogonal to each other. For each control point PC , two (n) (n) (n) flexible shape parameters Sf = (Sf u , Sf v )T have to be estimated. (n)



= PC + F (n)


= PC + Sf u Rf u + Sf v Rf v








(10.20) (n)

with F the flexible shift vector and PC = (Px , Py , Pz )T and PC = (PX , PY , PZ )T being a control point before and after shift, respectively. The flexible shift vectors F (n) can be (m) interpreted as local motion parameters, in contrast to the global motion parameters, RC and T (m) . Implementation The flexible shift vectors require additional data rates for encoding. Hence they are estimated and transmitted only for those image areas that cannot be described with sufficient accuracy using the source model R3D (see Section 10.4.1) [49]. These areas are the MFR3D objects. The shift parameters are estimated for one MFR3D object at a time. For all control points of an MC object that are projected onto one MFR3D object, the shift parameters are estimated jointly because one control point affects the image synthesis of all the triangles to which it belongs. For estimation, the image signal is approximated by a Taylor series expansion and the parameters are estimated using a gradient method similar to the 3D motion estimation

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algorithm described in Section 10.4.2. Since the robust 3D motion estimation as described in Section 10.4.2 is not influenced by model failures, it is not necessary to estimate the 3D motion parameters again or to estimate them jointly with the flexible shift parameters.


Image Analysis for 3D Object Models

The goal of image analysis is to gain a compact description of the current real image sk+1 , (m) (m) (m) taking the transmitted parameter sets Ak , Mk , andSk and subjective image quality requirements into account. The image analysis consists of the following parts: image synthesis, change detection, 3D motion estimation, detection of object silhouettes, shape adaptation, and model failure detection. Whereas Section 10.4.1 gives a short overview of image analysis, the sections that follow describe 3D motion estimation and detection of model failures in more detail.



Figure 10.16 shows the structure of image analysis. The inputs to image analysis are the (m) (m) current real image, sk+1 , and the model world, Wk , described by its parameters Ak , Mk , (m)

and Sk for each object m. First, a model image, sk , of the current model world is computed by means of image synthesis. In order to compute the change detection mask, Bk+1 , the change detection evaluates the images sk and sk+1 on the hypothesis that moving real objects generate significant temporal changes in the images [23, 64], that they have occluding contours [45], and that they are opaque [45, 63]. This mask Bk+1 marks the projections of moving objects and the background uncovered due to object motion as changed. Areas of moving shadows or illumination changes are not marked as changed because illumination changes can be modeled by semitransparent objects [62]. Since change detection accounts for the silhouettes of the model objects, the changed areas in mask Bk+1 will be at least as large as these silhouettes. Figure 10.17 gives the change detection mask Bk+1 for frames 2 and 18 of the test sequence Claire [10]. Due to little motion of Claire at the beginning of the sequence, only parts of the projection of the real object are detected during the first frames. The other parts of the person are still considered static background. In order to compensate for real object motion and to separate the moving objects from the uncovered background, 3D motion parameters are estimated for the model objects [1], [32]–[35], [37, 38, 48]. The applied motion estimation algorithm requires motion, shape, and color parameters of the model objects and the current real image sk+1 as input. Motion parameters Ak+1 are estimated using a Taylor series expansion of the image signal, linearizing the rotation matrix (10.18) assuming small rotation angles and maximum likelihood estimation (see Section 10.4.2) [29]. The resulting motion parameters are used to detect the uncovered background, which is included in mask Bk+1 . The basic idea for the detection of uncovered background is that the projection of the moving object before and after motion has to lie completely in the changed area [23]. Subtracting the uncovered background from mask Bk+1 gives the new silhouette Ck+1 for all model objects (Figure 10.17). The silhouette of each model object m is then compared and adapted to the real silhouette (m) Ck+1 [45]. Differences occur either when parts of the real object start moving for the first time or when differences between the shape of the real and the model object become visible

