You know youre a language nerd when...
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Forum Name: General discussion
Forum Discription: Discussion about language learning for people who study languages on their own.
Printed Date: 31 August 2024 at 4:48pm
Posted By: MegatronFilm
Subject: You know youre a language nerd when...
Date Posted: 17 September 2009at7:49am
realize that you own almost every single book in those 10+ pages.
Add yours :)
(I don't know if this has been started already...If so, sorry!)
(yes...I love Turkish pop music :D Ok? I said it!)
J-Learner on 17 September 2009
you giggle to yourself when you are chatting in your native tongue when someone says a word that has a completely different meaning in another language (and a funny one at that!)!
Katie on 17 September 2009
(yes...I love Turkish pop music :D Ok? I said it!)
We'll have to find a support group or something.
As to the question, I figure if you've got over 500 posts on a forum devoted to language learning, you've got a problem. ;)
ExtraLean on 17 September 2009
you save hundreds of target language web pages, articles, audio files, Gutenburg books, parallel texts, etc. with the intention of reading them "when you have more time". But you spend all your target language reading time reading new material on-line.
tommus on 17 September 2009
you save hundreds of target language web pages, articles, audio files, Gutenburg books,
texts, etc. with the intention of reading them "when you have more time". But you spend all your target language
reading time reading new material on-line.
HAHAH I am that way too!
...when you feel the need to study more than one language. You're so passionate that when people ask what
language you want to learn you get that starry look in your eyes and you say "all the languages in the world".
....when you passionately argue with people who believe its impossible for adults to learn languages.
MegatronFilm on 17 September 2009
-Scream random exclamations in another tongue because you feel like it.
-When you're taking notes or writing something and switch in and out of different languages.
-When you're a member of this forum :D
datsunking1 on 17 September 2009
....when you passionately argue with people who believe its impossible for adults to learn languages.
... when someone mispronounces a word and you ask them what language that was!
maaku on 17 September 2009
...when your mp3-player is loaded with foreign language podcasts instead of music.
...if you rate sp?TID=12671 - this thread among your favourites.
...if you've taken - the test presented in that thread.
...if you scored particularly high.
jeff_lindqvist on 17 September 2009
When you read the warranty paper of the headphones in every language available.
When you watch movies you would never watch in your mother tongue.
When you take notes at school in IPA.
When you use foreign grammar in your native language.
When you colored a map according to the languages youâre fluent in.
MäcÃSŸ on 17 September 2009
When you have had to spread the collection of grammars, dictionaries, textbooks and bilingual guidebooks in your one and only piece of luggage decoratively on the floor of Tirana airport, because some members of your travel club whom you met in the airport wanted to photograph it.
Iversen on 17 September 2009
When you use the 15 minutes breaks inbetween lectures to quickly go outside and shadow a foreign language.
M. Medialis on 17 September 2009
...when you've invented a new script for your native language just for fun.
...when you correct native speakers of foreign languages on their grammar or spelling.
...when you download podcasts in languages you can't even understand and don't intend to
...when you have correctly guessed a foreign word you have never seen before because you
know a related language and are familiar with the historical phonetic shifts of both
...when you say "alveolar ridge" or "epiglottis", then wonder why your listener is giving
you a funny look.
Levi on 17 September 2009
...when you download podcasts in languages you can't even understand and don't intend to learn.
Now, this one is good.
M. Medialis on 17 September 2009
...when you download podcasts in languages you can't even understand and don't intend to learn.
Guilty: Khmer and Lao. :D
... when everyone knows the only presents you accept for birthdays are dictionaries and books in foreign languages.
... when you are with your a friend, overhear a foreigner talking on his/her mobile phone and the friend automatically looks at you to ask what language that was, and if you possibly know what that person was talking about.
Bao on 17 September 2009
...when you major in one language, minor in another, and plan on studying a third in your spare time.
OneEye on 17 September 2009
... when your boss says that she has found a research paper written in dutch which, based on the pictures, seems interesting and you volunteer to read it even if you don't know a single word in that language. (and finally you realize that that was the best day ever at work)
izan on 17 September 2009
When you develop a sudden desire to study a given language just because you find a handsome book written in that language.
When you have kept an Assyrian (i.e., Neo-Aramaic) children's textbook for 35 years just in case you might ever want to learn Assyrian--even though you haven't met a single Assyrian since the original fellow gave you the book.
When a friend, looking to give away some books before moving away, asks, "Do you read fiction?" and you reply, "InEnglish?" And she says, "Oh, yes, I forgot that you realized several years ago that you had read enough fiction inEnglish for the rest of your life and it was time to read only in other languages." And then she said some other things like, "You are one of the weirdest people I know, but I mean that in a good way."
When you don't understand why your partner would want to choose DVD subtitles in our native language.
pohaku on 17 September 2009
When you know at least ten ways of saying "corrugated iron sheet."
When you hear strangers speaking a foreign language and you stalk them for hours.
When your tiny dorm room/bedroom contains more language materials that the biggest library or bookstore in the area.
When songs come on the radio and you automatically translate them to a foreign language.
When your friend mentions he is taking an Arabic class and you spend an hour interrogating him about what methods he's planning to use, what dialect he's learning, and how many hours he spent learning it in advance over the summer.
Rhoda on 18 September 2009
When you know how to "rent a deck chair" in seven languages, without any chance that you will ever rent a deck chair in any language.
tommus on 18 September 2009
When you know how to "rent a deck chair" in seven languages, without any chance that you will ever rent a deck chair in any language.
Lol, I now have a new learning goal.
ExtraLean on 18 September 2009
I'm a language nerd. I just happen to be very bad at them. It's pretty depressing actually.
modestblues on 18 September 2009
When, in your hunt for new books to help in your study,you buy a book that seems really great,only to discover when you get home that you had already purchased it a month ago(but never had time to open it).
When you misspell a word in your native language because you have confused it with a similar word in your target language.
psy88 on 18 September 2009
When you use foreign grammar in your native language.
Hahaha, when I'm tired I sometimes use Spanish grammar while I speakEnglish.
By the way, I think this thread made me love everyone here even more. So nerdy.
...when you've already planned out the languages you're going to teach your future kids. You may not know them
yet, but you will!
...when monolinguals with no interest in languages are people you will probably never date.
MegatronFilm on 18 September 2009
...when you marry a Japanese so that you can learn the language...
Sennin on 18 September 2009
...when you've already planned out the languages you're going to teach your future kids. You may not know them
yet, but you will!
Chinese and French. Long decided.
OneEye on 18 September 2009
of all the language products on the market.
...when you teach native speakers of your target language about the origin of their language.
MegatronFilm on 18 September 2009
...when you read through this thread chuckling to yourself because you're guilty of almost all of them.
...when you do vocabulary drills with your target language in between sets while working out.
Spasty on 18 September 2009
...when you anxiously await the next "Pimsleur vs. Michel Thomas"
or "Assimil vs. FSI" debates on here like they were big sports events.
TerryW on 18 September 2009
...when people get mad at you for not sticking to a single language during a conversation. (ideas come in the language they come, don't they?)
...when you own fiction in more languages than you could learn in a lifetime.
...when you can't repress the need to speak to a total stranger because you overheard them speaking X language.
...when a relationship (or even friendship) with a monolingual person seems impossible.
...when you can spend well over an hour on a single page of a book, look up every word in the dictionary, and some grammar points, and still enjoy the plot.
...when you dream of becoming a language teacher, just to have an excuse to learn more languages.
dbh2ppa on 18 September 2009
When you give a presentation in work, to a large group of people, called "How to learn a language", and it has got nothing to do with your job.
DaraghM on 18 September 2009
ExtraLean on 18 September 2009
When you find yourelf shadowing Harry Potter audios using the character voices. I really like playing dubmbledore :)
Jimmymac on 18 September 2009
When the first question on a date is something in the sense of "How many and which
languages do you speak?"
ennime on 18 September 2009
When your list of life goals includes a whole category just for all the languages you want to learn.
When you take a language class and realize that you know the language better than the teacher.
janalisa on 18 September 2009
When you are interested in some simple poor immigrants, because you're interested in their language.
Mosin on 18 September 2009
When your list of life goals includes a whole category just for all the languages you want to learn.
My list has a whole category for all the things that are not languages. ^^;
Bao on 18 September 2009
...when you download podcasts in languages you can't even understand and don't intend to
Guilty of these. I download resources and audiobooks for languages I'm not learning, and buy cheap second hand books in languages I can't read(yet).
When you find yourelf shadowing Harry Potter audios using the character voices. I really like playing dubmbledore :)
I like playing Hagrid :)
Yukamina on 18 September 2009
When you take notes at school in IPA.
...we have a winner.
...when you refuse to read textbooks in your native language because it might interfere with your immersion process. (Guilty!)
...when you have so many language books you're not currently using that you use some of them to make sure the plants reach all the way up to the window from your really low table. (Also guilty.)
...when you have experimented with creating your own languages to understand your own sense of aesthetics better.
Lizzern on 18 September 2009
My list has a whole category for all the things that are not languages. ^^;
Wow man... That's bad. I bow to your superior nerdiness. =P
Some more:
-When you carry your language study materials with you everywhere and take them out on the train or on the bus or in a restaurant while waiting for your food
-When you've changed the default language of your computer, cell phone, etc. to a foreign language
-When you're watching a movie in which a few lines are spoken in a foreign language, and your friend immediately turns to you and asks, "Did you understand that?"
-When you plan all your trips based on the languages you're learning
janalisa on 19 September 2009
...when you decide to learn a language just because you're intrigued by its grammar.
Levi on 19 September 2009
When you order food in your target language and the waiter is very surly because your accent is identical to those of a rival town in his home country
psy88 on 19 September 2009
When you get annoyed at coworkers who chat with you during break, because they're taking away from your precious study time.
janalisa on 19 September 2009
Wow man... That's bad. I bow to your superior nerdiness. =P
Call it by its name: megalomania.
... when you refuse to watch a movie in a language you aren't already learning because it would make you pick up that language and that doesn't fit into your current schedule. And overdubs are completely out of question.
... when you only notice you've been translating everything you just heard to a target language when you want to laugh at the pun and have to realize that there is no pun in the source language.
Bao on 19 September 2009
...when you're watching a subtitled movie with someone and you have to tell them what's really being said because the subtitles suck.
Yukamina on 19 September 2009
I won't imply the connected step of beginning an impromptu (unwanted?) language lesson because of this.
Choscura on 19 September 2009
...when you major in one language, minor in another, and plan on studying a third in your spare time.
I laughed at this one because I'm very much guilty of it. And, in other circ*mstances, have been guilty of it since starting secondary school. When I started French, after a few weeks I began German as well, and after I started German in classes, a few weeks later I was on Spanish, too. After completing a GCSE in Spanish (which was shamefully easy, but that's another story, really), I began Russian. Now I'm doing Russian as my major, Slovene as my "minor" and am learning Italian :]
When you swear in another language to someone who doesn't speak it, and, realizing what you've done, you immediately apologize and explain what you said.
...when you decide to learn a language just because you're intrigued by its grammar.
-When you've changed the default language of your computer, cell phone, etc. to a foreign language
And now to add one of my own
- When you listen to E Nomine (a German band) for no other reason but to listen to the very small amount of Latin they put in their songs :]
LanguageSponge on 19 September 2009
Fasulye on 19 September 2009
When people ask you why you don't learn Finnish and Hungarian too, now you are at it
Iversen on 19 September 2009
- When you listen to E Nomine (a German band) for no other reason
but to listen to the very small amount of Latin they put in their songs :]
If you're into German bands who sing in Latin, definitely check out Corvus Corax. They're
Levi on 19 September 2009
I used to always use my breaks at work for studying Japanese. Guess what, I was despised for it by some people. I am sorry but my coworkers boring and unstimulating conversation cannot possible compete with 30 minutes of reading a Japanese text or adding a few more Kanji.
hombre gordo on 19 September 2009
When you would never watch a "soap opera" but love telenovelas because you can practice your Spanish..but secretly love the story lines.
psy88 on 19 September 2009
When people ask you why you don't learn Finnish and Hungarian too, now you are at it
When your immediate reply is to smile brightly, tell them "Yes, that's a great idea, I will do that!" and you actually mean it.
Bao on 20 September 2009
...when you know off the top of your head what language families Estonian, Wolof,
Amharic, Urdu, Burmese, Tagalog and Navajo belong to, can name several language isolates,
and have an informed opinion on whether or not Turkish is distantly related to Korean.
Levi on 20 September 2009
I think it'd be pretty impressive, and probably pretty nerdy, to know at least one language from all the main language families. I'd love to do just that one day, although it may well just be a dream :]
LanguageSponge on 20 September 2009
I used to always use my breaks at work for studying Japanese. Guess what, I was despised for it by some people. I am sorry but my coworkers boring and unstimulating conversation cannot possible compete with 30 minutes of reading a Japanese text or adding a few more Kanji.
Interesting to know, so I'm not the only nerd like this!
Fasulye on 20 September 2009
I would more surprised if there aren't many more on here who do that. Of course, to me listening to colleagues talk about last night's TV shows is nothing I would voluntarily do, and using that time to study seems the obvious thing to do. It's refreshing.
Bao on 20 September 2009
I don't do this with spoken languages anymore, but certainly with programming languages.
Choscura on 20 September 2009
I think that our local ones are rather fricative...
When you find yourself nodding to most of the suggestions in this thread! (Guilty)
J-Learner on 20 September 2009
I used to always use my breaks at work for studying Japanese. Guess what, I was despised for it by some people. I am sorry but my coworkers boring and unstimulating conversation cannot possible compete with 30 minutes of reading a Japanese text or adding a few more Kanji.
Interesting to know, so I'm not the only nerd like this!
I totally do this too. It's good to know I'm not the only one!
janalisa on 20 September 2009
When you pick up the phone and answer, and the person on the other end- who knows you- says "switch languages, please", and you accidentally switch to the wrong one again.
Choscura on 20 September 2009
When people ask you why you don't learn Finnish and Hungarian too, now you are at it
When your immediate reply is to smile brightly, tell them "Yes, that's a great idea, I will do that!" and you actually mean it.
Or when you answer is, "I did those ten years ago!"
Gon-no-suke on 20 September 2009
When you have all seven Harry Potter books, each in a different language.
JoeMcC on 20 September 2009
When people ask you why you don't learn Finnish and Hungarian too, now you are at it
When your immediate reply is to smile brightly, tell them "Yes, that's a great idea, I will do that!" and you actually mean it.
Or when you answer is, "I did those ten years ago!"
Actually I have just ordered the Finnish grammar from Routledge - but of course not to be used within the foreseeable future, just to have it if I some day should feel like having a peek. I already have a Hungarian grammar, but only a couple of tiny dictionaries and one book in Hungarian about Denmark.
Iversen on 21 September 2009
...if, as you read this, you have within arm's reach books in or about at least three
different languages.
Levi on 24 September 2009
...if, as you read this, you have within arm's reach books in or about at least three different languages.
5... *blush*
Lizzern on 24 September 2009
...if, as you read this, you have within arm's reach books in or about at least three
different languages.
Even worse, I often carry these books around with me in my bag wherever I go! And my ipod has more audio on
languages than music.
drfeelgood17 on 24 September 2009
...if, as you read this, you have within arm's reach books in or about at least three
different languages.
Even worse, I often carry these books around with me in my bag wherever I go! And my ipod has more audio on
languages than music.
I don't have music on my ipod-player, only German podcasts :-)
namsskogan on 24 September 2009
When you would never watch a "soap opera" but love telenovelas because you can practice your Spanish..but secretly love the story lines.
Guilty, haha.
TannerS on 24 September 2009
Even worse, I often carry these books around with me in my bag wherever I go! And my ipod has more audio on
languages than music.
You can put MUSIC on ipods???
Marj on 25 September 2009
You bought your 8 GB iPod thinking you would never need that much space...only to find that two months latter you're deleting you music to fit in more language mp3's...what's worse is that the 64 GB iPod touch is starting to look really good...
LatinoBoy84 on 25 September 2009
When you go a "French restaurant" order food in your best spoken French...only to be crushed when the waitress tells you she doesn't speak French...
LatinoBoy84 on 25 September 2009
You bought your 8 GB iPod thinking you would never need that much space...only to find that two months latter you're deleting you music to fit in more language mp3's...what's worse is that the 64 GB iPod touch is starting to look really good...
... I knew that would happen so I decided to get the 120gb from the start.
What's worse is that my 144gb partition which is reserved for music and podcasts almost is full.
Bao on 25 September 2009
When you refuse to speakEnglish and try to speak a language you have never studied.
If they reply inEnglish you start talking French so they have no other option other than to talk to you in there native tongue.
lachat on 25 September 2009
When people assume you speakEnglish , in a target country, you refuse to budge taking advantage of the fact that you have two native languages, by merely responding: Perdon soy hispano, hablo españ peux parler un peu de français aussi, mais ma longue mere est le espagnol. Porquoi est-ce que vous pense que je peux parler anglais?
LatinoBoy84 on 25 September 2009
je peux parler un peu de français aussi, mais ma langue
maternelle est l'espagnol. Pourquoi est-ce que vous pensez que
je peux parler anglais?
I assume you didn't mean to say that your long mother is Spanish. ;)
Levi on 25 September 2009
What's worse is that my 144gb partition which is reserved for music and podcasts almost is full.
Or when your 1TB external hard drive is nearly full with more language-related crap than can ever possibly be learned by anyone in just one lifetime.
patuco on 25 September 2009
je peux parler un peu de français aussi, mais ma langue
maternelle est l'espagnol. Pourquoi est-ce que vous pensez que
je peux parler anglais?
I assume you didn't mean to say that your long mother is Spanish. ;)
LatinoBoy84 on 25 September 2009
When it'd be cheaper to support a crack addiction
When buy a language course for a language that you 'might' learn at 'some time in the
When you constantly make, update and tweak lists of languages you're going to learn
When you think about trying to utilize every moment of idle time to squeeze in just one
more word
When you can speak 'fake' Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, etc because you've studied these
languages a little bit and seen so many movies in these languages that you can imitate
the way they sound.
zerothinking on 26 September 2009
Every morning I get a printed schedule of patients to see that day, by the end of the day, that same schedule is covered in greek letters in ...
atumuta on 26 September 2009
Following Fanatic's advice, I've been carrying my ipod and Assimil Italian With Ease around and grabbing extra moments of study when I can.
Late last night I left the book on the train. I called the station but to no avail. At 6am, when they open, I called again. No luck. I now feel naked without the feel of that book in my pocket.
Eumaeus on 02 October 2009
What's worse is that my 144gb partition which is reserved for music and podcasts almost is full.
Or when your 1TB external hard drive is nearly full with more language-related crap than can ever possibly be learned by anyone in just one lifetime.
Or when you have a 1.5TB internal, 320GB and 500GB externals, multiple bookshelves (overflowing), of language-related crap....and you still convince yourself that you can learn it all!?!
J-Learner on 03 October 2009
Or when you have a 1.5TB internal, 320GB and 500GB externals, mmultiple bookshelves (overflowing), of language-related crap....and you still convince yourself that you can learn it all!?!
Forgot about the last part. Not a problem though, because I actually will learn it all even, if it does take the next few hundred years :)
patuco on 03 October 2009
Forgot about the last part. Not a problem though, because I actually will learn it all even, if it does take the next few hundred years :)
... one of your life goals is to invent a longevity drug, just to be able to finish 'em all?
Bao on 03 October 2009
Forgot about the last part. Not a problem though, because I
actually will learn it all even, if it does take the next few hundred years
... one of your life goals is to invent a longevity drug, just to be able to finish 'em
... or you believe in reincarnation and wish you could retain your knowledge/language
skills and you're books for your next life?
ennime on 03 October 2009
Forgot about the last part. Not a problem though, because I
actually will learn it all even, if it does take the next few hundred years
... one of your life goals is to invent a longevity drug, just to be able to finish 'em
... or to invent the technology to have your brain uploaded to a computer before you die,
so you can live on to learn them all AND have the memory capabilities of a computer while
you do it. *drool*
Levi on 03 October 2009
Forgot about the last part. Not a problem though, because I
actually will learn it all even, if it does take the next few hundred years
... one of your life goals is to invent a longevity drug, just to be able to finish 'em
... or to invent the technology to have your brain uploaded to a computer before you die,
so you can live on to learn them all AND have the memory capabilities of a computer while
you do it. *drool*
Please don't drool on my language material... :(
It's not all digitized/uploaded, and I don't want the pages to stick together.
Volte on 03 October 2009
When you watch a movie, hear a foreign language, and say to yourself "hey I think I'll learn that one.." :D
datsunking1 on 03 October 2009
LanguageSponge on 03 October 2009
Forgot about the last part. Not a problem though, because I actually will learn it all even, if it does take the next few hundred years :)
... one of your life goals is to invent a longevity drug, just to be able to finish 'em
... or you believe in reincarnation and wish you could retain your knowledge/language
skills and you're books for your next life?
I don't believe in reincarnation and I'm afraid to say that I haven't got any longevity drugs (wish I had, though!). I was actually thinking along the same lines as Levi, minus the drool (Volte's right, not only does spoil the undigitized material but it could even short out my new electronic brain).
patuco on 03 October 2009
...if, as you read this, you have within arm's reach books in or about at least three
different languages.
Even worse, I often carry these books around with me in my bag wherever I go!
...When you create a YouTube channel for listening to music in your target languages.
...When you choose to learn a language just because you like it's orthography.
...if you rate sp?TID=12671 - this thread among your favourites.
...if you've taken - the test presented in that thread.
...if you scored particularly high.
mick33 on 11 October 2009
I have on my ribs "Kolik jazyků znáš, tolikrát jsi ÄlovÄkem"
Its a czech saying meaning for every language you learn you gain a new life. I got it in Prague.
I also have another tattoo in Spanish. Its a the last 3 lines of Pablo Neruda's poem The Heights of Machu Picchu. I
got that in Cusco, Peru.
I plan to get more foreign language tattoos in my travels.
MegatronFilm on 11 October 2009
...when you have to stop and think what language it was that you were just using, or are
in the middle of using, because you don't remember.
Levi on 11 October 2009
.. when you post on this forum and have hundreds of posts in less than 2 weeks.
xtremelingo on 11 October 2009
When, if you speakEnglish and are learning Spanish, a family member walks in while you are watching television and sarcastically congratulates you for finally watching anEnglish language show...and it is really only because you were changing channels to find a Spanish telenovela that theEnglish show was on.
psy88 on 12 October 2009
This happens to me a lot.
When you avoid having to accept movie invitations, or anything else that costs money, because your broke, nerdy, 15 year old self needs every bit of chore/birthday/Christmas money for language material...
...I need a job.
Rina on 12 October 2009
I have a growing collection of language books, as I try to make progress in learning, and I've been putting them all together on one shelf. I like to keep them nearby, as I use the books frequently and I add to the shelf regularly. And now, I've finally had a real language breakthrough. The shelf collapsed.
meramarina on 12 October 2009
When you constantly have to justify the awesomeness of Welsh to your friends and explain why studying it at the
same time as French, Spanish, German, Russian and Arabic is actually a good idea.
niemia on 12 October 2009
When you go a "French restaurant" order food in your best spoken French...only to be
crushed when the waitress tells you she doesn't speak French...
When you then switch to whatever obscure language she DOES speak!
jimbo on 12 October 2009
And when you then have to figure out how to smuggle them out of the building without arousing too much suspicion.
ExtraLean on 12 October 2009
- When you study every language your ancestors supposedly spoke and then some.
PastaVodka on 13 October 2009
You listen to foreign pop music even though you absolutely hate it inÂEnglish. {snip}
We'll have to find a support group or something. {snip}
{raises hand} Pop is not my normal music preference, but pretty much all the Korean music I've acquired thus far is K-pop. I need to work on fixing that.
...when your mp3-player is loaded with foreign language podcasts instead of music.
I didn't even own an MP3 player until very recently. Now that I do, it's got nothing but Pimsleur lessons loaded on it.
-When you've changed the default language of your computer, cell phone, etc. to a foreign language
I actually just verified over the weekend that my cell phone doesn't have Korean (which is my primary focus right now) as an option. It does have Spanish, though...hmmm.
I've considering changing the language on my primary home computer, but haven't actually gone through with that yet.
When you would never watch a "soap opera" but love telenovelas because you can practice your Spanish..but secretly love the story lines.
I completely quit watching TV a year or so ago (including canceling my Dish Network service) because I didn't have time for it and I had really lost interest in watching TV anyway. Then about a week ago, I ordered a K-drama series on DVD. I've also briefly considered getting Dish Network again only because I found out they have 5 Korean channels available.
Here is one of my own:
- When, back in high school, you got bored enough inEnglish class one day that you translated Hamlet's "To Be or Not To Be" speech into Spanish...for fun.
Warp3 on 13 October 2009
When, in response to the thread "your favorite language program" you want to post "all of them",(because it is true!!) but you don't for fear of sounding too much like a former vice-presidential candidate.
psy88 on 15 October 2009
...when you're the only one around here with more votes than days since joining. :-þ
Levi on 17 October 2009
[QUOTE=jeff_lindqvist] ...when your mp3-player is loaded with foreign language podcasts instead of music.
I didn't even own an MP3 player until very recently. Now that I do, it's got nothing but Pimsleur lessons loaded on it.
I wouldn't say mine has nothing but Pimsleur (and I use Michel Thomas too), but there are certainly more Pimsleur and MT tracks in total on my iPod than tracks of any single artist or band. This can create some rather annoying situations when I walk to school for example and put shuffle on.
*A song plays*
*"This is unit fifteen of Pimsleur's speak and read essential Russian"*... skip
*A song*
*"I would like to talk about a word in Spanish tha..."* skip
"This is unit nine of Pimsleur's speak and read esse..." *skip
*A song*
*"So how would you say I'd like to help you but I don't have the time to do it right now"* SKIP
Add to this the fact that I don't even like all of the music on my iPod and so sometimes stuff like this can lead to a situation where I just spend an entire minute skipping tracks until a good song comes on. Since I keep my iPod in my pocket, all of this means that I can spend up to a minute just staring down at my iPod's screen while walking, and of course people kind of give me weird looks because of it :(
Thatzright on 17 October 2009
*A song plays*
*"This is unit fifteen of Pimsleur's speak and read essential Russian"*... skip
*A song*
*"I would like to talk about a word in Spanish tha..."* skip
"This is unit nine of Pimsleur's speak and read esse..." *skip
*A song*
*"So how would you say I'd like to help you but I don't have the time to do it right now"* SKIP
Add to this the fact that I don't even like all of the music on my iPod and so sometimes stuff like this can lead to a situation where I just spend an entire minute skipping tracks until a good song comes on. Since I keep my iPod in my pocket, all of this means that I can spend up to a minute just staring down at my iPod's screen while walking, and of course people kind of give me weird looks because of it :(
I have the same problem with audiobooks. What you need is a playlist for each - that'll solve the problem perfectly. Easy peasy to make in iTunes too. I have a playlist called 'Music only', another called 'Italiano' for Italian music only, and so on. Shuffle is pretty much useless otherwise - but I can still shuffle within each playlist, and it keeps the audiobooks separated from the rest. Maybe you need a 'Music I actually like' list :-)
Lizzern on 17 October 2009
DER POWER-RIEGEL! When traveling through Europe, you purchase an energy bar, a "Big Corny," not really because you want to eat it, but because the wrapper is printed in eleven languages. You take it home and examine all of them, with a magnification device, of course.You have a great big laugh, wondering why the manufacturer, with access to so many languages, gave it such a silly name. Later, you learn that it's actually called a "Corny Big." This disturbs you: now, not only does it have a ridiculousEnglish name, but it's not a strictly correct ridiculousEnglish name. And, more unsettling, you actually did some RESEARCH to understand why. "Why, why, oh, why do you not put the adjective where it belongs! I will NOT eat a wacky, ungrammatical snack!" you cry, throw the thing away, and consider seeking mental help.
P.S. If I am wrong about this, don't tell me.I have suffered enough and I need to dedicate my remaining brainpower to reading the five languages on my ThermaCare wrapper.
meramarina on 17 October 2009
Lizzern, Thatzright - itunes, select all files you want to exclude from shuffle, right mouse click -> get info -> options -> 'skip when shuffling'. I also tend to set my language course files to audiobook to not have them crowd my musical artists.
Bao on 17 October 2009
...when you engage in a debate as to whether Chinese will become the next lingua franca.
maaku on 17 October 2009
DER POWER-RIEGEL! When traveling through Europe, you purchase an energy bar, a "Big Corny," not really because you want to eat it, but because the wrapper is printed in eleven languages. You take it home and examine all of them, with a magnification device, of course.You have a great big laugh, wondering why the manufacturer, with access to so many languages, gave it such a silly name. Later, you learn that it's actually called a "Corny Big." This disturbs you: now, not only does it have a ridiculousÂEnglish name, but it's not a strictly correct ridiculousÂEnglish name. And, more unsettling, you actually did some RESEARCH to understand why. "Why, why, oh, why do you not put the adjective where it belongs! I will NOT eat a wacky, ungrammatical snack!" you cry, throw the thing away, and consider seeking mental help.
P.S. If I am wrong about this, don't tell me.I have suffered enough and I need to dedicate my remaining brainpower to reading the five languages on my ThermaCare wrapper.
I remember my host family in Germany had some of those in their house and I always had to laugh at the name x)
Lindsay19 on 18 October 2009
...when you've read through this entire thread and enjoyed it
ilcommunication on 19 October 2009
More proof of nerdiness would be: You think the above activity is a perfectly normal thing to do on a Saturday night; In fact it was definitely worthwhile even though the new fonts wouldn't display properly.
mick33 on 20 October 2009
when u join a language forum and spend ur whole evening writing posts ;)
janababe on 21 October 2009
when u join a language forum and spend ur whole evening writing posts ;)
41 posts in 1 day IS pretty impressive.
Gusutafu on 21 October 2009
when u join a language forum and spend ur whole evening writing posts ;)
41 posts in 1 day IS pretty impressive.
In 2 days ;)
42 posts now OMG....what a nerd!
janababe on 21 October 2009
when u join a language forum and spend ur whole evening writing posts ;)
I don't think you're a nerd, you just drank too much caffeine today.
Envinyatar on 22 October 2009
when u join a language forum and spend ur whole evening writing posts ;)
I don't think you're a nerd, you just drank too much caffeine today.
Thanks for that Envinyatar ;)
Yep, you're right there, too much coffee and the boyfriend's visiting his parents.
janababe on 22 October 2009
When you're mad at your parents for not raising you bilingual, even when they are not.
Minlawc on 22 October 2009
When you're mad at your parents for not raising you bilingual, even when they are not.
I will never forgive my parents for this, haha. It makes it even worse for me that my younger half brother was
brought up speaking greek and Italian. I will forever be jealous of him.
MegatronFilm on 23 October 2009
When you're mad at your parents for not raising you bilingual, even when they are not.
Haha ditto. I wouldn't say I'm "mad" at them, just frustrated. I also have the same problem as Megatronfilm in that all of my older step-siblings were raised bilingual in Spanish andEnglish, yet my younger brother and I got the short end of the stick. I realise it's because my mother doesn't speak a lick of Spanish and wouldn't have wanted it spoken in the house, but still... half of who I am has been robbed of me. So many monolingual family members that I can never get to know.
kyssäkaali on 23 October 2009
When you're mad at your parents for not raising you bilingual, even when they are not.
Haha! That would be me ^_^
Lindsay19 on 23 October 2009
You know you're a language nerd when you realise that all the music you ever listen to anymore is in at least one foreign language, and in some cases, the music uses more than one foreign language in the same song, in my case :]
LanguageSponge on 24 October 2009
You know you're a language nerd when you realise that all the music you ever listen to anymore is in at least one foreign language, and in some cases, the music uses more than one foreign language in the same song, in my case :]
Hmm...I am listening to a Korean song as I read your post here. I just don't see the point of listening to music inÂEnglish. It's not an aesthetically pleasing language (to me), and it's overdone. Everybody sings inÂEnglish nowadays, because it's the hip thing to do. I find the artists who resist this trend tend to be in general more original and creative, and more interesting as they often incorporate instruments and musical genres from their native culture.
Levi on 24 October 2009
You know you are a real language nerd when you can't wait for your day to end so you can get on the computer and write "you know you are a language nerd when you wonder how to say 'language nerd' in your target language(s.
psy88 on 24 October 2009
You know you're a language nerd when you realise that all the music you ever listen to anymore is in at least one foreign language, and in some cases, the music uses more than one foreign language in the same song, in my case :]
Hmm...I am listening to a Korean song as I read your post here. I just don't see the point of listening to music inÂEnglish. It's not an aesthetically pleasing language (to me), and it's overdone. Everybody sings inÂEnglish nowadays, because it's the hip thing to do. I find the artists who resist this trend tend to be in general more original and creative, and more interesting as they often incorporate instruments and musical genres from their native culture.
I listen to music in foreign languages all the time too (right now in Korean coincidently enough!). Not only that, but I listen to pop music - something I'd never do if it was inEnglish ;)
theallstar on 24 October 2009
Fasulye on 24 October 2009
When you speak to your relatives in a foreign language even though they canât understand it.
When you constantly move your tongue inside your mouth to try out different places of articulation.
MäcÃSŸ on 24 October 2009
You know your a language nerd when you don't want to hang out with your friends so you can be there when the mailman delivers that "teach yourself catalan" book you ordered a week ago.
Icaria909 on 24 October 2009
You know you're a language nerd when you realise that all the music you ever listen to anymore is in at least one foreign language, and in some cases, the music uses more than one foreign language in the same song, in my case :]
I've been listening to almost exclusively Korean music lately. As for the multi-language comment: While listening to one of the Korean songs I came across recently, it didn't surprise me to hearEnglish thrown in (that's pretty common in Korean music), but hearing Spanish phrases (mostly just the phrase "Te quiero" which means "I want you") in the same song definitely caught my attention.
Hmm...I am listening to a Korean song as I read your post here. I just don't see the point of listening to music inÂEnglish. It's not an aesthetically pleasing language (to me), and it's overdone. Everybody sings inÂEnglish nowadays, because it's the hip thing to do. I find the artists who resist this trend tend to be in general more original and creative, and more interesting as they often incorporate instruments and musical genres from their native culture.
I listen to music in foreign languages all the time too (right now in Korean coincidently enough!). Not only that, but I listen to pop music - something I'd never do if it was inÂEnglish ;)
Same here. I've been listening to a lot of K-pop lately even though I don't really listen to American pop music (I usually tend more toward Rock / Alt / Grunge). I do agree that the trend of Koreans singing inEnglish is kind of getting annoying. Fortunately most songs only haveEnglish phrases here and there, but some seem like they have moreEnglish than Korean in them lately.
That said, I do find their fascination with doing covers of American songs interesting, though (usually for one off performances, not on albums or anything). I thought FT Island's cover of Blur's Song 2 (on one of the SBS Chocolate episodes) was quite good.
Warp3 on 24 October 2009
I also find I like different genres for different languages. I think Korean is good for pop, but not German. I don't listen to German pop. For me, German is a language to rock out to.
Levi on 24 October 2009
You Edit the Dialogues out of Pimsleur and your other favourite audio courses so that you can shadow them and save space on your iPod...
LatinoBoy84 on 26 October 2009
When you have looked at a thread about language nerds so many times, Google thinks that you must be looking for a Nerd Costume for Halloween! If I could, I'd have some choice words for those Google advertisers regarding this misdirected marketing. Because I really DON'T need one! That would just defeat the whole purpose of disguising oneself, to look like what you are.
meramarina on 26 October 2009
You know you're a language nerd when you order language materials online and you compulsively track your package to see how close it is to your house. (Yay, it left Cincinnati!)
Levi on 28 October 2009
You could get something like a mime costume, all black and mysterious, and decorate yourself with foreign words and symbols. I actually saw something like that, but it was a shower curtain; there was a different curtain for each language with vocabulary words written all over it--and I was a language nerd for sure, not buying a German vocabulary shower curtain because I knew all the words! You could make a suit with it!
Or you could be a member of the Language Police, and arrest people for violations of syntax . . . or maybe just a really big alphabetic character walking around, or maybe an Egyptian symbol, so you can say to people: "Of course you don't know what I am! I'm a HIEROGLYPH!
You know you're a language nerd when you actually think about things like this!
meramarina on 28 October 2009
...when you are singing along to one of your favorite songs, and you realize you have no clue what any of the lyrics mean.
Levi on 08 November 2009
...when you are singing along to one of your favorite songs, and you realize you have no clue what any of the lyrics mean.
Be careful, - this could happen to you...
Envinyatar on 08 November 2009
Levi: When I studied Jujitsu in New York ( with an American teacher, who had a Japanese wife) he would play Japanese songs during class. It was the same one cassette every class, so I had six hours a week of listening to the same songs. After years of listening,I could sing along in my head. One night I was able to ask his wife what the songs were about. She was embarrassed and reluctant to tell me. Finally, she admitted they were songs from World War II. They were about the "brave people defending themselves from the hairy barbarians" (i.e. the Westerners) who were threatening their homeland.
psy88 on 08 November 2009
... it's juujutsu or æè¡, not jujitsu!!! :P
dbh2ppa on 08 November 2009
(My first post... hello!)
Georgiana on 08 November 2009
Or, you give your pet(dog or other) a name that is from your target language. As an aside, when I was a child, my grandfather spoke to our dog in Italian. He would tell the dog to "sit" and "give me your hand". The dog was able to follow the Italian commands. He could follow the same commands when told to do so inEnglish. While in high school, I found our dog would sit and give his paw when told to do so in Latin and later in French.I began to think our simple mutt was a multilingual genius. Then, one day I found if I recited an algebraic formula, he would still sit and extend his paw. He had learned a series of behaviors that were linked to any series of spoken commands.
psy88 on 09 November 2009
My cats won't even listen to me inEnglish, and any attempt on my part to confuse them into doing so in another language (primarily Dutch since that's the one I am most focused on) is met with the same "catitude" as if I had usedEnglish.
I think it's probably different with dogs, because they actually listen to humans. :)
Also on the subject of pets and being a language nerd:
When your pets have names (or nicknames...because in my family, our cats start out with one "real" name and then end with about 10 additional nicknames as time passes) up in languages other than your primary spoken language(s).
(Sorry if that one's already been mentioned...I did read the whole thread but it was a while ago.) :)
pookiebear79 on 09 November 2009
EDIT: I forgot part of the story: I failed to realize my behavior was at all strange or rude until the next day when I sat next to the same people again.
mick33 on 09 November 2009
As a part of this I was copying some passages to a piece of paper. And because I wanted to mention the program from TVE in my log I jotted down some things I heard on the same piece of paper ... but I mixed in some Greek letters. I then thought that this might be fun and continued to write my Spanish notes with Greek letters: ÏοÏóγÏαÏο, εÏÏÎ¿Ï Îλα, ÎÏÏÃκα, Î¿Ï Î½Î± Î½Î³Î¿Ï Ãα νÏε βιαÏÎµÏ Î½Ïε αβενÏοÏÏα...
Iversen on 10 November 2009
ÏοÏóγÏαÏο, εÏÏÎ¿Ï Îλα, ÎÏÏÃκα, Î¿Ï Î½Î± Î½Î³Î¿Ï Ãα νÏε βιαÏÎµÏ Î½Ïε αβενÏοÏÏα...
...when you can read and understand the meaning of these words without giving too much thought to it. Though shouldn't it be εÏÎºÎ¿Ï Îλα and ÎÏÏικα?
Levi on 10 November 2009
My cats won't even listen to me inÂEnglish, and any attempt on my part to confuse them into doing so in another language (primarily Dutch since that's the one I am most focused on) is met with the same "catitude" as if I had usedÂEnglish.
I think it's probably different with dogs, because they actually listen to humans. :)
Also on the subject of pets and being a language nerd:
When your pets have names (or nicknames...because in my family, our cats start out with one "real" name and then end with about 10 additional nicknames as time passes) up in languages other than your primary spoken language(s).
(Sorry if that one's already been mentioned...I did read the whole thread but it was a while ago.) :)
One of my cats who normally ignores my voice will actually come up and stare at me if I'm reading aloud in German. Which I find a litte strange..
Lindsay19 on 10 November 2009
ÏοÏóγÏαÏο, εÏÏÎ¿Ï Îλα, ÎÏÏÃκα, Î¿Ï Î½Î± Î½Î³Î¿Ï Ãα νÏε βιαÏÎµÏ Î½Ïε αβενÏοÏÏα...
...when you can read and understand the meaning of these words without giving too much thought to it. Though shouldn't it be εÏÎºÎ¿Ï Îλα and ÎÏÏικα?
No, I wrote it as I heard it - with a soft and wheezy kh-sound in escuela and an unexpected accent in the middle of Africa. That's the good thing about writing in another alphabet - you aren't led astray by the correct spelling.
PS: It doesn't work as well withÂEnglish, - diphtongs and schwas, sh's and other exotic stuff all over the place. Î.Σ.: Î¹Ï Î½ÏÎ¿Î¶Î½Ï Î²Î¿ÎµÏκ νήÏÎ»Ï Î±Î¶ Î²Î¿Ï Îλλ Î²Î¿Ï Î¹Î¸ ÎγκλιÏ!
Iversen on 10 November 2009
Ðй Ñайнд ѳÑÑ Ñ Ð²ÐµÑиейÑÑн Ñв Ñ³Ñ Ð¡ÑÑилик ÑлÑÑÐ±ÐµÑ ÑÑÐºÑ Ð±ÐµÑÑ ÑÐ¾Ñ ÑÑÑнÑкÑайбинг ÐÐ½Ð³Ð»Ð¸Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ñ Ð¾Ñ Ð»ÐµÑ ÑÑнеÑиклÑ.
Levi on 10 November 2009
One of my cats who normally ignores my voice will actually come up and stare at me if I'm reading aloud in German. Which I find a litte strange..
LOL. Talking to them in another language doesn't get any reaction except when I'm repeating audio aloud, then they interrupt me, but that doesn't really count because they do the same if I'm talking on the phone, too. Basically if I talk to *them*, they ignore me. But if I seem to be talking to someone else (on the phone, the imaginary person on the language tape, etc.) they suddenly decide to acknowledge my existence, LOL.
But often when I'm singing along (usually in another language, but occasionallyEnglish songs as well) to something, completely belting one out, some of my cats will come running in to my room and lay down either on or next to me, just get right in my face, and purr like mad. For some reason, singing really gets their attention. One of them is really calmed by it, even if it's not a mellow song.
I'm not sure how to take this...either they love the sounds of foreign languages when set to music (the majority of the songs are in Dutch, Swedish or Japanese)and that's why they suddenly become so sweet, or my singing voice is so terrible that they are coming in to keep watch over me because they're afraid I'm in the throes of gastric distress or something. :P
Since they don't come in to comfort me when I'm crying out in genuine pain (which happens often due to some medical issues,) I prefer to believe it's the first case, that they like foreign language music.
Now, maybe I can try singing "Get down from there right now!" in another language and they'll do a dream world, anyway. :)
You know you're a language nerd when you dream of creating a language that cats will actually listen to. Not "obey," mind you, because they are still cats, but some miraculous language in which the concept of 'no!' will actually register to them.
pookiebear79 on 11 November 2009
You know you are a language/pet nerd when you automatically begin speaking to your friends' pets in the pet's imagined native language: French for the poodles, Spanish for the chihuahuas, Russian for the wolfhounds, Norwegian for the elk hounds, etc,
psy88 on 11 November 2009
You know you are a language/pet nerd when you automatically begin speaking to your friends' pets in the pet's imagined native language: French for the poodles, Spanish for the chihuahuas, Russian for the wolfhounds, Norwegian for the elk hounds, etc,
Good one! :) Maybe that's why my Abyssinian is the most defiant cat, maybe I should learn the Amharic words for "bad kitty!", LOL.
But which language(s) would you speak to your friends' fish? In some cases I guess you could go with wherever the species is found in the wild, but things get complicated if they have a big mixed tropical aquarium full of different species. Or worse, a marine aquarium...since those fish came from the ocean, they didn't really come from a specific country, so which language has 'claim' to them? ;)
You know you (ok, I mean myself) are a combined pet/language nerd (or maybe just a hopeless nerd, period) when you actually (albeit just jokingly) ponder the theoretical linguistic etiquette of addressing a mixed tank of fish. And then actually post it online as proof of what a dork you are. :P
pookiebear79 on 11 November 2009
Animals understand anything as long as your tone of voice is there. It's like that classic SNL skit with Will Ferrell, "Dissing Your Dog"
Halie on 11 November 2009
Aren't poodles German?
MeshGearFox on 11 November 2009
... it's juujutsu or æè¡, not jujitsu!!! :P
When you feel the need to point out that while the spelling "jujitsu" is more commonly used and understood today (thanks in part to the Gracie family's "Brazilian jujitsu",which, in reality, is neither) the original spellings for this Japanese martial art often were rendered inEnglish as "jiu" or "jyu" jitsu.
psy88 on 12 November 2009
Here is a fun talking-to-animals song.
(inÂEnglish, but there are plenty of lyrics at this site in several languages!)
Dr. Doolittle : The Musical
(Music / Lyrics : Leslie Bricusse)
If we could talk to the animals, just imagine it
Chatting to a chimp in chimpanzee
Imagine talking to a tiger, chatting to a cheetah
What a neat achievement that would be.
If we could talk to the animals, learn their languages
Maybe take an animal degree.
We'd study elephant and eagle, buffalo and beagle,
Alligator, guinea pig, and flea.
We would converse in polar bear and python,
And we could curse in fluent kangaroo.
If people asked us, can you speak in rhinoceros,
We'd say, "Of courserous, can't you?"
If we could talk to the animals, learn their languages
Think of all the things we could discuss
If we could walk with the animals, talk with the animals,
Grunt and squeak and squawk with the animals,
And they could squeak and squawk and speak and talk to us.
meramarina on 12 November 2009
(yes...I love Turkish pop music :D Ok? I said it!)
So, so true... I love pop music in Spanish and Portuguese, but I'm not a fan inEnglish. Same with love songs.
Olympia on 12 November 2009
(Some things we just can't live without!).
Rikyu-san on 15 November 2009
Now that we have entered the blessed realm of music, let me just mention that I started to learn Italian as a child because I was curious about the true meaning of the Italian words in classical scores (e.g. allegro, adagio, con morbidezza, senza emozione). And by the same token I started to learn Latin because I wanted to be able to translate the Latin scientific names of past and present animals and plants (e.g. Tyrannosaurus rex, Passer montanus, Giraffa camelopardis capensis). It had nothing to to with literature (and for all practical purposes still hasn't)
Iversen on 16 November 2009
You know you're a language nerd when you take a break from studying German to post on this forum.
jessikt on 17 November 2009
You know you are a language nerd when you are able to distinguish real Chinese (or Japanese) characters of your friends' tattoos from meaningless designs and you point out the fake "words" to your friends, and, you are an even bigger language nerd when you wish the characters were real so you could learn whatever language it was.
psy88 on 18 November 2009
You know you are a language nerd when you are able to distinguish real Chinese (or Japanese) characters of your friends' tattoos from meaningless designs and you point out the fake "words" to your friends, and, you are an even bigger language nerd when you wish the characters were real so you could learn whatever language it was.
...when you notice somebody with a giant tattoo of the Chinese character for "and" (å), then you look it up when you get home and realize it can also mean "peaceful" or "harmonious" in classical and literary Chinese.
EDIT: Whoa, post #666. Good thing I'm not superstitious. :)
Levi on 18 November 2009
aren't accurate â or even worse, that ancient peoples all spoke British-accentedEnglish.
A special honourable mention goes to Michael Crichton's novel, "Timeline", in which Medieval languages play
a significant role and form a language barrier for time travel. A dishonourable mention goes to the movie of the
same name, which completely chucks out that aspect of the story and makes a terrible film as a result.
PS: Does anyone know if the Norse language spoken in The Thirteenth Warrior is authentic? (Or the Ancient
Greek, for that matter.)
Captain Haddock on 18 November 2009
PS: Does anyone know if the Norse language spoken in The Thirteenth Warrior is
authentic? (Or the Ancient
Greek, for that matter.)
Latin not ancient greek, and it's I guess good (enough). Can't comment on Norse though...
ennime on 18 November 2009
When the only reason you are learning a language is because you like it's grammatical structure. Me and Greek. lol.
John Smith on 18 November 2009
Articles are respectively: TEI1eYb3yCjObzm&
egill on 18 November 2009
You watch a film with subtitles in a language you don't know, and never remember the plot, but instead have deduced how things such as the imperative tense function.
DaraghM on 18 November 2009
When you happen to be reading a thread such as this when you should be working, you actually like your job, and you are eager to get back to it but can't seem to stop reading the damn forum.
When your 3 cats actually do what you say when you say it inEnglish (My mother tongue is Spanish) but completely ignore you when speaking your native tongue.
When your dinner is about to burn and you are writing this post.
Thaorius on 19 November 2009
When you just purchased a wrist watch but are now kicking yourself because you then discovered, in a catalog,that you could have purchased one without numerals but with the numbers written in your target language.
PS regarding The 13th Warrior-do you ever wish you could learn a new language as easily, quickly, and apparently as fluently, as the thirteenth warrior did, simply by traveling with a small band of Norsem*n. A real language nerd would have liked to be with them,even facing the "fireworm", if it meant acquiring another language.
psy88 on 19 November 2009
-Ordering language materials off Amazon and racing home from work each day like a kid on Christmas morning to see if the package has arrived yet.
-When alone, monologuing endlessly about grammar comparisons between languages. And hoping against hope that someone will one day ask you for a description of the ins and outs of your target language so you'd have an excuse to talk about it.
-Poring over books in languages you don't understand just to see what you can piece together.
-Holding up both sides of under-your-breath sample conversations in your target language.
...yeah, I admit it, I talk to myself a lot.
Sierra on 20 November 2009
...yeah, I admit it, I talk to myself a lot.
I wouldn't be surprised if this is done by most people learning another language and enjoying it! I love speaking Finnish, and I mumble to myself often even though I live in Finland and have ample opportunity to speak to natives. I have conversations with the mirror, as well. When I'm listening to music with no lyrics I usually make up Finnish lyrics to sing along to the beat with.
kyssäkaali on 20 November 2009
You know you're a language nerd when your first thought after waking up in the morning is the realization that there is a common Greek root in the words "kleptomaniac" and "clepsydra".
Levi on 21 November 2009
You know you are a real language nerd when you actually spend more time studying your target language than you spend reading all the postings at how-to-learn-any-language.
psy88 on 24 November 2009
when you're at work wishing you were at home studying languages. Consequently, (due to the fact you work at a hospital) in your breaks you take to reading instruction manuals you've been collecting from the medical supplies you open for patient operations.... i need to win tatslotto!
PeterMollenburg on 27 November 2009
When you speak French to your wife, German to your maid and Danish to your dog...
Rikyu-san on 27 November 2009
I do this all the time. When I started learning Czech I looked up "Czech news" on youtube to see how I liked it.
You know you're a language nerd when you decide to learn a new language and you discover you have at least three resources for it.
ruskivyetr on 27 November 2009
When you read the warranty paper of the headphones in every language available.
When you watch movies you would never watch in your mother tongue.
When you take notes at school in IPA.
When you use foreign grammar in your native language.
When you colored a map according to the languages youâre fluent in.
hahahahahhaah omg my dude
i have 2 maps i've colored according to the languages i can speak!
nice one dude
rantoniops on 28 November 2009
My contribution:
You are a language nerd when you discuss with a friend in your natie tongue and there´s a sentence differently understood by both of you and you think: "There wouldn´t have been this misunderstanding if we had spoken French".
I post in my blog about this topic. You can read it (in Spanish) diomas-cuando.html - HEREEl Forastero on 01 December 2009
I post in my blog about this topic. You can read it (in Spanish) diomas-cuando.html - HERE
... in Spanish? Enough proof, anybody who in an Anglophone discussion gives a link to an explanation in Spanish and assumes that people can read it must be a qualified language nerd.
Iversen on 01 December 2009
When you speak French to your wife, German to your maid and Danish to your dog...
Sounds more like you are a Holy Roman Emperor to me.
Gusutafu on 01 December 2009
I post in my blog about this topic. You can read it (in Spanish) diomas-cuando.html - HERE
... in Spanish? Enough proof, anybody who in an Anglophone discussion gives a link to an explanation in Spanish and assumes that people can read it must be a qualified language nerd.
That's Right, Iversen.
I thought that Spanish lerners can practice their target language reading a post about "how to be a nerd language". The content is alost the same, so they can compare the texts, and whose are really nerd language can critizise end evaluate my translation
El Forastero on 01 December 2009
I figure a lot of us on this forum, if not an outright majority, would be able to read that Spanish at some level. I certainly understood it pretty well. After all, ex.html - "if you speak many languages, people will just assume you speak perfect Spanish anyway."
Levi on 01 December 2009
When you speak French to your wife, German to your maid and Danish to your dog...
Sounds more like you are a Holy Roman Emperor to me.
Well, I don't speak French to my wife, and I have no maid to whom I can ein bisschen Deutsch sprechen - but the bourgeoisie in Denmark once did it (or something very similar - maybe some of my fellow Danes can help me out on this one?).
My wife and I do speak a strange mix of Danish sprinkled withEnglish phrases now and then, however... perhaps that is a little bit nerdy, huh? :-)
Rikyu-san on 01 December 2009
... I was genuinely disappointed to discover that my computer couldn't correctly display all the IPA characters and stayed up all night trying to make them appear.
mick33 on 02 December 2009
...when the first thing you think of when hearing "Panini" is Sanskrit, not sandwich.
Gusutafu on 02 December 2009
You know you're a language nerd when your parents get you language materials for your birthday for a new language and you have to tell them that you most unfortunately already speak that language.
ruskivyetr on 03 December 2009
....when some of those keyboards that you "need" are actually for languages you don't even speak, but really you never know when the urge to learn it will hit you.
rostocpj on 03 December 2009
...when 4 drop-down menus on the government's "language knowledge and proficiency" section of their application have you frantically looking for an "add another language" button.
rostocpj on 03 December 2009
...when you're feeling guilty playing a video game instead of studying languages, then find out that you can actually play it in four of the languages you're studying.
Levi on 03 December 2009
...when you babble to yourself in a bizarre ungrammatical mixture of up to seven different languages, one of which
you have invented yourself and with individual words from incidental languages mixed in.
...when you take notes and write journal entries in the aforementioned.
...when you unthinkingly address your family members in this babble.
...when they actually understand what you're saying from frequency of use.
Stryozyk on 03 December 2009
... when you learn Korean, Mandarin and Finnish with Japanese textbooks.
ilmari on 03 December 2009
... when you learn Korean, Mandarin and Finnish with Japanese textbooks.
I don't feel so nerdy now after having brushed up on my Czech using a course designed for German-speakers.
Chung on 03 December 2009
...when you're disappointed to find out that your cell phone only hasÂEnglish and Spanish as display languages.
This one annoys me as well and "English and Spanish" seems to be the only available set for most of the phones I've checked (at least for Verizon phones). Fortunately, Spanish is one of the two languages I'm studying, but I've set pretty much all other interfaces I can to Korean since that's the language I'm focused on at the moment.
Warp3 on 03 December 2009
...when your mp3-player is loaded with foreign language podcasts instead of music.
...if you rate sp?TID=12671 - this thread among your favourites.
...if you've taken - the test presented in that thread.
...if you scored particularly high.
That's me right there. I would prefer people not look at my ipod and see what's in there. I also fill it withEnglish stuff though, such as grammar, word of the day, conversation about words and languages. I was rather fond of the dictionary before. =s
katilica on 04 December 2009
When you find yourelf shadowing Harry Potter audios using the character voices. I really like playing dubmbledore :)
That's awesome! Haha, I am such a dork. =]
katilica on 05 December 2009
When you listen to all the different versions of Disney songs n youtube and try to figure out what language you best like the song in.
When you can spend hours on Amazon reading all of the different reviews on language books and products.
When you scour the internet for all of the resources you can find on your target language.
And like others have mentioned, when you carry big piles of flashcards with you everywhere and would much rather study them than talk to those around you.
katilica on 05 December 2009
Your writing a paper inEnglish, backing it up to your email account (with has settings in French), are having a conversation in Spanish on the phone, and your listening to the BBC in Russian in the background all at the same time...(true story doing so right now).
LatinoBoy84 on 12 December 2009
When no one in your class can borrow your notes because all the nouns are Kanji, the verbs are German and everything else is in a mixture of other languages.
genini1 on 12 December 2009
You know you're a language nerd when...
you take two different pamphlets from the tourist booth just because they are in your target language andEnglish, meaning you can use them as a study material.
you constantly write in Cyrillic and make little notes in your notebook in German and write bad words in Czech all over your personal school stuff.
when you spend more time doing Russian grammar exercises than doing schoolwork both during class and when you return home.
when you ask yourEnglish teacher to do a poem in a foreign language instead ofEnglish.
when you know the textbooks and the basic curriculum of all the languages offered in your school because you dream of taking all of them at one point.
ruskivyetr on 12 December 2009
When you are at the cinema watching Avatar and you clock yourself trying to work out the grammar of the Na'vi language.'text/javascript' src=''>
ymapazagain on 23 December 2009
...when you can't tell what the tattoo means, so you try to quickly memorize it so you can look it up later.'text/javascript' src=''>
Levi on 23 December 2009
... when you deliberately do not log in into this forum just because you want to see the Amazon language book ads...
'text/javascript' src=''>
B-Tina on 23 December 2009
...when you hear a story on the radio about a man who had to take language lessons from a local rabbi when discovered his new guard dog could understand commands only in Hebrew and your first thought is, "Where can I get a Hebrew guard dog?"
you take two different pamphlets from the tourist booth just because they are in your target language andÂEnglish, meaning you can use them as a study material.
Guilty. I was at the doctor's office and I picked up a pamphlet about bronchitis in Spanish and one inÂEnglish to use as a translation guide in case I got stumped. I didn't even have bronchitis.
Ninja Bunny on 23 December 2009
When you are at the cinema watching Avatar and you clock yourself trying to work out the grammar of the Na'vi language.
I was fascinated by their language when I watched that movie :-P'text/javascript' src=''>
Lindsay19 on 24 December 2009
Wow! I have many of the symptoms you have listed here!
leniko on 24 December 2009
You know you are a language nerd when all the gifts from friends and family are books to help you learn your target language(s). You are even a bigger(greater?) language nerd if you have to return all of them because you already own them all. And you are the biggest (or greatest) language nerd if you not only own them, but most have yet be opened.
psy88 on 25 December 2009
..when you want to thank B-Tina for giving you an "Ah Ha" moment of ,so that's how I can get those great ads back.
psy88 on 25 December 2009
Actually I did the fun stuff too, just taking a break, it's been a little exhausting.
Do Santa's elves produce language-learning materials at the North Pole? Hmmmm . . .
Don't tell me YOU have never wondered about that.
Happy Holidays to all the language nerds and geeks!
meramarina on 25 December 2009
You know you are a language nerd when all the gifts from friends and family are books to help you learn your target language(s). You are even a bigger(greater?) language nerd if you have to return all of them because you already own them all. And you are the biggest (or greatest) language nerd if you not only own them, but most have yet be opened.
The second sentence would be "You are an even bigger language nerd..."
genini1 on 25 December 2009
You know you are a language nerd when all the gifts from friends and family are books to help you learn your target language(s). You are even a bigger(greater?) language nerd if you have to return all of them because you already own them all. And you are the biggest (or greatest) language nerd if you not only own them, but most have yet be opened.
The second sentence would be "You are an even bigger language nerd..."
You are correct-thanks for pointing out the error :-)
psy88 on 25 December 2009
When you are working as a salesman and interpreter in a big market where there are foreign customers from time to tiem.And your main concern is not about selling
goods(you will get extra money if you succeed),but to chat with them as much as possible.
chenshujian on 26 December 2009
...when you are trying to help a customer who is speaking in two foreign languages, and the only thing you don't understand is what language you're supposed to respond with.
Levi on 26 December 2009
...when you say something to someone and then translate it all in your mind into all the languages you are
MegatronFilm on 27 December 2009
ruskivyetr on 27 December 2009
Off to L-R XD
Quabazaa on 28 December 2009
When you go to a bookstore and you see the Romance section and think that it would be about Romance languages. Happened to me just yesterday.
chucknorrisman on 28 December 2009
When the first thing you think about after you wake up in any situation and at any time is going through everything new you learned about your target languages the previous day in your mind.
Thatzright on 28 December 2009
... when you read through all 28 pages of this thread in about 40minutes~
... when you make international "prank calls" on Skype just so you can authentically practice different situations in your target language~
... when on Twitter you tweet using different languages to circumvent the 140 character limit~
... when your language ability is so well-known on your campus, that incoming native speakers of a language you study are given your description and forewarned not to say anything "sensitive" around you~ O_O
xd3qu1n0x on 30 December 2009
... when you make international "prank calls" on Skype just so you can authentically practice different situations in your target language~
Lol! I'm curious what exactly you mean by this? Do you call foreign businesses with skype and try to seek customer service in the language or something? I'm a bit curious. Sounds like fun. :)
kyssäkaali on 30 December 2009
... when you make international "prank calls" on Skype just so you can authentically practice different situations in your target language~
Lol! I'm curious what exactly you mean by this? Do you call foreign businesses with skype and try to seek customer service in the language or something? I'm a bit curious. Sounds like fun. :)
Yea, haha, that is pretty much exactly what i do. It was an earnest mistake initially, i had to make an important call to China and somehow a secretary with severely limitedEnglish picked up. After we struggled through the conversation (in my terribly broken chinese) i felt strangely satisfied, and well.. it got my devious side thinking.
I decided to look up all sorts of Japanese, Korean, and Chinese businesses in those countries and try to do things over the phone i normally do at home inEnglish. If you make elaborate scenarios and get them talking a bit, it can turn out to be a realistic test of your ability. What's more surprising, is if i start out in their language very few of them try to switch me over toEnglish. Not a bad pastime when your tired of looking at the books, lol.
xd3qu1n0x on 31 December 2009
I'll give my hand a rest though and listen to a ChinesePod episode. Getting a bit of an early start on TAC 2010 here I guess! :)
Levi on 31 December 2009
When it's 30 minutes after midnight on New Year's Day and you're getting ready to do a unit of Pimsleur
ymapazagain on 31 December 2009
When it's 30 minutes after midnight on New Year's Day and you're getting ready to do a unit of Pimsleur
That is, without doubt, the geekiest thing so far.
Well done!
I envy you.
Jimmymac on 31 December 2009
when your family is celebrating the New Year and watching the latest Harry Potter movie on BluRay (in which you can change the language audio to like ten different languages), and you sit in your room to study because they won't let you change the language.
while sitting on the ski lift, you test yourself and try to think in your target languages as much as possible as well as do a bit of case drilling for Russian out loud when no one's on the lift with you :).
ruskivyetr on 01 January 2010
The newest Harry Potter I bought only has like 3 options which sucks, I liked 2-5 because I could watch it with my L2 subs on.
genini1 on 01 January 2010
The newest Harry Potter I bought only has like 3 options which sucks, I liked 2-5 because I could watch it with my L2 subs on.
I know. They have only western European languages on the one that has all the languages. NO Russian OR Czech :(. And not all the languages that have audio have subtitles. Only the BluRay discs have it though, which sucks because our BluRay player is really bad and won't play correctly.
ruskivyetr on 01 January 2010
When it's 30 minutes after midnight on New Year's Day and you're getting ready to do a unit of Pimsleur
I just came home early from the New Years Eve party (it's 12:43). I got bored and faced with the decision between learning more Japanese characters and hanging out in a noisy bar with a whole bunch of drunk monolingualÂEnglish speakers, the choice was clear.
Bring on the kanji!
EDIT: How weird is that? The first kanji my SRS drilled me on was æ³, whose Heisig keyword is "year's end".
Levi on 01 January 2010
When it's 30 minutes after midnight on New Year's Day and you're getting ready to do a unit of Pimsleur
I just came home early from the New Years Eve party (it's 12:43). I got bored and faced with the decision between learning more Japanese characters and hanging out in a noisy bar with a whole bunch of drunk monolingualÂEnglish speakers, the choice was clear.
I'm glad I'm not the only one!
ymapazagain on 01 January 2010
When it's 30 minutes after midnight on New Year's Day and you're getting ready to do a unit of Pimsleur
From the past few posts, I'd say you're in good company. It's 33 minutes past midnight in my neck of the woods, and I'm sitting here catching up on this thread. What a wild party animal I am. :P
pookiebear79 on 01 January 2010
...when the highlight of your day is digging through a box of discarded free books outside a shop, with a few centimeters of snow on them...and finding an old Teach Yourself Swahili book from 1966! :D
Levi on 03 January 2010
When you watch UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) with your buddies and between rounds
you hear Brazilian fighter Thiago Silva getting some tips from his coaches and you
actually have some interest in listening to the Portuguese they are speaking.
canada38 on 03 January 2010
When you insist to your boyfriend that it's fun trying to identify all of the 20 something languages on an IKEA shower soap bottle or beach ball.
Lindsay19 on 03 January 2010
When you insist to your boyfriend that it's fun trying to identify all of the 20 something languages on an IKEA shower soap bottle or beach ball.
Why don't people find this fun!?!?! I LOVE going to Ikea because they have so many different languages on their instructions. They also have the best Swedish meatballs (THEY ARE SO GOOD!)
ruskivyetr on 03 January 2010
.........when you go from one bookstore to another bookstore in the main shopping district to see if there are new learning materials for your target languages!
QiuJP on 03 January 2010
Spending three evenings in London reading an Irish grammar, even though you know that only 3% or so of the Irish themselves speak it as their first language (the rest have just 'learnt' it in school, and we all know what that means). Actually finding it funny that words in Irish are changed not only at the end, but also at the beginning. Being slightly irritated with myself because I didn't also buy grammars for Scottish Gaelic, Welsh and Breton.
Iversen on 03 January 2010
when you realised that you have learnt just 6 languages, but on your bookselves you have learning materials for 20 languages(!!!)
QiuJP on 04 January 2010
When you can choose between two different types of snowboard wax, and you spend ten dollars more on the wax that comes with swedish and French instructions than the generic version.
Icaria909 on 04 January 2010
When you smile (or laugh aloud) at these postings but secretly wish you had thought to do them yourself and you actually begin to implement them because it's never too late to unleash your inner language nerd.
psy88 on 05 January 2010
- - - and then realize that it is a language that you do not know; you have figured out the meaning through cognates and guesswork.
Asithassa on 05 January 2010
When you lose your girlfriend in the bookstore, and after searching for a few minutes you
give up and hope she'll find you. Then when you go to check out the foreign language
section, she's there waiting for you.
canada38 on 05 January 2010
...when you have a university exam the next morning but instead of doing some last minute revising, have just stopped writing notes on German-Dutch cognates with an analysis of gender change (2-3 pages already), and are on this forum!
elvisrules on 05 January 2010
When you lie being asked 'What languages do you know?' because any 'normal' person can understand why one might aim for knowing more languages than it's a mandatory to learn being at school and university. ('Still, I don't get it. Have you said Latvian ? Why the hell anyone could need it?/But you knowEnglish!' etc)
Jurga on 05 January 2010
The other day someone told about me their blog, and asked if I had one. I lied and said "No", because I didn't want to say "Yes, but its in Portuguese"...which would lead to an awkward/uncomfortable conversation, that ultimately ends in people thinking I'm some kind of weird nerd.
tritone on 05 January 2010
The other day someone told about me their blog, and asked if I had one. I lied and said "No", because I didn't want to say "Yes, but its in Portuguese"...which would lead to an awkward/uncomfortable conversation, that ultimately ends in people thinking I'm some kind of weird nerd.
BE PROUD OF YOUR LANGUAGES :)! Don't be ashamed, language nerds rock!
ruskivyetr on 05 January 2010
The other day someone told about me their blog, and asked if I had one. I lied and said "No", because I didn't want to say "Yes, but its in Portuguese"...which would lead to an awkward/uncomfortable conversation, that ultimately ends in people thinking I'm some kind of weird nerd.
BE PROUD OF YOUR LANGUAGES :)! Don't be ashamed, language nerds rock!
Emm, language nerds rock only inside this forum. Elsewhere they aren't appreciated so much;)
By the way, blogger in Portuguese reminded me of something. Writing a diary in a language none in your family knows is not only nerd, it's simply great in the other hand! If only I had known Chinese,for example, many years ago...-I used to have many problems with hiding my diary from my younger brother and cousins-ahh, I imagine their faces:D
Jurga on 06 January 2010
...when you have a dream about learning Korean, then wake up disappointed that you don't have enough time in the day to fit the language into your schedule. Yet.
Levi on 12 January 2010
. . . when you become so accustomed to typing on a German-style keyboard (where y and z are reversed) that you begin to switch these two letters in your handwriting as well--and inEnglish!--so zou write zour words in a verz strange waz and zou don't even realiye it!
meramarina on 12 January 2010
...when the highlight of your day is digging through a box of discarded free books outside a shop, with a few centimeters of snow on them...and finding an old Teach Yourself Swahili book from 1966! :D
...when you read that post and feel green with envy! :)
Ninja Bunny on 12 January 2010
. . . when you become so accustomed to typing on a German-style keyboard (where y and z are reversed) that you begin to switch these two letters in your handwriting as well--and inÂEnglish!--so zou write zour words in a verz strange waz and zou don't even realiye it!
Hmm.... What about someone who is so accustomed to a Russian keyboard?
QiuJP on 12 January 2010
When you switch to writing in another language for faster note taking.
When I was in my advancedEnglish class the other day, I was taking notes from the bored and instead of writing "he is" and "he has", I just wrote Ðн и Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ³Ð¾ because it just seemed so much faster while writing, and then I continued making little notes in Russian all over my paper, and then I realized I had to hand it in, and it was all in PEN! :O
My teacher now thinks I'm a freak.
ruskivyetr on 13 January 2010
When you switch to writing in another language for faster note taking.
When I was in my advancedÂEnglish class the other day, I was taking notes from the bored and instead of writing "he is" and "he has", I just wrote Ðн и Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ³Ð¾ because it just seemed so much faster while writing, and then I continued making little notes in Russian all over my paper, and then I realized I had to hand it in, and it was all in PEN! :O
My teacher now thinks I'm a freak.
Taking notes from the "bored": did you mean "board" or were you making a clever pun?
psy88 on 13 January 2010
When you switch to writing in another language for faster note taking.
When I was in my advancedÂEnglish class the other day, I was taking notes from the bored and instead of writing "he is" and "he has", I just wrote Ðн и Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ³Ð¾ because it just seemed so much faster while writing, and then I continued making little notes in Russian all over my paper, and then I realized I had to hand it in, and it was all in PEN! :O
My teacher now thinks I'm a freak.
That's how I take my notes, whenever I find a syllable that can by a kana I sub it in and kanji as well, most German words end up being longer so I can't sub them in often unfortunatly.
genini1 on 13 January 2010
When you're taking your notes and slip in other languages because they're shorter and faster to write.
I do this all the time in Theology class because we write an average of 6 pages a day.
Iris-Way on 13 January 2010
When you switch to writing in another language for faster note taking.
When I was in my advancedEnglish class the other day, I was taking notes from the bored and instead of writing "he is" and "he has", I just wrote Ðн и Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ³Ð¾ because it just seemed so much faster while writing, and then I continued making little notes in Russian all over my paper, and then I realized I had to hand it in, and it was all in PEN! :O
My teacher now thinks I'm a freak.
Taking notes from the "bored": did you mean "board" or were you making a clever pun?
Haha my bad. I was going to say "I was bored" but I guess I just thought "I was taking notes from the board" and mixed up the two words :).
ruskivyetr on 13 January 2010
When you dream that your family will become a samskrita griham, at least in part.
Rikyu-san on 13 January 2010
...when you major in one language, minor in another, and plan on studying a third in your spare time.
I'll see that and raise you: When your Minor language becomes a second Major language and you are granted the giddy delight of choosing a new Minor language... And then you listen to podcasts of your fourth "Fun" language on the way home.
Michaela on 14 January 2010
Here are two more that just happened:
--when you are at the checkout counter in the grocery store, and there is a display of movie DVDs. One of the movies is "Die Hard" but this is not what you see. You see a German feminine definite article and can't figure out why you don't remember the meaning of "Hard." What noun is this? Why don't you remember? Oh.
--browsing through the bargain section of the bookstore, you see a few assorted language books. Oh, happy, happy day! There's a Langenscheidt book with the familiar yellow cover--but something is wrong, terribly wrong. Which language is it for? How can you know if the name of the language isn't there? You get unreasonably annoyed with a language publisher that can't be bothered to put the name of the language on the cover. Well, open the book, idiot. It'sEnglish.
Is it possible that studying foreign languages makes a person dumber?
Sometimes I wonder . . .
meramarina on 14 January 2010
When you read the articles on the euronews site in all the languages you know/study and are compelled to also try the other languages, yes, even Arabic although you can't read the alphabet.
Mieke on 14 January 2010
--when you are at the checkout counter in the grocery store, and there is a display of movie DVDs. One of the movies is "Die Hard" but this is not what you see. You see a German feminine definite article and can't figure out why you don't remember the meaning of "Hard." What noun is this? Why don't you remember? Oh..
Haha, the same has happened to me. It took me months to realize the band called "Die Mannequin" was actuallyEnglish... I had been pronouncing it "dee" the whole time until someone corrected me.
elvisrules on 14 January 2010
--You are wandering the aisles of your local megastore and spend some time looking at various kitchen tools. But there is a curious implement you have never seen before: a "Euro Peeler." You just can't imagine why such a thing would exist, because why would anyone need to peel their Euros? Huh? Just bizarre.
Then you realize, you are thinking of currency. But in this case, the word "Euro" is used as an adjective. Not sure why, but advertisers in America often call something "European" when they want to say that it is of high quality.
meramarina on 14 January 2010
...when you see a vowel with an umlaut to make anEnglish word look chic, and you want to pronounce it in the German manner.
Levi on 14 January 2010
I'm working on my second convert. My brother has expressed an interest in my Japanese studies and now I'm helping him get started too. :)
Levi on 15 January 2010
...when you see a vowel with an umlaut to make anÂEnglish word look chic,
and you want to pronounce it in the German manner.
6AP1CEBd8IK5MbrZeBwSr41a2bne9qtbo0tOlATmVoC2F/motleycruesain ts.jpg[/IMG]
LOL this happens every morning when I see a bottle of that brand
canada38 on 15 January 2010
I'm working on my second convert. My brother has expressed an interest in my Japanese studies and now I'm helping him get started too. :)
ha, I've done that a few times! I got two of my cousins and my dad to start Italian, my brother with Spanish, a friend with Indonesian, and another friend with German. It feels so good to convert others! :D
goosefrabbas on 15 January 2010
--when you are at the checkout counter in the grocery store, and there is a display of movie DVDs. One of the movies is "Die Hard" but this is not what you see. You see a German feminine definite article and can't figure out why you don't remember the meaning of "Hard." What noun is this? Why don't you remember? Oh.
--browsing through the bargain section of the bookstore, you see a few assorted language books. Oh, happy, happy day! There's a Langenscheidt book with the familiar yellow cover--but something is wrong, terribly wrong. Which language is it for? How can you know if the name of the language isn't there? You get unreasonably annoyed with a language publisher that can't be bothered to put the name of the language on the cover. Well, open the book, idiot. It'sÂEnglish.
Is it possible that studying foreign languages makes a person dumber?
Sometimes I wonder . . .
Your post took me back in time. More years ago than I care to recall, I was a high school student in a Latin class. The teacher was puzzled about one of Heracles/Hercules' labors ,the taming of the "mares". The teacher was embarrassed that he could not translate the "Latin" word "mares" intoEnglish. Your's truly, always a bit of a nerd, was familiar with the 12 labors of Heracles/Hercules. I pointed out that the word "mares" was not Latin, butEnglish:mares-female horses.
PS Studying foreign languages does NOT make one dumber- just more prone to language nerdery!
psy88 on 15 January 2010
And not only that, when you log in automatically every time you switch the computer on, even if you have nothing to post about and are not looking for any thread in particular, or even if you switched on the computer for a completely different reason in the first place.
You really just wanted to observe other people's nerdery!
gogglehead on 15 January 2010
When you feel slightly uncomfortable because the sentence you just typed is completely devoid of these sacred Teeline symbols or the need for them...but just imagine a keyboard with additional buttons for "the" or "and" or "-tion" stop, and seek some medical help first. Please.
Teango on 15 January 2010
When you take down certain words in Teeline shorthand in your written notes, not because it's easier or faster, but because you once picked up a thin blue book over 10 years ago and glanced through a chapter or two, and have ever since felt the relentless desire to metamorphose your perfectly legible scribblings into a disarray of crazy cursive hieratics.
I have entire notebooks written in - Quikscript . I love using a script that only a handful of people on the planet can read.
Levi on 15 January 2010
When you take down certain words in Teeline shorthand in your written notes, not because it's easier or faster, but because you once picked up a thin blue book over 10 years ago and glanced through a chapter or two, and have ever since felt the relentless desire to metamorphose your perfectly legible scribblings into a disarray of crazy cursive hieratics.
I have entire notebooks written in - Quikscript . I love using a script that only a handful of people on the planet can read.
Why oh why am I looking this up with great fascination on Wikipedia right now? Help me.
Teango on 15 January 2010
When you wake up after a stolen siesta on the beach during your summer hols, and open your wide bewildered eyes, only to discover yourself shrouded in darkness. Yes. You dozed off with a Turkish phrasebook as a sunshield on your head...again. Daylight returns.
Teango on 15 January 2010
When you take down certain words in Teeline shorthand in your written notes, not because it's easier or faster, but because you once picked up a thin blue book over 10 years ago and glanced through a chapter or two, and have ever since felt the relentless desire to metamorphose your perfectly legible scribblings into a disarray of crazy cursive hieratics.
I have entire notebooks written in - Quikscript . I love using a script that only a handful of people on the planet can read.
...when, after reading the Wikipedia page on Quikscript, you find yourself downloading learning material for Quikscript and printing the official manual even though you have a pile of time critical things to do.
Thaorius on 15 January 2010
You step out your door and you're actually surprised or even shocked to hear the language around you, because you immersed yourself so completely in another language that you thought you lived in a different country.
Quabazaa on 15 January 2010
When it's 30 minutes after midnight on New Year's Day and you're
getting ready to do a unit of Pimsleur
I was at a lame party on New Years and I was wishing so desperately to go home and do
some language study.
I admit though on New Years Eve I only had a couple drinks so that I would still be
functional enough on New Years Day for some language study!!
canada38 on 16 January 2010
When you can't understand something in your native language because your brain wants to think in you target language.
My grandmother was over for dinner the other night and was complaining about a headache. She asked "What do you have for a headache?", meaning what kind of medicine did we have. However, my brain wanted to be German and I thought she meant "What kind of headache do you have?". So I stare and say "Uhmmm...I don't...Ohh!" -_-
Rina on 16 January 2010
When you can't understand something in your native language because your brain wants to think in you target language.
My grandmother was over for dinner the other night and was complaining about a headache. She asked "What do you have for a headache?", meaning what kind of medicine did we have. However, my brain wanted to be German and I thought she meant "What kind of headache do you have?". So I stare and say "Uhmmm...I don't...Ohh!" -_-
I could definatly see that happening to me too :-P
Lindsay19 on 16 January 2010
When after a few weeks of immersion in the Russian language, you leave your cosy learning environment and start talking to your German neighbour, who just happened to catch you on the stairs, in snippets of German andEnglish. You slowly realise that she's squinting in confusion every now and again, but can't fathom why, and put it down to your occasionalEnglish phrases. Then you go down to the local fried chicken shop on the corner and experience the same quizzical searching glances from the vendor too, despite only using German this time. Only on your return does your friend laugh and inform you that you've inadvertly been speaking ÑÑÑÑкий German, with liberal sprinklings of кÑÑиÑа, деÑÑкий Ñад and да instead of ja thrown in for good measure. Listening to this bizarreEnglishman wrestling with German andEnglish must have been a real struggle for these poor souls at the best of times, but trying to understandEnglish-Russian-German must have really confused them. Oh du lieber Ðог!
Teango on 16 January 2010
When you watch a television show in your L2 specifically because it features them learning your L4. (There's a Japanese show about a cook who goes to Tokyo to be a chef in an Italian restaurant and he learns Italian there.)
genini1 on 17 January 2010
the library shelf I noticed the ad on the back page. I stared and stared at it, not
being able to figure out what it was talking about. I actually took the magazine over to
a friend to point out the ad and ask if she understood it. She did. It was entirely in
When you watch a television show in your L2 specifically because it
features them learning your L4. (There's a Japanese show about a cook who goes to Tokyo
to be a chef in an Italian restaurant and he learns Italian there.)
Genini, what is the name of this show. I'd love to watch it.
seldnar on 18 January 2010
When you buy a fluffy new bathmat for your WC in Germany, happy and warm in the knowledge that this is "specifically" for the bathroom because it has the word "bath" crafted into its lovely design in German. Only later, whilst gracing the loo and proudly admiring your latest household purchase from a slightly different angle, do you realise you actually bought a mat with "BAD" emblazened on it in big bold letters. And just to think, only the other day I was smiling at another forum member's confusion with "Die Hard". Oh least it'll be a talking point forÂEnglish friends when they come round to visit and spend a penny.
Teango on 18 January 2010
When you are continuously saying something to a friend in a foreign language, even though he/she doesn't understand it, and you don't want to translate what you said...
The_Beholder on 18 January 2010
When you try to decline Chinese characters, because you want to make Chinese Characters more readable.......
QiuJP on 18 January 2010
When you receive a twelve language pocket electronic translator for your birthday from
your significant other.
canada38 on 18 January 2010
When you receive a twelve language pocket electronic translator for your birthday from
your significant other.
Oh man, your significant other rocks! I wish I could get that.
...When you're excited when a friend, who went to Portugal, brings you a book of short stories by Portuguese
writers until you see the book is inEnglish. You thank her anyways an then search online to see if there is a
portuguese edition.
MegatronFilm on 18 January 2010
you realise you actually bought a mat with "BAD" emblazened on it in big bold letters. And just to think, only the other day I was smiling at another forum member's confusion with "Die Hard"
That is the coolest bathmat ever! I want one! Fluffy and bad, a good combination.
I am the Dummkopf who got confused about the movie!
One of my German-speaking friends asked me once if it looks strange, for anEnglish speaker in Germany, to see the word "fahrt" everyhere. I said it does look a little funny at first, but I am a mature, grown-up person and I can handle it. Then I saw a truck with the cheery inscription: "Gute Fahrt!" Severe giggle fit!
I always feel a little uncomfortable using theEnglish word "gift" with German speakers, just in case. I'm sure most everyone would know it means a present (inEnglish) and not poison, but still . . . you don't want a false friend to cause you to lose friends.
meramarina on 18 January 2010
One of my German-speaking friends asked me once if it looks strange, for anÂEnglish speaker in Germany, to see the word "fahrt" everyhere. I said it does look a little funny at first, but I am a mature, grown-up person and I can handle it. Then I saw a truck with the cheery inscription: "Gute Fahrt!" Severe giggle fit!
Glad to see I'm not the only one :) I tried too...I really did...but with so many car showrooms offering the passerby a friendly "Probefahrt" in good faith, it's near impossible to restrain from a playground giggle or two.
I always feel a little uncomfortable using theÂEnglish word "gift" with German speakers, just in case. I'm sure most everyone would know it means a present (inÂEnglish) and not poison, but still . . . you don't want a false friend to cause you to lose friends.
True enough, but it could be worse I guess, you could offer to go for a romantic stroll with your German loved one in the moonlit "Mist"...
Teango on 18 January 2010
When, if you are anEnglish speaker and coming across anEnglish word that is somewhat unfamiliar to you, you want to check its meaning. You take out yourEnglish language dictionary. Without thinking, you mentally divide the dictionary in half as you prepare to hunt for the word. Why do you divide it in half? Because you are so use to working with your bilingual Target language-English dictionary. And, of course, after you find the definition, you can't wait to look it up in your bilingual dictionary to discover what it is in your target language.
psy88 on 19 January 2010
...when you study languages therapeutically, to get your mind off of stressful things. Nothing calms the mind like getting lost in the beauty of a foreign language.
Levi on 19 January 2010
When after you have completed one of your exams, instead of preparing and studying for the next, you change the language on your iPod to Ukrainian to see the differences and similarities between Ukrainian and Russian.
ruskivyetr on 20 January 2010
...When it's the first day of math class and you haven't managed to remember how to do any of the problems on the review sheet. You have, however, managed to translate all the instructions into German.
It's going to be a long semester...
Rina on 22 January 2010
"Wann Ich noch ein kleiner Junge war hat mein alter Vater immer volgendes gesagt: "Donnerwetter am Freitag is besser als eine Abekatze im Gepäck am Dienstag." Ich glaube dass das sehr wahr ist. Sie auch?"
... for no apparent reason except it is fun.
Rikyu-san on 22 January 2010
...when someone asks you what you're thinking about, and you make something up because you don't want to say something like "German word order" or "Mandarin tones".
Levi on 24 January 2010
...when someone asks you what you're thinking about, and you make something up because you don't want to say something like "German word order" or "Mandarin tones".
... when you purposely make up something that you know will get them to leave you alone so you can go home and do anki reps.
genini1 on 24 January 2010
You say things like "How much do you really want to learn this language?!". They do their homework half-heartedly
and they give you strange looks when you excitedly and thoroughly do your French homework. After trying to do
practice drills with them, you end up knowing the language they're studying more than they do.
*Sigh* I wish my family were more passionate about languages.
MegatronFilm on 24 January 2010
when, instead of being excited about not having homework after exam week, you are instead looking forward to using that time to catch up on your Russian studies.
when you are on the computer, and your mother asks what you are doing, and you must explain to her that you are researching the word root system of Semitic languages, in particular Arabic. It is then you know you are a true language nerd when you continue talking about what you have learned in great detail, but even more so, when it is more detail filled than the actual Wikipedia page you were viewing.
ruskivyetr on 24 January 2010
countries only because youâre interested in their languages.
кÑнд ÑкÑи Ñн ÑомÑÐ½Ñ Ñн алÑабеÑÑл киÑилик, деÑÑ Ðµ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð¿Ð»ÐµÑ Ð¸Ð½ÑÑил Ñи аÑÑ Ð°Ð¸Ðº.
MäcÃSŸ on 24 January 2010
...when you learn language X so you can use materials in language X to learn language Y, which is what you really wanted to learn in the first place.
It's not a personal experience, but I saw people in another thread saying that they would learn Russian to learn Uzbek or Czech or something...
Johntm on 24 January 2010
... when knowing several languages becomes your lifeline to getting into a good college.
... also when you download all sorts of MMORPGs just because their from a foreign country (so you can level up your mage while practicing X language :D)
catharsis on 24 January 2010
кÑнд ÑкÑи Ñн ÑомÑÐ½Ñ Ñн алÑабеÑÑл киÑилик, деÑÑ Ðµ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð¿Ð»ÐµÑ Ð¸Ð½ÑÑил Ñи аÑÑ Ð°Ð¸Ðº.
...if you can understand every word of a sentence in Romanian, in the Cyrillic alphabet, despite not speaking or ever studying Romanian.
Levi on 25 January 2010
...when you learn language X so you can use materials in language X to
learn language Y, which is what you really wanted to learn in the first place.
It's not a personal experience, but I saw people in another thread saying that they would
learn Russian to learn Uzbek or Czech or something...
Guilty...Assimil....Actually I always wanted to learn French having access to Assimil's
full library is merely a bonus.
LatinoBoy84 on 25 January 2010
...when you talk in French to your mother, Italian to your brother and Portuguese to
sister (and German and/or Italian to your uncles if you feel like it)
...when you go for a walk just to think in Dutch cause you don't want to be distracted
Wikipedia, Omniglot, your languages books or this site :)
...when you read this thread (beacouse you want to know what other languages nerds in
world think)
...when you click on every single language named - hereGuido on 25 January 2010
...when you learn language X so you can use materials in language X to
learn language Y, which is what you really wanted to learn in the first place.
It's not a personal experience, but I saw people in another thread saying that they would
learn Russian to learn Uzbek or Czech or something...
Guilty...Assimil....Actually I always wanted to learn French having access to Assimil's
full library is merely a bonus.
So I'm not the only one!
goosefrabbas on 25 January 2010
... when, while playing Never Have I Ever, someone says "Never have I ever spoken a foreign language" and you spend 10 minutes debating what they mean by speak and deliberating over whether you consider yourself as "speaking" a foreign language.
... then later, you piss the same group of friends off again by drunkenly refusing to speakEnglish because most (but not all) of the people there speak enough French to hold a simple conversation.
kottoler.ello on 25 January 2010
When you studied 7 languages and learnt just 1
MäcÃSŸ on 25 January 2010
...when you can name more than 100 languages without any help (internet, a map, etc.)
Johntm on 25 January 2010
I love this thread. Keep 'em coming, fellas!
Rikyu-san on 25 January 2010
I love this thread. Keep 'em coming, fellas!
How do you get the subs on the dvd out of curiosity, it would be nice if I could add some of the scripts I've found online to my dvd's.
genini1 on 25 January 2010
I love this thread. Keep 'em coming, fellas!
How do you get the subs on the dvd out of curiosity, it would be nice if I could add some of the scripts I've found online to my dvd's.
To be honest with you, I haven't got a clue. I guess that is the hallmark of language dvd nerdery that one can volunteer for such a project (and I am speaking about myself here) without knowing how. However, I know a bunch of people that I assume know everything that is worth knowing about it. Send me a PM so I have a message from you in my inbox so I can get in touch with you easily and I will tell you. I believe I can learn and that there is a way around it. It will not be a hack-n-crack project but something done out in the open - as a form of "seva".
Back to the topic of the thread:
You know you are a (friendly and helpful) language nerd... when you are happy to share everything you know about learning languages with other language enthusiasts, including how to delete silent passages in FSI German files, compress files by recording them in variable bit rate so as to take up less space, and how to add subtitles to your language DVDs once you have it figured out (the two first courtesy of other users on the site - thank you! - the last one will happen soon).
Rikyu-san on 25 January 2010
Another one:
When you have a free period in school, and you are kicking yourself for not bringing an Arabic writing practice book, and you are looking forward to doing more writing exercises later today when you get home.
ruskivyetr on 25 January 2010
I write in Cyrillic in many of my notes, and most of the Cyrillic is either Russian, orÂEnglish transliterated in Cyrillic.
Johntm on 25 January 2010
... when you go back to see the movie Avatar a second time, not because of the story or 3-D effects but to test your - comprehension level of Na'vi :P
irishpolyglot on 26 January 2010
. . . can it be that I am not nerdy ENOUGH?
It could be a nerdological impairment!
How would I know?
Is it time for an philological-existential crisis?
If so, which language shall I have it in?
At any rate, at the end of this thread--should that time arrive--maybe we will elect the OVERNERD!
(a post of great honor, no doubt!)
meramarina on 26 January 2010
..when you wake up in the middle of the night from hearing yourself speak 3 different languages in your sleep.
MegatronFilm on 26 January 2010
When you give your German professor an answer in Japanese instead in German...
The_Beholder on 27 January 2010
...when you click on every single language named - here
Been there, done that, lol!
Every. Single. One.
kyssäkaali on 27 January 2010
countries only because youâre interested in their languages.
кÑнд ÑкÑи Ñн ÑомÑÐ½Ñ Ñн алÑабеÑÑл киÑилик, деÑÑ Ðµ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð¿Ð»ÐµÑ Ð¸Ð½ÑÑил Ñи аÑÑ Ð°Ð¸Ðº.
When, instead of getting angry at someone for posting something ,(that may perhaps be really funny or truly interesting or deeply philosophical),that you cannot read/understand, you instead are angry at yourself because you wish you had studied the unknown language.
psy88 on 27 January 2010
. . . can it be that I am not nerdy ENOUGH?
It could be a nerdological impairment!
How would I know?
Is it time for an philological-existential crisis?
If so, which language shall I have it in?
At any rate, at the end of this thread--should that time arrive--maybe we will elect the OVERNERD!
(a post of great honor, no doubt!)
THIS THREAD MIGHT END!!! You know what you are when the thought of this thread ending makes you really, depressed.
psy88 on 27 January 2010
...when you wish your country had 30 official languages
Asithassa on 27 January 2010
...when you're secretly pleased that your country has no official language.
SamD on 27 January 2010
It's not like I could try to drive anywhere anyway, I've not even had my license for 6 months, I wouldn't try driving in the snow.
But still, when I first heard we might have school canceled, I was excited because I could spend the whole day studying Spanish, before I realized there wasn't much else I could do anyway.
Edit: We do have snow, school hasn't been cancelled but probably will be Monday and we are more or less snowed in all weekend.
Johntm on 28 January 2010
When you lose your girlfriend in the bookstore, and after searching for a few minutes you
give up and hope she'll find you. Then when you go to check out the foreign language
section, she's there waiting for you.
When you first begin learning your target language and your immediate goal is to create 3-4 sentences to have recorded as your answering service for your cell phone, even though those who call you have no clue what your saying or become convinced they have dialed the wrong number.
When you spend hours in Office Depot in search for new ways to become more efficient and organized in storing and producing flash cards.
When you pray that your future significant other is either a native or is just as dedicated and fascinated by learning the same target language.
When you become upset, because you canât change you cell phone settings over to your target language.
SnowManR1 on 28 January 2010
(Shubhamastu is a Sanskrit greeting).
Rikyu-san on 28 January 2010
When you wish your boyfriend didn't speakEnglish so you'd have to speak to him in his language instead.
Iolanthe on 28 January 2010
One of my brothers speaks French and I have told him, "If you don't teach my nephew French, I will teach him Spanish instead." I'm very disappointed that my brother neither takes this threat seriously nor has he started teaching his son French.
When my Spanish teacher was explaining how to pronounce 'j', I asked her why she was pronouncing it like the Dutch 'g' sound.
I once spent almost an hour practicing making a French 'r' sound. Nevermind that I'm not learning French now, I must master that sound!
Lastly, I just spent an hour rereading this thread because I wanted to be sure I didn't repeat something that has already been posted.
mick33 on 28 January 2010
We were watching a movie in my AP environmental science class about farming and pesticide use on 3rd world countries. Instead of caring at all, I was interested in the languages they spoke in those countries (It was typically Asian or African countries).
Also in the same video, when they were talking about a young Hispanic boy in South America who had a rare form of cancer because of pesticides sprayed on crops, I was pissed because they had dubs when the father was speaking.
I was ecstatic today when I learned a friend I haven't known for very long knows 4 languages,English, Taiwanese, Chinese, and some Japanese (and some Spanish from school), and I don't even have an interest in Asian languages except for Korean.
Johntm on 30 January 2010
...when you tell your SRS you didn't remember a word, even though you did, just because you really like that word and want to see it again.
Levi on 30 January 2010
I'm working on my second convert. My brother has expressed an interest in my Japanese studies and now I'm helping him get started too. :)
And now my dad's learning French. Mwahahaha! :D
Levi on 30 January 2010
I write in Cyrillic in many of my notes, and most of the Cyrillic is either Russian, orÂEnglish transliterated in Cyrillic.
Well it's not very difficult, it's just recognizing certain characters etc. I'm learning to write in cursive Cyrillic, but I wrote in block for a while. Just type in "Russian alphabet" on google, and it will bring you to the Russian version of the alphabet (there are variations of it for certain languages that require different sounds).
ruskivyetr on 30 January 2010
When you translate a charity letter written inEnglish from Ghana for your German neighbour, but all the time wonder what they speak over there, and whether you could learn it so as to help your neighbour reply in her sponsor child's native language. You fantasize over adding an exotic African language with lots of clicks and whistles to your language collection for a moment, even though you know next to nothing about African languages, just the fleeting harmonies of Paul Simon and the Ladysmith Black Mambazo band resonating faintly in your ears for a moment. Then you go on Wikipedia only to discover thatEnglish IS the official language, and return to your translation secretly a little disappointed...never mind, maybe next time... ;)
Teango on 31 January 2010
When you translate a charity letter written inÂEnglish from Ghana for your German neighbour, but all the time wonder what they speak over there, and whether you could learn it so as to help your neighbour reply in her sponsor child's native language. You fantasize over adding an exotic African language with lots of clicks and whistles to your language collection for a moment, even though you know next to nothing about African languages, just the fleeting harmonies of Paul Simon and the Ladysmith Black Mambazo band resonating faintly in your ears for a moment. Then you go on Wikipedia only to discover thatÂEnglish IS the official language, and return to your translation secretly a little disappointed...never mind, maybe next time... ;)
I doubt this qualifies as language nerdery, but I was watching George Lopez's comedy show on Comedy Central last night (in which me mixes in quite a bit of Spanish), and 99% of the Spanish that he used that I understood were swear words.
Johntm on 31 January 2010
This might have been posted already but when you watch MMA fights and you wish the fighters would stop moving so you could read what there tattoos meant.
genini1 on 31 January 2010
This might have been posted already but when you watch MMA fights and you wish the fighters would stop moving so you could read what there tattoos meant.
Where would I be without my "pause" button...oh the magic of technology...I confess I once did exactly this whilst watching an amazing Russian figher, simply to see if he had "vor v zakone" mafia stars on his knees or cyrillic on his back I could try to read ...needless-to-say I only found celtic designs and squiggles.
Teango on 31 January 2010
When, upon entering your favorite bookstore, you start moving towards the foreign language section without thinking about it, and when you get there you have to use all your willpower to pry yourself away to keep from spending all your time and money there.
kottoler.ello on 01 February 2010
... when you write your notes in Russian forEnglish class, Swedish for History, German for Science, and Japanese for Spanish ;D (I wish I was that good D: )
catharsis on 01 February 2010
When, upon entering your favorite bookstore, you start moving towards the foreign language section without thinking about it, and when you get there you have to use all your willpower to pry yourself away to keep from spending all your time and money there.
Guilty. Are there other sections?
Sprachprofi on 01 February 2010
How about this: you know you have become a language nerd when, after not seeing it in a few years you watch Pulp Fiction and now your favorite part/quote is John Travolta talking about "Le Big Mac"
psy88 on 02 February 2010
When, upon entering your favorite bookstore, you start moving towards the foreign language section without thinking about it, and when you get there you have to use all your willpower to pry yourself away to keep from spending all your time and money there.
Guilty. Are there other sections?
Sometimes you'll find interesting books in those other sections, but you wouldn't want to waste any money or bookshelf space on them. Or the time! You can't afford to be reading too much in your native language. ;)
Levi on 06 February 2010
...when watching Angels and Demons (great movie) some of my favorite parts were when they spoke in Italian, and when the various newsreporters spoke in there languages.
Johntm on 06 February 2010
...when you complain of a sore uvula and people around you think you are seriously ill...
Asithassa on 06 February 2010
When you turn on your computer, first thing you do is to start listening your favorite
mrasiteren on 06 February 2010
When you translate a charity letter written inÂEnglish from Ghana for your German neighbour, but all the time wonder what they speak over there, and whether you could learn it so as to help your neighbour reply in her sponsor child's native language. You fantasize over adding an exotic African language with lots of clicks and whistles to your language collection for a moment, even though you know next to nothing about African languages, just the fleeting harmonies of Paul Simon and the Ladysmith Black Mambazo band resonating faintly in your ears for a moment. Then you go on Wikipedia only to discover thatÂEnglish IS the official language, and return to your translation secretly a little disappointed...never mind, maybe next time... ;)
Haha I got my first Swahili studybook because I started sponsoring a girl from Kenya. Yes, I know, they speakEnglish overthere as the official language but how great would it be to be able to write to her in her first language :D
Margarita on 06 February 2010
Holy crap I'm so excited :DD
kyssäkaali on 06 February 2010
When you take down certain words in Teeline shorthand in your written notes, not because it's easier or faster, but because you once picked up a thin blue book over 10 years ago and glanced through a chapter or two, and have ever since felt the relentless desire to metamorphose your perfectly legible scribblings into a disarray of crazy cursive hieratics.
I have entire notebooks written in - Quikscript . I love using a script that only a handful of people on the planet can read.
When, after reading this post, you spend several hours of the evening internalizing as much of the quickscript handbook as possible, bringing you closer to your goal of having everything you write be incomprehensible to everyone around you -- even if it is inÂEnglish.
When your plan before learning some quickscript was to do a side by side comparison of your two editions of "German for Reading Knowledge," even though you have absolutely no intention of learning German in the near future (but sometime in the future, you do). After that, you the plan was to "relax" by adding another 15-20 words to your Russian wordlists via the "Iversen" method.
When people accuse you of cheating at scrabble because you keep score with the names in Cyrillic and the numbers in Chinese, and periodically ask throughout the game if you can play a word in such-and-such a language when your hand isn't yielding anything good inÂEnglish.
When while taking notes in American history class in Russian, you realize that you don't know a word, and instead of just writing the word inÂEnglish, your first priority becomes to discreetly find the word so you can finish your sentence in Russian. Thank heavens for the dictionaries loaded onto my iPod touch!
unityandoutside on 07 February 2010
When you discover, to your delight, that your new dietary supplements are labeled not only inEnglish but also in German and Spanish, and then you eagerly begin to increase your vocabulary by learning new words through comparison of the texts.
Dainty on 07 February 2010
When you take down certain words in Teeline shorthand in your written notes, not because it's easier or faster, but because you once picked up a thin blue book over 10 years ago and glanced through a chapter or two, and have ever since felt the relentless desire to metamorphose your perfectly legible scribblings into a disarray of crazy cursive hieratics.
I have entire notebooks written in - Quikscript . I love using a script that only a handful of people on the planet can read.
When, after reading this post, you spend several hours of the evening internalizing as much of the quickscript handbook as possible, bringing you closer to your goal of having everything you write be incomprehensible to everyone around you -- even if it is inEnglish.
When your plan before learning some quickscript was to do a side by side comparison of your two editions of "German for Reading Knowledge," even though you have absolutely no intention of learning German in the near future (but sometime in the future, you do). After that, you the plan was to "relax" by adding another 15-20 words to your Russian wordlists via the "Iversen" method.
When people accuse you of cheating at scrabble because you keep score with the names in Cyrillic and the numbers in Chinese, and periodically ask throughout the game if you can play a word in such-and-such a language when your hand isn't yielding anything good inEnglish.
When while taking notes in American history class in Russian, you realize that you don't know a word, and instead of just writing the word inEnglish, your first priority becomes to discreetly find the word so you can finish your sentence in Russian. Thank heavens for the dictionaries loaded onto my iPod touch!
Dictionary's on the iPod is one of the most awesome features ever and makes it well worth the price I paid (or maybe I'm just justifying my gadget addiction either way it's awesome)
Here's another one for the list, when you write pizza orders in German for the Jordanian cook that moved here from Italy. This one is actually true and it annoys the others in the kitchen since they can't understand anything we write or say.
genini1 on 07 February 2010
Spanish, except you.
Hello on 08 February 2010
Spanish, except you.
This is definitely me as well! I feel like I'm the only one interested in Spanish!
Iris-Way on 08 February 2010
When you are always excited to see what language comes to mind first when you hear something in your native language. (e.g. When I hear green, do I think of vihreä or ã¿ã©ã first?)
Aihe on 09 February 2010
...when you create an auto-reply for your phone's message box in one or more languages that are not understood by the people who usually call you.
...when you answer telemarketers' calls using languages that you're reasonably certain the telemarketers won't understand (so far this trick has always thrown the telemarketers for a loop to the point where they hang up on me within 10 seconds)
...when the calendar posted on your corkboard at work is in languages that no one else in the company would understand (I remember my boss' and one of my co-workers puzzlement when they first saw on my corkboard my calendar which was printed only in Cyrillic. At that time I was studying Ukrainian)
...when you write down the combinations for safes or lockers in full using numbers from obscure languages in order to jog your memory yet minimize the chance of the combinations being compromised (I adopted this trick after having read about the Navaho code-talkers of WWII whose language remained undecipherable to enemy listening posts for the entire war).
Chung on 09 February 2010
When you have a hard time trying to keep yourself from trying to learn several more languages when you are still working on your first...
Johntm on 10 February 2010
When you have a hard time trying to keep yourself from trying to learn several more languages when you are still working on your first...
Guilty. I have wanderlust to pickup Malay or Indonesian when I need to spent more time on Russian!
QiuJP on 10 February 2010
When you have a hard time trying to keep yourself from trying to learn several more languages when you are still working on your first...
Quilty. I have wanderlust to pickup Malay or Indonesian when I need to spent more time on Russian!
Johntm on 10 February 2010
When you have a hard time trying to keep yourself from trying to learn several more languages when you are still working on your first...
Guilty. I have wanderlust to pickup Malay or Indonesian when I need to spent more time on Russian!
I've been bitten by the wanderlust bug too (...again). I'm struggling to juggle five languages as it is, and now I want to study Dutch too!
Levi on 11 February 2010
I think I like Linguanerd the best! That would be a cool username.
Albanian: budalla gjuhën
Croatian: jezik glupan
Czech: Jazyk nerd
Estonian: keel nerd
Greek: nerd γλÏÏÏα
French: langue nerd
Hungarian: Nyelv nerd
Afrikaans/Dutch: Taal nerd
Icelandic: Tungumál
Indonesian: bahasa aneh
Italian: lingua nerd
Japanese: è¨èªãªã¿ã¯
Danish: Sprog nerd
Irish: nerd teanga
Finnish: kieli moukka
German: Sprache nerd (one word looks better: Sprachenerd?)
Persian: زباÙ
Macedonian: Ñазик nerd
Romanian: Nerd limbaj
Russian: ЯзÑк NERD
Swahili: lugha nerd
Turkish: dil nerd
meramarina on 11 February 2010
Finnish: kieli moukka
I would say "kielinörtti." I've never seen "moukka" before and had to look it up. Kieli moukka translates to something like "language boor/peasant" xD
kyssäkaali on 11 February 2010
"Mä oon kielinörtti", funny. I should remember that.
Chung on 11 February 2010
Finnish: kieli moukka
I would say "kielinörtti." I've never seen "moukka" before and had to look it up. Kieli moukka translates to something like "language boor/peasant" xD
You might be a language nerd when you complain to yourself about how school and homework are getting in the way of your learning...language learning, that is.
Johntm on 11 February 2010
You might be a language nerd when you complain to yourself about how school and homework are getting in the way of your learning...language learning, that is.
You might be a language nerd if the homework that you make this complaint about is for a course in your target language. "But I already know how to use the instrumental, can't we do something more stimulating?!"
unityandoutside on 11 February 2010
Russian: ЯзÑк NERD
Something like "повеÑнÑÑÑй на ÑзÑÐºÐ°Ñ ", it is not always easy to find a good equivalent for the word 'nerd' in Russian
ember on 11 February 2010
When you stare endlessly at a painting on a friend's wall trying to figure out what script it's written in... only to
discover it was supposed to be a map.
elysandler on 11 February 2010
Albanian: budalla gjuhën
Croatian: jezik glupan
Actually these are opposites of nerd. Budalla (also in Serbo-Croatian budala) and glupan mean fools or ignoramuses, so being called a jeziÄki glupan in Croatian would mean you can't speak a language.
Delodephius on 11 February 2010
When it's student union election time at your university, and you laugh at the lame
slogans some of the candidates use to get votes. Then a few days later, you notice from
the distance that one of the candidates has posted 10 identical posters of himself
together, and think to yourself, "Wow desperate... oh wait... each of these is in a
different language! I'm voting for this dude!"
canada38 on 12 February 2010
be even NERDIER if we knew how to declare our status in several languages. This is
somewhat lazy research from Google Translate, so please correct/add to the list if you
know the correct term!
I think I like Linguanerd the best! That would be a cool username.
Albanian: budalla gjuhën
Croatian: jezik glupan
Czech: Jazyk nerd
Estonian: keel nerd
Greek: nerd γλÏÏÏα
French: langue nerd
Hungarian: Nyelv nerd
Afrikaans/Dutch: Taal nerd
Icelandic: Tungumál
Indonesian: bahasa aneh
Italian: lingua nerd
Japanese: è¨èªãªã¿ã¯
Danish: Sprog nerd
Irish: nerd teanga
Finnish: kieli moukka
German: Sprache nerd (one word looks better: Sprachenerd?)
Persian: زباÙ
Macedonian: Ñазик nerd
Romanian: Nerd limbaj
Russian: ЯзÑк NERD
Swahili: lugha nerd
Turkish: dil nerd
I really doubt these automatic translations. It looks like "nerd" was simply not found
in many of the dictionaries - not surprising considering there is no commonly-
understood word for it in German that I know of. I was translating a Paul Graham essay
about geeks and nerds for my father a while ago, and he certainly never heard of either
term. The closest we could come to a German equivalent was "Freak"...
Sprachprofi on 12 February 2010
In Danish we have the word "Bogorm" (bookworm) for the special breed of nerd that delights in reading books
Iversen on 12 February 2010
You might be a language nerd when you daydream about foreign languages when you get bored in class.
Or when your watching a UFC fight and one of the fighters talks with a very thick accent, you wonder what his native language is. I'm pretty sure he was Brazilian..
Johntm on 12 February 2010
In Danish we have the word "Bogorm" (bookworm) for the special breed of nerd that delights in reading books
"Bookworm" is anEnglish word too, with the same meaning.
Levi on 12 February 2010
In Danish we have the word "Bogorm" (bookworm) for the special breed of nerd that delights in reading books
"Bookworm" is anÂEnglish word too, with the same meaning.
Johntm on 12 February 2010
Sorry, I was really tired. :-/
Levi on 12 February 2010
It's all good Levi, just pointing it out lol.
Johntm on 14 February 2010
Hehe, I have become the object of literary analysis.
Iversen on 14 February 2010
- you think about the language you are learning all day long
- your favorite band sings in the language you are learning
- you decide to brush up on your native languages and second language grammar so the grammar for your third language might be more understandable
- you never write your facebook status is your native language anymore
- you get a bit angry when people call the language you're learning ugly
- you hope that your future love will have another native language than you
- you hate that you didn't decide to learn a third language when you were in school
Sorry if some of it has been said already. I haven't read the whole thread yet :)
Crawling on 16 February 2010
Hehe, I have become the object of literary analysis.
@Crawling: I think about my target language all day long, and sometimes I daydream in school about random languages I never plan to learn.
Johntm on 17 February 2010
When someone asks you what's funny and you say "Nothing" because you were smiling without noticing it while thinking about your target language and don't want to admit it.
kottoler.ello on 18 February 2010
When you name the language in it's native way (italiano, español) you subconciously switch and (try to) continue speaking in that language (from one word to a whole sentence - YMMV).
Siberiano on 18 February 2010
When you try to understand what athletes and trainers of other countries say when listening to the Olympics.
Hello on 19 February 2010
When you were content, when you first joined this forum, to be learning only one foreign language but now feel driven to tackle a second. Yes, all of you language nerds: you have motivated, inspired, even subtly encouraged me. Thank you!
psy88 on 19 February 2010
time. (It seems like I managed it in 30 minutes, but I'm pretty sure it took longer)
Which leaves a good one - When you lose sense of time because you're too busy either reading this forum or
studying your TL.
When watching the olympics, you pay special attention and show extra pride to the country where your TL is
spoken, leaving everyone else around you astonished as to why you feel compelled to follow the medal count of a
country you've never been to.
Jadoo1989 on 20 February 2010
... when you walk back and forth in your home with your mp3 player and headphones listening to a portion of TL audio, speaking in your trget language and get encouraging looks and comments from the rest of your family.
... when you take it to the next level and walk down the street with your mp3 player and headphones listening to a portion of TL audio, speaking enthusiastically in your target language and receive curious and slightly worried looks from passerbys.
... when you take it even further and walk around in the local supermarket with your mp3 player and headphones listening to a portion of TL audio, speaking in your target language as you shop for your daily dose of dairy products.
... and when you take it all the way and even do it while waiting in line to pay for the goods. Thus the restless and slightly impatient silence in the queue is broken when you say things like, "In den sauren Apfel beissen... Gesund wie ein Fisch im Wasser... Im Gänsemarch gehen... Auf Granit beissen..."
Rikyu-san on 20 February 2010
... when you walk back and forth in your home with your mp3 player and headphones listening to a portion of TL audio, speaking in your trget language and get encouraging looks and comments from the rest of your family.
... when you take it to the next level and walk down the street with your mp3 player and headphones listening to a portion of TL audio, speaking enthusiastically in your target language and receive curious and slightly worried looks from passerbys.
... when you take it even further and walk around in the local supermarket with your mp3 player and headphones listening to a portion of TL audio, speaking in your target language as you shop for your daily dose of dairy products.
... and when you take it all the way and even do it while waiting in line to pay for the goods. Thus the restless and slightly impatient silence in the queue is broken when you say things like, "In den sauren Apfel beissen... Gesund wie ein Fisch im Wasser... Im Gänsemarch gehen... Auf Granit beissen..."
Wow! Don't you feel self-conscious? I speak to myself in Finnish everyday, but only when locked up inside my room. I could never do it out in public unless I had someone else to speak with.
kyssäkaali on 20 February 2010
I am not shouting, by the way, only speaking when prompted in order to practice pronouncation and tip-of-the-tongueness. So one can do it and be almost inaudible if one wants.
However, I can't wait until I begin shadowing Chinese...
Imagine if I walked up and down the aisles in the supermarket between tuna cans, wine bottles and vegetables, pacing back and forth, speaking loudly. Now THAT would be something! (He he).
Rikyu-san on 20 February 2010
I can't wait until I begin shadowing Chinese...Imagine if I walked up and down the aisles in the supermarket between tuna cans, wine bottles and vegetables, pacing back and forth, speaking loudly. Now THAT would be something! (He he).
Fantastic stuff...and you've gotta do it just like - this ! ;)
Teango on 20 February 2010
Shoppers, beware!
Scene: a shopping mall in a galaxy far far away... a language nerd (yours truly) enters the scene. He begins shadowing:
"Da kamen zum Küchenfenster zwei weiÃe Täubchen herein und danach die Turteltäubchen, und endlich schwirrten und schwärmten alle Vögel unter dem Himmel herein und lieÃen sich um die Asche nieder... Excuse me, sir, do you know where the slug shop is? 2nd floor? Thank you, sir... Und die Täubchen nickten mit ihren Köpfchen und fingen an pick, pick, pick, pick, und da... excuse me, sorry, no this is not the escalator to the first floor, it is the one to the parking lots. Where was I? Oh yes... fingen die übrigen auch an pick, pick, pick, pick, und lasen alle guten Körner... No, I am not one of the Bremer Stadtmusikanten... in die Schüsseln. Und ehe eine halbe Stunde herum war... no, you have not seen me on TV, and neither in the Starwars cantina... waren sie schon fertig, und flogen alle wieder hinaus."
What a wonderful day.
Rikyu-san on 20 February 2010
When you've managed to read all 378 messages in this thread over 48 pages in what seemed to be relatively little
time. (It seems like I managed it in 30 minutes, but I'm pretty sure it took longer)
Johntm on 21 February 2010
When you have 8GB of language files stored on your hard drive!
canada38 on 24 February 2010
When you have 8GB of language files stored on your hard drive!
Edit: Well, I don't have a language folder yet, most files are in separate little folders scattered on my external harddrive.
Johntm on 24 February 2010
When you have 8GB of language files stored on your hard drive!
Is that all? :-P
Chung on 24 February 2010
My language folder is 80GB...
GREGORG4000 on 24 February 2010
If you count files that are in another language and include music and video then I have around 500gb, most of that is various movies and television shows.
genini1 on 25 February 2010
If you count files that are in another language and include music and video then I have around 500gb, most of that is various movies and television shows.
Korean HD video files (mostly music performances from Korean TV) were the primary reason I had to buy a large external HDD a while back...hopefully this 1.5TB will last me a while.
Warp3 on 25 February 2010
When you speak your native language and your friend jokes, "Wait, you speakEnglish?". :P
MegatronFilm on 02 March 2010
When you speak your native language and your friend jokes,
"Wait, you speakÂEnglish?". :P
I chuckled :). On more than one occasion this has happened to me. Especially since all the
time during lunch my nose is buried in my language notes :).
ruskivyetr on 03 March 2010
I bought some speakers to my iPod so I can play my ChinesePod lessons in the background as I work. :)
Levi on 03 March 2010
When you have an urge to reread this whole thread for a laugh.
Johntm on 05 March 2010
When you have such things as language piles ^^ which is where you stack the books of the languages you are learning AT THE MOMENT.
ruskivyetr on 05 March 2010
... family members regularly tell you to "please stop muttering in that foreign language," or to at least reassure them that you're not saying mean things to them.
... a family member hands you a package addressed to you, and you exclaim, "Ooooh, a dictionary!" (This actually happened to me, and it has become a running joke in my family. I was excited, okay?)
... the number of language learning books - grammars, dictionaries, textbooks - that you possess rivals or outnumbers what your public libary has.
... people regularly ask you why you're studying such and such language, and you look at them like they have a second head. Why not study it?
josht on 05 March 2010
When you forget your password for the forum and have to reset it, but no email arrives
with your new password. You refresh your inbox periodically for twenty minutes to no
avail, then look at your watch and realize your cramming time before your midterm exam
was just wasted on this and you rush off to write it. Later that day the email hasn't
arrived yet, so you try to reset it a few more times. Then by midnight, a new password
still hasn't arrived, you begin to panic, and reset it again and again. Then you are
relieved the next day when all the emails arrive at once with new passwords... all 25 of
canada38 on 05 March 2010
...when you study in public somewhere you think it's likely there will be native speakers of your target language, in the hopes that one of them will notice what you're doing and talk to you.
Levi on 06 March 2010
...when you study in public somewhere you think it's likely there will be
native speakers of your target language, in the hopes that one of them will notice what
you're doing and talk to you.
I like that idea!
canada38 on 06 March 2010
When you know "the potatoes dance very well" in 16 languages. ;p
mrhenrik on 06 March 2010
when you are not at all surprised by the "16" languages, but what wonder more about the "dancing potatoes".
psy88 on 07 March 2010
Well you wouldn't want to learn how to say the potatoes can't dance very well that would just be silly.
genini1 on 07 March 2010
A long long time ago (but not in a galaxy far far away), when I was in high school, there was dance called the "mashed potatoes" and a song to go along with it. Now, those potatoes could dance in any language :-)
psy88 on 08 March 2010
When choosing the next language to seriously focus on feels like a life crisis. There are just so many language to
study. I'm split between 6 languages.
MegatronFilm on 08 March 2010
When you always have to take a pocket learning material in your target language when you go out........
QiuJP on 08 March 2010
When you're speaking to a family member, they look at you strangely and you just can't figure out why.
joanthemaid on 08 March 2010
When choosing the next language to seriously focus on feels like a life crisis.
When choosing the next language to seriously focus on does NOT feel like a life crisis, but more like buying a new laptop or microwawe oven.
Iversen on 08 March 2010
When family start buying you comfy socks embroidered with words in different languages and fancy exotic scripts. And to make matters worse, with all those words under your belt from studying languages so far, you still have no idea what they say at first, only to discover after a little bit of further research on the Internet that they all offer up the same profound piece of wisdom in several languages..."sock" ;)
Teango on 08 March 2010
Today I took a history quiz on something I didn't read. It asked for the name of some Italian guy, and all of the names looked somewhat Italian. I said them all in my head with an Italian accent, and picked the one that sounded most "Italian." I got it right. Would a non-language nerd have done this? I think not.
Johntm on 10 March 2010
When what started as a loose collection of books became a language shelf, which became the language two shelves, then the language bookcase and then you need to either buy a bigger bookcase or have two language bookcase's. (I can't resist buying interesting books when there on discount, even if I might never read it 4 dollars for a textbook on hindi wasn't a deal I could pass up)
genini1 on 10 March 2010
When what started as a loose collection of books became a language shelf, which became the language two shelves, then the language bookcase and then you need to either buy a bigger bookcase or have two language bookcase's. (I can't resist buying interesting books when there on discount, even if I might never read it 4 dollars for a textbook on hindi wasn't a deal I could pass up)
...and then comes the day when you need another spare room ;)
Teango on 10 March 2010
When you need to switch different keyboards very frequently, because you wanted to type 6 different languages in the same document............
QiuJP on 10 March 2010
When you need to switch different keyboards very frequently, because you
wanted to type 6 different languages in the same document............
When you don't need to because you created a custom keyboard that can type almost all. ;-
Sprachprofi on 10 March 2010
When you need to switch different keyboards very frequently, because you
wanted to type 6 different languages in the same document............
When you don't need to because you created a custom keyboard that can type almost all. ;-
When you neither need to switch keyboards nor create a custom layout, because the editor you use already provides sneaky ways to have all specials characters plus various other alphabets out of the box. ( - vim -- Caution, nerdware squared!)edit: trying to fix the link. HTML forums are definitely non-nerdy.
OlafP on 10 March 2010
When despite all these great shortcuts and custom keyboard switches to hand, you still use a Typing Tutor to learn how to type in Russian...for fun :-S
Teango on 10 March 2010
When what started as a loose collection of books became a language shelf, which became the language two shelves, then the language bookcase and then you need to either buy a bigger bookcase or have two language bookcase's. (I can't resist buying interesting books when there on discount, even if I might never read it 4 dollars for a textbook on hindi wasn't a deal I could pass up)
Lol I'm doing the same, except minus the important part, eg. the discount. Just spent over 100$ on an obscure dictionary the other day. Why? I could use that money for food! Haha. Oh well, true artists suffer for their work.
kyssäkaali on 10 March 2010
When you have download 2 TB worth of soaps because they're in languages you're studying or would eventually like to learn.
spanishlearner on 10 March 2010
I like the "...would eventually like to learn. " part
Iversen on 10 March 2010
When what started as a loose collection of books became a language shelf, which became the language two shelves, then the language bookcase and then you need to either buy a bigger bookcase or have two language bookcase's. (I can't resist buying interesting books when there on discount, even if I might never read it 4 dollars for a textbook on hindi wasn't a deal I could pass up)
Lol I'm doing the same, except minus the important part, eg. the discount. Just spent over 100$ on an obscure dictionary the other day. Why? I could use that money for food! Haha. Oh well, true artists suffer for their work.
I just did that over the last 3 days. I've bought a Japanese textbook, a second Korean course (to go with the other one I haven't used yet), and books on Hebrew and Norwegian. (insert sigh here)....I don't know when/if I'll ever even get to them.
Deshwi on 10 March 2010
oneself from mass consumerism, avoiding buying stuff on impulse or irrational desires.
Buying low priced used books that could disappear at any moment, on the other hand, is very different. Buying
language programs that cost hundreds of dollars on impulse or irrationality is shameful.
Kugel on 10 March 2010
Um, I would've thought that learning languages would hone in on the idea of rationality
Apples and oranges. All language learners aren't the same. I'll agree with you that those 500$ language programs help you learn jacksquat, but I don't think someone serious about learning a language would spend that much money on what is essentially just a fancy collection of vocabulary flash cards. People have the right to do with their money whatever they feel like, as long as what they buy actually gets used. I'd rather spend all my money on grammar books and dictionaries than follow in my mother's footsteps and spend every paycheck on new furniture and things like that.
kyssäkaali on 11 March 2010
And for those $600 multimedia programs, while I would never pay that much for them, they can be extremely helpful if correctly employed alongside other, more reasonably priced resources.
spanishlearner on 11 March 2010
...You get spam in your emails in the language(s) you are studying and you open them just to practice translating the nasty slang words.
BlondGirl on 11 March 2010
When you have download 2 TB worth of soaps because they're in languages you're studying or would eventually like to learn.
Johntm on 11 March 2010
...You get spam in your emails in the language(s) you are studying and you open them just to practice translating the nasty slang words.
Johntm on 11 March 2010
When you're so excited about the irregular past tense verb you correctly deduced while watching a movie in your target language and the general progress you made that you accidentally spill your food all over yourself... while eating breakfast the next morning.
kottoler.ello on 12 March 2010
...when you are slightly annoyed to be interrupted in the middle of studying, then pleasantly surprised to see it's a group of native speakers of the language you were studying who are interrupting you!
Levi on 12 March 2010
when this happens: you are driving in your car and listening to the new language course you just purchased. The course has some initial "sound effects" in the form of music representative of the country where the language is spoken.Other than that opening music the course seems to have a straight forward style of presenting anEnglish word or phrase followed by the same in your target language. As you are driving and paying attention to both the road and to the course you suddenly hear a train approaching and you momentarily panic. You then realize the course has introduced a new word,"train", and the sound that frightened you was the sound effect they added to the course. But, being the true language nerd that you are, you are so absorbed in the course that it also scares you the next time you are reviewing the material...and the time after that..and the time after that...
psy88 on 13 March 2010
...when your web browser is in French, and you use it to write an e-mail in German complaining that you can't find an interview with a Mandarin teacher on someone's website.
Levi on 13 March 2010
When you and your Spanish teacher talk about practicing for the National Spanish Exam during the breaks while taking the SAT.
Iris-Way on 13 March 2010
When you're writing a novel and fantasizing, if it happens to get published, about how many different languages it will be translated into and how you will own one copy of every single translation.
kyssäkaali on 16 March 2010
When you go through a side tracked explanation, to a group of other high schoolers to
whom you were explaining the origins of the French revolution, of the Georgian language,
its structure, it's history, specifically it's oppression in the communist Soviet Union. About
halfway through explaining the origins of the script, one of the people to whom you were
explaining it, raises their hand and asks what Georgian is. You know that you are truly a
language nerd when you chuckle expecting a joke but realize the rest of the group has no
idea about what you are talking. Confusion ensues before you disappointedly go back to
reviewing the French revolution with your classmates.
ruskivyetr on 16 March 2010
When you're writing a novel and fantasizing, if it happens to get published, about how many different languages it will be translated into and how you will own one copy of every single translation.
Johntm on 16 March 2010
When people have stopped asking things like "why do you have a learning Czech book?"
elysandler on 16 March 2010
When you finally catch the virus/flu that has been going around. You have a fever, your body aches, your throat is sore, you have a cough , and are sneezing. At first, you think of how you would list all your symptoms in your target language. Then, as your symptoms worsen,and you are half delirious and can hardly get out of bed, your biggest concern is how will you do the third Assimil lesson in your new target language. You had promised yourself to stay on track with one lesson a day faithfully and you keep thinking that this is the worse time to be sick!
And then you think "oh, you are too sick to do your lesson, but you are not to sick to be posting about it!!"
psy88 on 17 March 2010
When you finally catch the virus/flu that has been going around.
¡Recupérate pronto! :)
Teango on 17 March 2010
¡Ojalá! Y gracias,amigo (o amiga) :-)
P.S. Studying two target languages when you have a high fever, and then going to sleep, makes for pretty bizarre multilingual dreams.
psy88 on 19 March 2010
The other day, I heard German spoken in the US, for the first time since I've been studying it. I was as happy as the old expression says: "like a kid in a candy store". Um, actually, I was in a candy store (really!) and I heard a mother speaking German with her three small children.
I was checking out the Easter candy, for personal research purposes, and I heard someone speaking a foreign language in the next aisle. My first reaction was, oh, how nice to hear another language, for a change, I just wish I could understand it . . . and then I realized, I did understand! " . . . und hier ist alles für Ostern . . . " well, this made my day! So, I sort of lurked around, examining the chocolate bunnies, not exactly foreign behavior for me, anyway, and listened. I really wanted to say something, but didn't want to bother a mom trying to guide her three rowdy little ones away from the candy. The children were very young, and were speaking a mix of German andEnglish, and it was so much fun to listen to them.
I also heard some Spanish speakers discussing sore throat remedies at the drugstore, which, I am sure you will agree, is also fascinating. If you are a Language Nerd in a mostly monolingual environment, you have to find your listening practice where and when you can!
meramarina on 19 March 2010
You spend more time on this site than with your girlfriend.
crackpot on 19 March 2010
Please delete this response if necessary. I do not want to make unpleasant posts.
meramarina on 19 March 2010
I believe Crackpot's post wasn't directed at you Meramarina but rather at himself.
Gareth on 20 March 2010
OK, I see. It sounded like it was directed at someone else - Sorry if I misunderstood - let's return to the Nerd theme, then!
meramarina on 20 March 2010
You are a Language Nerd for sure if, by chance, you hear strangers speaking your target language, and you follow them (discreetly!).
That story was so cute! I'm sure hearing German in the US is a totally different experience than hearing it in Germany. :P
I used to work with a German woman in a coffeeshop and we were good friends, had tea together every now and then, and naturally as a native speaker she recognised a German accent whenever someone spoke with one, so she would switch to German with all the German customers/employees (tons of Germans in that little town) and I always liked listening in, even if I didn't understand anything. All I remember is what sounded like "auf" being used a TON. lol! The last time I saw her was Christmas of 2008 :(
I'm sure if I ever heard someone speaking Finnish in the US, I would be all over them (as inconspicuously as possible, of course). I heard it being spoken everyday in Finland but to hear a Finn in my hometown? Oh man, it'd be great. I've heard Icelandic, Hebrew, and other less common languages, PLUS my old neighbour was Finnish, so I'm sure it's only a matter of time before I bump into one!
kyssäkaali on 20 March 2010
I do that too! There was this German tutor tutoring someone at the library and I just
listened in on the lesson (the student needed help with school German) and I started
giggling at his Austrian accent. He heard me laughing and I said in German, "Haha dein
österreichisches Akzent gefällt mir." He gave me a weird look but talked to me after his
lesson and we had a nice conversation.
ruskivyetr on 20 March 2010
You are a Language Nerd for sure if, by chance, you hear strangers speaking your target language, and you follow them (discreetly!).
Meh, once, in Hong Kong, I also followed some Germans, just to hear some German again! Had been a couple of months by then. How's that for stalking? ;)
Pyx on 20 March 2010
You know youâre a language nerd when...
You quit your job in recession times because they're understaff and want you to work 14 hours a day leaving you no time to study...
kerateo on 20 March 2010
On the German theme...
My Economics teacher is from Germany, however he has been in the US since high school and he sounds like a US native (he's a citizen too; I didn't believe he was German until he told us a few times)
One kid who is in German, had a foreign exchange student from Germany (of course) with him today in my econ. class. The teacher and kid starting talking inEnglish (hisEnglish was very good, although some accent), and they switched to German, and had small conversations in German. I liked listening in to it, even though I don't plan on studying German for a while.
I'm pretty sure I was grinning like a retard while they were speaking, too.
Johntm on 20 March 2010
I made a tiny sort-of-nerdery thing last week with a German professor. We emailed and he wanted me to supply some info about a guest lecture I am going to do in May at the university. He wanted this info as soon as possible, and if we had communicated inEnglish he might have added "asap" to the text. We communicated in Danish (he speaks Danish fluently), so instead he wrote "shsm" which simply means "asap" (Danish: så hurtigt som muligt"). He knows about my German language learning goals so on the spur of the moment I replied, "I will send you the details sbwm" (German: so bald wie möglich").
Rikyu-san on 20 March 2010
You definitely are a language nerd if you answer a question here that remotely has something to do with Basque, you become curious as to whether there are a lot of dictionaries and grammars for this language, you check it on the German version of Amazon and ... well, now I have one of each
Iversen on 21 March 2010
You definitely are a language nerd if you answer a question here that remotely has something to do with Basque, you become curious as to whether there are a lot of dictionaries and grammars for this language, you check it on the German version of Amazon and ... well, now I have one of each
Johntm on 21 March 2010
You know you are (or at least want to be) a language nerd when Iversen is your hero.
Glad to know I'm not the only one...
josht on 21 March 2010
You know you are (or at least want to be) a language nerd when Iversen is your hero.
Glad to know I'm not the only one...
count me in
joanthemaid on 21 March 2010
When you have to make a good first impression on your brother's new girlfriend, after he broke up with his hungarian ex, but can't help eyeing that "Magyar" book standing on his shelf, even though magyar is nowhere in your list of languages to learn.
joanthemaid on 21 March 2010
When you think Europantisch is the coolest thing ever
joanthemaid on 21 March 2010
When you are hanging with friends and secretly want to go home and study.
ruskivyetr on 21 March 2010
When you find links like these in your bookmarks: onies - Language in the Twelve Colonies regarding the Battlestar Galactica series, - Transliterate Hebrew text for someone who has no plans in the near future to study Hebrew at all, and finally this one in 83%95%E1%83%90%E1%83%A0%E1%83%98_%E1%83%92%E1%83%95%E1%83%94 %E1%83%A0%E1%83%93%E1%83%98 - Georgian - no idea what it says, it just looks pretty :) Now I really need help.
Teango on 21 March 2010
When you find links like these in your bookmarks: onies - Language in the Twelve Colonies regarding the Battlestar Galactica series, - Transliterate Hebrew text for someone who has no plans in the near future to study Hebrew at all, and finally this one in 83%95%E1%83%90%E1%83%A0%E1%83%98_%E1%83%92%E1%83%95%E1%83%94 %E1%83%A0%E1%83%93%E1%83%98 - Georgian - no idea what it says, it just looks pretty :) Now I really need help.
I also have alphabets for languages I want to learn, Korean, Arabic, and Russian, among others.
Johntm on 21 March 2010
When you feel really impressed with yourself because you have just suddenly realised you passively learnt the Japanese phrase "YATTA!" (I did it!) from watching Heroes. And you are not even learning Japanese...
You mean you - didn't already know that word?
Great, now I'm going to have the "yatta" song stuck in my head for a week again...
Levi on 22 March 2010
When going on a half-week spring break vacation to a giant music festival two of the essentials you bring are TY Swedish and The Stuff of Thought by Steven Pinker.
EDIT: Woops, swung late on the obligatory Youtube link.
kottoler.ello on 22 March 2010
When the shy japanese/chinese girls run away from you and think you're weird beacuse the
first thing you ask them is "do you speak japanese/chinese? can I practice my
japanese/chinese with you?"
When the only people you want to make friends with are the ones who speak at least two
languages fluently. You're an even bigger lang-nerd when you're not really interested in
friendship, you just want to have somebody to practice your target language.
When you loooooove to walk aroud your city's chinatown and stare for hours at all the
chinese characters signs and ads. Even a bigger lang-nerd when you write them all down to
learn them when you get home.
karaipyhare on 22 March 2010
When the shy japanese/chinese girls run away from you and think your weird beacuse the
first thing you ask them is "do you speak japanese/chinese? can I practice my
japanese/chinese with you?"
When the only people you want to make friends with are the ones who speak at least two
languages fluently. You're an even bigger lang-nerd when you're not really interested in
friendship, you just want to have somebody to practice your target language.
When you loooooove to walk aroud your city's chinatown and stare for hours at all the
chinese characters on the sign. Even bigger langnerd when you write them all down to
learn them when you get home.
...when you consider moving to a big city just to be able to practice Chinese in a Chinatown.
Levi on 23 March 2010
When the only people you want to make friends with are the ones who speak at least two languages fluently.
Sadly! I've found myself ditching myEnglish-speaking friends lately and have dropped out of contact with plenty entirely. I'm just so tired ofEnglish! lol.
kyssäkaali on 23 March 2010
And try to think of what alphabet would have a letter that would this...(yes I know they aren't actually doing the YMCA)
Edit: Only thing that comes to mind is þorn
Johntm on 24 March 2010
...when you know that Hawaiian is related to Malagasy, and it blows your mind every time you think about it.
Levi on 24 March 2010
...when you know that Hawaiian is related to Malagasy, and it blows your
mind every time you think about it.
YES! I always tell that story to everybody expecting an amazed shocked surprise face!
Instead I get the question; Where is Madagascar? :(
I love the Austronesian Family: from Madagascar to Easter Island (Rapa Nui), from Taiwan
to New Zealand (Aotearoa)
karaipyhare on 25 March 2010
...when you know that Hawaiian is related to Malagasy, and it blows your mind every time you think about it.
I think this will affect me from now on.
@karaipyhar: How do people not know where Madagascar is?
Johntm on 25 March 2010
...when you know that Hawaiian is related to Malagasy, and it blows your
mind every time you think about it.
YES! I always tell that story to everybody expecting an amazed shocked surprise face!
Instead I get the question; Where is Madagascar? :(
I love the Austronesian Family: from Madagascar to Easter Island (Rapa Nui), from Taiwan
to New Zealand (Aotearoa)
I agree completely. As Jared Diamond said in his book Guns, Germs, and Steel:
These Austronesians, with their Austronesian language and modified Austronesian culture, were already established on Madagascar by the time it was first visited by Europeans, in 1500. This strikes me as the single most astonishing fact of human geography for the entire world. It's as if Columbus, on reaching Cuba, had found it occupied by blue-eyed, blond-haired Scandinavians speaking a language close to Swedish, even though the nearby North American continent was inhabited by Native Americans speaking Amerindian languages. How on earth could prehistoric people of Borneo, presumably voyaging in boats without maps or compasses, end up in Madagascar?
Levi on 26 March 2010
As Jared Diamond said in his book Guns, Germs, and Steel:
That is an excellent book. I read it a few years ago, and right now I am reading one very much like it, but entirely focused on languages and the civilizations they came from and spread to throughout recorded history. The name of it is Empires of the Word: A Language History of the World and the author is Nicholas Ostler. His biography states that he is "a scholar with a working knowledge of twenty-six languages" so this is a good reading choice for a Language Nerd! It's long but well worth the time - highly recommended!
meramarina on 26 March 2010
As Jared Diamond said in his book Guns, Germs, and Steel:
That is an excellent book. I read it a few years ago, and right now I am reading one very much like it, but entirely focused on languages and the civilizations they came from and spread to throughout recorded history. The name of it is Empires of the Word: A Language History of the World and the author is Nicholas Ostler. His biography states that he is "a scholar with a working knowledge of twenty-six languages" so this is a good reading choice for a Language Nerd! It's long but well worth the time - highly recommended!
...when someone makes a book recommendation on a thread about being a language nerd, and you go right out and order it off Amazon.
Thanks for the suggestion. ;)
Levi on 26 March 2010
When you'd rather take a sucky job that allows you to practice during work hours than actually have a career
joanthemaid on 26 March 2010
You keep telling someone to wait before coming in the room and when the person comes right in, he tells you, "You know I only speakEnglish."
You practice conversations in your head to speed up your word-assembling-abilities and realize you have been doing it out loud from all the weird looks you are getting in the checkout lane.
BlondGirl on 26 March 2010
You have a friend as a passenger in your car for the first time. Without asking, your friend turns on your radio.The first thing that comes on, because it was the last thing you were listening to, is your target language listen and repeat CD. He then hits the button to go to your next CD. This is another listen and repeat CD, but still in the same target language (you like to work with different listen and repeat programs at the same time because it was suggested at this web page). Your friend hits the next two buttons and he hears music your target language. He makes some sarcastic comment then hits the final two buttons , only to hear nore listen and repeat CD's, but these are in your second target language(you like to listen to one language on the way to your destination and the other language on the way back).To his frustration,he then tries the radio stations.Of course, all of the stations are tuned into your target language. He is strangely quite the rest of the trip.
psy88 on 27 March 2010
You have a friend as a passenger in your car for the first time. Without asking, your friend turns on your radio.The first thing that comes on, because it was the last thing you were listening to, is your target language listen and repeat CD. He then hits the button to go to your next CD. This is another listen and repeat CD, but still in the same target language (you like to work with different listen and repeat programs at the same time because it was suggested at this web page). Your friend hits the next two buttons and he hears music your target language. He makes some sarcastic comment then hits the final two buttons , only to hear nore listen and repeat CD's, but these are in your second target language(you like to listen to one language on the way to your destination and the other language on the way back).To his frustration,he then tries the radio stations.Of course, all of the stations are tuned into your target language. He is strangely quite the rest of the trip.
Johntm on 27 March 2010
...when you know that Hawaiian is related to Malagasy, and it blows your mind every time you think about it.
It blows my mind thatÂEnglish and hindi are supposed to be related.
tritone on 27 March 2010
When you ponder about the logistics of communication between the Colombians and
Brazilians and International Red Cross members in the hostage release operation
When your mom asks you to translate the French on imported stuff at the supermarket even
though you don't study it... and you figure it out through cognates and context instead of just
blowing it off.
Rabochnok on 27 March 2010
...when nothing brightens your day like being randomly greeted in your target language by a stranger who forgot to switch to the local language.
Levi on 27 March 2010
...when you know that Hawaiian is related to Malagasy, and it blows your mind every time you think about it.
It blows my mind thatÂEnglish and hindi are supposed to be related.
Not quite as much, at least you can walk from Europe to India (although not really from England), and walk there never stepping into another language family (though it might not be the shortest route). But Not only Hawaii and Madagascar have two oceans between them, there's no language continuity at all between the two.
Apparently for the Indo-European family the relationship is only obvious with ancient languages (Sanskrit and Latin). And some say the Semitic family is also related.
joanthemaid on 28 March 2010
...when nothing brightens your day like being randomly greeted in your target language by a stranger who forgot to switch to the local language.
Lucky guy!
joanthemaid on 28 March 2010
...when you read theEnglish verb "polish" as Polish, and it takes you a minute to realize the lack of capitalization is intentional and puts an end to your confusion.
WortDrauf on 28 March 2010
When you choose to use an ATM (that you've used several times before and so know by
heart) in Chinese to see what the Chinese phrases for such
things look like, and are then dissapointed when the receipt is printed inÂEnglish. (But then
again it *is* a good thing to have a record that you can actually understand.)
Rabochnok on 28 March 2010
One of the reasons you have a foreign wife is to speak in a foreign language every day!
1qaz2wsx on 29 March 2010
But you just point out that as long as he keeps talking to you in his native language, you are studying anyway! Everyone wins! :D
Quabazaa on 29 March 2010
FEHLER! Dieses Wort bedeutet kein Schnupfen! Die Allergien sind Gesundheit? Was für ein Unsinn!"
but you don't, because of the high probability of making mistakes in German, even as you complain about the use of the language, which you are wrong about, anyway, because Gesundheit is a loanword intoEnglish, and actually there's nothing bad about the sign from anEnglish-speaking point of view, but damn it, you are a nerd, a nerd with allergies, a nerd without a pen and you cannot be provoked like this . . .
meramarina on 29 March 2010
...when someone asks you what kind of music you listen to, and you have to preface your response by saying that you listen to a lot of stuff they've almost certainly never heard of.
Levi on 30 March 2010
Choosing which songs to listen to on your mp3 player becomes an internal debate. On the one hand you enjoy the songs in your native language, but on the other hand, every song you don't listen to in your target language may be a missed opportunity to absorb more of the language.
whisk on 30 March 2010
...when someone asks you what kind of music you listen to, and you have to preface your response by saying that you listen to a lot of stuff they've almost certainly never heard of.
Yeah, I'm never sure how to answer that one since I know the people who asked won't have a clue who I'm taking about if I just start listing singers or groups.
Choosing which songs to listen to on your mp3 player becomes an internal debate. On the one hand you enjoy the songs in your native language, but on the other hand, every song you don't listen to in your target language may be a missed opportunity to absorb more of the language.
All my recent music interest has been focused on target language music anyway (mostly Korean, but some Spanish as well), so the songs I enjoy listening to the most currently *are* the songs in my target language. Because of this, I don't even have native language music on my MP3 player (sure I have plenty ofEnglish CDs and MP3s, but none of them are on my MP3 player).
Getting in the habit of "I should listen to this since it is in my target language" is a quick way to lose motivation. If the target language music you currently have doesn't interest you enough that you want to play it simply for the sake of entertainment, then it sounds to me like you haven't found the right music in your target language yet. You'll know it when you find it, because you won't want to stop playing it regardless of whether you understand the words or not. :)
Warp3 on 30 March 2010
When you would never watch a "soap opera" inEnglish,but, because you were studying Spanish, began to watch telenovelas. And, you really, really enjoyed them, but would never admit it, even to yourself. And you would get annoyed if people referred to them as "Spanish soap operas", because they are NOT soap operas! And, now that you are studying French,you feel really bad that there are no French equivalents of the telenovelas, or, if there are you don't get them with you TV provider... and it makes you seriously consider finding a provider who does carry them (if they even exist-and , no, French movies or dubbed television shows are not the same as your beloved telenovelas.)
psy88 on 30 March 2010
Choosing which songs to listen to on your mp3 player becomes an internal debate. On the one hand you enjoy the songs in your native language, but on the other hand, every song you don't listen to in your target language may be a missed opportunity to absorb more of the language.
Johntm on 30 March 2010
Choosing which songs to listen to on your mp3 player becomes an internal debate. On the one hand you enjoy the songs in your native language, but on the other hand, every song you don't listen to in your target language may be a missed opportunity to absorb more of the language.
All my recent music interest has been focused on target language music anyway (mostly Korean, but some Spanish as well), so the songs I enjoy listening to the most currently *are* the songs in my target language. Because of this, I don't even have native language music on my MP3 player (sure I have plenty ofÂEnglish CDs and MP3s, but none of them are on my MP3 player).
Getting in the habit of "I should listen to this since it is in my target language" is a quick way to lose motivation. If the target language music you currently have doesn't interest you enough that you want to play it simply for the sake of entertainment, then it sounds to me like you haven't found the right music in your target language yet. You'll know it when you find it, because you won't want to stop playing it regardless of whether you understand the words or not. :)
Haha..believe me, I enjoy all the Spanish music I listen to and I do prefer listening to it. On top of that I have a Spanish tutor so my I have some external help when it comes to motivation.
But yes, I do understand where you're coming from.It was just something that happened in the early stages of language learning.
whisk on 30 March 2010
Choosing which songs to listen to on your mp3 player becomes an internal debate. On the one hand you enjoy the songs in your native language, but on the other hand, every song you don't listen to in your target language may be a missed opportunity to absorb more of the language.
Oh my god, this times a thousand! I mean, I usually detestEnglish music, but there are some good bands (eg. R.E.M.) But I haven't had non-Finnish music on my computer for about three years. Same goes with movies, etc. If I want to see a movie but cannot find Finnish subtitles for it online, I don't watch it. :(
kyssäkaali on 31 March 2010
...And then when your new boyfriend is a native speaker of one of the languages you're learning :D
Life is grand, yeah?
Rina on 31 March 2010
You know you're a language nerd when you start rapidly explaining your excitement for learning the Georgian
alphabet to your friend whilst jumping up and down. You know you are a super language nerd/freak when they have
to say "Ok, ok, inEnglish now" and then you embarrassingly realize you've been screaming in German for the past
few seconds.
ruskivyetr on 31 March 2010
...And then when your new boyfriend is a native speaker of one of the languages you're learning :D
Life is grand, yeah?
...if you wish there were some place you could go to to hook up with single language nerds. It would be nice to have a girlfriend without having to worry about her taking too much of your time away from your languages.
Levi on 31 March 2010
...And then when your new boyfriend is a native speaker of one of the languages you're learning :D
Life is grand, yeah?
...if you wish there were some place you could go to to hook up with single language nerds. It would be nice to have a girlfriend without having to worry about her taking too much of your time away from your languages.
Me-"Hey babe, guess what we're doing tonight!"
Me-"Studying Russian!"
That'd be an awesome conversation to have with a girlfriend.
Johntm on 31 March 2010
Haha, I've got a long way to go with German and Mandarin!
brian91 on 31 March 2010
...And then when your new boyfriend is a native speaker of one of the languages you're learning :D
Life is grand, yeah?
...if you wish there were some place you could go to to hook up with single language nerds. It would be nice to have a girlfriend without having to worry about her taking too much of your time away from your languages.
Me-"Hey babe, guess what we're doing tonight!"
Me-"Studying Russian!"
That'd be an awesome conversation to have with a girlfriend.
This reminds me of how my ex-boyfriend used to change the language settings on his video games to try to get me interested in them.
Him: "I wanna show you this awesome game I just got where you blah blah and blah with blah"
Me: "...."
Him: I can change the settings to German or Korean for you"
....It would only work for a little bit.
Rina on 31 March 2010
Haha..believe me, I enjoy all the Spanish music I listen to and I do prefer listening to it. On top of that I have a Spanish tutor so my I have some external help when it comes to motivation.
But yes, I do understand where you're coming from.It was just something that happened in the early stages of language learning.
Ok...I was just making sure you weren't forcing yourself to listen to music you didn't like simply for the sake of learning. I do agree that it is tricky at first until you find some groups/singers to get "hooked on" in the target language and until you get a decent selection of material so you don't burn out on the few songs you've found that you like.
Warp3 on 31 March 2010
...And then when your new boyfriend is a native speaker of one of the languages you're learning :D
Life is grand, yeah?
...if you wish there were some place you could go to to hook up with single language nerds. It would be nice to have a girlfriend without having to worry about her taking too much of your time away from your languages.
Me-"Hey babe, guess what we're doing tonight!"
Me-"Studying Russian!"
That'd be an awesome conversation to have with a girlfriend.
It would certainly change the meaning of the usual conversation when one asked the other "do you feel like Italian tonight?"
"oh, no, not Italian again"
"well,how about Japanese?"
" I had Japanese already today. How about French?"
" I know, let's try Spanish"
Well, you get the idea.
psy88 on 01 April 2010
...And then when your new boyfriend is a native speaker of one of the languages you're learning :D
Life is grand, yeah?
...if you wish there were some place you could go to to hook up with single language nerds. It would be nice to have a girlfriend without having to worry about her taking too much of your time away from your languages.
Me-"Hey babe, guess what we're doing tonight!"
Me-"Studying Russian!"
That'd be an awesome conversation to have with a girlfriend.
It would certainly change the meaning of the usual conversation when one asked the other "do you feel like Italian tonight?"
"oh, no, not Italian again"
"well,how about Japanese?"
" I had Japanese already today. How about French?"
" I know, let's try Spanish"
Well, you get the idea.
Johntm on 01 April 2010
You know you're a language nerd when you get excited about learning the Georgian alphabet, and you start crying
and bawling when you forget half of it the next day :(. But then you dedicate about two hours, probably contributing
to your future carpal tunnel, in order to relearn the Georgian alphabet, while listen to Bulgarian music.
ruskivyetr on 01 April 2010
...when you stubbornly keep on practicing your French sentences out loud, despite having a cold which severely impedes your ability to pronounce the nasal vowels.
Levi on 01 April 2010
...when you stubbornly keep on practicing your French sentences out loud, despite having a cold which severely impedes your ability to pronounce the nasal vowels.
Johntm on 01 April 2010
...when you long for the "good old days" (before you were born) when academic journals published articles inEnglish, French and German without translation, as the educated person was expected to understand all three.
Levi on 02 April 2010
When going on this forum is a "break" between your Russian studies, and your French studies, and you think that,
regardless of content, time spent on anEnglish-language-board is time wasted.
elysandler on 02 April 2010
...when you have memorized what languages countless HTLAL members speak and study and have read the the "details" section of their profile many times for fun.
...when you forgot a word inEnglish when writing a timed essay for AP Geography, so you just substituted the French equivalent and hoped that the teacher would know what you meant.
...when people at school greet you with "Hi Philip, what language are you studying today?"
...when reading on this page is your break from studying your target language, which is itself a break from whatever you're supposed to be doing.
...when you correct your native French teacher's French on a regular basis and help her remember words.
...when you can give your friend a detailed overview off the top of your head of many different resources for learning Chinese even though you've never used any of them yourself and you don't even study the language.
...when you're referred to as "the local language expert" by your teachers (even though you never told them you studied foreign languages) and are asked to give translations to and from various languages.
...when you wonder why your backpack is so heavy even though you have no homework, and then realize it's because you brought all those language books to school.
...when your mother begs you not to get up so early in the morning so that you can study languages before going to school.
...when you get mad at one of your friends for not telling you sooner that her native language is actually Hmong.
...when your first thought when you hear you're going to Tanzania on vacation is "I only have four and a half months to learn Swahili!"
ellasevia on 02 April 2010
You become terribly curious, you lean towards their table like a sunflower to the sun, you strain really hard to listen, cupping your ears indiscreetly like little spy satellite dishes trying to pick up any strands of their secret conversation, but for all your best efforts, they're all a bit shy and haven't indulged in any pre-dinner aperitifs yet, and so you still can't fathom what on earth they're saying.
From this point on whatever your friends are saying really begins to fade out, you focus on facial features and gestures in the group, or look for clues in their clothing labels perhaps, you even hope and pray for possible language difficulties with the waitress, and so it takes every ounce of self-control NOT to go over, tap one of them on the shoulder, and ask if they could all speak up a bit louder so you can try to guess what language they're speaking.
You realise much to your horror, you're restaurant language-spying once again...
Teango on 02 April 2010
- When you move to another country because you want to learn the language and not the other way around.
- You use words from other languages because they don't exist in your own or are much better than the equivalent.
WingSuet on 03 April 2010
When, after adding French as your second target language,(to the Spanish you have been studying) you get excited because one movie channel is running several French films. You get even more excited after reading the descriptions and find that there is one that actually sounds interesting to you, because otherwise you would probably have forced yourself to watch a film whose only appeal was that in was in French.But, no, this sounds like a great film. Then as you watch,understanding maybe one or two words here and there,suddenly you hear a full sentence that you actually know because it is a "saying", or proverb, that you studied in the fifth lesson of Assimil! You pause the film, back it up, and repeat it several times, reciting it along with the actor.