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FIGURE 10.16 Block diagram of image analysis: Ak , Mk , and Sk stored motion, shape, and color parameters; sk+1 real image to be analyzed; sk , s ∗ model images; Bk+1 change detection mask; Ck+1 object silhouettes; Mk+1 shape parameters for MC and MF objects; Sk+1 color parameters for MC and MF objects. Arrows indicate the information used in various parts of image analysis. Semicircles indicate the output of processing steps.

during rotation. In order to compensate for the differences between the silhouettes of the model objects and Ck+1 , the control points close to the silhouette boundary are shifted perpendicular to the model object surface such that the model object gets the required silhouette. This gives MC , where MC denotes model compliance. the new shape parameters Mk+1 For the detection of model failures, a model image s ∗ is synthesized using the previous color MC , respectively. The parameters Sk and the current motion and shape parameters Ak+1 and Mk+1 ∗ differences between the images s and sk+1 are evaluated for determining the areas of model failure. The areas of model failure cannot be compensated for using the source model of “moving rigid 3D objects.” Therefore, they are named rigid model failures (MFR3D ) and are MF represented by MFR3D objects. These MF objects are described by 2D shape parameters Mk+1 MF and color parameters Sk+1 only. In case the source model F3D is used, three more steps have to be added to the image analysis (Figure 10.18). As explained in Section 10.3.4, flexible shift parameters are estimated only for those parts of the model object that are projected onto areas of MFR3D . Following the example of Figure 10.23, the estimation is limited to control points that are projected onto the eye, mouth, and right ear area. After estimation of the shift parameters, a model image is

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FIGURE 10.17 Object silhouettes of Claire: (a) frame 2; (b) frame 18. Gray and black areas are marked changed by change detection. Detection of object silhouettes gives the object silhouette (gray) and the uncovered background (black). synthesized and the areas of MFF3D are estimated using the same algorithm for the detection of model failures as for the R3D source model.


Motion Estimation for R3D

Image analysis of the OBASC must compensate for the motion of the objects in the scene in order to provide a motion-compensated prediction of the current image sk+1 . The 3D real objects are modeled by 3D model objects. Usually, the motion and the shape of the real objects are unknown. In order to ensure a reliable and robust estimation, methods for robust estimation are used. In Section 10.4.2, the basic motion estimation algorithm, which enables tracking of real objects with model objects, is reviewed [48]. In Section 10.4.2, methods for robust estimation are developed and compared. Since the shape of the real objects is not known and these objects tend not to be completely rigid due to facial expressions and hair motion, we developed a gradient-based motion estimator instead of a feature-based estimator. Basic Motion Estimation In order to derive the motion estimation algorithm, it is assumed that differences between two consecutive images sk and sk+1 are due to object motion only. In order to estimate these motion parameters, a gradient method is applied here. During motion estimation, each object is represented by a set of observation points. Each observation point O (j ) = (Q(j ) , g (j ) , I (j ) ) is located on the model object surface at position (j ) (j ) (j ) Q(j ) and holds its luminance value I (j ) and its linear gradients gQ = (gx , gy )T . gQ are the horizontal and vertical luminance gradients from the image which provided the color parameters for the object. For simplicity, we use sk here. The gradients are computed by convoluting the image signal with the Sobel operator   1 0 −1 1 (10.21) E = · 2 0 −2 8 1 0 −1 giving the gradients gx (x, y) = l(x, y)∗ E gy (x, y) = l(x, y)∗ E T .

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FIGURE 10.18 Block diagram of image analysis: Ak , Mk , and Sk stored motion, shape, and color paMC rameters; sk+1 real image to be analyzed; s ∗ model image; Ak+1 = AMC R3D + AF 3D global MC MF shape (R, T ) and local (Sf ) motion parameters of MC objects; Mk+1 = MR3D + Mk+1 MF color parameters of MC and parameters of MC and MF objects; Sk+1 = Sk + Sk+1 MF objects. Arrows indicate the information used in various parts of image analysis. Semicircles indicate the output of processing steps.

The measure for selecting observation points is a high spatial gradient. This adds robustness against noise to the estimation algorithm (see Section 10.4.2). Figure 10.19 shows the location of all observation points belonging to the model object Claire. If parts of the object texture are exchanged due to MF objects, the observation points for the corresponding surface of the object are updated. The observation points are also used for the estimation of flexible shift parameters.