You think it can't get much better than that until one character suddenly,and briefly, starts speaking Spanish and you are able to understand everything she says.
psy88 on 03 April 2010
Also, a lot of visitors were speaking foreign languages. Spanish, some Slavic language, what I think was a Scandinavian language, and some other one I have no clue what it was. It was awesome.
Johntm on 03 April 2010
When you have to bring a friend with you to the bookstore to keep you from spending all your money on books on or about languages you aren't even studying (yet).
When your drunkenly slurred speech correctly and confusingly (to those around you) uses grammatical constructions from your target language.
When you get "Biting the Wax Tadpole: Confessions of a Language Fanatic" for Easter and the first three things you have to say about it are: 1. "How appropriate for me." 2. "Except kekoukele (the Chinese transliteration for Coca Cola) doesn't mean to bite the wax tadpole." 3. "She spelled 'zhe' wrong on the third page... Where's a pen?"
kottoler.ello on 04 April 2010
"You write too well not to be a Finnish native."
...and it totally makes your night, if not your whole week :DD
And I figured I might as well cut and paste which of my posts this guy was responding to just for the heck of it:
"no mie oon opiskellu suomee noin kaks tai kolme vuotta ja oon asunu suomessa tän vuoen uuenvuoenpäivään saakka. ikävä kyllä, en viel kykene puhummaa kieltä (KUTEN TE JO VARMASTI NÃÃTTE...). mie osaan lukee ja kuunnella, mut epäröin puhuessani ja puhun niin hiton hitahasti. kaipaan vitusti suomalaist poikaystävää."
kyssäkaali on 07 April 2010
"You write too well not to be a Finnish native."
...and it totally makes your night, if not your whole week :DD
And I figured I might as well cut and paste which of my posts this guy was responding
to just for the heck of it:
"no mie oon opiskellu suomee noin kaks tai kolme vuotta ja oon asunu suomessa tän vuoen
uuenvuoenpäivään saakka. ikävä kyllä, en viel kykene puhummaa kieltä (KUTEN TE JO
VARMASTI NÃÃTTE...). mie osaan lukee ja kuunnella, mut epäröin puhuessani ja puhun niin
hiton hitahasti. kaipaan vitusti suomalaist poikaystävää."
...when you think that sentence you don't understand is so pretty it makes you want to
learn Finnish before you are done with Italian. And you actually plan to Google some
Finnish learning material the second you hit the Post Rep
Thaorius on 07 April 2010
When you get this directed to you in a chatroom:
"You write too well not to be a Finnish native."
...and it totally makes your night, if not your whole week :DD
That's really fantastic, kyssäkaali - hyvää työtä! I hope one day someone will say this about one of the languages I study. So far this is just a distant dream, native speakers always somehow manage to suss me out pretty quickly haha! :)
Teango on 07 April 2010
You know you're a language nerd if your willing to convert to Catholicism just to listen to the Latin Liturgy.
Icaria909 on 08 April 2010
Last week in chemistry class I realized I was unintentionally writing notes that were a mix of Afrikaans andÂEnglish. Everything was fine until I panicked when I couldn't remember a word. After 5 minutes I stop worrying; the word I forgot was probably very advanced vocabulary in either language and most people would forget such an uncommon word. But when I came home and was rereading my lecture notes I remembered that the word I was searching for was "wetenskap" (science). Wetenskap is not exactly advanced vocabulary. Oh well, at least my bilingual notes make chemistry seem much more fascinating.
mick33 on 08 April 2010
You know you're a language nerd if your willing to convert to Catholicism just to listen to the Latin Liturgy.
Where are you that the Mass is still said in Latin?
Iris-Way on 08 April 2010
You know you're a language nerd if your willing to
convert to Catholicism just to listen to the Latin Liturgy.
Where are you that the Mass is still said in Latin?
You're a language nerd when you ask that question... followed by "and where do I apply
for visa/residency/study program/etc.?"
ennime on 08 April 2010
When you can't help but point out spelling mistakes in local graffiti and tagging to your friends, and feel a deep secret urge to come back at night and add your own graffiti corrections in red spray...
Teango on 08 April 2010
When you actually learn new vocabulary and grammatical structures from a bathroom wall.
Teango on 08 April 2010
When you pause every now and again and try translating something directly from one language to another (intentionally disregarding the cultural/contextual gap) and find yourself laughing out loud at the result
apatch3 on 08 April 2010
When you can't help but point out spelling mistakes in local graffiti and tagging to your friends, and feel a deep secret urge to come back at night and add your own graffiti corrections in red spray...
When you refuse to watch "The Pursuit of Happyness" because of the spelling.
WortDrauf on 09 April 2010
When you can't help but point out spelling mistakes in local graffiti and tagging to your friends, and feel a deep secret urge to come back at night and add your own graffiti corrections in red spray...
When you refuse to watch "The Pursuit of Happyness" because of the spelling.
Or just take white-out to the DVD cover.
Johntm on 09 April 2010
When you can't help but point out spelling mistakes in local graffiti and tagging to your friends, and feel a deep secret urge to come back at night and add your own graffiti corrections in red spray...
When you refuse to watch "The Pursuit of Happyness" because of the spelling.
Or just take white-out to the DVD cover.
On that note, when you take out white-out in the middle of your PE class to fix the spelling of a word on a yoga poster that has been bothering you for days. And then you proudly point out your handiwork to your classmates.
ellasevia on 09 April 2010
When you can't help but point out spelling mistakes in local graffiti and tagging to your friends, and feel a deep secret urge to come back at night and add your own graffiti corrections in red spray...
When you refuse to watch "The Pursuit of Happyness" because of the spelling.
Or just take white-out to the DVD cover.
On that note, when you take out white-out in the middle of your PE class to fix the spelling of a word on a yoga poster that has been bothering you for days. And then you proudly point out your handiwork to your classmates.
Johntm on 10 April 2010
When you refuse to watch a film unless it's in a foreign language =)
m.alberto1 on 11 April 2010
When you can't concentrate all day long and then you put on a YouTube video in Polish in the background and suddenly you can concentrate (and then you find yourself looking all sorts of information on Polish).
ellasevia on 11 April 2010
When you can't help but point out spelling mistakes in local graffiti and tagging to your friends, and feel a deep secret urge to come back at night and add your own graffiti corrections in red spray...
When you refuse to watch "The Pursuit of Happyness" because of the spelling.
Or just take white-out to the DVD cover.
On that note, when you take out white-out in the middle of your PE class to fix the spelling of a word on a yoga poster that has been bothering you for days. And then you proudly point out your handiwork to your classmates.
I gave up correcting the word "stationery" at my workplace when our stationery products started coming in boxes marked "stationary".
Levi on 11 April 2010
brian91 on 11 April 2010
So, you know you are a language nerd when your idea of what it means to focus on a small number of target languages at any given time is to narrow it all the way down to about twenty...
Rikyu-san on 12 April 2010
You know you're a language nerd when monolingual people complement you and say "wow you speak so many
You know you're a TRUE language nerd when you think about this forum and smile and think to yourself "if they
only knew about HTLAL."
ruskivyetr on 12 April 2010
You know you're a language nerd when monolingual people complement you and say "wow you speak so many
You know you're a TRUE language nerd when you think about this forum and smile and think to yourself "if they
only knew about HTLAL."
Or when someone asks you how many languages you speak and you know that there is no true answer and that if you were to give them something anywhere close to accuracy or the truth they would get bored and stop listening before you were done.
What I generally do in this situation is I just sigh in an annoyed way and say "I don't know." Or "A couple." Or "It depends."
ellasevia on 12 April 2010
When google translate is your homepage!
Tally on 12 April 2010
-When no one at your school is sure what your first language is.
-When you nearly dive across a desk at someone who had the nerve to say that "Gesundheit" was actually justEnglish and just a fancy way of saying bless you.
Rina on 13 April 2010
-when you're addicted to language learning forums and are keen to interact with other polyglots only lol!
m.alberto1 on 13 April 2010
When you wander this site aimlessly for 3 hours and never get bored
I'm pretty sure this has been said (yes I read the whole thread) but when you're afraid to let your friends see your iPod because of all the foreign language stuff on it. And when putting your ipod on shuffle results in the following:
Johntm on 13 April 2010
When you wander this site aimlessly for 3 hours and never get bored
I'm pretty sure this has been said (yes I read the whole thread) but when you're afraid to let your friends see your iPod because of all the foreign language stuff on it. And when putting your ipod on shuffle results in the following:
...when you set your iPod on a foreign language to prevent others from using it. Chinese is particularly effective.
Levi on 13 April 2010
When you discover that a movie in your target language will be shown on your TV movie channel.You record it, so you can replay parts that you don't get right away, as well as to rehear the parts you do understand. You settle down and get comfortable, the excitement is building as it begins to play and then-bummer! It has been dubbed intoEnglish :-(
psy88 on 14 April 2010
When you discover that a movie in your target language will be shown on your TV movie
channel.You record it, so you can replay parts that you don't get right away, as well as to rehear the parts you do
understand. You settle down and get comfortable, the excitement is building as it begins to play and then-bummer!
It has been dubbed intoÂEnglish :-(
When you know you would become furious at this, and you hate dubbing D:<.
ruskivyetr on 15 April 2010
When you discover that a movie in your target language
will be shown on your TV movie
channel.You record it, so you can replay parts that you don't get right away, as well as
to rehear the parts you do
understand. You settle down and get comfortable, the excitement is building as it begins
to play and then-bummer!
It has been dubbed intoÂEnglish :-(
When you know you would become furious at this, and you hate dubbing D:<.
...when you refuse to watch a movie in anything but the original language it was made in;
even if you don't speak it...
...when watching a dubbed film is registered in your mind as "ruining a movie" and it
makes you a bit moody for the rest of the day.
Thaorius on 15 April 2010
When you get angry at your friends for not showing any interest in languages
Tally on 15 April 2010
...when you find an article in theEnglish Wikipedia that's too short, so you start clicking all the other languages you can understand until you find something more informative.
Levi on 16 April 2010
...when you find an article in theÂEnglish Wikipedia that's too short, so you start clicking all the other languages you can understand until you find something more informative.
Sometimes I do the opposite too. If I only want a short explanation of a subject and the Wikipedia article I'm looking at is long and meandering, I'll search through the other language versions I can understand for a short and concise article on the subject.
lichtrausch on 16 April 2010
...when you get invited to a dinner with about 30 people, all from different countries
and different cultures; but then, at the very last minute, you find out they are all from
Latin America (AKA, native Spanish/Portuguese speakers) so you declare yourself busy,
cancel, and proceed to fire up Anki...
Thaorius on 18 April 2010
...when you get invited to a dinner with about 30 people, all from different countries
and different cultures; but then, at the very last minute, you find out they are all from
Latin America (AKA, native Spanish/Portuguese speakers) so you declare yourself busy,
cancel, and proceed to fire up Anki...
When you feel jealous because you would have loved to have been invited to that party.
psy88 on 18 April 2010
...when you only accept Facebook friend requests from strangers if they speak one of your target languages.
Levi on 19 April 2010
...when you read through this thread chuckling to yourself because you're guilty of almost all of them.
I'm doing this right now >_<
- When you study every language your ancestors supposedly spoke and then some
^ Guilty ^
Here's some of mine:
-when you listen to music in a language that you don't know, learn how to sing the song, and then go explain to your friends about the sytax, morphology, and unique phonetic points (such as a voiced gutteral fricitive) in the language... and then decide to actually LEARN it!
-when you think that things like 'voiced gutteral fricitive' are normal to say
-when you can read this:
Ðй Ñайнд ѳÑÑ Ñ Ð²ÐµÑиейÑÑн Ñв Ñ³Ñ Ð¡ÑÑилик ÑлÑÑÐ±ÐµÑ ÑÑÐºÑ Ð±ÐµÑÑ ÑÐ¾Ñ ÑÑÑнÑкÑайбинг ÐÐ½Ð³Ð»Ð¸Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ñ Ð¾Ñ Ð»ÐµÑ ÑÑнеÑиклÑ.
despite not knowing ANY of the languages whose alphabets' characters' are used here.
mashmusic11235 on 19 April 2010
When you wish you could be regressed back into a time when now extinct languages were still spoken.
When you wish you could retain your ability to speak in those foreign languages from past lives when you get out of the trance.
(Some language learning tool, eh?).
Rikyu-san on 19 April 2010
1) Getting banned for a stupid reason
2) Choosing the stupidest conceivable screen name
because even just talk of language-learning proves too enticing for you to pass up or give up.
Juаn on 20 April 2010
When you try to get your friends to learn languages so you can vicariously experience the fun of the language through them.
When a weekend you thought you weren't going to enjoy becomes one of the better ones because you get to talk about and in foreign languages a significant amount.
kottoler.ello on 20 April 2010
...when you apparently emanate language nerdery from every pore to the point that total strangers address you in foreign languages without trying the local language first.
Levi on 20 April 2010
I think I like Linguanerd the best! That would be a cool username.
Albanian: budalla gjuhën
Croatian: jezik glupan
Czech: Jazyk nerd
Estonian: keel nerd
Greek: nerd γλÏÏÏα
French: langue nerd
Hungarian: Nyelv nerd
Afrikaans/Dutch: Taal nerd
Icelandic: Tungumál
Indonesian: bahasa aneh
Italian: lingua nerd
Japanese: è¨èªãªã¿ã¯
Danish: Sprog nerd
Irish: nerd teanga
Finnish: kieli moukka
German: Sprache nerd (one word looks better: Sprachenerd?)
Persian: زباÙ
Macedonian: Ñазик nerd
Romanian: Nerd limbaj
Russian: ЯзÑк NERD
Swahili: lugha nerd
Turkish: dil nerd
Persian actually has a seperate WORD for 'language nerd'!!!!
mashmusic11235 on 20 April 2010
Hah, more like that's the Persian word for "language" and it didn't bother translating "nerd" at
Rabochnok on 20 April 2010
Danish: Sprognørd
Iversen on 20 April 2010
This is like a Jeff Foxworthy joke for language geeks. I mean honestly... 50000 views??? That's gotta be like 50% of this sites traffic directed right at this thread.
ManicGenius on 20 April 2010
This is like a Jeff Foxworthy joke for language geeks. I mean honestly... 50000 views??? That's gotta be like 50% of this sites traffic directed right at this thread.
To paraphrase an old James Brown song:"Say it loud, I'm a language nerd and I'm proud!"
psy88 on 21 April 2010
When you enjoy your teachers talking about current events because the only news you get is through your foreign language studies so it helps reinforce your vocabulary by reminding you of all the words you learned.
kottoler.ello on 21 April 2010
When you enjoy your teachers talking about current events because the only news you get is through your foreign language studies so it helps reinforce your vocabulary by reminding you of all the words you learned.
Yep! I learned about the volcano in Iceland originally from a post in Teango's language log and then reading about it in an article from a Greek newspaper.
ellasevia on 21 April 2010
languages available -ÂEnglish, French, and Spanish - unlike your own DS lite which has three
more - Italian, German, and Japanese.
When you wish yours had Turkish available - and games in Turkish to go along with it.
Rabochnok on 21 April 2010
them to various resources. It's nice when they return the next week smiling, telling you confidently that they're on
their way to learn another language. Another satisfied customer! :D
I work at a gym :)
I guess I've become their personal trainer in exercising their language muscles, haha.
MegatronFilm on 24 April 2010
When you pass up a Friday night of boozin and fun adventures with the fellas to instead
watch a movie in a foreign language on your own.
canada38 on 24 April 2010
...your "TOREAD" list of books has books on at least 5 different languages, some of which
you don't speak [yet].
Thaorius on 24 April 2010
...when your father begins to wonder why you've suddenly received seven books in the mail in the past three days, and when he finds out they're all Teach Yourself [X language] courses, he is left wondering why he wondered in the first place...
ellasevia on 24 April 2010
what it's like to type in such different scripts.
When you wish your family good night in other languages.
Rabochnok on 25 April 2010
ball it will land near a pair of women speaking an unidentified language so you have an excuse to go over and
listen in on them.
(I did this today. It turned out to be Mandarin)
Luai_lashire on 26 April 2010
True story.
Olympia on 26 April 2010
You know you're a language nerd when your friend goes to get something from your notebook for a class, but
instead finds pages covered in Russian! They frantically search through it while you watch, amused. You then tell
them that they are in the wrong notebook, and that what they were going through was your Russian notebook. They
go into the next notebook labeled for the correct class. They find the sheet, but it's filled out... in German.
ruskivyetr on 27 April 2010
Haha, I did something like that last year. In PE we had to take really tedious notes, so I decided to practice my Portuguese at the same time and wrote the notes about fitness in Portuguese! Little did I know that we would later have to turn those notes in...
ellasevia on 27 April 2010
Yeah when I was in high school we had to keep a journal in my theology class. I wasn't really interested in the idea
of keeping a "faith journal," so I decided to write my entries in Spanish to make it more interesting. My teacher was
very perplexed when we had to turn them in at the end of the term...
Olympia on 29 April 2010
That's happened before, but by mistake. I tend to think in German to pass the time, and it shows up in a lot of my
work which gets my teachers really angry, so I'm forced to think inEnglish during classes :(.
ruskivyetr on 29 April 2010
At least you guys are writing notes in an alphabet the teacher can read! I used to perplex my teachers with notes written entirely in phonetic shorthand.
Levi on 29 April 2010
Fasulye on 29 April 2010
Writing a perfectly understandable language in a script that others can't read sounds like a marvellous idea to me.
This is perhaps why in middle school I exchanged notes written in - Tengwar with a couple of friends... and my handwriting was much neater when I did that than when I used latin alphabet.
Kubelek on 30 April 2010
I mentioned the shorthand earlier in this thread. It's called - Quikscript . If you are interested in learning it the original manual is published in its entirety online anual.pdf - in this PDF .
Levi on 30 April 2010
I mentioned the shorthand earlier in this thread. It's called - Quikscript . If you are interested in
learning it the original manual is published in its entirety online anual.pdf - in this
...when, after reading that, you can find 3 printed copies of the original manual in the
room you are sitting, that aren't in the same place and weren't printed at the same time
but you don't really understand or write quikscript...
Thaorius on 30 April 2010
When you post on another thread and that makes you realize another reason that you are a language nerd: You know who more of the people are in your Spanish(your target language) edition of People magazine than in theEnglish edition(your native language).
psy88 on 30 April 2010
Rikyu-san on 30 April 2010
like this goes on between you and one of the artists:
You: Hi...(Hesitant and unsure if the artist'sÂEnglish is good)... Are you the artist? Shall we speak inÂEnglish or
Artist: Hey there! We can speakÂEnglish (Spoken with a perfect American accent).
You: Can we PLEASE speak Spanish?! :D
My conversation went on with him for a half hour. We talked about the city of Medallin, his work and the
negative reputation Colombia holds in the world. I've been hungry for some Spanish practice! I think it's nice to
converse with artists in their native tongue. They can freely express their intent for their work without any
trouble. Not that this guy had trouble withÂEnglish! I've been told by some documentarians that the best
interviews are done in the subject's native language.
I also tend to ask bilingual people if we could speak a certain language. I don't want to assume because some
people might be offended and think that I believe theirÂEnglish isn't good enough.
MegatronFilm on 30 April 2010
Hi guys!
I have read your posts. I really like your posts. The biggest problem most people face in learning a new language is their own fear. They worry that they wonât say things properly or that they will look dull so they donât talk at all. Donât do this. The fastest way to learn anything is to do it â again and again until you get it right. Like anything, learningÂEnglish requires practice. Donât let a little fear stop you from getting what you want.
I agree, very often fear hampers our ability to speak the language. That's why sometimes it helps to get abit tipsy after a couple of beer/wine, and voila, the sentences suddenly start coming out - nonstop! :)
noriyuki_nomura on 30 April 2010
When the first thing you do upon turning on your computer is start Mnemosyne, by sheer force of habit.
kottoler.ello on 01 May 2010
When the first thing you do upon turning on your computer is start Mnemosyne, by sheer force of habit.
I have an almost identical habit. Upon turning on my computer, I automatically open up my email, then BYKI, then Anki, and then my internet browser, which automatically saves the tabs I last had open, which always include at least my kanji reviewing website, google translate, my Anki statistics, Livemocha tutoring, and usually this website. :)
ellasevia on 01 May 2010
When the first thing you do upon turning on your computer is start Mnemosyne, by sheer force of habit.
I have an almost identical habit. Upon turning on my computer, I automatically open up my email, then BYKI, then Anki, and then my internet browser, which automatically saves the tabs I last had open, which always include at least my kanji reviewing website, google translate, my Anki statistics, Livemocha tutoring, and usually this website. :)
When you've already set all these type of things to load up automatically as start-up items when you first switch on and log in (and if you've got a Mac or workspaces application, to load into their own specific work areas too).
Teango on 01 May 2010
preferences regarding languages they are learning.
I was not kidding..... please enter my survey :) (But fill it with a serious head and
my survey....: (which from some reason the link to it was removed by the admin...!)
bye! - For the admins - It's is not spam, so don't erase this please (you can check it
Otto on 04 May 2010
preferences regarding languages they are learning.
I was not kidding..... please enter my survey :) (But fill it with a serious head and
my survey....: (which from some reason the link to it was removed by the admin...!)
bye! - For the admins - It's is not spam, so don't erase this please (you can check it
I took the survey, but I think there is still a lot missing from it. On the part about which languages you speak you only mentioned a couple, and many people speak languages other than those. What about those people who learned only Hungarian? Or Greek? Or Latin?
Also, there was not enough in there about self-study in my opinion, and since most of us here use that as our primary method I think you will be getting a lot of "other"s.
ellasevia on 04 May 2010
Regarding the lack of options in many areas - you are right. I had to limit many
answers options do to the survey's site constraints.
I have a specific answer i am looking for by conducting the survey (I can't tell it
here, though , because it will harm the credibility of the results), and I can still
answer it within those constraints limitations.
By the way - I don't seem to manage to reach enough people to fill the form. Maybe you
have ideas about where else I can publish?
academic task regarding people's
preferences regarding languages they are learning.
I was not kidding..... please enter my survey :) (But fill it with a serious head and
my survey....: (which from some reason the link to it was removed by the admin...!)
bye! - For the admins - It's is not spam, so don't erase this please (you can check it
I took the survey, but I think there is still a lot missing from it. On the part about
which languages you speak you only mentioned a couple, and many people speak languages
other than those. What about those people who learned only Hungarian? Or Greek? Or
Also, there was not enough in there about self-study in my opinion, and since most of
us here use that as our primary method I think you will be getting a lot of
Otto on 05 May 2010
You know you are a language nerd when you wake up in the middle of the night and wonder about the subjunctive form of a particular verb.You know you will not be able to fall back to sleep until you get up, find your "Spanish Verb Book" and check the correct form. Of course, when you do get up and check it, it was what you had thought it was.
psy88 on 05 May 2010
When you look around a room, and no matter what object your eyes end up resting on (even if it isn't particularly interesting, cultural or language related), you're still secretly drawn from time to time into thinking about what the word for this might be in one or more languages. @.@
Teango on 05 May 2010
...when you're feeling guilty playing a video game instead of studying languages, then find out that you can actually play it in four of the languages you're studying.
chalokun on 05 May 2010
when you've been reading this thread all morning long, you decide to go to eat,put on your mp3 & first sentence you hear in Slovenian is "it's a hot day"meanwhile you're freezing in the middle of the street despite being on may in France.....
chalokun on 05 May 2010
When you return from a night shift at work and need sleep before the next shift starts ... but four hours later you are still going through French word lists whilst listenning to French radio.
Temple09 on 06 May 2010
When you are learning grammar and you feel guilty because you're not learning vocab, and then when you learn vocab you feel guilty because you're not practising oral on skype and when you're on skype you feel guilty because you're not learning grammar ...
Temple09 on 06 May 2010
When more than 80% of your time in your summer holiday is delicated to languages...........
QiuJP on 07 May 2010
Hah, more like that's the Persian word for "language" and it didn't bother translating "nerd" at
When, after having a Persian phase (again...), you read the post that ^this^ is a response to (which just happens to be YOUR post) and facepalm yourself for not realizing what 'zaban' meant in the first place.
When you think that a 'Persian phase' is a perfectly normal thing to have.
When you think that having multiple Persian phases is also perfectly normal.
When, in the midst of said Persian phase, you watch 'No One Knows About Persian Cats' just so that you can present to your mom a reason why you want to learn Persian so she'll buy you that Teach Yourself Modern Persian book you've been eyeing up for the past three years.
When you take the language books you're currently using on a camping trip.
You take along your Czech book too, just in case you get bored with Spanish and you're miles away from your language pile.
When you experiance withdrawl symptoms when you've been away from your language books for too long.
When 'too long' is a sleepover at your friend's house.
When you seperate your langage courses based on 'the books you're currently using' and your 'language pile'.
When you have language piles. (I know, this has been posted already)
When you use Russian grammar forÂEnglish (the sentance 'I know, this has been posted already' shouldn't have a comma in it...).
When you write Kanji into your Japanese course because it doesn't have any.
When you buy Breaking Into Japanese Literature when you're on lesson 3 of you 40 lesson course book.
When you buy a Japanese novel before you bought your coursebook because you're 'thinking ahead'.
mashmusic11235 on 07 May 2010
When more than 80% of your time in your summer holiday is delicated to languages...........
When you get depressed when you read this because you know your summer holiday will, unfortunately, (sigh) not be like that.
psy88 on 08 May 2010
When you read this thread not only for pleasure but to get tips on being a better language nerd.
kottoler.ello on 08 May 2010
When you use new languages to "reward" yourself for working on old ones.
janalisa on 11 May 2010
When Uz-Translations is your home page.
nogoodnik on 11 May 2010
When your two 16 GB ipods are jam packed with only language lessons from various language textbooks, Assimil and foreign language news podcast, and music that's not from your native language!
noriyuki_nomura on 11 May 2010
It makes you prouder to get a vote for your post in this thread than in serious discussions... and you vote more in this thread than anywhere else.
Kubelek on 11 May 2010
When you don't know why you learn a language but you still enjoy learning it...
Petitanne on 12 May 2010
When during the breaktime at school you prefer to read French textbooks.
When during the boring classes you solve German crosswords.
When your class is split in two for the foreign-languages class, and you can choose only one between German and French, but you still want to study both, so you chat in French with your French-studying classmates.
When your favourite tv programme becomes even "more favourite", because you've discovered that you can watch it on the Internet in German.
mirab3lla on 12 May 2010
I had a three day weekend and chose to spend most of it learning as much as I could of Scandinavian dialects/regional languages such as Ãlvdalska and Jämtlandic.
mick33 on 12 May 2010
When you print out the FSI Swedish course in school while your friend is at the printer in the library. When they pick
it up they immediately look at you, roll their eyes, and bring it over.
ruskivyetr on 12 May 2010
It makes you prouder to get a vote for your post in this thread than in serious discussions... and you vote more in this thread than anywhere else.
This post needs votes for the irony.
PaulLambeth on 12 May 2010
- When you've finished your work in history class, you look through the textbook for original sources from Soviet Russia to practise reading the Cyrillic script.
- You raise your hand in history class to insist that there is one correct transliteration of "ЦаÑ" (Tsar), because you are very particular about the letter Ц being transliterated as a "ts", not "cz" or any other variations. Everyone in the class groans at your nerdiness (these people already ridicule you since you had to make a speech about anything inEnglish class, and you spoke about your favourite Russian band, and apparently listening to Russian music isn't considered normal). And then, in reply to people saying, "Yeah, you'd know" sarcastically, you reply, "Yes, actually, I would, I know the Russian alphabet", and you feel a bit annoyed at yourself for not calling it the Cyrillic alphabet even though you only said Russian because nobody would know what Cyrillic was. And then a day later someone says, "Do you know the German alphabet?" and you have trouble not losing faith in humanity as you tell them that German uses the same alphabet asEnglish. And you're sure this has to be the nerdiest paragraph in this thread, LOL.
- You enjoy reading YouTube comments in Spanish to study how routinely misspelled and dumbed-down they can be, just likeEnglish ones. Unfortunately it's difficult to learn much new vocabulary from them, as the majority of them are just saying that the author either loves the song or thinks someone is hot. Just likeEnglish ones.
- You have to read Romeo and Juliet inEnglish Lit class, and you are sure you'd understand it a lot better if they were speaking Spanish.
- You often wonder whether there are different dialects of dog-speak. Like, would a Spanish dog understand the barks and growls of a Chinese dog?
- You hate the song She-Wolf, but love it's Spanish equivalent Loba.
- You didn't even realise there was anEnglish version of Loba until you heard people singing it at school.
- You found a Zanussi advertisem*nt in a magazine, and you cut it out and blu-tacked it to the wall next to your bed because it has an Italian slogan and the picture appears to be of Italy.
- The film Love Actually makes you want to learn Portuguese so you can understand what Aurelia says and so you can see if the subtitles are accurate (I bet they're not accurate).
- The highlight of your work experience at the local council was meeting some people from Kazakhstan who came for a tour of the town hall, and they all spoke Russian and only the interpreter spoke anyEnglish, and you were fascinated by hearing them speak even though you didn't understand a word.
- You've just read this entire thread! :)
ThisIsGina on 12 May 2010
And then a day later someone says, "Do you know the German alphabet?" and you have trouble not losing faith in humanity as you tell them that German uses the same alphabet asÂEnglish.
BecauseEnglish uses umlauts and eszetts...
WortDrauf on 13 May 2010
And then a day later someone says, "Do you know the German alphabet?" and you have trouble not losing faith in humanity as you tell them that German uses the same alphabet asÂEnglish.
BecauseÂEnglish uses umlauts and eszetts...
They're both Latin-based though, and not changed enough to say that knowing theEnglish and the German alphabets are two different achievements.
GREGORG4000 on 13 May 2010
At the beginning of the school year, we were talking about the various uses of the apostrophe in myEnglish class, and someone attempted to say that they sometimes were used to show sounds that don't exist inEnglish. The teacher and other students were confused, but I understood, so I explained that often in transliterations apostrophes are used to signify palatalization in Slavic languages for example (Ð´ÐµÐ½Ñ = den'), and various glottal and ejective sounds in several languages (in Georgian for example, á = p', ᢠ= t', ᬠ= ts', á = ch'). This, of course, only confused everyone further, and then the teacher said, "Why don't we just focus onEnglish for now?"
ellasevia on 13 May 2010
When one of the reasons (but certainly not the only one) why you want Antanas Mockus to
win the presidential election in Colombia is because he's a native speaker of Lithuanian, and
you like the idea of a Colombian president who can speak anything besides Spanish and
Rabochnok on 13 May 2010
- You raise your hand in history class to insist that there is one correct transliteration of "ЦаÑ" (Tsar), because
you are very particular about the letter Ц being transliterated as a "ts", not "cz" or any other variations. Everyone
in the class groans at your nerdiness (these people already ridicule you since you had to make a speech about
anything inÂEnglish class, and you spoke about your favourite Russian band, and apparently listening to Russian
music isn't considered normal). And then, in reply to people saying, "Yeah, you'd know" sarcastically, you reply,
"Yes, actually, I would, I know the Russian alphabet", and you feel a bit annoyed at yourself for not calling it the
Cyrillic alphabet even though you only said Russian because nobody would know what Cyrillic was. And then a
day later someone says, "Do you know the German alphabet?" and you have trouble not losing faith in humanity
as you tell them that German uses the same alphabet asÂEnglish. And you're sure this has to be the nerdiest
paragraph in this thread, LOL.
It's actually spelled ÑаÑÑ. At least you weren't like me, who got up in the middle of class, and wrote the Cyrillic
and its transliteration, much to the shock of my teacher and fellow classmates.
ruskivyetr on 13 May 2010
When one of the reasons (but certainly not the only one) why you want Antanas Mockus to
win the presidential election in Colombia is because he's a native speaker of Lithuanian, and
you like the idea of a Colombian president who can speak anything besides Spanish and
...when you were ecstatic to hear - Obama speaking Spanish during the 2008 presidential campaign. Supposedly he speaks a little Indonesian too.
Levi on 13 May 2010
- The film Love Actually makes you want to learn Portuguese so you can understand what Aurelia says and so you
can see if the subtitles are accurate (I bet they're not accurate).
When you see your mother watching that movie in Italian, find out that it is a British film and immediately go buy
the DVD to exercise with the accent.
MäcÃSŸ on 13 May 2010
When you find yourself staying up late past bed time in order to learn some extra vocab, and then start to feel guilty because the resulting late start the next morning will mean you will have less time to learn more vocab tomorrow!
Temple09 on 13 May 2010
And then a day later someone says, "Do you know the German alphabet?" and you have trouble not losing faith in humanity as you tell them that German uses the same alphabet asÂEnglish.
BecauseÂEnglish uses umlauts and eszetts...
I thought of that, but they both use the majority of the same letters, so it's not like a completely different alphabet.
ThisIsGina on 13 May 2010
- You raise your hand in history class to insist that there is one correct transliteration of "ЦаÑ" (Tsar), because
you are very particular about the letter Ц being transliterated as a "ts", not "cz" or any other variations. Everyone
in the class groans at your nerdiness (these people already ridicule you since you had to make a speech about
anything inÂEnglish class, and you spoke about your favourite Russian band, and apparently listening to Russian
music isn't considered normal). And then, in reply to people saying, "Yeah, you'd know" sarcastically, you reply,
"Yes, actually, I would, I know the Russian alphabet", and you feel a bit annoyed at yourself for not calling it the
Cyrillic alphabet even though you only said Russian because nobody would know what Cyrillic was. And then a
day later someone says, "Do you know the German alphabet?" and you have trouble not losing faith in humanity
as you tell them that German uses the same alphabet asÂEnglish. And you're sure this has to be the nerdiest
paragraph in this thread, LOL.
It's actually spelled ÑаÑÑ. At least you weren't like me, who got up in the middle of class, and wrote the Cyrillic
and its transliteration, much to the shock of my teacher and fellow classmates.
(You're right, I always forget the Ñ, LOL)
I actually almost did that, I'm glad I didn't!
ThisIsGina on 13 May 2010
When most of your bookshelves are piled up with language books and courses you've never even read.
Teango on 13 May 2010
Even having them separated on every language you need to scroll them down because there is so many of them that screen is always too small to see them all
leyus on 13 May 2010
And then a day later someone says, "Do you know the German alphabet?" and you have trouble not losing faith in humanity as you tell them that German uses the same alphabet asÂEnglish.
BecauseÂEnglish uses umlauts and eszetts...
They're both Latin-based though, and not changed enough to say that knowing theÂEnglish and the German alphabets are two different achievements.
I'm aware. But I don't think "losing faith in humanity" is merited by a notion that's only partially incorrect.
WortDrauf on 14 May 2010
And to be fair, German did have its own unique scripts (Fraktur and Sütterlin) until not too long ago. -
Levi on 14 May 2010
When the scenes you most look forward to in the TV series "Dexter" are when Lt. Laguerta and Sgt. Batista exchange a few sexy phrases in Spanish, or even better, when the episode ends up in the heart of Miami's Cuban community and you get to hear lots of Spanglish!
Teango on 14 May 2010
When you do absolutely NOTHING but learning languages and sleeping/eating/going to the
bathroom all day long.
I am honestly rarely guilty of this. :)
FailArtist on 14 May 2010
When you organise your day around your language revision, rather than organise your language revision around your day.
Temple09 on 15 May 2010
When your big ol' hamper of language learning goodies eventually arrives in the post, and you're tearing at the cardboard and wrapping like it's Christmas morning all over again! :D
Teango on 15 May 2010
When you start measuring your ability in other skills with the CEF Scale. 'Yeah I play the piano, I'm about C1'.
rlf1810 on 15 May 2010
When you start measuring your ability in other skills with the CEF
Scale. 'Yeah I play the piano, I'm about C1'.
When you were just looking for a competence classification system that isn't 1-10 and
that sounds like a perfect fit.
Thaorius on 15 May 2010
...when the first thing you think of when seeing the number 3 is no longer the number 3, but the Cyrillic letter з.
Levi on 16 May 2010
You know youâre a language nerd have a wonderful collection of dictionaries on your desk, ranked by size and colour.
Lucilha on 16 May 2010
You know youâre a language nerd have a wonderful collection of dictionaries on your desk, ranked by size and colour.
Haha, that's reminded me ...
You know you're a language nerd when you've gone through a 40+ DVD collection and seperated the five that have subtitles available in your target languages into a different pile, to be prioritised ahead of the rest.
(This includes Spider Man 2 and one of the Harry Potter films. What joys!)
PaulLambeth on 16 May 2010
When your big ol' hamper of language learning goodies eventually arrives in the post, and you're tearing at the cardboard and wrapping like it's Christmas morning all over again! :D
Yep, when you're excited about getting a textbook, that's the essence of geekdom right there. And by the way, I got my Italian Sentence Builder in the mail... Evviva!
dolly on 16 May 2010
When some people call you the "languages girl" and ask you if you can translate from a language, which you don't knwo at all, and they are surprised because they assumed that you can understand ALL the languages.
Wise owl chick on 17 May 2010
When I visited YouTube this morning, I saw that the site can now be viewed in five more languages, one of which is Finnish. This news has made my day, even if I'm not quite ready to switch my language preference to Finnish just yet.
mick33 on 17 May 2010
...when you refuse to speak to someone inEnglish if you have some other language in common.
Levi on 18 May 2010
When you look for L2 words on licence plates.
Rabochnok on 18 May 2010
When you start noticing adverts in your Google Mail for "spam breakfast burritos", and you bizarrely click on the link in the hope of learning a little more about Spanish culture and cuisine...
Teango on 19 May 2010
When you start noticing adverts in your Google Mail for "spam breakfast burritos", and you bizarrely click on the link in the hope of learning a little more about Spanish culture and cuisine...
Ha, that's a good one! The person who invents a way to send burritos by email will earn my undying respect. And I don't even like burritos . . . I just like the idea of opening up mail and finding food.
I have another language nerd experience to tell. A few days ago I decided to stop at the bookstore on the way home from work, and I was browsing around, thinking of the million + books I'd like to buy and the one book I can possibly, actually afford, when I noticed something extremely interesting going on in the bookstore cafe. A man and a lady were sitting there with a lot of Spanish grammar and reference books spread out before them on the table, and they were absorbed in some very earnest Spanish study! I lurked around as long as I could without causing too much suspicion, and I so, so badly wanted to go talk to them, but they were really involved in their work. I wanted to say:
HI! I LIKE YOU! You study languages, and I do, too! Can I listen, please, please, pleeeeeeesee!? I like languages too! We can talk! We are from the same tribe! Language people! Where do you live? Can I come over? Please???? I'll share my books . . .
Yes, it was just pathetic.
I did not interrupt them. I went away. Sadly. Where did I go? To the language aisle. That should help, right? Well, what did I see there? There was a bookstore clerk there, and she was . . . she was . . oh, I can't say it, it's just too much . . she was TAGGING language books! I wanted to say:
HI! You are tagging language stuff! This is great! I do this too, isn't it fun? You like tags and languages, too? We must have a common ancestor, right? Some cave guy, probably, who tagged a lot of stuff milleniums ago, and today we carry on the great tradition! TAGS!
I did not.
Obviously I need to find more people who share my interests.
I'll probably go back tomorrow. It's incurable.
meramarina on 20 May 2010
When you start noticing adverts in your Google Mail for
"spam breakfast burritos", and you bizarrely click on the link in the hope of learning
a little more about Spanish culture and cuisine...
Ha, that's a good one! The person who invents a way to send burritos by email will
earn my undying respect. And I don't even like burritos . . . I just like the idea of
opening up mail and finding food.
I have another language nerd experience to tell. A few days ago I decided to stop at
the bookstore on the way home from work, and I was browsing around, thinking of the
million + books I'd like to buy and the one book I can possibly, actually afford, when
I noticed something extremely interesting going on in the bookstore cafe. A man and a
lady were sitting there with a lot of Spanish grammar and reference books spread out
before them on the table, and they were absorbed in some very earnest Spanish study! I
lurked around as long as I could without causing too much suspicion, and I so, so badly
wanted to go talk to them, but they were really involved in their work. I wanted to
HI! I LIKE YOU! You study languages, and I do, too! Can I listen, please, please,
pleeeeeeesee!? I like languages too! We can talk! We are from the same tribe!
Language people! Where do you live? Can I come over? Please???? I'll share my books
. . .
Yes, it was just pathetic.
I did not interrupt them. I went away. Sadly. Where did I go? To the language
aisle. That should help, right? Well, what did I see there? There was a bookstore
clerk there, and she was . . . she was . . oh, I can't say it, it's just too much . .
she was TAGGING language books! I wanted to say:
HI! You are tagging language stuff! This is great! I do this too, isn't it fun? You
like tags and languages, too? We must have a common ancestor, right? Some cave guy,
probably, who tagged a lot of stuff milleniums ago, and today we carry on the great
tradition! TAGS!
I did not.
Obviously I need to find more people who share my interests.
I'll probably go back tomorrow. It's incurable.
I think I can confidently say it. You have issues :). [Just kidding]
You are a language nerd when... your personal emails with your mother are a mix of
Spanish,English, and Esperanto; your mother responds in bits and pieces of Esperanto
(she has no clue of Esperanto), and this doesn't even give raise to so much as a
comment, complain, or petition to stop. After all, you are known and expected to do
that kind of thing...
Thaorius on 20 May 2010
When I visited YouTube this morning, I saw that the site can now be viewed in five more languages, one of which is Finnish. This news has made my day, even if I'm not quite ready to switch my language preference to Finnish just yet.
When this post makes you annoyed for not noticing that you could even change the UI language on Youtube (or you'd have already done so).
Warp3 on 21 May 2010
...when your YouTube is in German, your e-mail is in French, and your Facebook is in Chinese.
Levi on 21 May 2010
Obviously I need to find more people who share my interests.
I've got the perfect solution, let's form a Spanish tag team! ;)
Teango on 21 May 2010
You know you are a language nerd when you do this! Tag Team is a good idea!
meramarina on 21 May 2010
know the Spanish word for "tag"! How could I have been so negligent?! So, I grabbed my
dictionary from the shelf, and searched frantically for the word. I could not find it!
I didn't know why! Why, why of why, because I need to know, now, why . . . this is my
German dictionary, oh. OK I found it (I think): el marbete. I'm off now to find the
word in a few other languages.
You know you are a language nerd when you do this! Tag Team is a good idea!
Marbete? Never have I ever heard that word being used in every day speach (hell, I had to
google it). You might want to use "rótulo" or "etiqueta".
Thaorius on 21 May 2010
Thanks for the correction - I do want to know if I get something wrong. Etymology is a little off-topic, but certainly nerdy!
EDIT: from Etymology Online:
1750, from Fr. étiquette "prescribed behavior," from O.Fr. estiquette "label, ticket." The sense development in Fr. is from small cards written or printed with instructions for how to behave properly at court (cf. It. etichetta, Sp. etiqueta), and/or from behavior instructions written on a soldier's billet for lodgings (the main sense of the O.Fr. word)
Interesting! I never realized the words were related. I am an imperfect nerd for sure, but I try to learn what I can!
meramarina on 21 May 2010
Which leads me to this point: etymology for you is a source of both joy and fits of rage. When I realized that 'marauder' has different meanings and connotations in Polish,English and French the perfectionist in me cried a little bit ;) because there are probably more of such false friends out there, which I don't even suspect now. On days like these I doubt that I even speak my native language.
Kubelek on 22 May 2010
When your native language is tainted by the languages you're studying. It kind of sucks actually.
kottoler.ello on 22 May 2010
either. I need to consult other sources, that was just a quick lookup. But I see that
you are a native speaker, so I trust your knowledge more than my dictionary! Is
"etiqueta" commonly used? This resembles the German and French (if I can trust my
other quick references!) And I'm wondering also how theÂEnglish word "etiquette" for
proper manners is related to these words and why the similar word inÂEnglish is
different. Another thing to look up for this nerd!
Thanks for the correction - I do want to know if I get something wrong. Etymology is a
little off-topic, but certainly nerdy!
EDIT: from Etymology Online:
1750, from Fr. étiquette "prescribed behavior," from O.Fr. estiquette "label, ticket."
The sense development in Fr. is from small cards written or printed with instructions
for how to behave properly at court (cf. It. etichetta, Sp. etiqueta), and/or from
behavior instructions written on a soldier's billet for lodgings (the main sense of the
O.Fr. word)
Interesting! I never realized the words were related. I am an imperfect nerd for
sure, but I try to learn what I can!
Please bear in mind I live in Argentina, and the vocabulary used in Spain is
significantly different. That being said, I did live in Spain for 2 years, and the
following should apply more or less equally in both countries.
I will generally use "rótulo" when I mean a hand-made (though not necessarily
handwritten) tag/label. This image would be a nice example:
As for "etiqueta", I will generally use the word when I mean the price tag of
something, or the little tag on a T-shirt's neck, or the label on a bottle, etc. It may
also be used like theÂEnglish word etiquette (for example, "Vestida con ropa de
----On Topic----
You are a language nerd when... you talk about the etymology of words on different
languages over the internet for no particular reason with people you don't know, and
you actually enjoy it. Even more so, when you choose to type this post during an study
break, because anything language related is so relaxing...
Thaorius on 23 May 2010
When flipping through the map section of the Ethnologue for about 20 minutes cures your headache and fatigue.
kottoler.ello on 23 May 2010
When flipping through the map section of the Ethnologue for about 20 minutes cures your headache and fatigue.
Strangely so very true. :) And also when you look through your atlas at home, placing a finger on all the different colourful countries of the world one by one, and murmuring to yourself either..."know", "learning", or "don't know, but I'll add it to my list".
Teango on 23 May 2010
....When you start to get headaches from automatically translating things into various languages.
....When you hear a language you don't understand, and automatically plan to find out what it is and learn it promptly.
....When you hear a language you don't understand, begin to follow the process outlined above, and then realize you've simply misheard your native tongue.
Person1235 on 23 May 2010
...when you wish that in real life, people had the languages they speak/study listed next to them like on this forum.
Levi on 24 May 2010
...when you wish that in real life, people had the languages they speak/study listed next to them like on this forum.
That would be amazing!!
ellasevia on 24 May 2010
When you finally decide to organize all the language learning materials you have been accumulating for your two target languages and then realize that, even studying a few hours a day, six to seven days a week, you would have to live to at least 125 to go through all the materials, and that doesn't include your plan to add a third language next year.
psy88 on 25 May 2010
When you finally decide to organize all the language learning materials you have been accumulating for your two target languages and then realize that, even studying a few hours a day, six to seven days a week, you would have to live to at least 125 to go through all the materials, and that doesn't include your plan to add a third language next year.
How many materials do you have!?
ellasevia on 25 May 2010
When you finally decide to organize all the language learning materials you have been accumulating for your two target languages and then realize that, even studying a few hours a day, six to seven days a week, you would have to live to at least 125 to go through all the materials, and that doesn't include your plan to add a third language next year.
How many materials do you have!?
Doesn't matter, you can never have enough...
patuco on 25 May 2010
...You've really been wanting to watch one of your favorite movies (The Sound of Music), and were considering
ordering it off of Amazon, and got really excited to see that the DVD has options for dubbing in Spanish and
French, but decided against buying it--because you wanted to watch it in Portuguese.
Olympia on 26 May 2010
...when you play The Witcher with Polish voice-overs (because you always choose the original, even when not speaking the language at all) and your thoughts during the tutorial are, "Wow, Polish really sounds badass! I really need to learn a Slavic language soon." and "Wait, did he just change the ending vocal of a name? Polish has a vocative case? Cool!"
muflax on 26 May 2010
Wallet? Check. Keys? Check. Pocket sized French-Dutch, Dutch-French dictionary? Check.
-When even when you've promised yourself a French-free day to let everything sink in you still find yourself looking up translations of words you come across on Wiktionary.
-When you've been talking to yourself in a mixture of Dutch,ÂEnglish and French for hours, occasionally explaining bits of grammar and vocabulary to the walls to check that you've fully understood them.
-When you and your best friend have long discussions about the languages you are going to raise your own and the other's children in and have decided on Dutch,ÂEnglish, French, Spanish and far.
ReneeMona on 26 May 2010
When you finally decide to organize all the language learning materials you have been accumulating for your two target languages and then realize that, even studying a few hours a day, six to seven days a week, you would have to live to at least 125 to go through all the materials, and that doesn't include your plan to add a third language next year.
How many materials do you have!?
I could joke and simply say "too many" but in truth I have a lot.And the books, courses, materials are rather long and time consuming if you go at a slow pace,as I like to do, trying to absorb the material.
Also, I found a discount book(and CD) seller that carries a variety of courses and reference material in my two target languages.They add new items and discontinue others. I must admit that I get a little paranoid that they might not have the particular items in the future (when I would be ready to use it) so I gobble them up when I can.
I must also "blame" this site: I hear good things about a program and I want to try it. I don't jump around but I do like to use several resourses at the same time
As an example I am working on Assimil French with Ease, but I also have purchased or received as gifts (and all you fellow language nerds know that these are the gifts we ask for from our friends, family, etc) other materials. These include Berlitz Self-Teacher , Michele Thomas 10 CD Beginners, Cortina Conversation in 20 lessons, Behind the Wheel level 1...well, you get the idea. This does not include all the Spanish books, tapes, CD's,and courses that I have used, am still using, or am planning to use.
So I am exaggerating only a little when I said 125 yr. Maybe only 90 years.
Edit: I guess it also depends on how old one is when first starting.
psy88 on 26 May 2010
...when you are disappointed that nobody you know is familiar with the sentence "I can eat glass, it does not hurt me" or the sentence "Colorless green ideas sleep furiously".
Levi on 26 May 2010
...when you are disappointed that nobody you know is familiar with the
sentence "I can eat glass, it does not hurt me" or the sentence "Colorless green ideas
sleep furiously".
Or how about "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo."?
egill on 26 May 2010
...when you are disappointed that nobody you know is familiar with the
sentence "I can eat glass, it does not hurt me" or the sentence "Colorless green ideas
sleep furiously".
Or how about "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo."?
Strangely, I don't think that example ever came up in any of my classes when I was studying linguistics at the University at Buffalo. I read about it on my own.
Levi on 26 May 2010
"Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana"
karaipyhare on 26 May 2010
either. I need to consult other sources, that was just a quick lookup. But I see that
you are a native speaker, so I trust your knowledge more than my dictionary! Is
"etiqueta" commonly used? This resembles the German and French (if I can trust my
other quick references!) And I'm wondering also how theÂEnglish word "etiquette" for
proper manners is related to these words and why the similar word inÂEnglish is
different. Another thing to look up for this nerd!
Thanks for the correction - I do want to know if I get something wrong. Etymology is a
little off-topic, but certainly nerdy!
EDIT: from Etymology Online:
1750, from Fr. étiquette "prescribed behavior," from O.Fr. estiquette "label, ticket."
The sense development in Fr. is from small cards written or printed with instructions
for how to behave properly at court (cf. It. etichetta, Sp. etiqueta), and/or from
behavior instructions written on a soldier's billet for lodgings (the main sense of the
O.Fr. word)
Interesting! I never realized the words were related. I am an imperfect nerd for
sure, but I try to learn what I can!
Please bear in mind I live in Argentina, and the vocabulary used in Spain is
significantly different. That being said, I did live in Spain for 2 years, and the
following should apply more or less equally in both countries.
I will generally use "rótulo" when I mean a hand-made (though not necessarily
handwritten) tag/label. This image would be a nice example:
As for "etiqueta", I will generally use the word when I mean the price tag of
something, or the little tag on a T-shirt's neck, or the label on a bottle, etc. It may
also be used like theÂEnglish word etiquette (for example, "Vestida con ropa de
----On Topic----
You are a language nerd when... you talk about the etymology of words on different
languages over the internet for no particular reason with people you don't know, and
you actually enjoy it. Even more so, when you choose to type this post during an study
break, because anything language related is so relaxing...
^^ Oops I thought she wanted to know how to say
Tag your it in Spanish.John Smith on 27 May 2010
You are a language nerd when... you talk about the etymology of words on different languages over the internet for no particular reason with people you don't know, and you actually enjoy it. Even more so, when you choose to type this post during an study break, because anything language related is so relaxing...
You're in good company here...and by the way, yes, this is my relaxing study break. ;)
Teango on 27 May 2010
When your native language is tainted by the languages you're studying. It kind of sucks actually.
mick33 on 27 May 2010
"Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana"
I've always personally parsed that second clause as saying all fruit flies through the
air in the same manner that a banana does. That is, bananas are somehow exemplary of
general fruit kinematics.
egill on 27 May 2010
...when you always have to check what language's keyboard layout is activated before you type anything.
Levi on 28 May 2010
"Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana"
I've always personally parsed that second clause as saying all fruit flies through the
air in the same manner that a banana does. That is, bananas are somehow exemplary of
general fruit kinematics.
I agree. "Fruit flies like a banana" isn't a naturalÂEnglish sentence meaning "there are some fruit flies who are fond of a banana". "Fruit flies" without an article typically refers to fruit flies in general, and "a banana" refers to just one banana. It seems kind of odd that fruit flies in general would have a fondness for a single banana.
"Fruit flies like bananas" is a perfectly natural sentence. As is "The fruit flies like this/that banana." "The fruit flies like a banana" is less natural, but I could imagine saying it ("What do the fruit flies prefer for breakfast every morning? The fruit flies like a banana.") But I would never say "Fruit flies like a banana".
Levi on 28 May 2010
...when you always have to check what language's keyboard layout is activated before you type anything.
Hear hear! An additional bonus point if you have spent time with more than one layout per language (where applicable).
When your parents buy you a laptop, and say that it will be a Macbook Pro but for you it's not important which type as long as the keyboard's "American International" with all the possibilities for the languages' symbols.
Wise owl chick on 28 May 2010
...when you always have to
check what language's keyboard layout is activated before you type anything.
Hear hear! An additional bonus point if you have spent time with more than one layout
per language (where applicable).
When your parents buy you a laptop, and say that it will be a Macbook Pro but for you
it's not important which type as long as the keyboard's "American International" with
all the possibilities for the languages' symbols.
So true, I paid 120 USD for my current keyboard (the latin american model was half
Same applies to laptops, I would never buy a Dell at the local store (I get really good
discounts) because they refuse to sell them with the proper keyboard. And then, they
dare tell me "but you can change the layout in windows", as if the keys were in the
same place!!!
Thaorius on 28 May 2010
...when a cluster of curved black sign stanchions reminds you of Perso-Arabic script.
dolly on 28 May 2010
...when you're absolutely giddy over discovering some scraps of Chinese newspapers used as padding for a product from China.
Levi on 29 May 2010
When your native language is tainted by the languages you're studying. It kind of sucks actually.
Well, I generally just get made fun of for saying something that sounds stupid, when in reality, of course, it's just more Swedish-like. It's also, of course, very difficult to convince my friends of this if they're even listening to me at this point.
EDIT: And I rarely use actual Swedish words, I just say things more like I would in Swedish, especially using vocabulary I've recently learned. And my Swedish isn't all that great, either, so I guess I say things as I would in limited and broken Swedish. Yah, it just doesn't come out good.
kottoler.ello on 29 May 2010
...when you go to the Wikipedia of your target language for some reading practice, and then find yourself correcting typos and grammatical errors.
Levi on 01 June 2010
..when this happens to you: if you live outside the US this will not make a lot of sense to you but there is an insurance commercial which uses a talking gecko. He speaks with an accent. One commercial had someone reference it as a British accent and another person offers that he thought it was Australian (which was my guess). The gecko himself is about to clarify where he is from and what is the accent that he has but then-boom-the commercial ends. You know you are a real language nerd from you begin to obsess all week, wondering what is his accent? Is it even a real accent? Perhaps New Zealand? Or a made up composite of several? You are such a language nerd that you post this cry for help here: My fellow language nerds, "what is the gecko's accent?
psy88 on 05 June 2010
..when this happens to you: if you live outside the US this will not
make a lot of sense to you but there is an insurance commercial which uses a talking
gecko. He speaks with an accent. One commercial had someone reference it as a British
accent and another person offers that he thought it was Australian (which was my
guess). The gecko himself is about to clarify where he is from and what is the accent
that he has but then-boom-the commercial ends. You know you are a real language nerd
from you begin to obsess all week, wondering what is his accent? Is it even a real
accent? Perhaps New Zealand? Or a made up composite of several? You are such a language
nerd that you post this cry for help here: My fellow language nerds, "what is the
gecko's accent?
It looks like it has changed throughout the ad campaign and has been voiced by
different people, mostly British. It's apparently supposed to be co*ckney, at least in
the latest incarnations. cko - Wiki
egill on 05 June 2010
..when this happens to you: if you live outside the US this will not
make a lot of sense to you but there is an insurance commercial which uses a talking
gecko. He speaks with an accent. One commercial had someone reference it as a British
accent and another person offers that he thought it was Australian (which was my
guess). The gecko himself is about to clarify where he is from and what is the accent
that he has but then-boom-the commercial ends. You know you are a real language nerd
from you begin to obsess all week, wondering what is his accent? Is it even a real
accent? Perhaps New Zealand? Or a made up composite of several? You are such a language
nerd that you post this cry for help here: My fellow language nerds, "what is the
gecko's accent?
It looks like it has changed throughout the ad campaign and has been voiced by
different people, mostly British. It's apparently supposed to be co*ckney, at least in
the latest incarnations. cko - Wiki
Thanks. I suspected that the voice has changed over the years. Still,the cliffhanger ending to the commercial has intrigued me and piqued my curiosity...pathetic, isn't it? That I should care about the gecko's accent. But perhaps that is what the commercial was designed to do.
psy88 on 06 June 2010
Levi on 07 June 2010
random Swedish books that decorate the bookshelves (they aren't just props!). I was
literally pulled away from them.
Regarding Eyjafjallajökull, I was actually asked how to pronounce the name of that
glacier by some people who knew I've been learning Icelandic. I was shocked that my
Icelandic learning actually came in handy in the real world. o_o
egill on 08 June 2010
I was also asked about how to pronounce Eyjafjallajökull, even though I'm not studying Icelandic... It's a good thing I've dabbled in Icelandic before and knew how to sound it out!
ellasevia on 08 June 2010
I was shocked that my
Icelandic learning actually came in handy in the real word. o_o
I do hope that that is an intentional pun?
elysandler on 08 June 2010
throughout the film and immediately go to Amazon to see if it's available as a Region 1 DVD (it is :-D).
Edit: Or you don't even care what region the DVD is because you asked for a codeless DVD player for your birthday
to watch all of your foreign films.
Olympia on 08 June 2010
I was shocked that my
Icelandic learning actually came in handy in the real word. o_o
I do hope that that is an intentional pun?
Nope, just careless spelling.
egill on 08 June 2010
...when you go to IKEA ostensibly to look at furniture and become engrossed in all the random Swedish books that decorate the bookshelves...
...and your wife at first reminds you that it's stealing, then she threatens to leave the shop with the kids and disown you, all because you absolutely insist that the books are free and you'll just borrow a few since they could be useful in the future when you decide to learn Swedish.
patuco on 08 June 2010
â¦when you go to IKEA ostensibly to look at furniture and become engrossed in all the
random Swedish books that decorate the bookshelves (they aren't just props!). I was
literally pulled away from them.
This happens to me everytime I go there :D
Patriciaa on 09 June 2010
...when you're willing to re-install your operating system and all your software just so your computer will be in your target language.
Levi on 09 June 2010
When you hope that the people who installed your mother's cable TV never discover that they accidentally put Russian subtitles on TV5 (a French channel) instead of Danish ones.
Iversen on 09 June 2010
When your entire theatre class is relieved when you walk in late because no one wanted to struggle to pronounce the Japanese parts of the play the class was reading that period.
Rina on 11 June 2010
When you hope that the people who installed your mother's cable TV never discover that they
accidentally put Russian subtitles on TV5 (a French channel) instead of Danish ones.
Haha... I would LOVE that.
Another one: The cable company keeps taking channels off of your basic cable package, and you secretly like it
because it means that eventually your parents will give in and get digital cable...thereby giving you access to
channels in foreign languages.
And I'm particularly devastated because one of the first channels to go was Univsion--our only Spanish-language
Olympia on 11 June 2010
Another one: The cable company keeps taking channels off of your basic cable package, and you secretly like it
because it means that eventually your parents will give in and get digital cable...thereby giving you access to
channels in foreign languages.
Our digital cable only gives a bunch of Spanish channels and you have to pay ten billion dollars an month to watch any other foreign languages
GREGORG4000 on 12 June 2010
Sometimes I just go watch that channel just to be entertained by listening to the sounds of the language and trying to figure out what they are talking about. My grandmother always would get up at 5 in the morning to watch the Greek program.
EDIT: Out of curiosity I just turned on that channel to see what was on now and it was just the end of the Lithuanian program and then it switched to Hungarian.
ellasevia on 12 June 2010
one channel that rotates about every hour for a bunch of other languages. It actually has a really good selection: Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Romanian, German, Dutch, Flemish, Icelandic, Greek, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Slovenian, Bulgarian, Albanian, Armenian, Ossetian, Georgian, Hungarian, Arabic, Mandarin...
I've never seen anything like it. It would be a dream come true. What is it called? What kind of programs does it feature?
Juаn on 12 June 2010
one channel that rotates about every hour for a bunch of other languages. It actually has a really good selection: Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Romanian, German, Dutch, Flemish, Icelandic, Greek, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Slovenian, Bulgarian, Albanian, Armenian, Ossetian, Georgian, Hungarian, Arabic, Mandarin...
I've never seen anything like it. It would be a dream come true. What is it called? What kind of programs does it feature?
The station is called - SCOLA . For most of the languages it is just the news broadcast from the country, but for some of them there are also game shows, children's shows, educational documentaries, and other entertainment programs. I just now noticed that (I think) you can also watch the programs live on the website which I linked to.ellasevia on 12 June 2010
one channel that rotates about every hour for a bunch of other languages. It actually has a really good selection: Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Romanian, German, Dutch, Flemish, Icelandic, Greek, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Slovenian, Bulgarian, Albanian, Armenian, Ossetian, Georgian, Hungarian, Arabic, Mandarin...
I've never seen anything like it. It would be a dream come true. What is it called? What kind of programs does it feature?
The station is called - SCOLA . For most of the languages it is just the news broadcast from the country, but for some of them there are also game shows, children's shows, educational documentaries, and other entertainment programs. I just now noticed that (I think) you can also watch the programs live on the website which I linked to.That is a dream come true!
You know you're not a language nerd if you don't bookmark that link ASAP!
Levi on 12 June 2010
And you can be sure you're a language nerd if you go instinctively to bookmark it and find that it's already bookmarked (in your ever-growing long list of language bookmarks)...TWICE! :)
Teango on 12 June 2010
And you can be sure you're a language nerd if you go instinctively to bookmark it and find that it's already bookmarked (in your ever-growing long list of language bookmarks)...TWICE! :)
And you know you will probably end up going to bookmark it again in the future.
psy88 on 13 June 2010
...when you notice word-for-word translations from your native language into your target language just sound weird to you, so you celebrate.
Levi on 13 June 2010
When you're on the phone with your Czech friend speaking Czech, while reading in Russian, and typing a German
ruskivyetr on 13 June 2010
When you watch the World Cup in various languages, all depending on match and channel, and find yourself shouting out "goal!" and expletives in each particular language of commentary... :) [edit]
Teango on 13 June 2010
When you watch the Word Cup in various languages, all depending on match and channel, and find yourself shouting out "goal!" and expletives in each particular language of commentary... :)
What a pity then that I only have the possiblity to watch such matches in German!
Fasulye on 13 June 2010
When you watch the Word Cup in various languages
The Word Cup!
That might be a good competition to have here!
meramarina on 13 June 2010
When you had to go to an oral surgeon yesterday to have an infected tooth and an impacted wisdom tooth removed. You already know how to express your symptoms in you target language, so you know you are really a language nerd when you start to wonder,reflecting on your own discomfort,how is pain expressed in other languages? We might say "ouch" or "ow" inEnglish but what would others say in their language? Only a language nerd would care to know.
psy88 on 14 June 2010
...when your main problem in Scrabble is seeing lots of high-scoring words you can't play because they're not inEnglish.
Levi on 14 June 2010
...when you watch a Swedish movie with French subtitles after you've read the book inEnglish.
dolly on 14 June 2010
When you had to go to an oral surgeon yesterday to have an infected tooth and an impacted wisdom tooth removed. You already know how to express your symptoms in you target language, so you know you are really a language nerd when you start to wonder,reflecting on your own discomfort,how is pain expressed in other languages? We might say "ouch" or "ow" inÂEnglish but what would others say in their language? Only a language nerd would care to know.
In French you shout "aïe!" and in Mandarin you shout "åå! (ÄiyÅ!)"
Levi on 14 June 2010
...when your main problem in Scrabble is seeing lots of high-scoring words you can't play because they're not inÂEnglish.
With my father I always play multilingual Scrabble (with a pile of dictionaries on the table to control any word in case of doubt) And why?
- Because I'm a language nerd!!!
Fasulye on 14 June 2010
In French you shout "aïe!" and in Mandarin you shout "åå! (ÄiyÅ!)"
And in Japanese you shout "çãï¼" (itai!)
Kazen on 14 June 2010
When you watch the Word Cup in various languages
The Word Cup!
That might be a good competition to have here!
And when you automatically start to wonder what the word "cup" would be in several languages...
Now my journey towards the dark side of language nerdery is complete!
Teango on 14 June 2010
When you buy a computer-magazine and once at home you, living in Belgium, realize "Ah it's inEnglish."
staf250 on 14 June 2010
When you own:
85 textbooks to learn Japanese, 15 novels and magazines in Japanese
48 textbooks to learn Arabic with stacks of newspapers and videos in Arabic
54 textbooks to learn Russian with stacks of DVDs in Russian
59 textbooks to learn Chinese with 100s of magazines in Chinese and 100s of DVDs
31 textbooks to learn Latin
plus over 800 more books and textbooks for Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Navajo, Esperanto, Yiddish, Hindi, Greek and probably many more.
translator2 on 14 June 2010
When you own:
85 textbooks to learn Japanese, 15 novels and magazines in Japanese
48 textbooks to learn Arabic with stacks of newspapers and videos in Arabic
54 textbooks to learn Russian with stacks of DVDs in Russian
59 textbooks to learn Chinese with 100s of magazines in Chinese and 100s of DVDs
31 textbooks to learn Latin
plus over 800 more books and textbooks for Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Navajo, Esperanto, Yiddish, Hindi, Greek and probably many more.
...not to mention the terabytes of other language-related stuff in all your hard drives, both internal and external.
patuco on 15 June 2010
When you own:
85 textbooks to learn Japanese, 15 novels and magazines in Japanese
48 textbooks to learn Arabic with stacks of newspapers and videos in Arabic
54 textbooks to learn Russian with stacks of DVDs in Russian
59 textbooks to learn Chinese with 100s of magazines in Chinese and 100s of DVDs
31 textbooks to learn Latin
plus over 800 more books and textbooks for Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Navajo, Esperanto, Yiddish, Hindi, Greek and probably many more.
Suddenly I feel that my three shelves of books (plus stuff on the computer) have been dwarfed and is almost nothing in comparison...
Do you seriously have these many books?! Where do you find the space to keep them all?
ellasevia on 15 June 2010
When you own:
85 textbooks to learn Japanese, 15 novels and magazines in Japanese
48 textbooks to learn Arabic with stacks of newspapers and videos in Arabic
54 textbooks to learn Russian with stacks of DVDs in Russian
59 textbooks to learn Chinese with 100s of magazines in Chinese and 100s of DVDs
31 textbooks to learn Latin
plus over 800 more books and textbooks for Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Navajo, Esperanto, Yiddish, Hindi, Greek and probably many more.
Suddenly I feel that my three shelves of books (plus stuff on the computer) have been dwarfed and is almost nothing in comparison...
Do you seriously have these many books?! Where do you find the space to keep them all?
A true language nerd would make the space for them :)
patuco on 15 June 2010
When you own:
85 textbooks to learn Japanese, 15 novels and magazines in Japanese
48 textbooks to learn Arabic with stacks of newspapers and videos in Arabic
54 textbooks to learn Russian with stacks of DVDs in Russian
59 textbooks to learn Chinese with 100s of magazines in Chinese and 100s of DVDs
31 textbooks to learn Latin
plus over 800 more books and textbooks for Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Navajo, Esperanto, Yiddish, Hindi, Greek and probably many more.
The only thing I can think of is did you read them yet?
genini1 on 15 June 2010
The only thing I can think of is did you read them yet?
I have a special room in my home just for my books and media.
No, I have not read all of them yet. I keep telling myself that I want to perfect my other languages first before moving on, but that never happens because there is always more to learn and never enough time.
translator2 on 15 June 2010
When you own:
85 textbooks to learn Japanese, 15 novels and magazines in Japanese
48 textbooks to learn Arabic with stacks of newspapers and videos in Arabic
54 textbooks to learn Russian with stacks of DVDs in Russian
59 textbooks to learn Chinese with 100s of magazines in Chinese and 100s of DVDs
31 textbooks to learn Latin
plus over 800 more books and textbooks for Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Navajo, Esperanto, Yiddish, Hindi, Greek and probably many more.
I would think that after the first 10 or 20 books, you'd have learned the language already!!
Kerrie on 15 June 2010
...when your language book collection is not that extensive, but the spines of your books have to be taped together to keep them from falling apart.
Levi on 15 June 2010
Fasulye on 15 June 2010
When you actually dream that you are doing Assimil French. Even if you're not currently
studying French. (Last night!)
Tally on 15 June 2010
You create comparative phonetic charts, using IPA, for the languages you speak/are learning/plan to learn in the future. (At 2 in the morning when you can't sleep.)
Kary on 18 June 2010
You have a blog about languages and language textbooks.
translator2 on 18 June 2010
You're counting the days till your copy of Assimil's "L'Ãgyptien hiéroglyphique" arrives in the post.
Teango on 18 June 2010
Fasulye on 18 June 2010
When you just had to sign up and comment on a music site that did a piece on a Cuban singer because they listed
one of her songs as "Veinte Anos". You teach them the importance of the diacritical tilde and that "Viente Anos"
means twenty anuses and that "Veinte Años" means twenty years.
MegatronFilm on 18 June 2010
When you just had to sign up and comment on a music site that did a piece on a Cuban
singer because they listed
one of her songs as "Viente Anos". You teach them the importance of the diacritical tilde and that "Viente Anos"
means twenty anuses and that "Viente Años" means twenty years.
It's actually "Veinte años." But I've done that as well.
Olympia on 18 June 2010
When you consider what level of language nerdery you've reached so far on the CEF scale, placing yourself somewhere in the range from A1 (mildly single-minded and talkative about learning languages) to C2 (dangerously obsessed and prone to delirium tremens after 24 hours away from studies or the forum).
Teango on 18 June 2010
When you consider what level of language nerdery you've reached so far on the CEF scale, placing yourself somewhere in the range from A1 (mildly single-minded and talkative about learning languages) to C2 (dangerously obsessed and prone to delirium tremens after 24 hours away from studies or the forum).
I'd say I'm probably B2 or C1 on that!
ellasevia on 18 June 2010
When you consider what level of language nerdery you've reached so far on the CEF scale, placing yourself somewhere in the range from A1 (mildly single-minded and talkative about learning languages) to C2 (dangerously obsessed and prone to delirium tremens after 24 hours away from studies or the forum).
I'd say I'm probably B2 or C1 on that!
My girlfriend caught a glimpse of what I was typing just now and told me that I've achieved at least basic fluency on this scale. I took this as a complement. :)
Teango on 18 June 2010
...when you watch a World Cup game in Portuguese rather thanEnglish, even though you barely understand the language, because the Brazilian broadcasters put so much more emotion and enthusiasm into their commentary.
Levi on 18 June 2010
When you just had to sign up and comment on a music site that did a
piece on a Cuban
singer because they listed
one of her songs as "Viente Anos". You teach them the importance of the diacritical tilde and that "Viente Anos"
means twenty anuses and that "Viente Años" means twenty years.
It's actually "Veinte años." But I've done that as well.
Ah, yes. It is fixed, haha.
MegatronFilm on 19 June 2010
When three levels of being a language nerd occur to you after having had oral surgery that has gone amiss and you are in excruciating pain and you take your medication before sleeping. (This has happened before, when in pain or sick I seem to have more language dreams than when I am not in pain/sick). Anyway, level "big" nerd:This morning you wake up after dreaming.In your dream you are trying somewhat successfully to communicate to a group of native speakers in your second target language. You keep repeating lines from Assimil French and even though you are understood and you understand them, you can't seem to progress beyond a certain point (as in real life, you realize, as you type this). Then, in the dream you take a chance and ask in your second target language if they speak your first target language. Lo and behold they do. You continue with them in that language and everyone is happy and the dream ends with everyone dancing merrily.
Level "bigger" nerd: you hope you don't forget the dream because you can't wait to post it here.
Level "biggest" nerd: So, being in terrible , unrelenting pain, you call your oral surgeon's office.They tell you to come in right away. But, today you have an appointment scheduled with the tutor of your first target language. Do you cancel in order to see the oral surgeon or do you keep the tutoring session? My fellow nerds, you know the answer. I am seeing the oral surgeon tomorrow afternoon.
psy88 on 19 June 2010
Exhibit 1: I see this extremely alarming product in the grocery store:
Now, you sure donât need to be studying German to be frightened by this, but if you know that (der) Jammer means misery, shame and lamentation in that language, itâs easy to image a little âdesâ in front of the word and interpret this as the âKool-Aid of Sorrowâ or the Fruit Juice of Suffering, or something equally scary. Maybe it is. I never liked that freaky grinning pitcher . . . .
Exhibit 2: I see a sign in another store and I just donât understand it: âTake a Vaca!â Vaca is not anÂEnglish word; itâs a dumb abbreviation of the word âvacationâ and I hope this usage never becomes too popular â but, since âvacaâ means âcowâ in Spanish, for a brief, stupid moment I think, well, how times have changed, people used to say âDonât Have a Cow!â and now they tell you to âTake a Cow!â
Language Nerdery is also obvious when you are so easily deceived by seeing the word âlanguageâ on a book cover, you assume that this book is it, it's the one, this is the book for you, itâs the book you were always meant to be with . . . . can it be true? Read on:
Exhibit 3: Yes, another store. The bookstore this time. A display of some current bestsellers shows a book with a very interesting title: âThe Five Love Languages.â But, no, no, it is not so . . . soon I realize that the book isnât about people who love languages--at least five languages, too!. No. Itâs about people who love people. I am overcome with hate.
meramarina on 19 June 2010
....When you hear a language you don't understand, begin to follow the process outlined above, and then realize you've simply misheard your native tongue.
...When you come back to this forum and this is the first thread you visit...
Edit: I might have posted this earlier but...
when you get a retainer after getting your braces off (FINALLY!!!) and the first thing you worry about is that you won't be able to make the trilled r in Spanish...
After a little practice, I could sort of do it with the retainer in :)
johntm93 on 19 June 2010
Kool-Aid Jammers...joyfully perpetrated grievous bodily harm to blue're right Meramarina, there's definitely something wrong in this picture. But hey, wait a's alright, no need to's got vitamin C and electrolytes. ;)
Teango on 19 June 2010
When instead of relying in a timer to know when to flip over while tanning, you rely on how many lessons of your target language you've done.
Rina on 19 June 2010
When instead of relying in a timer to know when to flip over while tanning, you rely on how many lessons of your target language you've done.
While I'm not the tanning type, if I were, with how long it takes me to get through some lessons, I would come out looking like a lobster.
josht on 19 June 2010
When you are so impatient to want to speak it like I am with German ;_;
zekecoma on 19 June 2010
josht on 19 June 2010
... when at a bookstore (next to the huge ostentatious eyesore that the Rosetta Stone
display is) you find, nestled snugly between an enormous French dictionary and the shelf
wall, a hefty looking Estonian book and then spend the next 20 minutes convincing
yourself not to buy it "just in case".
egill on 20 June 2010
When you are so impatient to want to speak it like I am with German ;_;
johntm93 on 20 June 2010
When your friend asks you to meet up with her in London, and although you want to see her, all you can think about is all that potential study time you are missing - until you remember that the newsagents at the train station in London sells newspapers and magazines in foreign languages! (In my town this sort of material is like gold dust). You then proceed to spend the day walking around London with a bag that weighs about the same as a small country.
Doogle on 20 June 2010
When you point out to your friends: Listen, they are speaking Russian! And they are
speaking Japanese! Listen to them, they are speaking Polish!
And your friends just blink at you.
Tally on 20 June 2010
When you take great delight in finding out that there are actually several episodes of The Moomins (aka Mumijevi) in Bosnian floating around on Youtube, thereby combining a fond childhood memory with your target language.
Danac on 20 June 2010
When you take great delight in finding out that there are actually several
episodes of The Moomins (aka Mumijevi) in Bosnian floating around on Youtube, thereby
combining a fond childhood memory with your target language.
Aww that's my childhood show!
Tally on 20 June 2010
I spent Saturday afternoon reading the first few paragraphs of the Kalevala, rather than riding my bike on the first sunny day in a week and a half.
mick33 on 22 June 2010
when your friend casually mentions a language programme, and you spend 20 minutes giving them a detailed description of its pros and cons
FuroraCeltica on 29 June 2010
Hah, more like that's the Persian word for "language" and it didn't bother translating "nerd" at
When, after having a Persian phase (again...), you read the post that ^this^ is a response to (which just happens to be YOUR post) and facepalm yourself for not realizing what 'zaban' meant in the first place.
When you think that a 'Persian phase' is a perfectly normal thing to have.
When you think that having multiple Persian phases is also perfectly normal.
When, in the midst of said Persian phase, you watch 'No One Knows About Persian Cats' just so that you can present to your mom a reason why you want to learn Persian so she'll buy you that Teach Yourself Modern Persian book you've been eyeing up for the past three years.
When you take the language books you're currently using on a camping trip.
You take along your Czech book too, just in case you get bored with Spanish and you're miles away from your language pile.
When you experiance withdrawl symptoms when you've been away from your language books for too long.
When 'too long' is a sleepover at your friend's house.
When you seperate your langage courses based on 'the books you're currently using' and your 'language pile'.
When you have language piles. (I know, this has been posted already)
When you use Russian grammar forÂEnglish (the sentance 'I know, this has been posted already' shouldn't have a comma in it...).
When you write Kanji into your Japanese course because it doesn't have any.
When you buy Breaking Into Japanese Literature when you're on lesson 3 of you 40 lesson course book.
When you buy a Japanese novel before you bought your coursebook because you're 'thinking ahead'.
Language Nerd in Persian is "Khoreye Zaban" or "Divaneye Zaban". Zaban itself means language or literally "tongue". it shares the same root with "Lingua" and from that we get the German word "Zung" and theEnglish word "Tongue". The word "language" is from of the same root but is not a Germanic word.
renegade5005 on 29 June 2010
The other day when my alarm clock rang in the morning, much, much too early in the morning, I sort of half-understood that it was time to get up and go to work, but I wasn't fully awake yet and thought: "hey . . . this is really strange . . . the alarm clock is ringing in Dutch today, but I don't study Dutch; therefore, because I can't really understand what it's saying, I do not have to get up today."
I was quite disappointed when I realized that alarm clocks don't ring in particular languages, but I was a little impressed by my semi-conscious mind's ability to deny reality.
Yes, it really happened - I don't know what I'd have done if the clock went off in my target languages, though.
meramarina on 29 June 2010
When you speak to your French professor (who also knows Spanish, Italian and Arabic) in all the languages he knows while he's tutoring you latin and all the other language professors at the office stare at you.
renegade5005 on 29 June 2010
When you have 8GB of language files stored on your hard drive!
Only 8GB?!?! My pimsleur files alone are 13GB all together. about 15GB rosetta Stone And I have about 6GB of books and at least 100GB of movies in foreign languages.
renegade5005 on 29 June 2010
When you go to a bookstore and you see the Romance section and think that it would be about Romance languages. Happened to me just yesterday.
wow loooool It took me about three minutes to get this post! At first i was like "what do you mean? Of course, it's the ROMANCE section. it has to be about romance languages." lool
Another funny thing which happened to me was when i was at the barnes and noble library and my friend came up to me and told me he had found something in the science fiction section and that I had to control myself and not lose it and go crazy. after preparing me for about ten minutes he took to me to a section which was VERY oddly in the science fiction section instead of being in the history or philosophy section. And there it was!!! The LOEB Classical library!!! All classical books in Latin and Ancient Greek! I was seriously about to Pass out.
renegade5005 on 30 June 2010
When you have 8GB of language files stored on your hard drive!
Only 8GB?!?! My pimsleur files alone are 13GB all together. about 15GB rosetta Stone And I have about 6GB of books and at least 100GB of movies in foreign languages.
I hope you meant 8TB otherwise it's very poor language nerdery :)
P.S. I had to burn my foreign language films onto DVDs since I didn't have enough memory. Now I'm running out of physical space to store them since each CD/DVD holder only holds a pathetic 220 DVDs each!
patuco on 30 June 2010
The other day when my alarm clock rang in the morning, much, much too early in the morning, I sort of half-understood that it was time to get up and go to work, but I wasn't fully awake yet and thought: "hey . . . this is really strange . . . the alarm clock is ringing in Dutch today, but I don't study Dutch; therefore, because I can't really understand what it's saying, I do not have to get up today."
I was quite disappointed when I realized that alarm clocks don't ring in particular languages, but I was a little impressed by my semi-conscious mind's ability to deny reality.
Yes, it really happened - I don't know what I'd have done if the clock went off in my target languages, though.
The closest thing I can think of is doing what I do, I wake up to Spanish music, which gets stuck in my head, so I kind of have Spanish in my head first thing in the morning.
Also, my language learning folder (named "Language Learning Stuff") is 56GB, and growing. There's some other random stuff that isn't in there yet, but it's not even 1GB of stuff.
johntm93 on 30 June 2010
When you were young you invented a language. It actually sounded pretty cool.
Tally on 30 June 2010
When you miss a day of studying and you wake up in the middle of the night thinking you
should go make up that hour before going back to sleep.
budonoseito on 30 June 2010
After a frustrating and unsuccessful errand, you pop into a book store, conveniently located nearby, to cheer yourself up by browsing the languages section. You pick up a tempting but completely unnecessary grammar book, examine, put down, walk away, go back, pick up...repeat four times until you finally either give in and buy it or tear yourself away.
While in that bookstore, you check out the Pimsleur Ojibwe package. You have no plans to ever study Ojibwe, but...
Kary on 30 June 2010
I've got a introductory course in Ojibwe on my bookshelf too. :) I have absolutely no intention of ever reading it, but it's like Kary said, you never know...
Teango on 30 June 2010
When, first, your bookcase could no longer hold all your language books,courses, and CD's .And,so you then started piling your language stuff on the floor, and ,now, you are embarrassed to ever let anyone see how you now have your stuff on the floor in several piles in different rooms. And, no, the target languages are not separated into different piles or different rooms. And, no they are not alphabetical, but rather are stored like an archaeological dig with the oldest stuff buried on the bottom and more recent stuff towards the top.
psy88 on 01 July 2010
When, first, your bookcase could no longer hold all your language books,courses, and CD's .And,so you then started piling your language stuff on the floor, and ,now, you are embarrassed to ever let anyone see how you now have your stuff on the floor in several piles in different rooms. And, no, the target languages are not separated into different piles or different rooms. And, no they are not alphabetical, but rather are stored like an archaeological dig with the oldest stuff buried on the bottom and more recent stuff towards the top.
johntm93 on 01 July 2010
When, first, your bookcase could no longer hold all your language books,courses, and CD's .And,so you then started piling your language stuff on the floor, and ,now, you are embarrassed to ever let anyone see how you now have your stuff on the floor in several piles in different rooms. And, no, the target languages are not separated into different piles or different rooms. And, no they are not alphabetical, but rather are stored like an archaeological dig with the oldest stuff buried on the bottom and more recent stuff towards the top.
Well, I temporarily solved that problem with a trip to IKEA a few weeks ago. After adding five new bookcases, each with six shelves, I now have my books (and most of my husband's) neatly organized. Our living room looks like a library and we have bookshelves in two other rooms.
Kary on 01 July 2010
When, first, your bookcase could no longer hold all your language books,courses, and CD's .And,so you then started piling your language stuff on the floor, and ,now, you are embarrassed to ever let anyone see how you now have your stuff on the floor in several piles in different rooms. And, no, the target languages are not separated into different piles or different rooms. And, no they are not alphabetical, but rather are stored like an archaeological dig with the oldest stuff buried on the bottom and more recent stuff towards the top.
Well, I temporarily solved that problem with a trip to IKEA a few weeks ago. After adding five new bookcases, each with six shelves, I now have my books (and most of my husband's) neatly organized. Our living room looks like a library and we have bookshelves in two other rooms.
johntm93 on 01 July 2010
...Haha maybe I'll get rich and have a huge library. Since I'm only 16, I don't buy too much stuff like crazy, but I've downloaded stuff for languages I don't even plan on learning (I don't know why I have a Cantonese course and a learning Indonesian podcast, among other things.)
Trust me, age 16 is great. You know you are a language geek when you kick yourself occasionally for not starting this madness much earlier in life.
johntm93 on 01 July 2010
...Haha maybe I'll get rich and have a huge library. Since I'm only 16, I don't buy too much stuff like crazy, but I've downloaded stuff for languages I don't even plan on learning (I don't know why I have a Cantonese course and a learning Indonesian podcast, among other things.)
Trust me, age 16 is great. You know you are a language geek when you kick yourself occasionally for not starting this madness much earlier in life.
Now that I think of it I also started about when I was 13 (I'm almost 16 now), and even I'm wishing I had started earlier, even with having the advantage of already speaking Spanish from my bilingual elementary school and Greek from my family!
EDIT: Oops. I just remembered that my first attempt at self-studying a language was Mandarin when I was 12. :)
ellasevia on 01 July 2010
...Haha maybe I'll get rich and have a huge library. Since I'm only 16, I don't buy too much stuff like crazy, but I've downloaded stuff for languages I don't even plan on learning (I don't know why I have a Cantonese course and a learning Indonesian podcast, among other things.)
Trust me, age 16 is great. You know you are a language geek when you kick yourself occasionally for not starting this madness much earlier in life.
Now that I think of it I also started about when I was 13 (I'm almost 16 now), and even I'm wishing I had started earlier, even with having the advantage of already speaking Spanish from my bilingual elementary school and Greek from my family!
EDIT: Oops. I just remembered that my first attempt at self-studying a language was Mandarin when I was 12. :)
johntm93 on 01 July 2010
... the copy of Teach Yourself Danish arrives, and you can't help but sit down right away and read the preface and general introduction, even though you bought it just in case you might someday want to learn Danish.
josht on 01 July 2010
...the copy of Teach Yourself Danish arrives, and you can't help but sit down right away and read the preface and general introduction...
Join the gang...I guess it's the equivalent of reading through the card that tells you all the fillings in a box of chocolates (and perhaps even nibbling on a nougat swirl or two before putting them guiltily back in the box)...but it's just oh so mouth-wateringly tempting! :P
Teango on 01 July 2010
... you pack your Assimil French course and a dictionary into your bag to work on later in the day, only to find that you accidentally packed the wrong dictionary, as you have Langenscheidt Pocket dictionaries for practically all of your languages.
josht on 02 July 2010
When you are introduced to a woman named "Corey" and you chuckle because it makes you think of the similar sounding word in your target language "corre", which is the imperative of "correr" meaning "run!"
psy88 on 04 July 2010
When you are introduced to a woman named "Corey" and you chuckle because it makes you think of the similar sounding word in your target language "corre", which is the imperative of "correr" meaning "run!"
johntm93 on 04 July 2010
When you are introduced to a woman named "Corey" and
you chuckle because it makes you think of the similar sounding word in your target
language "corre", which is the imperative of "correr" meaning "run!"
get to think of this whenever I meet people named Corey.
Haha same here
Tally on 04 July 2010
...when you chuckle every time you meet a woman with the name "Andrea", because you know it has its etymological roots in a Greek word meaning "manly".
Levi on 04 July 2010
...when you chuckle every time you meet a woman with the name "Andrea",
because you know it has its etymological roots in a Greek word meaning "manly".
No way! :D
Tally on 04 July 2010
Fasulye on 04 July 2010
When you buy a travel to Malaysia and get tempted to have a peek into a Bahasa Malysian language guide to learn a few words and a few set phrases, and then you fall headlong for the silly temptation to try to learn the whole language in a month. Well, I may still come to my senses, and I do NOT believe that Bahasa is as simple as it looks (there must be a catch somewhere!), but it just looks so uncannily possible... even simpler than Esperanto, except that the words don't look as European.
Iversen on 04 July 2010
... you pack your Assimil French course and a dictionary into your bag to work on later in the day, only to find that you accidentally packed the wrong dictionary, as you have Langenscheidt Pocket dictionaries for practically all of your languages.
When you don't care because you just study the language of the dictionary instead of French ...
Iversen on 04 July 2010
When, instead of opening the packet of chocolate, you're looking first the text on the fold, in Arabic ...
staf250 on 04 July 2010
When you're watching The Hurt Locker in French and you realise that the voice-actor dubbing the badass in the movie is the same guy who dubbed Hurley, a clownish character in LOST. This is like Bruce Willis having the voice of Woody Allen.
dolly on 04 July 2010
When, instead of opening the packet of chocolate, you're looking first the text on the fold, in Arabic ...
Not just for Arabic though, but for all the available languages. This should also be done whilst simultaneously trying to figure out the languages you don't know and deciding that you really should make an effort to learn at least one of them since you might be on holiday in Turkmentistan and it would be really useful when reading the ingredients on boxes of shaving foam.
patuco on 05 July 2010
...Haha maybe I'll get rich and have a huge library. Since I'm only 16, I don't buy too much stuff like crazy, but I've downloaded stuff for languages I don't even plan on learning (I don't know why I have a Cantonese course and a learning Indonesian podcast, among other things.)
Trust me, age 16 is great. You know you are a language geek when you kick yourself occasionally for not starting this madness much earlier in life.
16? Ha! I'm 13! I started being SERIOUS about languages last year...
You know you're a language nerd when you see 'MIA' in the newspaper and automatically think 'Middle Indo-Aryan.'
When you see Arabic copies of Al-Ahram and other Arabic newspapers in the bookstore for the first time, but you don't buy them because you're still in shock over it. (Foreign langage reading materials are scarce around here, Arabic especially for some reason. I mean, the library even has Urdu and Vietnamese books, but ARABIC!? Of course not...)
mashmusic11235 on 08 July 2010
When you're in Frankfurt and you stop someone to ask for directions in German. Then they politely reply in brokenEnglish that they don't speak any German because they're Russian. Only to beam back with a gigantic smile and say "zdorovo!" for being given the chance to use the little bit of Russian you know... :D
Teango on 08 July 2010
When you've never had any specific interest in Mandarin and yet the exposure to a language learning community starts gnawing at you to learn a language you have absolutely no need for.
numerodix on 08 July 2010
When you go for a haircut to an Italian hairdresser's in Germany, and somehow convince them to speak in Italian whilst you reply in German, despite knowing little or no Italian. And all simply to test your comprehension of similar word roots in Spanish you learnt recently...
Teango on 08 July 2010
When you've never had any specific interest in Mandarin and yet the exposure to a language learning community starts gnawing at you to learn a language you have absolutely no need for.
... when you realize, after reading something like this, that the language learning community long ago compelled you to learn any number of languages you have absolutely no need for.
josht on 08 July 2010
Fasulye on 08 July 2010
Bundesland you come from automatically makes your day.
Also, when people are confused and must ask about your
nationality because one minute you speak German to your friend,
and Russian to the Russian cashier in the next.
ruskivyetr on 08 July 2010
Also, when people are confused and must ask about your
nationality because one minute you speak German to your friend,
and Russian to the Russian cashier in the next.
When you can switch directly between both foreign languages, then you are really good!
Fasulye on 08 July 2010
When you automatically log into this site when you switch the computer on, while the rest of the world stares zombie-like at status updates on Facebook
gogglehead on 09 July 2010
- When in your dream you were really pleased about this because even though Portuguese is not one of your target languages, you thought it might be fun to learn the basics so you saved it even though your fellow criminals got angry with you because you were refusing to destroy evidence.
ReneeMona on 09 July 2010
When you wake up at 5am and study Mandarin for two hours before breakfast and then somehow end up on this site for an hour (so far) ;)
When you have a growing list of languages you are infatuated with (Gothic, Romanian, etc...)
ibraheem on 09 July 2010
When you waste your time on something and then feel guilty because you could have studied
Tally on 09 July 2010
When you study one language (not two, one thousand or one billion - imagine how many keyboards one would need to write in them) and read on a regular basis.
zohan on 09 July 2010
...when you can identify non-words in your target language, rather than assuming they're words you don't know.
Levi on 09 July 2010
When you automatically log into this site when you switch the computer on, while the rest of the world stares zombie-like at status updates on Facebook
Hey, Facebook can be a great place to practice languages!
Levi on 09 July 2010
... when you're asleep and talk in German in your dreams.
... when you plan to watch 800 hours of - Dutch TV .... when you pick up a map of the world and colour the countries where the languages you want to learn are spoken.
Guido on 09 July 2010
...when you can identify non-words in your target language, rather than assuming they're words you don't know.
I was ecstatic the first time I looked at a Korean phrase and realized that I *knew* something was misspelled. A few months earlier I would have simply assumed that it was a word or grammar construction that I didn't know, but since I've seen that particular grammar form so many times now the context made it obvious to me what was supposed to be there.
Warp3 on 09 July 2010
When you automatically log into this site when you switch the computer on, while the rest of the world stares zombie-like at status updates on Facebook
Hey, Facebook can be a great place to practice languages!
True, there are a good few language groups on there I believe
gogglehead on 09 July 2010
One of my brothers speaks French and I have told him, "If you don't teach my nephew French, I will teach him Spanish instead." I'm very disappointed that my brother neither takes this threat seriously nor has he started teaching his son French.
I was also thrilled when I received the following email from
As someone who has purchased or rated Colloquial Afrikaans Pack: The Complete Course for Beginners (Colloquial Series) by Bruce Donaldson, you might like to know that Dictionary of the Hausa Language 2 Volume Paperback Set (Cambridge Library Collection - Linguistics) will be released on July 15, 2010. You can pre-order yours by following the link below.
Dictionary of the Hausa Language 2 Volume Paperback Set (Cambridge Library Collection - Linguistics)
Charles Henry Robinson".
mick33 on 09 July 2010
When you automatically log into this site when you switch the computer on, while the rest of the world stares zombie-like at status updates on Facebook
Hey, Facebook can be a great place to practice languages!
True, there are a good few language groups on there I believe
Well, one of the best things to do I think is just to find some friends who speak your target language. That way you can get some great practice reading the colloquial form of your language, and it gives you an excuse to write your statuses in the language. :)
And best of all, you get to show off your language skills to all your friends!
Levi on 10 July 2010
When you waste your time on something and then feel guilty because you could have studied
johntm93 on 10 July 2010
When you go through the trouble of learning a dialect even though nearly all of its native speakers can
already speak another language you already know.
Asiafeverr on 10 July 2010
...when you can maintain a conversation in your target language drunk.
Levi on 10 July 2010
You get a perverse pleasure when you "Contribute a better translation" to Google Translate.
Kary on 10 July 2010
You get a perverse pleasure when you "Contribute a better translation" to Google Translate.
I wonder if they actually use those. I have to automatically translate a lot of stuff for my job, and it keeps translating Wohnung as "apartments" in German :(
Liface on 10 July 2010
You get a perverse pleasure when you "Contribute a better translation" to Google
I wonder if they actually use those. I have to automatically translate a lot of stuff for my job, and it keeps translating
Wohnung as "apartments" in German :(
Modern translation systems are statistics based and thus more data you shovel in to train such a system, the better.
Like, worst algorithm with 100 millions of samples outperforms best algorithm with 10 millions of samples. This
explains why single contribution may not have any effect.
novemberain on 10 July 2010
You get a perverse pleasure when you "Contribute a better translation" to Google Translate.
I wonder if they actually use those. I have to automatically translate a lot of stuff for my job, and it keeps translating Wohnung as "apartments" in German :(
Today I found "the crow" translated into Spanish as "en lÃnea". I have the sneaking suspicion that someone (or some algorithm) took theEnglish expression "as the crow flies" and its equivalent in Spanish "en lÃnea recta" and made an assumption. Is there a separate thread here for "the lies my translation software told me?" If not, there should be. It would make interesting reading.
And, on topic...when you are interested in reading faulty automated translations and trying to figure out what went wrong.
Kary on 11 July 2010
You're a language nerd when you keep adding foreigners as friends on Facebook just to learn a few extra words for the if I could only have a conversation with them haha
zohan on 11 July 2010
Youâre a language nerd when...
MäcÃSŸ on 11 July 2010
Youâre a language nerd when...
We should have a "post your keyboard option menu" thread.
Captain Haddock on 11 July 2010
When you find out that the travel guide by Berlitz on the same GPS doesn't have anything to do with foreign languages. You were hoping for some phrasebooks or something which would have made it a lot more interesting. :)
Danac on 11 July 2010
You're a language nerd when you keep adding foreigners as friends on
Facebook just to learn a few extra words for the if I could only have a
conversation with them haha
Tally on 11 July 2010
Youâre a language nerd when...
We should have a "post your keyboard option menu" thread.
My "French" keyboard is actually a customized multilingual Dvorak layout that can type pretty much any language that uses the Latin alphabet.
Levi on 12 July 2010
Why did you have to remind me they are here on the computer?! Now how can I focus on the languages I already have set up on this computer when my list look so boring in comparison?!
Oh well, wanderlust happens!
meramarina on 12 July 2010
Youâre a language nerd when...
We should have a "post your keyboard option menu" thread.
My "French" keyboard is actually a customized multilingual Dvorak layout that can type pretty much any language that uses the Latin alphabet.
WHAT NOW?!? Also it's set forÂEnglish-International instead ofÂEnglish-United States so I can type most letters in the Latin alphabet.
I don't even know the scripts I have on there, they just look nice. I know a few Russian letters though. And a few Chinese characters.
johntm93 on 12 July 2010
When you stand in Changi airport in Singapore, and the main thing you are thinking about is the state of your language learning log
Iversen on 13 July 2010
lacks language learning materials.
When, while playing a video game, the Japanese audio andEnglish text make you think "I
wish I was learning Japanese; this would be great for L-R".
Tenebrarum on 13 July 2010
When you go over to the "hobbies" section of a bookstore and are unsure as to why it
lacks language learning materials.
johntm93 on 13 July 2010
This may sound gross, but you're a language nerd (or already freak), when you take language materials instead of a newspaper when you go to the WC!!
arturs on 13 July 2010
This may sound gross, but you're a language nerd (or already freak), when you take language materials instead of a newspaper when you go to the WC!!
I could not agree more:)
Flip_flop on 13 July 2010
...when you do hundreds of repetitions every day and find it more entertaining than any video game.
muflax on 14 July 2010
â¦when you use Canadian French vocabulary and expressions, when someone wants you to say something in French and you like when the other person is surprised by the fact that you use expressions that are not familiar to them.
â¦when you use âseptanteâ, âhuitanteâ and ânonanteâ all the time instead of âsoixante-dixâ, âquatre-vingtâ and âquatre-vingt-dixâ, although you learned standard French.
arturs on 14 July 2010
...when you are disappointed that the learning material for your (German) driver's license is not available in Japanese. (But French and Spanish, so you decide to go with that.)
muflax on 14 July 2010
When you feel a good degree of pride and excitement today.Why? Because it is Bastille Day. Are you French? No. Then why the excitement? Because you are studying with Assimil French with Ease!
psy88 on 15 July 2010
When you are looking for yet another notebook to use in your language studies and find 2 old children bibles in the room and don't give them a second look, but then think, "Damn, if they were in German I'd actually read them!"
sei on 15 July 2010
When you see someone with a tattoo with a Kanji that's missing a
stroke, and want to take a marker pen and correct it -- but decide you mustn't even
mention it, like, ever.
When you actually actively correct other's incorrect Hanzi tattoos... Ã la ^_^
ennime on 15 July 2010
When every so often in the shower, you try to form as many sounds as you can in order to practice for any future languages that might contain those sounds!
Marc94 on 15 July 2010
I couldn't fall asleep last night, so I listened to FSI Spanish, then decided to try Pimsleur German and Michel Thomas German before deciding I'd rather be fully awake for those, so I go back to FSI to realize that I need to listen to German to get my ears used to the language. So I listened to Assimil German tapes.
I woke up today and realized I could have counted sheep in Spanish :(
johntm93 on 15 July 2010
You will stand there, staring at the thing in question (refrigerator, car keys, milk, chair, whatever), refusing to allow yourself to pick it up or do whatever it is you were going to do with it until you can think of the correct word for it in the language that you're trying to think in. You will stand there for however long this takes, perhaps finally giving in and going to look it up in the dictionary before coming back and proceeding as you were until it happens again :D
I have stood in the shower staring at the soap, refusing to pick it up, getting angry at myself, while trying to think of the word for "soap" in Spanish for about 5 minutes before I finally gave up (I looked it up immediately after getting out of the shower, still wet, dripping water all over my bedroom floor as I went to fetch my Spanish dictionary).
Splish-splash, splish-splash...
Papers rustling, flipping of pages...
"Jabón!!! I knew it! Damnit, why couldn't I remember that?!"
Splish-splash, splish-splash back to the bathroom...
Andrew~ on 16 July 2010
Fasulye on 16 July 2010
...when you are disappointed that the learning material for your (German) driver's license is not available in Japanese. (But French and Spanish, so you decide to go with that.)
That's a good one! When I attended driving school I was a teenager, but at that very young age I wasn't a language freak, so at that time I wouldn't have got the idea to ask for driving mock exams in a foreign language.
Fasulye on 16 July 2010
enter curiously, and ask for material in Japanese, or otherwise a foreign language that
isn'tEnglish. The store clerk shows you a few things, nothing very convincing... and
then, just as you are leaving the store, you see a kanji across the room. You take the
book off the shelf, and oh boy... jackpot. A 1965, perfectly preserved, color illustrated
book in German about Japanese history. Annnnddd it comes with a lot of kanji! I mean,
what more could you possibly ask for, right?
(I am not, nor will I be studying German for the next 2 years or so. I am, however,
learning Japanese.)
Thaorius on 16 July 2010
...when, for the first time in your life, you find yourself having trouble switching back to your native language.
Levi on 17 July 2010
When you do have many good quality Spanish-English and French-English dictionaries (your target languages) but continue to buy more "just in case",as if the ones with 80,000 or 120,000 words will not be sufficient.And you can't sleep wondering how you would be able to buy some French-Spanish and Spanish-French dictionaries.
psy88 on 17 July 2010
...when the silence starts to make you feel guilty, so you head over to - .
Levi on 17 July 2010
When your idea of small talk is mentioning random facts about languages and you are
surprised when people look at you funny.
Tally on 17 July 2010
When your idea of small talk is mentioning random facts about languages and you are surprised when people look at you funny
Guilty. And whenever I'm asked by a friend to tell them "something interesting", it always pertains to languages.
WortDrauf on 18 July 2010
I was at a two story Borders bookstore today, it was extremely huge, and I was (of course) looking for the language section, just to see what they had. I walked through the whole store TWICE and couldn't find it. Needless to say, I was extremely disappointed. It wasn't even near the travel section (where it is in the Borders near me). I could have asked an employee but by the time that hit me (dunno why I didn't think of it earlier) I had to go.
...I feel like I have to return to that store and find the language section.
johntm93 on 19 July 2010
Also, when another friend mentions "Computational Linguistics" and you wonder why you haven't spoken to him more.
gdoyle1990 on 19 July 2010
...when you write all your Facebook statuses in Finnish and your friends tell you to stop.
feanarosurion on 19 July 2010
When the first thing you do when you return from holiday is flop on the sofa, kick off your weary sand-filled shoes, and log on to the forum to check through several hundred email notifications.
Teango on 19 July 2010
great for rare old books!
books bookshop, you
enter curiously, and ask for material in Japanese, or otherwise a foreign language that
isn'tÂEnglish. The store clerk shows you a few things, nothing very convincing... and
then, just as you are leaving the store, you see a kanji across the room. You take the
book off the shelf, and oh boy... jackpot. A 1965, perfectly preserved, color
book in German about Japanese history. Annnnddd it comes with a lot of kanji! I mean,
what more could you possibly ask for, right?
(I am not, nor will I be studying German for the next 2 years or so. I am, however,
learning Japanese.)
karaipyhare on 19 July 2010
When your idea of small talk is mentioning random facts about languages
and you are
surprised when people look at you funny.
Only yesterday, I was in a friend's house with all his family having dinner. There was
a baby around and everybody was laughing and mentioning her because she learned to make
the "Bronx cheer" sound, and you know.. babies... whatever they do seem funny to
So I thought it would be very enlightening and interesting for everybody to learn a bit
and I couldn't resist sharing my knowledge and so I said: you know that that sound is
very similar to the voiceless dental bilabially trilled affricate, that is: bbllrrr!
(me reproducing the sound), there's a tribe in the Amazon, the Piraha, that actually
uses it as part of they phoneme inventory. It was only discovered in 2004 because the
natives didn't utter that sound in front of the white researchers fearing they would
sound awkward and be laughed at. Besides them, there is only a handful of laguages that
use that sound.
They all stared at me like, is that a joke or was it supposed to be cool?
Well, I think not everyone possesses the virtue of appreciating the diversity of human
karaipyhare on 19 July 2010
When a trip to the grocery store sends you into a (minor) panic because the translated terms on the labels don't match the terms on your flashcards.
Kary on 19 July 2010
When the first thing you do when you return from holiday is flop on the sofa, kick off your weary sand-filled shoes, and log on to the forum to check through several hundred email notifications.
I also did exactly this last Thursday, despite being exhausted by a 36-hour trip!
ellasevia on 19 July 2010
Aires? That city's
great for rare old books!
books bookshop, you
enter curiously, and ask for material in Japanese, or otherwise a foreign language that
isn'tÂEnglish. The store clerk shows you a few things, nothing very convincing... and
then, just as you are leaving the store, you see a kanji across the room. You take the
book off the shelf, and oh boy... jackpot. A 1965, perfectly preserved, color
book in German about Japanese history. Annnnddd it comes with a lot of kanji! I mean,
what more could you possibly ask for, right?
(I am not, nor will I be studying German for the next 2 years or so. I am, however,
learning Japanese.)
As a matter of fact it was. And I wasn't aware of that; would you happen to know some
good stores? :)
Thaorius on 19 July 2010
voiceless dental bilabially trilled affricate, that is: bbllrrr!
(me reproducing the sound), there's a tribe in the Amazon, the Piraha, that actually
uses it as part of they phoneme inventory.
What an amazing sound, and here's what it actually -list_1995_01.mp3 - sounds like (source: UCLA Phonetics Lab Library).
Teango on 20 July 2010
When realizing one of your posts in this thread got 7 votes really makes your day!
karaipyhare on 20 July 2010
... when people start asking you in buses in slowly, well accentuated German if you "make progress" while you are flipping through your flashcards - thinking you are a foreigner just because you bought the flashcards in the country of your target language.
B-Tina on 20 July 2010
voiceless dental bilabially trilled affricate, that is: bbllrrr!
(me reproducing the sound), there's a tribe in the Amazon, the Piraha, that actually
uses it as part of they phoneme inventory.
What an amazing sound, and here's what it actually -list_1995_01.mp3 - sounds like (source: UCLA Phonetics Lab Library).
johntm93 on 20 July 2010
You know you're a language nerd when you start expressing surprise with Xhosa phrases you
picked up from TV when you have no intention of learning Xhosa.
LazyLinguist on 20 July 2010
...when you wish phrasebooks had fewer phrases for travelers about asking directions and finding things in pharmacies and such, and more phrases for people who just want to learn the language from far away and maybe pick up some cute girls (or guys) who speak it.
Levi on 21 July 2010
and Italian to your brother, even though no one of them speak those languages.
...when you're at the university and take notes in other languages.
...when one of the reason to learn X language is: "Wow! They have a really cool flag!
Let's learn that language" (i.e. Swedish)
Guido on 22 July 2010
...when your dog only understands Portuguese and German commands, but not a word of
English, because that's how he was trained.
cojoda on 23 July 2010
You know you're a language nerd when you start expressing surprise with Xhosa phrases you
picked up from TV when you have no intention of learning Xhosa.
You know you are a language nerd when you know what Xhosa is. Non-language nerds might think that if you"picked up some Xhosa" you had contracted an exotic disease.
psy88 on 23 July 2010
When you encounter a lady pushing a buggy carrying a little dog with great but cloudy eyes staring at you.
Then you speak by yourself " al kalb kafif " اÙÙÙب ÙÙÙÙ which means "the dog is blind". The sentence and the
words belonging to your first 20 lessons of Arabic.
And coming at home afterwards you should have written "al kalba kafifa" if the dog was female : اÙÙÙبة ÙÙÙÙØ©
staf250 on 23 July 2010
When you leave for France with a single dictionary and return home four days later with two dictionaries, a grammar book, a magazine and eleven books and are way more excited about this than about having been on holiday.
ReneeMona on 24 July 2010
(English spam is not OK, though, just in case you're listening, internet marketers)
meramarina on 24 July 2010
You often have three or more web browser windows opened to different language dictionaries, another to Google Translate, yet another for searching to find examples of the word/phrase in use and several heavy desk reference dictionaries within arm's reach.
Kary on 24 July 2010
confused as hell with your heavily configured keyboard.
zamie on 24 July 2010
When your heroes are Polyglots instead of Musicians and Sportsmen (and when you can't help but laugh when Benny the Irish Genius compares himself to Dr Arguelles
gogglehead on 24 July 2010
and when you can't help but laugh when Benny the Irish Genius compares himself to Dr
Whoa. Hold up. He compared himself to Professor Arguelles? How exactly did he put this comparison?
ruskivyetr on 24 July 2010
and when you can't help but laugh when Benny the Irish Genius compares himself to Dr
Whoa. Hold up. He compared himself to Professor Arguelles? How exactly did he put this comparison?
Same question here. That seems a bit odd...
...when you know exactly who these people (and many others) are and are more familiar with them than with any other "normal" celebrities. And then when you make reference them in a conversation, you find it surprising that your listener doesn't know who you're talking about.
ellasevia on 24 July 2010
and when you can't help but laugh when Benny the Irish Genius compares himself to Dr
Whoa. Hold up. He compared himself to Professor Arguelles? How exactly did he put this comparison?
Don't get me wrong, I love Benny's blog and have learned a lot from it. I can't find the exact page where he wrote it, but the line goes something along the lines of "(learners)..who want to be polyglots like Myself, Professor Arguelles and Moses McCormick". Dr Arguelles devoted his life to acquiring an encyclopedic mind, mastering some very exotic languages, and even authoring scholarly works on the subject.
Benny, you are a great polyglot (as is Mr McCormick), and an inspiration to many (in fact you are much more "my style" of linguist than some more academic/conventional polyglots) but, likening yourself to Arguelles, however lightly, may actually discourage others from taking your blog seriously (which is EXCELLENT, by the way).
gogglehead on 24 July 2010
When what you're most concerned about knowing about your very drunken last night in Sweden is if you were at least practicing your Swedish... and when you ask your friends they say that you in fact were speaking Swedish, and in addition to that kept running off and being found speaking various foreign languages (including ones you don't know) with other foreigners. Apparently you were "quite belligerent" if addressed in your nativeEnglish.
... And all this makes you proud that you can stick to your values even while heavily intoxicated.
kottoler.ello on 24 July 2010
... you get extremely excited when you receive a Russian learner's history book in the mail, which has vocabulary notes in French, which you purchased from a German seller (using German to communicate).
josht on 24 July 2010
When you look around at every level surface in the room, and realise that the ceiling is the only place that doesn't have at least one language learning book or poster on it...yet!
Teango on 25 July 2010
Hey, now there's an idea: taping verb / declension charts to the ceiling. If you get lost, just look up.
josht on 25 July 2010
When you feel really upset that July is almost over because that leaves only one more month before everything goes back to "normal" for you in September and you will have less time to devote to you language studies.
psy88 on 26 July 2010
When you encounter a lady pushing a buggy carrying a little dog with great but cloudy eyes staring at you.
Sorry, I thought mainly people from Georgia (the state) used that term, it's kind of shocking seeing a European using it. One of my friends immediately identified me as a Georgian when he first heard me say that...
I second the polyglots as role models thing. I could care less about who's getting married to who in Hollywood, but I'm interested in Prof. Arguelles language learning methods.
johntm93 on 26 July 2010
and when you can't help but laugh when Benny the Irish Genius compares himself to Dr
Whoa. Hold up. He compared himself to Professor Arguelles? How exactly did he put this comparison?
Don't get me wrong, I love Benny's blog and have learned a lot from it. I can't find the exact page where he wrote it, but the line goes something along the lines of "(learners)..who want to be polyglots like Myself, Professor Arguelles and Moses McCormick". Dr Arguelles devoted his life to acquiring an encyclopedic mind, mastering some very exotic languages, and even authoring scholarly works on the subject.
Benny, you are a great polyglot (as is Mr McCormick), and an inspiration to many (in fact you are much more "my style" of linguist than some more academic/conventional polyglots) but, likening yourself to Arguelles, however lightly, may actually discourage others from taking your blog seriously (which is EXCELLENT, by the way).
When you look around at every level surface in the room, and realise that the ceiling is the only place that doesn't have at least one language learning book or poster on it...yet!
When you feel really upset that July is almost over because that leaves only one more month before everything goes back to "normal" for you in September and you will have less time to devote to you language studies.
Not just because I lose all of the free time I have for languages, but I'll have work for stupid subjects likeÂEnglish (why do I have to take a class about my native language?) and I won't be able to study foreign languages!
johntm93 on 26 July 2010
When you buy something you had no intention of buying just because the sales lady kept speaking to you in German even when she found out you were from the US.
Rina on 26 July 2010
I think I'm going to make Chinese vocabulary lists of characters that I can't recognize on sight and tape them to my cieling, so that I can look at them before I fall asleep and when I wake up. I had a teacher who said that right before bed and right when you wake up are the best times to learn things, as you remember them better.
When you've actually been called a nerd to your face for telling someone (while in a new-book high, of course) that you just bought A Primer for Advanced Beginners of Chinese: Simplified Character Edition and Integrated Korean: Beginning 1 at a newly-discovered bookstore and they're both really great and on and on. I would call me a nerd too, if I said that to myself...
mashmusic11235 on 26 July 2010
When you can say that you learned more aboutÂEnglish from studing foreign languages than you did in yourÂEnglish class at school, things like what a prepostion is, what the direct and indirect objects are, and what the schwa sound is.
johntm93 on 26 July 2010
When a "languages duel" similar to the one shown in this - video seems like a perfect first date.
mick33 on 26 July 2010
When a "languages duel" similar to the one shown in this - video seems like a perfect first date.
johntm93 on 26 July 2010
When a "languages duel" similar to the one shown in this - video seems like a perfect first date.
That's awesome!! (Their accents are pretty bad though... haha).
If anyone does this with me on a first date, I'm in love. =O
janalisa on 26 July 2010
When a "languages duel" similar to the one shown in this - video seems like a perfect first date.
Go Indy! The scary thing is that the first date with my current girlfriend actually did involve 3 languages...and I could cheekily even count up to 4...because it was in an Italian restaurant where I naturally tried out a few phrases whilst ordering for fun. ;)
Teango on 26 July 2010
That 'language duel' looks fun. Their accents are pretty bad though, especially for the Swedish and Greek. I couldn't even tell that they were speaking those at first until I heard the language/country mentioned ("pratar Svenska"; "ÏÏην Îλλάδα"). The German and Italian weren't great either, but at least they were understandable on first hearing. Why no Asian languages in there? ;)
ellasevia on 26 July 2010
You actually don't mind flying/travelling for 40 hours because it's a good opportunity to practise your languages, especially on the poor unsuspecting German exchange students who are trapped sitting next to you..... They did luckily seem to warm up to me by hour 18 especially when I translated Important Airline Information for them, haha. I really tried not to come across as a freak but I'm afraid my reading in Arabic may have been too much for them!
Quabazaa on 26 July 2010
When after years of getting spam in your inbox, you're thrilled to eventually get one completely in Arabic advertising villas (yes, I checked on Google Translate)! :)
Teango on 26 July 2010
When you feel really upset that July is almost over because that leaves only one more month before
everything goes back to "normal" for you in September and you will have less time to devote to you language
Not just because I lose all of the free time I have for languages, but I'll have work for stupid subjects likeÂEnglish
(why do I have to take a class about my native language?) and I won't be able to study foreign languages!
You know you are a language nerd when you do foreign language stuff IN yourEnglish class and get in trouble for
it on many different occasions.
You know you are a language nerd when you are type "I'll be there" in facebook chat, and it comes out as "Iäll be
ruskivyetr on 26 July 2010
When you feel really upset that July is almost over because that leaves only one more month before
everything goes back to "normal" for you in September and you will have less time to devote to you language
Not just because I lose all of the free time I have for languages, but I'll have work for stupid subjects likeÂEnglish
(why do I have to take a class about my native language?) and I won't be able to study foreign languages!
You know you are a language nerd when you do foreign language stuff IN yourÂEnglish class and get in trouble for
it on many different occasions.
You know you are a language nerd when you are type "I'll be there" in facebook chat, and it comes out as "Iäll be
johntm93 on 26 July 2010
When you feel really upset that July is almost over because that leaves only one more month before
everything goes back to "normal" for you in September and you will have less time to devote to you language
Not just because I lose all of the free time I have for languages, but I'll have work for stupid subjects likeEnglish
(why do I have to take a class about my native language?) and I won't be able to study foreign languages!
You know you are a language nerd when you do foreign language stuff IN yourEnglish class and get in trouble for it on many different occasions.
I did that so many times last year... Luckily my teacher didn't care. :)
Even better though: sitting front and center in your French class and quite obviously reading and taking notes from an Italian or German book which is lying open on your desk, while also half-listening to the strange (likely off-topic) lecture in French your teacher is giving. And later you hear from another student in a different class that she actually has noticed you doing that--which is good, because she would have to be blind to miss it--and talks about how you do that to other classes, but how she doesn't care because you "already speak French well".
ellasevia on 26 July 2010
When the only time of day you feel truly enthusiastic and energetic and can't take yourself away from something on vacation in St. Petersburg is at 11:30 at the bookstore in the giant foreign language section, despite the vast majority of the books there being in Russian, which you don't know at all. Bonus points because that actually increases your desire to buy them.
When nothing makes you as giddy as getting a compliment on your language skills.
kottoler.ello on 26 July 2010
You worry about the luggage allowance for your next long trip - but not because of your clothing and toiletries, which can be scrunched into an overnight bag.
Kary on 26 July 2010
You worry about the luggage allowance for your next long trip - but not because of your clothing and toiletries, which can be scrunched into an overnight bag.
Last year when I was going to Greece for six weeks, my mom told me at first that I would only be allowed to bring four language books. Only four! So I did the only thing that a reasonable language nerd would do--start to discreetly smuggle them into different little pouches and sections of my backpack, leaving only the biggest and heaviest four in the luggage. Then it turned out that I had enough room anyways, so I took nearly all of my (at that time--my collection has probably doubled or tripled in size since then) books.
ellasevia on 26 July 2010
page and then saying something in the language of the country where that place is. You know you're an even bigger
language nerd when you just can't find a page for which you can't say anything.
I play this game with my friends and a globe, and they get frustrated. Even if I know only a few words they start to
get a little annoyed. Then they turn to africa and I'm lost O_O.
ruskivyetr on 27 July 2010
That 'language duel' looks fun. Their accents are pretty bad though, especially for the Swedish and Greek. I couldn't even tell that they were speaking those at first until I heard the language/country mentioned ("pratar Svenska"; "ÏÏην Îλλάδα"). The German and Italian weren't great either, but at least they were understandable on first hearing. Why no Asian languages in there? ;)
mick33 on 27 July 2010
page and then saying something in the language of the country where that place is. You know you're an even bigger
language nerd when you just can't find a page for which you can't say anything.
I play this game with my friends and a globe, and they get frustrated. Even if I know only a few words they start to
get a little annoyed. Then they turn to africa and I'm lost O_O. - Be lost no more, learn some words from this
johntm93 on 27 July 2010
page and then saying something in the language of the country where that place is. You know you're an even bigger
language nerd when you just can't find a page for which you can't say anything.
I play this game with my friends and a globe, and they get frustrated. Even if I know only a few words they start to
get a little annoyed. Then they turn to africa and I'm lost O_O.
Well, with four languages you can get at least one of the official languages of every African country except Ethiopia:English, French, Portuguese and Arabic.
Levi on 27 July 2010
a travel book and radomly choosing a
page and then saying something in the language of the country where that place is. You know you're an even
language nerd when you just can't find a page for which you can't say anything.
I play this game with my friends and a globe, and they get frustrated. Even if I know only a few words they start
get a little annoyed. Then they turn to africa and I'm lost O_O.
Well, with four languages you can get at least one of the official languages of every African country except
Ethiopia:ÂEnglish, French, Portuguese and Arabic.
Well I know words in all those languages, I meant countries that have like Hausa, Swahili, Zulu, etc. as one of the
official languages (and yes the game dictates that you must say something in each official language).
ruskivyetr on 27 July 2010
a travel book and radomly choosing a
page and then saying something in the language of the country where that place is. You know you're an even
language nerd when you just can't find a page for which you can't say anything.
I play this game with my friends and a globe, and they get frustrated. Even if I know only a few words they start
get a little annoyed. Then they turn to africa and I'm lost O_O.
Well, with four languages you can get at least one of the official languages of every African country except
Ethiopia:ÂEnglish, French, Portuguese and Arabic.
Well I know words in all those languages, I meant countries that have like Hausa, Swahili, Zulu, etc. as one of the
official languages (and yes the game dictates that you must say something in each official language).
johntm93 on 27 July 2010
when you play games like flipping through
a travel book and radomly choosing a
page and then saying something in the language of the country where that place is. You know you're an even
language nerd when you just can't find a page for which you can't say anything.
I play this game with my friends and a globe, and they get frustrated. Even if I know only a few words they start
get a little annoyed. Then they turn to africa and I'm lost O_O.
Well, with four languages you can get at least one of the official languages of every African country except
Ethiopia:ÂEnglish, French, Portuguese and Arabic.
Well I know words in all those languages, I meant countries that have like Hausa, Swahili, Zulu, etc. as one of the
official languages (and yes the game dictates that you must say something in each official language).
Wow that actually sounds fun.
You know you're a language nerd when the fact that someone else says this about a language game melts your
Edit: And when you play such games on a daily basis :P.
ruskivyetr on 27 July 2010
when you play games like flipping through
a travel book and radomly choosing a
page and then saying something in the language of the country where that place is. You know you're an even
language nerd when you just can't find a page for which you can't say anything.
I play this game with my friends and a globe, and they get frustrated. Even if I know only a few words they start
get a little annoyed. Then they turn to africa and I'm lost O_O.
Well, with four languages you can get at least one of the official languages of every African country except
Ethiopia:ÂEnglish, French, Portuguese and Arabic.
Well I know words in all those languages, I meant countries that have like Hausa, Swahili, Zulu, etc. as one of the
official languages (and yes the game dictates that you must say something in each official language).
Wow that actually sounds fun.
You know you're a language nerd when the fact that someone else says this about a language game melts your
Edit: And when you play such games on a daily basis :P.
johntm93 on 27 July 2010
when you play games like flipping through
a travel book and radomly choosing a
page and then saying something in the language of the country where that place is. You know you're an even
language nerd when you just can't find a page for which you can't say anything.
I play this game with my friends and a globe, and they get frustrated. Even if I know only a few words they start
get a little annoyed. Then they turn to africa and I'm lost O_O.
Well, with four languages you can get at least one of the official languages of every African country except
Ethiopia:ÂEnglish, French, Portuguese and Arabic.
Well I know words in all those languages, I meant countries that have like Hausa, Swahili, Zulu, etc. as one of the
official languages (and yes the game dictates that you must say something in each official language).
Wow that actually sounds fun.
You know you're a language nerd when the fact that someone else says this about a language game melts your
Edit: And when you play such games on a daily basis :P.
languages...I actually want to play that right now :P
I play alone. Often. I played it with my siblings a few times, and then my Georgian friend, and once with my
mom. I've lost only once. My mom kept choosing French speaking countries, and I ran out of French words.
ruskivyetr on 27 July 2010
a travel book and radomly choosing a
page and then saying something in the language of the country where that place is. You know you're an even
language nerd when you just can't find a page for which you can't say anything.
I play this game with my friends and a globe, and they get frustrated. Even if I know only a few words they start
get a little annoyed. Then they turn to africa and I'm lost O_O.
Well, with four languages you can get at least one of the official languages of every African country except
Ethiopia:ÂEnglish, French, Portuguese and Arabic.
Well I know words in all those languages, I meant countries that have like Hausa, Swahili, Zulu, etc. as one of the
official languages (and yes the game dictates that you must say something in each official language).
Well Swahili isn't that hard. Just memorize this phrase: Ninasema Kiswahili vizuri sana! (I speak Swahili very well.)
ellasevia on 27 July 2010
when you play games like flipping through
a travel book and radomly choosing a
page and then saying something in the language of the country where that place is. You know you're an even
language nerd when you just can't find a page for which you can't say anything.
I play this game with my friends and a globe, and they get frustrated. Even if I know only a few words they start
get a little annoyed. Then they turn to africa and I'm lost O_O.
Well, with four languages you can get at least one of the official languages of every African country except
Ethiopia:ÂEnglish, French, Portuguese and Arabic.
Well I know words in all those languages, I meant countries that have like Hausa, Swahili, Zulu, etc. as one of the
official languages (and yes the game dictates that you must say something in each official language).
Wow that actually sounds fun.
You know you're a language nerd when the fact that someone else says this about a language game melts your
Edit: And when you play such games on a daily basis :P.
languages...I actually want to play that right now :P
I play alone. Often.
johntm93 on 27 July 2010
when you play games like flipping through
a travel book and radomly choosing a
page and then saying something in the language of the country where that place is. You know you're an even
language nerd when you just can't find a page for which you can't say anything.
I play this game with my friends and a globe, and they get frustrated. Even if I know only a few words they start
get a little annoyed. Then they turn to africa and I'm lost O_O.
Well, with four languages you can get at least one of the official languages of every African country except
Ethiopia:ÂEnglish, French, Portuguese and Arabic.
Well I know words in all those languages, I meant countries that have like Hausa, Swahili, Zulu, etc. as one of the
official languages (and yes the game dictates that you must say something in each official language).
Wow that actually sounds fun.
You know you're a language nerd when the fact that someone else says this about a language game melts your
Edit: And when you play such games on a daily basis :P.
languages...I actually want to play that right now :P
I play alone. Often.
I don't find it weird at all that you would want to do that, mainly because I do it. I often think "is this weird?
naahh I'd totally do this in a heartbeat if someone else suggested it :D!"
The only times I don't play with complete nerdery is when my friends do it to show someone at a party that one
of their friends actually has a shred of intelligence.
ruskivyetr on 27 July 2010
Well I know words in all those languages, I meant countries that have like Hausa, Swahili, Zulu, etc. as one of the
official languages (and yes the game dictates that you must say something in each official language).
Eek. Countries like India and South Africa would take some real preparation!
Levi on 27 July 2010
Well I know words in all those languages, I meant countries that have like Hausa,
Swahili, Zulu, etc. as one of the
official languages (and yes the game dictates that you must say something in each official language).
Eek. Countries like India and South Africa would take some real preparation!
Makes it more fun :D. I always leave India for last :). South Africa I think I got everything right once (I used the
official name of the Republic of South Africa in all the languages, thanks Wikipedia :).
Edit: Cheating's not allowed, I just said wikipedia because I have read the wikipedia page for south africa about a
million times, and yes, being the language nerd I am, I took the liberty of memorizing them. Never knew that would
come in handy :).
ruskivyetr on 27 July 2010
Well I know words in all those languages, I meant countries that have like Hausa,
Swahili, Zulu, etc. as one of the
official languages (and yes the game dictates that you must say something in each official language).
Eek. Countries like India and South Africa would take some real preparation!
Makes it more fun :D. I always leave India for last :). South Africa I think I got everything right once (I used the
official name of the Republic of South Africa in all the languages, thanks Wikipedia :).
Edit: Cheating's not allowed, I just said wikipedia because I have read the wikipedia page for south africa about a
million times, and yes, being the language nerd I am, I took the liberty of memorizing them. Never knew that would
come in handy :).
Do you do anglophone countries? If so, what do you do for the US, since we have no official language?
I'd imagine you just skip those though, since you know a fewEnglish words.
johntm93 on 27 July 2010
Well I know words in all those
languages, I meant countries that have like Hausa,
Swahili, Zulu, etc. as one of the
official languages (and yes the game dictates that you must say something in each official language).
Eek. Countries like India and South Africa would take some real preparation!
Makes it more fun :D. I always leave India for last :). South Africa I think I got everything right once (I used the
official name of the Republic of South Africa in all the languages, thanks Wikipedia :).
Edit: Cheating's not allowed, I just said wikipedia because I have read the wikipedia page for south africa about a
million times, and yes, being the language nerd I am, I took the liberty of memorizing them. Never knew that
come in handy :).
languages in a country (if it has more than three official languages, of course).
Do you do anglophone countries? If so, what do you do for the US, since we have no official language?
I'd imagine you just skip those though, since you know a fewÂEnglish words.
Hmmn, I do know a fewEnglish words, so it's good to practice using them once in a while. I just do de facto
national languages if there is no official language.
ruskivyetr on 27 July 2010
Well I know words in all those
languages, I meant countries that have like Hausa,
Swahili, Zulu, etc. as one of the
official languages (and yes the game dictates that you must say something in each
official language).
Eek. Countries like India and South Africa would take some real preparation!
Makes it more fun :D. I always leave India for last :). South Africa I think I got
everything right once (I used the
official name of the Republic of South Africa in all the languages, thanks Wikipedia
Edit: Cheating's not allowed, I just said wikipedia because I have read the wikipedia
page for south africa about a
million times, and yes, being the language nerd I am, I took the liberty of memorizing
them. Never knew that
come in handy :).
to the three biggest
languages in a country (if it has more than three official languages, of course).
Do you do anglophone countries? If so, what do you do for the US, since we have no
official language?
I'd imagine you just skip those though, since you know a fewÂEnglish words.
Hmmn, I do know a fewÂEnglish words, so it's good to practice using them once in a
while. I just do de facto
national languages if there is no official language.
Some states and territories of USA do have official laguages:
Hawaiian andEnglish official in Hawaii
French andEnglish official in Louisiana
Spanish official in New Mexico and California (they require some documents to be
trasnlated into Spanish)
Samoan and Chamorro are recognized by American Samoa and Guam, respectively; Carolinian
and Chamorro are recognized by the Northern Mariana Islands
karaipyhare on 27 July 2010
CHILDREN in 17 laguages.
even nerdier if you can PRONOUNCE those sentences in the 17 languages.
the extreme nerdiest if you learned a lot of grammar and syntax of those 17 laguages from
reading those warning sentences
karaipyhare on 27 July 2010
You know you're a language Nerd when you go in to shock after learning that Amazon hasn't
dispatched your Assimil book, even though you ordered it 40 or so hours ago. And more so
when you are checking if it has been dispatched at a frequency of once per five minutes.
LazyLinguist on 27 July 2010
Well I know words in all those
languages, I meant countries that have like Hausa,
Swahili, Zulu, etc. as one of the
official languages (and yes the game dictates that you must say something in each
official language).
Eek. Countries like India and South Africa would take some real preparation!
Makes it more fun :D. I always leave India for last :). South Africa I think I got
everything right once (I used the
official name of the Republic of South Africa in all the languages, thanks Wikipedia
Edit: Cheating's not allowed, I just said wikipedia because I have read the wikipedia
page for south africa about a
million times, and yes, being the language nerd I am, I took the liberty of memorizing
them. Never knew that
come in handy :).
to the three biggest
languages in a country (if it has more than three official languages, of course).
Do you do anglophone countries? If so, what do you do for the US, since we have no
official language?
I'd imagine you just skip those though, since you know a fewÂEnglish words.
Hmmn, I do know a fewÂEnglish words, so it's good to practice using them once in a
while. I just do de facto
national languages if there is no official language.
Some states and territories of USA do have official laguages:
Hawaiian andÂEnglish official in Hawaii
French andÂEnglish official in Louisiana
Spanish official in New Mexico and California (they require some documents to be
trasnlated into Spanish)
Samoan and Chamorro are recognized by American Samoa and Guam, respectively; Carolinian
and Chamorro are recognized by the Northern Mariana Islands
johntm93 on 27 July 2010
Hey, now there's an idea: taping verb / declension charts to the ceiling. If you get lost, just look up.
Great idea!! I should definitely do that with the Latin cases.
renegade5005 on 27 July 2010
... when you can name at least one of the languages spoken in every single country.
... when you dream how would it be if you revive, say, Napoleon and you have to teach him (in French, of course) how the world has changed.
Guido on 27 July 2010
Anyone else here think he should write his own language course? I think he would make a great language course, given enough free time of course.
johntm93 on 28 July 2010
languages and language courses in the past hour and want to watch more, but you think you
should actually STUDY a language instead.
Anyone else here think he should write his own language course? I think he would make a
great language course, given enough free time of course.
Guilty. Then I read a tip about stop studying on how to study and just study. But, being
an engineer type, I am all about the planning. Fail to plan, plan to fail.
budonoseito on 28 July 2010
When you have to alt-tab at work when your boss comes into your office. Not because you are chatting on Facebook, but because you are always logged into Anki online. (That is my reward for when I finish a task at work...I get to work through a hundred cards or so of one of my seven different decks).
When you have to read a lot of insurance papers for your job, and it makes your day to see that they are not only published in German (I live in Germany), but also in French, Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, and Italian. This is no longer a chore for me.
astein on 28 July 2010
When you have to alt-tab at work when your boss comes into your office. Not because you are chatting on Facebook, but because you are always logged into Anki online. (That is my reward for when I finish a task at work...I get to work through a hundred cards or so of one of my seven different decks).
Guilty. However, since I finally coughed up the £15 for the iPhone version of Anki I've found that I can review much more discreetly ;)
theallstar on 28 July 2010
And you think...great, chocolate, I like chocolate :)...but then you turn the bar around and see this on the back:
And now you, ingredients in 6 languages, including Armenian and Georgian, absolutely-flippin-fantastic!...and hug the giver copiously for such an amazing gift! :D
Teango on 28 July 2010
What would we Language nerds do if there were only ONE international language? I mean sure a lot of things would have been improved but that would be a pretty boring world for us, nichtwahr?!?
renegade5005 on 28 July 2010
languages and language courses in the past hour and want to watch more, but you think you
should actually STUDY a language instead.
Anyone else here think he should write his own language course? I think he would make a
great language course, given enough free time of course.
Guilty. Then I read a tip about stop studying on how to study and just study. But, being
an engineer type, I am all about the planning. Fail to plan, plan to fail.
And you think...great, chocolate, I like chocolate :)...but then you turn the bar around and see this on the back:
And now you, ingredients in 6 languages, including Armenian and Georgian, absolutely-flippin-fantastic!...and hug the giver copiously for such an amazing gift! :D
johntm93 on 28 July 2010
You know you're a language nerd when you have seen Professor Arguelles' whole series on Germanic languages at
least seven times, and it doesn't bore you at all the next time you watch it.
ruskivyetr on 28 July 2010
You know you're a language nerd when you have seen Professor Arguelles' whole series on Germanic languages at
least seven times, and it doesn't bore you at all the next time you watch it.
johntm93 on 28 July 2010
My mom's cousin and his family were visiting my house last week, and they are missionaries in Belarus. So they leave me some Belarussian candy, and I won't eat them until I know what they say. One says "Grand Toffy" but the rest are in Russian/Belarussian. I can read Cyrillic, but not any language that uses I don't know when I'm going to eat the damn things!
Now that's discipline! Depriving yourself of chocolate until you can speak a language well enough to read the packaging it comes in. :)
ellasevia on 28 July 2010
...when, as soon as somebody asks "How is that spelled?", everybody looks at you before you even say anything.
Levi on 28 July 2010
My mom's cousin and his family were visiting my house last week, and they are missionaries in Belarus. So they leave me some Belarussian candy, and I won't eat them until I know what they say. One says "Grand Toffy" but the rest are in Russian/Belarussian. I can read Cyrillic, but not any language that uses I don't know when I'm going to eat the damn things!
Now that's discipline! Depriving yourself of chocolate until you can speak a language well enough to read the packaging it comes in. :)
Well, I'm kind of wary of what's in it. I'm picky, if it has cherry or coconut in it I don't want it. That and the fact that I actually want to figure out what it says...
I need to hurry out and figure out what they say, before they melt or something.
...when, as soon as somebody asks "How is that spelled?", everybody looks at you before you even say anything.
I get this quite a bit, but only because I'm a very goodEnglish speller.
johntm93 on 28 July 2010
...when listening to your target language sounds so much like music to your ears that you actually dance to it.
Levi on 28 July 2010
Benny, you are a great polyglot (as is Mr McCormick), ..... but likening yourself to Arguelles, however lightly, may actually discourage others from taking your blog seriously.
Gogglehead, get your facts straight before you spread rumours about me in future please. I never said anything of the sort. I interviewed Prof. Arguelles and he has a very high level of full-time devotion, whereas language learning is a means to an end for me (I just want to expand my social circle when in the country and actively promote lack of perfection with focus on communication and little interest in literature). Obviously I don't claim to be in the same league as him, especially after having the pleasure of talking with him and seeing his passion first hand.
What I precisely said was "all of the passionate language learners interviewed learned their languages as adults thanks to a positive attitude and efficient learning technique that we explain in detail. If they all only spokeÂEnglish when they finished high school, then think of what your potential is!" I don't even compare myself to him there, but grouping us together I only say that we are both polyglots and both learned languages as adults and both encourage positive mentality. This is where I mention him on my site. Perhaps somewhere else I said I interviewed "other polyglots". Any equivalence of me being in his league from this description is purely in your head.
irishpolyglot on 29 July 2010
Benny, you are a great polyglot (as is Mr McCormick), ..... but
likening yourself to Arguelles, however lightly, may actually discourage others from taking your blog
Gogglehead, get your facts straight before you spread rumours about me in future please. I never said anything
of the sort. I interviewed Prof. Arguelles and he has a very high level of full-time devotion, whereas language
learning is a means to an end for me (I just want to expand my social circle when in the country and actively
promote lack of perfection with focus on communication and little interest in literature). Obviously I don't claim
to be in the same league as him, especially after having the pleasure of talking with him and seeing his passion
first hand.
What I precisely said was "all of the passionate language learners interviewed learned their languages as adults
thanks to a positive attitude and efficient learning technique that we explain in detail. If they all only
spokeÂEnglish when they finished high school, then think of what your potential is!" I don't even compare myself
to him there, but grouping us together I only say that we are both polyglots and both learned languages as adults
and both encourage positive mentality. This is where I mention him on my site. Perhaps somewhere else I said I
interviewed "other polyglots". Any equivalence of me being in his league from this description is purely in your
I'd appreciate it if you didn't make up things about me in future! "He said something along the lines of" is pure
He wasn't meaning to start a rumor nor did he make anything up about you. He probably just misread your post,
or was blurry on the details of what specifically was said when he wrote his post. "get your facts straight" sounds
a bit confrontational, and there is really no need to get defensive. He wasn't meaning to discredit you. In fact,
from what it looks like, he really enjoys your blog.
ruskivyetr on 30 July 2010
Or when you are awed at how complex languages actually are which makes them that much greater and more of a long term endeavor.
ibraheem on 30 July 2010
When you get annoyed when people find you are LEARNING a language and just assume you are fluent in it. Or when people think someone can just pickup a language from a friend like it's nothing.
johntm93 on 30 July 2010
..when you're playing "you know you're a language nerd" at 6:43 am with a Greek language nerd who hasn't slept either
Pinathes on 30 July 2010
When you post in a topic called "You know youâre a language nerd when...", which has 118 pages.
shadad on 30 July 2010
When people call you a language genius and say they wish they had this 'talent' but won't
listen to you when you try to explain that anyone can do the same if they put in some
time and efforts.
Asiafeverr on 30 July 2010
When you come home from a long day at work, and the first thing you want to do is get your "You know you're a language nerd when..." fix.
Kerrie on 30 July 2010
When you are almost,- yes, almost, but not quite- embarrassed to admit that "you know you are a language nerd when" has become the first thing you look for when you log on
psy88 on 31 July 2010
When you are almost,- yes, almost, but not quite- embarrassed to admit that "you know you are a language nerd when" has become the first thing you look for when you log on
Also, I don't think this has been said in 30 pages or so, so I'll reiterate it for the 5th time in this thread:
When you have read every post in this thread!
johntm93 on 31 July 2010
When you have read every post in this thread TWICE.
LazyLinguist on 31 July 2010
When, while on holiday in Tenerife, you can communicate with everyone you've met in the last 10 days in their native languages. And when your non language-nerdy friends and family comment on how impressed they are, you simply repeat what Asiafeverr said above - that speaking languages is possible for anyone if they put in the required amount of effort.
LanguageSponge on 31 July 2010
Pourquoi la grenouille a-t-elle la nostalgie ?
Parce que l'étang change!
Levi on 31 July 2010
when you are out with friends, bored, and you recall the postings on "you know you are a language nerd when" and you suddenly begin to laugh, much to the surprise/wonderment of your friends. Actually, they already think you are weird so perhaps they are not as surprised as you would expect.
psy88 on 01 August 2010
You are curious to know which languages a person speaks or even studies.
Flip_flop on 01 August 2010
walk obliviously into a large group of tourists. Sensing that something is awry, you take
off the headphones only to find to your horror, that the aforementioned group of
tourists, fifteen or so in all, who happen to be conversing excitedly, are in fact native
Dutch speakers.
Now, perhaps it's just your imagination, but one or two of them seem to be looking at you
egill on 02 August 2010
You hate being asked why you pay so much attention to languages whereas you could easily get by with those you already know.
Flip_flop on 02 August 2010
"I had to complain to the catalogue it was bought through" instead of "the catalogue through which it was bought"
Polyglotted on 02 August 2010
with a preposition:
"I had to complain to the catalogue it was bought through" instead of "the catalogue through which it was bought."
It is perfectly fine to end a sentence with a preposition. I have even read that it is one of the biggest myths
regardingÂEnglish grammar!
Good to know!
...when you spend over two hours talking with another member of this forum about languages in general and doing a language exchange, and don't want it to end (because it's so nice to finally talk to someone knowledgeable and with the same interest as you) but then panic because you still haven't done any studying!
ellasevia on 03 August 2010
with a preposition:
"I had to complain to the catalogue it was bought through" instead of "the catalogue through which it was bought."
It is perfectly fine to end a sentence with a preposition. I have even read that it is one of the biggest myths
regardingÂEnglish grammar!
Indeed,English like all the Germanic languages allows prepositions to end sentences. The insistence on not doing so was an attempt to force Latin grammar rules onEnglish (so too is the insistence on saying "it is I" rather than "it is me"). ButEnglish is not Latin nor a Latinate language, and relies heavily on verb + preposition phrases. Consider the following sentences, which can't really be reworded so as to not end in a preposition:
⢠Check it out!
⢠Come in!
⢠The plane is taking off.
⢠My friend wants to stop by.
⢠What's he going on about?
Levi on 03 August 2010
And then you do it again when posting about it! Lol
(Dutch part: go from one language to another)
mashmusic11235 on 03 August 2010
when you celebrate today as your "first birthday" because it was one year ago today that you joined this fantastic on-line community of language learners and lovers of languages, many of whom,otherwise totally unknown to you, you have come to consider role models for your own language learning.
psy88 on 04 August 2010
When you start ironing even though your clothes don't actually need it for the sole reason that this gives you an excuse for listening to another language podcast while ironing.
B-Tina on 04 August 2010
When you watched 'The Big Bang Theory' when Sheldon learns Chinese to confront the people at his local restaurant about using oranges instead of tangerines on the chickens, and you firstly were envious of how quick he could pick it up and then can understand his language faux-pas without the subtitles :)
Polyglotted on 05 August 2010
YKYALN when you've been too impressed with the fact that Iversen's studying practically the whole Indo-European linguistic family and is fluent in just half of them to realize he's petting cheetahs in his avatar.
Damasta on 05 August 2010
(and what's the meaning of YKYALN?)
Iversen on 05 August 2010
YKYALN = You know youâre a language nerd
newyorkeric on 05 August 2010
When my brother-in-law once witnessed that, it made him laugh all day. And he makes til today fun out of it - "You never guess what my sister-in-law takes for reading to the toilet" or "Ten Euros if you guess what ..."
But I really don't mind, I also laughed about it :-)
glossa.passion on 05 August 2010
When you explain code switching to a friend with the example
sentance: Code switching is where someone who speaks several languages will, in the
middle of a sentance, ga uit van een spraak naar een ander; and it completley slips
your mind to translate the Dutch part.
Correction: it's "taal" not "spraak"
When you just bought a 764 page Khoekhoegowab dictionary for $79.95,
because no library in the USA has one, and it was in stock at the online bookstore, and
somehow Namibia might one day be on your horizon, in the same way Jupiter or
Neptune might one day be.
Ow... Haacke's? I can't even get it in a bookstore in South Africa, I'll be taking a
trip to Namibia and will pick one up there... nifty language aye ^_^
ennime on 05 August 2010
aren't dangerous - provided that you aren't stupid enough to start running.
(and what's the meaning of YKYALN?)
oh? well... maybe if you try shadowing while running from them you'd have super retention
ennime on 05 August 2010
YKYALN = You know youâre a language nerd
budonoseito on 05 August 2010
YKYALN when you know what YKYALN means.
Tally on 06 August 2010
YKYALN when you go to the toilet - knowing that it'll take some time - and you take a dictionary with you instead of a newspaper (apart from newspapers in your target language)
YKYALN when you propose using an Assimil book instead ;-)
B-Tina on 06 August 2010
a sentence inÂEnglish with a preposition
"I had to complain to the catalogue it was bought through" instead of "the catalogue
through which it was bought"
understanding of the sentence that much?
Sorry, I don't understand why people get worked up about it. And plus, who says we
can't end a sentence in a preposition? Afaik there's no regulatory body forÂEnglish
YKYALN when you start thinking about voiced and unvoiced sounds in random words you
And when you plan on going to bed in 30 minutes and end up staying up for 2 more
hours...I haven't been here in a week so I wanted to catch up with all of the things I
johntm93 on 08 August 2010
When you hate when people say things like "I want to learn X language so I can tell when those foreigners are insulting me in their language! That would sure surprise them when I reply in their language". Or you hate people that associate your language studies with a very narrow minded perspective of a country. "Oh you're learning Thai, I really like Thai noodles!". Incidentally I'm not learning Thai.
ibraheem on 08 August 2010
When you hate when people say things like "I want to learn X language so I can tell when those foreigners are insulting me in their language! That would sure surprise them when I reply in their language". Or you hate people that associate your language studies with a very narrow minded perspective of a country. "Oh you're learning Thai, I really like Thai noodles!". Incidentally I'm not learning Thai.
But you DO like Thai noodles.
PaulLambeth on 08 August 2010
When you listen to music in five different languages and deliberately sing along to songs in those languages (Latin, German, French, Italian and Russian) in front of the aforementioned five year old half-brother (and have been doing so since he had just turned 3) in the hope that he will pick up an interest in languages. These attempts seem to really work, and now whenever he hears another language, he says "my brother probably understands that" or "what are they saying?"
I went to visit the aforementioned brother yesterday as he is "on holiday", as he puts it, at a caravan site a few miles away. The people on the pitch next to him were German, and he comes up to me excitedly saying "what are they saying? Go talk to them, I want to hear you speak" (and I did, obviously - I was as fired up for it as he was)
When your half-brother begins French at school (at 5 years old) and you're really jealous that you never had the opportunity to start it that early, thinking you might actually have really liked French if, when you started at 5 years old, it had involved counting and simple things like that while playing ball games or whatever.
When you get frustrated at yourself because you know you thought of one or two other things to write in this response but can't remember them right now. Grr.
EDIT: Remembered one. When you look at your Russian handwriting in a letter to your friend and you think "I should hide this away. Someone wandering around is bound to read this." You know in principle that no-one in your house but you can read the letter, but you think that Cyrillic is so transparent anyway that they could probably work it out pretty easily. And are so convinced by this fact that you hide the letter away anyway.
EDIT: When you look at posts on this forum with Japanese in them, thinking "right, that looks like a lot of gobbledegook to me" and then you think "I can't wait to learn to read that" :]
LanguageSponge on 08 August 2010
... you think that Cyrillic is so transparent anyway that they could probably work it out pretty easily...
I get this with Swedish so much, I always feel likeEnglish speakers are going to be able to figure out whatever was in Swedish, written or spoken. It's so close!
kottoler.ello on 08 August 2010
when you read aloud theEnglish word "era" but from force of habit (and repeated use and practice) you pronounce it as if it were the (to you ) familiar Spanish word which is spelled the same way. And, once again, those hearing you simply shrug and shake their heads.
psy88 on 08 August 2010
When you have a few phrases (only a few right now...) that you automatically translate in
your head for no reason. Like if I say "if you want" inEnglish the Spanish for it ("si
quiere" or "si quieres") automatically pops into my head, even if languages had nothing
to do with the conversation.
johntm93 on 09 August 2010
I get this with Swedish so much, I always feel likeÂEnglish speakers are going to be able to figure out whatever was in Swedish, written or spoken. It's so close!
It's frustrating, isn't it? I swore I'd never ever think that when I was learning to read it. And now, I will take the opportunity to say that I don't think that will ever happen with Japanese when I eventually learn to read it properly (can already read Hiragana somewhat) but I am sure it will after many, many years.
You know you're a language nerd when you're supposed to be catching a train in 15 mins, but instead you're on this site posting or reading threads like you have all the time in the world. Off to catch my train now :P
LanguageSponge on 09 August 2010
when you celebrate today as your "first birthday" because it was one year ago today that you joined this fantastic on-line community of language learners and lovers of languages
¡Feliz cumpleaños (perdon por la demora)! :)
English: Happy birthday (sorry for the delay)!
Teango on 09 August 2010
You know you're a language nerd when adding languages to your hit list feels a lot like being a kid in a candy store; âOh, I want this one! Ooooh, and that one!â
ReneeMona on 09 August 2010
When you find videos like - this and start to get oddly excited...(lol)
Teango on 09 August 2010
When you find videos like - this and start to get oddly excited...(lol)
When that video makes you realise that you could say the phrase âorange coffeeâ in your native language to a speaker of a click language with a name you donât even know how to pronounce and they would understand and even though you understand why, the idea still boggles your mind. ;-)
ReneeMona on 09 August 2010
You know you're a language nerd when adding languages to your hit list
feels a lot like being a kid in a candy store; âOh, I want this one! Ooooh, and that
johntm93 on 09 August 2010
You know you're a language nerd when adding languages to your hit list
feels a lot like being a kid in a candy store; âOh, I want this one! Ooooh, and that
Good strategy. I have "upgraded" several languages (Finnish, Hungarian, Georgian, Romanian, Persian) to high priority on there and now I want to learn all of them really badly! I don't know what I'm going to do, because I just don't have time right now...
EDIT: Originally I wrote "a couple languages" and then realized that five is a bit more than that...
ellasevia on 09 August 2010
You know you're a language nerd
when adding languages to your hit list
feels a lot like being a kid in a candy store; âOh, I want this one! Ooooh, and that
Good strategy. I have "upgraded" several languages (Finnish, Hungarian, Georgian,
Romanian, Persian) to high priority on there and now I want to learn all of them really
badly! I don't know what I'm going to do, because I just don't have time right now...
EDIT: Originally I wrote "a couple languages" and then realized that five is a bit more
than that...
thought about learning Indonesian some day, I'll go ahead and add-oh look! I should add
johntm93 on 09 August 2010
when you celebrate today as your "first birthday" because it was one year ago today that you joined this fantastic on-line community of language learners and lovers of languages
¡Feliz cumpleaños (perdon por la demora)! :)
English: Happy birthday (sorry for the delay)!
¡Muchas gracias!
psy88 on 10 August 2010
...When you get your computer back (had to get the OS reinstalled, it's a long story), the first thing you do is add all of the keyboard settings you had before, even the configurations for languages you never plan to learn.