FIGURE 10.19 The position of all observation points of model object Claire.

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Since some triangles of a model object can be deformed due to flexible shifts or due to its control points belonging to different components of the model object, we define the position of an observation point Q(j ) relative to the position of the control points P (0) , P (1) , and P (2) of its triangle using barycentric coordinates c0 , c1 , and c2 of the coordinate system defined by P (0) , P (1) , and P (2) : Q(j ) = c0 P (0) + c1 P (1) + c2 P (2) .


It is assumed that objects are rigid and have diffuse reflecting surfaces. Furthermore, diffuse illumination of the scene is assumed.1 Hence, color parameters are constant. With an (j ) (j ) (j ) observation point Ok = (Qk , gQ , I (j ) ) at time instant k projected onto the image plane (j )

(j )

(j )

at qk and the same observation point after motion Ok+1 = (Qk+1 , g (j ) , I (j ) ) projected onto (j )

(j )

qk+1 , the luminance difference between image k and image k + 1 at position qk is (j ) (j ) (j ) 9I qk = sk+1 qk − s k qk (j ) (j ) = sk+1 qk − sk+1 qk+1 ,


assuming that the luminance difference is only due to object motion with sk+1 (pk+1 ) = sk (pk ) = I . According to [4], we can approximate the image signal using a Taylor expansion of second order without explicitly computing the second derivative. We compute the secondorder gradient g¯ by averaging the linear gradients of the observation point and the image signal g¯ =

1 gQ + gk+1 (qk ) . 2


Approximating the image signal with a Taylor series and stopping after the linear term gives sk+1 (qk+1 ) ≈ sk+1 (qk ) + g¯ · (qk+1 − qk ) .


Now, we can express the luminance difference according to (10.24) as (j ) (j ) T (j ) (j ) 9I (qk ) = −g¯ · (qk+1 − qk ) = gx , gy . · qk+1 − qk


Substituting image coordinates by model world coordinates with equation (10.2) yields (j ) (j ) (j ) (j ) Qy,k Qx,k (j ) Qx,k+1 (j ) Qy,k+1 (j ) 9I = F · gx (10.28) − (j ) + F · gy − (j ) (j ) (j ) Qz,k+1


(j )



The position Qk of the observation point O (j ) is known. By relating Qk to Qk+1 by means of the motion equation (10.17), a nonlinear equation with the known parameters 9I , g, and F and the six unknown motion parameters results. This equation is linearized by linearizing the rotation matrix RC (10.18), assuming small rotation angles   1 −Rz Ry (10.29) RC =  Rz 1 −Rx , 1 −Ry Rx 1 See [7] and [62] on how to consider illumination effects.

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giving Qk+1 = RC · (Qk − C) + C + T


Substituting (10.30) into (10.28), the linearized equation for one observation point is 9I = F · gx /Qz · Tx + F · gy /Qz · Ty − Qx gx + Qy gy F /Q2z + 9I /Qz · Tz − Qx gx Qy − Cy + Qy gy Qy − Cy + Qz gy (Qz − Cz ) F /Q2z + 9I /Qz Qy − Cy · Rx + Qy gy (Qx − Cx ) + Qx gx (Qx − Cx ) + Qz gx (Qz − Cz ) F /Q2z + 9I /Qz (Qx − Cx ) · Ry − gx Qy − Cy − gy (Qx − Cx ) F /Qz · Rz (10.31) with the unknown motion parameters T = (Tx , Ty , Tz )T and RC = (Rx , Ry , Rz )T and the observation point Ok = (Qk , g, I ) at position Qk = (Qx , Qy , Qz )T . In order to get reliable estimates for the six motion parameters, equation (10.31) has to be established for many observation points, resulting in an overdetermined system of linear equations A·x−b =r ,


with the residual r = (r1 , . . . , rJ )T , x = (TX , TY , TZ , RX , RY , RZ )T , b = (9I (q (1) ), . . . , 9I (q (J ) )T , and A = (a1 , . . . , aJ )T , and aj according to (10.31). The equations are solved by minimization of r: → min , |r|2 = r T · r − x


which corresponds to a minimization of the prediction error of the observation points

9I (j )


→ min .