Hey, some alphabets just look cool.
and I just remembered, I forgot to add Georgian.
johntm93 on 10 August 2010
-When you read the instructions on a nail product box in Spanish,English, french, German and Italian just for fun/to see how much you understand/learn new words.(Ok, you also do it when you see anything written in more than 1 language)
-The first thing you do when you walk through a book shop is run the dictionary section to see if they have in new languages or you look for novels in other language.
-You randomly look for internet tuturials to learn a new exotic language.
-You think the World Cup sticker album is awesome because it's in 7 languages.
-When you're at a touristic place you try to catch what language are speaking the other tourists.
-Your ipod has songs in more than 4 languages (and that's exactly why you think Eurovision song contest it's amazing!)
Pau20 on 10 August 2010
-Your ipod has songs in more than 4 languages
Now if we count language courses, I think I could blow 4 out of the water.
johntm93 on 10 August 2010
-Your ipod has songs in more than 4 languages
Now if we count language courses, I think I could blow 4 out of the water.
Hahahaha don't feel bad, maybe I exaggerated!...Some songs that are in a language I'm not familiar with I don't even know what they say, I just like the way they sound...But there's a cool Dutch rap song called "eeyeeyo" you should have, if you like that genre.
Pau20 on 10 August 2010
...when you just can't understand how people make it to adulthood without knowing that they speak Portuguese in Brazil.
Levi on 10 August 2010
-Your ipod has songs in more than 4 languages
...and no songs inEnglish.
Levi on 10 August 2010
-Your ipod has songs in more than 4 languages
...and no songs inÂEnglish.
Seconded! I just can't enjoy music inEnglish for some reason.
Makes for some awkward conversations when people ask what kind of music you like. "Umm... well I don't listen to any bands you'd know of, let's put it that way."
kyssäkaali on 10 August 2010
...when you just can't understand how people make it to adulthood without knowing that they speak Portuguese in Brazil.
Yeah, that's so annoying... once an Italian taxi driver asked me what language we speak in Mexico.
Pau20 on 10 August 2010
-Your ipod has songs in more than 4 languages
Now if we count language courses, I think I could blow 4 out of the water.
Hahahaha don't feel bad, maybe I exaggerated!...Some songs that are in a language I'm not familiar with I don't even know what they say, I just like the way they sound...But there's a cool Dutch rap song called "eeyeeyo" you should have, if you like that genre.
johntm93 on 10 August 2010
-Your ipod has songs in more than 4 languages
...and no songs inÂEnglish.
Seconded! I just can't enjoy music inÂEnglish for some reason.
Makes for some awkward conversations when people ask what kind of music you like. "Umm... well I don't listen to any bands you'd know of, let's put it that way."
There is alot of great music inEnglish though it is not played on the radio.
ibraheem on 11 August 2010
-Your ipod has songs in more than 4 languages
...and no songs inÂEnglish.
Seconded! I just can't enjoy music inÂEnglish for some reason.
Makes for some awkward conversations when people ask what kind of music you like. "Umm... well I don't listen to any bands you'd know of, let's put it that way."
There is alot of great music inÂEnglish though it is not played on the radio.
Totally agreed. Most of the music I listen to isEnglish but it's never on the radio. On a similar topic:
When you're going through an Irish folk band's music and pick out the ones with Irish Gaelic titles to listen to first.
PaulLambeth on 11 August 2010
-Your ipod has songs in more than 4 languages
...and no songs inÂEnglish.
Seconded! I just can't enjoy music inÂEnglish for some reason.
Makes for some awkward conversations when people ask what kind of music you like. "Umm... well I don't listen to any bands you'd know of, let's put it that way."
There is alot of great music inÂEnglish though it is not played on the radio.
johntm93 on 11 August 2010
... when you are chatting with one of your best friends, and he says goodbye, so you say
goodbye too, only you make a typographical error (1 letter). Your friend does not assume
it was a typo, nor that you made up the word, nor asks what you meant; he asks what
language that's in!!!
Thaorius on 11 August 2010
When you get far hornier for languages than members of the opposite sex.
kottoler.ello on 13 August 2010
When you're not happy with the amount of time you're spending in your target language,
despite spending your whole day listening to music, watching films, learning vocab,
watching TV, reading books and speaking to others in that language, so you decide to
maximise your time by constantly thinking in your target language instead of your native
tongue, despite the fact that you've only been learning it for a few days.
deej on 14 August 2010
...when you not only know lots of countries your friends aren't aware of, you know their names in languages they're also not aware of.
Levi on 14 August 2010
When you're trying to learn to read music and bit more about music theory (wishing you'd paid attention a little more in classes in school) and in an attempt to make this easier for yourself, you try to relate as much as possible to learning a language.
LanguageSponge on 14 August 2010
And're pondering adding a second Korean language choice to your GPS so you can have a Hangul/Hanja mixed script version.
Warp3 on 14 August 2010
When you're trying to learn to read music and bit more about music theory (wishing you'd paid attention a little more in classes in school) and in an attempt to make this easier for yourself, you try to relate as much as possible to learning a language.
One of my favourite aspects to learning piano was learning the theory of music, not because I was really into it, but simply because I got to learn lots of musical terminology and directions in different languages like Italian. In fact, even as I type, my fingers are already itching to get back to the keyboard at the very thought of this...fortissimo, con fuoco, fantastico! :)
Teango on 15 August 2010
when you hope that it will rain tomorrow so that you have a good reason to stay at home and study languages.
nuriayasmin on 15 August 2010 read this thread for some inspiration, but find a bit too much.
ibraheem on 15 August 2010
I say that because this week Language Nerdery almost made me purchase explosives. Happens to everyone, I guess. When I am waiting in line at the grocery store, I entertain myself by reading multilingual packaging on any item within reach. So there was a display of fireworks by the counter, and I picked up a few and started to study the directions in Spanish and French on it. And I realized that my current vocabulary for blowing things up is sadly insufficient.
"You are NOT buying this explosive device just because it has a lot of interesting words about fire hazards. If you need to detonate something, you can do it inEnglish!" I told myself. But, really, these little bombs and rockets are so very enticing when the directions for use are in another language . . . which actually makes them much more dangerous, but I admit that I wanted some. I really, really wanted some.
Why the sudden love for certain disaster? Is this just language nerdery, or do I have some hidden powderkeg of anger within me? Um, no, it's not hidden. I've been trying to win the Great Grocery Giveaway every day for months now, and never, not ONCE . . . no, no, I won't give in to gunpowder, I won't. Because what would happen if I took these home and the house caught fire, and the whole place went BOOM! how, then could I explain that I had that stuff just to study vocabulary?
I didn't buy any fireworks. I figured I could just learn multilingual pyrotechnics from the dictionary. That's so boring, though . . .
(if you are wondering why cheap explosives are available for impulsive purchase at an ordinary checkout counter, that's legal here in South Carolina. Strange, but legal)
meramarina on 15 August 2010
Meramarina, you do worry me sometimes. But in a friendly, non-aggressive, certainly non-detonating way.
PaulLambeth on 15 August 2010
when you hope that it will rain tomorrow so that you have a good reason to stay at home and study languages.
Your water witchcraft is very impressive - it's been raining cats and dogs here today (not literally of course, that would simply be too distracting)! [edit]
Teango on 16 August 2010
when you hope that it will rain tomorrow so that you have a good reason to stay at home and study languages.
You're water witchcraft is very impressive - it's been raining cats and dogs here today (not literally of course, that would simply be too distracting)!
In Spanish, they don't say "raining cats and dogs". They use "llover a cántaros", literally "to rain pitchers", kind of like theEnglish "raining buckets".
PS It has started to rain here, too, after a few weeks of very hot and dry weather, but I am working tomorrow anyway :-(
psy88 on 16 August 2010
I say that because this week Language Nerdery almost made me purchase explosives. Happens to everyone, I guess. When I am waiting in line at the grocery store, I entertain myself by reading multilingual packaging on any item within reach. So there was a display of fireworks by the counter, and I picked up a few and started to study the directions in Spanish and French on it. And I realized that my current vocabulary for blowing things up is sadly insufficient.
"You are NOT buying this explosive device just because it has a lot of interesting words about fire hazards. If you need to detonate something, you can do it inÂEnglish!" I told myself. But, really, these little bombs and rockets are so very enticing when the directions for use are in another language . . . which actually makes them much more dangerous, but I admit that I wanted some. I really, really wanted some.
Why the sudden love for certain disaster? Is this just language nerdery, or do I have some hidden powderkeg of anger within me? Um, no, it's not hidden. I've been trying to win the Great Grocery Giveaway every day for months now, and never, not ONCE . . . no, no, I won't give in to gunpowder, I won't. Because what would happen if I took these home and the house caught fire, and the whole place went BOOM! how, then could I explain that I had that stuff just to study vocabulary?
I didn't buy any fireworks. I figured I could just learn multilingual pyrotechnics from the dictionary. That's so boring, though . . .
(if you are wondering why cheap explosives are available for impulsive purchase at an ordinary checkout counter, that's legal here in South Carolina. Strange, but legal)
You never struck me as the blow-stuff-up-so-that-I-can-lean-some-blowing-stuff-up-words type :)
Actually, explosives are availible for impulsive purchase here in Pennsylvania, as well. They should have a warning on them saying: KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN AND LANGUAGE NERDS!
mashmusic11235 on 16 August 2010
When you ask your wife/girlfriend(who speaks onlyEnglish) to shout 'Oui, oui!' or 'Si,
si!' instead of 'Yes, yes!' when you're in bed as it helps you reach org*sm.
deej on 16 August 2010
You know you're a language nerd
when adding languages to your hit list
feels a lot like being a kid in a candy store; âOh, I want this one! Ooooh, and that
Good strategy. I have "upgraded" several languages (Finnish, Hungarian, Georgian,
Romanian, Persian) to high priority on there and now I want to learn all of them really
badly! I don't know what I'm going to do, because I just don't have time right now...
EDIT: Originally I wrote "a couple languages" and then realized that five is a bit more
than that...
...When you are slightly ashamed that you only have 2 languages on your hit list after
reading this..... better go add some more, excuse me for a moment.....:)
LazyLinguist on 16 August 2010
when you have been studying your second target language for several months (while continuing with your first, of course!)and finally get it posted on your profile and now, when you see it posted, it gives you such a great feeling of pride that you redouble your efforts,committing yourself even more fully to the challenge of learning the second language. When, by making a public statement about it, you feel a greater sense of responsibility to pursue your goals.
psy88 on 17 August 2010
When you punish yourself not buying a Dutch dictionary because you feel haven't studied enough French and German on this summer vacays :/
Pau20 on 17 August 2010
...when you don't care how much your hand hurts, you're going to enter that whole book into your SRS, dammit!
Levi on 17 August 2010
...when you don't care how much your hand hurts, you're going to enter that whole book into your SRS, dammit!
What's an SRS? Does not knowing get me rejected from the ranks of the language nerds? >.<
When you wonder what foreign languages have the most foreign language resources written in them.
mashmusic11235 on 17 August 2010
It's a spaced repitition system. - What is an SRS?
Levi on 17 August 2010
When you try to keep yourself disciplined by saying "OK, no more Lernu! until you've done
Assimil for today!"
LazyLinguist on 17 August 2010
When you get a lot more excited about the "learn chinese" part of a fortune cookie than
the people around you do.
Tenebrarum on 17 August 2010
- When the only reason you can resist them is that you know it will slow down your progress in French.
ReneeMona on 17 August 2010
When packing for a sleepover, your copy of Colloquial Hebrew goes in the bag right after your clothes.
When, after typing that, you wonder if you should also bring your Romanian course, in case you get bored with Hebrew.
mashmusic11235 on 18 August 2010
Your Amazon wishlist of language material is growing faster then you can get through your
current material. But, a new dictionary and native material is always helpful, right? :)
budonoseito on 18 August 2010
When your favourite mug is the one with 'Good Day' written in 8 different languages on
LazyLinguist on 18 August 2010
When you are getting ready to go on vacation and have to decide which courses you want to take, knowing you can't take them all, and fearing that whichever you do take, you will wish you had taken another. When you also know that you are going to be hard pressed to find much time to study while away but your ideal vacation is more about studying than sight seeing. When you are also afraid to take your favorite courses because you worry that they will get torn, lost, stolen, etc.
psy88 on 19 August 2010
- When while youâre at work you find out that one of your colleagues is half Finnish and even though Finnish is not one of your target languages, you get very excited about it, spend the rest of the evening asking her about Finnish grammar and pronunciation and are now considering a couple of weeks of dabbling. Damn my wanderlust!
ReneeMona on 19 August 2010 get super excited when you hear that one of your good friends knows a Finnish exchange student, hoping that maybe you can practice your Swedish (and Finnish if I decide to take it up in the near future). get extremely linguistically confused (and consequently decide not to talk) because you've just spokenEnglish, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Dutch, Russian, Japanese, and Swahili in relatively quick succession. are greeted multiple times by acquaintances with "...and how many languages do you speak now?" feel like crying after approaching an exchange student from Tajikistan and attempting to ask in your best Persian (thinking that you had found a native speaker to talk with) whether she speaks Persian, only to learn that she doesn't. :(
And then later in the day, when...
...buying books (actually extra dictionaries for my German and Japanese classes) for school at a bookstore, your brother has to drag you out of the language section by your hair, gripping you by the scruff of the neck, with you wanting to scream.
ellasevia on 19 August 2010
....You receive a German concert DVD in the mail and the first thing you do is watch the
90 minutes of documentaries on it with subtitles.
LazyLinguist on 19 August 2010
You quit your job every year so that you can spend 6 months in your target language countries, come back, luck out
and get some nice job offers in your home country despite the bad economy, turn them down for a mediocre job in
China, the China job gets cancelled, and you mope around for days - not because you missed out on the other jobs,
but because you missed out on a lifetime opportunity to work in a target country.
leosmith on 20 August 2010 find yourself singing along to your German music while practicing Chinese characters.
Levi on 20 August 2010
...when you consider writing a poem to a girl that you like in Persian because it sounds so beautiful.
...when you actually do it. (Speaking of which, I'm having some trouble with it. I tried to ask this in the Specific Languages section, but had some techincal difficulties. One of the lines is اگرÚ٠عش٠ت٠بÙÛ Ù
٠را Ù٠است . Can someone please tell me whether or not this is correct? If not, how would I make it correct? Sorry about posting that in the wrong section, the Specific languages section really won't cooperate)
mashmusic11235 on 21 August 2010
LanguageSponge on 21 August 2010
When you look up the Chinese characters that you don't know on food items like the p-content/uploads/2008/01/shin_ramyun.jpg&imgrefurl=htt p:// ege-kids-tune-into-this-post/&usg=__g2DHd4e0I3alRuSlPUSmHThS 3aY=&h=300&w=300&sz=36&hl=en&start=0&sig2=z8QfQwqWwOInaZA9MO dbFQ&zoom=1&tbnid=yIjsXUDZgi_nIM:&tbnh=153&tbnw=153&ei=al1xT PzNKIWdlge7pamQDQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dshin%2Bramen%26um%3D1%2 6hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D584%26tbs%3Disch:1&um =1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=129&oei=al1xTPzNKIWdlge7pamQDQ&esq=1&p age=1&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0&tx=91&ty=40 - Shin Ramen noodle bags .
chucknorrisman on 22 August 2010
When you play Japanese computer games inEnglish and feel guilty about it. You feel tempted to learn Japanese just to play the computer games in the original, and so that you are finally able to say legitimately that playing computer games counts as studying :P
LanguageSponge on 24 August 2010
maydayayday on 24 August 2010
*Sigh* I wish my family were more passionate about languages.
When you realise that you remember your dad chanting to you as a toddler in a sing-song voice and you've just realised that it was malayalam..... and he's from Lancashire, England.
maydayayday on 24 August 2010
...when you look up unknown German words in a German-French dictionary (and then consult a monolingual French dictionary if necessary), rather than just using a German-English dictionary.
Levi on 24 August 2010
...when, in your algebra class, you see 3ax (or something like that) in an equation on the board and your first reaction is to wonder why "3" is in the prepositional case! Then, sadly, you remember that this is math, not Russian. :(
ellasevia on 24 August 2010
...when, in your algebra class, you see 3ax (or something like that) in an equation on the board and your first reaction is to wonder why "3" is in the prepositional case! Then, sadly, you remember that this is math, not Russian. :(
Love that. I used to spend maths classes sitting at the back of the classroom with my ÑÑÑÑкий vocab book and just wrote Russian all lesson. At the time I thought I'd pay for it later, but since I got much more than the grade I needed in maths, that was time well spent.
LanguageSponge on 25 August 2010
When you're running to get to your French class because you were rapping in Swedish for the freshman in the Chinese I class you're going to help teach second semester.
kottoler.ello on 25 August 2010
Hi, my name is Luhmann, and I am a languageholic. Today I will not listen to language podcasts nor flip my Anki deck. If I get the urge to study, I will call someone in LA who understands and will help me see the reality of language learning. I am going to bed sober tonight by Gods wonderful grace and mercy that He has for me and by the help of LA.
luhmann on 25 August 2010
...when you look up unknown German words in a German-French dictionary (and then consult a monolingual French dictionary if necessary), rather than just using a German-English dictionary.
I've been considering a similar concept for bilingual reading. With Spanish being so much more transparent than Korean (mostly due to the sheer number of cognates), I suspect that a Korean-Spanish bilingual text would work quite well and would also work both target languages in the process. Also, I know several words in Korean that I haven't learned in Spanish (simply haven't had a reason to do so yet), so the effect would be reciprocal. If I don't know the word/phrase in either language (and can't figure it out from context), *then* I could resort to theEnglish version.
Warp3 on 25 August 2010
When you've read the 131 pages of this thread :-)
DaraghM on 26 August 2010
But it was written in Romanian, sigh! My other Romanian grammars are in Swedish andEnglish..
Iversen on 26 August 2010
** but then you ask them to pass the message on to the next regions:
maydayayday on 26 August 2010
When you're really happy to discover your local public library has books in French and spend half the walk home composing a post about it for this thread...
LittleBoy on 28 August 2010
...when you look up unknown German words in a German-French dictionary (and then consult a monolingual French dictionary if necessary), rather than just using a German-English dictionary.
That's what I do as well, so I am also a language nerd...
I look up unknown French words of my recipes in my new Prisma bilingual French-Dutch dictionary.
Fasulye on 28 August 2010
...when you hate watching movies with friends/family because they want it with subtitles or dubbed, and you don't want it, because you can't practice your knowledge of the language that way.
Rodrigo Chaves on 28 August 2010
When you download stuff in your target language and got a warning for using too much
bandwidth from doing it xD
zekecoma on 28 August 2010
When you download a film with Swedish subtitles and even though you find out the film sucks about ten minutes in you still watch the whole thing because you're fascinated with how you can sort of understand the subtitles and how much Swedish resembles Dutch andEnglish at times.
ReneeMona on 29 August 2010
when a high point of the vacation you were reluctant to take turns out to be that there are TV shows your second target language (French), while back home there are only shows in your first target language(Spanish).
when another high point is actually listening in on conversations in your second target language spoken by a family and being blown away when you hear little children speaking the language(it reminds you of the very old-ancient really- joke that the French must be very intelligent because even the little children can speak French, while you,an adult struggle with it).
when the true highest point is that one day ,because it is raining and you cannot do much of anything else, you visit a bookstore annex to a library and find that they are selling books at very, very low prices. You buy several school textbooks used to teach your second language, including two books that were used in school more than 70 yrs ago.The prices? Only 50 cents or a dollar each. You walk away with with two big shopping bags of text books for only $7! Then, to top it off, the older woman with a slight accent who works there asks if you are a French teacher because you are buying so many French texts. You explain that you are a student of the language.You discuss your love of languages. You mention that you are leaving the next day and she says that is too bad because she would give you lessons. You ask, in French,of course, if she is French. She answers in French that she is, and you have a very brief exchange in your target language. Then you make a slight faux pas without realizing it,(one that belongs in another thread on "humorous blunders") and so you leave feeling on top of the world and anxious to get home to add the books to your list of study materials.
psy88 on 29 August 2010
... when you read Crime and Punishment in your native language thinking how it would've sounded in Russian, but then remember that your level of Ru is not so high enough to read novels yet, and decide to take a break from reading the novel to go and read your Russian textbook
mirab3lla on 30 August 2010
When you start to cover up your new Korean textbooks when you leave the car as if they were a GPS or ipod, only to remember that no one else would want them badly enough to break your windows.
Rina on 31 August 2010
When you start to cover up your new Korean textbooks when you leave the car as if they were a GPS or ipod, only to remember that no one else would want them badly enough to break your windows.
I've actually gone so far as to shove my books under the car seat. I had never actually considered the fact that most passersby wouldn't value a thick Russian-English dictionary or a rare Assimil course. Now I feel rather silly.
josht on 31 August 2010
...when you often explain to people that you don't speak their language at all, but you know a lot about their language, such as what languages it's closely related to, how the language's syntax works, and what phonemes it uses.
Levi on 31 August 2010
...when you often explain to people that you don't speak their language at all, but you know a lot about their language, such as what languages it's closely related to, how the language's syntax works, and what phonemes it uses.
This happens to me all the time.
mashmusic11235 on 01 September 2010
Language terrorism: ...when you hover dangerously around the immigration control cabins at an airport for a little while longer, once you've safely gone through of course, to see if you can "help" in any way at all (without getting arrested)...
Teango on 01 September 2010
When you try to work out the grammar of a language you don't know based on the mistakes people make when using a language you do know.... even if you only know a little ?
maydayayday on 01 September 2010
When your friend talks about Kindergarten in a conversation on skype and it kills the German part of your brain to see it not written with a capital letter.
LanguageSponge on 01 September 2010
. . . you see some guy at the store wearing an IVERSEN fan t-shirt, and for a moment you think, wow, the man really IS popular . . . must be the word lists . . . !
but it seems that there's a football player by that name.
meramarina on 02 September 2010
Fasulye on 02 September 2010
. . . you see some guy at the store wearing an IVERSEN fan t-shirt, and for a moment you think, wow, the man really IS popular . . . must be the word lists . . . !
but it seems that there's a football player by that name.
IVERSEN plays football as well ?????
maydayayday on 02 September 2010
. . . you see some guy at the store wearing an IVERSEN fan t-shirt, and for a moment you think, wow, the man
really IS popular . . . must be the word lists . . . !
but it seems that there's a football player by that name.
When you had to google the name because âourâ Iversen is the only Iversen youâve ever heard of.
MäcÃSŸ on 02 September 2010
When you spend several hours watching Gaelic football whilst recovering from a hangover the next day, not because you particularly like the game, but simply because the commentary's all in Irish.
Teango on 02 September 2010
And when you see "Die Fangers!" graffitied on a wall in an episode of "True Blood", and for a split second automatically think to, how should read "die Fänger"!
Teango on 02 September 2010
When you get a language nerds dream come true: my college library is tossing out many foreign language books and I get to pick from them for free, and I almost thought about talking the whole lot of them! So far I've got a dozen German instruction and auf Deutsch books, conversational Croatian course, Russian phrasebook a textbook and several courses, several Italian, a Finnish course, several French, Spanish, a hugeEnglish Japanese dictionary I will never need, some rather ancient looking Latin courses etc... I will be going back as soon as I get back on campus for the final scavenge.
ibraheem on 03 September 2010
When you get a language nerds dream come true: my college library is tossing out many foreign language books and I get to pick from them for free, and I almost thought about talking the whole lot of them! So far I've got a dozen German instruction and auf Deutsch books, conversational Croatian course, Russian phrasebook a textbook and several courses, several Italian, a Finnish course, several French, Spanish, a hugeÂEnglish Japanese dictionary I will never need, some rather ancient looking Latin courses etc... I will be going back as soon as I get back on campus for the final scavenge.
ibraheem: There is never a FINAL scavenge....
maydayayday on 03 September 2010
When you play Japanese computer games inÂEnglish and feel guilty about it. You feel tempted to learn Japanese just to play the computer games in the original, and so that you are finally able to say legitimately that playing computer games counts as studying :P
That's why I started learning Japanese, if you tell someone you spent 5 hours playing video games your a couch potato, if you spent 5 hours playing video games in Japanese your dedicated and deserve accolades.
genini1 on 03 September 2010
When you ruin a possible few hours foreign language study by reading about languages on this site and on Wikipaedia, a lot of the time re-reading stuff you've already read.
When you enjoy visiting your in-laws, even though all they talk about is the weather, dogs and neighbours for several hours, because they are monolingual in one of your foreign languages!
hribecek on 03 September 2010
When a phone call wakes you from a dream of searching a glossary of grammatical terms (where you remember seeing at least one word from you Anki study list) and the first thing you do after hanging up is run to your computer to type in the term to see if it really exists and, if so, what language is it.
Kary on 03 September 2010
. . . you see some guy at the store wearing an IVERSEN fan t-shirt, and for a moment you think, wow, the man really IS popular . . . must be the word lists . . . !
but it seems that there's a football player by that name.
When you wonder if language nerdery status can be recinded because you weren't aware of either Iverson before reading this.
When you ask your mom can you please be stuck in a car with her for four hours on a drive to Pittsburgh, all for the purpose of going to a bookstore there.
mashmusic11235 on 04 September 2010
...when much of your time is spent wondering how language arose in the first place. Who strung together the first sentence? Who made the first relative clause? The first pun? What was the first irregular verb? What is the oldest language that has surviving descendents? Why can't there be time machines so we can figure this stuff out?
Levi on 05 September 2010
You then spend 30 minutes examining exactly how many languages you can hold a conversation in..... having correctly identified she speaks Russian with a Ukrainian accent and her German isn't all that sharp.
06 September 2010: I was that guy.
maydayayday on 06 September 2010
when friends start to save instruction manuals that came with the things they have purchased (most recently a storage box that had to be assembled) because they know you will enjoy reading the directions in the various languages in the manual.
psy88 on 06 September 2010
You then spend 30 minutes examining exactly how many languages you can hold a conversation in..... having correctly identified she speaks Russian with a Ukrainian accent and her German isn't all that sharp.
06 September 2010: I was that guy.
And then they ring you back and offer you the bigger job.
maydayayday on 07 September 2010
You are upset because Borders bookstore combined the linguistics and philosophy sections together so now you have to search through the entire philosophy section to find what is new in linguistics.
translator2 on 07 September 2010
Levi on 10 September 2010
When you get distracted from studying, because you start to day dream that you know all the languages in the world fluently, including dialects!
Marc94 on 11 September 2010
there practising your pronunciation out loud when your mom, a little bit scared because
of the wierd sounds you're making, comes to the bathroom door, knocks and asks: is it
everything ok there?!?
edit: typo
karaipyhare on 11 September 2010
I actually noticed that or something similar when I was in Isketch... Ah the things
languages can solve.
Tally on 11 September 2010
When you spend your spare time on language forums.
crafedog on 13 September 2010
...when nothing thrills you like getting to the point in a foreign language when you can understand the lyrics to songs you've never heard before.
Levi on 16 September 2010
Sorry, I'm not very good at this. Reading many posts in this thread has had me realize that I'm not really a language nerd.
Wait, I've got one! When you study Mandarin for years and decide to go to China for a year, but ending up with a plan to go to the south; telling your friends they speak Cantonese there, they all go "That's a bummer, dude" and you go "Huh? No, that's a good thing! I get to learn an extra language!".
Ari on 16 September 2010
Maybe I'm a language nerd after all?
Ari on 16 September 2010
When you can't help but virtually trip over numerous folders of language learning materials, stached all over your computer like caches of select cashews and treasure troves of seeds stored up for winter, and realise you are a compulsive language squirrel. @.@
Teango on 16 September 2010
And when you say it loud and proud for the first time in public (for me, this was at an Irish cousin's wedding party recently): "I guess I'm just a language nerd"...and feel a happy wave of relief to have finally come out of the language closet.
Teango on 16 September 2010
When you had to watch a foreign language music video twice in a row because when it got to the end after playing the first time you realized your eyes hadn't left the captions at the bottom so you have no idea what actually happens in the video.
Warp3 on 16 September 2010
Sorry I'd drifted off. The business case was good.
maydayayday on 17 September 2010
...when you think it's worth it to familiarize yourself with the spelling/pronunciation systems of dozens of languages, if only to be able to correctly pronounce foreign names.
Levi on 18 September 2010
....when an introductory lesson on OldEnglish in which a couple of basic grammatical features like case and gender are explained feels like a total waste of time to you.
ReneeMona on 18 September 2010
Fasulye on 18 September 2010
Exactly. Yesterday I made various tapas dishes and paella using, obviously, a Spanish recipe book. To be honest, half of my doing so was because I wanted to prove to myself that my Spanish isn't actually dead. It was a success, amazingly!
LanguageSponge on 18 September 2010
when you almost don't mind getting stuck in traffic because it gives you more time to practice with your CD language course.
psy88 on 18 September 2010
Do I win the thread yet?
Ari on 19 September 2010
When you hear about your mate's courses at University like Economics, Law, Biology etc and you think it is boring because there isn't learning a language involved.
Jon1991 on 19 September 2010
"Thank god they didn't take my mobile; I've got no backup on that SRS deck!".
When you backup your SRS decks religiously, without fail, not even once have you ever forgotten to.
Ari on 20 September 2010
When you backup your SRS decks religiously, without fail, not even once have you ever forgotten to
I forgot, and I have suffered the consequences. I'm still mourning the loss of a favorite Anki deck . . . I don't know what happened (sob)
But in other Nerdy News, I know, yet again, that I am a language nerd because I have become just a little bit of a language vigilante.
For me, the last two weeks have not been very good for language learning. First, I just had too much other work to take care of and then I was sick all this week, but today I went to the bookstore. Yes, I hear you - if you have read my posts before, you're likely wondering if I do anything BUT go to the bookstore - well, no, not really.
So there I was lurking around the language aisle, making my birthday wish list, because I plan to get myself a few gifts soon to celebrate this rapidly accelerating aging nonsense that makes me feel peevish and so I had a look at various books and a few were really very silly. Not my style at all, you know . . .
Have you seen the series "Hide This French/Italian/Spanish Book! (there are several versions) The objective here is to learn some very, very naughty foreign words. Hhmmmm . . . well, now! I'm not against learning some nasty new words, myself, but I just can't agree with this as the sole purpose of language learning, so I did just what the book said and I HID IT. I put it behind some other books, that's right, now it's gone, ha, and it was a good deed, yes it was.
Um, eh, OK . . . so I did learn a few things.
But I've already forgotten them - my memory is not what it was, and I am glad for that.
meramarina on 20 September 2010
When you feel guilty for talking to your flatmates inEnglish (some of whom are from Belgium, Germany and Italy) even though you have guests over who wouldn't understand a word of what you were saying unless it is inEnglish.
When you're sitting down watching TV with said flatmates and comment on the terribleEnglish grammar being used by some people on the program. And when a monolingual friend asks you to explain what's wrong with theirEnglish (because they speak in exactly the same way) you proceed to use phrases like "incorrect past participle" and "incorrect verb conjugations" or "subjunctive" to explain the answer, taking it entirely for granted that the monolingual friend would understand such simple terminology, but alas, they do not, and therefore you have to simplify your answer to something not even worth saying in your mind.
LanguageSponge on 21 September 2010
When your relatives from Newfoundland (whom you haven't seen in a while) casually ask "we
must sound pretty different than what you're used to, no?" I practically jumped out of my
chair and said "Yes! Glottal stops!" And then proceed to explain the difference between
the way they pronounce the word "bottle" (bo'el--don't know how to write it correctly to
show the sound) and how most people I know say it (with the "t" sound). They just all
stared and me and I sheepishly sank back into my chair. I really was so excited to think
someone wanted to talk about glottal stops.
seldnar on 21 September 2010
[â¦] use phrases like "incorrect past participle" and "incorrect verb conjugations" or "subjunctive" to explain the answer, taking it entirely for granted that the monolingual friend would understand such simple terminology, but alas, they do not, and therefore you have to simplify your answer to something not even worth saying in your mind.
This raises the question, is there a difference between being a language nerd and being a linguistics nerd?
Ari on 21 September 2010
You feel guilty about it and start to study harder, so you can talk to the Italian man. Even if you don't know if he's able to help you practice.
FireViN on 22 September 2010
[â¦] use phrases like "incorrect past participle" and "incorrect verb conjugations" or "subjunctive" to explain the answer, taking it entirely for granted that the monolingual friend would understand such simple terminology, but alas, they do not, and therefore you have to simplify your answer to something not even worth saying in your mind.
This raises the question, is there a difference between being a language nerd and being a linguistics nerd?
Yep, one can spell better. Which one? I'll leave it up to you to decide.
patuco on 24 September 2010
There was a bit character in the novel named that and the name was in my head when I went to sleep.
fireflies on 24 September 2010
When your parents ask you questions,yes and no do not come out your mouth, Ðа and Ð½ÐµÑ splurt out instead.
When a random bloke at a bus stop says "how long is the wait?". You reply "sobre cinco minutos" as your mind is still in Spanish mode.
You get excited when you meet people from your target languages countries and take a huge interest in them. Especially the females ;)
I have suffered the embarrasem*nt of all of these stories haha ^^
Jon1991 on 24 September 2010
I have to focus not to inject a "sì" into conversations, especially to people who ask me
directions on the street.
numerodix on 24 September 2010
...when you try to add something original to this thread.
Arekkusu on 24 September 2010
And its your birthday in a month: your partner asks what you want for your birthday and you think of the options ......
a)Colloquial X & MT and a decent dictionary in a language you've never studied before
b)An immersion course (without her) in another language, ideally Icelandic
c)A watch (nah, thats not going to happen is it?)
maydayayday on 25 September 2010
When, a year in advance of a language course you would like to attend but is really far away and would be quite expensive, not to mention that it's in the middle of a family holiday, you start planning on how you're going to approach your wife and hopefully convince her to let you go to said course, thereby leaving her alone with the kids for a couple of days in a foreign country.
patuco on 26 September 2010
...when you try to add something original to this thread.
When you do crazy things just for the sake of contributing to this thread.
MäcÃSŸ on 26 September 2010
For me, the last two weeks have not been very good for language learning. First, I just had too much other work to take care of and then I was sick all this week, but today I went to the bookstore. Yes, I hear you - if you have read my posts before, you're likely wondering if I do anything BUT go to the bookstore - well, no, not really.
So there I was lurking around the language aisle, making my birthday wish list, because I plan to get myself a few gifts soon to celebrate this rapidly accelerating aging nonsense that makes me feel peevish and so I had a look at various books and a few were really very silly. Not my style at all, you know . . .
Have you seen the series "Hide This French/Italian/Spanish Book! (there are several versions) The objective here is to learn some very, very naughty foreign words. Hhmmmm . . . well, now! I'm not against learning some nasty new words, myself, but I just can't agree with this as the sole purpose of language learning, so I did just what the book said and I HID IT. I put it behind some other books, that's right, now it's gone, ha, and it was a good deed, yes it was.
Um, eh, OK . . . so I did learn a few things.
But I've already forgotten them - my memory is not what it was, and I am glad for that.
Inspired by you meramarina, I did just the same thing when I was at the bookstore yesterday! I didn't see any books from the "hide this [...] book" series (maybe someone from this website got there before me), but I did hide a book called "Dirty Japanese."
ellasevia on 26 September 2010
When you are playing online scrabble [] and you can tell from the typing that your opponent has excellentEnglish, close to native [better than some natives]. Then you persuade said Urdu speaker to join HTLAL . . . because you can never have too many native resources to interact with, right ? Even though Urdu/Hindi is low down on your 'list', at the moment.
maydayayday on 27 September 2010
...when you feel like you're the only one who consciously avoids confusing idioms when talking to people who don't speak your language very well.
Levi on 28 September 2010
card from the local restuarant that hosts several different language nights.
When you actually stock up on these cards every time you go to a French evening (which is
also Turkish evening at another table and you long to join the Turkish speakers but don't
because you feel you'd be "cheating" on French).
seldnar on 28 September 2010
When everytime someone calls you and asks "what's up homeslice" you say "i'm on a language forums nerding out." (as in this site)
Hanekawa on 28 September 2010
card from the local restuarant that hosts several different language nights.
When you actually stock up on these cards every time you go to a French evening (which is
also Turkish evening at another table and you long to join the Turkish speakers but don't
because you feel you'd be "cheating" on French).
Where on earth did you find such a wonderful restaurant?! If there was one nearby, I might go there every day... =O
janalisa on 28 September 2010
...borrowing from another thread about what you do if your language library is on fire, you know you're a language nerd because you hurl yourself into the flames to perish with your beloved dictionaries, in a form of Language Nerd Suttee.
William Camden on 28 September 2010
When you come home from three hours of archery practise three times in a week and feel guilty because you've spent nine hours of the week speakingEnglish that you could have spent at home studying languages.
LanguageSponge on 28 September 2010
card from the local restuarant that hosts several different language nights.
When you actually stock up on these cards every time you go to a French evening (which is
also Turkish evening at another table and you long to join the Turkish speakers but don't
because you feel you'd be "cheating" on French).
Where on earth did you find such a wonderful restaurant?! If there was one nearby, I might go there every day... =O
I think there is one of these in Manchester, England !
maydayayday on 28 September 2010
When you proudly exclaim to your Francophone roommate that you read an article on bilingualism in French all by yourself without ever having formally studied the language, explaining that it wasn't so difficult with the many French loanwords inEnglish and the similarity it shares with other Romance languages, and she rolls her eyes yet again.
Olympia on 29 September 2010
card from the local restuarant that hosts several different language nights.
When you actually stock up on these cards every time you go to a French evening (which is
also Turkish evening at another table and you long to join the Turkish speakers but don't
because you feel you'd be "cheating" on French).
Where on earth did you find such a wonderful restaurant?! If there was one nearby, I might go there every day... =O
I think there is one of these in Manchester, England !
There is such a restaurant in Elmsford, NY . Elmsord is about 30 minutes north of NYC, depending on how fast you drive:-). There is a language club and information about it can be found at One evening a month they meet at a restaurant. Individual tables are designated for different languages. I think this is the place Barry Farber referenced in one of his books. I hope this helps.
EDIT: My mistake, but a good one. They meet EVERY Wednesday, NOT once a month.They are the Language Club of Westchester.
psy88 on 29 September 2010
When you come home from three hours of archery practise three times in a week and feel guilty because you've spent nine hours of the week speakingÂEnglish that you could have spent at home studying languages.
I feel that way going to see a generic Hollywood movie. When the credits roll I feel like I have learned nothing.
fireflies on 29 September 2010
language learning and you hand them a
card from the local restuarant that hosts several different language nights.
When you actually stock up on these cards every time you go to a French evening (which
also Turkish evening at another table and you long to join the Turkish speakers but
because you feel you'd be "cheating" on French).
Where on earth did you find such a wonderful restaurant?! If there was one nearby, I
might go there every day... =O
It is the Continental Restaurant in Seattle, Washington. The language groups began
with the German Stammtisch which I believe has been going on for more than 30 years.
The schedule is as follows:
Tuesday--German, Czech
Wednesday--French, Turkish, Greek?
Friday--Can't remember
Saturday--Can't remember
Sunday--Swedish, Celtic
I'm in China right now and didn't bring any of the cards with me. My experience is
that 5-12 people for the popular languages show up each night. I don't know about the
less popular languages (Gaelic, for example). There used to be a website but its been
down for a while
seldnar on 29 September 2010
Also, when you go on historical tangents about Kanji. To people who have no clue what
your talking about.
Hanekawa on 29 September 2010
language learning and you hand them a
card from the local restuarant that hosts several different language nights.
When you actually stock up on these cards every time you go to a French evening (which
also Turkish evening at another table and you long to join the Turkish speakers but
because you feel you'd be "cheating" on French).
Where on earth did you find such a wonderful restaurant?! If there was one nearby, I
might go there every day... =O
It is the Continental Restaurant in Seattle, Washington. The language groups began
with the German Stammtisch which I believe has been going on for more than 30 years.
The schedule is as follows:
Tuesday--German, Czech
Wednesday--French, Turkish, Greek?
Friday--Can't remember
Saturday--Can't remember
Sunday--Swedish, Celtic
Anybody want to help me establish something like this in Tokyo? XD (Totally serious!)
janalisa on 29 September 2010
You know you're a language nerd when you go into a class at uni thinking it's the Slovene grammar class you're supposed to be attending. But it's not, it's an introductory class for Polish grammar. You think "oh well, I can always go to the next Slovene class" and stay for Polish :]
LanguageSponge on 29 September 2010
language learning and you hand them a
card from the local restuarant that hosts several different language nights.
When you actually stock up on these cards every time you go to a French evening (which
also Turkish evening at another table and you long to join the Turkish speakers but
because you feel you'd be "cheating" on French).
Where on earth did you find such a wonderful restaurant?! If there was one nearby, I
might go there every day... =O
It is the Continental Restaurant in Seattle, Washington. The language groups began
with the German Stammtisch which I believe has been going on for more than 30 years.
The schedule is as follows:
Tuesday--German, Czech
Wednesday--French, Turkish, Greek?
Friday--Can't remember
Saturday--Can't remember
Sunday--Swedish, Celtic
I'm in China right now and didn't bring any of the cards with me. My experience is
that 5-12 people for the popular languages show up each night. I don't know about the
less popular languages (Gaelic, for example). There used to be a website but its been
down for a while
Nice. I go to the Continental for the Dutch Stammtisch. It's only once a month though.
Liface on 29 September 2010
When you wander into websites like - this and instantly smile (but for a completely different reason from your friends). :)
Teango on 29 September 2010
Inspired by you meramarina, I did just the same thing when I was at the bookstore yesterday! I didn't see any books from the "hide this [...] book" series (maybe someone from this website got there before me), but I did hide a book called "Dirty Japanese."
Excellent work for The Cause, ellasevia! Now we just have to figure out how to hide the Rosetta Stone kiosk displays. That will be difficult; maybe the company anticipated this and made the vivid yellow boxes so bright in order to be nerd-resistant.
Another incident. They just keep coming. I had to find a quick lunch for three dollars the other day and so I went to Chik-fil-A, a fine dining establishment with a name every bit as annoying as Weetabix or Big Corny. With so few dollars I could only get a kid's meal. It came in a fun, colorful little bag decorated with puzzles. One of these impressed me a lot at first. I saw a few strange words:
I couldn't identify the language, but course I highly approved of teaching foreign languages to children. Then I realized that it was not a foreign language, but an "unscramble the letters to find a message" word game:
I was not amused.
meramarina on 30 September 2010
When you wander into websites like - this and instantly smile (but for a completely different reason from your friends). :)
When you wander into websites like that and instantly frown, because the Mandarin is mislabeled as "Chinese" and the Swedish is misspelled.
Ari on 30 September 2010
When you wander into websites like - this and instantly smile (but for a completely different reason from your friends). :)
When you wander into websites like that and instantly frown, because the Mandarin is mislabeled as "Chinese" and the Swedish is misspelled.
And the Japanese translation uses å (boku) without telling the reader that only males can use this pronoun.
Levi on 30 September 2010
When you wander into websites like - this and instantly smile (but for a completely different reason from your friends). :)
When you wander into websites like that and instantly frown, because the Mandarin is mislabeled as "Chinese" and the Swedish is misspelled.
And the Japanese translation uses å (boku) without telling the reader that only males can use this pronoun.
Well pointed out, he obviously should have done his research first. I'm so glad now I haven't impetuously tried to tell anyone I'm a turtle this week. ;)
Teango on 30 September 2010
[QUOTE=Ari][QUOTE=Teango]When you wander into websites like - this and instantly smile (but for a completely different reason from your friends). :)
When you wander into websites like that and instantly frown, because the Mandarin is mislabeled as "Chinese" and the Swedish is misspelled.
The "Chinese" tones are also incorrect-- it should be "wo3 shi4 zhi1 wu1 gui1".
janalisa on 30 September 2010
when I create - my own tool for logging and learning motivation ...
and when I make it public available for free ... lol
pobere on 30 September 2010
when I create - my own tool for logging and motivation
and when I make it public available for free ... lol
Thanks, I will give it a try.
budonoseito on 30 September 2010
When you wander into websites like - this and instantly smile (but for a completely
different reason from your friends). :)
When you wander into websites like that and instantly frown, because the Mandarin is
mislabeled as "Chinese" and the Swedish is misspelled.
And the Japanese translation uses å (boku) without telling the reader that only males
can use this pronoun.
Well pointed out, he obviously should have done his research first. I'm so glad now I
haven't impetuously tried to tell anyone I'm a turtle this week. ;)
Also, how all the other languages are written in normalÂEnglish letters, but Japanese
went full out and actually used the correct alphabet.
Hanekawa on 30 September 2010
When your favorite thing about this video is that its in German.
kottoler.ello on 01 October 2010
went full out and actually used the correct alphabet.
Based on the wording about contributing translations at the bottom of the page, it's entirely possible that those were simply posted as received from someone else, not necessarily created by the site author.
Warp3 on 01 October 2010
you save hundreds of target language web pages, articles, audio files, Gutenburg books, parallel texts, etc. with the intention of reading them "when you have more time". But you spend all your target language reading time reading new material on-line.
Guilty. Excellent definition, believe it or not I even have a few language courses in my car, but that's because my girlfriend does not agree with me about having vast numbers of books and language courese to hand!
Old Chemist on 03 October 2010
When you take your Greek grammar book to archery practise with you so that you have something productive to do between rounds on the range.
LanguageSponge on 06 October 2010
You know you're a language nerd when you are going over archery terms and can frequently remember the German terminology but cannot for the life of you remember theEnglish. Then when you go and ask one of the other members of the club, they remind you of theEnglish terms but you notice a German accent - so instead of reading your Greek grammar book in between rounds, you practice your German instead!
LanguageSponge on 07 October 2010
...when somebody tries to use Greek or Cyrillic letters to write anEnglish word, and it takes a really long time for you to see it because you actually know those alphabets, e.g. "ΡÎΦÎ" for "pain".
Levi on 10 October 2010
...when somebody tries to use Greek or Cyrillic letters to write anEnglish word, and it takes a really long time for you to see it because you actually know those alphabets, e.g. "ΡÎΦÎ" for "pain".
In Greek that would give PAIN (Ïαιν)
Iversen on 10 October 2010
When you've studied so much J. K. Rowling recently that you start seeing "Harry Potter" instead of "Heavy Cotton" on t-shirt labels and read "Voldemort" instead of "Vollmacht" on your deregistration forms. Galloping Gorgons, whatever next!
Teango on 12 October 2010
Fasulye on 12 October 2010
When you read the above post and, even though you have enough to be getting on with in Modern Greek already, you want to know what the textbook Fasulye found is called anyway? :]
LanguageSponge on 12 October 2010
When you read the above post and, even though you have enough to be getting on with in Modern Greek already, you want to know what the textbook Fasulye found is called anyway? :]
So my post has made you curious. :)
My modern Greek textbook: "Schnellkurs Griechisch by Elmar Winters-Ohle", Intensivkurs für Anfänger, Hueber Verlag, 3. Auflage 2005.
Fasulye on 12 October 2010
I have been curious about Modern Greek for quite a few years, since doing Ancient Greek in school - it is about time I at least looked into Modern Greek too.
LanguageSponge on 12 October 2010
By the way, there's now a "language geekiness" test on okcupid, if you have an account
there. -
By contrast their "language geek" test doesn't test for this forum's level of interest in
languages, just if you know a few words in Italian and so on.
Sprachprofi on 13 October 2010
When you go to a Brazilian restaurant and speak Portuguese to the waiters, and everyone looks at you like you are speaking a foreign language (No PUN intended).
Jatk17 on 13 October 2010
When, upon entering a bookstore, the clerk informs you that they have ordered a few books in the languages you happen to study, without asking you whether you need them or not..
Johnnysd on 13 October 2010
When you can listen to a language you don't understand for hours, delighting yourself with the new sounds you hear.
koba on 14 October 2010
When you can listen to a language you don't understand for hours, delighting yourself with the new sounds you hear.
Guilty. And when you start substituting this for background music when you're on the computer. This weekend I listened to Czech, on Monday and part of yesterday it was Arabic, yesterday I listened to some Georgian... Hm, today I think I'll listen to some nice Hungarian. :)
ellasevia on 14 October 2010
When you go to a Brazilian restaurant and speak Portuguese to the waiters, and everyone looks at you like you are speaking a foreign language (No PUN intended).
When you go into an upscale Italian restaurant and speak Italian to the waiter and he angrily tells you he is not Italian but Brazilian.
psy88 on 14 October 2010
Fasulye on 14 October 2010
When you laugh at language jokes in Dexter such as mistaking "Santa Muerte" for "Santa Mierda".
Teango on 14 October 2010
When you had a day in which almost everything seems to have gone wrong, but as you lay in bed a smile comes to your face because you realize how much you just enjoyed the half-hour of language study you did before going to bed. And you smile even more thinking about how much pleasure you derive from your language studies even when you struggle to see progress.
psy88 on 15 October 2010
When you buy an old school teach yourself Colloquial Russian book, printed in 1973, for $7 AUD and it makes your week! You also struggle to understand why no one shares your enthusiasm for it.
sm66 on 15 October 2010
...when your friend wants to learn a language you don't want to learn and you still know more about that language than the friend.
WingSuet on 15 October 2010
I recently found myself pondering vasija and vajilla.
fireflies on 15 October 2010
I was so tempted to knock on the wall to ask them to turn it up. Don't worry though, I didn't of course. But just in case, what is Mandarin for "Louder, please, I'm trying to listen and immerse!"...? ;)
Teango on 15 October 2010
When all in one day you have completed your German homework, thought about doing your
Spanish homework, talked to a friend in Italian, spoke French a few times, sent an
email in Catalan, and translated a sentence from Latin... and the day's not even half
over yet!
canada38 on 16 October 2010
...when you log on to youtube and the only video clips recommended to you are disney songs in various different languages.
WingSuet on 17 October 2010
When you're reading Harry Potter in Greek in your Japanese class and your Japanese teacher asks you about it in Japanese. You attempt to respond in Japanese, but still thinking in Greek, respond in that language. You don't realize until a moment later when he asks the question again because he didn't understand.
ellasevia on 21 October 2010
When you buy candy or cookies just because they are Japanese or Arabic and throw or give away the food while keeping the packaging.
Juаn on 21 October 2010
When you buy candy or cookies just because they are Japanese or Arabic and throw or give away the food while keeping the packaging.
that's funny. Last night I bought a bottle of wine because the label was in Georgian but I have no intention of drinking it.
nogoodnik on 21 October 2010
When you smile and say "Schönen Abend noch!" as you leave the hotel restaurant, and wonder why no-one returns your good wishes and some even look at you a bit strangely. Then you quickly realise: oh bugger, I forgot again - I'm in England!
Teango on 22 October 2010
I learn a lot from it. In fact, I have a piece of packaging I got last week and it taught me a new word inEnglish! It's a closet organizer, and the instructions are: "Insert hooks of frame into grommets on top." What, grommets? I'd never seen or heard that word before. In Spanish the word written here is "anillos" and in French it's "les boucles." So I understood the directions better in the other languages.
Language learning progress!
. . . or maybe just the work of a bad product copywriter.
meramarina on 22 October 2010
I learn a lot from it. In fact, I have a piece of packaging I got last week and it taught me a new word inÂEnglish! It's a closet organizer, and the instructions are: "Insert hooks of frame into grommets on top." What, grommets? I'd never seen or heard that word before. In Spanish the word written here is "anillos" and in French it's "les boucles." So I understood the directions better in the other languages.
Language learning progress!
. . . or maybe just the work of a bad product copywriter.
Grommets could be correct .... if the hole/ring/loop is somehow protected or cushioned ? I think I would have used ring or loop rather than grommet.
I frequently have to look upEnglish words that forum members have used. Many people I know says I have a huge vocabulary.... obviously not huge enough just yet.
maydayayday on 22 October 2010
before a few years ago when suddenly every woman friend I had seemed to know it. They
all learned it from Martha Stewart.
last week and it taught me a new word inÂEnglish! It's a closet organizer, and the
instructions are: "Insert hooks of frame into grommets on top." What, grommets?
I'd never seen or heard that word before. In Spanish the word written here is
"anillos" and in French it's "les boucles." So I understood the directions better in
the other languages.
Language learning progress!
. . . or maybe just the work of a bad product copywriter.
seldnar on 22 October 2010
I never mind learning a new word in any language, but product instructions should be written for a very broad, general audience. This isn't one of Martha's items, but maybe she popularized the word without checking with me first! How could she!
I think even the New York Times is written on an ninth-grade reading level, and many other publications for a level even lower than that. So, many people might be likely to misunderstand the word. It's always best to be very clear when writing instructions for a general audience. I have the impression that the copywriter might not be native toÂEnglish, even though the product is domestic. Perhaps the company outsources the writing duties?
I did enjoy the Spanish and French instructions, though! And I've added a word to myÂEnglish vocabulary - I think I'll try it in conversation now and see what happens! It's my Nerd Duty.
meramarina on 22 October 2010
This gives you pause and a secret smile because:
1) You just came from you car where you were speaking along with you French Assimil CDs.
2) If this announcement was for Spanish (the other language you are learning) it would be no big deal at all because Spanish is already everywhere in California & there are indeed people who only speak it. French, on the other hand, is never heard so it's cool to see an appreciation of the language on the part of a large bank.
Desacrator48 on 22 October 2010
I recently noticed a misprint on a bag of Santitas tortilla chips.
Total fat/ grasas totalas.
'Totalas???!' I thought to myself. 'This can not be'
I checked the dictionary several times because I couldn't believe I saw an error. It is totales right? One time I went to a library with instructions for Spanish speakers taped onto the door and noticed some errors.
I have never had Saki in my life because I hear it is very strong but the bottles are sometimes very artistic. I love stores that sell a variety of global products.
fireflies on 22 October 2010
I recently noticed a misprint on a bag of Santitas tortilla chips.
Total fat/ grasas totalas.
'Totalas???!' I thought to myself. 'This can not be'
I checked the dictionary several times because I couldn't believe I saw an error. It is totales right? One time I went to a library with instructions for Spanish speakers taped onto the door and noticed some errors.
I have never had Saki in my life because I hear it is very strong but the bottles are sometimes very artistic. I love stores that sell a variety of global products.
You're not the only one who takes notice of the poor Spanish translations all around us in the USA. Here's one I saw the other day on a bus window. Who can spot the error?
Levi on 22 October 2010
abrir solo en caso de emergencia
fireflies on 22 October 2010
All Nerds eventually must visit the Hothouse of Linguistic Difficulty, where we find that, despite the guidance we got from this good site, the limit isn't merely five cacti, oh no!
It's humbling.
meramarina on 22 October 2010
When you read - this list of names through in awe and respect, squeeing like a fangirl (or -boy) every time you recognize the name of one of your own personal heroes.
Jinx on 22 October 2010
ALMANECE EL DIRECTORIO [Store, as in safeguard/warehouse, the directory]
There is another sign in my local car repair shop that says:
Your bill may include a fee for...
Su proyecto de ley puede.. [Your "bill placed before Congress] may include...
Further down the road there is a bilingual sign at a construction site:
Warning: Power Lines Above
Aviso: Arriba de las lineas de electricidad [Warning: Above the power lines]
translator2 on 23 October 2010
When your roommates go out partying for the weekend and you decide to stay home and spend
eight hours a day studying your target language. Bonus points if you enjoy a night out as
much as the next person, but still find yourself sitting in your kitchen making
flashcards and reflecting on how you're totally having a way cooler weekend than
they are anyway.
Sierra on 23 October 2010
When the number of languages you have ever attempted to learn is greater than the number of close friends you have.
John Smith on 23 October 2010
When the number of languages you have ever attempted to learn is greater than the number of close friends you have.
...or the number you are currently attempting.
Levi on 23 October 2010
When you spend the day looking around the area you're thinking of moving to, and one of the first things you do is check out the language sections in all the book shops and local library (and even language tuition cards in the post office window).
Teango on 23 October 2010
You're working away on a text document (on constructed languages for your own amusem*nt), then realise that you're getting a lot of red squiggly lines beneath words. You check the language settings and realise that your text editor is set to French rather thanEnglish.
LittleBoy on 24 October 2010
Yes, I checked and grommets is correct to use, but it's an unusual choice. And as much as I study and work withÂEnglish, even though it's my native language, I'm always finding words I've missed, like this one. So I learned a word, always a good thing! (doesn't Martha say that?)
I've never personally viewed "grommet" as an unusual word. It is used quite often in the automotive and electrical/electronics fields...or in pretty much any field where you need to run wiring through something that could potential cut or abrade it without a rubber grommet to protect the wire.
Of course, maybe this is simply due to being exposed to the word because of some hobbies. Perhaps I wouldn't have even known that word otherwise.
Warp3 on 25 October 2010
...when you love usingEnglish words with diacritics like "façade", "piñata" and "naïveté", and occasionally sprinkle them on words like "rôle" and "coöperate" where they are old-fashioned.
Levi on 25 October 2010
...when you love usingÂEnglish words with diacritics like "façade", "piñata" and "naïveté", and occasionally sprinkle them on words like "rôle" and "coöperate" where they are old-fashioned.
I wouldn't really call façade, piñata, and naïvetéEnglish words.
In informal writing those words don't have to have diacritics, but in books, scholarly work, journalistic magazines and newspapers, I ususally see these words with their diacritics, especially the common French word of résumé.
Desacrator48 on 25 October 2010
When you flick through the hotel tv channels looking for foreign language programmes, and settle on a really cheesy Bollywood film just because it's in Hindi. :)
Teango on 25 October 2010
strict style rules uses a diaresis in many words including coöperate. I enjoy reading the
magazine but I have a special added thrill every time I see this diacritic.
...when you love usingÂEnglish words with diacritics like "façade", "piñata"
and "naïveté", and occasionally sprinkle them on words like "rôle" and "coöperate" where
they are old-fashioned.
seldnar on 26 October 2010
I wouldn't really call façade, piñata, and naïvetéÂEnglish words.
Why not? MostEnglish speakers understand the words, and they can be found in anyEnglish-language dictionary. Sure, they're loanwords borrowed from other languages, but so is the majority of theEnglish lexicon. If those aren'tEnglish words, then consider "siesta", "fjord", "spaghetti", "police", and "status". Which of those loanwords count asEnglish words and why?
Levi on 26 October 2010
...when you love usingÂEnglish words with diacritics like "façade", "piñata" and "naïveté", and
occasionally sprinkle them on words like "rôle" and "coöperate" where they are old-fashioned.
I love the ¨ spelling, itâs unfortunate that few people still use it. I also love ligatures!
Letâs hope the seeërs will coöperate in reënacting the usage of the diæresis, hyphens give me diarrhÅa!
MäcÃSŸ on 26 October 2010
language you've never seriously studied and be able to more or less read it using your
knowledge of related languages, and when you're surprised that other people find this out
of the ordinary.
-When you make iTunes playlists organizing your music by language.
Sierra on 27 October 2010
language you've never seriously studied and be able to more or less read it using your
knowledge of related languages, and when you're surprised that other people find this out
of the ordinary.
-When you make iTunes playlists organizing your music by language.
Yes! I can't get my head round the fact that everyone else doesn't share my interest in languages and a bored expression appears on the face of anyone I try to explain some interesting - to me - fact about language. I also have a course on Basque along with many other language courses, which people consider seriously weird.
Old Chemist on 27 October 2010
When you critizice the translation of a movie, or any documents.
in a scene of "into the wild",the main character just have been hunting but he found no preys, so he write on his diary "no game" . but they have translated it into french by "pas de jeu", but it had no sense here , it means something like "there were no amusem*nts". when i heard this i was ... wtf?! and i said to my friends who were watching the movie with me that it should have been translated by "pas de gibier" and they agreed ^^
tornus on 27 October 2010
When, to your delight, you are the only one who turns up to your Russian literature lecture one week and ask the lecturer (who is from Germany) whether you could conduct the seminar in German. She agrees, and you talk about Dostoyevsky's life and works completely in German for an hour. Then at the end, she compliments your German (which you find fantastic, of course) and from then on never speaks a word ofEnglish to you again.
LanguageSponge on 27 October 2010
When, to your delight, you are the only one who turns up to your Russian literature lecture one week and ask the lecturer (who is from Germany) whether you could conduct the seminar in German. She agrees, and you talk about Dostoyevsky's life and works completely in German for an hour. Then at the end, she compliments your German (which you find fantastic, of course) and from then on never speaks a word ofÂEnglish to you again.
This is really succesful and beneficial for both languages, German and Russian.
Fasulye on 27 October 2010
When, to your delight, you are the only one who turns up to your Russian literature lecture one week and ask the lecturer (who is from Germany) whether you could conduct the seminar in German. She agrees, and you talk about Dostoyevsky's life and works completely in German for an hour. Then at the end, she compliments your German (which you find fantastic, of course) and from then on never speaks a word ofÂEnglish to you again.
This is really succesful and beneficial for both languages, German and Russian.
As I am more confident in my German than in my Russian, I felt the need to prove to myself that I could actually carry out a whole lecture in German first - If I am ever fortunate enough for the same to happen again, I will try in Russian. Also it was driving me mad that I knew the lecturer was German and yet I had to speakEnglish with her in lectures.
You know you're a language nerd when you consider not buying one of your favourite TV series just because they only haveEnglish subtitles.
Also, you know you're a language nerd when you know of someone who's using Scrubs to learn Italian from, and you consider getting into Scrubs just because it has subtitles in other languages on its DVDs.
LanguageSponge on 27 October 2010
Did you know, for example, that "the language spoken by the character Greedo in conversation with Han Solo (in the cantina) is actually a simplified version of Quechua, an indigenous language of the Andean region of South America". Or that "in Return of the Jedi, Lando Calrissian's copilot, Nien Nunb, speaks the real Human language Haya, a dialect spoken in Tanzania". [source: - Language - Wookieepedia ]
Oh but surely the evidence speaks for itself now - my journey to the nerdy side of language appreciation is almost me Obi-Wan, you're my only hope! [edit]
Teango on 28 October 2010
Then again perhaps not.
maydayayday on 28 October 2010
I honestly think we need to get out more.....
Agreed...but of course donned in headphones to listen to Pimsleur whilst walking and ever ready to start conversations with complete strangers for language practice. ;)
Teango on 28 October 2010
When you see a Slovene book in a university bookstore and have an urge to buy it just because you'd never seen another Slovene book before, and because you just might consider it for your linguistic future, but don't buy it. And then when you dream of the same book a couple nights later in a nightmare when you return to the bookstore only to discover that it has been bought should have bought it when you had the chance!
ellasevia on 29 October 2010
Ellasevia, what was the book called? Do you remember? I've likely already got it as I've never seen a whole lot for Slovene around, but on the off chance I've not got it, it'd be nice to look into it.
LanguageSponge on 31 October 2010
Ellasevia, what was the book called? Do you remember? I've likely already got it as I've never seen a whole lot for Slovene around, but on the off chance I've not got it, it'd be nice to look into it.
I think it was just Teach Yourself Slovene, but as I'd never seen ANY books for that language in a bookstore before, it was pretty exciting.
ellasevia on 31 October 2010
You don´t believe the translations - I am one.
Gorgoll2 on 31 October 2010
Ellasevia, what was the book called? Do you remember? I've likely already got it as I've never seen a whole lot for Slovene around, but on the off chance I've not got it, it'd be nice to look into it.
I think it was just Teach Yourself Slovene, but as I'd never seen ANY books for that language in a bookstore before, it was pretty exciting.
Oh okay, awesome. Having said that, I've got that one already and it is quite good :]
LanguageSponge on 31 October 2010
When you see a Slovene book in a university bookstore and have an urge to buy it just because you'd never seen another Slovene book before, and because you just might consider it for your linguistic future, but don't buy it. And then when you dream of the same book a couple nights later in a nightmare when you return to the bookstore only to discover that it has been bought should have bought it when you had the chance!
Agreed. And that is why I have so many books and courses that I will, in all honesty, probably never really use completely, but I am afraid that if I don't buy them when I can, they may not be available later. Irrational? Of course, but that's what males me a language nerd!
psy88 on 31 October 2010
When you realise that the thought of becoming an EMT became more appealing when you
realised that there are LOTS of people from different couuntries in your hometown, and
the possibility of them needing an ambulance at some point is large, and you try to find
out which languages are the most common ones, so you can learn it and communicate with
the patients in their own language.
Johnnysd on 01 November 2010
You decide to put the language books aside for a while to do some light reading just for fun, and, while reading, start wondering "Hmmm . . . I wonder what this sentence is in original?" or "Why is the word translated like that?" and remember, oh, it'sEnglish, forEnglish-speaking readers . . .
how silly of me, but . . . how would I say "how silly of me in" . . . etc, etc . . .
meramarina on 02 November 2010
You decide to put the language books aside for a while to do some light reading just for fun, and, while reading, start wondering "Hmmm . .
how silly of me, but . . . how would I say "how silly of me in" . . . etc, etc . . .
Wow! So I am not the only one who thinks like this. It drives me crazy.I get into the same "how would I say..." all the time.And, I can't really rest until I figure it out or check the dictionary for the word.
psy88 on 02 November 2010
...when a French horse named 'Americain' wins the biggest horse race in Australia (The Melbourne cup), and you feel the need to correct everyone when they pronounce it incorrectly.
sm66 on 02 November 2010
...when a French horse named 'Americain' wins the biggest horse race in Australia (The Melbourne cup), and you feel the need to correct everyone when they pronounce it incorrectly.
Yes, certainly recognize this one. I almost caused a fight once because a couple of yuppie types (I'm old enough to remember them!) were pretentiously throwing French phrases around and I loudly made a remark about stupid, pretentious people who couldn't even pronounce French properly. There was a deadly silence and they glared at me, but switched toEnglish. I also have to resist correcting people's pronunciation of foreign words and accept they have a right to pronounce the word however they feel appropriate.
Er... another thought I suppose it makes you a language nerd to be on this forum as much as I am! Still, nice to know I'm not alone!
Old Chemist on 02 November 2010
When seeing a completely random Wikipedia page that only exists inEnglish is such a great excuse to practice your (French, German, Arabic, Tajik, or Quechua) you spend two hours learning about whatever the page was about and contributing a page better than the one you found inEnglish.
kottoler.ello on 04 November 2010
Perhaps another good indicator: not only spending a lot of time on your target language(s), but also a lot of time here or spending most of your spare time learning obscure facts aout languages!
Old Chemist on 04 November 2010
When you see a Slovene book in a university bookstore and have an urge to buy it just because you'd never seen another Slovene book before, and because you just might consider it for your linguistic future, but don't buy it. And then when you dream of the same book a couple nights later in a nightmare when you return to the bookstore only to discover that it has been bought should have bought it when you had the chance!
mick33 on 04 November 2010 are happy because GMail started showing ads in your target languages.
troglodyte on 04 November 2010
When the best part of your week so far has been playing old RPGs in Russian and German and only having having to use the dictionary on a number of occasions that you can count on one hand. Also when you're amazed that your inexcusable lack of I.T knowledge managed to sort out a cookie problem you've been having for half the day which meant that you weren't able to access this site. This inexcusable lack of IT know-how extends so shamefully far that you had to look up what a "cookie" even was.
LanguageSponge on 04 November 2010
Then the conversation goes on in Italian & Arabic.
maydayayday on 04 November 2010
When you realize that your idea of a rockin' Friday night is puzzling over Turkish word
order so you can manage to send a message to your new language exchange partner. I have
a social life, really guys, I promise.
But I just can't pause in the middle of working out a particularly knotty sentence, you
know? If I hadn't stayed in to finish untangling it, I'd probably be in town right now,
drowning the guilt of linguistic laziness with a succession of pint glasses. They would
have to carry me home, drunkenly bellowing out verb conjugations. I would be a Public
So what I guess I'm saying here is that you know you're a language nerd when you
concoct elaborate and unlikely scenarios in your head to justify spending your weekend
hunched over a grammar book?
Sierra on 04 November 2010
So what I guess I'm saying here is that you know you're a language nerd when you concoct elaborate and unlikely scenarios in your head to justify spending your weekend hunched over a grammar book?
You know you're a language nerd when you get your buzz from the grammar books, not the contents of the pint glasses. (... You know that you've taken things too far when the idea of going out doesn't even occur to you.)
jimbo on 05 November 2010
The last time I babysat my two-year-old nephew I sang a Finnish song to him and he tried to sing along.
mick33 on 05 November 2010
When, in the school library you hear the people (whom you don't know) at the table behind you talking about how one of them is taking a Russian class at the local university and the conversation quickly progresses to why Russian and learning languages in general, you desperately want to skip over to them and join in the conversation--like meramarina said earlier in the thread, "You're my people!" (or something like that). But perhaps that would be too weird, so sadly you decide against it.
ellasevia on 05 November 2010
...You're standing amongst all the people at the local Polish deli for far longer than if you were just buying
something, simply because you enjoy listening to the customers and shop owners talk life and food in their
wonderful Polish tongue. And also because you like to look at all the beautifully intriguing Polish words for all the
sausages, cured meats, jams and cakes that they make.
Vos on 06 November 2010
WHen, while having a photography presentation, you show a picture where you have stacked
some Korean course books and an Arabic dictionary, and they ask you "Do you speak Korean
and Arabic", to which you reply "I speak some Korean, but not Arabic" and then give a
quick korean language lesson!
Johnnysd on 06 November 2010
...when the most widely spoken European languages you lack a dictionary for are Belarusian and Albanian.
Levi on 06 November 2010 get into an argument over the origins of several words inÂEnglish with another student in a class. Then your friend proceeds to tell the other person, 'shut up, he knows way more about languages than you do.'
Marc94 on 07 November 2010
When you are returning from a lesson with your Spanish tutor and are wondering if you are really progressing. Then you pass a new store in front of which is a sign "Tacos and Tortas" (tacos-obviously, and "cakes")and below it a smaller sign advertising ,inEnglish, "lunch specials $5.95". On impulse you stop in and decide to place a take out order.Also on impulse, you order in Spanish. The owner smiles a lot and you get into a twenty minute conversation in Spanish. You realize he is speaking quite fast, as are you, and you are understanding everything. You walk out with your food knowing that, even if the food is terrible, you will be returning!
psy88 on 08 November 2010
when you share 'grammatical banter' with fellow language learning students. Probably one of the most cringe-worthy moments ever when we realised what we were doing!
hablaconella on 08 November 2010
when you share 'grammatical banter' with fellow language learning students. Probably one of the most cringe-worthy moments ever when we realised what we were doing!
When you read this and don't think anything of the "cringe-worthy grammatical banter" because it happens in your house all the time.
LanguageSponge on 08 November 2010
You know you're a language nerd when you go into Elle s'appelait Sarah looking forward to two hours of French and are disappointed when it turns out large chunks of the film are inEnglish.
ReneeMona on 08 November 2010
When one of your roommates is repeating aloud after Pimsleur's Arabic in the kitchen,
another is working through her daily flashcards on the balcony, and a third is
practicing his French in the living room... and, as you curl up on the couch with your
Turkish Harry Potter book, you think to yourself, this is the best apartment I've ever
lived in.
Sierra on 08 November 2010
When one of your roommates is repeating aloud after Pimsleur's Arabic in the kitchen,
another is working through her daily flashcards on the balcony, and a third is
practicing his French in the living room... and, as you curl up on the couch with your
Turkish Harry Potter book, you think to yourself, this is the best apartment I've ever
lived in.
... when you read this, and immediately think, "I wonder if they would want another roommate!"
josht on 08 November 2010
You're at work and you notice that your new work computer came with a sheet of paper with multilingual instructions. You look at it and right away notice that there's an error in the Italian instructions (an article that doesn't agree in gender with the noun). After work, you go to the gym, and you're in the changing rooms with your MP3 player on, to a French audio book. Suddenly you notice that the two guys next to you are speaking French; you turn off the MP3 player straight away and listen intently to their conversation. Then on the way home, someone in front of you does a particularly stupid traffic manoeuvre and the first thing you say to yourself, before anyEnglish insults even come to mind, is "Quel con!!" (French for "what an arsehole!").
garyb on 08 November 2010
When you see a Slovene book in a university bookstore and have an urge to buy it just because you'd never seen another Slovene book before, and because you just might consider it for your linguistic future, but don't buy it. And then when you dream of the same book a couple nights later in a nightmare when you return to the bookstore only to discover that it has been bought should have bought it when you had the chance!
And the story continues...
I told this very same story to my father, my friend, and her father, all of whom were on this trip with me. My friend's father remarked that we still had a couple days left in California, and that we could perhaps go back to the bookstore and buy it after all. Alas, we didn't.
Lately I have been getting very interested in Slovenia and its language. Maybe this will just be another one of my short-lived obsessions, or maybe this one will stay for good. I was even considering an exchange program in Slovenia for the future, so I'm not sure how ephemeral this idea actually is...
Today I arrived home from school to find a package in the mail with my name, from my friend's father. Just from the feel of the package and the noise it made when I shook it, I got a feeling that it was a Teach Yourself book, and thought to myself and aloud how funny it would be if he had actually gone back to the store after we left (we came home a day earlier) and bought the TY Slovene book for me. After I had gotten through all of the brown, cardboard-like paper and the layer of Chinese newspapers (which I kept, of course, it would be a shame to waste all that potential future native material), I unwrapped the last bit, was the Teach Yourself Slovene book which I had dreamt about before!
Along with the package with the book and CDs was a card that had the Chinese characters for "Chinese language" (ä¸æ) crossed out and the following message in German:
I was ecstatic!
ellasevia on 09 November 2010
You're at a heavy metal festival in Slovenia and, during a drunken conversation with a Slovene girl (who of course speaks almost-perfectEnglish), you joke that you'll learn Slovene for the next year. Then, when looking round your local library for French books, you see a "Conversational Slovene course". For a moment you actually consider taking it out and making good your "promise".
garyb on 09 November 2010
When you catch yourself reading an article on a computer programming language (PHP) as the only article in a newspaper you really want to read. Then you realise the newspaper is Le Monde, and, as such, not even in your native language...
Oh, and I probably posted this earlier - but when you managed to convince your parents to buy you a copy of Remembering the Hanzi for your 17th birthday.
And when you buy a cheap book in Waterstones not because you want to read it, but because it's in French!
LittleBoy on 09 November 2010
When, after two nights of this kind of thing with German speakers, you suddenly find yourself in possession of Pimsleur German I-III, Living Language's Conversational German, and a bilingual copy of Geothe's Faust without ever meaning to start learning German.
kottoler.ello on 10 November 2010
You find yourself wondering about the phrase "çok yaÅa" ("live a lot" in Turkish, used
like "Gesundheit" or "bless you") which, despite being a lovely expression, sounds almost
more like a sneeze than an actual sneeze does... and whether it's ever set off an
inescapable round of bless-yous.
Sierra on 10 November 2010
when you share 'grammatical banter' with fellow language learning students. Probably one of the most cringe-worthy moments ever when we realised what we were doing!
When you read this and don't think anything of the "cringe-worthy grammatical banter" because it happens in your house all the time.
hahahaha. Fair enough!
hablaconella on 10 November 2010
When you try to tell your dad about the organic ice cream place that doesn't use any
additives and say instead, "It's great! They don't use any ablatives."
thephantomgoat on 15 November 2010
I can sympathize. I made a similar slip of the tongue last time I went on a dative.
Sierra on 15 November 2010
When you try to tell your dad about the organic ice cream place that doesn't use any additives and say instead, "It's great! They don't use any ablatives."
I can sympathize. I made a similar slip of the tongue last time I went on a dative.
Very funny.
Who do you guys think you are, Gerund Seinfeld?
TerryW on 16 November 2010
When you learn to read and write Hangul to avoid doing your homework.
ellasevia on 18 November 2010
When you end up watching Welsh anime on S4C whilst waiting for a repairman to arrive and fix the boiler.
Teango on 18 November 2010
When you are at a book fair and buy Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Bengali and Urdu books even if you don't understand some of these languages but can read the script and you think you might learn the languages some time in the future :)
horshod on 18 November 2010
Very funny language puns, guys, but be sure to remember this: always be careful in your language studies - you could catch an inflection!
meramarina on 18 November 2010
btw i first start to drive at the left of the road like in england whereas in france we drive at the right.
in a period my father worked in england all the week long, then whe he returned to france he keep on driving in theÂEnglish way
tornus on 18 November 2010
I placed a phone call in French from the Zurich airport to a friend in France using a
French phone directory. This probably sounds really simple, but it was a major
accomplishment for me. It was the first time that I realized I was becoming fluent in
the language.
dickda1 on 18 November 2010
... be careful in your language studies - you could catch an inflection!
Some inflections I wouldn't mind catching, depending on the inflector.
Now that I've most likely ruined a good pun my actual contribution to this thread is:
Yesterday I heard a woman sing a song in Hawaiian and instead of just enjoying her lovely singing voice I was thinking to myself "Now why didn't I think to bring a pen and a notebook so I could try to write down the words?"
mick33 on 19 November 2010
When, on hearing or seeing anything in a different language, your friends immediately turn to you and expect you to know the language.. They're like.. "Oh what does that mean?".. and you're like "I don't know any Chinese". (And then you still try to identify the familiar looking Kanjis in the Chinese text trying to figure out what it might mean.. lol pretty stupid but happens =P)
horshod on 19 November 2010
-When you carry your language study materials with you everywhere and take them out on the train or on the bus or in a restaurant while waiting for your food
-When you've changed the default language of your computer, cell phone, etc. to a foreign language
-When you're watching a movie in which a few lines are spoken in a foreign language, and your friend immediately turns to you and asks, "Did you understand that?"
-When you plan all your trips based on the languages you're learning
lol guilty
horshod on 19 November 2010
...when you love seeing them have technical problems playing a translation of someone on the news or delivering a speech, so all you hear is the original language. Like - this .
Levi on 20 November 2010
"Sorry," you say, "forgot to turn off pinyin input."
By the third or so time it happens, they're used to it and they find it more shocking
when pinyin input isn't on.
thephantomgoat on 21 November 2010
When you buy a Swahili phrasebook/dictionary even though you aren't currently studying Swahili just because you were excited to see Barnes and Noble finally have some African language material.
Genocyde on 22 November 2010
is your Chatroulette.
But slightly more intellectually stimulating.
thephantomgoat on 22 November 2010
...when you can't help but notice that the hair on your bar of soap is shaped just like a Hiragana ã.
Levi on 23 November 2010
When you're making christmas cookies in the shape of Greek letters.
Sprachprofi on 23 November 2010
When you decline an invitation to watch a film with your flatmates but you don't even consider it because you have a "Skype date" with a language partner. Although maybe you would've considered the film had it been in a foreign language.
garyb on 23 November 2010
When you're making christmas cookies in the shape of Greek letters.
How would you make a Î?
Levi on 23 November 2010
...when you can't help but notice that the hair on your bar of soap is shaped just like a Hiragana ã.
lol I rofled at that one! :D :D
horshod on 23 November 2010
When you're making christmas cookies in the shape of Greek letters.
How would you make a Î?
Lowercase, of course.
Qbe on 23 November 2010
When you're making christmas cookies in the shape of Greek letters.
How would you make a Î?
Lowercase, of course.
ξ would still be quite a difficult shape to make for a cookie, I'd think! So would ζ for that matter...
ellasevia on 23 November 2010
When you're making
christmas cookies in the shape of Greek letters.
How would you make a Î?
Lowercase, of course.
ξ would still be quite a difficult shape to make for a cookie, I'd think! So would ζ for
that matter...
We were making - Spritzgebäck of
Sprachprofi on 23 November 2010
You know you are a language nerd when you give serious thought to taking the toki pona 21 day challenge (see the language learning log) and you have the following reactions from those closest to you: "with so many languages out there why would some one make up a new one?" and, "with so many real languages why study a made up one?"; " Knowing you, I'm not surprised"; "why? So you can say you have mastered an entire language?" and, my favorite: "toki pona? Is that like the hokey-pokey?"
psy88 on 24 November 2010
..When you spend a third of your monthly salary on an assortment of grammar books and end up going back to the bookstore to return the books one by one because you don't have money to buy lunch...
royanazs on 24 November 2010
..When you buy Cosmopolitan in a language which you don't understand because sometime in the future you'll be able to use it to learn the colloquial expressions...
if you dont buy Cosmo in every airport you pass through because it's not in a new language
maydayayday on 26 November 2010
When your day just becomes the best ever when you stumble upon an international magazine place in New York City. You just have to love New York! Now I've been reading a 100 page German Newspaper and its 50 page magazine supplement over the past two days. It is a Wochenzeitung, or week-long paper and it's called Die Zeit.
Marc94 on 27 November 2010
Did I pick up a flyer and start chatting away to the woman in broken Spanish? You can bet your bottom dinero I did! :D
Teango on 28 November 2010
When your day just becomes the best ever when you stumble upon an international magazine
place in New York City. You just have to love New York! Now I've been reading a 100 page German Newspaper and
its 50 page magazine supplement over the past two days. It is a Wochenzeitung, or week-long paper and it's called
Die Zeit.
Where is this? I'm moving to New York soon! :)
MegatronFilm on 02 December 2010
...when you get your replacement for a language course book because you wore it out till its cover fell off then left it on the bus, and you're as excited as the day you got your first copy.
Levi on 02 December 2010
...when you get your replacement for a language course book because you wore it out till its cover fell off then left it on the bus, and you're as excited as the day you got your first copy.
I had exactly the same thing with my first copy of the New Penguin Russian Course - it fell apart about a year after I got it, I bought a second and now that's near becoming unuseable again.
...when you don't know which language to greet your girlfriend in in the mornings (as in my case because my girlfriend's half Belgian) -English (bah!) German (now becoming much more usual) or whether to embarrass myself and speak French with her - which I don't ever do.
LanguageSponge on 02 December 2010
...when you get your replacement for a language course book because you wore it out till its cover fell off then left it on the bus, and you're as excited as the day you got your first copy.
I had exactly the same thing with my first copy of the New Penguin Russian Course - it fell apart about a year after I got it, I bought a second and now that's near becoming unuseable again.
What a coincidence, that's exactly the book I was talking about! :)
Levi on 02 December 2010
Levi and LanguageSponge, how could you possibly allow this much harm to come to your dear books? I barely let people near my books and start screaming when they touch them. I almost had a mental breakdown when my brother tore most of a page out of my favorite Swahili book this summer...
ellasevia on 03 December 2010
Also, when the few things on your Christmas list are all language-related.
kottoler.ello on 03 December 2010
When you actually cringe whenever you hear the commercial that refers to "useless memorization" and "boring drills".
psy88 on 04 December 2010
When you practically start screaming at the mention of Rosetta Stone or people saying "I'd like to learn (insert popular/ semi-popular language here) but I have no idea how."
dotdotdot on 05 December 2010
or people saying "I'd like to learn (insert popular/ semi-popular language here) but I have no idea how."
To be fair, people wanting to learn another language often have no idea how to go about doing it. It's not unreasonable to hear them say that.
Unfortunately, marketing usually wins out and people end up using what they see in commercials.
hrhenry on 05 December 2010
It's already funny, but I think it;d be funnier if I knew French.
Genocyde on 05 December 2010
When you change the language settings on a device out of sheer interest, and then can't work out how to quickly change it back later and use it...because it's all now in a foreign language (lol)!
Teango on 05 December 2010
When predictive text on your mobile phone becomes completely messed up and unpredictable, simply because you keep texting in a variety and mixture of languages...
Teango on 05 December 2010
You plan to take language placement tests just to see how far you can archive by studying
the target languages within one month.
QiuJP on 05 December 2010
...when you spend hours on Google Earth exploring the places that speak your target language, checking out the pictures and reading any signs you see.
Levi on 05 December 2010
You return to the car park to find your car is missing and your first thought is, "Oh no! My Champs Elysees CDs
were in there!" Then when the police track the car down, you are surprised, quite pleasantly, to find that they
weren't stolen.
wv girl on 05 December 2010
When you change the language settings on a device out of sheer interest, and then can't work out how to quickly change it back later and use it...because it's all now in a foreign language (lol)!
I do this, too. My phone is always in Spanish (there is a very disappointing choice of languages on my phone, I can only getEnglish, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese and Turkish. That's not really very good considering that's only one of my three target languages), but my iPod has lots of language options so I basically just change it whenever I feel like it. It's in Greek at the moment, but before that it was in Korean, when I can't even read Korean script, so that made navigating it a bit awkward, but that's OK because it's easy enough to find my music and the language list, so I can switch it to a language I understand if I need to do anything more difficult than listening to music. So it's almost always in Spanish, Romanian or Greek if I want to understand what I'm looking at, or if not I'll just have it in some other language just for fun, LOL.
ThisIsGina on 05 December 2010
De temps en temps,
je me sens
comme si ma vie
ne tient à rien.
Dans ces moments,
je pense à mes langues
et le vide
EDIT: Had to fix my bad French. :-p
Levi on 06 December 2010
...when you get the DVD of Inception for Sinterklaas and are ecstatic to find out it has French and Spanish audio so you spent about half an hour watching your favourite scenes in those languages.
ReneeMona on 06 December 2010
Your whole life switches from being left to right to being right to left because of the language you're studying. My French flag is now red white and blueâ¦
Préposition on 06 December 2010
And when you extend your love of languages to the kitchen by indulging in various "themed nights" throughout the week (secretly just for an excuse to use the language whilst juggling ingredients). :P
Teango on 06 December 2010
Nah, probably better to not spend time on this social stuff and just learn more. Who needs people when you can have books?
muflax on 07 December 2010
Nah, probably better to not spend time on this social stuff and just learn more. Who needs people when you can have books?
The language you choose on Facebook is just the language things are displayed to you in. The only things people will see in a foreign language are things you type. And you can change your display language at any time. I change mine every few days.
Levi on 07 December 2010
...when your desk at work contains more language-related books than work-related books. (A quick look at my own desk shows 6 computer books and 12 language books.)
Qbe on 07 December 2010
Nah, probably better to not spend time on this social stuff and just learn more. Who needs people when you can have books?
The language you choose on Facebook is just the language things are displayed to you in. The only things people will see in a foreign language are things you type. And you can change your display language at any time. I change mine every few days.
I was aware of the display settings (which would be Japanese anyway because æ¼¢å are just so neat and compact), but what I meant was, in which language I should write myself? I can only really count on being universally understood if I write inEnglish, but I don't always feel like it and it seems weird to me to provide personal information in a different language than the one I use in conversation. Some public messages inEnglish, some in German, I don't like that.
Luckily, I'm enough of an introvert that I don't have many friends to actually weird out (and managed to get one to learn a bit of Japanese!) and my reluctance is really just an aversion to inconsistency. I associate different languages with different... attitudes (personas?) and the ones I'd be most comfortable writing with aren't the ones that my friends typically see. But then it's a bit silly because I don't expect to actively use Facebook much, going by experience and having spent more time on setting up text editors than on being social this month...
You know you're a language nerd when you ramble on too long about language choices the way others do about clothing. ;)
muflax on 07 December 2010
...When you're taking Mandarin, Junior-level Spanish, Russian, and second semester Arabic classes during your first year at University and then drop out because you realize if all you want to study is foreign languages, you can learn more in an hour on your free time than a whole semester of schooling. Plus, you won't be surrounded by people with poor accents and no passion for the language ;)
Omenapuu00 on 07 December 2010 can learn more in an hour on your free time than a whole semester of schooling. Plus, you won't be surrounded by people with poor accents and no passion for the language ;)
So true!
horshod on 07 December 2010
...When you're taking Mandarin, Junior-level Spanish, Russian, and second semester Arabic classes during your first year at University and then drop out because you realize if all you want to study is foreign languages, you can learn more in an hour on your free time than a whole semester of schooling. Plus, you won't be surrounded by people with poor accents and no passion for the language ;)
And save yourself a heck of a lot of money!
psy88 on 08 December 2010
...when you're crazy enough to study æ¼¢å in extremely dim lighting conditions.
Levi on 08 December 2010
...when you're listening to an explanation of a horrible tragedy in your target language, and you can't stop smiling because you find yourself understanding every word.
Levi on 08 December 2010
...when you're listening to an explanation of a horrible tragedy in your target language, and you can't stop smiling because you find yourself understanding every word.
Like when I listened to the speech by the Icelandic prime minister where he acknowledged that the economy of his country had literally collapsed overnight. Except that I didn't understand everything he said.
Iversen on 08 December 2010
When you're studying Hindi while listening to a German telenovela
ironman on 09 December 2010
...when your friend, upon hearing that you study languages, says "I can hook you up with a copy of Rosetta Stone" and then doesn't understand why you explode in rage at their generous offer.
Jinx on 09 December 2010
...when you've never even used Rosette Stone but have spent so much time on this forum that you can explain its many shortcomings in detail anyway.
ReneeMona on 09 December 2010
...when your friend, upon hearing that you study languages, says "I can hook you up with a copy of Rosetta Stone" and then doesn't understand why you explode in rage at their generous offer.
I did the same thing to my Japanese teacher when he asked about my independent language-learning strategies, and asked if I used Rosetta Stone.
ellasevia on 09 December 2010
(Ironic when the actor who plays Sayyid doesn't even speak Arabic, haha. Much better when he is dubbed into Iraqi dialect!)
Quabazaa on 09 December 2010
When you are so excited that university Christmas break has finally arrived, and while
your friends from school are at the bar and offering to pay for your night if you come
out, and your extremely attractive girlfriend is at a party, and furthermore you were
invited to both, you choose instead to spend Saturday night working on grammar until
early into the morning.
canada38 on 12 December 2010
extremely attractive girlfriend
I think it's a forum rule that this type of bragging is not allowed without pictures.
leosmith on 13 December 2010
when you purposely do not bring music CD's into your car, lest you be tempted to play them instead of listen to your target language(s) CD's. And then you feel guilty that you would even be tempted to listen to music instead of practicing your language(s).
psy88 on 13 December 2010
when you purposely do not bring music CD's into your car, lest you be tempted to play them instead of listen to your target language(s) CD's. And then you feel guilty that you would even be tempted to listen to music instead of practicing your language(s).
...when you feel guilty for NOT listening to music anymore (due to the huge backlog of language material that must be listened to!), even though your friends have been telling you "You've gotta check out this band" for so long that you now have a similarly large backlog of music you "ought" to listen to. Sorry, music.
Also, this just happened today:
...when you're driving with your family through a city and your mother points to a billboard in Spanish and asks you "What does it say?" and you quickly roll down your window for a better view and translate on the fly (despite never having studied any Spanish) before the billboard has faded from sight: "In the middle of nothing, you are in the middle of everything."
Jinx on 13 December 2010
In comparison with you (the people on this thread) I'm not a language nerd at all!
Yeah! Something along those lines.
You feel like a loser because you are ONLY studying x number of languages.
jimbo on 13 December 2010
When you're thinking of using the things on this thread as a checklist to rate your own language nerdiness
dotdotdot on 13 December 2010
Or when you go back with a book on language you were not learning.
clumsy on 14 December 2010
when you purposely do not bring music CD's into your car, lest you be tempted to play them instead of listen to your target language(s) CD's. And then you feel guilty that you would even be tempted to listen to music instead of practicing your language(s).
When you haven't had anyEnglish language songs on your iPod in years.
The mere thought of listening to a song inEnglish terrifies me, because I fear that I--God forbid--might even LIKE it and choose to download and listen to it on a regular basis instead of something in my L2.
I actually have not ever heard a single one of Lady Gaga's songs for this very reason (although an acquaintance did play the beats for a few on the piano once and they sounded quite catchy.. hehe).
kyssäkaali on 14 December 2010
While I haven't stopped listening toÂEnglish music entirely, I can truthfully claim that I am now more familiar with some Swedish and Finnish musicians thanÂEnglish ones. For example, I have heard a few Lady Gaga songs but I'm actually more interested in the newest Säkert! album.
mick33 on 14 December 2010
Wait, but I thought everybody gets excited about studying...don't they?
ellasevia on 14 December 2010
When there's Russian clown being interviewed on TV but you're just watching it because you're mesmerised by the Russian-Dutch translator. (She's amazing!)
Iolanthe on 15 December 2010
When your mobile broadband arrives in the post, and you spend more time looking at the flyer for discount international calls included in the box (you might may have seen the posters or ads around, e.g. wow, strewth, Åwietnie, à¤
à¤à¥à¤à¤¾ हà¥, etc.) than reading the instruction manual.
Teango on 15 December 2010
When you have two iPods - one forEnglish and one for foreign music only.
languagenerd09 on 16 December 2010
When you really wanted Russia to win the 2018 World Cup bid but deep inside it kind of frustrates you because it interferes with your language learning long-term plans! (I was supposed to start Russian by 2018, now I shall start earlier... sorry Dutch :/ )
Pau20 on 16 December 2010
When the first thing you do whilst checking out the new iPad at a local store is to make sure you can log on to this forum (oh blast...I forgot to check if the "Reviewing the Kanji" site and language blogs work ok too! *next time*).
Teango on 16 December 2010
When you really wanted Russia to win the 2018 World Cup bid but deep
inside it kind of frustrates you because it interferes with your language learning long-
term plans! (I was supposed to start Russian by 2018, now I shall start earlier... sorry
Dutch :/ )
When you add Russian to your list because Russia won the 2018 World Cup bid. Or would
that make me a football nerd?
troglodyte on 16 December 2010
3 times a week ..
languagenerd09 on 16 December 2010
When you have two iPods - one forÂEnglish and one for foreign music only.
...when you have one iPod - for foreign muic only. ;)
Segata on 16 December 2010
Perhaps not language nerdery as such...but you know you've been living in Germany for a while when you return to England and your neighbour scolds you for trying to pick up some shelves left on the pavement outside her house, and you shudder to think of throwing glass, plastic and paper into the one bin.
Teango on 16 December 2010
When you have 1500+ Skype/IM buddies.
leafhound on 19 December 2010
Everyone who posts here is a language nerd!
balessi on 19 December 2010
When you feel like you are in heaven when you are visiting your brother's college and you find the Arts & Humanities section in the library, which contains several hundred volumes in many different languages, including Danish (that seems to be hard to find here in America).
Also- I happened to find a German volume from 1848- the pages were quite delicate and there were some differences in the spelling of some of the words. Man this was an awesome day!
Marc94 on 19 December 2010
Also you know you're a language nerd when you realise a lot of the games mentioned above are inspired by our Multilingual Lounge!
LanguageSponge on 20 December 2010
Also you know you're a language nerd when you realise a lot of the games mentioned above are inspired by our Multilingual Lounge!
Margana is an anagram solver: handy if you play a lot of Scrabble!
Scrabble nerd I am.
maydayayday on 20 December 2010
You know you're a language nerd when you're planning your New Year's Eve party with your friends (who are all multilingual to begin with) and you realise that a lot of the games you're planning to play, you consider to be language-learning games.
Wooow, thanks. I'm hosting a Christmas party in a few hours and you just gave me game ideas. I'm not sure if my friends are gonna like'em... even they're multilingual they're not language nerds! I'll try though, thanks!
Pau20 on 21 December 2010
You know you're a language nerd when you're planning your New Year's Eve party with your friends (who are all multilingual to begin with) and you realise that a lot of the games you're planning to play, you consider to be language-learning games.
Wooow, thanks. I'm hosting a Christmas party in a few hours and you just gave me game ideas. I'm not sure if my friends are gonna like'em... even they're multilingual they're not language nerds! I'll try though, thanks!
You're welcome! The vast majority of my friends are language nerds, fortunately, so though that might not sound all that fun to most people, it does to us. The others would probably like the drinking games further down the list, but if *everyone* who turns up is multilingual, which is likely, even the conversation around those will be in some language other thanEnglish :]
LanguageSponge on 21 December 2010
You loathe gerunds and false friends.
You frequently have nightmares in which you're chased by Saussure, Chomsky, Halliday or Pinker.
You find certain words, expressions or translations utterly amusing... Yes, you laugh at words.
You have fun translating proverbs or idioms literally, such as "putting was the goose".
You find yourself looking up a word in the dictionary and you know you've already looked it up a thousand times before in your life.
You have run out of insults because this peculiar word seems to be nowhere in the world, but in the text you are trying to read.
You find out how much money you've spent on books, videos and magazines and you realize you could be a millionaire if you had saved up all that money.
You can remember making weird noises to yourself, just because you were practicing your Lenis Voiced Dental Fricative.
You know that the same meaning is hidden in these two sentences: "It's rude to point" and "Deixis is rude".
You know that the Spanish words "interface" and "interfaz" are not synonyms.
You can hold a coherent conversation with a colleague about derivational morphology or passive and middle voice.
You can list all the differences between unergative and unaccusative verbs, and you know the difference between a creole and a pidgin.
You know the difference between PRO and traces/copies, and ECM and subject/object control verbs.
You know the different countless types of Spanish polysemic "se".
Drawing trees is the worst thing that can ever happen to you, because it no longer means pencils, branches and leaves, but subject, tense phrase and wh- movement.
You know how useless the RAE dictionary is, but you learn to cope with it.
It doesn't matter how hard you try to learn a language, there's always going to be someone who will disagree and will suggest that you are completely hopeless.
You must restrain yourself from slapping people on their faces when you hear them producing horrible ungrammatical sentences.
A friend asks for the meaning of a word and you clear your throat and start giving a lecture on etymology.
It takes you at least 10 minutes to look up just one word in the dictionary, because you find at least 10 other interesting words before the one you need.
You're starting a band called "Colourless Green Ideas Sleep Furiously", and your hit song is "I'm a lonely NP".
translator2 on 21 December 2010
When you are the person people go to when they want to learn a language but don't know what resources to get.
dotdotdot on 21 December 2010
You're welcome! The vast majority of my friends are language nerds, fortunately, so though that might not sound all that fun to most people, it does to us. The others would probably like the drinking games further down the list, but if *everyone* who turns up is multilingual, which is likely, even the conversation around those will be in some language other thanÂEnglish :]
Ooh lucky you! I want your language nerd friends! I only have 2 :(
Btw... we didn't play any game, unless breaking a piñata counts as a game.
Pau20 on 22 December 2010
Going from left to right and from top to bottom, they are...
Spanish, Portuguese, French, Catalan, Italian, Romanian
Dutch, German, Swedish, Icelandic, Esperanto, Chinese
Russian, Polish, Czech, Slovenian, Hungarian
Greek, Korean, Japanese, Turkish, Arabic, Navajo
Irish, Welsh, Persian, Hindi, Georgian
And my brother ate the ones in Finnish and Swahili before I took the picture.
ellasevia on 22 December 2010
You loathe gerunds and false friends.
You frequently have nightmares in which you're chased by Saussure, Chomsky, Halliday or Pinker.
You find certain words, expressions or translations utterly amusing... Yes, you laugh at words.
You have fun translating proverbs or idioms literally, such as "putting was the goose".
You find yourself looking up a word in the dictionary and you know you've already looked it up a thousand times before in your life.
You have run out of insults because this peculiar word seems to be nowhere in the world, but in the text you are trying to read.
You find out how much money you've spent on books, videos and magazines and you realize you could be a millionaire if you had saved up all that money.
You can remember making weird noises to yourself, just because you were practicing your Lenis Voiced Dental Fricative.
You know that the same meaning is hidden in these two sentences: "It's rude to point" and "Deixis is rude".
You know that the Spanish words "interface" and "interfaz" are not synonyms.
You can hold a coherent conversation with a colleague about derivational morphology or passive and middle voice.
You can list all the differences between unergative and unaccusative verbs, and you know the difference between a creole and a pidgin.
You know the difference between PRO and traces/copies, and ECM and subject/object control verbs.
You know the different countless types of Spanish polysemic "se".
Drawing trees is the worst thing that can ever happen to you, because it no longer means pencils, branches and leaves, but subject, tense phrase and wh- movement.
You know how useless the RAE dictionary is, but you learn to cope with it.
It doesn't matter how hard you try to learn a language, there's always going to be someone who will disagree and will suggest that you are completely hopeless.
You must restrain yourself from slapping people on their faces when you hear them producing horrible ungrammatical sentences.
A friend asks for the meaning of a word and you clear your throat and start giving a lecture on etymology.
It takes you at least 10 minutes to look up just one word in the dictionary, because you find at least 10 other interesting words before the one you need.
You're starting a band called "Colourless Green Ideas Sleep Furiously", and your hit song is "I'm a lonely NP".
when you don't even know what a lot of this means..but you sure wish you did!! And hope one day to be as knowledgeable.
psy88 on 22 December 2010
You're starting a band called "Colourless Green Ideas Sleep Furiously", and your hit song is "I'm a lonely NP".
Darn it, I thought about making a band called that! I guess I have to settle with "Total Annihilation Challenge" ;)
dotdotdot on 22 December 2010
Swedish. You don't speak Swedish. You are highly tempted to steal one or two of them.
When you find this table in Ikea and think it was designed for you.
zerothinking on 22 December 2010
...while studying for your linguistics final, just about everything in the entire book sounds familiar to you, not because of the lectures but because you've read about them on this forum.
ReneeMona on 22 December 2010
--- when you enjoy doing so.
Qbe on 22 December 2010
...when, because of Internet radio, you always know more about the weather where your target language is spoken than you do about the weather where you live.
Levi on 22 December 2010
Going from left to right and from top to bottom, they are...
Spanish, Portuguese, French, Catalan, Italian, Romanian
Dutch, German, Swedish, Icelandic, Esperanto, Chinese
Russian, Polish, Czech, Slovenian, Hungarian
Greek, Korean, Japanese, Turkish, Arabic, Navajo
Irish, Welsh, Persian, Hindi, Georgian
And my brother ate the ones in Finnish and Swahili before I took the picture.
and this has just become your PC wallpaper, but above all your daughter who isn't a linguist knows the Finnish and Swahili biscuits too.....
maydayayday on 22 December 2010
you know what's in the music charts in another country but can't name a single group or song currently in your own country's chart.
darkwhispersdal on 23 December 2010
...when you just watched the first three hours of it and only stopped because it's two in the morning and you have an important exam the next day.
ReneeMona on 23 December 2010
you know what's in the music charts in another country but can't name a single group or song currently in your own country's chart.
Guilty. I haven't a clue who is near the top on the US charts currently since I haven't really listened toEnglish music for over a year now; the South Korean charts are another story, though.
Warp3 on 23 December 2010
...when you dance around the room for a full ten minutes because you
just found a French dubbed version of your all time favourite BBC mini-series.
Where? Where?
Sprachprofi on 23 December 2010
...when you dance around the room for a full ten minutes because you
just found a French dubbed version of your all time favourite BBC mini-series.
Where? Where?
Not sure if it's entirely legal, but someone uploaded it - here.ReneeMona on 23 December 2010
Swedish. You don't speak Swedish. You are highly tempted to steal one or two of them.
When you find this table in Ikea and think it was designed for you.
Polish one is wrong :(
clumsy on 23 December 2010
Swedish. You don't speak Swedish. You are highly tempted to steal one or two of them.
When you find this table in Ikea and think it was designed for you.
Polish one is wrong :(
I made my own after the IKEA find......... custom fit to the curves. When the other machines are installed I will post a couple of images.
maydayayday on 23 December 2010
When you open a monolingualEnglish dictionary and automatically flip to the front or back half because 'that's the side that's in the language I want'.
Cumquat on 24 December 2010
When you catch yourself listening to French podcasts whilst doing Mandarin reps on Anki...
LittleBoy on 26 December 2010
When your Wii Fit, Sports, dance and all the things are not in your
native language because you chose this.
Or: When you had to set up a separate user account on your computer for your boyfriend
because you have the habit of changing your operating system's language every other month
- which is still driving him crazy because he needs to figure out again and again which
one of the cryptic start menu items would be for switching users...
ratis on 27 December 2010
when you forget how to spell a word in your native language(English) but you do know how to spell it in your target language (Spanish), so you use your bilingualEnglish-Spanish dictionary,looking up the word in Spanish so you can get it'sEnglish spelling!
psy88 on 27 December 2010
when you forget how to spell a word in your native language(English) but
you do know how to spell it in your target language (Spanish), so you use your
bilingualÂEnglish-Spanish dictionary,looking up the word in Spanish so you can get
it'sÂEnglish spelling!
And from there...
...when yourEnglish vocabulary is significantly larger than your Spanish (native) one.
Thaorius on 27 December 2010
When you keep checking this thread for updates several times a day.
dotdotdot on 27 December 2010
...when the coolest thing about your new iPod Touch is that it understands voice commands in all your target languages!
Levi on 28 December 2010
...when the coolest thing about your new iPod Touch is that it understands voice commands in all your target languages!
When you see this as yet another reason to add more target languages...
... or as a good reason to buy an iPod Touch.
Qbe on 28 December 2010
...when the coolest thing about your new iPod Touch is that it understands voice commands in all your target languages!
That reminds me of how happy I was to find out that installing the Google Korean IME for Android would allow my phone to accept Korean voice input as well. I don't think that carries over to voice commands, though, sadly.
Warp3 on 28 December 2010
I just switched from a Mac mini (a creaky old awful thing) to a fresh new Toshiba laptop and I don't yet have everything set up the way I want it to be.
I read newspapers in target languages as often as I can, and when I was reading a German page I got a message from the Google Toolbar informing me that "This page is is German. Do you want to translate it?"
That made me mad, because I assumed that Google knew everything about everybody and SHOULD HAVE KNOWN why I was there. "No, toolbar, stupid Google toolbar, I'm here to learn and I don't want your help, thanks. I use my mind to translate, toolbar, but actually, toolbar, I try to work directly in the target language when I can without translating, so go away, toolbar. I hate you!"
"That'll show you" I thought, but then the toolbar wanted to know why, if I was so smart, was I yelling at it inEnglish?
I conceded that maybe Google really does know everything, and changed my settings.
meramarina on 28 December 2010
...when you're reviewing vocabulary while ice skating.
ellasevia on 29 December 2010
when you go to Barnes and Nobles after Christmas to buy "word a day" calenders in three different languages (your two current target languages and a third because, hey they were all half price so, why not? and if you had more money with you, it would have 4 different languages!). And the sales person asks if you are buying them as gifts for friends. When you smile, somewhat sheepishly, to explain they are all for you, she gives you a strange look but does not say anything further.
psy88 on 29 December 2010
You set your car's GPS to speak German, French, etc.
translator2 on 29 December 2010
You set your car's GPS to speak German, French, etc.
When your GPS is set to Korean for the voice, and Russian for everything else.
And you spent about half an hour listening to the different types of voices the GPS has in its languages.
dotdotdot on 29 December 2010
Maybe this should go under "you know the romance languages are very similar to each other when...", but I was pleased nonetheless.
Yesterday, whilst reading the foreign on a box of chocolates, I read one bit, and was quite pleased to find a language that I knew and could understand perfectly. Then I realised that it was one that I had never studied, Portuguese...
LittleBoy on 30 December 2010
When you actually dream you're in the language section of a big bookshop filling up your bag excitedly with January sales. :)
Teango on 04 January 2011
When you wake up with a big pain in the neck (I didn't know it hurt so much!) and the
first thing that pops out your head is "stiff neck", although you don't remember ever
having heard or read or learned that expression (English is not your mother tongue). So
you think your still-in-deep-dream-state mind just made that up. You jump off the bed
and go over the internet (despite the enormous pain it causes to move so abruptly)
because you HAVE TO verify if those words are correct and properEnglish. And yes they
are! It's not your mind playing tricks on you.
Then you get worried 'cause you don't know how to say that in Spanish, and you won't be
able to tell your mommy-that-knows-all what's wrong with your neck. You go to google
translate and there it displays "tortÃcolis" (never heard that). Then you yell "maaaa,
tengo tortÃcolis!". She comes and says, "ah.. here in Paraguay they call it "te sopló
viento" (a wind blew you) (sounds nasty, doesn't it?).
Now you NEED to find out how to say that in Chinese (è½æ lÃozhÄn), Japanese (è©åã),
German (Genickstarre) and Portuguese (torcicolo). You realize you already knew that in
And now you're here posting this occurrence in your favorite forum!
karaipyhare on 04 January 2011
When you wake up with a big pain in the neck (I didn't know it hurt so much!) and the
first thing that pops out your head is "stiff neck", although you don't remember ever
having heard or read or learned that expression (English is not your mother tongue). So
you think your still-in-deep-dream-state mind just made that up. You jump off the bed
and go over the internet (despite the enormous pain it causes to move so abruptly)
because you HAVE TO verify if those words are correct and properÂEnglish. And yes they
are! It's not your mind playing tricks on you.
Although saying you have a "stiff neck" is neither wrong nor unintelligible, it's more common and idiomatic to describe it as having a "crick" in one's neck, just fyi :)
kottoler.ello on 05 January 2011
You are somewhat disappointed to find out your Brazilian guide during your university exchange in Sao Paulo speaksEnglish, but are beyond thrilled when she prefers to converse in Portuguese.
Olympia on 07 January 2011
...when you get a foreign language song stuck in your head, and while singing it to yourself you finally realize what the lyrics mean.
Levi on 11 January 2011
Last night I dreamed that I was studying. I think it's nerd enough.
Matheus on 11 January 2011
Last night I dreamed that I was studying. I think it's nerd
Nerd enough would be if you added "...and I was having a great time" :D.
Thaorius on 11 January 2011
...when you get a foreign language song stuck in your head, and while singing it to yourself you finally realize what the lyrics mean.
I've done that. It's weird to have random lyrics playing in your head and then suddenly have the meaning of a phrase click that you hadn't caught before.
Warp3 on 11 January 2011
When you wake up with a big pain in the neck (I didn't know it hurt so much!) and the
first thing that pops out your head is "stiff neck", although you don't remember ever
having heard or read or learned that expression (English is not your mother tongue). So
you think your still-in-deep-dream-state mind just made that up. You jump off the bed
and go over the internet (despite the enormous pain it causes to move so abruptly)
because you HAVE TO verify if those words are correct and properÂEnglish. And yes they
are! It's not your mind playing tricks on you.
Although saying you have a "stiff neck" is neither wrong nor unintelligible, it's more common and idiomatic to
describe it as having a "crick" in one's neck, just fyi :)
"Stiff neck" is just fine for this nativeEnglish speaker. Where I live, if someone said he had a crick in his neck I'd
assume him to be an elderly person from the countryside. If someone young said it, I'd assume they were trying
to be funny.
Ah,English. Just when you think you know it, another regional variation pops up.However, having lived in
most regions of the US, I'd say that "stiff neck" is more widely used and understood.
seldnar on 11 January 2011
Last night I dreamed that I was studying. I think it's nerd
Nerd enough would be if you added "...and I was having a great time" :D.
AND ...I was sorry to have woken up because I was enjoying the dream so much!"
psy88 on 12 January 2011
When you wake up with a big pain in the neck (I didn't know it hurt so much!) and the
first thing that pops out your head is "stiff neck", although you don't remember ever
having heard or read or learned that expression (English is not your mother tongue). So
you think your still-in-deep-dream-state mind just made that up. You jump off the bed
and go over the internet (despite the enormous pain it causes to move so abruptly)
because you HAVE TO verify if those words are correct and properÂEnglish. And yes they
are! It's not your mind playing tricks on you.
Although saying you have a "stiff neck" is neither wrong nor unintelligible, it's more common and idiomatic to
describe it as having a "crick" in one's neck, just fyi :)
"Stiff neck" is just fine for this nativeÂEnglish speaker. Where I live, if someone said he had a crick in his neck I'd
assume him to be an elderly person from the countryside. If someone young said it, I'd assume they were trying
to be funny.
Ah,ÂEnglish. Just when you think you know it, another regional variation pops up.However, having lived in
most regions of the US, I'd say that "stiff neck" is more widely used and understood.
Out of curiosity, which states would you say this applies to? I'm from Texas, but Dallas, where most people speak pretty standard General AmericanEnglish, and I never imagined "crick" would be dialectical or archaic. My mom does have a bit of a Texan accent, though, so I may have picked it up from her.
On a side note, I only recently noticed how often she describes something as a "big ow" ("big old" but the l and d on "old" are dropped completely) whatever it is and it bugs the heck out of me.
kottoler.ello on 12 January 2011
I've lived on the west and east coasts and I've always heard stiff neck except from my grandmother who used crick.
genini1 on 12 January 2011
When you wake up with a big pain in the neck (I didn't know it hurt so much!) and the
first thing that pops out your head is "stiff neck", although you don't remember ever
having heard or read or learned that expression (English is not your mother tongue). So
you think your still-in-deep-dream-state mind just made that up. You jump off the bed
and go over the internet (despite the enormous pain it causes to move so abruptly)
because you HAVE TO verify if those words are correct and properÂEnglish. And yes they
are! It's not your mind playing tricks on you.
Although saying you have a "stiff neck" is neither wrong nor unintelligible, it's more common and idiomatic to describe it as having a "crick" in one's neck, just fyi :)
I'm more likely to say "stiff neck" myself. Around these parts if you say you have a "crick" in your neck people might think you have a creek in your neck!
Levi on 12 January 2011
And now all of you have proven how nerdy you are by discussing "stiff neck" vs. "cricket" over several pages in a completely unrelated thread. Congratulations!
Iversen on 12 January 2011
You have multiple books in various languages next to your bed
and when you look forward to breakfast so that you can read that day's lesson from the various foreign language calendars next to your dinning table.
RogerK on 12 January 2011
You have multiple books in various languages next to your bed
To continue the discussion of crick in the neck vs a stiff neck, neither would sound strange to me, but I also wouldn't use either of them. I'd probably just say my neck hurts, or possibly I have a pain in my neck.
hjordis on 13 January 2011
Hmm, I only have 50 language books, not enough. :(
sjheiss on 13 January 2011
When sleep becomes even more disrupted, and you start dreaming you're a contestant on Polyglot Blind Date, with the unenviable task of picking one out of three lovely languages hidden behind the screen.
Teango on 13 January 2011
When your girlfriend finishes her exam early while you're walking around the park near uni and your first thoughts are "damn, if she hadn't finished early, I'd have been able to read 20 mins of my grammar book before our going home - or maybe I should have just skipped this walk".
LanguageSponge on 13 January 2011
- When you're looking at scholarships and excitedly tell your friend, "Look, they accept the essay inEnglish, Spanish, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and Portuguese!" depite the fact that you and her can only write in two of those languages.
- When you pray to any deity willing to hear that you marry a native in your target language(s), just like your big sister.
- When your heart aches at the mere thought of being raised monolingually.
- When you can't help but gape when the flute scale exercises your teacher just handed you has the title in bothEnglish and Finnish. You immediately pop open your pocket dictionary to translate then go on and tell the teacher, just 'cause.
- When you jump and smile giddily when your friend asks you to lend her yourEnglish-French/French-English pocket dictionary. You then immediately go on to remind her that you know websites and resources for her to learn French with (though you hold back on mentioning the TAC so you don't scare her off.)
- Kat
Phantom Kat on 14 January 2011
you start dreaming you're a contestant on Polyglot Blind Date, with the unenviable task of picking one out of three lovely languages hidden behind the screen
You were playing the wrong game. If you'd played Promiscuous Polyglot, you could have had them all! But you, like me, are so old now you need your precious sleep. My own new reality TV show is called "Napping With the Cats."
I sympathize, though. I know I am a language nerd because when I nod off when reading in another language, sometimes my mind keeps going and I can hear and speak and understand so much . . . it's very nice. I wish I could record these dreams just to see just how accurate my use of target languages is when I'm not awake. I get this great feeling of fluency, but I suspect it's not really so.
I don't want to know the truth if it just something like . . . glib beep beep fizzlewishy blarglefargle kerplunk . . .
meramarina on 14 January 2011
You walk past a snack bar called "Bites" and the first thing that comes to your mind is how funny French people must find it.
garyb on 19 January 2011
LanguageSponge on 25 January 2011
You know you're a language nerd when you didn't really like Vienna that much, but upon reading this post you suddenly have a strong urge to go back, just to visit that bookstore! Where is it, by the way? :)
Jinx on 25 January 2011
grâce (grahss) = grace
gras (grah) = fat (as in Mardi Gras)
Levi on 27 January 2011
You know you're a language nerd when you didn't really like Vienna that much, but upon reading this post you suddenly have a strong urge to go back, just to visit that bookstore! Where is it, by the way? :)
There are loads of them around Vienna, it's a chain called "Wilhelm Frick Buchhandlung" - the branch we went to is Kärntner StraÃe 30, which is closest to Stephansplatz U-Bahn station. I am sure there are better branches around the city, as this was just the first one we happened to stumble upon. I remember when I used to go to Munich far more often than I do now, there were much better bookshops than even that one, but I haven't been there for a few years now so would have to look up the addresses and stuff.
LanguageSponge on 27 January 2011
You know you're a language nerd when you didn't really like Vienna that much, but upon reading this post you suddenly have a strong urge to go back, just to visit that bookstore! Where is it, by the way? :)
There are loads of them around Vienna, it's a chain called "Wilhelm Frick Buchhandlung" - the branch we went to is Kärntner StraÃe 30, which is closest to Stephansplatz U-Bahn station. I am sure there are better branches around the city, as this was just the first one we happened to stumble upon. I remember when I used to go to Munich far more often than I do now, there were much better bookshops than even that one, but I haven't been there for a few years now so would have to look up the addresses and stuff.
I've been to that bookshop! And now have an urge to return...
Doogle on 27 January 2011
...when you're in the same museum and you pick up the same leaflet 6 times in 6 different languages - and one of the languages is one that you're not even able to read yet - German, Russian, French, Italian, Czech and Japanese. And you will read the same leaflet at least 5 times. And will eventually read it again in Japanese one day :]
LanguageSponge on 29 January 2011
You know you're a language nerd when you start putting upside down exclamation points and
question marks at the beginning ofEnglish sentences.
Thantophobia on 29 January 2011
You know you're a language nerd when you see lightning in the distance and the first word that comes into your mind is 'ngurumo', followed by 'relampago'.
strikingstar on 29 January 2011
You also know you're a language nerd when it's freezing cold here in Vienna, you're not really very near the centre of town and you both decide to walk into the centre. Why? Because we're leaving tomorrow and the more money we save by not taking the U-Bahn everywhere, the more we can spend in the bookshop at the end!!
LanguageSponge on 29 January 2011
You also know you're a language nerd when it's freezing cold here in Vienna, you're not really very near the centre of town and you both decide to walk into the centre. Why? Because we're leaving tomorrow and the more money we save by not taking the U-Bahn everywhere, the more we can spend in the bookshop at the end!!
...when you're using a thread about being a language nerd as a journal to document your entire trip to Vienna, because it's the most fitting place. :)
ellasevia on 29 January 2011
â¦You dream about Latin declensions.
â¦Your school bag is ridiculously heavy because you insist on bringing your big
Spanish dictionary to school.
â¦Someone sees you looking up a word in a foreign dictionary and asks you if you are
learning the dictionary by hart. You sarcastically reply, âYes, Iâm at J now,â and
he believes you.
â¦While talking to a friend, you suddenly realise the Latin etymology of a word and
promptly share it with him. He then calls you walking dictionary and you take it as
a complement.
â¦You have no obligation to study languages, but you feel guilty when you donât.
⦠You ask someone to do something âpor favorâ without realising it.
â¦When asked what the word for âumbrellaâ is in your native language, you take about 10
minutes to remember it, but you can immediately give the Spanish word for it.
â¦While at the beach during the holidays, you spend your time learning Latin instead of
Syntax on 29 January 2011
You also know you're a language nerd when it's freezing cold here in Vienna, you're not really very near the centre of town and you both decide to walk into the centre. Why? Because we're leaving tomorrow and the more money we save by not taking the U-Bahn everywhere, the more we can spend in the bookshop at the end!!
...when you're using a thread about being a language nerd as a journal to document your entire trip to Vienna, because it's the most fitting place. :)
Not the entire trip, I'll be updating my TAC log with a pretty lengthy post mentioning all the language-nerdy stuff when I get back tomorrow. But yes, you're right, it is pretty nerdy :]
LanguageSponge on 29 January 2011
Fasulye on 29 January 2011
Then when you get out of bed you better eat a Danish!!!
Det er en god idé. That's a good idea.
Fasulye on 29 January 2011
Last night I wrote something in Dutch in my TAC log and decided I needed to give anEnglish translation because I thought my Dutch senteces might contain too many grammar mistakes. Unfortunately I spent even more time writing inEnglish because I was often using Dutch word order and typing Dutch words in the middle of my sentences.
mick33 on 29 January 2011
You also know you're a language nerd when it's freezing cold here in Vienna, you're not really very near the centre of town and you both decide to walk into the centre. Why? Because we're leaving tomorrow and the more money we save by not taking the U-Bahn everywhere, the more we can spend in the bookshop at the end!!
You know you are when you feel jealous because you wish you had a girlfriend/boyfriend/ significant other as dedicated to learning languages as is LanguageSponges'
psy88 on 30 January 2011
You know you're a language nerd when you're excited about getting a 1372 page Basque grammar and a 776 page Sumerian grammar. :D
sjheiss on 01 February 2011
You know you're a language nerd when you're excited about getting a 1372 page Basque grammar and a 776 page Sumerian grammar. :D
I think a true language nerd would give the titles. Ahem. ;)
Qbe on 02 February 2011
I don't see how that comes into play with nerdiness, but they are Standard Basque - A Progressive Grammar by Rudelf P. G. de Rijk, and A Descriptive Grammar of Sumerian by Abraham Hendrik Jagersma. I have them both in PDF form, but the Basque one is currently being shipped to me from Amazon. ;)
sjheiss on 02 February 2011
I don't see how that comes into play with nerdiness
I don't suppose it does; I was curious about the titles. Thanks for sharing!
Qbe on 02 February 2011
Kauderwelsch: Irisch (in German)
Lonely Planet's language guide to Bahasa Indonesia
A small Russian-Danish dictionary
Lonely Planet's big fat guide to Western Africa (inÂEnglish)
bilingual printouts:
something in Russian, mostly about the history of Georgia
something in Bahasa Indonesia (and partly Malaysia) about dinosaurs, geological epochs and violins
something in Icelandic about the elephant man, Walt Disney characters and the periodical system
something in Modern Greek about mathematicians, including Hypatia and Hilbert
something in Esperanto about Australopithecines, Zanzibar and William + Caroline Herschel
But I forgot to bring a French dictionary although I visited two French speaking countries
Iversen on 02 February 2011
You know you're a language nerd when you add language learning materials on amazon to your wish list because you plan to "eventually" study that language
FuroraCeltica on 02 February 2011
You know you're a language nerd when you add language learning materials on amazon to your wish list because you plan to "eventually" study that language
hjordis on 03 February 2011
You know you're a language nerd when you're sitting in the Spanish Riding School in Vienna, waiting to go and watch a demonstration by the Lipizzaner horses, and you hear Russian, to your delight. Two women are standing at the booking desk, repeating the words "horses, ride" inEnglish while deliberating amongst themselves in Russian how to say things inEnglish. They don't attempt to speak German so you assume they can't. The German attendant is trying to explain to them inEnglish (which the women clearly do not understand) that you can't ride the horses, you can only watch demonstrations by the school's riders. So feeling pretty nervous about the whole thing, you stand up and explain to the women in Russian that you can't ride the horses yourself and that you can only watch demonstrations during "Morgenarbeit" - morning exercise - between 10 and 12 and have a tour of the school in the afternoon. The women are very grateful for your help and you then help them book their tickets to watch the demonstrations the next day. You also know you're a language nerd when even after watching the horses during Morgenarbeit, watching them do all sorts of tricks you didn't think horses were even capable of, the short exchange with the women in Russian a few hours before made your day much more!
LanguageSponge on 03 February 2011
You know you're a language nerd when you're discussing basic linguistics in your sociolinguistics class and you mention a term that no one else in the room has heard of, including your professor.
ReneeMona on 03 February 2011
You know you are a language nerd when you are only up to the 35th lesson of 'French With Ease' and you order 'Using French' and 'Dutch With Ease' because you'll need something for later in the year. All the while you're still reading 'Italienisch in der Praxis'
RogerK on 04 February 2011
You know you're a language nerd when your girlfriend's mother rings the house and asks "do you want me to bring anything up with me when I visit tomorrow?". She is referring to cutlery and daily essentials as one of our flatmates is moving out. I then pipe up with "oh, don't worry about cutlery and whatever, I'll sort that, it's not important, just don't forget to bring up the Astérix books!". And now we're lying on the sofa reading Astérix et Obélix.
LanguageSponge on 04 February 2011
When you're roped into watching a romantic comedy ("The Rebound"), and you just can't understand why the name of the coffee shop has a backward "L" on the window. Then your girlfriend laughs and explains that it's not really "MOLO" but "MOJO"...all this time I just sat there with a furrowed brow and perplexed look on my face, wondering why on earth someone would ever misspell an abbreviation of молоко (Russian: milk). Guess my mind must have started to wander too far during the movie at that point... ;)
Teango on 05 February 2011
when you and some friends watch the 1948 movie "Johnny Belinda", about a young woman who is a deaf mute and a kind young doctor takes an interest in her and teaches her sign language.The doctor teaches himself from a book and then teaches the girl. He says it is a system developed by a French priest. As soon as it is over, your friends, knowing you as they do, jokingly say "now you will probably want to learn sign language".
Not only are they correct, but throughout the movie you were wondering about the signing the doctor used and if the signing is the same as American Sign Language. You also wonder if the French priest's system would perhaps not be limited to one language, but perhaps be a universal set of signs so that Signers from different countries could communicate with one another,unlike with the American Sign Language. You also decide to add Sign Language to your wish list to be studied but worry about whether it should be American Sign Language or if you could locate the French priest's system. You are also delighted to discover that the signing was accurate in the movie.
psy88 on 05 February 2011
Multitasking is bad, kids.
garyb on 07 February 2011
When you have German in school again for the first time in a year (I have been self-studying a lot, so I certainly didn't lose any knowledge, in fact quite the opposite!) and everyone has no idea what they are reading in the textbook. So after a friend asks you what the article says, you get carried away and end up translating the whole thing and then you realize everyone is staring at you as in a 'how did he just do that?!' kind of way.
Marc94 on 07 February 2011
You are a language nerd if you find this as disturbing as I do: finding a package of imported cookies with the package printed in fourteen languages, yes fourteen! and that's a fantastic and magnificent feeling until you try to open the package, and rip right throughEnglish, Italian, French, German, Portuguese and Dutch . . .
Oh, the sadness.
meramarina on 07 February 2011
You are a language nerd if you find this as disturbing as I do: finding a package of imported cookies with the package printed in fourteen languages, yes fourteen! and that's a fantastic and magnificent feeling until you try to open the package, and rip right throughÂEnglish, Italian, French, German, Portuguese and Dutch . . .
Oh, the sadness.
"Neeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrd!" (yelled in the same way as Homer Simpson did in that episode where he goes back to college)
Chung on 07 February 2011
I feel your pain, meramarina. Quickly...get the sellotape, all's not lost! :D
Teango on 07 February 2011
Above we have:ÂEnglish, French, Spanish, German; Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Danish/Norwegian (I can't tell); Greek, Russian, Japanese, Chinese
And I have pictures of other things with languages like Hungarian, Slovak, Czech, and Arabic too!
ellasevia on 08 February 2011
I was so upset I had to eat the whole bag of wafers and then spend the evening deciphering the wrapper of a mysterious Slavic chocolate bar I also have. I do not dare open it because I'm still looking at it (Croatian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Macedonian and Russian, I think . . . ) I hope you enjoyed my artistic depiction of grief, worthy of a not-very-adept three year old.
meramarina on 08 February 2011
You are a language nerd if you find this as disturbing as I do: finding a package of imported cookies with the package printed in fourteen languages, yes fourteen! and that's a fantastic and magnificent feeling until you try to open the package, and rip right throughÂEnglish, Italian, French, German, Portuguese and Dutch . . .
Oh, the sadness.
And THAT is me. I find myself trying to figure out meanings of languages and words by comparing the ones I know with the ones I've no idea of!
My wife has to bring me back to Earth sometimes at breakfast!
GibberMeister on 08 February 2011
You are a language nerd if you find this as disturbing as I do: finding a package of imported cookies with the package printed in fourteen languages, yes fourteen! and that's a fantastic and magnificent feeling until you try to open the package, and rip right throughÂEnglish, Italian, French, German, Portuguese and Dutch . . .
Oh, the sadness.
I literally winced when I read that. And then immediately started imagining what sort of linguistic amusem*nts could take place due to an imperfectly aligned reconstruction of the package... this may be my geekiest moment.
(edited to avoid re-posting the picture)
Jinx on 08 February 2011
...when you kick yourself for realizing, after the game is over, that you should have muted theÂEnglish commentary while watching the France-Brazil football match and listened to the Radio France broadcast instead.
Levi on 11 February 2011
when you are getting your hair cut and your barber starts to speak to another barber in Italian and, even though you have not studied Italian since your university days, many many years ago, you can follow the conversation. What is more amazing-and more proof of being a language nerd- is that you are translating, in your mind,what they are saying into your first target language and feeling frustrated that you cannot ,as yet, translate it into your second target language.
psy88 on 14 February 2011
...when you accidentally use another language's grammar in your native language
...when you accidentally speak words in another language without realizing it at first
...especially when you're already speaking another language! (My Finnish always has little strange bits of German and Spanish in it. It makes sense to no one but me.)
jdmoncada on 14 February 2011
When frequent visits to the library collecting courses from different languages makes you stand out to the librarians making you slightly embarassed.
Adrean on 14 February 2011
Friday morning I saw a jar of jam with a picture of blueberries on the label with the words "Syld Blåbär", which is Swedish for blueberry jam. I picked up the jar hoping to read more Swedish words on the label. Unfortunately for me, the other information on the label was inEnglish, though I did find out that the jam was made in Sweden for Ikea. I have no reason to buy new furniture, but I think I will be going to the Ikea store next week anyway.
mick33 on 19 February 2011
Friday morning I saw a jar of jam with a picture of blueberries on the label with the words "Syld BlÃ¥bär", which is Swedish for blueberry jam. I picked up the jar hoping to read more Swedish words on the label. Unfortunately for me, the other information on the label was inÂEnglish, though I did find out that the jam was made in Sweden for Ikea. I have no reason to buy new furniture, but I think I will be going to the Ikea store next week anyway.
Haha, the reason I love Ikea is because it's Swedish, I always get the urge to speak Swedish when I'm there. And I love how the dummy books in their bookcases are always in Swedish!
Psychedelica on 19 February 2011
You know you're a language nerd when you are having a German lesson with a native teacher when all of a sudden
your mother, whose first language is Mandarin, bursts into the classroom along with a Spanish teacher, saying in
Mandarin that she does not understand what the Spanish teacher is trying to tell her. You then translate from
Spanish to Mandarin for your mother, reassure the Spanish teacher in Spanish that now she understands, and then
proceed to explain to your own German teacher in German what is going on.
That was probably one of the most epic moments I've ever had as a polyglot. :P I was at a language school when this
happened, so there were many teachers teaching their own native language.
yawn on 19 February 2011
...when you've converted all your 1980s/1990s language tapes and videos to MP3 or .flv format and then burned them to CD and DVD and stored them to your hard drive and external drive. Despite all these copies you're still unable to throw away the original tapes/videos just in case the copies on modern technolgy get lost, burned, warped or damaged all at the same time
...when you give a biology presentation at school/university and give impromptu etymologies of scientific termingology and you don't stop yourself as you think it's good for people to learn about their language
...when you think it would be immense fun to create a parallel Icelandic language that's been heavily influenced by 500 years of Finnish and South-Slavic languages, taking into account phonetic shifts, vowel harmony etc
...when you can't bring yourself to watch the UK-produced series of 'Wallander' as the pronunciation of 'Ystad' is cringingly wrong... You get so annoyed by it that you consider writing to the producers, recommending that the actors use Professor Arguelles' 'shadowing' technique in order to improve their pronunciation
...when you trawl online second-hand bookshops, desperately seeking editions of language textbooks that were printed in the 60s/70s/80s (before you were born) when grammar was 'taught properly', as you get annoyed that 21st century language textbook writers only mention 'grammar' three times in the entire book and avoid teaching the 'locative' or the 'middle voice' at all costs
...when your IPOD's 'top 5 most-played' list is TL versions of Postman Pat, Bob the Builder and soppy ballads, songs that you'd never ever listen to (sing along to) in your native language.
...when you go to your local supermarket daily in order to get accustomed to hearing Polish and Russian, although you aren't actually studying them yet, but they may come to you in a dream
You and your classmates end up having a 5-course meal at a restaurant (you only planned on having coffee) because some speakers of your TL sit on the table next to you. You and your classmates decide this is a perfect opportunity for simultaneous interpretation practice and play 'spot the dialect/accent'
..when this is your third and bigget contribution to this website so far!
skyr on 20 February 2011
...when you think using packaging and manuals for language-learning is one of the best vocabulary-building and translation exercises you've ever heard!
...when you think that buying Polish and German cheese, bread etc, although more expensive than national brands, will create a better ambience for your language studies and thus improve your learning
...when you call random numbers in Southern Sweden, known for having a 'harder-to-understand' accent, asking if "[Jan] is in?" and, although this person doesn't exist in your life, you feel the aural/oral practice you gain, far outweighs the strangeness of such practice
*off to investigate the contents of the recycling bag->
skyr on 20 February 2011
Edit: I decided to write only part in French... And then the other three parts in Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian. :)
ellasevia on 22 February 2011
When you are on a relaxing holiday abroad, get the inspiration to take up the local language, and can't
wait to get home asyou have the appropriate Assimil in the post.
LazyLinguist on 22 February 2011
...when you find this comedy routine way funnier than your friends do: -
Levi on 22 February 2011
-Scream random exclamations in another tongue because you feel like it.
-When you're taking notes or writing something and switch in and out of different languages.
-When you're a member of this forum :D
cymrotom on 22 February 2011
When you become very upset upon finding out that Japanese-Chinese Cookbook isn't a bilingual text, but rather a compilation of Japanese and Chinese recipes. I should have known since the title is inEnglish.
hjordis on 23 February 2011
When you're on a two day student booze cruise with your buddies to celebrate high school being over, and it brings you great joy to notice upon reading the multilingual texts on the counter of the tax free shop that the Russian preposition без is indeed used with the genitive.
Thatzright on 23 February 2011
You know you're a language nerd when you get just as excited upon receiving new course books in Italian and
Portuguese as other teens get excited over the latest fashion trend, the hottest celebrity, or the newest video game!
yawn on 23 February 2011
...when you spend 19 months searching '401 Czech verbs' in the hope that someone someday will sell it at a reasonable price (it's extortionate in UK bookshops). You eventually find it on ebay for 2.36 euros/$3.23 and you then spend 2 hours composing an email in Czech (a language you don't yet speak) to thank the seller for making your life complete!
skyr on 23 February 2011
...when you're so thrilled to find a bilingual kids' book ("Chaucer's First Winter"/"El primer invierno de Chaucer") in your Cheerios box that you have to sit right down and read the whole thing in both languages, despite the fact that
A) you're not studying Spanish and don't plan to anytime soon, and
B) you have a cup of tea over-brewing and cereal getting soggy in milk.
This has gotta come first.
Jinx on 27 February 2011
.... when language learning-related material occupies 25 GB of your PC's hard-disk.
Alois M. on 27 February 2011
...when you're excited that the metrocard you bought has only Spanish text on the back...
Kartof on 27 February 2011
I have been listening to Latin videos on Youtube for an hour or so, more specifically a series about humanism, spoken by 'Aloisius Miraglia' and uploaded by 'Baeticus' (no.1 - here ). On my TV there is a program about bluidy murder cases with Danish subtitles - not something I find very interesting. What drove me to this thread was that I suddenly realized that each time I looked at the TV I found myself translating the Danish subtitles into Pig Latin...
Iversen on 27 February 2011
- When you keep a notebook perpetually open in front of your PC to write down the new words you come across surfing the Internet, one couple of pages for each of a dozen of languages.
- When you study Sanskrit through German, and Japanese through French, Basque through Italian..... at the same time.
Alois M. on 02 March 2011
....when you try to speak Chinese with yourself, within your head, and replace the words you don't know with French or German ones.
Alois M. on 02 March 2011
- When you study Sanskrit through German, and Japanese through French, Basque through Italian..... at the same time.
I do this all the time! I have different languages than this example, but I always feel like I'm studying "through" something.
jdmoncada on 02 March 2011
.... when language learning-related material occupies 25 GB of your PC's hard-disk.
Oh yeah? How about... SIXTY gigabytes?
I'm not exaggerating! My materials cover 60 languages and eight dialects. I've even had to buy an external hard-drive to keep all my movies on, because my language-learning materials crowded them off my computer. ;)
Jinx on 03 March 2011
I've even had to buy an external hard-drive to keep all my movies on, because my language-learning materials crowded them off my computer. ;)
Because naturally the language-learning materials took priority. :)
ellasevia on 03 March 2011
I've even had to buy an external hard-drive to keep all my movies on, because my language-learning materials crowded them off my computer. ;)
Because naturally the language-learning materials took priority. :)
Of course! I have this paranoid Luddite conviction that things stored on external HDs are more susceptible to random bouts of vanishing than things stored on a computer HD (although I know there's absolutely no logic to that), and even though it's taken me years to assemble my giant film collection, I'd still much rather lose all of them than my precious language stuff!
Jinx on 03 March 2011
When you talk to your French friend in Spanish, despite not having spoken it for years, your Georgian friend in
Reorgian (a mixture of Russian and Georgian, mostly Russian), your OTHER French friend in German, your new
Ossetian acquaintance in a mixture of Russian and German, your Polish friend in extremely colloquial Polish, and
your Czech-American friend in Czech...all within an hour...NO BIG DEAL OR ANYTHING.
ruskivyetr on 03 March 2011
When you talk to your French friend in Spanish, despite not having spoken it for years, your Georgian friend in
Reorgian (a mixture of Russian and Georgian, mostly Russian), your OTHER French friend in German, your new
Ossetian acquaintance in a mixture of Russian and German, your Polish friend in extremely colloquial Polish, and
your Czech-American friend in Czech...all within an hour...NO BIG DEAL OR ANYTHING.
When a few weeks ago at church, some friends of mine were describing a new member of the congegation by saying "He speaks 4 languages and is learning two more in college right now." I was impressed but not in the same way everyone else was. Most of my friends think speaking 4 languages is a nearly impossible feat, but of course I know differently and was simply curious to know what languages he speaks. I also regret that I still haven't had a chance to have a conversation with him.
When I went to a nightclub and almost embarrassed myself because I wanted to ask the DJ why he had no Swedish or Spanish language pop music.
mick33 on 03 March 2011
When you're moving into a new flat and you find a book in Spanish about how to raise a baby, that the previous occupant must have left behind. Your flatmate asks jokingly if you want to keep it and use it to learn Spanish at some point in the future. For a moment you actually consider it. (This is coming from somebody who has no children and doesn't plan to have children any time soon).
garyb on 03 March 2011
When you're moving into a new flat and you find a book in Spanish about how to raise a baby, that the previous occupant must have left behind. Your flatmate asks jokingly if you want to keep it and use it to learn Spanish at some point in the future. For a moment you actually consider it. (This is coming from somebody who has no children and doesn't plan to have children any time soon).
Secret tip: if you read child-raising tips as relationship-advice tips, you might be amazed at the amount of usefulness you can glean from them! Speaking from experience. ;)
Jinx on 03 March 2011
...when this was your Friday-night status
skyr on 03 March 2011
- When you study Sanskrit through German, and Japanese through French, Basque through Italian..... at the same time.
I do this all the time! I have different languages than this example, but I always feel like I'm studying "through" something.
I do it too! It keeps one TL 'alive' whilst learning another. It can also increase the accessibilty to study-materials - I study Slovak and Icelandic and there aren't many materials available inEnglish.
skyr on 03 March 2011
...when you update your social network status as "is learning Icelandic with Bambi on youtube" and later realise this isn't possibly the best thing to admit to on such a site.
Awesome. If everyone did that I might find those sites a lot more interesting.
ReneeMona on 03 March 2011
...when you smile every time a Deutsche Welle reporter says a foreign name, because they almost always make a decent effort to get the pronunciation right (even with difficult names like "Gbagbo" and "Yuan").
Levi on 03 March 2011
...when you can correctly identify the origin of a foreign accent in the language you're studying.
Levi on 03 March 2011
When you're moving into a new flat and you find a book in Spanish about how to raise a baby, that the previous occupant must have left behind. Your flatmate asks jokingly if you want to keep it and use it to learn Spanish at some point in the future. For a moment you actually consider it. (This is coming from somebody who has no children and doesn't plan to have children any time soon).
You did the right thing. I too, like the other true language nerds, have a lot of material for languages I hope to study but, in truth, will probably never get to study. I just know that if I didn't have the materials I would definitely need them as I would suddenly feel the need to began to study that language.
Also, there is nothing more frustrating for the target languages you are studying then to not obtain a particular study guide or course that you come across, and then later, when you want it,to find that it not longer is available.
Tolkien uses a word that perfectly fits these situations. The Middle Earth word "mathom" refers to something for which you have no real or immediate use, but it is just too intrinsically valuable to throw out and so you save it.
psy88 on 04 March 2011
So my book with anecdotes in Albanian is a mathom, like my Georgian grammar, my violin and my old windows 95 computer. But the word "mathom" itself is not a mathom because it definitely is very useful.
Iversen on 04 March 2011
...when you update your social network status as "is learning Icelandic with Bambi on youtube" and later realise this isn't possibly the best thing to admit to on such a site.
Awesome. If everyone did that I might find those sites a lot more interesting.
There's one for 'Bambi learns French' too!
skyr on 04 March 2011
contains your target language.
I did this today. I needed a new mouse for my computer. MicroCenter has an entire aisle
of mice. So after my preliminary filter (not wireless, not insanely expensive), they all
looked pretty much the same to me. So I took the box with French printed on it.
Shenandoah on 05 March 2011
When you're constantly telling friends: "You, get Anki, I don't care if you don't study
languages, just get it!" or "Hey, there's a good thing called Lang-8 if you're making a
lot of writing mistakes".
LazyLinguist on 05 March 2011
When you're on a two day student booze cruise with your buddies to celebrate high school being over, and it brings you great joy to notice upon reading the multilingual texts on the counter of the tax free shop that the Russian preposition без is indeed used with the genitive.
This is what I do all the time with Russian. I seriously doubt that my professors are actually teaching me Russian until I see something used in real life. I still have my doubts, I think it's a conspiracy.
When you're actually willing to read the Twilight series in Serbian because those are the only books you were able to find that actually seemed appropriate for your level.
gdoyle1990 on 06 March 2011
when you're packing for the weekend and can not make up your mind about which books you should carry up with you,
so you eventually settle on the Persian Assimil, a Yiddish newspaper and a copy of Cicero's letters.
Of course, it's your friend's birthday and you're not supposed to have any free time to read but, eh, one never knows...
akkadboy on 06 March 2011
When you consider teaching your one year old 'a language a day' on top of two native languages to be 'just for starters' ^^
When the only downside to the above plan is finding the time to research and create the flashcards/phrase + story books in nine languages!
When you find yourself listening to Chinese and Japanese children's songs rather than 'regular' music...
Ezhik on 06 March 2011
"Were you speaking Russian at any point last night?"
"Oh, must've been a dream. I seem to remember some old guy coming up to you and you started speaking fluent Russian to him."
"Oh. Yeah, I definitely can't do that."
kottoler.ello on 07 March 2011
When you get disappointed that the game you've downloaded is not the kind you prefer, but
then play (and replay) it anyway, because it can be switched to 7(!) different languages.
ember on 07 March 2011
You also know you're a language nerd when this is a very regular occurrence.
LanguageSponge on 09 March 2011
You know you're a language nerd when you've watched I Just Can't Wait to Be King:
multilanguage so my many times on Youtube that you've memorized it. You're a bigger
nerd if you've memorized the multilanguage version and forgot the original!
Icaria909 on 11 March 2011
Fasulye on 11 March 2011
When you feel disappointed when you can't practice your Turkish with the proprietor of a
kebab stand because he's Egyptian, not Turkish.
arthur on 11 March 2011
many, audio tracks, and almost unlimited subtitles... Then you wonder how you were ever able to live without a
copy of "Groundhog Day" withÂEnglish, French, and Portuguese dubbing, and subtitles in:ÂEnglish, French, Korean,
Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese (Traditional and Simplified), Thai, Indonesian, Dutch, and Arabic!
P.S. There is something surreal about watching "Groundhog Day" every day, but in different languages.
Slacker on 12 March 2011
When finding an amazing language mathom, a book of 100 tricks to do with a set of magic items you don't have but written in Dutch, French, German,English, Swedish, Danish, and Italian, at an estate sale is the official beginning of Spring Break in your mind. Even better is that the 4 books we bought cost $2.16 all together.
kottoler.ello on 12 March 2011
when you're packing for the weekend and can not make up your mind about which books you should carry up with you,
so you eventually settle on the Persian Assimil, a Yiddish newspaper and a copy of Cicero's letters.
Of course, it's your friend's birthday and you're not supposed to have any free time to read but, eh, one never knows...
Yep guilty of this I do love Cicero's letters
when you watch the whole series of Star Trek Deep Space Nine in German even though you can't speak it because you wanted to know if they would speak Klingon in a German accent
darkwhispersdal on 12 March 2011
When you just took a test in a different language about a still different country were
this language is not the native language.
LazyLinguist on 13 March 2011
...when you stop typing in order to eavesdrop on the guys whispering in Romanian near you in the library, and they notice your sudden silence and move away. Foiled again!
Jinx on 13 March 2011
your parents talk to you about moving this summer, and you immediately suggest emigrating to Germany, or
moving to towns where you know that there are speakers of your target languages.
your friend opens your book bag to get your graphing calculator, and your German grammar book, Russian
grammar book, Polish coursebook, reading material in German, Persian coursebook, and Swahili phrasebook all
come tumbling out. You know you're a huge language nerd if you nearly start crying because your materials
are more important to you than anything else you own.
ruskivyetr on 13 March 2011
When you mock all your friends for buying Blu-Ray players, until you realize that Blu-Ray discs can have many,
many, audio tracks, and almost unlimited subtitles...
Not just that, but there are fewer (and thus larger) regions as well. For example, the US, Japan, and South Korea are in separate DVD regions (1, 2, and 3, respectively) but the same Blu-ray Region (A).
I must admit that the region differences and language counts have recently tempted me to invest in Blu-ray when I would otherwise have no real interest in doing so.
Warp3 on 14 March 2011
...when you get home you realise there is a spelling mistake on said item of clothing so you email the company to inform them of this error, providing a full explanation to why the slogan is incorrect
skyr on 14 March 2011
When you get angry at a friend because they have no interest in learning your TL with you :D ((I'm sure that one is already on here somewhere ;))
PonyGirl on 14 March 2011
...when you are mad at all those french people speaking at you inEnglish in Paris. Really, why nearly everyone I know meets the french who want to speak french only and I meet the other kind mostly?
...when you usually write homework of foreign language for half of your class since their teacher doesn't bother to actually teach them the grammar or vocabulary needed for it.
...when you know you should study for your subjects at university but can't help it and do a few grammar exercises of Spanish instead. Or read a few pages of this thread :-D
Btw I have never seen such a long thread on any forum before.:-D
Cavesa on 15 March 2011
..When you finally get a good night's sleep after 3 days, you are more pleased about the
fact you had your first TL dream than actually getting the rest.
LazyLinguist on 15 March 2011
...when you start seeing foreign language banner ads onEnglish language websites. Facebook just gave me a banner ad in Ukrainian, which I've never even studied!
Levi on 15 March 2011
On a similar theme: you're filling out a job application and one of the questions is about which languages you know and your abilities in them, and you're a bit sad that there's only space for 3 foreign languages. Not that you know more than 3 foreign languages, but... you know, in case you did?
garyb on 16 March 2011
everytime someone asks me or mentions something remotely about languages. i.e., japanese and i go on a tangent about how this and that works. or my half-korean boyfriend about korean, and i nag him to learn it but he wont. T___T i wonder how i can get him to learn korean with meeeee.
Hanekawa on 16 March 2011
when you see the initials RS, MT,or, TY and you automatically think of...well, I don't have to tell you.
psy88 on 17 March 2011
- when you're watching your Spanish novela and one of the characters, who is drunk, utters, "Arigatou goizamasu," to the woman who is helping him on his feet. You flip out and immediately translate for your mom.
- Kat
Phantom Kat on 18 March 2011
When one of the first of those language resources you open is for Avestan (the language of Zoroastrian scripture) and (even though you're neither Zoroastrian nor will really get any use out of this language) spend an hour learning the script.
When you're in Panera Bread with your mom, and you're elated/trying to listen in to a tutor teaching Arabic at the next table.
mashmusic11235 on 19 March 2011
When your first call for new bands is the music forum on this website.
LazyLinguist on 19 March 2011
You know you're a language nerd when you nearly get hit by a car because you're so engrossed in your new Berlitz Essential Spanish book that you crossed the street without looking up. (Don't walk and read at the same time, kids!)
ReneeMona on 21 March 2011
You know you're a language nerd when you nearly get hit by a car because you're so engrossed in your new Berlitz Essential Spanish book that you crossed the street without looking up. (Don't walk and read at the same time, kids!)
I am glad you didn't get run over. Now, if the driver was also a language nerd doing his Berlitz while driving,things might have been very different.
psy88 on 22 March 2011
.... when language learning-related material occupies 25 GB of your PC's hard-disk.
Oh yeah? How about... SIXTY gigabytes?
Nowhere nearly enough for a true language nerd. I've got nearly 1 TB, in just about every language under the Sun. This is after burning all my foreign films because my 2TB external hard drive was running out of space. Instead, I've now got over 500 DVDs, with two or three films on each.
I'm never going to read (or watch) everything I've got, but there's no way I would ever get rid of them.
patuco on 25 March 2011
Also you know you're a language nerd when the consultant comes in regarding the (fairly serious) operation you're going to be having the next day, and the only thing you can concentrate on is not what she's telling you, but trying to work out what part of Germany she comes from :P
LanguageSponge on 25 March 2011
.... when language learning-related material occupies 25 GB of your PC's hard-disk.
Oh yeah? How about... SIXTY gigabytes?
Nowhere nearly enough for a true language nerd. I've got nearly 1 TB, in just about every language under the Sun. This is after burning all my foreign films because my 2TB external hard drive was running out of space. Instead, I've now got over 500 DVDs, with two or three films on each.
I'm never going to read (or watch) everything I've got, but there's no way I would ever get rid of them.
Hey, no fair, I didn't realize we could count our foreign-language films! I was going by academic material alone! *goes running off to re-calculate* Okay... I think you still win, patuco. ;)
EDIT: Got any recommendations for a dependable and not absurdly expensive external drive? The only good brand I know is Western Digital, but I'd like to be able to do some comparison shopping. The one I've got is 360 gigs, I think, and cost maybe $70. Is that a good price, or could I get better? I was hoping to find a 1TB without breaking $100, but if that kind of price comes at the expense of quality, I don't want to risk it. My language material is too important. :)
Jinx on 26 March 2011
.... when language learning-related material occupies 25 GB of your PC's hard-disk.
Oh yeah? How about... SIXTY gigabytes?
Nowhere nearly enough for a true language nerd. I've got nearly 1 TB, in just about every language under the Sun. This is after burning all my foreign films because my 2TB external hard drive was running out of space. Instead, I've now got over 500 DVDs, with two or three films on each.
I'm never going to read (or watch) everything I've got, but there's no way I would ever get rid of them.
I feel your pain. After spending hundreds of dollars though on several 2TB HDDs along with the enclosures to house them and still running out of space, I've come to accept that I'm probably not going to watch twice anyway all 240 episodes of Alisa: Folge deinem Herzen or the 700 or so of ÐбÑÑÑалÑное колÑÑо, so I've resigned myself to let movies and video material go after one viewing. A dilemma remains however as to what to do with those Mongolian movies I swear I might need one day fifty or sixty years from now when surely after mastering thirty or forty other languages I'll finally have the time to consider learning that one.
EDIT: Got any recommendations for a dependable and not absurdly expensive external drive? The only good brand I know is Western Digital, but I'd like to be able to do some comparison shopping. The one I've got is 360 gigs, I think, and cost maybe $70. Is that a good price, or could I get better? I was hoping to find a 1TB without breaking $100, but if that kind of price comes at the expense of quality, I don't want to risk it. My language material is too important. :)
What I do is buy a dual or quadruple external enclosure with RAID and use mirroring so that if one drive fails all the data is backed up in the other. A good 2TB internal hard drive can cost some $115, but I've seen some quality drives for as low as $90. Samsung and Hitachi are good brands; Seagate is to be avoided. Western Digital Green doesn't work well with RAID. e/dp/B001K9BF4K/ref=sr_1_23?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1 261929544&sr=8-23 - This is a good and comparably inexpensive dual-bay enclosure.Juаn on 26 March 2011
Thanks for the tips, Juan â that sounds like a pretty foolproof setup you have. I'm making a note of the brands you mentioned â and thank you for the link too!