0(j )

The motion parameters are given by −1 · AT · b xˆ = AT · A


In order to avoid the inversion of large matrices, we do not compute A but immediately compute the 6 × 6 matrix AT · A. Due to the linearizations in (10.26) and (10.29), motion parameters have to be estimated iteratively for each model object. After every iteration, the model object is moved according to (10.17) using the estimated motion parameters x. ˆ Then, a new set of motion equations is established, giving new motion parameter updates. Since the motion parameter updates approach zero during the iterations, the introduced linearizations do not harm motion estimation. The iteration process terminates if the decrease of the residual error |r|2 becomes negligible.

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Robust Motion Estimation Equation (10.32) is solved such that the variance of the residual errors 9I is minimized. However, this approach is sensitive to measurement errors [41]. Measurement errors occur because (10.32) is based on several model assumptions and approximations that tend to be valid for the majority of observation points but not all. Observation points that violate these assumptions are named outliers [59]. When using (10.34) for solving (10.32), outliers have a significant influence on the solution. Therefore, we have to take measures that limit the influence of these outliers on the estimation process [51]. Sometimes, the following assumptions are not valid: 1. Rigid real object 2. Quadratic image signal model 3. Small deviations of model object shape from real object shape Each of these cases is discussed below. If parts of the real object are nonrigid (i.e., the object is flexible), we have image areas that cannot be described by the current motion and shape parameters Ak and Mk , respectively, and the already transmitted color parameters Sk . These image areas can be detected due to their potentially high prediction error 9I . Observation points in these areas can be classified as outliers. For iteration i of (10.34), we will consider only observation points for which the following holds true: (j )


< σ9I · TST


with σ9I

J 1 (j ) 2 = . 9Ii J


j =0

The threshold TST is used to remove the outliers from consideration. According to (10.26), motion estimation is based on the gradient method, which allows for (j ) (j ) estimating only small local displacements (qk+1 −qi ) in one iteration step [43]. Given an im(j )

age gradient gi and a maximum allowable displacement Vmax = |vmax | = |(vx,max , vy,max )T |, (j ) (j ) we can compute a maximum allowable frame difference 9Ilimit (qi ) at an image location qi (j ) (j ) (10.38) = vmax · gi . 9Ilimit qi (j )

(j )

Observation points with |9I (qi )| > |9Ilimit (qi )| are excluded from consideration for the ith iteration step. We assume that they do not conform to the image signal model assumption. Considering image noise, we can derive an additional criterion for selecting observation points. Assuming white additive camera noise n, we measure the noise of the image difference signal as 2 σ9I = 2 · σn2 .

(10.39) (j )

(j )

According to (10.27), we represent the local displacement (qk+1 − qi ) as a function of the noiseless luminance signal. Therefore, the luminance difference 9I (q (j ) ) and the gradient

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g (j ) should have large absolute values in order to limit the influence of camera noise. Hence, we select as observation points only points with a gradient larger than a threshold TG : (j ) (10.40) g > TG . Relatively large gradients allow also for a precise estimation of the motion parameters. Summarizing these observations, we conclude that we should select observation points with large absolute image gradients according to (10.40). Equations (10.36) and (10.38) are the selection criteria for the observation points we will use for any given iteration step. Instead of using the binary selection criteria for observation points according to (10.36) and (10.38), we can use continuous cost functions to control the influence of an observation point on the parameter estimation. We use the residuum r according to (10.32) as measure for the influence of an observation point [57, 70]. Assuming that the probability density function f (r) of the residuals rj according to (10.32) is Gaussian, (10.34) is a maximum-likelihood estimator or M estimator [29]. Now, we will investigate how different assumptions about f (r) influence the M estimator. Let us assume that one f (r) is valid for all observation points. A critical point for selecting an appropriate probability density function is the treatment of outliers. Ideally, we want outliers to have no influence on the estimated motion parameters. The M estimator minimizes the residuum rj according to (10.32) using a cost function

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