Jinx on 26 March 2011
I feel your pain. After spending hundreds of dollars though on several 2TB HDDs along with the enclosures to house them and still running out of space, I've come to accept that I'm probably not going to watch twice anyway all 240 episodes of Alisa: Folge deinem Herzen or the 700 or so of ÐбÑÑÑалÑное колÑÑо, so I've resigned myself to let movies and video material go after one viewing. A dilemma remains however as to what to do with those Mongolian movies I swear I might need one day fifty or sixty years from now when surely after mastering thirty or forty other languages I'll finally have the time to consider learning that one.
Tell me about it. I'm about to buy a few more HDDs (or possibly a RAID tower) myself since I keep running out of space for all my Korean media (and some Japanese media for when I "eventually start learning it"). Of course I also have what is essentially a manual RAID-1 setup (I have two external drives which I manually sync with robocopy), so I'm only utilizing about half the space I could theoretically use, but I'll take that trade off to prevent the chance of a drive dying and having to spend weeks locating and reacquiring all this data.
What I do is buy a dual or quadruple external enclosure with RAID and use mirroring so that if one drive fails all the data is backed up in the other. A good 2TB internal hard drive can cost some $115, but I've seen some quality drives for as low as $90. Samsung and Hitachi are good brands; Seagate is to be avoided. Western Digital Green doesn't work well with RAID. e/dp/B001K9BF4K/ref=sr_1_23?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1 261929544&sr=8-23 - This is a good and comparably inexpensive dual-bay enclosure.
The ironic thing is that Seagate used to be the gold standard for drives (mostly due to their 5-yr warranties), but lately they seem to be about the same as most other brands (and their 5-yr warranties have all but disappeared now). That said, though, both of my current externals are Seagate and we also use Seagate external drives at work (I work in IT) for offsite backups and they've performed well.
Despite their good reviews I've had very poor luck with Western Digital HDDs, especially at work where we've had entire batches of them suddenly start dying off (I've lost count of the number of 80GB 10000rpm WD Raptors we've had die). Even without those work batches included, most of my personal failed drives have been Western Digital HDDs as well (both retail and OE models). Personally, I make a habit of avoiding WD now.
I've not really owned any Samsungs, but their reviews are consistently good and I definitely consider them a worthwhile candidate (in fact, my next HDD purchase will most likely be Samsung drives).
I've owned/used several Hitachi HDDs and they've all worked flawlessly, so I have no complaints with that brand either.
Warp3 on 26 March 2011
You know you're a language nerd when you're sitting in a hospital bed waiting for an op. You have books, DVDs, chocolate, games consoles, tea, coffee, a mobile phone and music to entertain you, and all you actually do other than sleep is read your French grammar book.
LanguageSponge on 27 March 2011
You know you're a language nerd when on the night of your one year anniversary, your
girlfriend is wearing new lingerie and she calls you to bed, and without looking up from
your studies, you shout, "Just twenty more minutes! I have to finish these Greek
Icaria909 on 28 March 2011
...when you are at first disappointed that your speakers are picking up radio interference when you put the volume on the lowest setting, then delighted when you listen closely and realize you are picking up two very distant radio stations: one from China and one from Spain!
Levi on 30 March 2011
...when you test all the languages present in the new electronic gadget you just bought. (I have a new MP3 player with plenty of EU languages. Yay!)
jdmoncada on 30 March 2011
Keep on rockin'!
- Mae
Mae on 30 March 2011
When you are driving in your car listening to Michel Thomas French and a large transport truck with the words "Estes express" suddenly pulls in front of you. Rather than being annoyed, you think, "oh, the Spanish subjunctive"
psy88 on 01 April 2011
When you read "A SMILE is the same in every language" written on a restaurant wall, and think to yourself, "no, not really". Then you proceed to silently count off all the words you know in your head whilst everyone else thinks you've just fallen into a momentary stupor over your milkshake and huevos rancheros (ÑлÑбка, Lächeln, leende, sonrisa...didn't get very far lol)!
Teango on 01 April 2011
When a Japanese company returns an out of spec product to your firm for re-testing and you keep all of the labels on the boxes as they are in Japanese and you may want to learn it one day.
darkwhispersdal on 01 April 2011
When you're at church and you look at the leaflets in the porch to try and find some information about Lourdes. You don't see anything relevant, but you do see a leaflet written all in Polish, so you take one of those instead, despite not knowing Polish and not having any spare time to learn a new language until at least September. Then you spend the journey home looking at the leaflet trying to pronounce the words.
ThisIsGina on 02 April 2011
When you can watch the evening news without batting an eye, but an April Fool's joke about Assimil going bankrupt causes a wave of anguish to come over you.
BartoG on 02 April 2011
When you squeal with delight when you find product information in Russian on labels in an accessory shop and squeal again later when you find a film in both French and Vietnamese. I think I pretty much embarrassed my sister today
darkwhispersdal on 03 April 2011
When you almost crash into multiple people head-on while walking on the mall because you're caught up in reading your Japanese grammar book. Oh, and you were reading it aloud to ensure maximum retention so people were probably staring, but I really wouldn't know since I never looked up. My brother was trying desperately to get as far away from me as possible so that he wouldn't be associated with me. :)
ellasevia on 03 April 2011
But this kind of gives a whole new meaning to "target" language!
Make your plans for next year! - International Pillow Fight Daymeramarina on 03 April 2011
When you really ought to spend time doing GCSE revision, but are getting distracted by learning five languages
OliSayeed on 03 April 2011
But this kind of gives a whole new meaning to "target" language!
Make your plans for next year! - International Pillow Fight DayMy friend linked a German article to me about this. It was very simple, unfortunately, but it was definitely enough to get annoyed at myself for not finding out about it sooner and going to Vienna to join in with her :]
LanguageSponge on 03 April 2011
And no, I have not really decided to learn Polish yet - at least not before I find a big fat Polish-something dictionary which doesn't hide the imperfective verbs (try to look up "beiÃen" in the Pons Kompaktwörterbuch, - it mentions "ugryźÄ", but not "gryźÄ"!)
Iversen on 03 April 2011
When you can watch the evening news without batting an eye, but an April Fool's joke about Assimil going bankrupt causes a wave of anguish to come over you.
When you compare this year's April Fool's joke to last year's, wondering which was better (you got fooled last year but not this year) and begin to wonder what next year's will be..and if you can think of one worthy of posting.
psy88 on 04 April 2011
When you can watch the evening news without batting an eye, but an April Fool's joke about Assimil going bankrupt causes a wave of anguish to come over you.
When you compare this year's April Fool's joke to last year's, wondering which was better (you got fooled last year but not this year) and begin to wonder what next year's will be..and if you can think of one worthy of posting.
What was last year's?
ellasevia on 04 April 2011
When you are talking to your girlfriend, who already has knowledge ofEnglish, French, Dutch, Italian, German and Russian, about Latin, and you're giving her a vague overview of the cases - because she's scared of cases for some reason which is completely nonsensical to you. So you name them... Nominative, Accusative, Dative, Genitive, Vocative, an excuse for half a Locative and Instrumental. Then you get strangely flustered for a second and explain that you've been temporarily mixed up with Russian, and that the last case is called the Ablative, not the Instrumental. And you spend half the day afterward wondering how you could have made such a silly mistake.
LanguageSponge on 04 April 2011
When you can watch the evening news without batting an eye, but an April Fool's joke about Assimil going bankrupt causes a wave of anguish to come over you.
When you compare this year's April Fool's joke to last year's, wondering which was better (you got fooled last year but not this year) and begin to wonder what next year's will be..and if you can think of one worthy of posting.
What was last year's?
The thread headline was " how to learn Chinese in 10 hours" and then when you clicked on it read "you can't! April's Fool"
psy88 on 05 April 2011
View this email in:
English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano | Português | ç¹é«ä¸æ | ç®ä½ä¸æ | íêµì´
...which covers both of your current target languages. But, of course, you grabbed copies of a few other versions "just in case".
Warp3 on 05 April 2011
-former computer geek, now language geek.
garyb on 06 April 2011
When you learn a new word (hubris) in your native language,English, and the first thing you think is: Is this a masculine or feminine noun? After feeling very confused for a few moments as you try to answer this question, you finally remember thatEnglish doesn't have genders.
Amerykanka on 08 April 2011
When you learn a new word (hubris) in your native language,ÂEnglish, and the first thing you think is: Is this a masculine or feminine noun? After feeling very confused for a few moments as you try to answer this question, you finally remember thatÂEnglish doesn't have genders.
When you already know the word "hubris" ( also spelled "hybris", by the way), but reading this makes you think, "it is a Greek word; does Greek use masculine and feminine nouns? Greek is not one of my target languages but now I am curious about it" And,you know you are a language nerd when you expect-or hope!- someone on this forum will enlighten you so you can sleep tonight and not be wondering if Greek, a non-Romance language has genders for the nouns.
psy88 on 08 April 2011
When you learn a new word (hubris) in your native language,ÂEnglish, and the first thing you think is: Is this a masculine or feminine noun? After feeling very confused for a few moments as you try to answer this question, you finally remember thatÂEnglish doesn't have genders.
When you already know the word "hubris" ( also spelled "hybris", by the way), but reading this makes you think, "it is a Greek word; does Greek use masculine and feminine nouns? Greek is not one of my target languages but now I am curious about it" And,you know you are a language nerd when you expect-or hope!- someone on this forum will enlighten you so you can sleep tonight and not be wondering if Greek, a non-Romance language has genders for the nouns.
Greek does have genders.
Amerykanka on 08 April 2011
When you learn a new word (hubris) in your native language,ÂEnglish, and the first thing you think is: Is this a masculine or feminine noun? After feeling very confused for a few moments as you try to answer this question, you finally remember thatÂEnglish doesn't have genders.
When you already know the word "hubris" ( also spelled "hybris", by the way), but reading this makes you think, "it is a Greek word; does Greek use masculine and feminine nouns? Greek is not one of my target languages but now I am curious about it" And,you know you are a language nerd when you expect-or hope!- someone on this forum will enlighten you so you can sleep tonight and not be wondering if Greek, a non-Romance language has genders for the nouns.
Wish granted: Greek not only has masculine and feminine genders, but neuter as well. In case you're wondering, masculine nouns usually end in -οÏ, -αÏ, -ηÏ, -εÏ, or -(ο)Ï Ï; feminine nouns usually end in -α or -η; and neuter nouns usually end in -ο, -ι, -(ο)Ï , -μα, or a consonant. But of course, then there there are the exceptions, like οδÏÏ and κÏÎÎ±Ï which are respectively feminine and neuter.
Sweet dreams!
ellasevia on 08 April 2011
When you've read this whole damned thread over 2 weeks.
FrostBlast on 08 April 2011
English have lost their genders.
When you add a "When you" to your off-topic remark just to turn this thread into a language discussion without
ostensibly going off topic.
Ari on 08 April 2011
When you read the above discussion about Greek and wonder whether any Indo-European
languages other thanÂEnglish have lost their genders.
Persian and Afrikaans no longer have genders. I don't think Armenian does either.
ellasevia on 08 April 2011
When I sometimes think about changing my major from psychology to linguistics or perhaps psycholinguistics.
mick33 on 08 April 2011
Dear Amerykanka and ellasevia
Thank you both. Now I can sleep tonight.It really was on my mind. I appreciate your answers.
psy88 on 09 April 2011
When reading the last few posts makes me want to learn Greek.
When reading the last couple of posts about Greek makes you even more anxious to finish your degree (in about a month) so that you have time to concentrate on Greek again.
You know you're a language nerd when your parents are discussing what to pack for their trip to America starting Monday, and they mention that they don't have enough cases. The word "case" here sounds really weird to you (and your girlfriend) who both spend lots of time studying languages, and therefore the only sense of the word "case" that makes much sense to you anymore is its use in the grammatical sense.
LanguageSponge on 09 April 2011
When you are at work and are getting irrationally irate at those pesky customers that keep getting in the way of your reading this forum!
PonyGirl on 09 April 2011
When you get into the car and see a button marked "L R" for adjusting the side-view mirrors and the first thing that comes to mind is to wonder why the car has a setting for listening-reading (L-R)!
ellasevia on 09 April 2011
You know you're a language nerd when your parents are discussing what to pack for
their trip to America starting Monday, and they mention that they don't have enough cases. The word "case" here
sounds really weird to you (and your girlfriend) who both spend lots of time studying languages, and therefore the
only sense of the word "case" that makes much sense to you anymore is its use in the grammatical sense.
If they're nativeEnglish speakers they're absolutely correct: they don't have enough cases.
Ari on 09 April 2011
when you get an external hard drive that comes with a instruction sheet that has 22-yes 22!- different languages on it and in the past (before joining this forum and becoming a language nerd) you would have thrown it away but now you know that it is worth it's weight in gold and you may be the envy of some of those who post here.
psy88 on 09 April 2011
When it takes you about five minutes to look any word up in the dictionary because you stop to read the definition of every other unknown word you see. Then you usually forget what word you were looking up in the first place and spend more time trying to remember it; meanwhile you read a few more random definitions. When you finally remember the original word, you forget it again because all the other words in the dictionary are so fascinating.
Amerykanka on 10 April 2011
When it takes you about five minutes to look any word up in the dictionary because you stop to read the definition of every other unknown word you see. Then you usually forget what word you were looking up in the first place and spend more time trying to remember it; meanwhile you read a few more random definitions. When you finally remember the original word, you forget it again because all the other words in the dictionary are so fascinating.
That's why I don't like online/electronic dictionaries. They just give me the definiton of the word I asked for, without letting me browse those big pages, searching for unknown words just like a gold seeker would look for a treasure!
... when you watch cheesy teen movies like - Eurotrip just because it offers you the possibility to listen to American and BritishEnglish, German, French, Italian, dutchy-accentedEnglish and Slovak in just one movie! However, the plot is horribly foolish.mirab3lla on 10 April 2011
When you start singing random things you've learned in Icelandic (introductions, greetings, etc.) while walking
around your house. You're even more of a nerd when you get so into it you jump up onto the counter and belt
out your 'lyrics', the scene of which your sister and her friends are somewhat scared by as they arrive home.
ruskivyetr on 10 April 2011
That's why I don't like online/electronic dictionaries. They just give me the definiton of the word
I asked for, without letting me browse those big pages, searching for unknown words just like a gold seeker would
look for a treasure!
That's because you're using the wrong electronic dictionaries. I see you're studying French. Try out Le Robert for
the iPhone if you have the opportunity. It has a "discovery mode" that's absolutely wonderful, with unusual and
interesting words floating around which you can grab and look at. Unfortunately it's only for the iPhone and it's a
monolingual dictionary. The UltraLingua dictionary is also for the iPhone, but it's French-English. It takes you to the
page where the word you searched for is located and you see the words preceding and following.
I have yet to find anything that a paper dictionary can do that a good electronic dictionary can't do as well, except
maybe fuel a fire. And considering the massive amount of things electronic dicts can do, well, I stopped using
paperdicts a long time ago.
Ari on 10 April 2011
I have it packed with language learning stuff.
Not so many movies, I don't download it (I can watch it online).
Most of it consists of comic and language learning books over 1 giga of books!
clumsy on 10 April 2011
My online dictionaries are useful, but I love my paper dictionaries too. I have way too many though. About 10 once you take out the native language dictionaries, in various languages that I am and am not studying.
hjordis on 10 April 2011
You know youâre a language nerd when youâre listening to a song about a certain she who means everything to the singer and it reminds you of your target language.
ReneeMona on 11 April 2011
When you wake up, two things hit you:
1) You couldn't possible have understood Romanian because though it's a Romance language, its vocabulary has many Slavic influences.
2) You DO NOT have a passive knowledge of Romanian, and you STILL only know two languages. ;_;
- Kat
Phantom Kat on 12 April 2011
You know you're a language geek when you print out a text in Maltese to see if any of the local Arabic speakers had any idea what it said.
mandalore on 12 April 2011
When you talk to people and can't help but noticing their cool new word or idiom. And feeling so good to have got to encounter an interesting phrase.
When it bothers you so much, anywhere, anytime.
yourvietnamese on 12 April 2011
When you go for an eye checkup, and forgetting yourself for a moment, read out 'H' and 'C' as Cyrillic. It was only once I saw the backward 'Ð' that I realised my blunder...
Teango on 15 April 2011
When somehow you came to own a 1978 Finsko-Polski dictionary.
canada38 on 15 April 2011
You know youâre a language nerd when youâre having breakfast with your family and you speak nothing but French for the entire half hour, even though only one of the three other people present can understand you.
ReneeMona on 17 April 2011
Fasulye on 17 April 2011
when (and this will only make sense to those users of MT French) you can't hear someone say "I'm gong" without thinking of MT saying "I'm going". If you "get" this you are truly one of us language nerds.
psy88 on 18 April 2011
When a friend of your Mum will go to Scotland on vacation, and you want to know to which region because you want to know if the people speak Gaelic there or Scots, or Enlgish. Then when she said that she didn't know about Gaelic, you explain her that it's completely separated ofÂEnglish and that you can't udnerstand it at all also if you can speak perfectlyÂEnglish, and not connected with Scots because this is a Germanic language / dialect. Until this moment she had thougth only of the mountains, castles and bagpipes.
I loved this, this made me smile :] Also, I cannot for the life of me begin to understand why so many people I know don't like the bagpipes. I love them - I'd have a go if I had a good pair of lungs :]
You know you're a language nerd when, very soon after waking up from an operation in the recovery room at hospital, you take out your books and start reading French, or German or whatever it was, I don't quite remember. Then the nurse comes over, apparently horrified, and takes your book away from you - "you should be resting, not engaging brain". Apparently it's wrong to study right after surgery?
LanguageSponge on 18 April 2011
when (and this will only make sense to those users of MT French) you can't hear someone say "I'm gong" without thinking of MT saying "I'm going". If you "get" this you are truly one of us language nerds.
Oh my god, this happened to me just yesterday for the first time! I was voice-chatting with my sister when she said "I'm going..." and it took all my willpower not to reply with a sing-song "I'm GOing...!" Which, needless to say, she would have been completely confused by.
Jinx on 18 April 2011
when (and this will only make sense to those users of MT French) you can't hear someone say "I'm gong" without thinking of MT saying "I'm going". If you "get" this you are truly one of us language nerds.
Oh my god, this happened to me just yesterday for the first time! I was voice-chatting with my sister when she said "I'm going..." and it took all my willpower not to reply with a sing-song "I'm GOing...!" Which, needless to say, she would have been completely confused by.
Exactly! And, it now seems that I am so sensitized to it that I notice it a lot more.As you said, it takes a lot of will power to not respond. For me, it takes will power not to laugh aloud, but I cannot stifle a huge grin.
psy88 on 19 April 2011
When you don't think you're a language nerd and can't believe that people are holding such a stupid idea.
hungh3 on 19 April 2011
When your mindset is: 'Well, the first hundred languages are always the hardest; it gets easier after that...' lol
pfn123 on 22 April 2011
When you contribute to a thread in a language forum with 198 pages....
RogueMD on 23 April 2011
All the languages:
What!? Since when am I qualified to be grouped with Iversen?
ellasevia on 23 April 2011
When you consider any activity (reading newspaper, talking with friends,using windows, surfing on internet etc.) waste of time if it is done in your native language.
When 100% of your additional Iphone/Android/Symbian applications are various dictionaries and SRS software.
leyus on 24 April 2011
Fasulye on 24 April 2011
When you start pondering over the subjunctive in the middle of a high volume rock
When you're itching to go to a local seaside town on a hot day so you can spend 2 hours
looking for language books in the amazing second hand book shop there.
LazyLinguist on 24 April 2011
...when you find yourself in demand for editing your friends' papers, correctingEnglish, German, and Latin in one paper, andEnglish, French, and Chinese in the next.
Jinx on 24 April 2011
when you travelled all the way to Oxford on the pretense of visitng a friend when in fact you were language book shopping, attending the Buena Vista Socail Club concert and trying your Spanish out on native speakers in the coffee shops. I love Oxford
darkwhispersdal on 24 April 2011
...when you won't download any fonts that don't have Latin Extended-A and Cyrillic characters because they're useless.
Levi on 24 April 2011
(The whole thing started when your friend admitted that the only phrase she knew in Spanish was, "Mi pie está atascado en el horno." and Google Translate. We sincerely apologize to the natives of the languages we butchered...)
- Kat
Phantom Kat on 25 April 2011
When you put "My foot is stuck in the oven" into google translate to post it as a
facebook status in a language none will understand, because you find it amusing. When
instead of paying that phone bill, you buy a dictionary for a language you might study
sometime during the next two years.
Johnnysd on 25 April 2011
(The whole thing started when your friend admitted that the only phrase she knew in Spanish was, "Mi pie está atascado en el horno." and Google Translate. We sincerely apologize to the natives of the languages we butchered...)
- Kat
When you read this post about the sentence "my foot is stuck in the oven" and you expect that someone is going to post a sarcastic comment that it must be an expression from RS.
psy88 on 26 April 2011
When you've decided to drop four of your study languages in order to focus on the others and it feels like you've just killed a friend. Or rather, four friends.
ellasevia on 26 April 2011
When you've decided to drop four of your study languages in order to focus on the others and it feels like you've just killed a friend. Or rather, four friends.
When you won't sleep well tonight if you don't know which four.
Well that's what we have the profiles for. :) But if you really must know, Swahili, Swedish, Polish, and Romanian. Those are the immediate removals. Within a couple weeks French will be gone too and by July Greek will as well.
ellasevia on 26 April 2011
the names must be, for example (not all possible names included):
USA JW, Daristani, Hobbema, Newyorkeric, meramarina, jinx,
GB Languagesponge, teango
AUS leosmith
Zenmonkey, Juan
Fasulye, Meelämchen, doitsuijn
leopejo, hencke
It was "Nils" therefore nearly correct but it must be spelled 'Niels" (Iversen's name)
Solfrid cristin
All the languages:
mick33 on 26 April 2011
...when you are in your 30s yet you don't find it particularly strange that you spent a good bit of time browsing the "for kids" version of Yahoo Korea ( - ) yesterday.
Warp3 on 26 April 2011
When your favorite parts of Apocalypse Now were the ones where you got to hear the natives speaking Vietnamese.
kottoler.ello on 26 April 2011
When your language books have accumulated a strange collection of stains, tears, and smudges because you insist on lugging them around everywhere.
Amerykanka on 27 April 2011
(Maybe because she's from England and can actually point out Finland on a map. For most Americans who aren't into foreign languages Europe is just one big land mass. :P)
- Kat
Phantom Kat on 27 April 2011
When you spend many hours reading your dictionary, to find out how many words you know in your target language.
Matheus on 27 April 2011
when you multi-task writing a report at your desk in work with learning vocabulary and write a sentence in Vietnamese on the report by mistake
darkwhispersdal on 27 April 2011
... when you write a mail in Russian while listening to Turkish and practicing Chinese characters and still feel
anxious over not spending more time on language learning.
Mauritz on 27 April 2011
EDIT: And you also have the full intention of going outside to read it and practice the sounds if the weather's nice during this long weekend. Probably sitting at reasonable distance away from other people.
garyb on 28 April 2011
When you're in the language section of your local bookshop and you overhear the assistant doing a stock take: 'get
by in German', after they've been looking for a while you show them where it is... (happened today!)
Alexander86 on 28 April 2011
When you write a long long essay about something as speculative as the origin of language(s) instead of taking a bus to town to fetch your holiday photos.
Iversen on 28 April 2011
Fasulye on 29 April 2011
You correct her that there's actually 15 cases. You're happy there's someone who actually cares about this tidbit of information.
Though it tends to be viewed more and more as 14 cases only, the accusative being considered more as a "function" of genetive and nominative than a "case".
Haukilahti on 29 April 2011
When you write a long long essay about something as speculative as the origin of language(s) instead of taking a bus to town to fetch your holiday photos.
And you know that so many people don't understand your first version you also write a version in your own language and versions in your other languages.... but still sitting on a tram and reading the [Polish] version of your essay out loud gets you a date with the passenger next to you..... [insert language of choice here]
to be continued .....
maydayayday on 29 April 2011
When you go out for a curry and say ÑпаÑибо for the hot towel and mints.
Teango on 29 April 2011
When you are excited about tomorrow being the eve of the 6 Week May Challenge.After a lot of internal debate and indecision about which of your two target languages(Spanish or French) to use, you feel good that you settled, finally, on Spanish(and you hope that you don't change your mind again!)
Your first instinct was Spanish, but you had some doubts. You had thought that since May 1 is considered "May Day" and "may day" sounds like the French for "help me" that perhaps you should pick French. And then you thought that it would benefit you more to do Spanish. But then you thought, "I will do both". Then you thought "that's silly and defeats the whole purpose of the challenge."
And you realize how much time you wasted trying to decide, so you finally go with your first choice, Spanish.
You plan to organize all your study materials tomorrow so as to get off to a good start on May 1. You almost fear that you will be unable to sleep as you anticipate the start of the 6 weeks.
And, you do all this without "officially" entering the Challenge.
psy88 on 30 April 2011
When you are excited about tomorrow being the eve of the 6 Week May Challenge. [...] You almost fear that you will be unable to sleep as you anticipate the start of the 6 weeks.
When you get so excited for the 6WC that you simply cheat and start early. I've already done over an hour of Indonesian study today. I've broken pretty much every rule thus far, I might as well keep my streak going.
ellasevia on 30 April 2011
When you are excited about tomorrow being the eve of the 6 Week May Challenge. [...] You almost fear that you will be unable to sleep as you anticipate the start of the 6 weeks.
When you get so excited for the 6WC that you simply cheat and start early. I've already done over an hour of Indonesian study today. I've broken pretty much every rule thus far, I might as well keep my streak going.
Sorry, nothing to add to the thread.
hjordis on 30 April 2011
You correct her that there's actually 15 cases. You're happy there's someone who actually cares about this tidbit of information.
Though it tends to be viewed more and more as 14 cases only, the accusative being considered more as a "function" of genetive and nominative than a "case".
Is it really geeky if Finnish is your native language, though? xD
But thanks for the information. I'll keep that in mind. :D
As for one more:
... when you get sheet music for a song called "Arabesque" but you can't help but see "Basque." Also earlier, on an article on premature babies, you read "inflection" instead of "infection."
... when despite the fact that you are exhausted from coming back from a little field trip with your fellow high school Band seniors you recognize the Finnish Genetive in a song being used to denote the direct object of a sentence, exactly what you had made a note about the day before. You proceed to grin like an idiot. :D
- Kat
EDIT: I was mistaken on something.
Phantom Kat on 30 April 2011
When you are excited about tomorrow
being the eve of the 6 Week May Challenge. [...] You almost fear that you will be
unable to sleep as you anticipate the start of the 6 weeks.
When you get so excited for the 6WC that you simply cheat and start early. I've already
done over an hour of Indonesian study today. I've broken pretty much every rule thus
far, I might as well keep my streak going.
Indonesian book longingly, but then I got really busy what with the moving and the
packing and the cleaning. Hopefully I can get off to a good start from May 2!
Sorry, nothing to add to the thread.
or when you DO everything mentioned above, except study the language for 6WC, and just
to make sure that your mind doesn't go on auto pilot and start gluttoning itself on the
target language you fill your mind with something simple and soothing like ARABIC!
(obs.: my target is Thai!)
JNetto on 30 April 2011
when you zone out in a lecture because you are trying to figure out where the heck the
speaker is from based on his accent!!
JNetto on 30 April 2011
When you get a lot more excited about the "learn chinese" part of a
fortune cookie than
the people around you do.
I'm so guilty of that it is not even funny!
JNetto on 30 April 2011
and want more because it makes you laugh more than by reading "Calvin and Hobbes";
when every single comment made sense despite how deep and tangled the joke was in an
obscure foreign language!
JNetto on 30 April 2011
When you're not happy with the amount of time you're spending in your
target language,
despite spending your whole day listening to music, watching films, learning vocab,
watching TV, reading books and speaking to others in that language, so you decide to
maximise your time by constantly thinking in your target language instead of your native
tongue, despite the fact that you've only been learning it for a few days.
or when your language section of the brain feels like the movie "Inception": you gotta go
back several level to get back to what you used to call REALITY (aka "your native
JNetto on 30 April 2011
ONE word off a movie;
(Movie: "The Hunted" with Christopher Lambert; Word: 女ï¼ãããªï¼woman.)
when your computer has hot keys for 10 different languages and freak other people out
when they are trying to type something and all that comes out is Arabic or Japanese.
JNetto on 30 April 2011
...the whole bus has to wait while you buy "Learn Maltese" in case you might want to do just that some day continually compare Maltese to Arabic and try to figure out why the Arabic alphabet isn't being used in all the street signs watch a film as part of the tour, realise that it's available in twenty languages and miss most of the film while continuously changing to languages you have no idea about keep your ticket stub to said film since it has instructions for headphone use in thirteen languages, including Maltese which you are, by now, determined to learn...soon!
I have yet to find anything that a paper dictionary can do that a good electronic dictionary can't do as well, except maybe fuel a fire.
...or work when there's no electricity (for those times when you're stranded in the middle of the desert and your trusty solar cell is broken).
patuco on 30 April 2011
You have recently begun a new language, you buy learning materials for your next language, then you met a couple of Portugese and think 'yes, I might like to learn that too', even though it will probably take you two years to work through your current pile of books.
RogerK on 30 April 2011
...when this is your 2000th post on the HTLAL forums.
Levi on 30 April 2011
...when you realise this is your 2059th day on the forums and, hopefully, there are many more to come.
patuco on 01 May 2011
It's not the world's most melodious tune in the first place, but that just makes it funnier!
meramarina on 02 May 2011
...when listening to your target language sounds so much like music to your
ears that you actually dance to it.
This one got the "nerd-meter" all the way to the red!!!
When "Elvish" changes from a "ridiculous add-on to a novel" into a "beautiful language to your list"
The evolution of this thought is to do the same with Klingon, but I'm still a couple
light-years from that one! (A bit of a stretch...)
EDIT: Please refrain from multiple postings. Thanks
JNetto on 02 May 2011
When you admit you're the one who gave Iversen his 2000th vote
And, no doubt, that vote was well deserved, but I suspect that Iversen just might not be a Language Nerd after all, but instead a Language Ninja!
And you are a Language Nerd if you think this is a very fine thing to be!
meramarina on 03 May 2011
when you are really disappointed that there have been no new postings here for three days
psy88 on 06 May 2011
...when you are about to download the latest version of your web browser, but can't decide which language to pick.
Levi on 06 May 2011
...and not the subculture of teenagers with dark makeup and trench coats.
tritone on 06 May 2011
When Polish children's songs and nursery rhymes get stuck in your head, and you go around singing them. (Hopefully none of those passers-by understood Polish. . . .)
Amerykanka on 06 May 2011
When you check Assimil's website weekly to see what new courses have been created.
newyorkeric on 06 May 2011
- the different between Spain Spanish pronounciation and your Spanish (Mexican) (During this conversation an enssemble member said, "How do yo know? You just read Japanese books!" In your defense, ever since you started learning Finnish you haven't picked up a manga book. :o)
- what country the Slavic-sounding composer of your enssemble comes from.
- what is "kanji" in Japanese and how it connects with Mandarin Chinese.
- what language(s) they speak in Taiwan.
Crazy day in Band today. :D
- Kat
Phantom Kat on 12 May 2011
when you are almost late for work as you found a Japanese newspaper amongst the polish newspapers in your local supermarket and decided to buy it but it's not on the system. So you wait twenty minutes for the manager to turn up so she can sell it to you and you are pleased all day that you bought it.
darkwhispersdal on 12 May 2011
or when the Japan Centre has used crumbled up sheets of a Japanese newspaper to pack and ship your new Ultimate Rice Cooker. Opening the box you forget the rice cooker and start trying to read the packing paper.
Sunja on 12 May 2011
when you are really disappointed that there have been no new postings here for three days
I let my dinner burn last night because I was so engrossed in learning Polish and Italian. So I simply prepared another meal (the first one was inedible) and while it cooked I spent more time learning those languages.
mick33 on 12 May 2011
...when that selfsame website becoming operative again is the best part of your week. - Yay!Magdalene on 13 May 2011
When, after cleaning the floor with your midterms and successfully getting caught up on homework, you begin to experience severe ennui and rack your brain for a cause, until you remember that you have not used your TL in over a week and are experiencing withdrawals and depression!
PonyGirl on 16 May 2011
When you get in a heated argument with someone about what a particular song (Du hast) means and you actually show her your (German) verb conjugation app on your Android...
LebensForm on 16 May 2011
When you get in a heated argument with someone about what a particular song (Du hast) means and you actually show her your (German) verb conjugation app on your Android...
I have heard much debate on this. Would you agree with me in translating it as "You have"? Although I think the similarity in sound to "You hate" is not a coincidence.
(And to keep this on topic: You know you're a language nerd when you read a specific comment about a specific German song and know exactly what the debate is about, having argued about it yourself.)
Keilan on 16 May 2011
lol I like your last comment :)
You know you're a language nerd when just typing that made your blood pressure rise at least 10 points...
LebensForm on 16 May 2011
song is adapted to you hate
YKYALN when it annoys you that song translations sometimes change the meaning.
LazyLinguist on 16 May 2011
The translation also ruins the clever switch from "hast" being the main verb to it being an auxilliary. As in "Du hast" = "You have" and "Du hast mich gefragt" = "You asked me". If you translate it as hate, you get something like "You hate me ask".
Keilan on 17 May 2011
song is adapted to you hate
YKYALN when it annoys you that song translations sometimes change the meaning.
You know you are immediately know what the letters YKYALN mean
psy88 on 17 May 2011
Having finished all my schoolwork and exams for the semester, I still excused myself to a friend, saying "I have to go study."
Her: "Study for what? I thought you were done."
Me: "Not study FOR something, just STUDY something. Spanish."
Her: "Why?"
I was flabbergasted into complete, idiotic silence by the incomprehensibility of this question.
Jinx on 17 May 2011
The translation also ruins the clever switch from "hast" being the main verb to it being an auxilliary. As in "Du hast" = "You have" and "Du hast mich gefragt" = "You asked me". If you translate it as hate, you get something like "You hate me ask".
...when this whole discussion reminds you of a parody video you saw once on YouTube, of which even the memory makes you burst out laughing:
Jinx on 17 May 2011
The translation also ruins the clever switch from "hast" being the main verb to it being an auxilliary. As in "Du hast" = "You have" and "Du hast mich gefragt" = "You asked me". If you translate it as hate, you get something like "You hate me ask".
YKYALN when you turn on and off your ölevia brand TV in your bedroom like 3 times just to see the ö on the screen, and then at this point, you're not even in the mood to watch tv anymore...
LebensForm on 18 May 2011
... when you come back to the office after lunch to find your coworkers having a conversation about languages, and you feel disappointed that you missed most of it.
... when you're having a party, it's getting late and you're drunk, and you start putting on music in your target languages and singing along. "Wait, are you singing in Russian? What?"
garyb on 18 May 2011 prefer full time immersion language schools to travel and work and other gap-year-ish activities.
...this does not impress your mother, who thinks it is not normal to spend so much time doing intellectual stuff in what is supposed to be a year off from study.
...when your current fave daydreaming topic involves explaining in German the peculiarities of your AustralianÂEnglish accent to people whose native language is Arabic.
...when you find learning to pronounce Arabic to be a hugely entertaining and hilarious activity.
...when you are buying a British Airways plane ticket and do not realise until partway through that the booking page is, because of your browser's settings, in German.
...when a bomb scare makes you consider learning Irish.
...when the Eurovision Song Contest makes you seriously consider learning Greek and Serbian.
...when your religion makes you seriously consider learning Greek, Ancient Greek, Italian, Latin, Arabic, Hungarian and Irish.
...when the subject you want to study makes you consider learning (at various times) Greek, Ancient Greek, Italian, Latin, Arabic, French, Tahitian, Bengali, Assyrian, Russian, Persian, Turkish and Kazakh.
...when you get told that maybe you should study languages, not what you´re actually thinking of studying.
...when you see they definitely have a point.
Cumquat on 19 May 2011
- when you download 'Audacity' and can't choose which language to pick as default, though you're only fluent in two.
- Kat
Phantom Kat on 22 May 2011
..when you have nobody to talk to and decide to talk to yourself in a variety of
topaztrex on 22 May 2011
lol I like your last comment :)
You know you're a language nerd when just typing that made your blood pressure rise at least 10 points...
Yes, but you know you're a language nerd when you have read "haÃt" and "haÃen" and have thought, oh no!! Those are the old-fashioned spelling!! after the German Spelling Reform you must spell those "hasst" and "hassen".
hjordis on 22 May 2011
lol I like your last comment :)
You know you're a language nerd when just typing that made your blood pressure rise at least 10 points...
Yes, but you know you're a language nerd when you have read "haÃt" and "haÃen" and have thought, oh no!! Those are the old-fashioned spelling!! after the German Spelling Reform you must spell those "hasst" and "hassen".
Don't worry!!! The sweet à isn't dead, but now after the long vowels, for example SpaÃ, heiÃt etc "Hasst" is a short "a" therefore the "ss" not "Ã"
hjordis on 22 May 2011
lol I like your last comment :)
You know you're a language nerd when just typing that made your blood pressure rise at least 10 points...
Yes, but you know you're a language nerd when you have read "haÃt" and "haÃen" and have thought, oh no!! Those are the old-fashioned spelling!! after the German Spelling Reform you must spell those "hasst" and "hassen".
...when you have to point out that, even before the spelling reform, the word "hassen" was spelled "hassen". "HaÃen" was never a word, since the à would imply a long A, though the à was used in certain conjugations like "du haÃt", and the noun was "der HaÃ".
Levi on 22 May 2011
You know you're a language nerd when you actually got enjoyment out of reading like 7 comments devoted to the Ã
So haÃen isn't correct? but du haÃt (you hate) is? Just want to make sure...thanks for clearning that à business up for me :)
LebensForm on 23 May 2011
ich hasse
du haÃt
er haÃt
wir hassen
ihr haÃt
sie hassen
past tense: ich haÃte, du haÃtest...
past participle: gehaÃt
Basically, the "ss" changed to "Ã" when it preceded a "t".
Levi on 24 May 2011
So why isn't the à used anymore accept when preceeded by a t?
I'm actually kind of fond of the Ã. :)
LebensForm on 24 May 2011
It was changed since having an à after short vowels caused some confusion in pronunciation, since "HaÃ" (now "Hass") did not rhyme with words like "SpaÃ" and "MaÃ", and "haÃt" (now "hasst") did not rhyme with words like "aÃt" and "maÃt".
Levi on 24 May 2011
YKYALN when you have more German songs on your Ipod thanEnglish ones...
You also know your a language nerd when you get more pleasure out of listening to somewhat outdated German music than listening to your local radio station of the current music everyone seems to know but you.
LebensForm on 24 May 2011
...when anEnglish song comes on your iPod, so you go to the next song on the list, and wonder why they recorded that one sillyEnglish song for their album anyhow.
Levi on 25 May 2011
...when your MP3 player has more songs in Saami than it has inEnglish. And many of them are raps, and you never listen to raps inEnglish.
...when you can hear the lyrics, and spell them correctly, in throat-singing.
...when your singing in the shower is all done in throat-singing.
Kafea on 25 May 2011
...when anÂEnglish song comes on your iPod, so you go to the next song on the list, and wonder why they recorded that one sillyÂEnglish song for their album anyhow.
When I rip a Korean album I immediately remove any "instrumental" and "English version" tracks before I load them on my MP3 player as I know I'll just skip them each time anyway.
Warp3 on 25 May 2011
...when your MP3 player has more songs in Saami than it has inÂEnglish. And many of them are raps, and you never listen to raps inÂEnglish.
When I rip a Korean album I immediately remove any "instrumental" and "English version" tracks before I load them on my MP3 player as I know I'll just skip them each time anyway.
Ah, so true.
nway on 25 May 2011
[QUOTE=Kafea]...when your MP3 player has more songs in Saami than it has inÂEnglish. And many of them are raps, and you never listen to raps inÂEnglish.
Guerre Norte! And high time they made another album. But Intrigue of Karasjok is releasing new albums, available on, including "Heavy Joik", "Cappa Nieida", and soon a new one. Most of the songs are in Davvisamigiella. Alit Boazu is another group with some good songs.
Kafea on 25 May 2011
Perhaps I'm nuts or something, but I do this on a regular basis. Now that I'm working on a couple of languages sometimes I have more than one translation for theEnglish word in theEnglish language book. Weird!
RogerK on 25 May 2011
when you are watching the Casey Anthony murder trial, live, on TV and a witness is asked if he knew "if Casey worked or used to work" and your first thought is "oh, pretérito" or "imperfecto".
psy88 on 26 May 2011
LanguageSponge on 26 May 2011
When you read "der Spiegel," a German news magazine, more than you read your local newspaper that's sitting less than 3 feet away from me atm.
LebensForm on 26 May 2011
I read Der Spiegel inEnglish. >_<
nway on 26 May 2011
I read Der Spiegel inÂEnglish. >_<
Are you learning German?
YKYALN when you joined an "alternative lifestyle" website like 3 years ago and you only reply to posts regarding the German language and grammar not the German fetish itself... ya I know I'm lame ^_^
LebensForm on 26 May 2011
True. I did this. The person in the review called it "schiebe" not realizing the special character that represents 2 Ss.
jdmoncada on 26 May 2011
You know you're a regular nerd when you look up someone's correction of someone's Amazon review of Lady Gaga's new album with the song "Scheisse" on it.
nway on 26 May 2011
Ack nein! not that silly eszett again!! Hahaha that song really does live up to its name... in my humble opinion...
LebensForm on 26 May 2011
...when you decide to play - iSketch for some fun vocabulary practice in your target language, and you end up winning against a bunch of native speakers.
Levi on 29 May 2011
...when you go to your target language's Wikipedia for reading practice, and find yourself correcting its spelling and grammar.
Levi on 31 May 2011
When you go to your target language's Wikipedia for language practice and find yourself reading about other languages. (The other day I found myself on the Japanese Wikipedia for Telugu alphabet. I don't even know how I got there.)
hjordis on 31 May 2011
It happened to me! XD!
AndyMeg on 31 May 2011
You know you're a regular nerd when you look up someone's correction of someone's Amazon
review of Lady Gaga's new album with the song "Scheisse" on it.
YKYALN when you are sad at not being provided a link to this hilarity.
LazyLinguist on 01 June 2011
You know you're a regular nerd when you look up someone's correction of someone's Amazon
review of Lady Gaga's new album with the song "Scheisse" on it.
YKYALN when you are sad at not being provided a link to this hilarity.
...still waiting for the link :(
patuco on 02 June 2011
Anyway, _pg2? ie=UTF8&cdForum=FxEK28HMS4R4WN&cdPage=2&asin=B0051QIGP4&stor e=dmusic&cdThread=TxTJI0K2E7EUUO#wasThisHelpful - here you go .Sadly, only 1 of 3 people thought that post added to the discussion. :(
nway on 02 June 2011
Speaking of appearances - You know you are a Language Nerd when you decide to cut your own hair because the money that would go to a hairdresser would be much better spent in a bookshop for even more language stuff.
<sigh> It'll grow back, I guess . . .
CAUTION: Language Nerdery may lead to dubious personal grooming decisions.
meramarina on 02 June 2011
...when you were bored a few nights ago so you now know how to read Russian Cyrillic (even though you have no short term plans to learn Russian).
Warp3 on 02 June 2011
...when your family tells you that you were talking in Mandarin in your sleep
...when as you're typing this post, you have a tab open in your browser about traditional vs. simplified characters
in Cantonese
...when you sit inEnglish class so bored that you make random words on your paper using the Greek alphabet
...carrying flashcards (blank and filled out) with you everywhere just to make sure you keep up with your studying
and learn new words.
...when you write Chinese characters in both simplified ad traditional just to make sure you remember both
...when you spend hours on the internet learning about Polish grammar even though you have no intention or
reason to learn Polish
...when you SNAP at people when they say they can speak Chinese and go, "Chingchongchingchong," then curse
at them IN Mandarin
I really need help
nikorizzo on 02 June 2011
...when you were bored a few nights ago so you now know how to read Russian Cyrillic (even though you have no short term plans to learn Russian).
Hilarious! Everyone here is so inspiring.
Kafea on 03 June 2011
your own (native
It happened to me! XD!
That happened to me the other day as well. I wanted to say auflauern, but there isn't
a good one wordEnglish equivalent that I know of. Can anyone provide me with one?
Lie in wait just doesn't suit me as well as the German.
Also, when I asked my college roommate if I did anything weird in my sleep that I
didn't know about, he said I sometimes muttered things in what he supposed was Spanish,
German, or Russian in the early morning as I was just waking from my sleep.
TannerS on 03 June 2011
Sadly, only 1 of 3 people thought that post added to the discussion. :(
...when you were bored a few nights ago so you now know how to read Russian Cyrillic (even though you have no short term plans to learn Russian).
hjordis on 03 June 2011
YKYALN when you cut your hair, dye it blond (to look like a certain German singer) and speak with a German accent for a 24 hr period convincing people that you are actually just "visiting" the states.. yes I actually convinced a few people lol.
Also, when you teach a random 4 year old boy that you see in a book store how to count to 10 in German, ya this could be seen as creep-like behaviour...
When you actually know more words to patriotic German songs, than songs from the United States.
When you refuse sexual advances from your non-German speaking boyfriend because you're too busy reading an article about the Genitiv case and how it's not used as much.
LebensForm on 03 June 2011
...when you were bored a few nights ago so you now know how to read Russian Cyrillic (even though you have no short term plans to learn Russian).
I was a bit worried about that as well, but I'm not particularly tempted by Russian at the moment so I just went for it. (I would like to learn Russian but not quite yet.) Japanese, on the other hand, could be a bit more tempting (especially since I've been learning æ¼¢å along with my Korean studies), which is one of the reasons I haven't tackled the kana yet.
Warp3 on 03 June 2011
your own (native
It happened to me! XD!
That happened to me the other day as well. I wanted to say auflauern, but there isn't
a good one wordÂEnglish equivalent that I know of. Can anyone provide me with one?
Lie in wait just doesn't suit me as well as the German.
Also, when I asked my college roommate if I did anything weird in my sleep that I
didn't know about, he said I sometimes muttered things in what he supposed was Spanish,
German, or Russian in the early morning as I was just waking from my sleep.
auflauern waylay or ambush?
Kafea on 03 June 2011
Sadly, only 1 of 3 people thought that post added to the discussion. :(
We can fix that.
Yep, it's up to 5 of 7 now. C'mon guys, vote for the future of language nerds everywhere! We can't let the morons beat us.
patuco on 03 June 2011
5 of 7 what is this all about? I would vote but not sure what's going on, lol I'm oblivious again.
LebensForm on 03 June 2011
When you think it would be amazing if your whole family took up a foreign language but
know that your the only language nerd in the family and that makes you sad.
GRagazzo on 03 June 2011
That makes me sad too, apparently my dad had a bad experience with German in high school, but he always fails to tell me what this experience was all about... this makes me sad.
LebensForm on 03 June 2011
...when this was your Friday-night status
Honum gekk það vel að læra málfræðina! I haven't watched that video in a while, but I love the explanations in it.
... when you watch a series on Hungarian just to see if the grammar's similar to Finnish.
... when it actually surprises you, and your girlfriend, when you don't recognise a script.
... when you identify Tibetan writing in the erotic museum in Paris (Pigalle) and realise your browsing of Youtube videos about Tibetan calligraphy a few days before came in handy.
... when you start trying to learn the Inuktitut syllabary, which is ONLY used in Nunavik, not expecting to ever go to Nunavik or learn Inuktitut, just because it looks pretty with all the triangles and is a cleverly designed script. (Here's a table:
(additional, triggered by this post):
... when you edit your Icelandic because you realise that the past tense of ganga is gekk, not gangaði, despite the unlikelihood of anyone noticing; and when you consider that "honum gekk" might be colloquial, but it's now 5:14am and a bit late to go trawling to check.
PaulLambeth on 04 June 2011
When you get killed in a video game because you stopped to read the Chinese characters on the side of a building.
kottoler.ello on 04 June 2011
Me (asking about something on TV): Uh-oh, is she being mean again?
Niece: Yeah, she always bees mean.
Me (thinking): Interesting, she conjugated "be" as a regular verb. Clearly she knows the word "is" by now, but she doesn't realize they're the same verb.
Levi on 04 June 2011
...when you find yourself avoiding a foreign word or expression while speaking your mother tongue and
therefore you have to look for a word or expression in your language, even if you find that the foreign one is
more accurate and suitable (and you already have it!)
Pablo_V on 04 June 2011
When you are thrilled when people ask for some help on French homework, simply thrilled
LearningFrench on 05 June 2011
When on a roller-coaster ride and your ipod flies out of your unzipped pocket, and your
first thought is: "Nooo, my anki progress!!!", only then followed by "Nooo, my ipod!"
egill on 06 June 2011
Anyway, _pg2? ie=UTF8&cdForum=FxEK28HMS4R4WN&cdPage=2&asin=B0051QIGP4&stor e=dmusic&cdThread=TxTJI0K2E7EUUO#wasThisHelpful - here you go .Sadly, only 1 of 3 people thought that post added to the discussion. :(
I am so impressed you found this! I would have had to go looking for it.
My latest language nerdiness:
Today I was watching X-Men: First Class, and I was amused that I knew all languages being spoken. I didn't need subtitles for the German or the Spanish (my Russian isn't that advanced), and I was annoyed when they broke a scene to go back intoEnglish. I realize it was for dramatic purposes, but the language nerd in me was complaining that it would never be like that if those discussions had been happening for real.
jdmoncada on 06 June 2011
When you try to work out if you know that chinese character tattoo on somebody`s skin.
TRENDY on 06 June 2011
When you try to work out if you know that chinese character tattoo on somebody`s skin.
....I do that all the time, even though I only know a hundred fifty characters.... But most of the time it's like æ or 幸
ç¦ or åå¹³ or something like that.
nikorizzo on 06 June 2011
When you are working on your German whereas you have 2 weeks left to get ready for THE test of the year.
Diara on 06 June 2011
When you explain to people that you sometimes use materials in L2 to learn L3...then wait to see if they looked impressed
FuroraCeltica on 06 June 2011
- when you find out that "Get/Got off the car," something you've been saying since forever, is not correct but merely something most people you know adopted from Spanish. You are now on a mission to find more peculiar tidbits between Spanish andÂEnglish.
- Kat
Phantom Kat on 06 June 2011
^ Interesting. One thing I've noticed is that Spanish speakers will often say, "What happened?", analogous to "¿Qué pasa?", in situations where non-Spanish-speakingEnglish speakers would normally say, "Huh?" or "What?".
nway on 06 June 2011
^Weird. I say what happened all the time, though I also use the other two. Maybe it's because about half the people I grew up with are Spanish speaker. Or maybe they're using it in a way I wouldn't that I haven't noticed.
hjordis on 06 June 2011
^ Growing up in an area without many Hispanics, "What happened?" only referred to specific situations that occurred in the past. Only when I had a Hispanic roommate in college did I start hearing "What happened?" used to mean a general "What's up?". It confused me at first, because whenever I was asked "What happened?", I thought he was referring to some specific incident. o.O
nway on 06 June 2011
- when you're absolutely heartbroken at learning that a website with many books in Finnish only ship to Finland.
...and why would this stop a true language nerd?
patuco on 06 June 2011
It's very silly, but it makes sense to me and probably to you, too!
meramarina on 06 June 2011
It is truly a miracle that I got high scores.
slav on 07 June 2011
...when you feel as much patriotism for a country you've never visited where they speak your target language as you do for the country where you were born and live.
Levi on 07 June 2011
...when you feel as much patriotism for a country you've never visited where they speak your target language as you do for the country where you were born and live.
I can 100% relate to this... I love Sweden. xD
slav on 07 June 2011
...when you feel as much patriotism for a country you've never visited where they speak your target language as you do for the country where you were born and live.
I can somewhat relate, even though I was born in Germany, I've lived in the US since I was 2... yet I'm a bit more patriotic to Germany, than the US...
Ich liebe Deutschland!! â¥
LebensForm on 07 June 2011
When the linguist rap that meramarina just posted has become the explanation to your life.
nikorizzo on 07 June 2011
It's very silly, but it makes sense to me and probably to you, too!
It is indeed awesome. Someone needed to say it, though, so I will: he says and writes "it's a mute point" in the first verse. That kind of made my ears cringe, seeing as it's supposed to be coming from a "linguist." But hey, it's all in good fun, I guess.
Jinx on 07 June 2011
^ Growing up in an area without many Hispanics, "What happened?" only referred to specific situations that occurred in the past. Only when I had a Hispanic roommate in college did I start hearing "What happened?" used to mean a general "What's up?". It confused me at first, because whenever I was asked "What happened?", I thought he was referring to some specific incident. o.O
hjordis on 07 June 2011
"The MC hammer of grammar"... woooow...that's a new one. I love it!
LebensForm on 07 June 2011
Definitely nerdy enough for us here, I think! :)
meramarina on 07 June 2011
Hm, now that I think of it, maybe this just makes me a Little Mermaid nerd, not necessarily a language nerd. But I've already written all this you get to read it.
ellasevia on 07 June 2011
How many of you have sung "Part of Your World" underwater in Dutch?
I have! And I nearly drowned.
ReneeMona on 07 June 2011
How many of you have sung "Part of Your World" underwater in Dutch?
I have! And I nearly drowned.
I've done it in Spanish! And my sister thought I was drowning and tried to pull me to the surface!
nikorizzo on 07 June 2011
YKYALN when you had a few free weeks and learnt the next 5 weeks lessons of Mandarin and now have to sit through 35 hours of lecturers explaining the grammar and vocab when you know it
languageguy13 on 07 June 2011
It's very silly, but it makes sense to me and probably to you, too!
...and it leads to - this .patuco on 08 June 2011
It's very silly, but it makes sense to me and probably to you, too!
...and it leads to - this .That definitely just made my week. Linguists are so adorable sometimes.
Jinx on 08 June 2011
It's very silly, but it makes sense to me and probably to you, too!
Suomi got mentioned! :D
*You know you're a language nerd when you're playing Half Life 2 dubbed in Mandarin Chinese with Finnish subtitles. Hells yeah, baby.
kyssäkaali on 09 June 2011
It's very silly, but it makes sense to me and probably to you, too!
...and it leads to - this .Fun at the start, hilarious by the time people started swaying in synchronicity. :)
Thanks for the link.
s0fist on 09 June 2011
Now she's your Russian tutor. And the fact that she probably doesn't really know how to teach a language only makes it more interesting of a puzzle for you.
As a final touch, she says her last name's very strange. In fact, it begins with the consonant cluster "mkrt." "I'm Armenian."
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
kottoler.ello on 09 June 2011
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Probably not. My first thought was that such consonant clusters are more typical of Georgian and other Caucasian languages than of Armenian. The initial m- in particular is very common in Kartuli.
Iversen on 09 June 2011
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Probably not. My first thought was that such consonant clusters are more typical of Georgian and other Caucasian languages than of Armenian. The initial m- in particular is very common in Kartuli.
Haha, no, I was just thinking of learning some Armenian from her as well. When she told me her last name it did sound kind of Georgian to me, but I'm no expert on Caucasian languages.
kottoler.ello on 09 June 2011
It's very silly, but it makes sense to me and probably to you, too!
...and it leads to - this .I suppose that it's also very nerdy to have downloaded both of them to watch whenever I want.
patuco on 09 June 2011
I suppose that it's also very nerdy to have downloaded both of them to watch whenever I want.
That is extremely nerdy, but the best and nerdiest thing ever would be to get us all together, the HTLAL Language Nerds, into one room and sing our own version, "We Are the Nerds" or something like that. Yeah, it's impossible, but just think how much fun it would be for us, and how confusing for the rest of the world. We could sway back and forth, too, just like the linguist singers, and have a solo in every language we study!
EDIT: oh, yes, I'll make the name tags! Autotagger not invited!
meramarina on 09 June 2011
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Probably not. My first thought was that such consonant clusters are more typical of Georgian and other Caucasian languages than of Armenian. The initial m- in particular is very common in Kartuli.
Haha, no, I was just thinking of learning some Armenian from her as well. When she told me her last name it did sound kind of Georgian to me, but I'm no expert on Caucasian languages.
Armenian has one of the neatest alphabets in the universe. I say go for it!
kyssäkaali on 09 June 2011
I suppose that it's also very nerdy to have downloaded both of them to watch whenever I want.
That is extremely nerdy, but the best and nerdiest thing ever would be to get us all together, the HTLAL Language Nerds, into one room and sing our own version, "We Are the Nerds" or something like that. Yeah, it's impossible, but just think how much fun it would be for us, and how confusing for the rest of the world. We could sway back and forth, too, just like the linguist singers, and have a solo in every language we study!
EDIT: oh, yes, I'll make the name tags! Autotagger not invited!
Hahaha, that would just be awsome!! I would pay a pretty penny to see this... ya just one.
LebensForm on 10 June 2011
can't bring yourself to leave your French dictionary behind. A week of no French
vocabulary learning just messes with your plans too much.
LanguageSponge on 15 June 2011
You're trying to sleep and you get angry because people are shouting on the street
outside. Then you realise they're shouting in your target language, and you feel a lot
happier and relax again.
garyb on 15 June 2011
Around Christmas time, you walk out into the living room where your roommates and their boyfriends are and you notice on the menu guide on the TV says "Elf," and you isntantly think to yourself out loud say "eleven, wonder what that's about" after realizing what you said, you don't even feel an ounce of embarrassment.
LebensForm on 16 June 2011
- when you drop everything you do and go on a two-hour hunt when you find out you have no idea where one of your Finnish grammar books are; you still haven't found it and hope your Dad accidenally took it when he was packing.
(I'm still waiting for him to call to see whether he found it or not.)
- Kat
Phantom Kat on 16 June 2011
(I'm still waiting for him to call to see whether he found it or not.)- Kat
I hope he finds it, I misplaced one of my German ones, still til this day don't know where it's at... that was 9 months ago :(
LebensForm on 16 June 2011
(I'm still waiting for him to call to see whether he found it or not.)- Kat
I hope he finds it, I misplaced one of my German ones, still til this day don't know where it's at... that was 9 months ago :(
Thanks, I hope he finds it, too, I mean, I know it only cost me around seven dollars, used (at least it wasn't my other one with the Audio CDs), but I still feel empty without it. *crosses fingers*
Ooh, got another one:
- when you are re-watching the Latin American Version of "Pinocchio" because you recently found out it was dubbed in Argentina, and you want to compare the Mexican and Argentinian accents.
- Kat
Phantom Kat on 16 June 2011
...when you þink ðat it would be really cool if we brought ðe letters þorn and eð back into ðeEnglish language.
Levi on 17 June 2011
. . . when you have to make some repairs on your computer, and you can't find the user's guide anywhere because the last time you saw it, you were using it as a bilingual text to learn some Spanish IT terminology. But it must be in the pile of language stuff somewhere . . . still searching!
meramarina on 17 June 2011
When you print and laminate this chart
to keep next to your computer because you need these letters so often and can't keep the keyboards simultaneously open on a shared computer.
Kafea on 17 June 2011
When you print and laminate this chart
to keep next to your computer because you need these letters so often and can't keep the keyboards simultaneously open on a shared computer.
...when you've instead designed and installed your own custom keyboard layout capable of typing in pretty much any language that uses the Latin or Cyrillic alphabet.
Levi on 17 June 2011
when you want to be a international teachers and want to understand you future students
when you might add something like swahili to the list of languages for the countries that speak it for your movie
when you read this particular fourm once already thinking for a thrid to try everything
that was posted
busyperson on 17 June 2011
When you're at school and blurt out a cuss-word only to realize that the teacher is right
next to you and heard what you said,so you get nervous and think you will get in trouble
and then realize you said 'cazzo' and are then overwhelmed with joy in the fact that you
spoke naturally in your target language.
GRagazzo on 18 June 2011
When you're at school and blurt out a cuss-word only to realize that the teacher is right
next to you and heard what you said,so you get nervous and think you will get in trouble
and then realize you said 'cazzo' and are then overwhelmed with joy in the fact that you
spoke naturally in your target language.
I do that too! Well, in Chinese at least...
nikorizzo on 18 June 2011
When you're at school and blurt out a cuss-word only to realize that the teacher is right
next to you and heard what you said,so you get nervous and think you will get in trouble
and then realize you said 'cazzo' and are then overwhelmed with joy in the fact that you
spoke naturally in your target language.
I do that too! Well, in Chinese at least...
Haha, me too, but, in German. =)
LebensForm on 18 June 2011
- when you start a new file in your Pokemon game and name all of your Pokemon after fitting Finnish nouns in order to add more words to your vocabulary.
- Kat
Phantom Kat on 18 June 2011
When you print and laminate this chart
to keep next to your computer because you need these letters so often and can't keep the keyboards simultaneously open on a shared computer.
...when you've instead designed and installed your own custom keyboard layout capable of typing in pretty much any language that uses the Latin or Cyrillic alphabet.
When, instead of either of these, you've downloaded a particular keyboard layout that can create the diacritics for every language you're studying, including Esperanto (I'll take this chance to show off my Ä, Ä¥, ĵ, Å, Å...), and you can't imagine why anyone would need a chart, because you've memorized how to type all the accents for your various languages and can produce them as quickly as normal typing.
P.S. If your method of "showing off" to your sister is writing this on her Facebook wall: "Ķẽšŧá¹Äľ... Ä á¹Ä ¥ơű Ç°eÌÄÅÃ¸á»§È ÉµÆ á¹Ä þǯ©ảÇÅ¡È© á» Ã§Ä á¹ Èÿ¶ë £¡ḱê ṫḫı§?"
EDIT: Wow, my "e" with a line through it doesn't even show up! That makes me feel strangely proud of myself!
Jinx on 18 June 2011
P.S. If your method of "showing off" to your sister is writing this on her Facebook wall: "Ķẽšŧá¹Äľ... Ä á¹Ä ¥ơű Ç°eÌÄÅÃ¸á»§È ÉµÆ á¹Ä þǯ©ảÇÅ¡È© á» Ã§Ä á¹ Èÿ¶ë £¡ḱê ṫḫı§?"
When you are jealous of someone who can write like this. How on earth did you do that?
Kafea on 18 June 2011
When you read your "Italian Step by Step" book by Charles Berlitz in between games of
GRagazzo on 18 June 2011
YKYALN when you find speaking German with an Italian accent incredibally entertaining and your not even drunk...
When you're at dinner with your family and your mom notices your quiet and asks what are you thinking about, and without hesitation, you blirt out, "the past tense of haben"
When you say you are too tired to go out tonight with your boyfriend because you have been staying up late chatting with a guy from Germany to which you feel like your "cheating" on your boyfriend
LebensForm on 18 June 2011
(Words do matter to me. I never go out without at least one pocket dictionary.)
... when you happily supply your language teacher with vocabulary.
Bao on 18 June 2011
When you go to Slavic Fest downtown where they have Slavic food, alcohol and dancers and you just go there to try to snag some language material in case you maybe decide to probably study a Slavic language possibly in the future.
SamD on 19 June 2011
when, no matter when you first began, you wish you had started studying languages sooner than you did
psy88 on 19 June 2011
...when you ace _mark - this quiz in about two minutes.
Levi on 19 June 2011
P.S. If your method of "showing off" to your sister is writing this on her Facebook wall: "Ķẽšŧá¹Äľ... Ä á¹Ä ¥ơű Ç°eÌÄÅÃ¸á»§È ÉµÆ á¹Ä þǯ©ảÇÅ¡È© á» Ã§Ä á¹ Èÿ¶ë £¡ḱê ṫḫı§?"
When you are jealous of someone who can write like this. How on earth did you do that?
I'll just say this, it took a looong time. ;) (I have a Mac and I use an international keyboard layout which allows me to type all those accents â and more! â quite rapidly and easily. For instance, for the cedilla I type "alt+c" and then hit any of the following letters â ertsdhklzcn â and produce È©ÅÅ£Åá¸á¸©Ä·Ä¼z̧çÅ.)
Jinx on 19 June 2011
I'll just say this, it took a looong time. ;) (I have a Mac and I use an international
keyboard layout which allows me to type all those accents â and more! â quite rapidly
and easily. For instance, for the cedilla I type "alt+c" and then hit any of the
following letters â ertsdhklzcn â and produce È©ÅÅ£Åá¸á¸©Ä·Ä¼z̧çÅ.)
I use something similar called the compose key (e.g. compose + , + e = È©). The day I
discovered it, I spent a solid half hour playing with it to the bewilderment of my
roommate. I also discovered I had an IPA input mode and there went another half hour.
egill on 19 June 2011
YKYALN when you go to the library book sale to buy books in foreign languages and start using them to prove to your family that you actually meant it; you need them. And now your desktop is full of language files, keyboards, alphabet links, and YouTube clips.
Kafea on 19 June 2011
...when you ace _mark - this quiz in about two minutes.
They don't accept Sámi as an answer. That's so bogus.
Kafea on 19 June 2011
...when you ace _mark - this quiz in about two minutes.
Ugh, the only one I couldn't get on my own was ĺ!
ellasevia on 19 June 2011
...when you're still reading this thread.
H.Computatralis on 19 June 2011
You know you're a language nerd when you spend each 10 minutes of your free time learning a different foreign language and when you start thinking in more than three foreign languages simultaneously, translating your thoughts from a language to another, and ending up forgetting what the actual thought was about.
(Yes, it happened to me. :D )
aucuneidee on 20 June 2011
when you think that perhaps you should use your flash cards while waiting for the different threads to come up after you click on them...or, just develop more patience.. nah, get out the flash cards.
psy88 on 21 June 2011
Hahaha I always thought a foreign lang guide would be a great present but never thought I would actually get one! Lol, at least someone is taking my language nerdiness seriously hahaha. The best part is that Finnish is not even a target language for's so unexpectedly perfect :D
Pau20 on 21 June 2011
I don't think I cld get fired for this... can I? lol, but many here speak Spanish, even the signs are in bothEnglish and Spanish.... whyyyy not German???? :(
LebensForm on 21 June 2011
When after listening to this song for a good 30 minutes you decide its time to start
learning Russian.
Here is the link to the song
GRagazzo on 22 June 2011
-Scream random exclamations in another tongue because you feel like it.
pineappleboom on 23 June 2011
YKYALN when you gladly pay 50 USD for an ebook on Mandarin morphology.
Ari on 23 June 2011
...when you ace _mark - this quiz in about two minutes.
They don't accept Sámi as an answer. That's so bogus.
It is. I even tried typing it 'Saami' and 'Sapmi', and it didn't take. Oh, well.
mashmusic11235 on 24 June 2011
...when you can say thank you in ten different languages.
Guests on 24 June 2011
...when you ace _mark - this quiz in about two minutes.
They don't accept Sámi as an answer. That's so bogus.
It is. I even tried typing it 'Saami' and 'Sapmi', and it didn't take. Oh, well.
It specifically says at the top along with the instructions, "Only national languages are accepted, not regional ones."
ellasevia on 24 June 2011
And yes, it is somewhat nerdish to care about that, so I am entitled to point it out in this thread.
Iversen on 24 June 2011
...when you visit this site
christian on 25 June 2011
...when you ace _mark - this quiz in about two minutes.
mick33 on 25 June 2011
when you are speaking to a woman inEnglish and she says that she did something "solo" and, although you don't say it, your first thought is "you mean 'sola'"
psy88 on 29 June 2011
... when you start keeping a list of the new words you learn in your native language and
consider putting them into an Anki deck.
... when you are horrified, looking at your list of words, at the amount of words you're
learning in your native language. Then you realise that actually, it's natural to learn
new words in any language, whether it's a foreign one or not. But it still takes you a
while to even remember that.
LanguageSponge on 29 June 2011
...when you take personal offense to hearing an announcement at the airport in Spanish pronounced so
badly that you thought it wasEnglish at first. And then when you proceed to rant about it aloud for several
minutes in the middle of a hallway full of people.
ellasevia on 01 July 2011
When you discovered this fantastic website by reading a blog about learning languages,
and then you registered here so you could post a reply in this thread. XD!
AndyMeg on 05 July 2011">">
And on closer inspection, an exotic script you've never seen before jumps out from the page and grabs your attention, one that even manages to transcend the dull topic of plumbing ownership and soothe a tenant's misgivings with it's beautiful swirls and intricate lettering:
No bin for you, Mr pamphlet, you're going straight into my bookshelf (next to the chocolate bar wrapper in Georgian)! :)
Teango on 05 July 2011">">
When upon seeing those thumbnails you first get excited by the prospect of reading about someone's sewer contract half a world away, and then become upset, bordering on angry, when you click on the links and the full-sized images turn out to be so damn small that you can't make out the individual texts.
Juаn on 05 July 2011
when you click on the links and the full-sized images turn out to be so damn small that you can't make out the individual texts.
They're fine on my screen, although I can't actually read most of them since I don't know what they're saying.
When you receive yet another boring utilities pamphlet through your door telling you they're going to raise their rates again, entitled "Important legal changes to the ownership of your sewers", and are about to throw it in the bin when you happen to notice the back pages...
TheÂEnglish explanation states that, ifÂEnglish is not your first language and you require more information, you can call the given number and they'll "call you back immediately with a translator."
Two things struck me when reading this:
1. Presumably the operators don't speak those languages (hence the need for a translator) so they're obviously expecting you to know enoughÂEnglish to ask for your own language. Otherwise, how would they know which language you'd be talking in when you phoned?
2. Who is the translator (or, more likely, group of translators) who is willing to drop everything and immediately attend to Thames Water's translation requests?
I never realised that sewer ownership could be so interesting!
patuco on 05 July 2011
You are a Language Nerd when you want to call that number just for fun! And any self-respecting language nerd would, of course, carefully place that beautiful pamphlet in a sturdy frame, under bulletproof glass, and display it on the wall to be contemplated at all times as a little shrine to Polyglot Plumbing!
meramarina on 05 July 2011
I feel your pain over an otherwise wasted opportunity, and have therefore swapped the links with extra large originals. Enjoy!
Teango on 05 July 2011
You know you are a language nerd when you go to a bar and order a dark German beer, pronouncing it the correct German way (W said like a v etc) and you become annoyed when she keeps pronoucing the W like a W, and then after about 6, you finally lose enough sense or ability to bite your tongue and you tell the poor Black waitress the correct pronunciation... apparently going on German language and grammar tangents in public means I'm cut off...
LebensForm on 06 July 2011
So basically that waitress cut you off from your supply of dark German beer when you corrected her pronunciation? What a mess ... people have no respect for knowledge.
Iversen on 06 July 2011
No my friend did... lol. But I don't think the waitress really appreciated me correcting her. What an interesting night...
LebensForm on 06 July 2011
...when you take delight in the fact that the past participle of theEnglish loanword "upload" in German is "upgeloadet".
Levi on 10 July 2011
(yes...I love Turkish pop music :D Ok? I said it!)
Lol, I love Turkish pop music too :-p Yey for Tarkan!! :oD x
WentworthsGal on 10 July 2011
...and have tears rollng down your cheeks through laughter! (Becuase you recognise many replies)
...When a friend goes to some obscure country on holiday and you offer to lend them a phrase book (which you have yet to read yourself of course!)
Love this thread btw :o) x
WentworthsGal on 10 July 2011
when you are bored (I know, I know, a true language nerd would never be bored because there is always another language to study, but I needed to take a break) and you flip channels on the TV only to find I Love Lucy, an American sit-com from the 50's. It is show you haven't seen in years, nor were you ever a big fan of it, but this time WOW! You hit the jackpot.It is an episode you have not seen before. Lucy is arrested in France.The police are trying to interrogate her. In the finale, Lucy tells Desi inEnglish what has happened, he tells another prisoner(who speaks German and Spanish, but noEnglish or French) in Spanish, this person in turn tells a French policeman(who speaks German and French but noEnglish or Spanish) in German, who in turn tells the French officer in charge in French. They go back and forth several times. You are laughing hysterically because they are using your two target languages and you are understanding everything,. You wish you were there to help. You also think that perhaps German would be a good third target language.
psy88 on 10 July 2011
when you are bored (I know, I know, a true language nerd would never be bored because there is always another language to study, but I needed to take a break) and you flip channels on the TV only to find I Love Lucy, an American sit-com from the 50's. It is show you haven't seen in years, nor were you ever a big fan of it, but this time WOW! You hit the jackpot.It is an episode you have not seen before. Lucy is arrested in France.The police are trying to interrogate her. In the finale, Lucy tells Desi inÂEnglish what has happened, he tells another prisoner(who speaks German and Spanish, but noÂEnglish or French) in Spanish, this person in turn tells a French policeman(who speaks German and French but noÂEnglish or Spanish) in German, who in turn tells the French officer in charge in French. They go back and forth several times. You are laughing hysterically because they are using your two target languages and you are understanding everything,. You wish you were there to help. You also think that perhaps German would be a good third target language.
Look, I found it!
janalisa on 11 July 2011
Look, I found it!
Gah, that's the best thing I've seen on YouTube all month. ._.
I wish that scenario was a regular comedic routine in contemporary TV shows...
nway on 11 July 2011
when you are bored (I know, I know, a true language nerd would never be bored because there is always another language to study, but I needed to take a break) and you flip channels on the TV only to find I Love Lucy, an American sit-com from the 50's. It is show you haven't seen in years, nor were you ever a big fan of it, but this time WOW! You hit the jackpot.It is an episode you have not seen before. Lucy is arrested in France.The police are trying to interrogate her. In the finale, Lucy tells Desi inÂEnglish what has happened, he tells another prisoner(who speaks German and Spanish, but noÂEnglish or French) in Spanish, this person in turn tells a French policeman(who speaks German and French but noÂEnglish or Spanish) in German, who in turn tells the French officer in charge in French. They go back and forth several times. You are laughing hysterically because they are using your two target languages and you are understanding everything,. You wish you were there to help. You also think that perhaps German would be a good third target language.
Look, I found it!
You know you're a language nerd when you realize this video has subtitles in Portuguese and that way you can't pay total attention to the spoken languages, and that makes you upset.
FireViN on 11 July 2011
Look, I found it!
Hahaha, Ich liebe es!! That just made my day, thanks for that!
LebensForm on 11 July 2011
When one of the very first things you do when you get your new ipod is figure out how to set up foreign keyboards on it.
hjordis on 16 July 2011
When one of the very first things you do when you get your new ipod is figure out how to set up foreign keyboards on it.
And change the language, of course.
Levi on 16 July 2011
...the first thing you think to do once you come home from you two week vacation in Italy
is to look at all the new YKYLNW posts
... while looking at the ancient Italian sights you notice you are the only one taking
pictures of the rock slabs with Latin on it
... you're becoming the translator between your brothers and your Italian cousins is
the high point of the trip
... on the plane trip to Italy you are messing around with the little tv in front of
you and find a game that teaches you foreign languages and you spend a good 3 hours on it
... you can't understand why your brothers would rather listen toÂEnglish channels
when you could rather watch Italian news live
GRagazzo on 16 July 2011
When you teach your little cousin (who is 2 and a half) how to count in German and actually get a bit irritated because he can't pronounce the umlaut letters to your standards, I do admit when he says Fünf, it sounds sooo cute, lol.
When you overhear guys(guessing from the ball and chain, it was a batchelor party) at a German resteraunt chanting DAS BOOT over and over, because they are playing a drinking game that comprises of drinking out of/passing around a glass boot, but this irritates you like no other because Boot is actually the German word for boat, Stiefel is the word for boot... and you are over half tempted to correct these men.
I know it sounds like all I do is drink... I'm really not an alcoholic....:)
LebensForm on 17 July 2011
when you buy a new microwave/oven and you're thrilled that the instruction booklets come inEnglish and French with a separate panel sticky that you're considering putting up because at least 2 in the family speak French and another wants to learn. And you've warned your husband not to throw any of the paperwork away. Packaging in foreign languages is like a mini-vacation.
Bobbi on 17 July 2011
..when you can sing songs in japanese and mandarin but you know none in your native
strummer on 17 July 2011
But I am a general nerd of many areas.
Obs: I have not learnt any Finnish song yet. That's a shame.
Aquila123 on 17 July 2011
Sticker: "Please use wax paper."
Spanish translation on sticker: "Por favor usar papel favor usar."
(Isn't it ironic that this Texan store is called "Fiesta"?)
- when in that same store, you trace back your steps to look for a box of herbal tea you had just glanced at. It was written in a language you didn't recognize, a Slavic one if your guesses were correct. When you find out it's in Croatian (and stomp the urge to buy it, despite the fact that you hate tea and have no intentions in learning Croatian), you can now go back home with peace in mind.
- when you will bring your camera the next time you go and take pictures of these foreign labels.
- Kat
Phantom Kat on 19 July 2011
when you can recognize yourself in the stories of this topic.
strummer on 19 July 2011
...when you nearly get bodily ejected from a store for taking photos of bilingual cereal boxes.
SamD on 20 July 2011
...when you seriously consider giving up your vacation plans because they conflict with the 6 Week Challenge in August.
...when you were not officially enrolled in the last one but really enjoyed it and benefited-so much so that although you still will not be an officially involved, you are feverishly thinking how to work it into your vacation plans
psy88 on 20 July 2011
...when you nearly get bodily ejected from a store for taking photos of bilingual cereal boxes.
- ... when this doesn't stop your plan mentioned in a previous post about photographing products in foreign languages.
- Kat
Phantom Kat on 20 July 2011
I thought it was a great thing when I noticed that automatic banking machines now operate in more and more languages, and many times I've been tempted to play around with a bank machine in all the languages offered, but I don't have enough money to do that, and it would probably set off security alarms. But the worst thing happened a few days ago. Usually the machine just tells you to choose the language you want, but this machine asked me to choose my favorite language!
Well, there were about ten languages listed and I didn't know them all, so how would I know my favorite? Isn't that question really unfair to the languages, too? How could anyone select only one language as a favorite? And the people in line behind me weren't going to wait there while I learned a few more languages just so I could make a better-informed choice . . .
. . . It was wrong, just wrong.
meramarina on 21 July 2011
You know you're a language nerd when you hear people at work throwing around the word "über" in their everyday,ÂEnglish vocabulary, and you get annoyed because they fail to pronounce the ü correctly!! I bet they don't even know it's a German word :(
When you buy another bottle of "Fünf" wine, but this time, you try the white wine version and not the sweet red you tried the day before... and you keep the bottles of course :)
LebensForm on 22 July 2011
Lol! So what did you end up choosing?English? Was German an option? I would have done that one, the ones around here only give Spanish as an option, this saddens me
Well, I had to go with my native language, but I didn't feel good about it! Yes German was there, and Spanish and Russian and I think even Vietnamese! Some of these machines speak, too! I don't know if this one does, but I'm sure you all understand how very, very, verrrryyy hard it was to resist playing with it, but the resulting police report would be embarrassing: Claims she wasn't trying to steal any money, just wanted to make it talk . . .
meramarina on 22 July 2011
Lol! So what did you end up choosing?ÂEnglish? Was German an option? I would have done that one, the ones around here only give Spanish as an option, this saddens me
Well, I had to go with my native language, but I didn't feel good about it! Yes German was there, and Spanish and Russian and I think even Vietnamese! Some of these machines speak, too! I don't know if this one does, but I'm sure you all understand how very, very, verrrryyy hard it was to resist playing with it, but the resulting police report would be embarrassing: Claims she wasn't trying to steal any money, just wanted to make it talk . . .
This reminded me of one of mine...
YKYALNW you're visiting your mom's friend in the hospital, and you notice one of those pain charts. You notice that the text under each of the faces is small, and on closer inspection, you notice that it's written in about 10 different languages, including Russian, Vietnamese, and Chinese! I never got a better look at it, but I suppose it'd be a good way to pick up some medical jargon in your TL...
mashmusic11235 on 24 July 2011
When one of the very first things you do when you get your new ipod is figure out how to set up foreign keyboards on it.
And change the language, of course.
When you get a new helmet and you wonder why the instructions are like an inch thick when folded and when you're flipping through you get excited because you see Japanese. (It turns out they're in 21 languages besides the illustrations. I still think it's unnecessarily large. It's not THAT complicated of a helmet.)
EDIT: oooh my harness wins at 24 languages, and smaller too.
Daisy chain 6
Belay device 6
Locking carabiner 5
Nonlocking carabiners 3 (wait what? You thought that French and Japanese were the most important languages to add afterEnglish?)
I hit the language jackpot!
hjordis on 24 July 2011
YKYALNW you're visiting your mom's friend in the hospital, and you notice one of those pain charts. You notice that the text under each of the faces is small, and on closer inspection, you notice that it's written in about 10 different languages, including Russian, Vietnamese, and Chinese! I never got a better look at it, but I suppose it'd be a good way to pick up some medical jargon in your TL...
I know that pain chart! (I used to work in a hospital - I don't have it here in my house as wall art or anything like that!)
I might reconsider my home decor, however, because for some oddball reason I just looked up the pain scale chart online. Check this out: instruction for pain description in 47 languages!
Pain is a bad thing and these faces are actually kind of frightening, but this is one hell of a parallel text. Scroll down and take a look at the PDF or Word file. You'll feel better! - Feeling just fine, or not, in 47 languages!meramarina on 24 July 2011
YKYALNW you're visiting your mom's friend in the hospital, and you notice one of those pain charts. You notice that the text under each of the faces is small, and on closer inspection, you notice that it's written in about 10 different languages, including Russian, Vietnamese, and Chinese! I never got a better look at it, but I suppose it'd be a good way to pick up some medical jargon in your TL...
I know that pain chart! (I used to work in a hospital - I don't have it here in my house as wall art or anything like that!)
I might reconsider my home decor, however, because for some oddball reason I just looked up the pain scale chart online. Check this out: instruction for pain description in 47 languages![/ Pain is a bad thing and these faces are actually kind of frightening, but this is one hell of a parallel text. Scroll down and take a look at the PDF or Word file. You'll feel better!
when you were thinking of how you could get into a hospital and "walk off" with (sounds nicer than "steal") a pain chart but now, thank you very much, you don't have to risk an arrest in your pursuit of being a full-fledged language nerd.
psy88 on 25 July 2011
when you go to an *Italian* resteraunt, where they give you crayons to write on the table, (long sheets of paper for table cloth) the resteraunt is actually a bit upscale, even though it doesn't sound like it, but you end up filling the table cloth with random German, including conjugating German verbs and writing awkward German love phrases...
LebensForm on 26 July 2011
...when you pick up your Chinese character book after a while of not studying any Chinese, so you decide to use an SRS to memorize all the characters in the book over 50 days, trying to add 50 characters a day. And after ten days you're halfway done.
Levi on 26 July 2011
- Kat
EDIT: The pain chart doesn't have Finnish, but it has six types of Spanish? What has the world come to?
Phantom Kat on 26 July 2011
I wonder what the "everyday conversation" tape
will sound like.
Here's my guess for different courses:
Assimil: "A funny thing happened to me on my way to the pyramid..."
Michel Thomas: "We look at ze pictures. We do not memorize, we do not guess."
Pimsleur: "Hello Cleopatra, would you like something to drink?"
Rosetta Stone: "The boy is in the airplane."
jazzboy.bebop on 26 July 2011
when you go to an *Italian* resteraunt, where they give you crayons to write on the table, (long sheets of paper for table cloth) the resteraunt is actually a bit upscale, even though it doesn't sound like it, but you end up filling the table cloth with random German, including conjugating German verbs and writing awkward German love phrases...
When something someone says at work(in Spanish) makes you think "ah, so pizza is feminine in Spanish."
hjordis on 26 July 2011
This - pain chart is amazing - a series of faces in various stages of discomfort, progressing from left to right, that uncannily capture my ongoing attempts to understand Russian grammar.
I also think this important tip in their multilingual instructions is priceless:
"This scale is intended to measure how children feel inside, not how their face looks."
ÐолÑÑое ÑпаÑибо! :)
Teango on 26 July 2011
...when you read 230 pages of this thread, smiling to yourself the entire time.
...when is your homepage on all three of your preferred web browsers.
...when, while watching Fiddler on the Roof with your Jewish mother and sister, you wonder aloud why none of the characters speak Yiddish, Hebrew, or Russian, and only Tevye has an accent.
...when you decide that you will raise your two year old son to be bilingual inÂEnglish and Russian, despite a lack of fluency on your part, and a lack of any practical reason for Russian fluency in your area.
...when you sincerely wish you had the money to upgrade your membership to HTLAL.
Dreadslinger on 26 July 2011
when you go to an *Italian* resteraunt, where they give you crayons to write on the table, (long sheets of paper for table cloth) the resteraunt is actually a bit upscale, even though it doesn't sound like it, but you end up filling the table cloth with random German, including conjugating German verbs and writing awkward German love phrases... .
I am not sure if it is a common thing but there is one franchise chain that has the crayons and paper tablecloth.The one I had gone to had singing waiters one night, and so-YKYALN when you ask him to sing, he sings a piece from an Italian opera, and you then translate the lyrics for those at your table and the surrounding tables.
edited to separate my post from the quote
psy88 on 27 July 2011
when you go to an *Italian* resteraunt, where they give you crayons to write on the table, (long sheets of paper for table cloth) the resteraunt is actually a bit upscale, even though it doesn't sound like it, but you end up filling the table cloth with random German, including conjugating German verbs and writing awkward German love phrases...
Ya, I don't know if it's an Italian thing or not, but this place has that dim, mood lighting thing going on, a pretty extensive wine list and they provide this bread with olive oil at your table and whatnot, so it seemed up scale to me, lol I'm a poor college student, so it doesn't take much for me to think it's upscale lol, anyway, then, you go into the bathroom and their is a video/audio thing that "teaches" you Italian, so my friend, who is learning Italian, will go in there and won't come back to the table, for like 20 min, At first, I thought she had a serious issue, them I found out there is an Italian video thing and that explained her long trips to the bathroom for no apparent reason thing, which left me to conjugate German verbs, like haben and sein :) on the table with my purple crayon...
Anyway.... when you find out one of your brother's friends has the last name of Liebe, and you immediately Facebook this person and write a what could be taken borderline creepy message on her wall, telling her how jealous you are that her name means love in German, asking her if she even realizes this. Remind you, I never met this person in real life, lol funny thing is, literaly 10 seconds after I posted that comment, my brother "liked" it :)
LebensForm on 27 July 2011
...when you sit in the reference section of Barnes and Noble, nursing the same cup of coffee and reading the various language books for so long that the manager asks you (very politely, mind you) to buy something or leave, as they are about to close.
Dreadslinger on 27 July 2011
...when you spend your entire work shift resisting the temptation to sing the - bilingual Spanish-German song that's stuck in your head.
Levi on 05 August 2011
...when you spend your entire work shift resisting the temptation to sing the - bilingual Spanish-German song that's stuck in your head.
..... a real nerd wouldnt be able to resist.....
maydayayday on 05 August 2011
...when you're disappointed that all of the foreign language dictionaries in your public
library can't be taken out because they're in the reference section.
Kartof on 05 August 2011
...when you spend your entire work shift resisting the temptation to sing the - bilingual Spanish-German song that's stuck in your head.
... when your plans for the day stop so you can learn the German lyrics of this song.
... when you are typing and come across a weird-looking typo; instead of deleting it, you stare, trying to see which language that typo could be a word of.
- Kat
Phantom Kat on 05 August 2011
... when you are typing and come across a weird-looking typo; instead of deleting it, you stare, trying to see which language that typo could be a word of.
- Kat
...or when you find a typo in a text and go through ALL writing rules you know in an attempt to figure out what is the native language of the writer, and which rule from his native language he used in that typo.
(Ex.: Portuguese speakers would write "el sangre" instead of "la sangre" in Spanish, because the word for "blood" in Portuguese "(o) sangue" is masculine;)
JNetto on 05 August 2011
... when you are typing and come across a weird-looking typo; instead of deleting it, you stare, trying to see which language that typo could be a word of.
- Kat
...or when you find a typo in a text and go through ALL writing rules you know in an attempt to figure out what is the native language of the writer, and which rule from his native language he used in that typo.
(Ex.: Portuguese speakers would write "el sangre" instead of "la sangre" in Spanish, because the word for "blood" in Portuguese "(o) sangue" is masculine;)
Not to get nitpicky, but I think the line between "mistake" and "typo" is being blurred here.
"Mistake" = when you type something wrong because you're ignorant of what's right.
"Typo" = when you know what's right but you happen to accidentally hit the wrong key on the keyboard.
For example, people of all nations often type "the" as "teh" when typing inEnglish, but it doesn't mean that "teh" is a word that somehow connects to their mother tongue.
Jinx on 06 August 2011
When your computer seems to be about to die and your second fastest, second by one hundreth of a second, worry concerns language learning materials in it.
Cavesa on 06 August 2011
Then you sit one hour in the local library and read a grammar for the lugudurian dialect of Sardic (in Italian) from A to Z, followed by some pages of a book in Sardic about the Sardic language history ... whereupon you in all your naivity sprint back to the bookstore to buy that book. Well, it is in print, but they didn't have it.
And you are deeply frustrated because people around you didn't speak Sardic (or Corsican, which according to one source also should be spoken there), but 'just' ordinary plain Italian.
Well, maybe 1½ day wasn't enough. Or maybe it was too much. Maybe I could have found that book in Cagliari.
Iversen on 07 August 2011
Fasulye on 07 August 2011
When your dog is bilingual and on his way to learning his third language...
Mowli on 07 August 2011
⢠When you're a newbie on this forum and wade through 232 pages of posts.
⢠When a couple months into your Spanish studies you feel the urge to contact Real Academia Española with some really great ideas you have for improving their language based on some things you read about Vietnamese grammar.
⢠When you rehearse for hours what you might say if an attractive Latvian women ever sits down next to you on the bus.
⢠When you have trouble understanding the accentedEnglish of the customer service person on the phone so to save time you switch to Hindi.
fiziwig on 08 August 2011
When you actually refer to the colon symbol : as vertical umlauts :)
LebensForm on 08 August 2011
When you buy a book in a language you aren't studying because you "eventually" plan to study it
FuroraCeltica on 08 August 2011
...When you're sister asks you how to pronounce a word in Tagalog, and you not only tell her, but also give her an impromptu lesson on phonetics
pineappleboom on 13 August 2011
...when you're tutoring and you slowly drone on and on, while slowly spacing out, and you come to only to find
the child you are tutoring to have a confused look on his face due to the fact that you switched to German as
you spaced out.
ruskivyetr on 13 August 2011
You know you're a language nerd when you´re lying in bed with a high fever, sore throat and headache and you´re pissed off, not because you feel awful but because you´re missing out on an entire day of studying and will surely lose your good ranking on Twitter.
ReneeMona on 13 August 2011
You know you're a language nerd when you´re lying in bed with a high fever, sore throat
and headache and you´re pissed off, not because you feel awful but because you´re missing out on an entire
day of studying and will surely lose your good ranking on Twitter.
When you dread getting sick like this (sore throat), because it hurts to pronounce guttural sounds, although god
forbid pain stop me from studying!
ruskivyetr on 13 August 2011
When you find a grammar mistake in your German phrase book, and correct me if I'm wrong, but in the book it says "ich *hab* gefallen, und ich kann nicht aufstehen" but in my opinion, it should be "ich *bin* gefallen, und ich kann nicht aufstehen" because afterall, fallen is a sein verb, therefore it should've been conjugated as such.
LebensForm on 13 August 2011
Fasulye on 13 August 2011
When you read through Chung's profile for the Germanic languages, read some pages about Gothic, see the word "ingwäonisch", read the pages about this language group in the High German, the Low German, the Dutch and finally the Frisian Wikipedy and ... then you find a TV station that speaks Frisian and you just sit there with big blank eyes and wish you could find something similar for Low German and Swiss German.
Iversen on 13 August 2011
... when you have to concentrate on job applications, but you rather want to think in your foreign languages than in this boring German in which the applications have to be written.
Hey, German isn't boring!! It's good, hehehe :)
LebensForm on 13 August 2011
...when you're tutoring and you slowly drone on and on, while slowly spacing out, and you come to only to find the child you are tutoring to have a confused look on his face due to the fact that you switched to German as you spaced out.
lol, I've done that, but at work, now, the customers just expect it :)
LebensForm on 13 August 2011
An hour or so after you submit the application you realise that they specify they want you to write your document in 'native language or language of usual usage' and you are no longer sure which one that is ... unless you ring your mum. Worst of all she doesnt know either......
maydayayday on 13 August 2011
...when your language lists have languages that most people believe you made them up;
...when you chase people who speak a rare language with a recorder asking them to say ANYTHING in their native language so you can preserve a bit of it.
--- A have a little challenge here for all those willing ---
(if this is not appropriate, please let me know)
I made a spreadsheet with the 1000 most frequent words inÂEnglish and I want to enter as many language version as possible, so if you guys want to get in the band wagon and help out just add a column with the language name on the top and type on!
Here is the address: b3di0dGpqTXlOY292WWpEQ2ZvUjlIaldadXc&hl=en_US
(to access it delete the space right after "...0Ap2tXDA")
I thought it would be interesting to see how big it would get and how long it would take to have a couple dozen language uniting all our skills and knowledge! No google translator, just your knowledge!
JNetto on 13 August 2011
...when your Friday night highlight to be looked forward to is ellasevia's weekly log post.
...when you often explain that Finnish is different to Norwegian, Swedish and Danish in language group
even though you speak none of them.
LazyLinguist on 15 August 2011
when you return from vacation and tell people who ask that the worse part was when it rained, but in truth, the worse part(s) was being away from the computer and this forum; missing the August 8 week challenge; a having to wait a week to watch your recorded telenovelas. When you tell those who ask that the best part was the beautiful scenery but the real best part(s) was: meeting a family that spoke your second target language and being fascinated at how the children spoke so fluently; buying several inexpensive study guides for both your target languages; watching, one night, a station that broadcast in your second target language; and, meeting a family that spoke what you now consider your future third language will be.
psy88 on 16 August 2011
meramarina on 16 August 2011
..when you bring along a language book to the bathroom; you'll be sitting on that toilet for a while anyways, so why not?
..when you bring your Balinese book with you everywhere around the house.
..when your mother asks you, "Son, what is Tamil?", you respond with, "Uhh.. it's the name of the book.."; that moment was awkward for you too.
..when you prefer foreign movies without subtitles.
..when you start putting as much as possible into a foreign language.
..when you start explaining to people the difference between "THE Italian language" and "Italian languageS", of which the latter is mistakingly called "Italian dialects" by the common joe.
..when you actually care to distinguish Portuguese from Spanish.
..when you blow up into a mushroom when you get the slightest thing wrong.
PS I'm a newbie on this forum but I'm active on Unilang ("Michael"). Is this forum run by prescriptivists and Grammar Nazis? ("If you can't spell it, don't write it.") :P
mexitalian on 17 August 2011
When you have a big battle to get a wasp out of your office, and inadvertently find yourself clutching an Assimil coverbox as a shield and a rolled-up kanji poster for a sword.
Teango on 17 August 2011
When you are angry with yourself because you said "los" instead of "os" when your boss passed by your office door with a Brazilian lady, pointed at you and said "say something in Portuguese"
Iversen on 17 August 2011
You are furious with one of the presidential candidate in your country because he could
not give his election speech properly in his own "mother tongue". (Mandarin)
QiuJP on 18 August 2011
Haha... In which language does "like" translate as "arr"?
(You know you're a language nerd if you can answer this question without cheating.) =D
janalisa on 19 August 2011
Haha... In which language does "like" translate as "arr"?
(You know you're a language nerd if you can answer this question without cheating.) =D
Unfortunately, I think that would be "Pirate," not very language-nerdy at all.
kottoler.ello on 19 August 2011
YKYALNW... when your enthusiasm for languages affects other people's awareness of the world.
Example: Was talking to my mom on the phone today, and she said she finally started paying attention to the kana when looking at a news report about the Japanese economy. She said without me studying Japanese, she wouldn't have paid any attention to the characters at all. Now she sees them all over.
jdmoncada on 19 August 2011
remember it was "<3" I think.
YKYALK when you start translating a novel you wrote into a language you made up. Of
course a greater language nerd would probably finish before getting distracted.
mikonai on 19 August 2011
You are furious with one of the presidential candidate in your country
because he could
not give his election speech properly in his own "mother tongue". (Mandarin)
Here is the evidence of my anger!:
QiuJP on 19 August 2011
When you think it's a cool idea to have a dubstep remix of all the Assimil courses with
all the dialogues in.
LazyLinguist on 20 August 2011
YKYALN when you pack for college and you have an entire bin devoted to just your German lamguage stuff (and this is a pretty good sized bin).
LebensForm on 21 August 2011
YKYAALN when you just signed up for this forum after reading the whole thread.
Josquin on 21 August 2011
YKYAALN when you downloaded Windows 7 in AmericanEnglish.
misslanguages on 21 August 2011
You just changed Facebook language into Latin because you saw the [mihi placet!]-button in an image.
Hampie on 21 August 2011
...when you totally relate to Brick Heck (the 7-year-old bookworm on the American sitcom The Middle) when he opens up his Christmas present, takes out the manual and exclaims "Cool, a manual! And it's in German, Japanese, and French!"
Levi on 22 August 2011
...Ñен Ñ ÑÐ°Ð¹Ñ Ð¸Ð½ Ñ³Ñ Ð¡ÑÑилик ÑлÑÑбеÑ, джÑÑÑ ÑÐ¾Ñ ÑÑн.
Levi on 23 August 2011
when your friend loans you his GPS but you still get lost...but by getting lost you find a huge bookstore (part of a chain) going out of business. So, of course, you stop to check out the language learning section. Unfortunately, all the "good stuff" for your two target languages are gone BUT you decide the deals on the other materials for languages that you will..or, might..or, hope are too good to pass up.
You then discover that the GPS is no longer talking to you (perhaps it was angry at the way you cursed, er,I mean,spoke to it inEnglish, as well as your target languages). You fiddle around with it and get it to speak to you,but it is in what you believe to be German!( but later find out was Afrikaans). You then discover that you can set it to give you directions in your target languages (or, apparently, hundreds of others). So, now you plan to buy your own GPS when you have saved up enough money because the language shopping spree set you back quite a bit. Now you feel good knowing that with your own GPS you will still get lost again, but at least the next time, the directions it gives you will be in your target languages. Of course when you give it back to your friend he is going to wonder what happened to his AmericanEnglish setting.Yes, the GPS distinguishes American and BritishEnglish.
psy88 on 23 August 2011
...Ñен Ñ ÑÐ°Ð¹Ñ Ð¸Ð½ Ñ³Ñ Ð¡ÑÑилик ÑлÑÑбеÑ, джÑÑÑ ÑÐ¾Ñ ÑÑн.
ì¬ ì¸ ìêµ´!
(Not sure if I spelled that all right...)
Jinx on 23 August 2011
When my most exciting ideas/stuffs to do somehow all end up language-related.
learnvietnamese on 23 August 2011
...Ñен Ñ ÑÐ°Ð¹Ñ Ð¸Ð½ Ñ³Ñ Ð¡ÑÑилик ÑлÑÑбеÑ, джÑÑÑ ÑÐ¾Ñ ÑÑн.
...When you're mildly annoyed that people don't say Cyrillic with a hard C inEnglish. :)
Kartof on 23 August 2011
(Yes it was reported, Northeast US quake, very unusual for this area. I did not feel it, I was outside pulling weeds and didn't sense anything shaking - I've marked several articles in target languages about earthquakes to read later, though!
I think if there's ever a major local disaster requiring evacuation, I'd just sit around looking up vocabulary to describe it! This kind of language nerdery cannot possibly be a survival advantage - how have language nerds like us remained in the gene pool?
meramarina on 23 August 2011
Haha... In which language does "like" translate as "arr"?
(You know you're a language nerd if you can answer this question without cheating.) =D
Lol I believe that's PirateÂEnglish or something lol :o) xx
edit: oops too late, someone beat me to it lol :-p
WentworthsGal on 23 August 2011
. . . When there's an earthquake, and the first thing you do is go online to google "Erdbeben" and "terremoto" to see if it's been reported internationally! I didn't know the word in French but of course looked it up - tremblement de terre
In French it can also be called "un séisme".
Levi on 23 August 2011
And not sitting under my bookshelves . . .
EDIT: Just saw the Italian word "sisma" too
meramarina on 23 August 2011
...Ñен Ñ ÑÐ°Ð¹Ñ Ð¸Ð½ Ñ³Ñ Ð¡ÑÑилик ÑлÑÑбеÑ, джÑÑÑ ÑÐ¾Ñ ÑÑн.
...when it takes you 3 seconds to decode this message, and after that you can read normally.
JNetto on 23 August 2011
when your friend loans you his GPS but you still get lost...but by getting lost you find a
huge bookstore (part of a chain) going out of business...
...when you go to this "going-out-of-business" bookstore and buy every single version of language
phrasebook you find (even not being the ones for your target languages);
BTW, if you live by a "Borders Store" stop by and check the language section, they are having good
JNetto on 23 August 2011
when your friend loans you his GPS but you still get lost...but by getting lost you find a
huge bookstore (part of a chain) going out of business...
...when you go to this "going-out-of-business" bookstore and buy every single version of language
phrasebook you find (even not being the ones for your target languages);
BTW, if you live by a "Borders Store" stop by and check the language section, they are having good
Actually,it was a Borders Store. I didn't know if I could name it without appearing to be a shill for the store. But you are right- great deals, even for future target languages. My only regret was I didn't get there sooner.
psy88 on 24 August 2011
when your friend loans you his GPS but you still get
lost...but by getting lost you find a
huge bookstore (part of a chain) going out of business...
...when you go to this "going-out-of-business" bookstore and buy every single version of language
phrasebook you find (even not being the ones for your target languages);
BTW, if you live by a "Borders Store" stop by and check the language section, they are having good
Actually,it was a Borders Store. I didn't know if I could name it without appearing to be a shill for the store.
But you are right- great deals, even for future target languages. My only regret was I didn't get there sooner.
It's all good. We all need to spread news like this! And I don't think it sounds like an ad considering that it is
REALLY going out of business. They are even selling the shelves! So I think all should take advantage of
this. For example, I bought a spanking new Teach Yourself Turkish in the case with CDs for $17, this will
never happen again! :)
JNetto on 24 August 2011
When you have to write something on a paper and because your native language and your target language have similar sounds you start writing in your native language but with your target language alphabet, and you don´t realize this until someone ask you "What are you writing?".
AndyMeg on 24 August 2011
So far, for me, two visits to clearance sales at Borders, with excellent results! A true Language Nerd doesn't stop there, though - I must go again.
Oh, and that introductory Polish course there? It's MINE. Do NOT buy it, fellow nerds!
meramarina on 24 August 2011
What's the language on the forth from the left button in the top row?
(also in the top row, second from the right: Hebrew is wrong, written in reverse order)
zonius on 24 August 2011
What's the language on the forth from the left button in the top row?
(also in the top row, second from the right: Hebrew is wrong, written in reverse order)
I believe it is Cherokee.
JNetto on 24 August 2011
Not perhaps a general language nerd, but a sign that someone is a Cyrillic language nerd is when they see the "Toys R Us" sign and automatically think the reversed R is "Toys Ya Us".
William Camden on 24 August 2011
Not perhaps a general language nerd, but a sign that someone is a Cyrillic language nerd is when they see the "Toys R Us" sign and automatically think the reversed R is "Toys Ya Us".
And don't forget about the band "Koyap".
Levi on 24 August 2011
I think if there's ever a major local disaster requiring evacuation, I'd just sit around looking up vocabulary to describe it!
Said nerd is now in path of a hurricane, and lives 1000 ft from the water.
Oh, but once a nerd, always a nerd. I fear that my books could get wet. How many can I carry, if necessary? Is Assimil waterproof? I'm happy that my dictionaries are too heavy to fly off in the wind, but I'll have to secure the CDs and flash cards. Might need to read by flashlight this weekend. Do I have enough weather vocabulary to talk about an emergency? How many hours of podcasts have I got? Yes, I'm sure Im a language nerd because that's what I'll be doing if the big one hits - why not?
And here is a previously undiscovered language I just found at the local online news:
most wir abo tohgii tide sun mreo even great seirosus. very uheavy fianrlllupward of afodoof train over inaldnk sieonk that woekld preodcut cataotao dloffo ti s aveyr vyer serixou situation. shud p be evaulatinfosl shodl eb conmeoptle pre storm active alto fcheck lcist sout tehr from red cors⦠shud eb weel overrun way . if an when hur watch are issu p shud take appro acito as far as any evac that tatehy cal of local aand county emrn mana off. ealwys enc re to heed their local official cert we recthat the pbu heed thso recomes. most sign sotm to trheat nj in how many eyar. I dotn know if we have tnayth to behd this. if this follw the tack. in ther ce reco hit. Ane aj hur htitn back in the it coodl be very bad. If this pans o t a sthe tack sugs. This wil be the wor sotm in anyoenk lefietitnme in new Jersey
That's seriously weird and I didn't make it up, it's copied and pasted from the source. Maybe it's pirate language, as mentioned in other posts: ARR!
But I know, again, that I am a language nerd because I've made an accurate translation: it really means this:
"Hey, maybe that ridiculous beach house from that "Jersey Shore" show will get blown out of state."
meramarina on 25 August 2011
I think if there's ever a major local disaster requiring evacuation, I'd just sit around looking up vocabulary to describe it!
Said nerd is now in path of a hurricane, and lives 1000 ft from the water.
Oh, but once a nerd, always a nerd. I fear that my books could get wet. How many can I carry, if necessary? Is Assimil waterproof? I'm happy that my dictionaries are too heavy to fly off in the wind, but I'll have to secure the CDs and flash cards. Might need to read by flashlight this weekend. Do I have enough weather vocabulary to talk about an emergency? How many hours of podcasts have I got? Yes, I'm sure Im a language nerd because that's what I'll be doing if the big one hits - why not?
And here is a previously undiscovered language I just found at the local online news:
most wir abo tohgii tide sun mreo even great seirosus. very uheavy fianrlllupward of afodoof train over inaldnk sieonk that woekld preodcut cataotao dloffo ti s aveyr vyer serixou situation. shud p be evaulatinfosl shodl eb conmeoptle pre storm active alto fcheck lcist sout tehr from red cors⦠shud eb weel overrun way . if an when hur watch are issu p shud take appro acito as far as any evac that tatehy cal of local aand county emrn mana off. ealwys enc re to heed their local official cert we recthat the pbu heed thso recomes. most sign sotm to trheat nj in how many eyar. I dotn know if we have tnayth to behd this. if this follw the tack. in ther ce reco hit. Ane aj hur htitn back in the it coodl be very bad. If this pans o t a sthe tack sugs. This wil be the wor sotm in anyoenk lefietitnme in new Jersey
That's seriously weird and I didn't make it up, it's copied and pasted from the source. Maybe it's pirate language, as mentioned in other posts: ARR!
But I know, again, that I am a language nerd because I've made an accurate translation: it really means this:
"Hey, maybe that ridiculous beach house from that "Jersey Shore" show will get blown out of state."
Save the books!And yourself! Good luck with the approaching Irene.
As far as two other things you referenced: silly jokes and "pirate language"
Remember: "To err is human, to arr, divine"
psy88 on 26 August 2011
when you see the other thread "How to deal with genders" and you know what it means to you and to other language nerds; and, it is not what 99% of the rest of the world would think of when seeing that sentence.
psy88 on 26 August 2011
Save the books!And yourself! Good luck with the approaching Irene.
Thanks, I'll try. I really need to be more careful with the subject of my jokes!
There's a good chance I actually will need to leave--forecasts change, but it looks pretty ominous tonight. So today there was no study, just the purchasing of emergency supplies and the packing of bags.
Indeed, Language Nerdery fails me a little just now - not entirely, though, because I've placed my language stuff upon high shelves in case of horrendous flooding. Which won't help if the windows blow out or trees falls on the house, though. And realistically, I know that books, even language books, (little sob here, sniff) can be replaced.
But maybe, just maybe, I could get myself a handy pirate getaway boat? Then I could float around in it and steal language stuff from those who did head for higher ground!
If it happens that it's safe enough to stay in place and wait out the storm, you can be sure I'll be reviewing foreign phrases, grammar drills and time-consuming conjugations--why notmake the best of it and pass the time with practice! Must keep the mind busy until the tempest is spent. So tonight, I'm loading up the Ipod, adding words to my Anki decks, and yes,of course, learning natural disaster vocabulay. It's kind of fun doing this tonight, perhaps not so much 24-48 hours from now.
Can't you just see the Weather Channel's "Storm Stories: Special Language Nerd Edition" right now? "Yeah, my German sentence builder workbook didn't make it, and I hated to lose my brand new French Verb book,you know, it came with a CD supplement I hadn't even used yet .. . (speaker trails off,thinks a minute) . . . but, see, the water stains on my Italian reader don't really look that THAT bad, and it might even be easier to read the book without a roof on the house . . . .
In all seriousness, it seems rather grim right now, and although the forecast could change for the better tomorrow, if we get all wind-walloped and waterlogged, my language material won't be my first concern.
The second, perhaps! And that, good night Irene, is when you really KNOW you're a language nerd!
Secure life, limb, and library!
meramarina on 26 August 2011
You resign from your Finance/Strategy job to study computer programming for 9 months just
so you can create language learning & translation apps. Just graduated and now spending a
lot of time playing around with such!
RaÑraÑ Åuɲa on 26 August 2011
You resign from your Finance/Strategy job to study computer programming for 9 months
so you can create language learning & translation apps. Just graduated and now spending a
lot of time playing around with such!
Are there other reasons to learn how to program?
Hampie on 26 August 2011
consider it "fun":
When I first began to learn German, after I had begun to understand that adding
prefixes onto the beginning of a base verb would perhaps give it a new meaning, I used
to spend my lunch breaks, or study breaks after school, going through dictionaries
(because I hadn't heard of the wonderful wordreference) and adding prefixes onto random
verbs, expanding my vocabulary that way -
stehen, aufstehen, verstehen, bestehen, beistehen, entstehen, erstehen, durchstehen,
gestehen, abstehen, vorstehen,ausstehen, überstehen, widerstehen...
I used to be embarrassed to mention that way of doing things to anyone. But not here -
I wonder why :]
LanguageSponge on 26 August 2011
stehen, aufstehen, verstehen, bestehen, beistehen, entstehen, erstehen, durchstehen,
gestehen, abstehen, vorstehen,ausstehen, überstehen, widerstehen...
That's an excellent method to expand your vocabulary of a foreign language!
Fasulye on 27 August 2011
stehen, aufstehen, verstehen, bestehen, beistehen, entstehen, erstehen, durchstehen,
gestehen, abstehen, vorstehen,ausstehen, überstehen, widerstehen...
That's an excellent method to expand your vocabulary of a foreign language!
Thanks! It's a shame that doesn't work quite as well with some other languages, though.
LanguageSponge on 27 August 2011
YKYALN when you not just count steps everytime you use the stairs but you do this in German, that you're able to say German numbers really fast, so maybe you will just quit school and become a German auctioneer.
LebensForm on 29 August 2011
Save the books!And yourself! Good luck with the approaching Irene.
Thanks, I'll try. I really need to be more careful with the subject of my jokes!
There's a good chance I actually will need to leave--forecasts change, but it looks pretty ominous tonight. So today there was no study, just the purchasing of emergency supplies and the packing of bags.
Indeed, Language Nerdery fails me a little just now - not entirely, though, because I've placed my language stuff upon high shelves in case of horrendous flooding. Which won't help if the windows blow out or trees falls on the house, though. And realistically, I know that books, even language books, (little sob here, sniff) can be replaced.
But maybe, just maybe, I could get myself a handy pirate getaway boat? Then I could float around in it and steal language stuff from those who did head for higher ground!
If it happens that it's safe enough to stay in place and wait out the storm, you can be sure I'll be reviewing foreign phrases, grammar drills and time-consuming conjugations--why notmake the best of it and pass the time with practice! Must keep the mind busy until the tempest is spent. So tonight, I'm loading up the Ipod, adding words to my Anki decks, and yes,of course, learning natural disaster vocabulay. It's kind of fun doing this tonight, perhaps not so much 24-48 hours from now.
Can't you just see the Weather Channel's "Storm Stories: Special Language Nerd Edition" right now? "Yeah, my German sentence builder workbook didn't make it, and I hated to lose my brand new French Verb book,you know, it came with a CD supplement I hadn't even used yet .. . (speaker trails off,thinks a minute) . . . but, see, the water stains on my Italian reader don't really look that THAT bad, and it might even be easier to read the book without a roof on the house . . . .
In all seriousness, it seems rather grim right now, and although the forecast could change for the better tomorrow, if we get all wind-walloped and waterlogged, my language material won't be my first concern.
The second, perhaps! And that, good night Irene, is when you really KNOW you're a language nerd!
Secure life, limb, and library!
Just a post-Irene follow up. Are you okay? I hope you survived Irene without too much damage to your books , home, or to you.
psy88 on 31 August 2011
...When you know what YKYALNW means.
LazyLinguist on 01 September 2011
...when setting your iPod to "shuffle" makes it switch between random foreign songs and random language lessons.
Levi on 01 September 2011
And you happen to feel good most of the time.
learnvietnamese on 02 September 2011
... when another highlight of that trip is your sister taking you to a Spanish, Jehovah's Witnesses mass in order to get more religion in your life. You cannot concentrate on what the first man is talking about (or what Bible page to flip to) because you're trying to figure out which Spanish-speaking country he's from by his accent. (Your best bet is Chile due to the dropping of final -s in words.)
- Kat
Phantom Kat on 03 September 2011
When a winner briefing inEnglish upsets you.
Siberiano on 03 September 2011
...when you read some tips on the AJATT and a few articles later you seriously consider learning Japanese. (but of course it is unrealistic to start now, perhaps in a few years from now)
Cavesa on 03 September 2011
When you are thrilled when the Iliad is on your required reading list for school, but while you are reading you keep on thinking, "This would sound so much better in Ancient Greek, and it would be so neat to read the original dactylic hexameter, too!" And then you are tempted to take your copy of Teach Yourself Ancient Greek off your shelf and pull out your Ancient Greek flashcards.
When you enjoy reading articles on Wikipedia in Portuguese because it is so much fun trying to puzzle things out based on your knowledge of Spanish and Latin.
Amerykanka on 03 September 2011
When you are thrilled when the Iliad is on your required reading list for school, but
while you are reading you keep on thinking, "This would sound so much better in Ancient
Greek, and it would be so neat to read the original dactylic hexameter, too!" And then
you are tempted to take your copy of Teach Yourself Ancient Greek off your shelf and
pull out your Ancient Greek flashcards.
When your teacher reads the first eight lines of the Iliad in Ancient Greek, and you
start considering learning Ancient Greek. Maybe I can get extra credit for it...
When you love your dentist even more when you see that the appointment reminder
postcards he sends out have a picture of an advertisem*nt for toothpaste -- in your
target language!
mikonai on 03 September 2011
...When you know what YKYALNW means.
YKYALNW you've seen the meaning of YKYALNW at least twice already on this thread.
patuco on 04 September 2011
...when you are taking 18 college credits, but firmly believe that auditing Ancient Greek (Attic), Biblical
Hebrew, Modern Hebrew, and Navajo is actually not going to add much to your load. Even if you already
have Persian representing 4 of the 18 credits you have!
JNetto on 04 September 2011
...when you go to church and during the hymns you sing AND try to figure out the possible casing for each
element in the hymn lyrics and how it would be written in ancient Greek .
JNetto on 05 September 2011
When you're actually considering using your German as a means to make a guy like you in your class, after he asks you to help him with his German.
LebensForm on 05 September 2011
When your teacher reads the first eight lines of the Iliad in Ancient Greek, and ...
Then you know that your teacher is language nerd too
Iversen on 05 September 2011
When you are playing word association in a mixture of French, German and Russian with
your girlfriend at 2 in the morning and both fall asleep on the sofa in the process. And
directly we wake up at 10 in the morning we start it again.
LanguageSponge on 05 September 2011
When you are playing word association in a mixture of French, German and Russian with your girlfriend at 2 in the morning...
Definitely a language nerd considering the other things that you could be doing at 2 am.
patuco on 05 September 2011
I like to think it brightened her Sunday afternoon, after all languages are not just about me are they ?
maydayayday on 05 September 2011
When your TV is set to your college's German channel (there's a Spanish and
French channel too) and you watch shows on that, that you wouldn't watch inÂEnglish. In fact, you haven't
watched TV inÂEnglish in over a week...
Are you attending BYU?
JNetto on 05 September 2011
When you are playing word association in a mixture of French, German and
Russian with
your girlfriend at 2 in the morning and both fall asleep on the sofa in the process. And
directly we wake up at 10 in the morning we start it again.
You know your KIDS will be language nerds when... Your relationship starts that way!! :)
JNetto on 05 September 2011
Are you attending BYU?
Nope, I am attending a school here in Iowa, why? :)
LebensForm on 06 September 2011
When you hear the word 'antioxidant' and misremember it as 'approximant'
graaaaaagh on 06 September 2011
- Kat
Phantom Kat on 06 September 2011
YKYALNW you get excited that a combination lock's instructions are printed in 6 different languages
Kartof on 06 September 2011
Just a post-Irene follow up. Are you okay? I hope you survived Irene without too much damage to your books , home, or to you.s
Yes I'm OK, thank you! Had an unfortunate hospitalization following the storm (not really storm-related, unless you count the stress) but I'm on the mend now.
And you know you are a language nerd when you're ill and the doctor asks so, what's the problem, and you look down in embarrassment, hesitate, then stammer: "It's . . . it's . . . (sigh) . . . it's nerdery (flop onto cot).
And everyone, doctors, nurses and fellow patients, back away from you . . . No, not that! Isolation! Contamination!This condition is extremely contagious!
(I knoww, I should have learned by now NEVER to make jokes!)
meramarina on 07 September 2011
Are you attending BYU?
Nope, I am attending a school here in Iowa, why? :)
Just because BYU happens to have a multilanguage Cable TV service too, so I thought it would be the
case:) I keep on going through the many channels to until my wife gets sick of it and takes possession of
the remote! :(
JNetto on 07 September 2011
Are you attending BYU?
Nope, I am attending a school here in Iowa, why? :)
Just because BYU happens to have a multilanguage Cable TV service too, so I thought it would be the
case:) I keep on going through the many channels to until my wife gets sick of it and takes possession of
the remote! :(
Haha, the other day, there was a show about an overweight couple on the German channel and it was just uhhhh neat. See, I wouldn't even watch these kinds of shows onEnglish channels but they are just so much better auf Deutsch. I am glad I am single now, so the remote is all mine, I never let him have control anyway ;)
When you are known in your German class as the girl who answers questions no one can answer, seriously, now everyone just looks at me, if the teacher asks something. It is actually rather awkward, because now there is like this implied expectation to know stuff... otherwise I just sit in the back and don't say much, just enough to get my participation points :)
When, in your science class, about AIDS, someone mentions the movie "The Gift" and your mind instantly goes to "the Poison" Gift is poison in German, and you actually mentally devote maybe 5 minutes to how that play on words actually fits the original meaning, sharing the "Gift" of HIV with people...
LebensForm on 07 September 2011
Just a post-Irene follow up. Are you okay? I hope you survived Irene without too much damage to your books , home, or to you.s
Yes I'm OK, thank you! Had an unfortunate hospitalization following the storm (not really storm-related, unless you count the stress) but I'm on the mend now.
And you know you are a language nerd when you're ill and the doctor asks so, what's the problem, and you look down in embarrassment, hesitate, then stammer: "It's . . . it's . . . (sigh) . . . it's nerdery (flop onto cot).
And everyone, doctors, nurses and fellow patients, back away from you . . . No, not that! Isolation! Contamination!This condition is extremely contagious!
(I knoww, I should have learned by now NEVER to make jokes!)
Welcome back! My area was hit hard by Irene but I was fortunate to have little damage. Glad to hear that you are okay. PS Language Nerdery is terminal.
psy88 on 07 September 2011
Nerdery can sometimes show itself in small things. Like when I today wanted to look up ÏÏÏÏÎ¿Î²Î¿Ï Î»Î¯Î± ('initiative') in the dictionary beside my armchair. But I couldn't find it. Well, maybe there was a spelling error, so I searched instead under ÏÏoÏÎ¿Î²Î¿Ï Î»Î¯Î±, but no - it wasn't there either. Back to ÏÏÏÏο- ... and then it struck me: shouldn't Ï (omega) be the last letter in the alphabet? Then what is that Ñ ('ja') doing there .. and not one word with omega in sight. The the truth finally dawned on me: I was trying to look a Greek word up in a Russian dictionary, and I didn't even notice that it was the wrong alphabet.
Earlier this evening I had in fact been studying Russian, and after that I decided to copy some text in Polish. So I looked at the page and began writing: "ÐÑавдоподобние" .. and only then I realized that Polish is written with Roman letters - and so was of course the word I was trying to copy: prawdopodobnie, which means 'probably'.
Maybe I should go to bed and get a good night's sleep now, but I have promised myself to consume at least one Canto from "Os LusÃadas" by LuÃs de Camões daily - no book should be allowed to take more than week of anybody's time.
Iversen on 08 September 2011
janalisa on 08 September 2011
YKYALN when you've been reading a Dutch thread in this forum for hours although you don't even speak Dutch and can only make educated guesses at what is being said. But thanks to my German mothertongue and Google Translate I always got the gist! :)
Josquin on 10 September 2011
When you think it is fascinating that you spelled Egyptian as Eygeptian last week (you still like thinking about it and being amused).
Amerykanka on 11 September 2011
When you think it is fascinating that you spelled Egyptian as Eygeptian last week (you still like thinking about it and being amused).
A similar, and worrying thing is when your actual native vocabulary seems to shrink, after you have been absorbed in a target language book for hours - you read a sentence, know exactly what it means, but are stuck for the moment for some of the native language words, and you'd be unable to translate it. I suppose this is a good fault, and the effect is only temporary (I hope!), since we are told "not to translate", but it's disconcerting.
montmorency on 12 September 2011
When a friend wrote Ich liebe dich (I love you) on my whiteboard on my door here at school only to notice some guy left his phone number for you to call him because apparently you love a certain part of the male anatonmy, which in all, you find this whole deal extremely offensive to the German language, you don't even care that some creep wrote on your board...
LebensForm on 12 September 2011
Someone asked me a question today, and I didn't understand the question. I responded withEnglish words, but the grammar seemed rather Japanese. When I realized it, I laughed at myself.
jdmoncada on 15 September 2011
(Even though you don't quite get what's being said)
learnvietnamese on 15 September 2011
when you unthinkingly respond to statements in you native language ofEnglish with short catch phrases from either or both of your target languages because they fit the situation better than theirEnglish equivalents. Of course, your listener does not have a clue as to what you said or why you said it.
psy88 on 16 September 2011
You're going to Switzerland on the train from the UK and have managed to persuade your travelling companion that it makes more sense to go via Brussels than Paris so you can by Dutch books and newspapers on the way.
Tamise on 17 September 2011
You're going to Switzerland on the train from the UK and have managed
persuade your travelling companion that it makes more sense to go via Brussels than
so you can by Dutch books and newspapers on the way.
In similar vein, you are travelling by train from Brussels to Aachen, and instead of
disappearing into the Thalys "bubble", you take slow, local trains, so you can hang
around longer near the border areas to listen to what languages and accents/dialects
the locals are using.
montmorency on 17 September 2011
when you start to watch foreign films that you have no interest in at all because you want to hear different languages so you can have a better idea of which language you might want to learn next. You are not watching for the plot,the actors,the action, etc. but only to hear what the language sounds like when spoken by native speakers.
psy88 on 18 September 2011
...when what you do when you get bored watching something in your native language is to analyze the actors' speech, trying to determine the distinguishing features of their dialects, taking note of changes in register, contemplating the etymologies of the words they use, thinking about how the ideas would be expressed in your target languages, etc.
Levi on 19 September 2011
when you start to watch foreign films that you have no interest in at all because you want
to hear different languages so you can have a better idea of which language you might want to learn next.
You are not watching for the plot,the actors,the action, etc. but only to hear what the language sounds like
when spoken by native speakers.
If you think about it is not only movies, but anything that comes your way! The nature really doesn't matter
(some times not even the language it is on) as long as it is not your native language or second in which you
are already fluent. I remember myself reading books about metallurgy (totally obsolete) just because they
were in Russian!
JNetto on 19 September 2011
This wasn't me (unfortunately) but a buddy I've met recently.
And so I have met a language enthusiast.
learnvietnamese on 19 September 2011
When your collegues use Google translate to produce a greeting card in 6 languages for your jubilee even though you actually never use your languages at your job.
Iversen on 19 September 2011
Me, watching the trailer for The Green Hornet: Ugh, another superhero flick? ...with Jay Chou?!? *rushes to video store*
Magdalene on 19 September 2011
Me, watching the trailer for The Green Hornet: Ugh, another superhero flick? ...with Jay Chou?!? *rushes to video store*
When you watch the The Green Hornet and they say Kato is from Shanghai but later the captions say he is speaking Mandarin and you think "shouldn't he be speaking Shanghaise?"
psy88 on 20 September 2011
learning languages: French, Russian, German, Belarusian, Cantonese, and more and more.
And most are rare and excellent books.
This wasn't me (unfortunately) but a buddy I've met recently.
And so I have met a language enthusiast.
When you are the buddy that this poster talks about, and would like to add, that on that
day, you also have a Czech and Japanese book.
QiuJP on 20 September 2011
When it's 2AM and you're so excited you can't sleep because "if I'm going to Guatemala I guess I'd better learn Spanish and I only have 5 months!"
hjordis on 24 September 2011
that you'd never watch in your native one (soap operas? yes yes), but also seek out
media in your native language you'd otherwise never watch, as long as it stars your
favorite native target language speaking celebrities.
Me, watching the trailer for The Green Hornet: Ugh, another superhero flick?
...with Jay Chou?!? *rushes to video store*
When you watch the The Green Hornet and they say Kato is from Shanghai but later the
captions say he is speaking Mandarin and you think "shouldn't he be speaking
When you spot errors or oversimplifications in subtitles, and realise how much more you
are getting out of actually understanding than just reading subtitles.
When you spot errors or at least questionable translations in official translations of
authors you know quite well.
montmorency on 24 September 2011
When you spot errors or oversimplifications in subtitles, and realise how much more you
are getting out of actually understanding than just reading subtitles.
When you spot errors in translation even when the movie is dubbed and you cannot hear the
original. And people around you, who are completely fine with the translation (and who
are the reason you are watching it dubbed in the first place), swear not to watch
anything with you anymore because of your incessant commenting on the spotted errors.
ember on 24 September 2011
When you are the buddy that this poster talks about, and would like to add, that on that
day, you also have a Czech and Japanese book.
When you insert commas that look unnatural inEnglish (or Chinese), because in other languages(German, Russian), which you are learning, these commas are necessary, and you are considered uneducated, if you do not insert them.
QiuJP on 26 September 2011
When you are the buddy that this poster talks about, and would like to add, that on that
day, you also have a Czech and Japanese book.
When you insert commas that look unnatural inÂEnglish (or Chinese), because in other languages(German, Russian), which you are learning, these commas are necessary, and you are considered uneducated, if you do not insert them.
I've totally started doing that. Now when I write a sentence like this one inEnglish, every part of my brain is screaming "RUN-ON SENTENCE!" (I originally wrote that previous sentence without any commas, but I couldn't bear it and had to go back and add the comma after "English".)
Jinx on 26 September 2011
When you are the buddy that this poster talks about, and would like to add, that on
day, you also have a Czech and Japanese book.
When you insert commas that look unnatural inÂEnglish (or Chinese), because in other
languages(German, Russian), which you are learning, these commas are necessary, and you
are considered uneducated, if you do not insert them.
I've totally started doing that. Now when I write a sentence like this one inÂEnglish,
every part of my brain is screaming "RUN-ON SENTENCE!" (I originally wrote that
previous sentence without any commas, but I couldn't bear it and had to go back and add
the comma after "English".)
Isn't the comma before "when" necessary. Why do we have to put a comma after "English",
but do not have to put a comma after "now"?
ÐаÑк on 26 September 2011
When you are the buddy that this poster talks about, and would like to add, that on
day, you also have a Czech and Japanese book.
When you insert commas that look unnatural inÂEnglish (or Chinese), because in other
languages(German, Russian), which you are learning, these commas are necessary, and you
are considered uneducated, if you do not insert them.
I've totally started doing that. Now when I write a sentence like this one inÂEnglish,
every part of my brain is screaming "RUN-ON SENTENCE!" (I originally wrote that
previous sentence without any commas, but I couldn't bear it and had to go back and add
the comma after "English".)
Isn't the comma before "when" necessary. Why do we have to put a comma after "English",
but do not have to put a comma after "now"?
No, Mark, you're absolutely right, one should indeed theoretically have two commas in my example sentence! The reason I wrote it like that was to purposefully show how I need to consciously REMOVE commas now, even if I have to halfway-give-in by including one after all. ;)
Jinx on 26 September 2011
No, Mark, you're absolutely right, one should indeed theoretically have two commas in
my example sentence! The reason I wrote it like that was to purposefully show how I
need to consciously REMOVE commas now, even if I have to halfway-give-in by including
one after all. ;)
This is interesting:
And, outside of North America, which is very conservative with its language, there is a
strong tendency towards minimising punctuation.
i.e. so long as the meaning is clear, we can remove as much punctuation as we want in
modern BritishÂEnglish. This is certainly the message that has been both implicit and
explicit, in developments inÂEnglish during my adult life. So I used to minimise them.
I think, like Jinx, I now tend to put more in again, owing to the influence of German,
which has some strict rules, but even then, in some cases, allows you to put extra ones
in if they make the meaning clearer. You can't leave out the compulsory ones though.
montmorency on 26 September 2011
i.e. so long as the meaning is clear, we can remove as much punctuation as we want in
modern BritishÂEnglish. This is certainly the message that has been both implicit and
explicit, in developments inÂEnglish during my adult life. So I used to minimise them.
Then full stops and especially question marks must be omitted. Questions have special
constructions and new sentences start with a capital letter.
ÐаÑк on 26 September 2011
When you look forward to your language labs.
LebensForm on 27 September 2011
Wanna lern ta ffffpeeek a lankfish like Ffpaniff ur Ruffiin wiff da befft meffet? (spit blood) Fell dats too bat, gonna hafta wait. Dammit hurt. Fut up and go ta fweep till dwugs go way
meramarina on 29 September 2011
i.e. so long as the meaning is clear, we can remove as much punctuation as we want in
modern BritishÂEnglish. This is certainly the message that has been both implicit and
explicit, in developments inÂEnglish during my adult life. So I used to minimise them.
Then full stops and especially question marks must be omitted. Questions have special
constructions and new sentences start with a capital letter.
I suppose carried to its logical conclusion, you could do that (unless this was a reductio ad absurdum). Most people would find this too much I think. The important point is: is the meaning still clear, and I think there was a feeling that a lot of commas could just get in the way, and those were what tended to go, wherever there was no ambiguity. A simple example would be that we always used to write commas in addresses and now nobody does. But also colons and semi-colons to some extent. Full stops and question marks are still too useful to be done away with I think. Of course, experimental novelists have written without conventional punctuation in the past.
montmorency on 29 September 2011
Wanna lern ta ffffpeeek a lankfish like Ffpaniff ur Ruffiin wiff da befft meffet? (spit blood) Fell dats too bat, gonna hafta wait. Dammit hurt. Fut up and go ta fweep till dwugs go way
I think I can relate to you-I just had my third emergency root canal this past Monday, so YKYAALN when you can't decide if it is a good thing or a bad thing that you cannot understand the dentist when he makes comments to his assistant in Korean. You know the comments are not just random remarks, but do you really want to know what he is saying about the surgical procedure that he does not want you to know?
psy88 on 30 September 2011
I couldn't do anything nerdy like that this time because I had IV anesthesia. Sometimes people say strange things when recovering - I don't think I did, but I'd be kind of proud of myself if I burbled or blurted out something in another language.
EDIT: In the first sentence I wrote pronouns instead of prepositions! That's why posting should not be done while under the influence of medication! Nerds don't let nerds post when on drugs!
meramarina on 30 September 2011
German. And it really hurt.
I couldn't do anything nerdy like that this time because I had IV anesthesia. Sometimes people say strange
things when recovering - I don't think I did, but I'd be kind of proud of myself if I burbled or blurted out
something in another language.
It is funny that you said that because I actually had a weird experience when I had a knew surgery: as I
was coming back from the anesthesia I was able to day a word in Portuguese! Detail, it is my native
language! Though I tried I could not find the word to say anything, it was as I had never known the
language. Very weird! :/
JNetto on 30 September 2011
I got through a root canal once by thinking about accusative vs. dative pronouns in German. And it really hurt.
Haha, I go to the dentist next week.... this is something I will probably do.
I did something similar during a visit to my gynocologist, I got through that (it was a male doing it grr) by thinking about the dative preposition rhyme: roses are red violets are blue, aus ausser bei mit nach seit von zu (and gegenüber).
Oh and apparently, according to my ex bf, I speak German in my sleep, but what irks me is that I don't know if what I am saying is grammatically correct! And cf course he wouldn't know :(
LebensForm on 02 October 2011
. . . but what you hear is: Go get yourself something dirty!
You'd think with all the words I know, I'd at least recognize the word "nerdy" !
Just for the record, I'll take the nerd option, thanks!
meramarina on 04 October 2011
YKYALNW you get excited that your Spanish teacher is mentioning the subjunctive tense as your next topic!
Kartof on 04 October 2011
YKYALNW you get excited that your Spanish teacher is mentioning the subjunctive tense as your next topic!
¡Espero que disfrutes la lección!
Levi on 05 October 2011
...And everytime you watch it now, you can't help but chuckle at yourself :o)
I love learning languages!!! :o)
Linking a photo won't work for some reason but if you Google it, you should be able to see what I mean... x
WentworthsGal on 06 October 2011
... when the girls down the hall in your dorm have written some French and some Chinese on their whiteboard... and you correct both.
kottoler.ello on 07 October 2011
Even during a wedding speech, which I did. Mind you though, I was only 12 at that time and not that good with social interaction.
You know you're a language nerd when your parents are typing a letter and they ask you to check the spelling. :P
This thread is so humongously big, that I'm not sure whether this has already been mentioned or not.
Remster on 07 October 2011
YKYALNW you get excited that your Spanish teacher is mentioning the
subjunctive tense as your next topic!
You know you're a language nerd when you're disappointed that none of your fellow nerds
have mentioned the fact that the subjunctive is a mood, and therefore contains a number
of tenses :]
LanguageSponge on 07 October 2011
...when getting a "like" on Facebook is 100 times more exciting when it's for something you wrote in a foreign language you don't speak very well.
Levi on 10 October 2011
...when getting a "like" on Facebook is 100 times more exciting when it's for something you wrote in a foreign language you don't speak very well.
When getting a "useful" vote here is infinitely more exciting then any vote you may get any where else, or any other "like", for that matter.
psy88 on 11 October 2011
...when you tell your friend that you want to show her something exciting and she's immediately surprised when she finds out that it's not at all language-related.
ellasevia on 11 October 2011
YKYALNW you get excited that your Spanish teacher is mentioning
subjunctive tense as your next topic!
You know you're a language nerd when you're disappointed that none of your fellow nerds
have mentioned the fact that the subjunctive is a mood, and therefore contains a number
of tenses :]
Whoops, I did know that but I wasn't thinking!
YKYALNW you see BCS on a license plate and immediately think Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
Kartof on 11 October 2011
Whoops, I did know that but I wasn't thinking!
No problem :]
You know you're a language nerd when you're talking to your cousins about jobs teaching
English abroad and they tell you to go to Japan, for various reasons. Then you think
"fantastic, I've been looking for an excuse to learn Japanese for years"
LanguageSponge on 11 October 2011
One of the new staff members laughed, probably because she thought I was making a joke even though I was being perfectly sincere. She didn't know me well enough to know my language enthusiasm, but without having to even speak up for myself a few of the other staff were quick to tell her that I had lived there and spoke the language.
I was rather pleased that I had several people speak immediately in my defense. So... YKYALN when other people talk about it for you.
Different scenario, today I had received some Japanese language textbooks that I had requested with the interlibrary loan system. I had made a comment at the end of the day to a different coworker how I had realized I couldn't read Japanese very well, so I got some books to help me study. She laughed because she thought I was making a joke as most people around me can't read Japanese. It wouldn't be that unusual of a thing. But then she realized again that I was serious and that I actually am studying Japanese.
I guess both those anecdotes are examples of, "Oh, you mean you're not joking?" and the surprise that comes after.
jdmoncada on 12 October 2011
- When you hate giving reasons as to why you're learning a language, because it has
nothing to do with the culture/country. (I'm learning Irish for its grammar. xD)
19901 on 14 October 2011
When you are planning for a trip, you are actually planning a trip to visit all the major
bookstores in the city you are visiting rather than the tourist sites, because you want
to find all unknown language learning materials. (happened to me when I visited
QiuJP on 14 October 2011
When you are planning for a trip, you are actually planning a trip to visit all the major
bookstores in the city you are visiting rather than the tourist sites, because you want
to find all unknown language learning materials. (happened to me when I visited
A variation on the above: It's been sunny and about 25 C all day in Budapest and the surrounding area but you've forgone the chance to explore the city or make a day-trip to an UNESCO Heritage Site. Instead you've been acting on a hunch (as opposed to planning) or hoping for the best in spending the entire day scouring bookstores in Budapest looking for suitable learning material for Hungarian.
For the record I did just that about a month ago... and came out with a pictoral Finnish-Hungarian dictionary for children... and the Hungarian translation of one of the books from the series "Le Petit Nicolas"... but no new course.
Chung on 14 October 2011
When I just discovered that everytime I read blogspot blogs the operating language is stuck on Norwegian. Unlike my friends and family, I think this is great and I won't allow anyone to change it. Maybe I will suggest that they could all just learn Norwegian instead of complaining.
mick33 on 14 October 2011
when you pay to enter a popular,(and well visited by people from other countries), Botanical Garden. As the fellow is taking your ticket you notice a stand with brochures that are guides to the Garden. These are written in a number of foreign languages. You also see that the languages include your two target languages. You inquire about the brochures only to be told that you have a copy, inEnglish, that was given to you with your ticket, and, so, "you don't need one". Rather than argue or explain, you bide your time and three and a half hours later, as you leave, you grab the two you wanted. You realize that if you had grabbed them on the way in you would have spent the three and a half hours studying and comparing them, rather than enjoying the Garden. Of course, being a true Language Nerd, you were would have enjoyed that more than looking at the trees, flowers, etc.
psy88 on 18 October 2011
...when, in a game of Scrabble, you score two triple-word-score words in a row, with "copula" and "dative".
Levi on 19 October 2011
When you actually have a favorite dative preposition...
When you get off on writing random things in German on people's whiteboards on their door, many of whom I don't know :)
I'm such a creeper...
LebensForm on 20 October 2011
...when this is your favorite commercial on TV: -
Levi on 21 October 2011
...when this is your favorite commercial on TV: -
My new goal for when I take a road trip next summer:
Listen to all of a Pimsleur or Michel Thomas of a language nonstop and see how much I actually retain.
ruskivyetr on 21 October 2011
...when this is your favorite commercial on TV: -
Oh, my gosh! That's just brilliant! :) I love how obviously bad their accents were at the beginning to show how much they'd learned at the end.
I'm going to rewatch this a few times.
jdmoncada on 21 October 2011
When this website is your homepage.
Matheus on 21 October 2011
...when this is your favorite commercial on TV: -
And I do find it funny "that's das Auto" at the end... speaking Spanish in a German car commercial. love it!
LebensForm on 22 October 2011
presentation on the Chinese names of the pandas at the zoo, complete with family tree and
amateur attempts at writing the characters.
I came in ninth. The winner belched the alphabet. Win some, lose some.
Magdalene on 27 October 2011
You actually mourn the simplifications of New Assyrian over Old Babylonian (the loss of an m-ending on nouns, the
loss of a u-ending on subjunctive verbs in subordinate clauses).
Hampie on 27 October 2011
...when this is your favorite commercial on TV: -
Oh, my gosh! That's just brilliant! :) I love how obviously bad their accents were
at the beginning to show how much they'd learned at the end.
I'm going to rewatch this a few times.
Brits will remember the Audi ads with Geoffrey Palmer (a long standing UK comedy
actor), featuring the phrase "Vorsprung durch Technik". Couldn't find Geoffrey Palmer's
ad on YouTube, but to show how familiar that phrase became, here is its use in a sitcom
montmorency on 27 October 2011
At the restaurant, you eavesdrop on the Latino family next to you to see how much of their
(Spanish) conversation you can understand.
strikingstar on 28 October 2011
(the loss of an m-ending on nouns, the
loss of a u-ending on subjunctive verbs in subordinate clauses).
You know you're a language nerd when you actually understand that :-D
Ketutar on 30 October 2011
YKYALNW you can't say 'It's all Greek to me' because you speak it.)
Or you can, but with it you mean it's crystal clear :-D
Ketutar on 30 October 2011
after a week's vacation in another country, you get confused in the airport of your home country, because everyone speaks "some weird language" - your native one...
Ketutar on 30 October 2011
...when you are jealous of your computer's ability to memorize vocabulary, but remind yourself that you're still better since computers suck at understanding grammar and semantics.
Levi on 31 October 2011
- Kat
Phantom Kat on 01 November 2011
... when the Mandarin-speaking Shanghai station you're listening to switches over to Shanghainese and you just keep listening, not understanding a word, and smiling like a madman.
Ari on 01 November 2011
...when you read Ari's post above and want to know how you can find that station.
SamD on 01 November 2011
...when you read Ari's post above and want to know how you can find that station.
I listened to it through an iPhone App called "TuneIn Radio". You can find the station by browsing for Location->China->Shanghai and then scroll down to display the category "stories". It's the only Shanghai station in that category. Most programming isn't in Shanghainese, though. Most of it is instead radio theatre in Mandarin, which is pretty sweet.
Ari on 02 November 2011
E.g.: As-salaamu 3laykum
strikingstar on 02 November 2011
You know you are a language nerd when a freak snow storm on Saturday leaves you without power (so no heat,no lights, no TV or Internet) until Tuesday evening and the greatest hardship for you was not being able to check this forum.
You know you are even a bigger language nerd when the above statement is a lie because the biggest hardships were the freezing cold, no lights, and being really hungry because all your refrigerated food spoiled and was left inedible,but you wish that being without this forum would have been your number one hardship.
psy88 on 03 November 2011
......when you're simultaneously watching a re-run of 'Wallander' (Swedish) on TV and consulting 6 dictionaries while putting new Polish words into Anki.
And also trying to eat supper without spilling it down your front.
Mooby on 03 November 2011
I love Wallander! Even though I'm not learning Swedish, it's still great to hear Swedish and familiarise myself with it slightly.
mausi15 on 03 November 2011
You know you've been hitting the kanji too hard when you start seeing the shapes absolutely everywhere. Hey look...that hairline crack in my dinner plate looks just like a power radical...noooo! Any more of these late night sessions, and I could well end up like Neo from the matrix (minus the superpowers). :S
Teango on 04 November 2011
When a comment from your chemistry teacher about your eyes being red (her guess was drugs :P) leads to a full-blown explanation of the current 6WC and then an impromptu rant about Rosetta Stone when she asks why you aren't using it. And then you compile a list of alternative (ie, not RS) Persian resources for her son off the top of your head. I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm crazy now.
ellasevia on 04 November 2011
When you make a habit of singing a song in three different languages each morning, and then at the end of the day you determine whether it was a good or bad day. Then you chart the language combination which you used that morning in a comprehensive list, and create a long-term graph of the languages' overall success rates for yielding good days. And I've been doing this for the past couple months...
(In case you're wondering, Italian has the highest success rate, followed by Swedish and French. Norwegian has the lowest success rate. The other nine languages I use fall somewhere in the middle.)
ellasevia on 05 November 2011
I love Wallander! Even though I'm not learning Swedish, it's still
great to hear Swedish and familiarise myself with it slightly.
Yes, my wife and I play a sort of game where we look for the words or phrases we can
recognise either fromÂEnglish or German.
One more Wallander to go next Saturday, then it's "Vorbrydelsen II" ("The Killing II")
from Denmark. But no more Troels; no more Rie; no more Jan Meyer. It's just Sarah
Lund and her Faroe jumper! :-)
montmorency on 06 November 2011
When you start to wonder if you actually have a language fetish...
When you prefer to write the German titles of Shakespeare plays on your white board.
When you get so annoyed when people say "Spiel" without the H sound in it, so that you always correct them, therefore missing the point of their "Spiel" to begin with.
When you prefer to watch Dora the Explorer in German.
LebensForm on 07 November 2011
....when you are worried you might destroy your ears with loud French news broadcasts, not music.
....when you build your schedule around your favorite shows on the only international French channel.
rivere123 on 08 November 2011
I really do miss the German channel here... sehr sehr traurig :(
LebensForm on 08 November 2011
But then you realize that the word is really TODAY and not all the larger-size words fit the screen, so it got chopped in half . . . relief! That was a close call there!
meramarina on 09 November 2011
When you get so annoyed when people say "Spiel" without the H sound in it,
...or with people who spell it "Shpiel" :-)
montmorency on 09 November 2011
I watched a rerun the American sitcom "The Golden Girls" on Monday night because the episode featured a character who was supposed to be from Sicily and seemed to be speaking Italian. I never liked the show and there was maybe 3 minutes worth of spoken Italian in the half hour show but I was still happy to hear Italian on TV.
mick33 on 09 November 2011
When you get so annoyed when people say "Spiel" without the H sound in it,
...or with people who spell it "Shpiel" :-)
However, I believe that is a generally accepted romanization (along with "shpil") of the Yiddish word. So it's not officially incorrect unless you know you're talking about German and not Yiddish.
Jinx on 10 November 2011
... when questions you want to ask come in your head as one of your target languages.
kirocb23 on 10 November 2011
... when you have to vocally tell your brain that it has to stop thinking in Esperanto so you can tell your girlfriend
what you mean in Swedish.
Mauritz on 11 November 2011
When you prefer to watch Dora the Explorer in German.
That reminds me. I had heard so many people recommend watching Dora in another language that I was excited to find a few episodes of the Korean version online...only to find that it was nearly entirely inEnglish, because apparently the Korean version of that show is heavily focused on teaching childrenEnglish (they will occasionally explain something briefly in Korean, but the vast majority of the dialog is inEnglish).
Warp3 on 11 November 2011
I just had a dream this morning inEnglish, Japanese and Spanish! I dreamt that I had gone to Japan, and while in a convenience store there I was trying to buy some stamps. At one point, I had some hesitation in what to say and started to think and say something Spanish. The clerk in my dream went right along with it immediately and spoke to me in Spanish, notEnglish. It was very cool!
jdmoncada on 12 November 2011
That reminds me. I had heard so many people recommend watching Dora in another language that I was excited to find a few episodes of the Korean version online...only to find that it was nearly entirely inÂEnglish, because apparently the Korean version of that show is heavily focused on teaching childrenÂEnglish (they will occasionally explain something briefly in Korean, but the vast majority of the dialog is inÂEnglish).
That is kind of sad... but cool for them learningEnglish. I bet that would be interesting in Korean though :)
LebensForm on 13 November 2011
Well, a normal person might gatecrash a party but last week I gatecrashed the Spanish class while I was on a break waiting for my own classes to start. A few of the other students looked at me funny but I just sat there taking my notebook and a pen out of my bag like I had every right to be there and the teacher (a Spanish lady) was really cool about it. After a quick "bienvenida" in my direction, she simply continued teaching and even included me in the exercises. I'm so shy normally and I don't know what could have made me do that apart from sheer language nerdery! :-)
amethyst32 on 13 November 2011
When you spend hours in a row watching 'Doordarshan', an Indian public service
broadcaster, in various Indian languages you don't understand.
When you buy a collection of Rabindranath Tagore's poetry in Bengali at a local bookstore
even though you hardly know the language; because you have Bengali in your 'hit-list'.
AlephBey on 13 November 2011
When you're staying up reading about the Turkish spelling reform when you should have
gone to sleep already.
j0nas on 13 November 2011
...when you wonder why you've never dreamt in a foreign language when everybody else
does it, but you're still pretty confident one day it will happen to you too :)
Fabrizio on 14 November 2011
When you see on the numberplate of a car in front of yours a sylable followed by a number and immediatly link it to a chinese word.
Rivso on 14 November 2011
Edited for grammar
psy88 on 14 November 2011
Well, a normal person might gatecrash a party but last week I
gatecrashed the Spanish class while I was on a break waiting for my own classes to
start. A few of the other students looked at me funny but I just sat there taking my
notebook and a pen out of my bag like I had every right to be there and the teacher (a
Spanish lady) was really cool about it. After a quick "bienvenida" in my direction,
she simply continued teaching and even included me in the exercises. I'm so shy
normally and I don't know what could have made me do that apart from sheer language
nerdery! :-)
Reminds me, years ago, I was attending a beginner evening class in Italian.
A foreign friend was staying at my house, and he also happened to be learning Italian.
I didn't want to miss the class, but I didn't want to leave him on his own, so I took
him along. Fortunately, the teacher was also cool about it, and even asked him a few
questions in Italian later on, which he was able to answer at least we well as the rest
of us.
montmorency on 15 November 2011
When you try to deduce the etymology of pretty much every word you come across based on your knowledge of Latin and Ancient Greek (my favorite was internecine - I was thrilled when I looked in the dictionary and discovered that my etymology was correct). As you write this you are busy dissecting deduce, etymology, and confident.
Amerykanka on 02 December 2011
Well, a normal person might gatecrash a party but last week I
gatecrashed the Spanish class while I was on a break waiting for my own classes to
start. A few of the other students looked at me funny but I just sat there taking my
notebook and a pen out of my bag like I had every right to be there and the teacher (a
Spanish lady) was really cool about it. After a quick "bienvenida" in my direction,
she simply continued teaching and even included me in the exercises. I'm so shy
normally and I don't know what could have made me do that apart from sheer language
nerdery! :-)
I crashed my girlfriend's Russian university classes too, when I was still studying.
The Russian department knew perfectly well that I shouldn't have been there as they
also taught me, but they allowed it. I also crashed other classes, but since they have
nothing to do with languages...
When you try to deduce the etymology of pretty much every word you
come across based on your knowledge of Latin and Ancient Greek
I do this too, although neither my Latin nor my Ancient Greek are at anything like the
level they once were. Which is a real shame - I may take one of them up again in
January or so just so that I can play this game better than I'm able to play it now :]
... when your knowledge of a script learnt later in life messes with your knowledge of
the one you grew up with - I very often read "H" as an "N" sound now... thanks,
Cyrillic. Also, when my half-brother was learning to write (Latin script), he often
wrote his N's the wrong way round or something, so it would end up being "Ð" - which is
another Cyrillic letter and sometimes confused me :]
LanguageSponge on 02 December 2011
I recently picked up trash from the street and took it home. It was language travel trash, now, so I'm sure you can all understand why the brochures for Costa del Sol y Córdoba had to be MINE.
So what if they were a bit wet and have tire tread marks? One person's trash is a language nerd's treasure. Next, I will revisit the street and wait for my tickets and reservations to fall out of a garbage truck.
Travel brochures in other languages and destinations are also acceptable, of course.
meramarina on 03 December 2011
I recently picked up trash from the street and took it home. It was language travel trash, now, so I'm sure you can all understand why the brochures for Costa del Sol y Córdoba had to be MINE.
So what if they were a bit wet and have tire tread marks? One person's trash is a language nerd's treasure. Next, I will revisit the street and wait for my tickets and reservations to fall out of a garbage truck.
Travel brochures in other languages and destinations are also acceptable, of course.
I almost did this the other day. I was taking a walk at a local park with my mom, and what did I see but a Korean newspaper! I thought about picking it up and taking it home, and I would have if I were learning Korean, and if I didn't think it would've been too... weird (it would've been "look mom! I found a Korean newspaper on the ground!"). Now that I know other people do this, I don't feel so odd about wanting to pick up a random piece of thoughtlessly-discarded language treasure!
mashmusic11235 on 04 December 2011
E.g.: As-salaamu 3laykum
M3arab 7adda 3ajeeb!xD
19901 on 04 December 2011
YKYALN when you pick up a language program on sale, and when you bring it home your children moan, "Oh, no! We're already doing Saami, German and Korean, Dutch is on hold for now and we tried Mandarin, and now you want us to learn Swedish too?"
Kafea on 04 December 2011
I catch myself pondering a possible Euro collapse -- maybe a trip to Finland might become a little cheaper.No, no, no. Don't think this...
cathrynm on 05 December 2011
...when you're studying abroad in Japan, have taken up Russian taught in Japanese just for the hell of it, and just when you should really be studying for your Japanese and Russian exams at the end of the month, you decide to start teaching yourself Farsi NOW, rather than at some point in the future, as you were originally planning. I can't decide if this is procrastination or the opposite.
jellyfish on 06 December 2011